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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, rare-steak-797265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4730006 No.4730006 [Reply] [Original]

OK you damn plebs. 90% of you have no idea how to cook a steak, what an edible steak is and what an edible steak looks like. I will educate you the /pol/ way.

How to cook a steak.

Take steak out of fridge 1-2 hours prior to cooking.

Heat up cast iron skillet on high until it begins smoking.

Salt steak well.

Spray steak/pan with canola oil.

Sear steak on each side for 45 seconds.

Flip steak every 20-30 seconds,

Depending on the thickness of the cut total cooking time should be 3-5 minutes.

Remove steak and eat hot, do not let it settle.

This is the end result and what an edible steak looks like.

>> No.4730013

god go fuck yourself

>> No.4730016

>Remove steak and eat hot, do not let it settle.


>> No.4730017
File: 336 KB, 800x551, 16_medium_rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what people think is a rare steak but is actually an overcooked, inedible steak. This steak could be drenched in A1 or ketchup because it is inedible and tastes like ass either way.

Some plebs actually think that this overcooked steak is rare.

>> No.4730031

Sorry, I like my steak very hot, not cold,

>> No.4730035

You forgot to cook your steak

>> No.4730039

that is just blue rare

>> No.4730045

Rare means the steak is only partially cooked you low class, ketchup pleb.

Next time you order sushi tell them to make sure the fish is cooked,

>> No.4730047

>mfw people think it's this easy to troll /ck/.
>mfw we've dealt with this shit 9999999 times before and have become exceedingly efficient at it.

>> No.4730054
File: 21 KB, 461x282, steak_medium_well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's fin delicious.

>> No.4730074


>very hot, not cold

Are you for real? The steak actually gets hotter by about 5C after you have removed it from the pan.

>Source: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xs1sb5_e1-how-to-cook-like-heston-beef_lifestyle

Watch between 4:30 and 6:16, and see the error of your ways.

>> No.4730076

>implying anyone here is actually trolled
>implying the real ruse is making people think that they are getting trolled

>> No.4730081

>not basting in butter
holy fuck is anyone in the world actually this fucking dumb I hope for the sake of the quality of the human race you're just joking

>> No.4730087

The average of temperatures might increase' you damn pleb, but the gradient and maximum temperature will decrease. I don't care for the average temperature, only the hottest.

How the hell can the temperature increase after you remove it from the energy source. People who claim that obviously have a different definition of temperature.

>> No.4730092

I like to add some butter near the end and a whole clove of garlic too

You should also rest your meat, you lose so much juice if you don't, proof


>> No.4730095

>Don't rest the steak before eating
Remember to blame the jews when you lose moisture.

>> No.4730096

I'll never bother learning to cook steak. I'm too much of a cheapass to buy it.

>> No.4730098


You didn't actually watch it, did you?

>risidual heat

If you really think it's bollocks, cook a steak as normal, and rest it with the cooking thermometer still inside it - prove me wrong.

Whether or not you believe it gets hotter, he has shown resting lets the juice go into the steak.

It doesn't work. See my post (also Heston).

>> No.4730100


And by "risidual" I, of course, mean "residual".

>> No.4730108


Don't worry about making a typo sometimes, bud

>> No.4730111

Of course the inside will get hotter you pleb. But the outside will become colder and it will actually lose heat overall, not gain heat, unless you're resting your steak in a hot pan/oven.

My preference for a rare steak is not the average heat, but maximum heat.

>> No.4730142

>Heat up cast iron skillet on high until it begins smoking.

stopped reading right there. only good steak is a grilled steak

>> No.4730146

All of you are retarded.

>> No.4730147


Perhaps it's worth your time to learn how to cook one properly in a pan then. That is the preferred method for restaurants after all, even 3-star ones.

>> No.4730157

To the retard who started this thread. You suck at cooking steaks, and everything else in life for that matter.

>> No.4730159

>90% of you have no idea how to cook a steak

That's true, because 90% of /ck/ doesn't like well done aka actually fully cooked

>> No.4730162

>cast iron pan
grill master race


>> No.4730171


>continues to ignore the evidence of the amount of juice retained in a steak by resting it

You say the inside becomes hotter, and the outside becomes colder. Doesn't this imply the steak has a more consistent temperature by resting, and you're actually eating a steak that's colder in the midle than the outside by not resting?

Also, how cold is your kitchen for it to make your steak too cold to eat in five minutes?

>> No.4730172

I genuinely like my steak well done. I don't give a shit what you think of me, just as I don't give a shit about what you like.

What of it?

>> No.4730178

A rare steak is 75% raw. Of course there's a temperature difference.

>> No.4730182

I only grill over infrared now. It's an incredible way to cook and I feel bad for anyone who doesn't have access to one.

>> No.4730201

Why would this happen?

Not saying you're wrong, I just don't see how it would get hotter.

>> No.4730205


My dad ordered a piece of Exmoor rump steak well done. I tried some, and it was actually okay; a bit chewy, but the flavour wasn't mostly there.

Just don't have fillet well done. It's a lean meat which has done absolutely no work in the cow, so it will dry out.

>> No.4730212

didn't want to start a new thread since this question is fairly insignificant, so i'll piggyback this one.

i have no pans that i can use to cook on the stove top. and i crave steak. would the broiler on my (fairly crappy, but not horrible) oven be sufficient? failing that, will i burn a hole in my baking sheet if i try to use it on an electric burner (yeah i know electric bad- living in an apartment that i do not own)?

pls guys i just want some BEEF.

>> No.4730216

A broiler should be sufficient, and iirc a broiler is what Good Eats recommended the most. You want to get the temps as high as possible to get that crust.

>> No.4730221


Turns out I'm wrong.


I was trusting Heston's judgement.

>> No.4730222


It takes a lot of energy to heat up that meat, and it doesn't immediately dissipate when you remove it from the heat. The hotter exterior cools as the interior absorbs that energy (e.g., continues to cook).


prime rib roast, nigga. you don't have a single saute pan?

>> No.4730223


>> No.4730226


What type of hobs do you have? Do you have any solid-based roasting tins you could use on your hobs?

>> No.4730233
File: 65 KB, 500x334, 20091204-resting-steak-on-board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but that steak is way overcooked. Author is a pleb.

>> No.4730230

trolling on /ck/ has really gone downhill lately

>> No.4730234
File: 24 KB, 300x265, diplomat-stainless-steel-electric-hob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should learn to read. Do you have solid state hobs?

>> No.4730235

That one in particular very much so, but that guy knows his shit. Please believe me when I tell you that his stuff works magic

>> No.4730240

Op was basically right except he forgot to mention that you can cook it until its done. Some people like raw meat that has been heated slightly, some people like it to be cooked some. The only thing you must not do is slow cook until over medium. If you're going to go that route you should smoke/BBQ it so it doesn't end up with the consistency of leather.

>> No.4730242


I was using it for evidence of what happens when you rest a steak. Yes, I'd agree that steak is overcooked for my liking.

>> No.4730253


>The only thing you must not do is slow cook until over medium.

lol wrong.

>> No.4730327

if i remember the episode you're thinking of (porterhouse?), he made his own broiler using fire, not an electric oven. this is the bit that worries me, i'm not sure if the broiler in my oven will get that hot.

>prime rib roast, nigga. you don't have a single saute pan?
before i moved to my current place (yesterday), i tossed all my pans because they were garbage to begin with and falling apart. in retrospect, i wish i'd kept one since i wont be getting to the store to get new ones until the weekend.

a roast is a good idea though, might go that route.

i'm looking for an immediate solution so i can cook something today. believe me, i plan on getting a new cast iron (lost my old one somehow)

i have those shitty electric coils that /ck/ loves to make fun of. they get plenty hot, but the only pan i have right now is a relatively thin baking sheet and i'm worried that i'll burn a hole in it since the thing is like 15 years old.

>> No.4730338

It's funny how many cooking myths he uses and disproves.

He got it right with flipping and even whipped out a thermal camera, but he still does that dumb "let it sit out for an hour before cooking" or "don't cut into it to check it".

>> No.4730348


Actually, I do leave it out at room temperature for an hour or so before cooking. Surely if you put a cold steak in a pan, it'll take longer to reach the right temperature, thus overcooking the outside.

>> No.4730354
File: 14 KB, 300x217, HaHa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take steak out of fridge 1-2 hours prior to cooking.
Ha ha, you think this makes a difference. Welcome to 2010

>> No.4730361


First one on the list.

>> No.4730371


J. Kenji Alt developed a pretty cool technique in Cook's Illustrated, wherein a steak is warmed in an oven until roughly body temp, and then quickly finished in a pan. It's a pretty badass trick that yields amazing results.

I will say that for huge roasts (I'm talking restaurant-sized 20 pounders), it makes a pretty dramatic difference if you temper your steak or not.

>> No.4730389

This guy is a pleb.

He ad,its that letting steak sit for an hour and a half raises the temperature by more than 10 degrees, but then says it's irrelevant. Is he dumb?

I guess he had nothing to write about and had to make somrthing up.

>> No.4730398

I agree. I read that article awhile back and just giggled with loathing all the way through it.
I can't believe they let hacks like that write for a food site that expects to be taken seriously.

>> No.4730405

>Going through some fancy voodoo bullshit with your steak
.Not just salting it and eating it raw
Fucking Grade-A pleb we got here.

>> No.4730407

>salting your steak

why not let your dog lick it a few times and then cover it in ketchup while you're at it?

>> No.4730414

>Letting it sit on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes

Uh what? Why that long, 5 minutes should do

>> No.4730418

Maybe I will!

>> No.4730424

Would you like some Pretenti-os with fat free organic soy milk, Mr arrogant-fuck-who-thinks-his-way-is-the-only-way?

>> No.4730429

pretenti-os are far too mainstream, you fucking pleb.

>> No.4730441

Ladies and gentlemen, your average /c(oc)k/sucker

>> No.4730449

Ladies and gentlemen, I am 12 and what is this

>> No.4730460

>Flip steak every 20-30 seconds
Wrong A steak should be flipped only once.

>> No.4730471

ROFL noob.

>> No.4730497

>He ad,its that letting steak sit for an hour and a half raises the temperature by more than 10 degrees, but then says it's irrelevant. Is he dumb?
>Is he dumb?
No, but that's an interesting question from someone who can't understand the data presented. It's very simple: it makes *no discernible difference* to the cooking time. If that's not your definition of irrelevant what is?

OK Mr. Internet Expert, how about you prove him wrong instead of just mouthing off?

Regardless of whether you won't accept it due to your attitude towards the site or your opinion of the author, or can't because of what you currently believe to be true, I have the same challenge for you as for the guy above: run a simple side-by-side comparison of your own with an instant-read thermometer and two steaks of the same weight and equal thickness, or two pieces of the same large steak.

You'll easily confirm or dispel what he says.

If any one of the seven points he addresses is wrong I'd be very surprised. In point of fact many of them are now established facts as they've been confirmed multiple times by a multitude of others, so there's really no questioning most of it anyway. This suggests to me that anyone who "just giggled with loathing all the way through it" must be pretty ignorant of the current state of knowledge on the subject.

>> No.4730511

>Wrong A steak should be flipped only once.
How out of date are you?

You can choose to flip any way you want. None of them is 'wrong', but if you want the most even heating then you flip frequently on a very hot pan. That's just a fact, there's no opinion about it.

TL;DR flip frequently for most even heating: fact

>> No.4730520


Hmm, I'm convinced. Now I think about it, it does take a few hours to get the steak warmed up.

I'm cooking a piece of steak tomorrow (dry-aged sirloin, to be precise), so I'll try it straight from the fridge instead of leaving it out, and see how it fairs.

>> No.4730527

I hope you are leaving it uncovered and salted in the fridge tonight.

>> No.4730542


It's on a plate in the fridge at the moment.

I'm intrigued. What's the benefit of salting it now? I know it draws out the moisture, but the steak was already dry-aged when I had bought it.

>> No.4730727

Incoming best way to cook steak.

>take out steak
>liberally salt and pepper both sides
>let it set for at least an hour, though the longer you let it sit the better it will be
>heat a cast iron skillet to HIGH heat with a bit of butter
>once the pan is like lava, sear the steaks on both sides so that the exterior is well browned and crisp, about 3-5 minutes each side
>once it's seared, put the pan an oven at about 325 degrees, placing pats of butter on top of the steaks and a bit in the pan
>cook for about 5-7 minutes, and your steaks will come out a perfect medium rare
>let the steaks sit to allow the juices to be drawn back into the meat, then serve with a hot baked potato on the side

Works every time, promise.

>> No.4730734

i do it the same as faggot OP except i only cook it for a minute on each side

>> No.4730735

Like the guy said, it takes in liquid from the steak and acts as a brine, breaking down fibers and making it more tender.

>> No.4730738


>didn't read any of the thread
>thinks he knows the best way to cook steaks
>uses incredibly imprecise timing, yet claims it will produce a "perfect medium rare"

>> No.4730742


Brines make meat firmer, not more tender.

>> No.4730789

Dunno about that. It's an essential step toward making sure fried chicken isn't dried to shit.

>> No.4730848

>Adding pepper before cooking

>> No.4730859

Sorry OP, I only like my dick raw.

>> No.4732141

Mmm steak.

>> No.4732159


Tender imply's breakdown of meat fibers. Brine adds salt and water but does not break down meat fibers. Brine does not tenderize meat.

>> No.4732183


It'll burn. And if it doesn't burn, you're pan isn't hot enough.

>> No.4732184

Of course, I meant "your".

>> No.4732242

Steak looks like shit OP

>> No.4732266


>Remove steak and eat hot, do not let it settle

Enjoy your dry steak in a puddle of its own juices that you can't get back into the meat the moment you cut it.

Fucking asshat

>> No.4732276

>Never ate a good steak.

>> No.4732309


It's good to see this thread is still alive. I'll be cooking the steak at around 17:30 BST (in four hours), straight out of the fridge, in the exact same way I normally would. Let's see if leaving it out really does make a difference.

Oh, and I don't own a meat thermometer; you'll just have to take my word for it that it's cooked straight from the fridge.

>people lying on the Internet?!

>> No.4732335

>Doesn't know what a good steak is

>> No.4732368


I'm assuming this has already been said, but you need to rest the steak to keep in the juices, you can't just cut into it right after it's been grilled

>> No.4732389

Look at the Serious Eats link posted above. Do some side-by-side comparisons of your own, see what you think yourself.

>> No.4732413

>Heat up cast iron skillet on high until it begins smoking.

Stopped reading right there.

Guess how many of the worlds finest steak restaurants cook in a cast iron skillet. 0% OP.

Hipster trash detected.

>> No.4732421


Elaborate. What is wrong with using a cast iron frying-pan? Also, do tell me what world's finest restaurants use; a barbecue, maybe? I can't imagine them using a grill, whether it be gas or electric.

>> No.4732426
File: 100 KB, 610x407, 130815-Costata-strip in pabn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most steakhouses don't use skillets because making one steak per burner kills your volume compared to griddles and broilers. That said, many still do.

>> No.4732436
File: 27 KB, 441x336, P_25898538_1572896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, I forgot those exist. Something like in the picture, but built into the cooker, right?

In regards to >>4732413, surely you're still applying direct heat with a large chunk of metal; for someone at home, a griddle or frying-pan would still be sufficient.

>> No.4732450

I dont even know what youre trying to accomplish with this thread. Making yourself look like an idiot doesn't make you a troll, it makes you an idiot.

>> No.4732458

Low class pleb detected.

>> No.4732507

>I can't imagine them using a grill, whether it be gas or electric

and why not?

>> No.4732527
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, Eye-Level-Grill-Gas-Cooker-BA51NE-by-Beko---Silver~46E390FRSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You might know it as a broiler. Unless it's at eye-level, they seem a bit inconvenient, I don't knoww. I'm probably spouting bullshit.

>> No.4732627

>Guess how many of the worlds finest steak restaurants cook in a cast iron skillet. 0% OP.
Listen to this guy. He's been to every one of the world's finest steak restaurants. Every one.

He is of course spouting the usual Internet BS where the poster's opinion is given as an incontrovertible fact, without any backup or proof. This claim of his fails the sniff test, it smells like bullshit because it is. I know for a fact that some very fine restaurants that serve steak cook them in cast iron because I've seen footage from inside their kitchens. So much for that 'fact'. Others use carbon steel pans, some use stainless, I've even seen a couple that cook in anodised aluminium. And of course there are some that don't use pans at all, they cook on flat-tops, under grills or over coals/flame.

>I can't imagine them using a grill, whether it be gas or electric.
There's a very famous steakhouse in New York that grills/broils their steaks, I can't remember the name of it offhand but I think it was one of the ones Heston Blumenthal visits in his research for his first (?) book. Commercial grills can run a lot hotter than your usual domestic job which is why they can be a viable cooking method, especially if you need to do numbers at a time since they're at temp continuously during service and there's a wide cooking area.

>> No.4732735


Thanks for the insight! I've never worked in a restaurant, nor do I plan to (too much stress), so it's nice to get views from those who do have said experience.

>> No.4732746

i've never worked in a nice restaurant, i've just always been under the assumption that a grill would be the preferred method for the kitchen since you can cook in volume and it provides great results.

i know some places use a broiler, but not everyone.

>> No.4732748
File: 684 KB, 2461x1245, IMG_00000167_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As promised, I've cooked it straight from the fridge.

Here it is in it's raw state. I'm only seasoning with sea salt (I've been told pepper burns), and am rubbing the oil onto the steak (not the pan).

>Massive N.B. here. I'm using the camera on my Z10, and I have slight tremours; also, I can't take photos for shit. Sorry for the upcoming blurryness.

>> No.4732755
File: 991 KB, 3200x1800, IMG_00000168_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the griddle pan. It's been on max heat for ten minutes or so. I flipped it every twenty seconds.

>> No.4732759
File: 971 KB, 3212x1806, IMG_00000169_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flipped. Behold the makings of the sear marks!

>looking promising

>> No.4732762
File: 1.03 MB, 3244x1824, IMG_00000170_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That went on for maybe three to four minutes, before putting on it's back to render that fat a bit more. I wasn't exactly counting, but it feels medium rare-ish. Now for the resting period.

>Fuck me that's blurry...

>> No.4732770

>5-7 minuyrd

>> No.4732775

Do you have parkinsons or just a terrible fucking camera? Seriously you have six million pixels in that picture and wasted them all.

>> No.4732776
File: 928 KB, 3264x1836, IMG_00000171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cut up.

Well, I overcooked it. It looks just past medium rare.

>thin cut of steak.

But most importantly, I cooked it in the same way as normal, and it came out as per usual. So I'm convinced - no need to leave it out for ages before cooking!

>> No.4732787
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_00000033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should have turned off the HDR setting. I took the photo and put the camera down as it was "saving" - I guess it was still capturing shit.

I don't have parkinsons (I don't think so, anyway), but if I'm concentrating on something, like a tiny screw in my computer case, it can make it difficult to use a screwdriver.

For anyone who gives a shit. I had it with steamed new potatoes, and some red peppers and onions.

>> No.4732793
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_00000173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posted the wrong picture...

>> No.4732794

Thanks for that! Next time though, you might want to try using a flat plan. While grill marks do look nice, it's tougher to get that beautiful and delicious uniform crust unless you're cooking on a super hot actual grill.

>> No.4732810


I also have a staineless steel frying-pan which I've used for steak, and I agree. There was still some crust on it, so I was happy with the flavour/juiciness.

>> No.4732830

That's well done bro.

How long did you cook for?

>> No.4732832

It has less to do with minutes and seconds and more to do with using a thermometer, imo

>> No.4732839

That steak wasn't tick all you needed was 3 minutes total.

>> No.4732842

>90% of you have no idea how to cook a steak

I don't know about that number, but I can guarantee that %100 of the time I prefer jerky over any steak.

Fuck "juicy" shit.

>> No.4732850

Thermometer for what? A blue/rare steak is raw inside, steak tartare. Why the fuck do you need a thermometer?

>> No.4732854

what is sous vide

>> No.4732858

Yeah, for thinner cuts like that you need the cooking surface as hot as possible to form that crust before the insides overcook.
To stimulate your prostate anally while you jack off to pictures of cow butchery while you let the steak rest.

>> No.4732871
File: 106 KB, 600x600, 1372947389506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking meat cooked this little is edible let alone tastes good
Fuck, I hate you people so much. Please go to a doctor to cure your shit taste and leave.

>> No.4732876

Do you tell the sushi chef to cook your tuna?

>> No.4732883

I should have said beef, I don't mean every meat in general

>> No.4732893


It was still pink in the middle, but way overdone for my liking. I was trying to go for 3-4 minutes, but I dread to think how long.

I was trying to sautée some peppers and onions at the same time, and I'm still mediocre as fuck.

My fault for getting such a thin steak, I guess.

>> No.4732979

Told you not to let it settle.

>> No.4732985

>b-b-but it's only BEEF

Hipster detected. The only reason you eat sushi is because you want to look cool and sheik in front of your hipster friends, because Japanese culture is sooooooo in right now. ^_^

>> No.4732996
File: 48 KB, 350x345, 1373377238097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people this retarded on /ck/

>> No.4732999

Wahhh... Tuna is freectly clean of ecoli but steak needs to be cooked to an inedible taste... Wahhh.

>> No.4733102

>implying sushi has anything to do with fish

>> No.4733159
File: 1.88 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here just cooked the perfect steak.

>> No.4733160
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle of cooking took off stove heat for a sec.

>> No.4733161
File: 1.93 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total cooking time 6 minutes, no settling.

>> No.4733162

looks like the fat was trimmed with a butter knife.

>> No.4733164

>not eating it directly out of a living cow drenched in ketchup

>> No.4733168
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1372906739668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4733196

I just can't see the appeal in this. Cooked a blue rare once and felt sick 1/3 of the way through.

>> No.4733209

You didn't cook it hot enough.

>> No.4733235


That looks pretty tasty. I personally wouldn't have it blue, though; I once had a 16oz t-bone cooked blue, and I found it to be a bit too gelatinous.

>> No.4733267

BTW - I tried the salt 30 minutes before and while with paper towel and it worked pretty well.

>> No.4733313

it's wipe down, salt heavily, THEN wait at least 40 minutes

>> No.4733337


Is this necessary if your steak is already dry-aged? I'll give this a try otherwise (with a thicker steak next time, of course).

>> No.4733343
File: 190 KB, 500x469, Full_Plebeian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point by this much

>> No.4733413

>Is this necessary if your steak is already dry-aged?
I would say so, yes. More time lets the salt get in deeper.

>> No.4733419

Aged, probably not, since the outside would have already evaporated so salting and whipping wouldn't wick away water which takes energy to heat.
The point of salt/while is to remove water so that the meat can heat faster.

>> No.4733445


Isn't that why you would leave it uncovered in the fridge, or does salting do a better/quicker job?

>> No.4733447



Is this /ck/'s favourite word?

>> No.4733449

>The point of salt/while is to remove water so that the meat can heat faster.
No, it most definitely is not.

>> No.4733456

No, we're from/pol/ and we come to teach you how to cook like men.

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.4733476

>not resting steak

>> No.4733487
File: 39 KB, 500x384, 20091204-resting-steaks-Weight-loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the three bars marked 15% different heights?

Also the photo of a medium rare steak really doesn't look medium rare

>> No.4733492

also, bar one is marked 22% and is 6 lines high, meaning each horizontal line denotes 3.66%. None of the other markings coincide with this.

>> No.4733497


>what is sous vide

It's a fussy, wasteful technique well outside the realm of the average home cook. Any questions?


I don't know if you're disagreeing with me, but he gives a cooking time for a steak that is a 8 minutes on the short side and 12 minutes on the long side. As anyone who has actually cooked a steak knows, four minutes can be the difference be medium rare and medium well (or even greater, depending on the thickness of the steak)

>> No.4733511

>It's a fussy, wasteful technique well outside the realm of the average home cook. Any questions?

I wouldn't say well outside the realm. You can get a sous vide and vac pack for a few hundred euros. Average people spend that kind of money on gadgets all the time. Plus, it's not like there is any kind of difficult technique in sous vide cooking that puts it outside the realm of your average cook. Stop being a luddite

>> No.4733513

>You can get a sous vide and vac pack for a few hundred euros
Wha! You can? Show me plox.

>> No.4733522


I'm not a luddite. I'm a chef with an $8000 chamber vacuum in his kitchen. I still think it's wasteful, needlessly fussy and so slowwww to go through the whole process just for a steak.

>> No.4733523

6l, 40oC - 99oC temp range with 20 timer

not the biggest or best on the market, but good for a home cook. prices fall every year, just like any technology

>> No.4733527

OK, I apologise for calling you a luddite. I agree with you on the steak thing, but I certainly don't think sous vide cooking is well outside the realm of your average home cook.

>> No.4733533

neat. Thanks! I'll wait then. It's nothing I need, just eyeballing it.

>> No.4733541

What do you think of my steak?


>> No.4733550


I still think it's too expensive. The polyscience immersion circulator at my local Williams Sonoma is caked with dust. Once a kit drops down to the price of a slow cooker, they'll take off like a rocket. you'll be able to buy all your proteins vacuum sealed at the market, restaurants will, once again, have to step up their game.

It'll be a pretty glorious time.

>> No.4733566


Breddy gud crust, but you should have let that shit rest, yo. Preheat your oven to the lowest it will go, let your steak sit in there for 10 minutes. It'll still come out hot, but it won't cook.

Not resting your steak is just a fucked-up cardinal sin. There's no excuse except laziness/impatience.

>> No.4733567

Nigga that is NOT rare. That is raw as fuck.

>> No.4733580

second dat. I'd love to have one a those but the are much too expensive for my uses.

>> No.4733608

I've always had my steak well done and always loved it. Only tried it medium rare recently since my boyfriend loves it that way. I tried it since he kept going on about me cremating the meat and that night I fell quite sick.

I've tried little bits again recently and I really don't see why everyone goes on about it. It tastes exactly the same to me, and the texture is horrible unless it's well cooked.

>> No.4733619


you almost certainly didn't get sick from the medium rare steak. It takes a full day for the bacteria to incubate to the point where you feel it, or you get violently ill and throw up immediately.

It was either psychosomatic or something you ate the day before.

>> No.4733622

>placebo cunt

your bf is gonna dump u soon gril

>> No.4733626

>can't even satisfy man

>> No.4733630

Yeah I was thinking it might have just been me, I was really hesitant and always thought of it as uncooked meat before. Still hate the texture though.

>> No.4733640

Yeah I would definitely tell people to hold out a bit longer. If someone has cooking as a hobby, I wouldn't advise against one though. I'm all for adding a bit of fun to the kitchen.

Thermomixers on the other hand....fuck them. Ridiculously expensive.

>> No.4733782

Perfect steak.

>> No.4733789

blue rare is not good. unless desperate hungy. but it is dumb. for example kobe beef. unless cooked a bit it's like mouthful of lard. or crisco. but whatever. I like mine medium rare. but the cook does not ent .. what say exactly know and get real is,probably making 9 or ten , no heath benifits and not being a smart ass. that is the way thing work but I most often order a "ground sirloin" rare, and it usually comes medium, which is great I never disrespect the people and if paying 40 bucks per person plus drinks( and that is a lot for me) I tii expect a bit more attention if at waffle house or shoneys, , golden corral, that is ok. but upscale or not places live onin word of mouth. even fast foof. but I pity the fry cook, and the waiters/ watesses. and no incentive to stay. and the hotel/ motel bussiness is the same. worked there. then think twice before trying to own one It is big balancing act, and not for the faint hearted. stil...

>> No.4733793

Medium rare is overcooked ketchup food. Stop being a pleb.

>> No.4733832


>> No.4733833

Anything under medium rare is only fit for an animal. Why are you eating animal slop?

>> No.4733836

Holy shit learn what periods do. You're making it impossible to read your post.

>> No.4733840

I don't understand why people get so worked up over how other people eat steak... It in no way changes how you eat your own steak.

If you want your steak burned to a crisp and dipped in shit sauce, go for it!

>> No.4733847


I hope you realize you can't get kobe outside of japan and a single european country, right? kobe outside of that is purely false advertising unless they went to obscene import lengths, at which point it would be expensive to the point nobody could buy it and it would be a novelty at best.

>> No.4733848

>I don't understand why people get so worked up over how other people X
This is 4chan, and can pretty much be applied to any board.

>> No.4733850


lower class people pretend they are sophisticated because it is the most expensive meal they can afford. Actual rich people simply don't give a fuck; like I said in a previous thread my millionaire aunt eats her steak with ketchup.

people really don't seem to understand that rich people are just rich people, and unless you are some obscenely rich ceo or oil baron you become rich by living frugal. The fancy $100 meals they have are an indulgence.

>> No.4733870


Men like to eat a good rare steak.

>> No.4733874


>implying having multiple millions and owning half of a small town doesn't qualify as rich

90% of people won't even see $100,000 let alone a million.

>> No.4734215

who likes steak?

>> No.4734314

nobody, it's just a gigantic world-wide joke to trick idiots into eating raw meat.

>> No.4734360

Ehat's wrong with raw meat?

>> No.4734382

Nothing, if you like really shitty bubble gum...

>> No.4734396


can't chew it, tastes like shit, we can't digest it properly.

>> No.4734431
File: 328 KB, 1052x451, 1374253770386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every steak thread on /ck/

>> No.4734436


I feel sorry you anons, you've never had a properly done carpaccio. You should really get out more.

>> No.4734441


Carpaccio has nothing to do with this blue rare crap. People who pretend to like blue rare might as well just take the steak out back and piss on it. It's equally manly and there's no pretense of it being about enjoying the food.

>> No.4734447

>based mr. rogers

If only he was around to run for president.

>> No.4734522

>implying sushi (maki rolls, I assume you're talking about) come only as raw fish and eel/shrimp/crab/etc are not cooked.

>> No.4734541

Like I replied, just because your aunt has shit taste doesn't mean it's worth posting in any steak thread. Wealth doesn't correlate to a fine palette.

Stop bragging about your rich relatives, every asshole has one in the family. My aunt probably makes more money than your aunt ever will.

You're probably a basement dweller trying to save up to get a STEM degree.

>> No.4734572

how could you even tell?

>> No.4734684
File: 70 KB, 790x468, ScotchFilletCheckerPlate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aussie BBQ Master Race reporting in.

Fuck your skillet off and learn to flame grill with tyre marks - Medium Rare.

Leave standing to reach room temp - 30 mins
> (2 hours wtf?)

Place on high heat onto grill.

Rotate 90deg after 2 mins.

Flip after 2 mins

Rotate 90deg after 2 mins

Place on warmed serving plate.

Rest for 1-2mins

You're welcome


>> No.4734691


Read the thread before you ausfail in and decide you're an ultimate authority on shit.

>> No.4734716

Crap that looks well done. Inedible.

>> No.4734752
File: 62 KB, 800x600, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Read the thread before you ausfail
Yeah I read OP's pathetic excuse to cook steak in a fucking fry pan. Still no excuse.
Griddle vs. Grill aka. Electric Wok vs Gas Burner Wok aka Electric oven vs. Wood Fire Oven...

>you're an ultimate authority on shit.
Australia - Top Beef Producing Country per Capita...

>pic related. It's not. And less fat than OP's griddled shit.

>> No.4735121

What I can't do with steak: My Pan is sizzling hot, and all the brown bits burn until I'm done. Less heat I guess. But I'm scared to try and ruin another perfectly good piece of meat.

>> No.4735147
File: 26 KB, 202x184, 1373747259497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rare stake doesn't have to be a cold steak

>> No.4735149

If it's good enough for Gordon Ramsay, then it's good enough for me...

>> No.4735151

>per capita
>implying that having 1 cow to split among the 16 aussies means shit

>> No.4735953


>> No.4736339

Post your steak cooking plz.

>> No.4737677

>Leave standing to reach room temp - 30 mins
You actually believe this helps.
>more research required
You actually believe this is long enough to reach the temp you say.
>need a probe thermometer

Totally different steak to the one posted previously. You know we can actually tell the difference between linear sear marks and crosshatch sear marks right?

>Australia - Top Beef Producing Country per Capita...

Oz is also the top sheep producing country per capita. What that mostly prepare you to be an authority on sheep shagging.

>> No.4739293

>You actually believe this is long enough to reach the temp you say.

the surface is gonna be getting close

>> No.4739320

god bless this post. I will never cook a steak on a stove. It's either grill or not at all for me.

>> No.4739533



>> No.4740451

>the surface is gonna be getting close
Polite sage: even if true, so what?

Internal temp is what matters. There's data out there that proves that you don't need to 'rest' steak out of the fridge prior to cooking, simply because it doesn't make any difference. The key take-home point is that 30 minutes is not even remotely long enough to take a steak from fridge temps to room temp. Even two hours doesn't cut it! You want to leave a steak on the countertop for 3 or 4 hours before you cook it? I sure don't.

So just take you steak (with a well-dried surface) out of the fridge immediately before cooking. There's no reason not to.

Anyone who doesn't buy this should just do a direct side-by-side comparison for themselves, see if they can detect a difference in cooking or in the final product.
>It would save a lot of pointless arguing here if people would do this kind of thing instead of just mindlessly spouting stuff they read, learned in college or from some TV chef.

>> No.4741337


>Internal temp is what matters.

for the overall cook, not the sear. you want high average heat delivery to the outside and low to the inside.

>> No.4741369



>> No.4741379

Clearly medium-rare and ideal.

>> No.4741403


the perfect steak is medium, shifted towards rare or well dependant on personal taste. The only people who eat well done or rare are faggots. Only the french and hipsters eat blue.

>> No.4741532

You're a moron. Go drown yourself in the puddle of moisture you lost by not letting it rest. I bet you even used a fork to flip the steak, you idiot. GTFO of everything.

>> No.4743005

Anything cooked beyond rare is inedible. Medium well? Do you intend to smear jetchuo all over tour streak?