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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 842 KB, 823x458, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4723431 No.4723431 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys seen this masterpiece?

>> No.4723498

All hail the new king of /ck/!

>> No.4723499

I can tell from the picture alone that this is the spongebob video

>> No.4723527
File: 8 KB, 211x237, 1371835299163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this for real

>> No.4723533
File: 67 KB, 650x462, 43LJU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat cross contamination
>dat retard noise
>dat hunk of beef in a cold pan

my fucking sides

>> No.4723536

and we're all so proud

>> No.4723539

Saw and cringed.

I've seen so much horrible shit on YouTube, I feel bad for the generation of kids that are going to have to deal with this later. I did some stupid shit as a kid too but thank god it wasn't recorded, it's nothing but a memory to me and a couple more people. This shit kids are recording and putting up on the net these days though, that's permanent. Imagine if this kid actually grows up to be normal and becomes somebody important, this video is always going to be somewhere to haunt him. Maybe he'll end up the CEO of a successful company but one of his underlings finds this video and then everyone that works for him is watching it and laughing at the boss. We all fuck up and everyone is stupid as a child. I just feel for the kids these days, they have no idea of the impact the stuff they record and share on the net will have on them later on. This one isn't even that bad, just embarrassing. He'll probably grow up fine, but if he becomes even somewhat important and notable somebody will find this video and ruin whatever reputation he might have.

I'm just saying this shit isn't fair to the younger generation, they don't know the permanence and the irreversible consequences of their seemingly innocent actions. Kids gonna be kids, teens gonna be teens, up until recently it was all forgotten unless they fucked up big time. These days though, the younger generation will have hard consequences for their innocent escapades later in life. I'm so glad internet didn't exist when I was a child. You think the younger generation is fucked now, just wait.

>> No.4723541


agreed. all my cringe is safely locked away in my mind. these poor saps have a permanent copy on the internet.

>> No.4723542

dude. shut the fuck up.

>> No.4723544

no u

>> No.4723641

Even if this is totally fake/staged/whatever...GOODLORD!

>> No.4723648

..I don't think he'll grow up normal, he clearly has some kind of autismal thing going on. Being autistic doesn't preclude you from being normal but judging from the sort of supervision and raising he seems to be getting(ie none) the outlook is not bright.

>> No.4723840

the kid is obviously autistic or something.

(actual autistic not I have social problems autistic)

>> No.4723847

this is not fake

>> No.4724037

He drinks water "to keep him smart" heeeeeee

Presumably a parent filmed this and allowed him to eat those crumbled bits of raw mince? heeeee


>> No.4724047

Poor kid :(

>> No.4724316

>typical Apple customer

>> No.4724394

Welp, there goes my sides for the evening.

>> No.4724487

I couldn't even get to the food.
> white t-shirt
> clip-on tie

>> No.4724512 [DELETED] 

I can watch gore, I can laugh at womyn logic threads and fat people stories, but there's something that makes me feel terrible about mentally disabled people. I literally can't be around them because I pity them, and I know that's wrong of me so I feel bad.

This poor child is autistic and more than likely has asperger's. His parents must love him very much to do things like this for him. Good parents.

Excuse me, I have to go b'aw.

>> No.4724527

>Successful in life
>Birth a child into world as heir to your legacy
>This thing comes out

>> No.4724532


I would be pleased to give birth to Psy 2.0




>> No.4724541

#BasedSwee please fuck my bitch

>> No.4724639

He reminds me of Chris-chan a whole lot. Aspergers? Autistic?

>> No.4724661
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1367315294073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My fucking sides I'm dying

>> No.4724662

"omg my brain hurts if i have to read any post longer than a few words."
He's right, faggot.

>> No.4724672

>He squirts onion juice right into his eye
>That professional overview of him prepping and cooking the food

>> No.4724697
File: 14 KB, 244x169, 1267502841967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how my roommate cooks. No lie, he has autism caused by seizures in his highschool days.

>mfw he eats raw pork sausage with a piece of butter on top

I just want him to go away.

>> No.4724700

Autistic people are hilarious in their own way

>> No.4724710

Not when he doesn't believe he owes money for rent and utilities, and not when he is a literal glutton. He once ate my whole pizza while I was taking a piss. I had just got home, put the pizza on the counter, went to the bathroom, came back, and it was gone. My other roommates and I split a pizza now and again, but the autist just fucking eats everything.

Funny part about it is when I actually cook something, he's less inclined to eat it, and when there are leftovers, he wont even touch them.

>> No.4724715

>apron under t-shirt

what in god's name

>> No.4724721

I would totally put my kid up for adoption if they turned out autistic.

>> No.4724730

>He once ate my whole pizza while I was taking a piss.

>> No.4724735

Yea I forgot to say that it's only funny when they're someone else's roommate

>> No.4724743

Seems chris chan worked at a sperm bank about 16 years ago

>> No.4724866
File: 90 KB, 494x706, 1365462263946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm sorry, but whoever is filming this obviously doesn't give a shit about this kid.

>> No.4724876
File: 1.43 MB, 1296x1936, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was laughing my had off.
I almost peed my pants.

>> No.4724877


>"doubleswee taught me how to rap" -Tupac
>doubleswee please fuck my bitch


>> No.4724880



>> No.4724882




>> No.4724891

Enjoy the part where he almost cuts his thumb off trying to cut an onion while holding it aloft. And it's his grandmother filming.

>> No.4724894

>no egg no spices final destination

>> No.4724896

She doesn't seem to care about him at all.

>> No.4724912

On the plus side for him, his parents are clearly loaded. On the downside he's clearly got mental issues and his parents probably don't say five words a day to him.

>> No.4724925

I don't see a plus side to being completely autistic at all.

>> No.4724931
File: 188 KB, 1350x758, stabbity stabbity goes the autistic patrick bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the onion part. And the tomato part. The part where he stabbed into the onion was fucking creepier, though.

The grandmother must be stuck with him, and is so close to the end of her life that she's getting her laughs however she can. She keeps filming between him drinking the water (trying to flush out the taste of the monstrosity) and the monstrosity itself. She has to be aware, and she must be taking the piss out of him on purpose.

I'm just sad now.

>> No.4724932


His parents seem to take care of him. They show interest in what he's doing and are supporting him in it.
And come on, he's having fun in the kitchen, that's the best way to learn how to cook. Imagine the little dude standing there watching his mother preparing their dinner and joining in after some time, cutting up onions or peeling potatoes. Autistic or not, I think that'd be neat.

>> No.4724942

Did you see the way he was cutting the onions and tomatoes and how he squirt onion juice in his eye without the person filming stepping in or correcting him?

>> No.4724947


Dude. I still sometimes squirt onion juice in my eyes, goddamn does it burn.
And fuck it man, I'm sure that wasn't the first time in the kitchen for him and the person filming it knew that he can handle it.

Or not, I don't know. I still think it's neat that he wants to cook and enjoys it.
And that he likes Spongebob, Spongebob is dynamite.

>> No.4724950

someone said it was his grandmother filming. she must be hoping he kills himself.

>> No.4724955

I hope you don't use knives like that too.
He could have easily cut himself multiple times.
Seems sadistic but plausible

>> No.4724959

Whoever is filming doesn't give a shit about his safety or reputation.

>> No.4724960


Nah, I don't, I'm just really clumsy.

>> No.4724977
File: 14 KB, 256x184, 44ekD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cut from the inside

>> No.4725064

And has as impressive amount of self-control.

>> No.4725079

It isn't autism you fuckwit ass donkey poop poop nigger ass birch.

>> No.4725101

I am not a tree. That was uncalled for.

>> No.4725111

heh heh heh heh

I wish I could textually recreate the noise he makes
it's too perfect
and I can't tell if he does it because he is nervous or because he really REALLY wants to stay in character

>> No.4725485

It actually is. I've known him forever and decided to cut him a break in life and let him live with me for a while. Big mistake.

>> No.4725491

I feel physically ill, OP. Fuck you. I feel bad for him..

>> No.4725496

Tell him to fuck off.

>> No.4725501

So kick him out? If he doesn't pay he doesn't stay

>> No.4725508
File: 326 KB, 500x375, Christian+Weston+Chandler+vlcsnap3846500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would explain the great sperm deficit of 1997

>> No.4725510



>> No.4725513

so /ck/, could you handle an autistic son?

>> No.4725516
File: 180 KB, 472x331, 12369481273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear god no. That's just too much for me.

>> No.4725521

>He'll be able to drive soon (if not already)
I hope he doesn't drive as horribly as Spongebob.

>> No.4725530

It's never too late for an abortion.

>> No.4725537
File: 272 KB, 500x352, 1362569374419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take this

>> No.4725542

>my friend is coming in a little bit

There was a porno where a girl said almost exactly that. I have no idea why my mind immediately went there.

>> No.4725549

That video makes me rethink and consider being "pro-choice"

>> No.4725612


>the way he says tomato

I almost feel bad because he's just a kid


>> No.4725619




>> No.4725632

This young man is not well.

Condolences to the parents.

>> No.4725636

An autistic with access to firearms? 'Murrrkkkka1!!!


>> No.4725640
File: 227 KB, 500x375, 1355968314195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.4725645

>developing after 5
Your roommate is just brain damaged, dude. Retarded. Autism spectrum disorders can't be caused by external trauma.

>> No.4725648
File: 21 KB, 250x250, 1364937715471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides have left this universe

>> No.4725657

/ck/ new 4chan Soccer Cup goalhorn

>> No.4725661

I wouldn't be surprised if he posted here.

>> No.4725676

>I'm the baw-baw-baw-baw-baw-baw-bawwwss

Fucking lost it.

>> No.4725697

The kid may be an idiot with tiny, weak baby fingers and shit in the kitchen but surprisingly knows how to safely handle a firearm.

>> No.4725740

>colt 45 and sniper rifle

oh god.

>> No.4725745

Geeze, an American knows how to use a firearm? Who would've thought?

>> No.4725956

You guys haven't seen shit until you've seen Doubleswee's audition for the new Metallica Drummer.

>> No.4726048

His. Christ and the comments left on his video clearly by 4chan retards. You people are shit talking and making fun of a fucking kid just having a little fun. Kill yourselves.

>> No.4726067

>Having fun
>Literally poisoning himself by eating undercooked walmart beef
You have an odd definition of fun

>> No.4726080

Yeah, clearly he died from food poisoning shortly after this video was posted.

>> No.4726082

CWC plz go

>> No.4726083

The prions have clearly affected his brain.

>> No.4726091

same lol, was in an autism thread on /v/ the other day.

Who let that kid hold a knife!?