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File: 38 KB, 437x599, 437px-Tumbler_of_cola_with_ice[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4719137 No.4719137 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people drink soda? What's the attraction? Is in an acquired taste? I never really liked it. I never drank it as a kid and still don't.

I don't really see where the various types of sweet, carbonated soft drinks fit or should fit between water, tea, coffee and wine in a daily food and drink routine. I always saw them as either a cocktail ingredient or basically liquid candy, and in that last niche they can't hold a candle to liqueurs.

>> No.4719141

Because they like it and they're not as sophisticated as you. You should feel proud of your superior taste and general way of life. Scorn them. Shun them. They're disgusting slobs not fit to even consider as sentient.

>> No.4719142

Why do people drink/eat xy? What's the attraction? Is in an acquired taste? I never really liked it. I never drank it as a kid and still don't.

>> No.4719144

forgot to sage

>> No.4719147

Basically it is a question of taste. I also do not like whiskeys, gin, vodka and other "hard-drinks" but I don't complain about people drinking them, it is simply a question of taste.

Soda is simply a sweet drink that you can use to refresh you or to accompany a meal. Nothing more. If you don't like it, drink water.

>> No.4719148

I realize they like it and I'm not disparaging their preferences. I'm just wondering what they're based at since I can't see the attraction.

>> No.4719151

I don't like soda because the fizz hurts my mouth and throat. I just like root beer floats.

>> No.4719162

>Basically it is a question of taste.
It's a question of corporations and advertising forcing an unhealthy addiction on kids.

>> No.4719199

When I was a kid I never drank fizzy drinks because they hurt my mouth, now I'm just in the habit of drinking water. Lucky I guess.

>> No.4719213

It's a beverage... People have been drinking cold beverages ever since they were able to. Iced tea is just as legitimate as (real) root beer, or lemonade. Cola was once a natural drink too, brewed from the kola nut. Nothing wrong with a cold, sweet, tasty beverage.

>> No.4719231


No one forced the kid to drink it. Parents try and give their kids fruit drinks and that fucks them too.

>> No.4719275

As much as I want to believe in free, educated choice, the reality is media does influence the way we think.

I know people don't want to believe this because, "hurrr sheep", but there IS a reason companies spend billions on advertising and politicians/"news" outlets spend money on similar things.

>> No.4719292 [DELETED] 

Drank a king sized Dr Pepper yesterday. Awww yisss

I don't really like coke, but enjoy pepsi.
I have friends who spit root beer because of the smell.

>> No.4719296

It tastes good. Don't hate them for making a product that's actually desirable, hate the idiots who chug a couple gallons in a day.

>> No.4719304

I like to sip on something sweet and refreshing at a restaurant while I wait for my food. I used to drink a lot of it until I started working at a restaurant and was allowed unlimited free drinks from the soda machine. Got sick of it pretty quick, now I mainly chug cold water.

>> No.4719309

Stop drinking soda for 3 weeks and then try it and see if it tastes good.

I don't know how anyone drinks the stuff for taste, let alone as a replacement for water.

Drinking sugar throughout the day? Seriously?

>> No.4719318

I've tried that in the past. I still enjoy it but I sure as shit don't drink it throughout the day. I usually have water with an iced tea every now and then.

>> No.4719320

>basically liquid candy

Cream soda is this. Have a nice smooth glass of cream soda after dinner as dessert. It's like champagne, but sweet and delicious. I love trying to bite down on the bubbles and having them pop on my tongue. It's a great sensation.

>> No.4719330

I recently tried cream soda on an anon's recommendation, it tasted like ice cream. 10/10 will drink again. Any brands you recommend?

>> No.4719356

you know how many people don't see the appeal of beer/liquor?

same shit. if you don't understand this, you're no better than the people who call beer "bitter pisswater"

tldr different people different preferences.

>> No.4719359

so you're saying you don't like candy?

>> No.4719362

Beer and liquor have flavors with depth and subtlety.

Soda is... acidic water with sugar and various artificial flavors.

If it wasn't primarily sugar, people wouldn't drink it. It is a drink for children.

>> No.4719365

No, because I am not a kid or a fat woman.

>> No.4719368

Sweetness is generally a pleasing taste to most people. You'd be the odd man out here.

>> No.4719386
File: 95 KB, 441x705, 1366766531616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SO's uncle claims to be poor and can't feed his kids
>the family drinks 2 or 3 cans of soda a day each, his uncle drinks two of the 2-liter bottles
Well, gee. I wonder why you can't afford food.

Then there's my aunt:
>Her kids drink nothing but Coke all day, hardly ever eat any food
>Kids are well past growth-spurt age, still tiny

I think that if soda were viewed as more of a treat like ice cream rather than a drink-four-glasses-with-a-meal type of thing, it wouldn't bother me so much. It also hurts to drink, but like others said, personal preference.

>> No.4719830

I never drank soda that much. I remember liking it when I was little but my parents wouldn't really buy it for me that much. When I went to college, I had a love affair with Diet Coke for about a year or two, then I started tasting nothing but that fake sugar taste and I hated it. Now I just drink Sparkling Water. I tried Club Soda and I hate it. I don't know why people thought it was necessary to add sodium to water. wtf?

Anyway, I get you OP. Whenever I drink soda it just tastes too sweet. Like I just taste the syrup and it doesn't feel like I'm quenching my thirst, just the diabetes that is quietly lurking about, waiting for the right moment to strike...

>> No.4719836

>drinking wine daily

lol alcoholic

>> No.4719842

>not being an alcoholic
but why?

>> No.4719852

Tea, coffee, wine and soda in the same day?
Hell even tea, coffee, and wine in the same day?
What the hell have you been reading. You're not supposed to drink it all the time.
>Is it an acquired taste?
Were you born yesterday?
I don't like your wine or coffee but that doesn't mean I'm so dense I can't understand why people drink them.
10/10 good trolling

>> No.4719880


I had a pretty shitty diet and drank alot of coke in my mid teens/later high school years. Still ended up being the tallest motherfucker in my whole family at 6'3 (Mexican family so I'm a god damned giant at family reunions)

>> No.4719897

You're retarded.

>> No.4720111

If you're eating a respectable European main course and don't have a proper wine coupled with it you are a barbarian.

The only excuse is deliberate culinary experimentation or pregnancy.

>> No.4720119

*alternatively beer if you're enjoying Central European or more rustic cuisine in general.

>> No.4720136

Not that guy, but i hate wine

>> No.4720154

yeah fuck wine, juice and grapes in general

>> No.4720163


Or you're Canadian. I'm a water and beer guy. I have one cup of coffee each weekday, and once every month or to I get just interplanetary on a pot of coffee. That shit is dangerous for me.
Used to drink 3 pots a day, but then back then I was in an intensively labourious job. 6'2" 140lbs and cycling 6000 to 10000 calories a day. Funny, I drank maybe one beer a month back then.
'Course I'm just as tall now, but 180lbs, and I can thank the beer, and living outside of town, so I walk a hell of a lot less now. Pretty alcoholic in quantity, have about 10 beers a night and, no I don't get plastered drunk offa that. I still get up for work every morning at 5:30am. Nary a hangover to be found.

It's not the inebriation I really seek, I just really enjoy beer. Taste, smell, and how it treats my guts so well.

tl;dr Beer. Canwich. Vitamin B.

>> No.4720185

Nazirite pls

>> No.4720207

I get beer, wine, coffee and tea. These beverages are not just complex flavors, but they are also drug delivery systems, and as such have pleasant social rituals built around their consumption.

Sweet drinks I do not get. But I don't have a sweet tooth; I never think, "Oh, I could really go for something sweet right now." So while I may not "get it", I do understand lots of folks like sweet shit, so it doesn't surprise me that sweet drinks are popular. I just don't drink them.

>> No.4720227

You're alright.

>> No.4720229

It's cheaper than beer
and for times when I am sick and tired of water, I like having a soda now and again.

>> No.4720240

That's kinda different, though. When something is so widely liked and appreciated, one can't help but wonder what's the appeal?

I honestly don't know many foods and drinks that are as popular as soda.

Also, I'm the same as OP. To be honest, I kinda like the taste in the same way I like how milkshakes taste, except the bubbles hurt my mouth. If it isn't fizzy, it's OK. Wouldn't use it to accompany a meal though since when I'm eating I get thirsty and something sweet and with taste is so definitely not going to fucking help. I'll never understand people who can quench their thirst with anything other than water.

>> No.4720248

I like zero calorie soda because it tastes better than black coffee and still gives me caffeine. I don't like regular soda because it makes me fat and thirsty for water.

>> No.4720268


A kindred eh? Beers at my place!

>> No.4720298

Wines offer a diversity of olfactory and gustatory experience detectable by humans not attained by any other beverage, especially mass produced factory runs of reproducible soda. If you have any experience with wine at all every bottle offers a unique, complex experience from the first sniff through the taste and to the aftertaste. European culinary arts were developed in combination and synergy with the sophistication of wine. To deny it is to deny a vast part of Western cuisine, and is akin to denying the usage of utensils, denying the norm of not speaking with your mouth full or not farting at the table. Yes, objectively speaking in a culture-neutral context it's a choice as viable as any other, but it still makes you a barbarian if you commit to it willfully.

>> No.4720304

To me normal water is ok, but most of the time I rather not drink it if I'm not really, really thirsty. Water with juice in it is much more appealing to me, since it's taste isn't pretty much what my tongue tastes like - old food. Carbonated water somehow feels incredibly refreshing and boosts the taste of water. To then add juice to that just puts it at the top.

>> No.4720344


It's funny, that our culture of booze drinking, came from us needing clean ways to drink. Our asian counterparts were smart enough to boil water, and drink herb infused clean water. Us of the whiter variety, come from a heritage that had cooking fires going all the time, but drinking fermented water mash, was our go to.
Not that I'm complaining. With my history, I have a liver built like atlas himself.

Huh, no real point here. But it's fun to think about.

>> No.4720355

Wine culture, especially in the culinary context, has very little to do with a "culture of booze drinking". No one sensible or cultured drinks wine to get drunk.

>> No.4720378

>No one sensible or cultured drinks wine to get drunk.
Ever been to spain?
we would not be friends

>> No.4720383


Sheesh, don't be a context stickler.

I meant booze, as any alcoholic concoction. As in an anthropology type view at things. Never once did I mention 'drunkenness'.

Politicians used to get paid in beer (and various other boozes), and commonly they were encouraged to drink 2L of it, during (DURING!) the working day. Fucking sign me up.

Wine 'culture' developed because of our history with fermenting liquids. You make something long enough, and somebody is gonna come around and tell you, "You're doing it wrong". And thus, a 'culture' is born.

Open up more manno. Love the game, don't hate the player.

>> No.4720385

caffeine -tryin ta get fuckin hyped out bro

alchohol - all downed n dumb

nah mang they diff so dun try toa compare dem k

>> No.4720390

Also, I wasn't there, but I guarantee; Nobody sensible or cultured invented wine... Mostly because sense or culture didn't exist when some greasy monkey took his first bite of fermented fruit.

>> No.4720406

What drug is currently affecting your cognitive ability?

>> No.4720414

probably leanin low

>> No.4720453
File: 23 KB, 378x478, 992891_589972217714233_1080480577_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspartame is a fucking addiction and when my whole family shamelessly loves diet soda, it's very difficult to kick the habit.
I just thought about it today and I realized the taste isn't even that great to me. I'm a runner, too, and aspartame+running is a ravaging my knee joints.

>> No.4720466

Are you implying that a sweetener is responsible for your knee problems solely because both things are happening to you at the same time?

>> No.4720481

>I never drank it as a kid
Found the reason. Soda is popular with kids because it's a massive dose of sugar. Then adults drink it because they got addicted to it as kids.

It has no real value as a drink.

>> No.4720649

The carbonation in soft drinks masks the level of sweetness. That is why flat soft drink is so unpleasant to drink.
You are actually drinking something so sweet that you normally would find unbearable but are being tricked by the bubbles.

>> No.4720684


I rarely drank it as a child. Rarely drink it as an adult. I enjoy the stuff though. I just find it overpowering most of the time. I see it as a dessert practically, though if I'm in the mood for something overpoweringly sweet and unhealthy I'll just get a pint of frozen custard.

>> No.4720685

Sometimes I'll have a coke on a hot day but other than that I rarely drink it. I feel more guilty having a fizzy drink then I do having a beer or glass of wine for some reason.

>> No.4720731

You see, aspartame has been linked to joint pain and it flares up even more when I drink more of it before running.
It's become pretty apparent that it's at least part of the problem.

>> No.4720921

Soda is too sweet for me. I just like water.

Skinny, level headed man in South Texas, here.

>> No.4721039

I only like three sodas and I rarely drink them. Squirt preferably mixed with tequila, Cactus Cooler and Mexican Coke.

>> No.4721085

I find that sodas other than coke taste bad, never drink them. I find that coke tastes bad when drank alone. What I DO like is coke combined with junk fast food like a pizza or subway. So OP, you might appreciate coke if you drink it while eating pizza or something. Not saying that learning to enjoy sodas is a good idea but just offering a possible answer.

>> No.4721150

soda has flavors and depth and subtlety
beer and liquor are... hops, alcohol, and yeast
>this is what you sound like
>see how this argument can be turned around

fuck off

>> No.4721231

it tastes good and i like the bubbles.
i know, it quite complicated.

>> No.4721528


It's actually quite pleasant. It's sweet, acidic, sparkling...in a way, a lot of things people wish wine was.

For a lot of people, it's a good palate cleanser during meals, it's quenching, it can be refreshing.

I drink it sometimes, but not nearly as much as I used to, and rarely with meals.

>> No.4721532

I almost never buy soda, but a cold glass of Cola or Pepsi on a hot day is amazing.

>> No.4721534

This week when I was near McDonalds on Saint Catherine street I saw a scrawny neanderthal. Was that you?

>> No.4721550

This. I feel that fast food calls for soda.
However I do drink Jones Ziltch Black Cherry on occasion because that stuff tastes like the blood of Angels.
I think that people drink soda too fast now. It's not something compareable to water, it's like a bottled meal. Enjoy it.

>> No.4721553

All. Cream soda is a great candy. I prefer the undyed version though. Here in Canada cream soda is usually pink or rarely blue but the best kind is clear.

>> No.4721557

Club soda is a pair to alcohol and fruit juice, the sodium cuts the sweetness of >>4719830
the juice and provides a nice effervescent sparkle. I think of it on the same tier as tonic water.

>> No.4721567

This. I'll kick the addiction for months and then be like "Eh, one can isn't going to kill me!" And then I'm back to drinking a two liter in like five days.
Spoiler - I kicked cocaine and cigarette addiction easier as a -teen- easier than I'm getting rid of this.

>> No.4721570

>kicking an "addiction" you had as a teen

It probably wasn't an addiction, kid.

>> No.4721575

>If it wasn't primarily sugar, people wouldn't drink it.
>what is moxie

>> No.4721582

That's great, OP. I don't get tea. Don't see the attraction. Bland compared to coffee. I get iced tea, but not hot tea.

>> No.4721598

It's sweet, fizzy, acidic, and a tiny bit salty. (Look up sodium in Coke). The caffeine, too. It's pretty much the "perfect drink", and I think a lot of people have a bit of an addiction to it. A lot of people in my family drank soda instead of water. Even middle schools have soda machines. There isn't really anything wrong with soda, but people drink it like it's the only thing to drink when they're thirsty. It should be consumed as a treat, or dessert.

>> No.4721602

I'm thirty-five. I did coke for six years 15-21 and smoked for ten 15-25. Prostituted myself for the money instead of going to school. I know this may shock you, but sometimes people have shit lives like you see in bad documentaries because of terrible choices as teenagers.
Try to stop being so quick to judge and you may make something of your life.

>> No.4721625


Lol, faggot, stop drinking soda you fat piece of shit.

>> No.4722949

pro-tip: being on 4chan is also a terrible decision

>> No.4722953

Basement dweller detected.

>> No.4722956

oh get a load of this faggot

>> No.4723865

it does

>> No.4723881
File: 95 KB, 300x381, 1373678044706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows your autism today op?

>> No.4723884

2 liters are only 99cents

soda is not expensive.

>> No.4724732

>Why do people drink soda? What's the attraction?

Well, Cuba Libres require Coke. And sometimes you just feel like drinking sweet stuff.

>> No.4724736

Why would not understanding why adults drink liquid sugar mean OP is autistic?

Post a picture of your gut with a defense of soda and other favorites.

>> No.4724762

The image is pretty spot on.

/fit/ here, it's fine in moderation, arguments like "LOL ITS LIQUID SUGAR AND 4 CHILDREN WTF HOW CAN UD RINK THIS SHIT" is just as childish as who you claim it's for.

>> No.4724769

Soda and pop have flavours with depth and subtlety. Compare ginger ale to Sprite.

Beer is bitter pisswater with no defining characteristics other than being objectively shit-tier.

This is what you sound like right now.

>> No.4724775


soda has no depth, it's just sweet

>> No.4724789

Both of you are idiots

>> No.4724796

Because wine is vile.

>> No.4724817

This. Also, it's non-intoxicating which is sometimes convenient when you need to be mentally sharp. inb4 durr durr yuropoors more enlightened. As much as you want it to, that's got nothing to do with the issue.

>> No.4724821

Too sweet for me.

I drink carbonated water.

>> No.4724823

i haven't drunk soda for 3 weeks now and i feel so much better

>> No.4724944

It's the drink to have when I'm not having a drink.

Look, I'll drink a nice glass of cold water when I'm thirsty, and a cup or tea or coffee if I'm droopy in the mornings, but if I'm sitting around and I want something non-alcoholic to sip on, it's going to be a nice glass of root beer.

>> No.4725639

I used to drink a 2 liter faygo everyday a few years ago.

Now I drink a gallon of kool-aid everyday, and I've lost 23lbs.

Change is something that everyone can accomplish.

Thanks Obama :')

>> No.4725651
File: 114 KB, 800x319, products_jarritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink soda often, but when I do, it's Jarritos.

Thank you based Mexico.

>> No.4725666

>Now I drink a gallon of kool-aid everyday,
Without sugar I assume?

>> No.4725669

No that would taste terrible. Don't be dumb anon.

>> No.4725685

>drinking something that would taste terrible without sugar
No, you are the dumb one.

>> No.4725733

fuck yes, tamarind and guava are the best

>> No.4725758

I had it once, and recall it being odd. I'd try it again, but my grocery store only sells this stuff in liter bottles, and I don't want a whole liter of weird stuff I may not like.

It's only like 1.25 each, but still.

>> No.4725761

Tamarind, I mean.

>> No.4725766
File: 63 KB, 237x344, 7j2hwo59q6-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> tamarind soda

>> No.4725769

this may be the most pretentious post to start a thread on /ck/ ever

>> No.4725779

cold pop, man...

so good and easy to not think about how much you drink when the default beverage at any kind of restaurant is some kind of pop. love soda, but taking a conscious effort now not to drink any.

>> No.4725811

Not OP here, but I'm a yurofag (as I suspect he is) and I've never tried soda before my late teens. I've also never eaten cereal or been to a fast food restaurant until I went there with some friends in my teens. My parents simply never bought soda or cereal and never took us to fast food restaurants, even though we ate out quite often.

Not everyone's culinary background is the same as a typical American's. Trying soda, not liking it and asking what's the appeal is no more pretentious than reacting the same way to kombucha, kvass or vodka.

>> No.4725822

>the default beverage at any kind of restaurant is some kind of pop
what sort of restaurants do you go to?

the default beverage at any kind of respectable restaurant is water/wine

>> No.4725825

>there are people in this thread right now that don't exclusively drink water

>> No.4725829

It's not fucking hard to see the appeal. it's fizzy, and sweet. what's hard to understand?

>> No.4725853

>Eastern yurop
>Not a 3rd world shithole

Face it anon when people talk about europe they're not talking about you

>> No.4725868

I'm Swiss, what the hell made you think I'm an Eastern European?

>> No.4726056

Probably because 2/3 things you listed are kinda slavvish.

>> No.4726090

>cream soda after white pasta

>> No.4726096

It's sweet and slightly tart, and the carbonation's pleasant. There's a good bit of variety, too.
All in all, I'd say soda's an entertaining drink, and I drink a few types occasionally.

>Go to Ikea
>Buy some crab paste
>It tastes like crap
>The food intuitively seems like crap
>Realize I bought it almost entirely because of the well-designed package
I try to keep stuff like that in check, but you never know when something'll slip. Advertising is probably one of the least ethical thing companies do. Use of psychological principles should really be regulated.

>> No.4726351

>his uncle drinks two of the 2-liter bottles
Is his uncle my dad?
Seriously, I hate how quickly my dad goes through bottles of soda. Sure, we tend to stock up when they're on sale, but as I do all the family shopping he also makes me stock up on cans solely because they're on sale.

Then when I ask "We're out of bottles, but we have 19 dozen cans" --- oh, how I wish that was hyperbole --- "do you want me to grab a few?"
>No, I want bottles, go buy more.

>> No.4726804

I thought they were good examples because kvass is certainly an acquired taste (I tasted it once and I'm planning to again) and vodka is generally only enjoyable either as part of mixed drinks or in the context of a special drinking culture and ritual (similar to absinthe if less pretentious), so if you can't see the appeal you're likely simply doing it wrong.

>> No.4726807

You don't like carbonation?

>> No.4726902

No, what I'm saying is I don't like the rate that my dad consumes soda and the fact that he makes me keep getting cans when he refuses to drink them, solely because the cans are on sale.

>> No.4726921

Ah, misread it. I read it like you preferred 2 liters over cans, which have less carbonation and are more prone to going flat.

>I can't read.

>> No.4726961

im interested. what was that crab crap paste?

>> No.4726991


>> No.4727002

those are some good looking packaging

>> No.4727093

No problem, I misread stuff all the time.

>> No.4727134


>friend asks to come over
>ask him if he wants a beer
>go grab him a drink
>not even 5 minutes later, he asks for another
>keeps fucking getting soda's from the fridge
>none left
>went through 2 cases of pepsi in two days he stayed over
>ate a family sized bag of chips in under 2 minutes
>entire kitchen almost empty of anything quick to eat

It's time to leave, and never come back.

>> No.4727279

when I was a kid we didn't really have a lot of money. I would come over to friends that could have a bowl of candy sitting there for days. that shit would get eaten so fast at our house, but I never took more than one or whenever my friend would take one. I also turned down staying for lunch cause I didn't want to impose

>> No.4727375

good, more soda for me.

>> No.4727390

I dont drink soda cus i wanna get ripped, its fucking delicious though

>> No.4727403

>Stop drinking soda for 3 weeks and then try it and see if it tastes good.

It's still good.

Then again I was never a fan of that cola shit, and I only drink things like local brewed fruit sodas and the good cream sodas and root beer.

>> No.4727404
File: 310 KB, 476x1000, EVERYONECRAVESTHECOKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only enjoy coke because it has the best burn out of all the sodas.

Being dehydrated and then chug down ice cold coke, oh boy, my mouth is salivating.

>> No.4727409

Yeah nah it's still good.

But I have the self control to not constantly have it so it's a non-issue anyway.

>> No.4727429

i never liked that nasty dirty water

when im thirsty i drink milk/water/juice that isn't overpowered with sugar.

so many people drink this nasty tooth and bone dissolving cancer diabetes drink and they order it with every bit of food they get, or drink it at home...
>hi honey im home
>hey babe i made super salad
>lets wash it down with soda

>> No.4727454

>>Kids are well past growth-spurt age, still tiny

This is because of her shit genetics, not because of coke

>> No.4727460

i literally don't know anyone that does this, It's water most of the time, milk for breakfast, soda when i go out to eat.

>> No.4727462

You're just like Vegetarians that hate the fact that people eat meat.

>> No.4727641

Why not a delicious Hefeweizen instead?

>> No.4727661



Hahwaw2funny4me moite.

>> No.4727663


The most extensive study of the influence of beverage consumption habits on kidney stone formation ever was released earlier this year.

>33% increased risk of kidney stones with sugar sweetened noncola
>23% increased risk with sugar-sweetened cola
>18% increased risk with punch
>marginal increase with artificially sweetened noncola
>11% decreased risk with tea
>12% decreased risk with OJ
>16% decreased risk with decaffeinated coffee
>26% decreased risk with coffee
>33% decreased risk with wine
>41% decreased risk with beer

Enjoy your kidney stones, soda drinkers.

>> No.4727666

I love the way cold, carbonated beverages flow down my throat, that's why.

>> No.4727668

M-Muh beer

>> No.4727673


And water?

>> No.4727674



I love beer though...

Thankfully I stick mostly with spirits now though.

I'm curious, what about women and kidney stones? Is it anything significant if they do get them?

>> No.4727672

so I drink beer and soda, so I should be good

>> No.4727676

All of those are primarily water.

>> No.4727677

Oh wait! That's a decreased risk... thank goodness!

>> No.4727678

>I love beer though...
>41% decreased risk

>> No.4727679

>I love beer though...
But that says beer is the best thing you can drink. At least according to your kidneys.

>> No.4727680

>At least according to your kidneys
so basically it comes down to whether you like your kidneys or liver more

>> No.4727681


Yeah, I misread, lol.

>> No.4727768

I like to drink Ginger Ale during work, and if I'm alone I like to drink Cola with my dinner

>> No.4727989

>Enjoy your kidney stones, soda drinkers.
I'll throw mine at your window.

>> No.4727991

>soda gets no love
>beer, wine, spirits, coffee drinkers praised for their "taste"
I mad
>I stopped drinking soda and when I went back to taste it, it was like drinking piss
>yeah man, fucking kiddos talking about sugarwater
opposed to
>I stopped drinking coffee after a while, when I went back I nearly threw up
>you must not have been drinking the right brands, when was it roasted, did you use tap or spring, etc

>> No.4727994

People will be people, there's really no need to be upset.

>> No.4727998

I know quite a few people who get all kinds of unique sodas. They don't drink or quit drinking alcohol so they replace it with soda. It's neat seeing all the different types that are out there.
Cock and Bull ginger beer is one of my favorites, and anything from Maine Root

>> No.4728015

people who drink vodka have much worse taste than people who drink soda