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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 400x284, hostess_fruit_pies2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4716973 No.4716973 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw these things have 30% of DV of fat and 60% DV of saturated fat but only cost 50 cents

>> No.4716979

I ate those all the time as a kid and I grew up tall and fit.

>> No.4716982

can you heat those in the microwavre

>> No.4716984

who's going to stop you?

>> No.4716986

i thought that was what you were supposed to do

i prefer the apple and cherry ones cold

>> No.4716993

They were like $1.29 at the corner store around here IIRC.

>> No.4717036
File: 165 KB, 500x248, Hostess-Fruit-Pies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like anything, they're fine when consumed once in a while but not everyday.

I like 'em, and get half a dozen on occasion when the mood strikes me and
I'd totally buy the lemon and... purple flavored ones, if I could find them.

Never seen peach, blueberry, or blackberry 'round here.

>> No.4717047

Didn't hostess go bankrupt?

>> No.4717059

Fuck you if you don't remember the Ninja Turtle fruit pies.

>> No.4717070
File: 49 KB, 69x120, YYj907c (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this food has a high food energy to cost ratio?

This has been the dream of mankind since the dawn of our species.

nothing to see here

>> No.4717075


They sold these in the bodega around the corner from my middle school. Once or twice a year, I'd get a craving for the fuckers, buy a package because it was 50 cents, take two bites...and remember that I didn't actually like them.

My friends were always thrilled when I bought any because they knew they'd get free fruit pies.

>> No.4717078
File: 604 KB, 2048x1362, Hubigs-Pies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.4717085
File: 692 KB, 681x1024, 1417930-422260476_81596e4a96_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4717099

It has been the dream of Americans to kill every single human being not a member of their local incestuous jesus cult, but we're still not allowing them to because just like these pies, it's dangerous and inhumane. That's why we ban them and leave them to the corrupt subhuman states to consume.

>> No.4717112

> Didn't hostess go bankrupt?

Yes, just long enough to get rid of the union...

>> No.4717110

If we wanted to kill you, you'd be dead.
No, we seem to exist only to keep you savages from killing each other.

>> No.4717512

>real fruit filling

Ho ho ho, this is the funniest comic I've ever seen. Real fruit, good one, thug. They probably are made with beef fat just like the Hostess cupcakes.

>> No.4717544

More freedom > less freedom. No one's forcing you to eat these fucking pies. But if you wanted one they're available. I guess you can't say the same in whatever shitty country you reside in.

>> No.4717561

Is that what they look like?
I can remember being tempted by those damned things year after year, with their nice pastry scent and brightly-colored packaging (much more pleasant than cellophane), but I never got to eat them, mother was a tyrant when it came to desserts.

>> No.4717586

>Real fruit filling
>Artificially flavored

Anyone else notice that?

>> No.4717608


That's fucking genius.

>> No.4717634

I wonder what the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pie was like.

>"Fresh from the sewers to you!"

>> No.4717637

>you will NEVER find blackberry or blueberry in stores





>> No.4717638

I have all those flavors available at the 7/11 down the street.

I only ever get cherry, and only like once every year or two.

>> No.4717643


can't you make those pretty easily though?


isn't that basically it? yet it's processed to hell, and even though it's cherry filling, is "cherry flavored".

Fucking shit.

>> No.4717652

shhh youre thinking too much

>> No.4717654

You can make a lot of things with time and effort and fresh ingredients, but only Hostess makes fruit pies you can buy at a gas station.

>> No.4717658


i call it

you dont have blackberry
pic with timestamp to prove it.

>> No.4717659

I'll stop by there after work tomorrow. I'm already undressed tonight.

>> No.4717670

Thanks for reposting.

>> No.4717704


I remember having a blueberry one when I was a wee lad.

>> No.4717710


you sure it isn't Dolly Madison or another brand? I know they make one that you can find but never seen a hostess one of it, even at the closeout stores.

>> No.4717734

>tfw i would only eat the edges because there's not a good crust to filling ratio in the middle

>> No.4717752

There used to be chocolate versions of these and i used to eat the shit out of them when I was a kid..

>> No.4717793

The last time you assholes had one of these threads it totally reminded me to look for these things during my next road trip since the large majority of these flavors simply do not exist on the east coast. Found chocolate and lemon, purchased it, opened lemon in the parking lot and BLEEEEEEH it was terrible. A gel-like substance that tastes of Pledge with sugar in it.

>> No.4717797

That's because this thread is based off of the nostalgia of eating those pledge-flavored assholes in grade school.

>> No.4717825

Hostess fruit pies: the Neverland of confections

>> No.4717864


It's not about what's at the end of the road though, it's about the journey. You found the lemon.

One day I may find Blackberry and after years of waiting it may be the best thing ever. However chances are its going to taste like a shitty. $1.99 fruit pie full of HFCS and other random shit. Either way, I wont care.

>> No.4717882

I swear these things tasted like god's jizz 20 years ago

>> No.4718148

Pineapple sounds delicious

>> No.4718162

same here huehuehue

>> No.4718165

I stumbled on the chocolate once during a 15 minute break from work in a card store

there was a street fair going on with lots of food, but I ate the pie instead and went back to work
I regret nothing

>> No.4718209

Oh come on the chocolate ones are bad. Apple is superior!
>when not looking at nutrition facts

>> No.4718223

they need to hurry the fuck up and rebuild so i can get my fix. it's been more than a year since the fire.

>> No.4718261

Which means they'll be bankrupt again soon enough.

The union wasn't the real problem. The real problem was the management which took the following pattern:
>We made profit this quarter?
>Bonuses for officers!
>We lost money this quarter?
>Pay increase for officers, so we can "keep and recruit top talent"

No investment in the company. If they needed new capital, they'd either sell off something, close a plant to "reclaim costs" from payroll, or just do another price hike.

There are other companies doing the same thing, but they aren't in a field as price sensitive as "snacks in a fucking gas station."

Seriously, this was like their 5th bankrupcy in 12 years.

>> No.4718267

but its so rare, it was like finding a charizard card

>> No.4718370

Not all fat is equal.

>> No.4718567

Typical America shit. Sell all the healthier foods for 3/5ths of the price. But sell all the stuff that's actually poisonous to your body for dirt cheap.

>> No.4718587

I FUCKING LOVED THOSE as a kid. I'd get one every week on my fathers pay day.

>> No.4718588

pretty much this.

>> No.4718640

They seemed common in the Pittsburgh area.

>> No.4718642

See this makes it sound like management is horrible. I'm not saying they aren't, however the upper executives and shareholders own the company. They make money from it same way you expect to make money from your investments.

>> No.4720727
File: 49 KB, 400x597, Indiana_Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see I fucking called it!

Jedi or voice of reason, you decide.

>you will never find blackberry hostess fruit pies!! And even for some reason if you did, you would never be allowed to cross the seal with one.

>> No.4720740

Chocolate pies were a staple of my youth, we had a Hostess outlet down the road from my house and they always had them (and blackberry too) in stock. I still see the chocolate ones occasionally but I haven't seen a blackberry one in 17 years.

I think there are a couple of bakeries still open nearby, I'll see if I can find a blackberry pie too.