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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1024x768, european pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4714880 No.4714880 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Europeans lack a palate sophisticated enough to differentiate the taste of fresh and frozen pizzas
>mfw my face is a freshly prepared European pizza

A restaurateur has duped the public with an extraordinary stunt.

Gary Newborough, owner of La Pizzeria Ristorante in Manchester, England, held a VIP opening of his new restaurant, inviting foodies to taste his “pizza with a real difference” which he was offering for free.

The response was reportedly positive – that is, until Newborough revealed his secret: he was serving up frozen pizzas bought at a local supermarket.


>> No.4714906

On a related note, frozen pizza can be pretty damn good, even on par with retaurants

>> No.4714917
File: 29 KB, 500x456, 1368166701691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We kinda already had this thread

>> No.4714930

Are you seriously complaining about reposts on 4chan?

>> No.4714936

>Are you seriously complaining about shitposts on 4chan?


>> No.4714938

>complaining about shitposting on 4chan

First day here?

>> No.4714943

>not sageing blatant shitpost

Kettle meet pot.

>> No.4714970
File: 12 KB, 582x386, point_over_your_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh downbote!

>> No.4714974

>muh 'we've shit up this thread so bad that i wish it was deleted'

>> No.4714984

everyone already knew europe fucking sucks shit when it comes to american foods like pizza and hamburgers. For god sakes they don't know how to cook a fucking BALL OF GROUND BEEF.

>> No.4714989
File: 117 KB, 704x396, 1356836740126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> macaroni on pizza

>> No.4714990

Why do you hate being american so much?

>> No.4715001

"Well, it's Manchester, England.

Not like anybody was going to notice bad food anyway."

I lol'd.

>> No.4715004

>this just in!
>Monsanto and the food industry has duped the entire United States of America into eating human pet food!

News at 11.

>> No.4715007

pasta on top of pizza...
what the fuck England? are you guys even trying at all?
its like you broke toothed daft cunts said "oi! dis 'eer meal doesnt 'av enuff carbs in'it. We outta adds some more carbs to it, 'ow about we adds some macaroni?!"
"oi! dats bloody brilliant it is, why dont we bread it n deep fry it too & den we can serves wit some chips mate!"

>> No.4715041
File: 818 KB, 1600x1200, Pizza with Ravoli Sauce - 8-14-2005 - 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've often made pizza with pasta on it. Here's one that has ravioli on it under the toppings as the sauce of the pizza. I do that with leftovers a lot too; spaghetti, mac-n-cheese, ramen, etc. It is one of the ways to make leftovers less boring.

I'm American too.

>> No.4715052


Jesus, that was 8 years ago and I posted it on /ck/ back then too.

>> No.4715056
File: 498 KB, 1024x768, 1265512746786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4715061

Why did they ruin a decent-looking pizza with those toppings...

>> No.4715063

time flies eh

>> No.4715066

what are those black discs of shit?

>> No.4715070

Probably blood pudding.

>> No.4715071

It is a full English breakfast pizza and those would be blood pudding I suspect.


>> No.4715072

that would be black pudding.
that pizza basically has all the major components of an irish breakfast

>> No.4715073 [DELETED] 

please say that's blood sausage and not something else

>> No.4715169

What is that stuff near the bottom? Is it some kind of meat?

>> No.4715182

>implying frozen pizza sold in europe isn't so high quality that it could be mistaken for restaurant quality pizza
>implying american restaurant and frozen pizza are not pig shit tier

>> No.4715203
File: 168 KB, 271x359, 1368031303518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying american restaurant pizza is worse than UK restaurant pizza

>> No.4715325

>implying foodies anywhere aren't completely full of shit

>> No.4715341


>adding unnessecarily fattening extras to an otherwise adequate meal

Really? You want to go THERE America?!

>> No.4715354

except scabby looking bacon instead of proper rashers. and no white pudding as well as black, downer

>> No.4715355

>otherwise adequate
Might as well go all out if you're going to do it.

It kind of reminds me of fat fucks who regularily eat fat-free ice cream and drink diet soda, instead of having frozen custard and pure sugar soda as a treat on very rare occasions.

>> No.4715653

This is the UK we're talking about here. We both know they aren't any better.

>> No.4715661



>> No.4715671

I choose to like mashed potatoes on MY pizza.

>> No.4715672

Get on asias level faggots.

>> No.4715673


England is not in Europe you silly man

>> No.4715676

This is how all UKfags actually communicate.

>> No.4715691

I fail to see a butter reference here...

>> No.4715702
File: 107 KB, 749x392, minidog_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian pizza

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.4715704

Fucking hipsters. He should have charged €50 per pizza, they would have rated it even higher

>> No.4715757


Yeah, but complaints about pasta on pizza are a bit rich from the land of the chocolate-chip corndog.

Anyway, find me a country in the world that doesn't put something unusual or superfluous on top of a pizza. Looking at you Sweden.

>> No.4715806


nothing to see here

>> No.4716039

> an irish breakfast

What on Earth does that pizza have that isn't a part of an English breakfast?
>mfw Ireland has so little indigenous culture it has to pretend a poxy English breakfast was their idea.

>> No.4716078

This isn't new. People don't know shit. Expectations always alters people's perceptions. People have done this time and time again duping expert wine tasters with box wine and health foodies with 1000 calorie salads vs 300 calorie fast food.

>> No.4716083

everyone already knew europe fucking sucks shit when it comes to american foods like pizza and hamburgers. For god sakes they don't know how to cook a fucking BALL OF GROUND BEEF.

>> No.4716099
File: 54 KB, 800x478, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eurotrash trying to into pizza

>> No.4716132

Did you know that in addition to the terrible food, you have to pay to use the toilet in europoorland?
You get that? You have to pay money to take a piss.

>> No.4716165
File: 39 KB, 320x319, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew thats gross

>> No.4716194

This is like the Pizza Hut commercials where they served their shitty frozen pasta to unsuspecting Italians in a REAL Italian restaurant in Italy! WOWIE WOW

>> No.4717304

that's a fucking abomination. disgusting

>> No.4717407


>Mfw Britain is not in Europe

Britain is next to Europe

>> No.4717573

I see we have someone who gets their facts from Fox News.

>> No.4717590

Depends if any additions were made to the pizzas.
also I'd expect a pizza oven to cook far more evenly than my home oven. I have no idea why that is

>> No.4718060

Neither is Sweden, right? Europeans have absolutely no pride.

>> No.4718081
File: 60 KB, 500x375, kebab pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for superior Scandinavian pizza.

>> No.4718101

>>convection oven vs conventional oven

>> No.4718128

Like murrifats have anything to be proud of. Pride is a sin anyway and murrriplebs are a prime example.

>> No.4718141

>knowing shit about food

oi m8 it be 8 bong toime fer me black bacon fried eggs, whole red round rumbumbler, chewey risers, flat n flappies, n a pint of tree milk. me betta eat quick before me second breakfast

>> No.4718147

Muh Eurolard asspain!

>> No.4718159

That looks wonderfully delicious. Got a recipe?

>> No.4718160

protip, this is an advertising scam paid for by the frozen pizza company

>> No.4718161
File: 15 KB, 223x140, wtf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently came back from visiting some relatives in Minnesota. I didn't want to intrude, so I lived in a motel nearby. The last day I stayed at their house though, because it was closer to the airport.

When it was dinner time, the wife of the family busted out this deep plate that looked like a trough or something used for cooking an over-sized gratin.

After the family had gathered by the table to say grace, I sat around waiting for plates or any form of cutlery but was straight urged to "dig in". I looked around confused and then noticed the spoons hanging from the sides of the dish. Everyone was expected to eat straight from this container.

Watching father, mother, two sons and a daughter stirring their spoons in it and shovel it straight into their mouths, I felt super awkward.

Weirdest culinary experience of my life. I mean, what the hell?

Just how common is this in America? Back home people could barely believe this when I told them.

pic related, it looked like this

>> No.4718171
File: 362 KB, 1300x977, bilbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me betta eat quick before me second breakfast

Well, I suppose saving the world by casting dark lord Obama's false birth certificate into the pits of Mt. Capitol can wait, there's second breakfast.

>> No.4718180

The basics vary from place to place, but contents are generally a very thin pizza crust, tomato sauce, cheese, and a healthy amount of sliced doner kebab, pepperoni peppers and tzatziki, the yoghurt-based sauce laden on top rather heavily. The local place I prefer, not picture related, uses a mildly spicy but very savoury tomato kebab sauce with the meat, along with jalopeno slices, fresh raw tomato slices, and the tzatziki has a mild amount of mint and dill. Variety between kebab shops is slight, but definite, as I found out by trying different local shops.

>> No.4718185
File: 457 KB, 1600x1200, DSC_2442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to dump a few delicious European pizzas.

>> No.4718187
File: 71 KB, 563x563, 1375642868023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has been an awful lot of USA vs. Europe threads lately...

>> No.4718188

I've never heard of anything like that. I live in Maryland, though.

>> No.4718193
File: 13 KB, 250x184, Tatar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how it's done clappy

>> No.4718195

Sounds like they're foreigners or poor.

>> No.4718197

yum, but wheres the beans?

>> No.4718199
File: 73 KB, 307x315, 1374882700943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confusing uncooked food with cooked
Are you lost, yurofriend?

>> No.4718201

Thanks a bundle, I'm gonna try this for myself on my next grocery run, once I get paid.

>> No.4718208

Yeah. Been like that for years really. It'd be nice if we could have a good Japan vs. Korea, or Singapork vs. Mudlaysia, or Australia vs. New Zealand thread or something.

Shit gets old yo.

>> No.4718222

>muh fat pride

You're crying just because you got rekt, fatty.

>> No.4718226

>Japan vs. Korea
try >>>/int/
> Singapork vs. Mudlaysia
virtually the same food (except for the pork)
>Australia vs. New Zealand
also same, but more hearty warm food in NZ, also endless bickering about who invented pavlova and lamingtons

>> No.4718323

>I'm not mad, you are!

Oh 4chan, how I missed your... demographic.

>> No.4718355
File: 563 KB, 768x1024, 1355268336241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ketchup really makes this European pizza.

>> No.4718365

Is that the best you can do? Amerifat kids...pffthahaha

>> No.4718369

>keeps posting shitty american pizza
>"i-i-it's european!"


>> No.4718393
File: 102 KB, 602x504, ZBbxayi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat americunts having the guff to talk down to any country about it's cuisine


>> No.4718416
File: 463 KB, 1024x776, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, how shitty is American pizza?!

>> No.4718421

How about this,
>Fat eurocunts having the guff to talk down to any country about it's cuisine.
There ya go, sounds just as retarded the other way around and you're a sad person.

>> No.4718431

except murrrika doesn't even have it's own recognized cuisine, everything the fat fucks eat is from elsewhere

just like murrika has no culture nor a wealth of history (lolol less than 300 years)

all america has is clapping and hamburgers

>> No.4718432
File: 72 KB, 554x534, youfuckingwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. You're right. I guess Europeans really know nothing about food.

>> No.4718438

I find it hard to complain about what they eat if it comes from other countries then, maybe go after the places that had originally made it. That said and I don't know if you are the person I replied too or not but the whole "My country is better than this or that" for any reason is just sad, trolls will be trolls and people will hate other people or countries or whatever for no reason, just enjoy life though, didn't think it is hard to do.

>> No.4718439

it's not his fault
some people see the word europe and equate it to dapper, stiffly dressed mustachioed men who ride bicycles with wheels of differing sizes who only break at precisely 3 pm to drink tea and praise the queen
british food is really unimpressive and that anon was talking shit about the wrong thing

>> No.4718440 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck are you retarded, didn't I say anything about that? No dipshit, go take you roids and anger out on your local prostitute you fucking twat.

>> No.4718444

>just enjoy life

I fart in your general direction.

>> No.4718445

if pizza had it's own separate laws of physics, this would be some sort of spacetime anomaly being sucked into a double wormhole orbiting an inverse sun at 2 times the speed of light

>> No.4718446

Holy fuck are you retarded, did I say anything about that? No dipshit, go take you roids and anger out on your local prostitute you fucking twat.

>> No.4718448

Good for you kid.

>> No.4718450

Don't you fucking bust our ass over pizza you euroPEON. Our pizza is best pizza.

>> No.4718453

>did I say anything about [europeans not having good food]
>Fat eurocunts having the guff to talk down to any country about it's cuisine
bottom lel
>take your anger out on...
>You: "I am not mad, you are mad [insert various swears] "

>> No.4718454



>> No.4718456

Go finish your dog burger, nipnong

>> No.4718459

We don't do that here in California.

>> No.4718469

>Never said anything about not being mad
>Thinks hes a kool kid for twisting words around
I got to hand it to you, you are certainly bad at this.

>> No.4718470

I will you fat eurocunt. My pizza still reigns supreme. After all you europeons are now trying to immitat my hot dog pizza.
You don't even do it right, the dogs are scattered around the pizza not placed lovingly around the crust. You really are just lazy fat assholes like those fuckers in murrica. FUCK OFF CUNT

>> No.4718474

>Projectionism at its finest. Stay classy euroPEON

>> No.4718478


>shitposting sameamerifat

tip lyl

>> No.4718795

>some people in manchester liked their free frozen pizza
>people like free pizza
HURR YURPEANS HAV NO TASTE!!1 merican pizza superior!!!11

>> No.4720217

Can Eurotards not read now either?

>> No.4720233

Funny to see people defending the US in here.

Guys, we suck. We're fat retards. Stop pretending we're ok. We're not.

>> No.4720932

Funny to see people defending the UK in here.

Guys, we suck. We're fat retards. Stop pretending we're ok. We're not.

>> No.4720942

Stop trying to put the UK with us when it's convenient.

>> No.4720945

Such wit and sly coherence as a reply.

You must be american.

>> No.4721220

This shit is just depressing.

>> No.4721227

>frozen pizza can be pretty damn good, even on par with restaurants
Are you a heavy smoker, or lost your tongue in war or something?

>> No.4721247

>Thinking his reply contains wit and or coherence.
You must be British.

>> No.4722697
File: 241 KB, 1600x1200, 8462363901268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another delicious European pizza.

>> No.4722749

Are those bananas and peanuts...

>> No.4722839

Uh, I guess the Italians were in on that too?

Please, OP, it's not palette driven but time driven, like most convenience foods are. They don't want to tell the difference because if they did, that would mean extra effort.

That could be time away from their children, or time away from Skyrim. Doesn't matter, in a household where that is more important than taste, frozen will almost always win.

I'm sure folks feel all superior now. Wait until the crash when you're eating rats and rabbits. (Ask your great-grandparents about that.)

>> No.4722847

Frozen pizzas can't compare to at least decent freshly made pizza.

But some pizzerias out there serve some nasty shit. Frozen pizza may be good in comparison.

>> No.4723393

They are. I've had it, and yes, it's as bad as it looks.

>> No.4723421

>Wait until the crash when you're eating rats and rabbits.

Today's poor people do not eat "rats or rabbits". They eat McDonalds, they eat Burger King, they eat KFC, they eat Pizza Hut, they eat cheap chinese takeout junk, cheetos, poptarts, twinkies, american cheese, cheez whiz, miracle whip, ranch dressing, ramen, and so on and so on. They eat bulk products whose shelf lives are longer than presidential terms.

So I'm really sorry, but the crash isn't coming in the form you're hoping for. The world isn't going to roll backwards to satisfy your survivalist fantasies.

>> No.4723687

How is it any worse than "Hawaiian" pizzas?

>> No.4723765


pick two

>> No.4723774

I don't know about bananas (doesn't sound good,) nuts however are pretty good on pizza.

>> No.4723841

It's probably shit, here in Britain we eat it all the time. As my old dinner lady used to say with a roar of laughter as she scooped our helpings, 'out one way, in the other!'

>> No.4723853

The American version of Hamburger is different than the German original. They made a steak sandwich, this was not available to them in the US. So ground beef was used and the American Hamburger was born.

>> No.4723874

Add shredded iceberg lettuce for crunch. In Denmark it's often called a salad pizza. And it is in fact really delicious.

>> No.4723894

it makes it fun to eat with friends

>> No.4724963

Is that Macaroni on that Pizza ?

>> No.4725249
File: 458 KB, 1600x1200, 8264026489237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4725269

do europeans not understand that pizza's are supposed to be fucking organized? just fucking throwing shit on top isn't going to work.

>> No.4725311
File: 245 KB, 500x500, red-barrons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like getting drunk and eating Red Baron™ pizza.

>> No.4725342

>do europeans not understand that pizza's
Pizza was created and perfected in Europe, as was the usage of the apostrophe.

Please learn both of these facts.

>> No.4725345
File: 692 KB, 1958x2611, 1376698091656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4725362

>Pizza was created and perfected in Europe

No it wasn't.

>> No.4726436
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x1952, imag0250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that this exists.

>> No.4726438


Me too.

>> No.4726440

Looks like Swedish creation.

>> No.4726441

I really hope this is advertised as a sandwich and not something to take slices out of.

>> No.4727381

>Pizza was created and perfected in Europe

Did you not even skim over the thread?

>> No.4727384

>Wait until the crash when you're eating rats and rabbits.

my parents use to eat bee larvae, random fruits from trees and sweet potatoes

get on their level

>> No.4727385

>chips and cucumber on "pizza"

good lord

>> No.4727387

>says the fag

>> No.4727391

The sauce.

>> No.4727402


Are you serious?

>> No.4727469

had this thread many times before

Don't get me wrong, I hate pretentious foodies as much as the next channer but this article is a bit misleading

Readers are kinda lead to believe that Gary really trolled foodies in a spectacular fashion, but nothing is said about how long it took until the word was out during launch night and also there aren't any quotes from the attendees who were supposedly "waxing lyrical"

It's a little hard to gauge how badly those guests were duped based on that DM writing

>> No.4727493

It's the British though, they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. I'm sure many of them went home thinking they had the best pizza of their lives. They're an embarrassment to Europe.

>> No.4727503

It's the British, the nation with a long-standing tradition of "imaginative" journalism.

>> No.4727507

And being fat degenerates.

>> No.4727510

I've never heard of that. Obscene. Minnesota is generally made fun of for being extremely fat and making terrible food. At least in the South they get fat on good food.

>> No.4727564 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, 7812893764893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this delicious European treat!.

>> No.4727589
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, 7812893764893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this delicious European treat!

>> No.4727655

Is this what Europeans are referring to when they talk about their "real cheese?"

>> No.4727665

yes, it is, cut fresh off the wheel

>> No.4729134

That is easily the worst pizza I've seen in my life. Just give it up, brits.

>> No.4729156

Wow they pizza is heresy. The pizza gods would have turned you to sauce, but you're too fucking tainted britfags.

>> No.4729158
File: 148 KB, 435x435, 1375215330172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks delicious.

>> No.4730708
File: 436 KB, 1825x1217, 4527085368431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more chips.

>> No.4730746


>> No.4730762

You mean rubbish

>> No.4731990

Canadian pizza looks a lot like this. Will post later.

>> No.4732000

damn that was some nice english

>> No.4732004


>> No.4732013

not lying that looks gud

>> No.4732014

hahah ohh FUCK!!!! Great comeback, not being sarcastic shit son damn.

>> No.4732016


>> No.4732018


>> No.4732023

Practically perfect in every way.

>> No.4732027

That looks like some really shitty non American pizza.

>> No.4732028

hahah ohh FUCK!!!! Great comeback, not being sarcastic shit son dam

>> No.4732035

>mfw Americans lack a palette sophisticated enough to not give a fuck about the authenticity of fucking fast food.

>> No.4732053

>mfw europeons lack a palette sophisticated enough to understand the majesty of perfected American pizza.

>> No.4732209


Stop associating us with those shit stained tooth bongers.

>> No.4732237

I'd like to parrot this. I'd also prefer people being insulted based on their nationality, not the continent they live on. The term "European" has about as much to do with me and my home country as "mooninite" would.

>> No.4732238

I'll take note of this limey.
Also I am going to bed, so have a nice day.

>> No.4732240

>Europeans always steal each other's accomplishments when it's beneficial to brag about being "European"
>Immediately skirt away from any notion that a moniker like "European" exists whenever they get insulted

You people fucking sicken me. How long has it been since you've shatpost on 4chan about German engineering or Italian cars/fashion/design?

Europeans are disgusting, filthy creatures who deserve to die just for being born.

>> No.4732241

Perhaps you should call them euroPEONS.

>> No.4732281

and rednecks in the south/fatties on scooters is not everywhere in America, just concentrated in a few of the retard states.. yet the entire US gets hated on about it
your point?

>> No.4732549

you've clearly lived in england for a very long time and you definitely know how things work here. Well done, here's your "Im bruttish" sticka.

Big talk from the country that gave the world sprayable cheese.

>> No.4733076
File: 402 KB, 1200x1600, poutine_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this Canadian poutine pizza. This particular Canadian is washing it all down with the finest Canadian chocolate milk.

>> No.4733100
File: 45 KB, 640x480, IMG_0329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, this is actually a fucking thing.

>> No.4733140
File: 205 KB, 960x640, pizza-tonno-cipolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better buckle up USA, we put tuna on our pizzas. And it's fucking delicious.

>> No.4733279

Question: Do other countries have anything like a Cici's Pizza/pizza buffet? I see a lot of weird-ass foreign pizzas, and on the off-chance that I ever hit the lottery and go travelling, I want to be able to try some, but only a slice at a time rather than throwing down on a whole pie to find out that poutine pizza really *is* that disgusting...

>> No.4733558

>sprayable cheese
I don't care what country that came from, or what planet. Sprayable cheese is a total fucking abomination that takes everything worthwhile about cheese and drags it lengthways through a sewage settling pond while being attacked by skunks and rabid hippopotamuses with halitosis.

>> No.4734139

Are you gay, female or just an overly dramatic teenager?

>> No.4734165

all three baby

>> No.4734928

I Googled this and I'd eat the fuck out of it. I'm not really a fan of tuna salad, but tuna melts are pretty good. Tuna and onions could be awesome.

>> No.4734957

It's just kebab with a different kind of bread. Stop your autism.

>> No.4734964 [DELETED] 

How the fuck could you ever defend this? Look at it!

>> No.4734966

>Uk has no taste

geez what a scoop!

>> No.4734999

How the fuck could you defend this? Look at it!

>> No.4735058

It's as bad as Canadian pizza, there's no defending it.

>> No.4735064

>implying this isn't a publicity stunt by Dr Oetker

>> No.4735068

Should I post the tuna pizza again?

>> No.4735070

Because they totally cooked the frozen pizza in the same oven you cook yours at home right?

I have no doubt that cooking a frozen pizza in a proper brick oven will make it taste completely different (and probably better) than cooking it in a convection oven, just like how cooking stuff that is usually microwavable in an oven will make them taste better than if they were microwaved.

>> No.4735071

Why not.

>> No.4735072


That's not a european pizza. I can see avocado.

>> No.4735074

>implying cooking a pizza made for a home oven in a bread oven wouldn't, if anything, make it worse than cooking it the way it was intended to be cooked

>> No.4735076

Plebs, all of you.

The only true pizza is the kind you get out in the Italian countryside, with only tomato sauce and goat-milk mozzarella, with a crust that is almost as thin as two quarters stacked together.

>> No.4735078


>Can't recognize the difference between pizzette and pizza

Just what I would expect from inbred american hick like you

>> No.4735080


Fuck you

>> No.4735083


Crazy croats I fucking love you guys.

>> No.4735084


It's falafel you megaretard.

>> No.4735089

Just give up you cannot defined that garbage.

>> No.4735092


yeah no, italians are the US of european food; they haven't invented shit. pizza originates as seasoned flatbread in some shitty middle-eastern country.

>> No.4735093


You bet your sweet, tight little hiney it is good.

>> No.4735114

>yeah no, italians are the US of european food; they haven't invented shit. pizza originates as seasoned flatbread in some shitty middle-eastern country.

Oh god. We've gone all the way from bro-science to bro-cultural antropology.

Please contain your bullshit.

>> No.4735117

>what is different kind of meat
>what are different spices
>what is different taste

>> No.4735783
File: 2.51 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_0934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you doing this, Canada?

>> No.4735851

Who cares? No one gives a shit about Canada.

>> No.4735859

Would eat if drunk. And I naturally assume all Canadians are drunk all the time.

>> No.4735862

You'd stay drunk too if you lived in the frigid wastelands just north of USA...

>> No.4735865

>>4735862 here, and I just had an epiphany. I was clearly joking about Canada being a frigid wasteland, but that is the image that most USians have when they think of the country. I think I know a contributing factor.

Growing up, I remember almost all maps of North America showed Canada in white, USA in green, and Mexico was always brown. Idea planted in kids' minds: Canada is frozen, USA is awesome (green means 'go', is the colour of our money, and many other awesome things), and Mexico is shite. Indoctrination works!

>> No.4735896

Go home, anonymous. You're drunk.

>> No.4735987

They are awesome.
But is Pizza Tonno really just an European thing? What Pizza do muricans eat? Much cheese I suppose?

>> No.4735994

>Manchester, England
>Sophisticated palatar

Yeah... Whatever...

>> No.4736015

I don't get it either. Tuna and salami are an intensely delicious combination.

>> No.4736047

Pepperoni's probably our most popular topping (not including cheese). For my part, I like a meat lover's pizza (pepperoni, sausage, hamburger, and bacon) if eating with others (because none of my friends complain) or a hawaiian (ham and pineapple) for myself.

>> No.4736089

if it's a meat lover's pizza, why is the first topping you listed a vegetable and the third one a sandwich?

>discouraging ypeschu

>> No.4736110

Sorry, I knew those parentheses would get people confused. Let me re-write it.

>For my part, I like a meat lover's pizza if eating with others, or a hawaiian for myself. Meat lover's has a bunch of meat on it, which my friends like; hawaiian is just ham and pineapple.

>> No.4736130

>That punchline
I've been trying to make a good joke with it for years. Fuck.

>> No.4736137

Different American here. Pizzas with pretty much everything available on them are very common. Mushrooms are very popular and often paired with a meat. Pineapple and sort of spiced meat or pineapple mushrooms are pretty common as well.

Most places also sell barbeque pizzas, made with a sweet sauce associated with ribs, and cream sauce and chicken pizzas.

One of my favorites is no longer being sold, but it was made with mock duck, mixed mushrooms, and onions.

>> No.4736150

>Great Brittain

Pick one, they even say they're not a part of the EU.

>> No.4736157

>pepperoni, sausage, hamburger, and bacon

Jeeze... you really have a sausage that's labeled just "sausage", and it's a valid pizza filling of all things?

What is it made of? Is it, like, hot dog or something?

>> No.4736183

nobody is really sure. its some sort of meat.

>> No.4736194

It's an uncased pork sausage with heavy amounts of fennel, anise, and black pepper.

>> No.4736242

What >>4736194 said. I bet you think pickle is just a verb, too :)

>> No.4736307

I live in MN. At first I thought you were going somewhere else with this story and talking about hot-dish (aka a casserole), but I was weirded out and suprised. That was definitely a strange thing. I've never heard of anyone do that, and I grew up in the po-dunk part and then moved to the "big" city there. I think that family's just a little cray cray.

>> No.4736584 [DELETED] 

What Eurotard country you embarrassing fucks going to condemn next?

>> No.4736947

I bet their immune systems rock yours. And they don't have to buy/clean as many dishes. Take that.

>> No.4737555

How the fuck would you even cut this thing?

>> No.4738474

>How the fuck would you even cut this thing?

They don't. Notice how it was served on a plate as a single serving?

>> No.4738599

falafel on pizza - not ok

kebab on pizza - delicious

>> No.4738834

>American talking about discerning pizza quality

You basically invented that garbage variety of it.

>> No.4739152

>I'm too idiotic to comprehend what I'm looking at

>> No.4740229
File: 194 KB, 1600x1200, 1838402865129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I even want to know what sauce is on this European banana pizza?

>> No.4741107

It looks like mayo to me. As if the banana and "cheese" wasn't disgusting enough.

>> No.4741109

Some frozen pizzas are actually better than the ones you get from a pizzeria.

>> No.4741137

Banana and mascarpone is a fucking godsend.

Never say never.

>> No.4741159

Do they have pizza express in places outside of london? I remember liking that when I went for a visit.

>> No.4741187

It's fairly widespread in the UK.
It's very good.

>> No.4741255

I remember my friends saying it was the only food they could stand to eat when we were all there. I was shocked, considering I found some awesome eats ranging all the way from street food to good sushi (in this random restaurant that was hidden inside an asian market near St. James park...I don't think I could find it again if I tried.)
I mean, we were on a budget so we never went anywhere high end, and breakfast at our hostel was absolutely disgusting (do you guys really all slather beans on top of all your breakfast food or was it just the shitty free food we got there?), but overall I liked what we had.
Meh. maybe next time I'll go with people who can enjoy something other than fish n chips (and probably only bc that shit was super deep fried)

>> No.4741260

asian cp is the best but asian pizza is fucking disgusting

>> No.4741261

cut up those peppers and would happily eat/10

>> No.4741271

usa here and that looks edible . would give it a try/10

>> No.4741281

probably an aioli

>> No.4742013


If you're in London the good food places that are more affordable are generally a bit out of the way and harder to find, so you need to go out of your way to find stuff sometimes e.g. Seoul Bakery by Tottenham Court Rd station

>> No.4742169

mom made a great pizza today:
serrano ham

field salad when it was finished.
it was epic.

>> No.4742172

also artichokes

>> No.4742373

>as thin as two quarters stacked together
You meant "as thick". Because that's thick as fuck.

>> No.4742425

Hamburgers are German you idiot euro trash

>> No.4742441

that could only have happened to richfags who had never had a fucking frozen pizza in their lives before and so didnt know what one tastes like
(theres some of the better kind that taste kind of ok, but on a certain level they all taste the same - ALL of them - have that "frozen supermarket pizza" taste to them that is unique to frozen pizzas)

>> No.4742628

I've eaten the brand of pizza that was served, it's just like an American Totino's frozen pizza. I ate two when I visited America, there's no way you couldn't notice it.

Were the foodies drunk?

>> No.4743399

>not drunk

Why do you think they're so angry the majority of the time?

>> No.4743524


>> No.4743539

I still don't get it, how can you not know the difference between fresh and frozen pizzas? The picture in the OP has "frozen" pretty much written on it. Just look at it, fuck.

>> No.4743564

>thinks people don't get happy when drunk

>> No.4743582

>human pet food!

>> No.4744807
File: 3 KB, 211x152, 1354575605435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Europeans so plebeian? First the french decide they don't want to cook anymore and now they can't tell if a pizza came from a grocery store.

>> No.4744812

>mfw Americans eat Taco Bell


>> No.4745086
File: 56 KB, 540x405, abou%2Bali%2Blebanese%2Bbakery%2Bpizza%2Bwollongon%2Broad%2Barncliffe%2B053[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Lebanese style pizza, i get it every time i'm in the wog suburbs

>> No.4746193

What the fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.4746299

Your pizza has an STD, bro.

>> No.4746525
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, 2738562063810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is breakfast in Europe

>> No.4746538

Taco Bell is the armpit of mexican food, everybody knows this. You're like the kind of person who gets mad at people for apparently thinking that Taco Bell is authentic. Nobody thinks this, everybody knows it's cheap stoner garbage. We eat it as cheap stoner garbage.

>> No.4747750

This is literally the only pizza in the thread that has been sliced. Why the fuck do Euro pizza restaurants expect you to slice your own pizza? It's bad enough that they serve these "pizzas" in the first place.

>> No.4748170

What the fuck is that

>> No.4748172

I'm pretty sure there are people out there who think Taco Bell is real Mexican food just because they don't have access to any other Mexican cuisine

>> No.4748175

Still looks better than a jew york pizza

>> No.4748177

I find it funny how Americans think they know better how to make pizza, than the people who invented it.

>> No.4748181

Americanized dishes have been proven superior to all "authentic" dishes:
>more dough
>more cheese
>ready sliced for fast consumption
>served with ranch dressing

What's there not to like about a good Margarita with ranch and garlic dressing?

>> No.4748182

i'm going to use this next time i get in a serious argument.
>oh yeah? well, my immune system could kick your immune system's ass!

>> No.4748184

>ranch and garlic dressing on a pizza
Stop trolling.

>> No.4748186

more fat = better

mericun logic

>> No.4748187 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 219x173, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay at their house. They lived in a pretty small city and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially you had to throw the used toilet paper in a separate bin and then also scoop the biggest turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels like Cyprus, Spain and Greece but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?


>> No.4748188


The whole reason Italians immigrated to America was because they couldn't feed themselves. So of course they and their descendants created superior dishes once the had plentiful ingredients.

>> No.4748220

I've never seen that or heard ofthat anywhere I've ever lived in the U.S. Some third-worlders who move to the U.S. think that they can't flush TP because they couldn't back in whatever shithole they came from. Does that describe your relatives?

>> No.4748221

Haven't seen this copypasta in a while...

>> No.4748225


Sounds like your relatives were having a problem with their septic tank maybe?

I've never heard of this and and it sounds really odd.

>> No.4748242

R ur family members mexican or r u 3rd world shit?

>> No.4748247

They are your typical white Iowa family. They said it had to do with the village's infrastructure and that it happened like twice a year.

>> No.4748255

that's why we now have great dishes like pasta fazool, right?

americanised italian food is crap
go to italy
see for yourself

>> No.4748266

They don't use corn syrup in their dough. It can't be good.


>> No.4748281

* shivers *

>> No.4748302

We know how to use a knife and fork, fatty.


>> No.4748479
File: 198 KB, 719x538, 6296210924521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pizza has been sliced and it seems to be covered in what I can only imagine to be European digestive enzymes.

>> No.4749409

a lot of "fresh made" pizza uses premade dough, canned sauce, and mediocre cheese.

>> No.4749434

Which isn't true. Op actually has facts and you have your American hate which means nothing.

>> No.4750189

Are you implying Europeans puke on their food before they shove it into their faces? If so, I support this message.

>> No.4751433

That is pizza in Britain. One of the few countries in europe without food culture.
And one of the few countries in europe who thinks beans in food still is a pretty neat idea.


>> No.4751450

>This is what americholesterols actually believe

>> No.4751494

>people posting disgusting Brit and scandinavian pizza which consists of unorthodox toppings like kebab pizza with kebab sauce or baked beans
>not posting the real european pizzas
>no tuna spinachi onions red pepper pizza covered with garlic oil
Thats like the heaven of pizza and to be honest I never saw any of your posted toppings in my life eventhough I am eating pizza in westeurope for 21 years.

>> No.4752298

Why are Europeans so ashamed of themselves? You know, besides the obvious.

>> No.4752612

Did you really need to ask? Just read the thread.

>> No.4752631

>open face hoagie

>> No.4752634
File: 299 KB, 1000x750, 5269402784146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another delicious European pizza. Step up.

>> No.4752647

As they say. "The sore thumb sticks out."

>> No.4752662

They didn't even cook the veggies on top, wtf?

>> No.4752753

Europeans like to avoid cooking these days.

>> No.4753232

wow, for a second I thought the little "dogs" were embryos. Still disgusting, though.

>> No.4753284

>Yuropoors are so poor they can't even afford to cook their food


>> No.4753285

That's because British and Scandi pizza is fucking horrific and most of the Europeans on 4chan are Britbongs.

Sorry, Romancebro.

>> No.4753291

Maybe European frozen pizza is just that good.

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.4753294

>All those salty Americans in this thread

I'm sorry you get made fun of so much but your butthurt is hilarious.

>> No.4753303

>~$32 for a large pizza
Oh man, I keep forgetting it's a luxury food over there.

>> No.4753311

Wait, does "kebab" imply a specific form of meat in Americaland? Genuinely curious - I could understand "kebab meat" to refer to chicken/beef/lamb prepared for kebabs, but it seems as if you were referring to "kebab" as, first and foremost, a type of meat.

>> No.4753322

>beans in food still is a pretty neat idea.
What's wrong with beans?

>> No.4753327

They mean doner or gyro meat

>> No.4753344

Ah, it was just the person two of them were replying to was using kebab correctly, so their confusion fed my own.

>> No.4753355
File: 74 KB, 500x333, kebabkött.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's a regional thing. In Sweden this, and nothing else, is kebab meat, unless it's specified that it is chicken or whatever. Döner isn't used at all, and Gyro is Greek, which has and should have nothing to do with kebab at all.

So why is this? It's because the words doesn't really imply a specific thing, but it's what caught on in the countries. Kebab literally means something like "fried", while Döner means "turned" or "spun". No one is right or wrong. The word döner doesn't exist here, and you'd be looked at as if you were retarded going into a Turkish place asking for gyros.

Oh and falafel pizza is the best. solid 10/10. Out of the 8 or so countries I've tried pizza in, nothing comes even remotely close to what Sweden has achieved.

>> No.4753367

I've never heard someone use "kebab" to refer to anything other than "x on a stick."

>> No.4753531

I'm from the midwestern US, and "kebab" seems a bit context-dependent. If you're at a middle eastern restaurant or talking about middle eastern food, or talking about kebab with no other indication of the type of food, I'd assume it's referring to the meat. But if you're talking about making shish kebabs at home, in the midwest by default that's like skewered meat chunks with veggies as well (tomato, pepper, onion, and mushroom are common). And it could also be a verb to refer to any skewered grilled food, like "shish kebabbed shrimp and pineapple." Not sure a dictionary would back me on that, but that's how it's used colloquially in Michigan.

>> No.4753661
File: 745 KB, 1972x2432, 234343434465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testing british people

yeah no what did you expect

>> No.4753788

>implying it's not a traditional south-italian fieldworker food used to put a lot of ingredients on it so anything goes to waste

One could say you're not even italian. Oh wait.

>> No.4755512

>iceberg lettuce

And that's not even the most revolting part of this pizza.