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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 420x314, shark_soup_lead_gallery__535x400-420x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4713468 No.4713468 [Reply] [Original]

I hadn't known about this until Shark Week last week, but am so pissed and disgusted now: Sharks are going extinct. For soup. 100,000,000 sharks are being killed every year, their fins cut off with rusty saws, and then their bodies kicked back into the ocean to drown to death.

Apparently the entire ocean ecosystem is going to become irreversibly fucked from this, since we're causing apex predators to go extinct.

I love food and all, but mass extinction all for the sake of soup? What does /ck/ think? I've tried shark fin soup years back at a friend's wedding, and the fin itself had zero taste. Only flavoring was from the broth. People are eating it merely because of tradition.

>> No.4713478

Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care. It's the one thing the Nips ever did right, kill off all the fucking sharks.

>> No.4713487

>What does /ck/ think?

I think it's a problem alright but you're also overreacting like crazy. Use your brain a little bit: If they are killing a hundred million sharks then they're hardly rare now are they? If you're ever been saltwater fishing you'd know that it's very easy to catch sharks, even by accident. I've never in my life tried to catch a shark but I've caught several purely by accident (I released them unharmed as I have no use for them).

By the same token the oceans are amazingly vast compared to what humans can access. I think it's worthy of concern but to say that " entire ocean ecosystem is going to become irreversibly fucked from this" is a like chicken little screaming "the sky is falling".

>> No.4713488

I think it's deplorable, but good luck getting those asian countries to ban shark fishing. They don't exactly care about the enviroment, do they?

>> No.4713489

>Let's kill off an apex predator and destroy an ecosystem all because people are retards and have an irrational fear of an animal that kills less people than falling coconuts, lightning, falling out of bed, dogs, crocodiles, hippos, or pretty much any rare event.

>> No.4713491

Oh noes, the 9000 trillion jew.....er, I mean sharks.

>> No.4713492
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 600px-Thunnus_orientalis_(Osaka_Kaiyukan_Aquarium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man you think the Chinese and japs are fucking assholes for that then do some reading into what they have done to bluefin tuna, you know b/c we don't need top predators in the ocean right.


They have essentially wiped out the whole species and on top of that are stockpiling blue fin and other tunas in huge freezer complexes for when they go extinct or get so rare they can make tons of money off of it.

>> No.4713493


it's not the nips, it's the chinks.

>fin itself had zero taste. Only flavoring was from the broth. People are eating it merely because of tradition.

The chinese love it for its TEXTURE. That's also what determines the difference in price between the various grades of fin--the texture.

>> No.4713495

lol Humans are the apex predator, shithead.
It's good to be king.

>> No.4713496

>They don't exactly care about the enviroment, do they?

That's what happens when you have no private property rights. If the environment isn't yours then you don't care about shitting it up.

>> No.4713499

... your a fucking retard

>> No.4713501

Sharks are just the latest in a long list of overfishing top-tier predators thanks to the fucking asians.

>implying killing the sharks is a good thing

Do you even ecosystem mang?

>> No.4713502


You forgot about the part where they're breeding bluefin tuna in captivity. Nothing is going to be going extinct; they're too valuable for that.

>> No.4713504


Why don't you start a war over it.
>American and EU cowards
Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to. Have fun with your drone strikes on unarmed civilians.

>> No.4713505

>... your a fucking retard

Yep. I couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.4713508

>implying farm-raised is anywhere near as good as wild-caught

>> No.4713510
File: 119 KB, 782x510, shark_finning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're hardly rare now are they?
Sharks take a long time to reproduce. The rates we're killing them at are incredibly unsustainable; 90% of sharks have already been killed due to overfishing.

Outcry over this is not remotely crying wolf, it is a huge problem which if not stopped or heavily regulated soon will cause widespread extinction and a severe trickle down effect on the oceans.

I've been a diver in California for 30 years, and it's mind-blowing how rare sharks have become here. When I first started, even from the boat we could spot blue sharks. Now I haven't seen a single shark in my past 4,000 dives. I have more faith I'll win the lottery than ever see a shark while diving in NorCal again (minus leopard sharks)


>> No.4713513

I suppose because no one cares except for over emotional children that can't comprehend the scale of the ocean.

>> No.4713521

There are many apex predators in various eco systems. An orca is an apex predator. Sharks are apex predators.

With our mass overfishing, we've killed up to 90% of not only sharks, but large fish in general. This interactive aquarium does a good job of showing this change visually.


>> No.4713528


Never said it was. I simply said they weren't going extinct.

Also, farm-raised can indeed be awesome. Check out the Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations" program, Croatian Coast episode where he visits a tuna farm in which they've been breeding sushi-grade bluefins.

>> No.4713531
File: 82 KB, 400x279, 2050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seriously think the ocean is too large for us to fuck up, do you? Have you actually researched the current environmental issues with the ocean? We've fucked up things so badly it's insane. Fisheries worldwide are set to collapse by 2050 at the current rates of overfishing. The oceans are pretty much the planet's life-support system, and destroying them is like shooting ourselves in the balls.


>> No.4713533

>; 90% of sharks have already been killed due to overfishing

Given that we haven't even explored 90% of the oceans I find it difficult to believe that someone can claim that "fact".

>> No.4713535

Humans are the grade A #1 predator on Earth.
Why do you hate the natural order of things so much.

>> No.4713536
File: 71 KB, 640x439, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captive fish don't do as well as ones in their natural habitat, and they can still go extinct in the ocean (there is no way they can produce in captivity what they are taking) which is the point of all of this.

They are wiping out a top predator in the pacific food chain you don't think that's going to have any kind of negative effect?

Fuck look what happened in the collapse of the atlantic northwest cod fisheries

>> No.4713537

It's not. It's bullshit hippy propaganda.

>> No.4713542


Oh, I agree with most of what you posted. That's simply beyond my point. I'm not disagreeing with you, I am simply making one very simple point: bluefins aren't going to go exctinct because we'll be breeding them.

Are there serious enviornmetnal concerns because of this? OFC there are. But that's not what I'm talking about. The ONLY thing I was saying was that it's wrong to claim they will go extinct. That's it. Period. I am not making any points beyond that; you are reading more into my posts than what I am saying.

>> No.4713546

ok i can agree with you there but i think they will go extinct in the wild b/c they couldn't possibly bread enough to hold up the species in the wild.

>> No.4713550

>he thinks regular sharks live at the bottom of the oceans, where we "haven't" explored


>> No.4713561

>I know what exists where has never been explored

>> No.4713580

>he still thinks normal fish who live close to the surface of the water can survive in the abyss


>> No.4713585

I did a lot of research on this while I was in university, it's really depressing, and honestly, I've lost hope that things will improve.

>> No.4713601


Do you have the sixth sense of electroreception, where you can even sense nerves firing? Didn't think so. Sharks have superpowers.

>> No.4713605

Even if there are sharks in the abyss of the ocean, what's your point? All the sharks on the surface will go extinct, destroying the part that matters most to us. And if we do discover sharks in the depths, you can bet your ass they will be finning them once they get the technology.

>> No.4713611

>normal fish

>> No.4713615

If sharks can't adapt and evolve, the natural order of things is that they die off. Sorry you people are so emotional about it that you cannot fathom that.

>> No.4713619
File: 103 KB, 1141x633, YOLO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People can actually be this ignorant despite growing up in a first world country with eduction for all

>> No.4713623

I'm from an Asian country and I am sad to say I have had it at least 16 times. I feel like parents play a huge role in this as my parents forced me to eat it out of respect. Without any knowledge about the current condition of the shark population, I would have continued eating it.

Awareness is spreading slowly though, and more restaurants are moving away from real fins, replacing it with noodles.

>> No.4713625

Although we still do love eating puppies and kittens.

>> No.4713630
File: 147 KB, 500x333, sealion-eating-shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark finning is nothing short of a proletariat revolution among sea creatures. For too long, the top predator aristocracy has lived off the flesh of peaceful, hardworking fish an sea mammals. Now is the time to rise up and support our underwater brethren! Slay the sharks, and feed them to the oppressed who were exploited for eons under their tyranny!

>> No.4713635

You're right, OP. Sharks ARE going extinct. That's the bottom line. The sharks will be extinct along with every other wild animal not useful for human purposes. Think about it: the ONLY reason a lot of wildlife exists to this day is because we haven't totally invaded their environment yet. But as soon as there is a critical demand for more living space for humans, you can bet that the animals enjoying all that free space will be annihilated. What did a shark ever do for you, anyway? Fuck them. They scare people and they taste great. They're practically begging to be slaughtered.

Just hold out hope that we'll save some DNA from all these doomed creatures so that one day we can recombine their genes and make pokemon.

>> No.4713645
File: 47 KB, 530x300, SharkFinSoup_main_0412_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part it they don't even it because it tastes good.

The shark fin itself has no flavor, these fuckers eat it for the texture and just to say that they are eating it. Most of the weird shit that asians eat they only do so for the status of eating it.

>> No.4713656
File: 36 KB, 600x450, deep-sea04-fangtooth_18164_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ie: Edible fish that don't look like monstrosities.

>> No.4713657

>Most of the weird shit that asians eat they only do so for the status of eating it.
Like caviar and edible gold flakes?

>> No.4713659


Plenty of them to go around though. At least they aren't going extinct.

>> No.4713661

Caviar actually tastes good though. Not worth the thousands of dollars it's usually sold for, but it still tastes good.

>> No.4713662

Even Gordon Ramsay, who is fine with inhumane foods like foie gras so long as they taste good, thinks shark finning is despicable.


>> No.4713663

There's nothing wrong with Shark Fin soup itself. The problem is with unsustainable practices, which applies to many, many other marine species. Shark Fin soup shouldn't be banned, unsustainable fishing practices should be banned. They should at least try to farm the sharks instead of taking wild ones, but that probably damage the environment and indirectly kill even more species.

Really, what needs to be gotten rid of are these fishing trawlers that use nets 6 miles wide and drag up half the ocean. Hand fishing would probably be best and could probably support the Shark Fin industry.

>> No.4713666

Damn right, don't stop believing

>> No.4713667

>>Most of the weird shit that asians eat they only do so for the status of eating it.
>Like caviar and edible gold flakes?
And goose liver pâte and white truffles?

>> No.4713670

>They scare people and they taste great.
1. Shark fins have zero flavor.

2. People being scared of sharks = proof we are morons brainwashed by media. Sharks are not mindless man-eating killers. They're highly intelligent creatures that for the most part simply don't give a shit about us. Thousands and thousands of people dive with sharks all the time, with no problems. Lots of things in the ocean are more likely to fuck up a human, like jellyfish. Sharks are by and large harmless to us. Shark fatalities are INCREDIBLY RARE.

>> No.4713675

>I hadn't known about this until Shark Week last week, but am so pissed and disgusted now: Sharks are going extinct.
You just heard about this now? Because of "Shark Week"?

How old are you?

>> No.4713681

>They're highly intelligent creatures that for the most part simply don't give a shit about us.

Highly evolved senses and intincts ≠ intelligence.

Geese aren't going extinct any time soon.

>> No.4713688

This is the same kind of shit someone with an exotic 'pet' espouses.
Right until it rips their face off and eats their children.

>> No.4713691

Oh great, one of the "only humans are intelligent and have emotions" retards.

>> No.4713693

Does anyone think that there should be some sort of regulation of the ocean, because shit like this actually effects the rest of the world too, especially now that it was confirmed that Japan's nuclear waste is spreading throughout the ocean that will hurt other countries?

>> No.4713694

Dogs kill more people than any other exotic pet in N. America.

Keep being afraid though.

>> No.4713695

As opposed to the 'animals are more important than humans' retards?

>> No.4713701

I don't see sharks committing suicide because they think 30 virgins are waiting for them in the afterlife, or raging genocide and wars because they were brainwashed dipshits.

Sharks > Humans

We can invent things, sure, but doesn't mean we're not fundamentally stupid as shit.

>> No.4713702

Not afraid but saying that sharks are harmless is pants on head retarded.

>> No.4713703

No one is talking about ranking animals and humans according to intrinsic, "importance". I am not sure why you are bringing this sophomoric exercise up.

>> No.4713706

You just went full retard and lost the debate.

>> No.4713708

But he didn't say they were harmless. He said attacks are rare and their is no point worrying about them, especially when most people don't spend much time in the ocean.

>> No.4713709


>> No.4713710


People with exotic pets knowingly bring them onto their territory and into their lives, knowing full well it will grow up to be dangerous.

Sharks are just wild animals that can maybe sometimes occasionally kill a human, same with humans. So does that mean we should extinct humans too just because they can be dangerous?

>> No.4713711


This fucking faggot.

>> No.4713713


They aren't intelligent though. They're highly intricate and evolved eating machines and are worthy of respect in their own right.

Not denying that they don't feel pain or are deserving of unnecessary cruelty but they sure as fuck don't have emotions like we do.

Stop using your emotions to argue you filthy hippy.

>> No.4713718

I don't worry about shark attacks either. The gooks are sorting that one out for us.

>> No.4713720

Any animal is potentially harmful to humans, since humans are fragile and weak as it gets. A sea lion could come up to a surfer, knock them off their board, then tear out their organs. Birds could soar from the sky and claw out your eyes. Your pet dog could rip your throat out in your sleep.

Statistically, shark "attacks" are incredibly rare, and very few species of sharks are even known to be potentially dangerous. And even the ones notorious, like great whites, are still for the most part peaceful, ignoring humans. There are freedivers, like Ocean Ramsay, who even ride great whites.


>> No.4713721

>guys I know a lot about sharks because I watched Discovery Channel for a few hours

lol tell us more, educated one

>> No.4713727


hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.4713730

>they sure as fuck don't have emotions like we do.
[Proof required]

We know jack shit about most sharks. We don't even know where the hell great whites breed. To say we know everything about their emotional capacity is full retard. For all we know they could be the most emotionally acute being out there.

Emotions are created by neurochemicals and hormones. Thousands of species exhibit emotions, emotions aren't unique to humans. Humans are simply one type of animal when it comes down to it.

>> No.4713731

>Ocean will be fished out in 2050
Statistically I probably won't be around that long. Get fucked Earth I'm eating shark fin. Burn in hell everyone.

>> No.4713732
File: 12 KB, 400x300, laughter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks humans are smart

>> No.4713733

Woah, watch that edge!!!

>> No.4713734

>We know jack shit about most sharks
Ah, but you are convinced they are being hunting to extinction.
You can't have it both ways, guy.

>> No.4713735

SHARKS are awesome and beautiful animals and I don't want to see them go extinct, and the fact they are kicked back into the ocean without fins infuriates me.

Get your shit together and get those fins banned.

>> No.4713736


>pot kettle, etc...

I haven't seen you post anything in support of your "sharks are smrt, m'kay guys" argument either.

>> No.4713738

>thinks he is a cool edgy lone wolf
>spends hours socializing with strangers online

>> No.4713743

Why can't I be selfish

>> No.4713751


I haven't seen a shark or any other animal that is capable of altering its environment to suit its own needs.

They're just highly adapted to their niche. If they were smart, they wouldn't be going extinct.

>> No.4713754

1. Well that's like, your opinion. Man.
2. This is basically what I was implying. For a moment I was going to write "they bite people and taste great" but then I realized they hardly even do that. They're just intimidating somehow to the majority. Most certainly because of Jaws.

>> No.4713759
File: 40 KB, 522x355, thresher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sharks are awesome. I don't understand how anyone can look at such an animal and hate it. It's not only their looks but also their behaviour and evolutionairy biology.

Sure they may taste good and they have a reputation for being "scary" (which is bullshit for most species and 99% of all encounter) but is that truly a reason to wipe them out? To kick them back into the ocean without finds only to let them starve or bleed to death?

>> No.4713760

>not shellfish

>> No.4713766

without fins*

Sorry for the rage-typos.

>> No.4713784

Does it matter? People learn different things at different ages, and the purpose of shark week was to teach people who didn't know, and it's evidently succeeded. So drop the condescending, high handed arrogance and contribute something.

>> No.4713787
File: 458 KB, 610x306, bamboo shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would suck to lose sharks.

>> No.4713795


Tradition is for Retards. That includes religion.

>> No.4713797

Exactly. There are so many issues in our world, not everyone is aware of every single one of them. Plenty of people have no idea that the meat industry causes more global warming than all the cars, plans, ships, trucks, and boats in the world, even though they eat meat every day. Shark fin consumption is really limited to China, so not surprising many people don't know about it.

>> No.4713798

Don't need to know every detail about their lives to count them.

>> No.4713814

You simple fuckers heads would have exploded if you'd been around when the dinosaurs went kaput.

>> No.4713817

>ballparking it is good enough
This is why people don't believe your outlandish claims.

>> No.4713825

If humans made dinosaurs go extinct because we wanted to eat their toes or something retarded, yes people would be rightfully outraged.

>> No.4713834

Humans are nature. Nature killed the dinosaurs.
Why so mad though?

>> No.4713843

Has /ck/ always been filled with this many idiots, or are these trolls?

>> No.4713844

Rest assured these same people would have invented man made global cooling to explain it.
What with using all their fancy wheels and stone tools.

>> No.4713848

>get beaten like a red headed step-child
>U guyz so dum

>> No.4713856

I'm guessing most of the "LOL FUCK SHARKS" kids who think it's okay to drive sharks into extinction for soup are just trying to be edgy or looking for a reaction.

>> No.4713875

All numbers have an uncertainty associated with them. And the uncertainty here is small enough to justify alarm.

People don't believe reasonable claims because it's convenient not to, and they don't understand the reasons behind such claims.

>> No.4713882

>I haven't seen a shark or any other animal that is capable of altering its environment to suit its own needs.

>> No.4713885

You're talking about a people who are fine with chewable air and mystery goo streets. They're nuts. But yes, shark fin soup is deplorable. Anyone who says otherwise is just some edgy faggot straight from /b/ trying to get their cred from other boards.

>> No.4713888

no its been noticeably worse lately

>> No.4713889

>/b/ trying to get their cred from other boards
lol wut?

>> No.4713900

Actually, it's the most realistic answer. What are you personally going to do if you don't agree with shark fining?

>> No.4713901

Exactly. It's much easier for people just to dismiss inconvenient truths like the environmental destruction and species extinction caused by meat production or overfishing rather than change their habits.

>> No.4713906

'environmental destruction and species extinction' has been happening long before man has walked this planet, newfriend. And will be long after we're gone.
How's that for an inconvenient truth?

>> No.4713907

I don't shop or eat anywhere that sells shark fins, and I've put up flyers telling others to do the same.

>> No.4713914

There you have it. He put up flyers. The sharks are as good as saved.
I bet you feel great, tripfag

>> No.4713915

Human action is unnecessarily causing mass extinction at an extremely fast and alarming rate. Simply because extinctions occurs naturally over millions of years doesn't mean it's okay for us to mass deforest the Amazon rainforest for cattle ranches so we can have more hamburgers, or overfish the oceans 'till the ecosystem collapses.

It's like thinking it's alright to purposefully set the entire US on fire just because, hey wildfires naturally occur. The scope and rate is not anywhere close to what occurs in nature.

>> No.4713916

Shit, he's got me there.

>> No.4713921

What have you done?

>> No.4713923

>Insult someone for at least doing something
>Probably does absolutely nothing himself
I bet you feel great putting people down who at least put in some effort to fix a problem, rather than sitting at home eating Cheetos and playing WoW all day.

>> No.4713934

In order for humans to prosper and be happy we need the world to be as close to how it was was when we evolved as is possible. By changing it quickly, by making rash decisions, we move the earth closer to an extinction event. Yes, they happen anyway, but that doesn't make them good. We will cease to exist if there is another extinction event. Life will survive, but not as we know it, and to regain anything like the biodiversity we enjoy today will take tens of millions of years. By pushing earth closer to a mass extinction, by needlessly hunting animals to extinction we make changes that we can't predict, nor would we be able to survive. So yes it does and will happen. But when it does we will die.

tl;dr Most arguments about i

>> No.4713938

>Hammerhead skinning
For fuck's sake.

>> No.4713952
File: 47 KB, 301x390, 1344956005569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not sure why you are bringing this sophomoric exercise up.

>> No.4713962

I agree with pretty much everything this anon has said on the topic. The soup itself is not the problem. The problem is the unsustainable practices.

>> No.4713984

How would you make it sustainable when you have a country with over a billion people wanting to eat an animal that reproduces so slowly? Ban finning outright, I say. Even if it were sustainable, it's such a cruel and unnecessary industry.

>> No.4713989

>create a black market for shark fins

Also, we should be making these little fuckers extinct:


>> No.4713997


>Understanding pressure this little.

Next you're going to tell me there may be humans down there. It's just as likely.

>> No.4714010

Dinosaurs are down there. And Elvis.

>> No.4714045

yea no. Shark is not the apex predators. And by logic, fewer predators = more tuna. So let the go extinct. I dont see any downside to this. Dinosaurs used to be apex predators so?

>> No.4714078

I want to eat a fuckin shark.

>> No.4714079

>the apex predators
>misunderstanding ecosystems this much

>> No.4714080
File: 20 KB, 199x149, 1281832894998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If they were smart, they wouldn't be going extinct

oh wow

>> No.4714116

that is your rebuttal? Sharks eat tunas, no sharks = more tuna.

>> No.4714119

How does that make them not apex predators?

>> No.4714186

I can't say I care much for sharks.
Or slopes for that matter.
Let them eat each other.

>> No.4714201


>vegetarian christian who literally does not know what evolution is.

>> No.4714297

Evolution will ensure life survives. Not life as we know it, and not us.

So shut up, you're a stupid prick.

And deciding to label someone in two unrelated ways, to somehow make a point? Just the worst. Say something worth saying, or fuck off.

I mean, seriously. I hope you're a troll, because if not then you're just a bad person.

>> No.4714299

>anyone in favor of sustainable fishing practices is a Christian vegetarian

>> No.4714326

>vegetarian christian
Wtf? Someone is concerned about the entire ocean ecosystem collapsing in their lifetime and it makes them a "vegetarian Christian?" I try to be civil on this board, but please tell me you were dropped on the head as a baby or something.

>> No.4714347



>> No.4714355

I don't see the big deal. If we weren't eating sharks they would just be swimming around in the ocean doing fuck all except eating some people off south africa. less sharks also means more fish for us to eat

>> No.4714356

We'll always have loan sharks to eat

>> No.4714364

So we can all agree that the issue divides people, and that everyone's angry.

Can we move on from this fruitless poopthrowing contest to political and financial means of reducing shark fishing, combined with research into the changes inflicted upon the ecosystem by large-scale shark fishing?

For the second article, I propose everyone interested enough in the subject googles for published research into the changes caused by shark fishing, as well as the humanitarian and cultural issues caused by it. That way we can start by comparing opinions on a factual basis.

>> No.4714379

Evolution does not ensure survival of life. Evolution does not have a direction or a large-scale awareness of global conditions. Rather, evolution is a gigantic mass of individual yarns of progress, each in their own direction, with only incidential influence over eachother. "Evolution", or evolved species, driving the entirety of macro- or even microscale life on earth into extinction is well within parameters. A simple algae boom following overfishing, leading to macroscale death of oceans, followed by deep-sea temperature elevation releasing methane clatrate reserves into the atmosphere is enough for the macroscale life.

All because the human species' courting rites had evolved into including the primary nominator being males having larger houses and cars than the other males.

>> No.4714418

Why not just feed the dead sharks to something else?

>> No.4714431

I've had plenty of shark fin soup and I honestly don't get the big deal.

Expensive as shit and flavorless. Taste like vermicilli with a bit of texture.

>> No.4714432

>less sharks also means more fish for us to eat

you don't understand how the eco system works do you

>> No.4714435


>I hadn't known about this until Shark Week last week
>start this exact same thread every other week


>> No.4714479

>People post about a very hot political and cultural food topic in a forum about food
>Must be the same exact person, and that person must clearly work for a specific organization

Did you make your tinfoil hat yourself or buy it online?

>> No.4714484

>buying your anti-jew mind control shield from the Electric Jew

>> No.4714492


>being this new

>> No.4714502


It doesn't seem like complete bullshit to me. There's nothing to control most cattle populations other than humans, and that's not fucking up everything. I don't know the effects of methane that cows produce, but I imagine it would be relatively easy to solve that with new technology.

>> No.4714529

I live in Cambodia and there's a shark fin soup resteraunt very close to my apartment.

looks like shit though.

>> No.4714559

Less sharks means more fish just below them on the food chain, many of which we don't eat. As that population grows, the step below them will shrink as they eat everything. Then with nothing left to eat, the middle species will die.

>> No.4714607

For this, we can use the badly eutrophicated Baltic Sea as an example. As over the years, predators of small fish and larger herbivores have been fished for human feed, the population of inedible and unusable small fish has exploded massively, driving salmon, whitefish and other valuable fish populations even further down, and further enabling algae spread, resulting in a goopy green morass that produces little more than misery to the people inhabiting the shores. The Finnish government is at the point that they pay 50 cents a pound for fished-out inedible fish, only for it to be buried in the ground, in a vain attempt to stop the death of the entire sea resulting only from willful negligence of the fisheries and polluters along the seacoast.

If you can't figure it out from this on your own, I'm not sure how to convince you of why this is an undesirable result. Maybe it isn't, in the end, and you deserve what you get for your negligent greed.

>> No.4714651

Thinning the wealth of fish for paper money never made sense to me. We can't get that back.

>> No.4714691

You are correct. Unfortunately, there are many who calculate that they will come out ahead even in case of catastrophy. These people are also in a position of financial clout sufficient to intimidate the ones below them into submission, and to bribe those above them into complacency or accessory. The only way of improving the situation is to get a rise of mobility out of the masses, but it seems the number of profiteers on the issue is so high we even have some counter-agitators in the threads here.

>> No.4714733

the world's gotta pay for something as opulent and luxurious as shark fin soup g

nah nah unsustainable fishing practices are a bad thing obviously

>> No.4714744

orcas are

>> No.4714762
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This isn't exactly big news, but I feel that there isn't as much shark fin awareness as there should be. Every single time I try to discuss ocean-related issues people just roll their eyes and say how it's so boring, then they go and bitch about muh global warming and GMO's. They don't realize that if the populations of apex predators like sharks and bluefin tuna are compromised, the whole system is going to collapse and we'll have jellyfish dominating our ocean. It doesn't help that there's an irrational hate of sharks either. People think they're ebin because ooooh, big sharp teeth and Jaws.

The shark finning industry is worth billions of dollars. It's illegal in a few major waters so it's also backed by the black market. It's the same as rhino horn hunting and other useless shit to satisfy superstitious people with money to spare. Most of the fishing happens off the coasts of poor countries. They do it for money, of course. Poor fishermen are paid way more per pound of fin than their average $2.50 a day. They're not educated enough to understand that their practice is unsustainable so they're content to keep hacking away for a living. And man, the rate at which the sharks died was obscene. One country's tourism sector fell under because in just a few years the sharks disappeared, so now they're back to square one.

The good thing is that people are actually starting to take the first steps to reduce the consequences by pressuring restaurants to stop serving real shark fin soup... In the west, that is. There's still a big market in Asia and it's very difficult to abandon a tradition. Most of the change is going to depend on the people living there.

On another note, there's a point that shark finning is "wasteful" because they only cultivate the fins, but really, the meat is toxic and should be avoided. People should read more into this issue instead of blowing it off or railing off hippy propaganda.

>> No.4714765

The Chinese are threatening the survival of the human race on so many fronts.
>Global warming
>Global ecology
>Food resources
>Mineral resources
>Destroying entire eco systems so they can eat some mild-flavoured soup

The Chinese are gearing themselves to massively expand the middle class which the planet can not cater for. They are literally going to destroy this planet in an attempt to live the "western lifestyle".
Irradication is our only hope.

>> No.4714773


>> No.4714819

>It's the same as rhino horn hunting and other useless shit to satisfy superstitious people with money to spare

We don't listen to you because while you have some good points many of the things you say are simply wrong. For example:

>>It's the same as rhino horn hunting and other useless shit to satisfy superstitious people with money to spare.

Rhino horn? Yes, that's superstitious. Shark fin? No, not at all. It has nothing whatsoever to do with superstition or "medicine". The Chinese like it because they are big on the gelatinous texture. Same reason they like swallows nest and bear's paws (another environmental problem there too). How do you expect other people to take you seriously if you don't even have a basic understanding of the facts surrounding the problem? Learn some things about Chinese cooking so you'll be better informed and don't sound like a moron.

A great idea would be to introduce an environmentally friendly food which has a superior, but similar, texture to shark's fin.

Understand the demand first. Then create a workaround.

>> No.4714884

This. You nailed it.

>> No.4714895

The solution to both the shark extinction and the chinaman overpopulation is simple. For every fun eaten, one chinaman gets fed to the sharks.

>> No.4714898


>> No.4714911
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>> No.4714965
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>Have you seen the ocean? It's immense, there's no way we could ever damage it.

Isn't that what they said in the 1800's when whaling was all the rage?

At least whales provided crazy amounts of usable goods, shark fins for a soup that an extremely small portion of the population will ever eat is silly. They are widely known to be tasteless- I've heard people describe that as the point. Do I need to bring up the equal cruel bird's nest soup?

Sorry China, but you don't give a fuck about how your food feels.

>> No.4714971
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>I love food
>I've never heard of shark fin soup or the controversy surrounding it

These two statements don't go together.

Go back to reddit or tumblr or wherever you came from.

>> No.4714988

The thing is, in China people are always trying to make an extra buck. If they make their own business though, the government shuts them down. Many people work scavenging building materials or working illegally to gather resources. Coal, fish, copper wire, you name it... until someone catches wind then it's off to find another job until that one is closed down.

Shortsightedness is all you need for a disaster.

>> No.4714996


that is literally what they have said about every single animal we have ever driven extinct or endangered. Fucking passenger pidgeons used to be so commonplace they blotted out the sun, and buffalo used to be one of the most common animals in america.

>> No.4715006

Superstitious may have been the wrong word, but my point still stands. I was actually referring to the shark finning industry than the actual dish, because the poaching industry and the shark finning industry work in similar ways. Also the general apathy towards ocean-related matters. I wasn't crying about how nobody would listen to me. You seem so hellbent on calling someone moron that you forgot how to read, but I do admit ambiguity on my part. Most idiots like to rip on the evil chinks because of the term "traditional asian medicine" that they heard in high school, which is totally not the case.

Are you sure the texture is really what they look for in shark's fin soup? I know the Chinese are big on their cuisine, but there's obviously more to this dish, This is a dish that is deeply rooted in their culture to show status. Most of the consumption of shark's fin soup is during special occasions, or when a middle class family is looking to splurge on an expensive meal. Take example, a typical Chinese wedding where 100+ people are invited, and they're all expecting shark's fin soup. It just wouldn't be a wedding if it wasn't present. Is it really easy for them to abandon a tradition?I really don't know much about the current Chinese generation and their attitudes towards shark's fin soup, so somebody has to fill me in on this.

Your "great idea" just so happens to be noodles that look the same and have similar textures, which some restaurants have started using to serve "fake" shark's fin soup. But what would be the point if there isn't any shark in it? It loses its purpose aside from being a tasty soup.

>> No.4715033


Oh, now that is both dangerous and stupid. 1, it teaches humans have food (don't feed wild animals; it always leads to bad things) and 2 if one had rabies and flipped out....

>> No.4715043

It's mandatory as fuck if you're having a traditional wedding. My brother's marriage started western (church etc) but ended in a banquet for over 500 guests.

>> No.4715078

I take it that they made the change to accommodate the 500 guests? If I may ask, what did you, your brother and the patrons think about the fact that shark's fin soup was being served? Any particular reason why it would be served?

>> No.4715329

Why has no company put stock in trying to used cloned shark meat for this?

>> No.4715363

Related to Gordon?

>> No.4715387
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You are a retard and don't know what you're talking about.

Why do you ignore people giving you information and repeat yourself so much?

>> No.4715398

fuck the ecosystem
fuck sharks
fuck bears, too

i'll be dead before the ecosystem collapses but at least i'll get to live in a world without bears.

>> No.4715401

We became them, but rightfully we are omnivorous apes, like chimpanzees.

>> No.4715404

Do you live in a bear ridden state or something you seem awfully scared of them.

>> No.4715416

>Not mentioning Sri Lanka as one of the countries involved in the shark fin trade.

>Not mentioning Hákarl

>> No.4715434

>Hammerhead poached alive

>> No.4715439
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Bears are pretty much sharks but on land. They're terrifying.

>> No.4715457
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wow what a puss

>> No.4715459

They can be dangerous, but unlike sharks they are not solely predators.

>> No.4715469
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The thing that pisses me off about overfishing is that I don't even think that seafood tastes any good. Most of it is shit in my opinion, and I would much rather have the fish and sharks and octopuses or whatever back in the oceans instead of on some assholes plate. What do we even need seafood for anyway? It's probably the only type of food that we can't really replace that well. Most of our food grows right out of the ground on a regular basis, and it tastes ten times better than anything you have to go out into the ocean and gather up.

>> No.4715487


Did you not see the image I posted? See, it's a bear waving, doing something cute. Because they're not scary unless they are mauling you. Just a bit of sarcasm and poking fun at that anti-bear anon.

>> No.4715501

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4715503
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Bears and sharks are the most evil beings on this planet. Did you know that the favourite food of a shark is a human? I would not go anywhere near this vile monster. Let the chinks eat all the fucking sharks. It'll do the world a favour and leave more fish for us.

>> No.4715505

I don't think you understand how sharks work. They live where the fish are. The fish live in the first 300 feet of the ocean surface, don't be this fucking stupid.

>> No.4715507

there was a some bill two months ago that got passed that basically give assholes free range to on shit like this, but no one seemed to care at that point

>> No.4715517

It is such an old custom at Chinese weddings you don't even think twice about not serving it. If you don't serve it most attendees will consider you to be a cheap ass. I just consider it something to shut the elders up. If he wasn't trying to impress other important Chinese businessmen I would have suggested better things to eat.

>> No.4715537 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines, especially with the shutting up the elders part. It looks like China has a long ways to go before giving a shit about the environment.

>> No.4715550

Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines, especially with the shutting up the elders part. It looks like China has a long ways to go before giving a shit about the environment. Or being educated about it on that matter.

>> No.4715560


As you stated yourself, sharks are a predator. They kill humans, and so I believe the tradition rests on Asians triumph over the sharks.

It's ridiculous, I know, but that's the way people are. They're burning Qurans.

>> No.4715570

b8 and sceak

>> No.4715580

Sometimes I wish more people took a biology course so we wouldn't have dipshits misusing the word evolution and having a fucked up notion of how ecosystems work.

>> No.4715687


Sometimes I wish less people had gone to school to parrot textbooks on alternative imageboards.

>> No.4715698

They're gonna cut your parents fins off too, OP. Better make a show of it or your victimness u'll go unnoticed. You gotta stand up for yur rights nobodys gonna do it for ya.

>> No.4715717

Sometimes I wish idiots like you would contribute something intelligent for once, instead of parroting "fight the system" phrases on alternative imageboards.

>> No.4715718

Everything would be fine if humans went extinct though. It's not like we're extremely beneficial to anything on this planet. Except maybe giving easy access to food for quick breeding vermin like rats and cockroaches.

>> No.4715725

But the thing is that their meat isn't that good and their fins are nigh tasteless. It's a status thing. Nobody really eats or hunts the animal out of fear.

>> No.4715734
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>boo booo not the sharks ;_;

How fucking pleb can you get?

You faggot shark-defenders are falling prey to a silly love of "charismatic megafauna". You only give a fuck about big cuddly creatures you saw while watching Disney movies. It has nothing to do with the environment or food chain whatsoever, just some childhood fetish of yours you haven't kicked.

It's the same as being a hypocritical Prius driver who shits on everyone else for ruining the planet, while the battery in his car is much, much worse.

No one gives a fuck about 99% of the species going extinct, because they aren't cool like a shark, or cuddly like a cheetah.

Fucking plebs.

BTW, it doesn't matter anyways because every single species that exists is going to go extinct anyways, including us. Sorry to burst your bubble that it is all fruitless.

Try to tell me it matters, and I'll show you how fast I can tip my fedora at you.

>> No.4715742

>It's the one thing the Nips ever did right, kill off all the fucking sharks.
Oh FFS, if you're going to use a racial epithet at least use the right one ya moron.

>Use your brain a little bit: If they are killing a hundred million sharks then they're hardly rare now are they?
You're making a false correlation there, just because they're not 'currently' (in the recent past) rare doesn't mean they can sustain these levels of harvest.

There are two very good historical parallels.

Whales weren't rare before widespread whaling in the 19th century and you know how that went.
The American bison wasn't rare until large-scale hunting began and they were very nearly made extinct. It was damn close. In fact if we have the history right it was the efforts of just one man that prevented it.

Captcha: never Msstep

>> No.4715752

I remember when I was little and I'd get sick, I'd get to eat some shark's fin soup. It was really good to me as a kid, but I remember once when I was a bit older, I had it and it wasn't as good as I had remembered it. I think I just liked it as a kid because of the fact that I was eating a shark.

>> No.4715754

This is old news, man.
But yeah, it fucking sucks and it's bullshit. I live in Singapore, and they still serve shark fin soup here, but it's dwindling. So even some of the Asians are moving against it.

>> No.4715970

Question: Have the people who are saying shark fin is tasteless actually eaten it on its own, or are they just parroting that angry dude?

>> No.4715980


i've had it many times at weddings (half-asian family), the soup is delicious but the shark fin doesn't add any flavour - my grandmother used to make it without the shark fin and it tastes the same

>> No.4715986

People keep harping on the taste or lack of, when the whole point is the fucking texture. They love it pretty much why I love picking apart a beef knuckle in my meunedo. cartilage is unctious, rich, soft enough to chew, yet firm enough to not be mushy. It is healthy because it is pretty much pure colagean protien.

>> No.4715987
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Sharks are fucking radical and the fucking Chinese are cunts.

If only a Sharknado could destroy that country

>> No.4716087
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right on bro

>> No.4716090


No, like you, they simply didn't read the thread. Texture is the reason for eating the shark fin, and it's been mentioned many many times in this thread.

>> No.4716095

>You're making a false correlation there, just because they're not 'currently' (in the recent past) rare doesn't mean they can sustain these levels of harvest.

Oh, I agree with that point. I was simply saying they're not going extinct RIGHT NOW if they are harvesting hundreds of millions RIGHT NOW.

>> No.4716101


>yeah let's wait few months

>> No.4716102

its like global warming.
its happening
people bitching
but no one makes an effort

>> No.4716116

>Are you sure the texture is really what they look for in shark's fin soup?

Absolutely, positively, 100%. This is Chinese cooking 101. Basic stuff. Chinese (and various southeast Asian) cuisines highly value that chewy gelatinous texture of shark's fin, whereas it's not a big thing in the west. As I mentioned in an earlier post that chewy texture is the same reason why the Chinese also eat swallow's nests and bear's paws. Shark fin is supposedly the best example of that texture. Of course, you are right that it's traditional to serve it at weddings--or at any "high class" or fancy meal for that matter, but the reason that it's valued so much (remember it is expensive too) is because its texture is valued so highly, and because of its cost.

Noodles do indeed make a poor man's substitution, but it's not as good. Bullion cubes aren't as good as properly made slow-simmered Fond de Veau. Fake truffle flavoring isn't as good as freshly harvested truffles. Of course some people are willing to eat the cheaper/inferior substitution, but if you want to get wealthy Chinese people to stop eating shark's fin then you need a substitute that's better, not worse. It would also be nice if the substitution is expensive since part of the allure is the cost of the dish--sort of like how in the Western world a businessman or politician might take his clients to a premium steakhouse and then splurge on expensive wine or liquor in order to impress clients and seal a deal. If you invite over a bunch of friends (or the president of the company you want to do business with) you don't serve them noodles, you serve them shark's fin because the former is seen as cheap.

Anyway, the allure of shark's fin to the Chinese is most certainly its texture, and also the fact that it's expensive and therefore ideal for showing off for special occasions.

>> No.4716122


So they've been harvesting these sharks millions and millions at a time, for years, and suddenly this very instant is crunch time? No, I don't believe that.

I'm not denying it's a problem, it's not as dire as that would suggest.

>> No.4716123
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I'm having a hard time keeping track of which spoonfaces are destroying what resources.

>> No.4716125

China is destroying everything

>> No.4716128


You mean you're on a food and cooking board and you don't know that Sharks fin is a Chinese food and Tuna for sushi is Japanese? Isn't that like a sports fan confusing hockey with baseball?

>> No.4716144

How do you think the world would change if the Chinese were extinct? Would anything bad happen?

>> No.4716150

Tom Clancy pls go.

>> No.4716151

They are teetering on the verge of self-immolation

>> No.4716448

For someone who doesn't like fishing, you sure have some good bait.

>> No.4716463

It's a lot like cutting down the rainforest. Big money demands it because it means more land to raise cattle, poor locals do it because it pays well, and the whole thing is unsustainable and terrible for the biosphere.

>> No.4716467

>Evolution does not ensure survival of life.
This is literally the only thing that evolution strives to do, you idiot. It doesn't mean things can't go extinct, but at this stage of the game "life" will survive, in one form or another

>> No.4716544

no, hes'; right, it doesn't evolution is all about passing on your genetic code. the life span of the person doing it is irrelevant as long as it's long enough to be successful.

>> No.4717227

Chinese may be responsible for shark finning, but we in America are responsible for our fair share of ecological disasters in the name of food. Look at the meat industry. One of the top sources of global warming, species extinction, and environmental destruction...and the problem is only getting worse since developing countries are adapting our Western diet now.

>> No.4717232

>suddenly this very instant is crunch time?
Yes. Historically shark finning wasn't such a huge issue because China's population, and the middle class of people wanting to eat shark fin, hadn't exploded. In the past decade shark finning has become exponentially more dire, and we are on the precipice right now.

>> No.4717239

>>hurrr meet bad lolololo
three things
first of all, you're a faggot
second, The problem with meat is intrinsically linked with plants, making sustaining humans in these numbers the problem, not the meat itself.
Finally, We actually eat the god damn meat for the most part. we certainly don't throw a whole dead fish back into the water.

Though really, I do wonder what kind of effects eliminating sharks would cause.

>> No.4717265


Most of the blame comes with the insatiable appetite of Asians to rape the sea of everything.

>> No.4717298

Things are more important based on how closely they resemble or please me.

>> No.4719117

>I do wonder what kind of effects eliminating sharks would cause.
A completely fucked ocean. You'll see this firsthand in a few decades since I doubt the Chinese are going to stop this shit.

Japan eats shark fins too, just in smaller amount, yeah?

>> No.4719132

Cats are actually in a state of overpopulation around the world.

For their sake, eat as many as you want.

>> No.4719143

>sharks on brink of extinction
>Nope can't be the jars and jars of squalene for white people medicine and all the chum we grind up from sharks caught in trawl nets and slowly suffocating to death, it must be the Chinee hurr hurr, how dare they rip fins out and suffocate the sharks they catch to death when we suffocate them to death without ripping out the fins!
>taking any Discovery Channel manufactured bullshit hype as news

/ck/ has gotten a lot worse than I remember.

>> No.4719163

Shark finning kills more sharks than hunting them for squalene. Plus there are vegetable sources of squalene available now, which I hope will replace people killing sharks for it.

Accidental catch of sharks, and for that matter every marine mammal and fish, is a huge concern. My policy for seafood is: catch it yourself, or don't eat any.

Bycatch rate for shrimp is especially high. Up to 15:1. So for every shrimp we eat, 15 other species died.

>> No.4719209

If you understood a single line of my post at all, you would not bump this bullshit thinly veiled /pol/ thread.

>Shark finning kills more sharks than hunting them for squalene.
So just because it's less[citation needed], it's okay, all white people do can be brushed under the rug and it's gotta be all about the evil chinese all the time? Squalene, the real stuff, is cheap as dirt and can be had by everyone even through Wal*Mart. On the other hand, not everyone pays the $100 per serving of sharks fin soup. If we are purely going on a user-must-be-punished basis, why aren't we going after the hundreds of white people?

This sharks fin bullshit is the weirdest low-hanging fruit fixation since PETA went after furcoated women but not leather-clad bikies. It says a lot more about the innate racism in America and their ambivalence towards their growing Asian-American segment than any actual raping of the oceans.

>> No.4719226
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>So for every shrimp we eat, 15 other species died.

gonna need a source for that

>> No.4719241

There are hundreds of studies on bycatch out there, a quick Google and you'll find enough reading material on the subject to last you months.


>> No.4719244

the difference there is leather is gotten from cows that would die anyway for their meat
furs are purposely killing the animal for the fur, leather is using another part of an animal rather than wasting it

>> No.4719252

>there isn't a problem
>mah prejudice
Fuck off. Sharkfinning is terrible. Just because there are bigger problems doesn't mean smaller problems should be ignored, and it sure as fuck doesn't mean race, religion, creed, gender, or class is the driving force.

>It says a lot more about the innate racism in America
Do you even live in America. We fucking love our Asians.

>> No.4719278

>furcoated women but not leather-clad bikies
Leather is seen more as a byproduct of slaughtering cows for food (although even if people were to stop eating beef, cows would still be killed for their leather if the market continues). Animals in the fur industry, on the other hand, are bred and killed purely for their fur, not food.

Both are problematic industries, and I don't buy leather due to it being so damaging to the environment, but it's easy to see why fur gets way more hatred.

>> No.4720495

Anyone here actually eaten shark fin soup? Is it as shitty as they say?

>> No.4720781

I've had it too, but what I'm asking is have they ever eaten it on its own.

Its like me saying oh wow the capsicum in this vegetable soup sure is bland. Its stupid esp when its mixed with a whole bunch of other things.

>> No.4720824

>dat chicken stock soaked cartilage

No, I like it. I'm not sure it's worth the price but it's good depending on preparation method.

>> No.4720864

It's fucking beautiful, is what it is. Like any dish, it can be prepared poorly or well, but in the hands of a good chef it's really delicious - and the textural contrast between the fin and the broth is amazing.

>> No.4721565


go fuck yourself

>> No.4721584
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>> No.4721585

They mostly repackage it for the more lucrative and stable markets for sale to China.

I have. Most of the flavor does come from the stock and other ingredients, the shark fin itself contributes to the texture of the soup. The stock itself along with the other ingredients will probably make a superb soap by itself but with sharks fin added, it becomes a status symbol and a sign that you are able to afford luxuries in life.
In larger events (especially in Mainland China), it could/would be about showing off, especially for those who have recently acquired/gained vast fortunes and consider themselves the middle/upper class.
However, it's also served during family reunion dinners, probably as a throwback to older days where nobody ate that well unless it's a special event or even as a symbol that "everyone around here is well off, we as a clan/family have made it.

>> No.4721590

>unethical things aren't allowed to be tasty
ah bloo bloo bloo

>> No.4721592

did you see? achewood did an update last week

>> No.4721593

I've never had shark. I've had whale though. I don't think it was an endangered species whale, or at least hope so.

>> No.4721601

>shark week
>suddenly everyone cares about this shit


>> No.4721608


they do not NEED to be hunted
your survival is ensured without the fucking retarded fin
imagine cutting all of your limbs and being thrown into the ocean
such fun

>> No.4721612

If this was in Japan, then chances are the whale is dolphin or mislabeled. Whales harvested for 'Scientific research' often end up on supermarkets in Japan.

>> No.4721616

Who cares if its fun? Stupid sharks deserve to die. Survival of the fittest. We're top of the food chain so we get to be the boss.

>> No.4721617

wasn't japan, korea

>> No.4721622


>survival of the fittest
implying natural selection concerns satisfying your tastebuds because of gluttony

>> No.4721624


you honestly see nothing wrong with wiping out whole species for needless use?

>> No.4721629

You're right. Maybe we should kill humans instead and eat them. Eat their dicks and buttholes like meat.

>> No.4721842


most ppl around knew it for a long time, this is merely an appropriate thread

>> No.4722004

>>well it'll just be bad okay!?
thats not an answer to my question, I want to know what would happen, not how buttdevistated people will be over it.

>> No.4722011

ITT: numbnuts that don't realize that thousands of species of life go extinct each year.
Also, sharks have had a longer time to evolve than humans. Not my fault they didn't.

>> No.4722019

Troll or just zero understanding of ecology.

Let me guess, you're from a red state.

>> No.4722024

Why do we even need animals? Now that we have cloning capabilities it doesn't even matter if everything went extinct

>> No.4722029

Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

>> No.4722034

Haven't sharks been around for literally millions of years though? I have a hard time believing they're going to just outright go extinct.

>> No.4722046

This fuckin guy...

>> No.4722087
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>> No.4722089

That's what they said about the jews too :(

>> No.4722094


welcome to the world where your kids will never see such an animal alive
it's fucking thylacine all over again

>> No.4722098

I don't have kids and I sure as shit don't care about yours.

>> No.4722106


nothing will remain here after you'll die and no one will care
good for you
just get it over with will ya

>> No.4722110

Nah. I live to piss off retards like you.

>> No.4722118


your mother must be so proud

>> No.4722122

She likes to piss off overly emotional retards as well.

>> No.4723245
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achewood updated yesterday too

>> No.4723249


>> No.4723429

Doesn't matter how long an organism has been around. Humans wipe out species that have been around for hundred of millions of years in a single year. We're the only true invasive species.

>> No.4723435

I've earned the right to eat shark fin soup since I go out to sea, jump in the water and punch a shark to death for my meal. Also I use everything from the shark. EVERYTHING. If I'm gonna kill an animal you bet your ass I'll find a use for every part form the eyeball to the shit in its ass.

>> No.4723438


enjoy your murdered flesh. so glad I decided to stop that shit a year ago. fucking savages. you know the reason Joaquin Phoenix, Natalie Portman, Bill Clinton and hundreds of other sophisticated, rich, high-class people don't eat murdered animals? It's because they're better than you. Not trolling either. Once you realize that eating meat is the equivalent of our great ancestors performing ritualistic, human sacrifice... You'll fully understand. It will click. You have no excuse if you're a parent. You have no excuse if you're a dog owner or cat owner. Because with your kid and your pets, you've already admitted to me that you understand the value of mammalian life. What separates a dog from a cow? Surely it isn't intelligence? What separates a pig from a cat? Is it cool to eat a cow's baby? Or a pig's baby? Would it be alright if I eat your kid? Do you not think that animals love their offspring?
Fucking murderer. Would not hang with you. I would moo for the entirety of dinner if I had to eat at the same table as you.
Moooooooooooooooo. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You're eating a walking animal you fuck.

>> No.4723450

never go full retard

>> No.4723461

>stale vegetarian pasta


>> No.4723479
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My Chinese grandfather was well into the latter part of his life when he made some money. He’d brought his children up on bowls of white rice with soy sauce and maybe a little pat of lard when it was time to feed his grandchildren, he loved that he could feed them the good stuff, the expensive stuff. I remember him being happy to see my grade school straight-A report cards, and we would enjoy some shark fin. Ban supporters talk about the trade’s inhumane treatment of sharks and an outsize environmental impact. Which is Bullshit!

>> No.4723484

>Is it cool to eat a cow's baby? Or a pig's baby?

Veal and suckling pig are incredible.

>> No.4723494

Bill Clinton actually eats one non-vegan meal (usually a salmon or omega-3 fortified omelet) a week. Read it in an AARP magazine while I was taking a dump in the doctor's office today.

>> No.4723495

I literally don't give a shit.

>> No.4723501

And you can't because your bowels are impacted with meat!

>> No.4723508


The Chinese are monsters that will literally eat the planet into the bare earth like locusts. They have no respect for anything like conservation or moderation.

Show a Chinese two rare fish, and say, this will be extinct after you eat them, and never be upon the earth, despite any beauty, or beneficial aspect they have on the environment, or promise for future happiness, and he will say, "how much?"

It's a horrible, scary culture or blind consumption. the Chinese make Americans look like amateurs when it comes to wholesale global destruction

>> No.4723514


>not wanting to eat near extinct fish

>> No.4723945


too bad noone's pissed off
so fk off both of ya

>> No.4723946


enjoy i while you can, dey wont be around anymore

>> No.4723950
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>we should nuke them from the orbit
>it's the only way to be sure

>> No.4723954
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>> No.4723955 [DELETED] 


I think you confuse Chinese and Japanese.

>> No.4723957

Nukes from orbit just makes annoying fallout.
Mass drivers on the other hand have the same power but no annoying fallout.

>> No.4724003

>asians over fishing
>mexicans over populating
>muslims blowing up muslims
>niggers nigging

the world is truly going to hell and the white man is fed up

>> No.4724028


but wont the fallout out there in China ensure that similar cunts will not rise again?

>> No.4724031
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>> No.4724052

Looking at these comments, I almost thought I was on reddit.

>> No.4724054


but what if you are?
>directed by M. Night Shyamalamga

>> No.4724057

>watching /ck/ talking about ecology and the environment

Kill me now. You retards don't even know how to open the god damn ramen packet without spilling dried noodles everywhere.

>> No.4724092



fuck the chinks

>> No.4724125

They're so fed up that they do nothing but sit in their chair and bitch about it on the internet

>> No.4724585

China makes sharks go extinct, and eats dogs, and US causes mass extinction from deforestation for beef production. Every country is fucked up in what they eat.

>> No.4724606

What are your credentials?

>> No.4724605

And getting fat while their white overlords cause war and get rich at the expense of the other white brethren.

>> No.4724615

The chinese are also mainly responsible for the rhinoceros and the tiger going exctint and just because they have small dicks and believe in faerie tales.

>> No.4724628

And we Americans are responsible for one of the top causes of global warming all because we think eating beef tastes good and isn't unhealthy for us. People who eat tiger penis are a miniscule population compared to the entire US eating hamburgers because fast food commercials and media have fashioned their food preferences since birth.

>> No.4724643

cattle is not dying out.
tiger and rhinoceros are teetering on the brink

>> No.4724657

>worrying about fuzzy lions and not undiscovered rainforest species that are going extinct due to land cleared for beef cattle

Humans are going to die off eventually. How intelligently we make use of the resources available to us determines approximately when.

>> No.4724699


Let's say I can sell a ONE shark's fine for 50 dollars, I can sell the shark for another 20 but takes up 10 times more space.
So to maximise profits, it's better to make more space for fins and just throw the rest overboard because:
1) If it's illegal, it's easier to hide a fin than a whole shark
2) Even if it's legal, it'd still earn more by not hauling around the rest of the carcass around.

>Ban supporters talk about the trade’s inhumane treatment of sharks and an outsize environmental impact. Which is Bullshit!

It's what happens when you have a nation that could trace its culture and history back to 5000 years ago, combined with a large rural population that suddenly finds itself going through the Industrial Revolution to the Information age in roughly 6 decades. People suddenly have more money than common sense, while the urban people are more observant of protecting the environment, the rural folks or people in newly urbanised/industrialised areas are generally very, very backwards or have unable to conceptualise why the consequences to the environment such actions will bring.

/pol plz go.