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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4711050 No.4711050 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Good cooking feels

>tfw effortlessly slicing tomatoes with a sharp knife

>> No.4711053
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>tfw pulling bread out of the oven and seeing dat perfect crust

>> No.4711056

getting the right amount of salt in a dish

>> No.4711057
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>tfw you have a bunch of random ingredients around the house, throw something together and it tastes better than most written recipes you've tried.

>> No.4711059
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>nice fluffy bread right out of the oven

>> No.4711069

Those slow bubbles when you thickened the sauce just right

>> No.4711070

bechamel sauce with no lumps

>> No.4711071

>tfw forgetting about something cooking, remembering suddenly, going to survey the damage, and finding a perfectly cooked dish

>> No.4711074
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>tfw you let the steam leave your pressure cooker on a batch if your homemade chili

>> No.4711076

>cut an onion without tears

I feel like crying from happiness whenever it happens.

>> No.4711078

>try out a recipe for a dish that's full of new and strange ingredients
>think you messed up while making it
>it comes out perfect

>> No.4711079
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chicken looks overcooked, cut into it juices everywhere

>> No.4711085
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>The sauce came out at the right thickness

>> No.4711091


This. I swear I have a sixth sense for that shit. I'll come check on a dish that was in the oven for like 45 minutes and watch the timer tick down from 5 seconds.

>> No.4711093
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>> No.4711102
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>toaster toasts bread just like you like it
The simple things, man

>> No.4711103

>tfw perfectly soft boiled egg with fully set whites

>> No.4711106

>idk wtf the numbers on my toaster mean
>almost always get burnt toast

>> No.4711107

>Eating poison

>> No.4711109
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>tfw perfect ratio of milk to fruity pebbles

>> No.4711113

>eating top kek


>> No.4711112

only burnt toast gives you cancer.

>> No.4711111

>Not eating superior kek

>> No.4711114
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>> No.4711115

le epic s4s get face

>> No.4711120
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>> No.4711117

frying potatoes also gives you cancer

>> No.4711118
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Nice quints :^)

>> No.4711124
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>tfw having leftovers in the fridge when waking up hungover and hungry as fuck

>> No.4711126
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>mfw my knife is so dull I cant even cut through the skin on chicken thighs to make strips for a curry.

>> No.4711128

A few:

> Make an amazing dinner for people
> "Oh anon, you must give us the recipie!"
> "But there isnt a recipe, i made it up"

> Making choux pastry for the first time
> That awful feel when it looks awful when you add the eggs
> You think its not going to come together
> That feel when its beautiful and makes perfect eclairs.

>Make dish
> Rubbish
> Add cheese
> Brilliant

>> No.4711134
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>> No.4711144

Then sharpen it you dumb faggot.

>> No.4711150
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>tfw when finding that one spice that was lacking when you just throw something together

>> No.4711158

It's not my responsibility to maintain the quality of my cookware. Especially when it's not mine to begin with.

>> No.4711166
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>my cookware
>not mine to begin with

>It's not my responsibility to maintain the quality of my cookware.
pic related

>> No.4711174

You're right, I apologize for my grammar. It's not my knife. It's by brothers; Since we're roommates it may as well be mine.

>> No.4711178



>> No.4711180
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>tfw you've been doing dishes while cooking and leave the kitchen cleaner than when you started

>> No.4711182

If you use it, and it annoys you that it is dull, why not fix the problem? It's not going to magically sharpen itself.

I don't understand kids these days.

>> No.4711184


She's cute

>> No.4711188

Primarily because I cannot into whetstone.

>> No.4711190

Fucking this!

>> No.4711192
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>tfw you think you fucked a dish up but in the end its a-okay

>> No.4711189

They have knife sharpeners that you just slide the knife through. Is it ideal? No. But it's better than nothing.

>> No.4711199
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>Coming home to a house full of beautiful smells from whatever you threw in the slow cooker

>> No.4711208
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> tfw you move out of your comfort zone in cooking with a crazy new recipe
> It comes out perfect

Also just chopping mushrooms in general, they cut so nice.

>> No.4711221

>>idk wtf the numbers on my toaster mean
They are minutes. 1-5 minutes.

>> No.4711222

>cutting goats cheese with a hot knife

>> No.4711275

it's like I'm really reading Huffington Post!

>> No.4711321

if you oversalt it thats a problem but if its undersalted you just add more? whats the big deal_

>> No.4711348

>tfw your food looks exactly like the picture in the recipe

>> No.4711372
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>tfw friday night cooking after a week of work with a good beer/glass of wine

>> No.4711374
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>macaron comes out of the oven perfectly shaped

>> No.4711383
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>tfw you watch the gordon ramsay video on how to cut an onion and you realize you've been doing it his way all along

>> No.4711430

there are foods where there just no way after you forgot to

>> No.4711442

>picky mother always bitching about washing hands and shit
>have been cooking for years
>know how to be clean
>spit in her food
>drop things on the floor
>she never notices

>> No.4711447

>get really drunk first
>make something extremely simple
>best meal ever
Fuck really cooking or working on a dish anymore. I just get sloshed when I'm hungry.

>> No.4711450

i bet that makes you hard as a rock huh

>> No.4711454
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>> No.4711463
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I will agree with this and add to it.
>tfw you come home from a double shift, smell something delicious and think "wonder if room mate will share"
>tfw you remember you made a stew in the slow cooker in the morning before work
#1 top feel right there boys

>> No.4711469

Once my boyfriend were in a fight and by the time we calmed down I checked my forgotten rice and it was PERFECT. It was pretty funny.

>> No.4711470
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>using the slowcooker for the first time and everything came out delicious and perfect
Oh god yes.

The entire apartment smelled like BBQ chicken and it was so tender and juicy and... HHNNGGGNNNHH

>> No.4711479

Are you me?

>> No.4711492

meet over at /b/ and show me your tits

>> No.4711645
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>crushing several cloves of garlic in the crusher
>it falls down in the hot oil and starts sizzeling in the pan
>dat smell

>> No.4711674

This and when you get up instinctively to go check the dish and as you get to it the timer you set goes off

>> No.4713452
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>slowly frying onions+garlic

That smell. My housemates always ask what smells so good... it's just butter and onions.

>> No.4713461

Ancient chinese secret: My old man owned a bar and would have some onions going on the grill all day to get people in the mood to order some food due to dat intoxicating aroma.

>> No.4713511
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>tfw everything in a big meal finishes at exact same time.

I always plan for it, but it rarely ever pans out like I'd like.

>> No.4713519

After whipping cream for 10 minutes by hand and it suddenly starts to thicken.

>> No.4713540

smart nigga. If there is one thing that can get the appetite going its booze and that smell.

>> No.4713544
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>first time doing a difficult recipe
>worried that you've fucked it up along the way because you're not familiar with it
>turns out delicious

>> No.4714041

eating what you ate and not dying

>> No.4714066
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>take a dish out of the oven
>it smells delicious

>> No.4714068
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>cooking noodles perfectly
>getting your devils food cake to the perfect consistency
>cooking steak correctly

>> No.4714112

Being piss broke
Going into the pantry & being able to make something out of virtually nothing