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File: 84 KB, 500x384, Credit-Cards-Swiper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4709690 No.4709690 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any qualms about using credit cards on low purchases at grocery stores or fast food?

I always charge even one time a loaf of bread cost 15 cents after coupon, I charged it because it's just damn convenient not to carry coins. I wouldn't do this at a mom&pop but any other place is fine right?

>> No.4709696

>I wouldn't do this at a mom&pop but any other place is fine right?

I only carry cash for emergencies these days and have free interac transactions but yeah, I try to avoid using cards at independent businesses.

>> No.4709694

I only use my debit card, because I no longer have credit cards.

>> No.4709704

I use my credit card for literally everything unless I am forced to use debit (Costco, some places have minimum purchases)

I don't for the life of me understand why people don't. I pay off my CC every month and I get bonus points, build credit, etc

>> No.4709712

Who gives a fuck? You build credit, and these days with online billing you pretty much use it like a debit card.

It's only the smart thing to do.

>> No.4709713

Aren't credit card fees for the seller percent based? why would it matter?

>people who carried any sort of credit card debt

>> No.4709717

If your using your actual credit card for food then your either poor or stupid.

Swiping your debit card and running it as a credit transaction because your bank allows that for the specific purpose of not having to use cash on any purchase is acceptable for any amount.

I've run it for less than a dollar several times.

>> No.4709725

>muh fiat currency
>muh gold standard

no one cares about your ignorant beliefs about money and credit. go guzzle some colloidal silver.

>> No.4709732


How the fuck did you just pull out all those implications from that one post?

>> No.4709735

Because he's retarded. Ignore him.

>> No.4709738

first you explain why building a credit history is a bad thing.

take your time, I'll be making popcorn.

>> No.4709775

nope, but I'm never going to stop carrying real money. The more digital we go the more unstable our economy gets

>> No.4709781

I'm about 75 thousand in debt, so I don't really use them.

>> No.4709793

same, student loans wiped me out. After what I've paid back so far I'm still 50k+, and the interest keeps piling up. I'll use my bank debit card on occasion, but the only credit cards I can get are pretty low tier. The lady at the bank tried to get me one just to buy gas with to build credit, but I don't believe in that nonsense.

>> No.4709796

Why would you not use your credit card to buy groceries?

It's not like groceries are something you need to avoid generating a paper trail for.

>> No.4709802

because credit cards for any purpose are guaranteed financial ruin, because ck apparently has no self control.

>> No.4709805

Only a retard with no self control would have a problem with a credit card.

>> No.4709807

There is literally no difference stability-wise between paper fiat money and digital money.

Unless your money has intrinsic value, the same instability exists.

>> No.4709810

>just to buy gas with to build credit, but I don't believe in that nonsense.
might as well do it and set to autopay the entire month every month

not sure if it actually helps, but it can't hurt

>> No.4709814

just having it is value. Digital 1's and 0's are nothing can be just deleted.

>> No.4709820

I once bought a single garlic for 60 cents and used credit. It's all I had. My friend with me didn't think it'd go through, I guess there is usually a $1 minimum requirement, but it went through no problem. It was a damn fine looking garlic too. Really clean.

>> No.4709838

I never carry my wallet around so I don't bother. In fact I lost my debit card some time ago.

When I'm short on cash I'll just take a check to the store with me.

>> No.4709846


your the faggot holding up the line? fuck off with your checks

>> No.4709844

Can't use cards during a power outage.

>> No.4709847

>When I'm short on cash I'll just take a check to the store with me.
are you 75?

>> No.4709849

This. Once I realized I had enough points to get a free iPod, just from casual use over the years, I started using my credit card way more religiously. I pay off in full every month too.

But OP has it right, I tend to not use credit cards in places where I feel the machine charges might hurt business, like mom&pop stores.

>> No.4709851

>Can't use cards during a power outage.
not really true

when the credit card system goes down, unless you are in the ghetto, they will probably just record your number manually and charge it later

>> No.4709853


go fuck yourself

>> No.4709856

But you'll have no slip to sign. You can just say you never used it at all and get free food.

>> No.4709859

27, actually. And much prefer to use checks. Balance it right there on the spot after I write one and know exactly what I got.

>> No.4709863

Have you never heard of pen and paper?

>> No.4709865

I do this, actually. Amazing that some of the younger cashiers sometimes don't even know what to do with a check when you hand them one.

Ran out though, waiting on a new box

>> No.4709868


Some places have carbon copy shit for this if the power is totally down. Don't know about grocery stores these days, but hotels still have them.

>> No.4709879

I use checks as well. In fact went through some hassle trying to get my bank to completely deactivate my debit card. Didn't want hackers getting the number and buying shit online

>> No.4709885


These things are used for non-electronic credit card purchases. I remember when I was younger, I bought some shit from a gift shop that was out on a tiny island. The owner simply ran my card through one of these, and I signed the paper it made.

>> No.4709887

>Balance it right there on the spot
if thats even a concern with you, you are bad with money

>> No.4709886
File: 86 KB, 498x272, header_ccimprinter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4709918

I remember that shit when I was younger.

The whole CHA-CHUNK sound

>> No.4709949

My care gives me the rest of the transaction back in change.

Often I make it so it costs just over the dollar and get the rest back.

>> No.4709954

cc companies take a percentage, it doesnt make a difference the size of the purchase.

There was a time when cash was faster and people working registers knew how to do math and could give you change without fucking it up. That time is no more.

>> No.4709981

My dad used to tell me when he was a teen worker he'd do stock inventory, help customers, and do all the calculations of all the items prices plus tax in his head.

Nowadays you're lucky to get a hello.

>> No.4710041


i use my debit card to buy the hot dog/coke combo for $1.66 at Kangaroo gas stations

>> No.4711432

Or you could get an account with a decent bank that will text/e-mail your balance daily/weekly/after every transaction.

>> No.4711439

Actually, there is a minimum fee for every purchase done by a CC.

This is why you see a lot of smaller shops with a "5 dollar minimum purchase for CC" signs. If it is a small enough purchase the store is actually losing money thanks to the fee.

>> No.4711451
File: 46 KB, 355x400, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine does that.
I get an email statement every morning from my bank, so I know 'exactly' where every penny is going and how much I have.
I even keep a little notepad thing on my desk of all my expenses and bills for the current month.

I've always been fucking mystified at people who can't keep track of how much is in their account.
Its like they think money just... grows back and comes from nowhere.
I don't understand how people just... don't keep tabs on thier shit.

>> No.4711459
File: 31 KB, 314x406, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some lady was checking out in front of me and got 2 different credit cards declined before the 3rd one finally went through
That shit is fucking nuts.

>> No.4711489

I don't have any qualms, but I don't like doing it at smaller businesses for purchases less than $10.
Just because they do take a certain fee to use. At small businesses the charge is somewhere up to $1.25 to use it for them. I used to be an accountant for a small local restaurant franchise.

Sometimes you'll see where they won't allow a debit card or credit card for purchases under a certain amount. Which is illegal, but businesses still do it.
My restaurants didn't do it, but that's because we were open till 4am and drunks will spend a ton of money on tacos.

>> No.4711526

I'm a poorfag, so I need to use cash so I can keep track of my balance more easily.

>> No.4711535

No need to be ashamed of this. A lot of richfags even do this (pro-tip rich fags get that way by watching what they spend)

>> No.4711568

As a former poorfag I feel you but also see the other side. Spending so much time obsessing over your money is awful.

>> No.4711781

>rich people get that way by watching their petty cash

lol no. you probably also think that everyone who works hard gets rich because Romney said so

>> No.4711787

"Mind your pennies and your dollars will take care of themselves."
Men like Carnegie and Rockefeller lived by that.

>> No.4711798

yeah, everyone who isn't poor is just lucky and had all of their money handed to them by their parents.

Genetics aren't real, smart people don't tend to have smart kids, its all luck
You really need to lay off the MSNBC

>> No.4711802


penny wise, pound foolish.

>> No.4711807

>genetics arent real
I fucking have no face for this

>> No.4711895

A smaller and smaller portion of the world's population is controlling a larger and larger portion of the world's wealth. Most living wealthy people started their lives wealthy. That's just a fact. You can watch Fox "News" as much as you want, but it doesn't actually change the facts.

>> No.4711896
File: 221 KB, 458x592, 1361724675717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inherited family connections, inherited wealth, inherited business, inherited family customs, inherited height (strongly correlated with income), inherited whiteness (strongly correlated with not having your resume dumped in the trash)

it all amounts to the same thing, and luck has very little to do with it

keep watching the Fox News

>> No.4711897

>*luck after being born

fixed for clarity

>> No.4712404

is not illegal, at least in the US. As long as they take US currency, all businesses are allowed to set up their own policy on how that currency is taken. There was a recent stir about this because an airline was no longer accepting cash for in-flight purchases and it was found legal.

>> No.4712494

I wish we still used them, love those things

>> No.4712654

The merchant has to pay a fee for each credit card transaction. The merchant will pass on the fees to the customer. That's why I don't use credit cards for small purchases.

>> No.4712676

I have a spend limit set up with my CC. Once I hit $300, I can't use it again until I pay it off.

>> No.4712681

Or, you know, the whole self control thing...

>> No.4712683


I love it when people pay with cards. All those minutes taken from my life.

>> No.4712691

Why would you even care, wage slave? Takes time away from you standing around?

>> No.4712692

That too. But if you don't have any, it's a great way to discipline yourself.

>> No.4712708

also a person who still uses checks. Just a lot easier to deal with should something happen, rather than argue with abdul for 30 minutes

>> No.4714038

I use my Visa for everything, I only carry one emergency cash note just in case. It's just way more convenient.

>> No.4714117

heh. funny cuz i come from credit card land but have spent the past eon elsewhere. it's so funny seeing north american, british, aus, tourists come and whip out their cards and have staff shoot them a dirty look like they just tried to sell them crack. Cash or local debit only. those VISA commercials of that trip to italy? that little restaurant in the middle of nowhere? ya, they are not gonna take card. and if they have a machine, its "broken". visa lies.

its weird now when i go back to visit to not have cash. just use your card! I dont WANNA! its weird!

>> No.4714152

i use my debit card for everything. but for some reason if it gives me the option, i have to hit credit or it won't work.

>> No.4714324
File: 23 KB, 260x258, 1332570759734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noticed this before. Just with my experience using a register sometimes it feels like a merchant at a smaller location will hit an extra button. Say I'm buying smokes with my card and it is around 6 dollars after tax but he strikes something else and it comes out to like $6.47.