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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x300, selfcheckout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4709189 No.4709189 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4709203

I'd put my banana in your bagging area.

>> No.4709202







>> No.4709211

>living it britbongistan

It's like you don't even want a good life.

>> No.4709212

My township outlawed those machines. They said it was because it was too impersonal and that such automated technology was causing people to be more unfriendly and introverted.

>> No.4709214
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>tfw you put your chestnut mushrooms through as button mushrooms....thus effectively stealing 15p from tescos

>> No.4709224

Approval needed

>> No.4709227

That's illegal. It isn't just theft. It is fraud and can carry a much larger fine and jail sentence added to your theft charges. The DA will probably add some more erroneous charges to that, but it'll be up to your lawyer to get those tossed out. so, get a good lawyer. Otherwise, you might have a $50,000 fine and 10 years in prison, with possibility of parole in 2 years or so.

Pray you don't live in America and get sent to one of our prisons. If you get out, your life won't be the same again.

>> No.4709233


>> No.4709248

>being anti-social on 4chan

They may have a point.

>> No.4709250

Well, they're shitty as fuck. I honestly wonder if grocery chains will actually try to push them further.
I avoid them whenever possible. What's the point?

>> No.4709253

heuheuehu , comedee. u funy guy, u funny laugh, hahah

>> No.4709290

>attempt to buy teaspoons
>"This order contains an age-restricted item. Please wait for an assistant."

[spoiler]this actually happened

>> No.4709334


Um, why? And then it just goes away.

>> No.4709406

Welshfag here, do you English bastards pay 5p a bag yet?



>> No.4709410

>pushes button that says "item will not be bagged"

>> No.4709416

Every day in the last week I had to work the table observing people using these fuckers. Half you bastards try to rip us off.

And then when I call random people over, ask for their receipt, and start taking shit out of the bag you guys look at me like I'm part of nazi germany, but when I call you out for shoving shit in the bag you didn't ring up you have no clue how it got in there

>> No.4709424


For me it's happened from doing things too quickly. I'm not messing up and putting things down at the same time, the machine just needs a few more seconds to triple check that the weight is stable.

In any case the attendants have to quickly clear it off their handheld device, they don't even look to see if there is a reason for it.

>> No.4709436



>> No.4709444

It always amazes the fuck out of me that people can be so fucking retarded when it comes to self checkout's.

It's really not that hard to use one and not fuck it up if you have an IQ of over 5. I use them all the time if I have under 10 items and it usually goes about 10 times faster then at the cashes because everybody is so afraid of the self checkouts.

Protip: One item at a time. Pick up item, scan item, bag item THEN pick up the next item, if you pick up two items at once that's what fucks with the weight sensors and makes it need cashier assistance, you stupid fucking idiots.

>> No.4709450

>Usually goes about 10 times faster then at the cashes because everybody is so afraid of the self checkouts.

Ditto here, trips. It's usually a lineup 10 long full of old luddites and no one using the self-checkout. Love it.

>> No.4709462
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>mfw I never hear these prompts unless ID for booze because I'm not a dumbshit and can use the machines correctly
>mfw all the jelly fuckers who are still stuck on their first item give me a look like it takes some sort of jewmagickz to do

>> No.4709464

I've accidentally stolen different types of alcohol from stores using this type of thing even though I'm of age.
One time I forgot about a case of beer that I had placed under the cart, right above the wheels, and another time the bagging weight area miscalculated the weight of some wine bottles. I didn't notice until after I left and checked my receipt for another reason.

>> No.4709484

>Welshfag here, do you English bastards pay 5p a bag yet?
No, because our country isn't run by socialist fucknuts

>> No.4709488

I can see the future now:

>Typical store
>Main checkouts are all automated
>Can use premium full service feature and have a real person checkout and bag your order
>(Think full service gas station today)
>Human clerk finishes up your transaction
>He coughs with his hand out for his tip

>> No.4709502
File: 138 KB, 1032x774, 1371219813590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw "Please remove the item from the bagging area" what.the.fuck
I just scanned that to put it IN the bagging area, not to place it somewhere else and make it look like I'm stealing it, jesus fuck, not only that, but why do they have to be so loud, I really don't want everyone in the store to know my food costs this or that.

>> No.4709506

I shop at Waitrose, Co-op and Costcutter so I've not even seen one of these before.

>> No.4709537

>Self checkout at CVS
>Buying canned air
>Needs age verification to continue

Seems kids snort the stuff in an attempt to get high, to which I say...wat.

>> No.4709545

Does it really surprise you though? I mean people get high off piss and shit now.

>> No.4709566

>Be me when I was super-beta
>Go to store at night when less people
>shopping cart of random things incl produce and frozen
>No tellers at that moment for some reason
>Please wait for teller assistance
>No one comes despite machines acknowledgement
>Don't want to wander and ask people for help
>Instead just waited a while and then left the cart and store there

>> No.4709580

dude I was getting high off canned air back in '01.

Actually only once. Overnight debate trip, was a sophomore and the seniors were tripping balls. When done it makes your voice really deep, opposite of helium, and a very short brain high.. less than whippits and not quite as hard though.

Don't shake the fucking can though when passing it around, and if you drop it let it rest. If you inhale it and it sprays liquid you can freeze up your lungs. Some kid in other school did that and we never did it after that.

>> No.4709616

It is true though.


>> No.4709621
File: 140 KB, 800x839, Homegrowmen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go /out/ to get groceries
>45 minutes later I'm done "shopping"
>look around
>no cashiers in sight at all
>no self checkout station
>walk through my garden gate and into my kitchen

>> No.4709624

These machines save me a good few minutes every time I go to my local tesco express which is really busy, the introduction of these machines has halved my waiting time. I don't care about conversing with a cashier as there's nothing to be gained from it.

>> No.4709626

ours have flashing lights on the top. Nothing more embarassing then the big red police light flashing telling everybody you're too fucking stupid to use the machine

>> No.4709636

>nothing to gain from social interaction with the people around you

I've hooked up with many cashiers for many different things. Like there's this 1st gen Asian lady working at the local grocery store. She's hooked me up with all sorts of weird Asian vegetable seeds for my garden. I also met my last GF at the store where she worked. Oh, and one guy I met traded homebrews with me. He gave me a case of homebrewed beer and I gave him some bottles of homebrewed wine and homemade cheese.

Stop looking at your feet, anon.

>> No.4709639

>Go to self-checkout
>Makes weird noises
>Clerk comes over
>Looks at my stuff for longer than normal person
>Fixes it
>I purchase my stuff
>Go home
>Realize it was lotion, toilet paper, tissues
>Probably thought I was going to wank town
To be fair, I did but not because of that.

>> No.4709648

>homemade cheese

Was it nice?

>> No.4709650
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These things are great except when some dummy brings a fully loaded cart up to one and spends 45 minutes looking up produce codes. The sign even says 15 item limit.

>> No.4709651

>Looks at my stuff for longer than normal person

That is what every cashier does. They look at each and every item to asses your use of it and how it relates to all the other items you are purchasing. They are trained to do this since 9/11. If you pay them with a $100 bill, expect it to take longer than normal to process because they have to test to see if it is real or fake.

>> No.4709652

What the fuck? You inhale it.

>> No.4709659

Of course. It was just a pound of 3 year old cheddar.

>> No.4709669


When I worked at a gas station we were supposed to use our money pen on $20 bill or greater

>> No.4709670

>money pen


>> No.4709678

They do that of course, but with $100 they have to run it through some little scanning machine, which I'm told, sends tracking info to and from where ever for verification If the phone line is down they won't accept $100 bills.

>> No.4709679

have u never seen this? it's a pen that marks if a bill is real

>> No.4709681

>money pen

>> No.4709682

It's a little marker.. can't remember if it marks the bill if it's real or if it's fake, but either way it doesn't work on one of those... quick way to check if its real

>> No.4709691

It only marks fake money printed on normal wood-based papers that have starch in them. It uses iodine or similar solution.

>> No.4709744

You can bypass the money pen by simply using a paper with no starch. A counterfeiter could simply make paper out of ground up newspapers and it would do the trick.

You should be using a blacklight pen to look for the UV strip. If someone is dedicated enough to forge that they deserve a hundred bucks.

>> No.4710206 [DELETED] 

Are you using your own bags?

[YES] [NO]

>> No.4710234
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We have those machines at every grocery chain my area (US) and none of them have given me any problems. I use them all the time too, since I get out of work at 1AM and have to do my grocery shopping late at night.

That's fucked up. You should send your township leaders books about the idea of a Post-Work Society. You should also send them a butter churner so that they'll have some entertainment, since everything else is "unfriendly and introverted."

>> No.4710243

>trained to do this since 9/11

Good God, take off your tinfoil hat. I've worked at a grocery store for four years and if I look at your stuff for longer than normal it's because I'm making some kind of personal judgment (cucumbers and condoms, lolz) or because I'm tired and zoning out. I don't try to asses whether you're a terrorist or cooking meth or some shit by the brand of shampoo you use.

>> No.4710297

because knowing how to check without soiling the bill is a herculean task

>> No.4710298

>You should also send them a butter churner so that they'll have some entertainment, since everything else is "unfriendly and introverted."


>> No.4710305

It's kinda silly. Over here in the eurozone it's simple to check a note, yet shops still use them.
1.hold to light, check for black line and watermark
2.feel for raised print
3.tilt to see hologram and gloss

it's simple as shit.

>> No.4710311

I thought they were shitty when they first released them, but I got used to them. They're pretty straightforward once you figure them out. Scan your item, place it in the bagging area, once the red light above the scanner turns green THEN scan your subsequent items. You can also use a few weeks' worth of change too. Just dump it in the hopper and pay for the rest with your card.

>> No.4710321

Oh yeah, the change
Satisfying as fuck to pour mountains of pennies into the machine when before you'd feel slightly embarrassed by dumping it in front of the cashier

>> No.4710329

bah, our store installed a coin star and disabled the real money function of the machines. Shady as fuck because the coinstar takes a cut

>> No.4710342

almost 10% fee on your change? sounds like some sort of scam. why do people use them?

>> No.4710345

because people would bring bags of change to the cashiers. Now that store doesn't accept more than $2 in change, any more than that you have to take it over to the coinstar for a voucher.

>> No.4710353

my step-father is a huge dumbfuck when it comes to these things holy shit

>okay i put it in the bag now what
scan another item

>okay i'm done what do i do
push the check out button

>>he swipes it too fast
>what why did it say that what do i do
swipe it again
>no it's going to charge me twice
no it's not holy shit let me do it
>no you're going to fuck it up

mfw he presses cancel and has to do the entire thing all over again

>> No.4710367

isn't it against the law to reject legal tender for payment?

>> No.4710374

It's more convenient than carrying around change, and saves you the embarrassment of attempting to pay for $20 worth of groceries in nickels.

I've used it a lot in the past, when my bank wasn't close by, I was low on funds, and all I had was the change saved up in my car. It's helped me out of a few jams.

>> No.4710377

not him but curious I googled this. Quick answer seems to be private businesses can decide to do whatever they want, as long as it's in a US currency.


>Businesses Must Accept “Dollars,” but Not Cash

>This means that US notes and coins are a valid and legal offer of payment for debts when tendered to a creditor. However, although businesses must accept dollars, that doesn’t mean they literally have to take your big wad of bill,s which is bulky, difficult to make change for, and, frankly, a breeding ground for germs. A vendor can usually put reasonable conditions on the manner in which they will accept dollars, and one of those conditions can be that they’ll only accept dollars electronically, via credit card. Or, as the US Treasury explains on their website, “Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether or not to accept cash unless there is a State law which says otherwise.”

>So far, Legal Lad has yet to find a state law that mandates payment in cash. In fact, as we discussed in our earlier episodes, courts in a number of states have dismissed challenges to various no-cash policies. But Fred, if you can find a state that forbids no-cash policies, then you can certainly try to get the airline to accept your cash -- of course, you’ll have to wait until the plane is flying over that particular state. On second thought, if you really have a hankering for rubber chicken, soggy sandwiches, and teeny-tiny bottles of chardonnay, play it safe and bring your plastic on-board.

>> No.4710410

QT checkout girl: "The machine really doesn't like you does it?"

"Th..thanks. You too"

>> No.4710414


Did your township also ban dancing after the local preacher's son was killed drink driving home from a school dance?

>> No.4710419


For me it's the opposite. Whenever the message comes up or I ask for help the girl just throws my stuff in the bag and scans her keycard without scanning my item so I get it free.

>> No.4710426


When I worked retail I'd draw Swastikas and random numbers onto banknotes with those pens. They writing can only be seen under a UV light which some stores have.

>> No.4710529

My local grocery stores have a bunch of them for buying your regular groceries complete with a belt and lane rollers. Employees will even sometimes bag your groceries after you've scanned your stuff and sent it down.

>> No.4710638

If someone's going to be rifling through my stuff anyway then I might as well use the cashier, don't you think?s

>> No.4710655

Enjoy paying for your medical prescriptions and student loans when we get prescriptions free and student grants that we don't have to pay back.

>> No.4710703

>You should send your township leaders books about the idea of a Post-Work Society.

Never going to happen.

>> No.4710715


>> No.4710717


I have the opposite problem. I usually go to cashier lines if I'm getting a ton of shit since the self-checkout machines at my grocery store suck dick but I will use them if I'm only picking up a few things and I'm in a hurry.

Every single time I want to use self-checkout, all of them are full of either 80 year olds who need an employee to hold their hand through every step, people taking forever because they're scanning $300+ worth of groceries with the machine bitching at them in between every other item or a single mom with multiple kids being unruly little shits. If I'm getting more than two bags worth of things, it's easier to just go to a cashier.

>> No.4710727


Is anyone else getting increasingly pissed off at seeing this word used to mean "anyone who sees any disadvantage in any kind of technology or (gasp) even prefers to use something other than the newest thing available, no matter how much shittier it is"?

>> No.4710729

My credit union has one that's free to use as long as you have an account with them.

>> No.4711257

Enjoy having a shit economy and massive nanny state.

>> No.4711379

>If you pay them with a $100 bill, expect it to take longer than normal to process because they have to test to see if it is real or fake.
Former c-store worker here. With American currency, you can almost always tell at a glance if a bill is real or fake. The embossed gold/green number in the corner has never successfully been counterfeited to my knowledge, nor has the textured jacket on bills between Jackson and Franklin. If still iffy, check the watermark - if all else fails, use a counterfeit detection pen.

But 9/10 times, you can test the authenticity of a bill in as much time as it takes to check the denomination.

>> No.4711385

Light or yellow mark usually means the bill is real, dark or black mark generally means counterfeit.

Obviously make sure you're using the proper marker for this, and not a highlighter or Sharpie...

>> No.4711396
File: 1.30 MB, 680x475, feelyalater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw physical cash will be eliminated in our lifetimes

>> No.4711412

MFW it cannot tell the difference between high-end apples and sainsbury's basics apples.

>> No.4711416
File: 120 KB, 838x627, 1357492141161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a few months ago when all the credit card readers went out at Walmart.
Something about the system, or the satellites or some shit. I forget what they said caused it.
Anyway, for about an hour, all we could take was cash and checks.
No credit, no debit, no foodstamps.
There was chaos.
So many carts got left behind because people just.. don't carry cash anymore.
(..or they're completely dependent on foodstamps)

I can easily see 'physical' cash some day becoming obsolete. We're slowly heading in that direction right now.

>> No.4711420

The marker is the easiest thing to fake. All you have to do is bleach a real bill and then print the denomination you want on it.

The microprinting, the color shifting ink, the ribbon, and the watermark are harder to fake.

I once saw a bill where they clearly used cooking oil to try and fake a watermark.

>> No.4711424

>(..or they're completely dependent on foodstamps)
Probably this. People would be surprised to see how many people actually "rely" on food stamps in this country.

>mfw I get stuck behind a couple of fat people holding up the line because they're trying to use coupons on their already free food stamps and the machine doesn't accept it

>> No.4711428

>I can easily see 'physical' cash some day becoming obsolete. We're slowly heading in that direction right now.

I don't put too much stock in conspiracy theories involving "they"...but I seriously do believe "they" would love it if we didn't use cash. If every transaction was traceable.

>> No.4711434

Banks will make this happen.
Most of the money in the system that isn't physically in the bank doesn't even exist and isn't back my any other monetary currency.

>> No.4711436

isn't backed by*

>> No.4711438

Private transactions other than bartering will be a thing of the past.

>> No.4711444

Chill bro, we never had these in CA so yes I know I look like a moron trying to figure one out now that I just moved to OR, but we all gotta learn from scratch sometime.

What really pisses them off is when I bring my own bag. I know there's a button to tell it I brought one, but it still can't seem to grasp it. Is it that it under/over-estimates what my bag weighs or what? I swear if I even brush the handles when putting something in it flips out.

>> No.4711455

I could see that happening.

>> No.4711461

Eh, they'll come up with a p2p credit exchange system, similar to the way people can already use their smart phones to accept purchases

>> No.4711467

The Costco here had self checkouts for awhile. It was great when you only wanted 2-3 things and the regular lines were 10+ people long. But then they got rid of them suddenly. I looked up why and there were reports Costco was losing thousands of dollars due to people scamming them. How is that even possible when the guy at the exit has to check and sign off your receipt? It seems like those guys are screwing around here and not doing their jobs.

>> No.4711522


>> No.4711537

>What really pisses them off is when I bring my own bag. I know there's a button to tell it I brought one, but it still can't seem to grasp it. Is it that it under/over-estimates what my bag weighs or what? I swear if I even brush the handles when putting something in it flips out.

Yep, every time. If I say that I brought my own bag it doesn't detect it, but if I just put it down the same time I put down my first item I get "unexpected item in bagging area"

>> No.4711661

>All you have to do is bleach a real bill and then print the denomination you want on it.
Which is why my first plan is to check the embossed denomination in the lower right corner of the face of large bills. You can't fake that with bleach or oil. The only time I ever used the pen was when checking bills for money orders. I'm fairly sure of my ability to check for funny money without the ink, but I prefer to cover my ass and use the pen as well when handling $600+.

>> No.4711665

>Approach self-checkout
>Touch 'brought own bag' button
>Place reusable bag or bags on the scale
>Let it calibrate
>Scan and bag items as usual

Seriously, it's just to check the weight of your bags so that it doesn't flip out when your first item is the weight of the item *and* the bag it didn't know about.

>> No.4711668

>possible when the guy at the exit has to check and sign off your receipt

>> No.4711684

If it's busy you can save a few pennies:

When it comes to foods that you have to weigh (veggies etc) I hold them up slightly so it registers the item at a fraction of the weight, then stick them in the bag. Assistant comes over but never looks at the recorded weight, just clears the screen and lets me continue.

>> No.4711855

Never been to a Costco? They have (usually two) people guarding the exit. No one can leave until they compare the items on your receipt to what is in your cart. Once they made me go back because the cashier forgot to scan one of my items.

>> No.4711917


Yep. Same thing with Sam's Club, though in my experience they really just glance at the receipt, glance at your cart and then that's about it. I've never seen one actually scrutinize what I bought. Then again I only buy a few things from warehouse clubs so it's not as if I had a giant variety of things to sort through.

>> No.4711936

>they inspect your groceries
>you get anal probed when you want to visit friends in canada
>you get your butthole spread in schools as they check you for drugs and weapons
>they come in your house by force if necessary and inspect every room because there's some criminal on the loose in the same state
>x-rayed while taking a piss in the morning
>followed by automated satellites and every location you go to every day is logged
>a camera inside the toilet is filming and recording you when you take a shit

murrrrika, land of the free

>> No.4712149
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>> No.4712160
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I hate you, Milkman Dan.

>> No.4712167


>> No.4712196

This guy thinks pots will be valuable?

>> No.4712298

fuck you machine
fuck you

>> No.4712323


Self checkout doesn't work if you're an idiot. It's also great for savings since you can put a whole bunch of items as a similar cheaper item. I put a 1kg bag as a 500g at half price.

>> No.4712332


Only if you put 5 items in you bag when you pay for one or none they will look you up or on the security cams. Otherwise no one checks.

>> No.4712340


What country do you live in? It's like that in any modern city in this day and age.

>> No.4712355

don't know bout you, but all the stores around here that have them has someone sitting at a table in front of them who does inspections and doesn't buzz open the gate until he approves

>> No.4712359


What gate are you talking about? Not gates near the machines I use. Most of the time the machines are not watched or anyone is around unless you press the assistance button.

>> No.4712365

a fuckin gate? sheeit

>> No.4712372

they have the machines penned into their own area here at walmart, walgreens, a local grocery and costco. Granted the barrier is only just about knee high. But there's a desk in front of 4 self checkouts with a screen that shows what everyone is scanning, and the assistance person stands there monitoring it. As you leave the checkout you have to walk by his stand and he either presses the button to unlock the little fence-gate type of thing or has you put your bags on his counter for inspection.

1 guy for inspection is cheaper than 4 cashiers, and keeps the theft/rip off rate down compared to no inspection.

>> No.4712379

>we get prescriptions free and student grants that we don't have to pay back.
how long before retards realize that things paid for by taxes are not free, you paid for them with taxes.
Instead of simply just buying the thing you want you instead had some politicans take the money from you whether you wanted those things or not, skim some off the top for their pensions and swimming pools, then buy the thing you are being taxed for.
>our country isn't run by socialist fucknuts
it sort of is

>> No.4712424
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>it sort of is

HM Government has all sorts of stupid policies at the moment, but they're not socialist.

Quite a bit has been done to weaken workers' rights along with the burden of state control, which is pretty far from the aims of socialism. If anything what we have now is a bastardisation of liberalism and conservatism.

>> No.4712434



>> No.4712450


Don't worry, one day you'll figure out how scales work.

>> No.4712457

one day someone will program these machines to work properly.

>> No.4712466


Every fucking time

I used to keep my car keys in my hand so when the cunt machine would bark that line I would scratch the fuck outta the screen. In the past the screens had a plastic covering that you could really gouge into, but now most modern self checkout screens have glass. While harder to deface it's still no match for a sharp key, at the Wal-mart closest to my house the third self checkout still has "fuck u" visible if you look at the screen from a slight angle.

I no longer use the self checkout at Wal-mart though, because the counter at the sporting goods department always has a person stationed there with no line. It rustles the fuck out of whoever is working there, but they have to ring shit up whether they like it or not. Anyways...

>Using the automatic jew

>> No.4712480


I learned a long time ago to go in and out through the automotive department. Just park back there like I'm getting the car worked on. Hardly ever a line and if there is they're just paying for their car work. Yeah some dirty looks sometimes but close parking and no lines so fuck 'em.

>> No.4712492

>go /out/ to get groceries
>45 minutes later I'm done "shopping"
>look around
>no cashiers in sight at all
>no self checkout station
>jump the gate and walk off with my free food

>> No.4715117

>auto work


>> No.4715130

>has never been to a normal sized walmart

>> No.4715136

we have a 24hr super center, even has a gas station. I've never seen one with an auto garage though

>> No.4715173

my sides

>> No.4715198

you guys got shafted

>> No.4716040

And of course the fucking issue resolves itself as soon as the Tescos worker comes over and you look like an idiot

>> No.4718055

It disappears after a short time jackass

>tfw I paid a bill using one of those pens on a cheque.

>> No.4718087

I've seen worse
I saw a 10 dollar bill that looked smaller
Color was WAY off
Printed on printer paper
And looked like it's been dragged though dirt to make it look like it's been though circulation
the person was kind of smart about it to use a 10 dollar bill, since we never check those
But if it seems fake by the look and feel of it we check it then call the police