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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4706924 No.4706924 [Reply] [Original]

>work at grocer
>busy line, all registers full of orders
>trying to look up code for produce I haven't seen before
>"Uh. I think it was 3/$0.99"

Why do people do this? I have to type the produce code in either way, the price doesn't help me one bit you cunt.

Grocery store stories anybody?

>> No.4706927

I think that's like a retail general thing.

I work at hallmark and every flips shit when sales stuff doesn't ring up right, and they inform me while I'm sitting there punching in a said code to put sale on.

I think it's just people who've never worked a POS before who say stuff like that. But it's a lot and real annoying.

>> No.4706928

>Why do people do this? I have to type the produce code in either way,
Because most people have never worked as grocery cashiers and they are trying to be helpful to you as a common courtesy.
>the price doesn't help me one bit you cunt.
A proper education and drive towards betterment would help you land work where you won't have to deal with "us cunts," you underachieving faggot.

>> No.4706940


And it's not the act itself, it's the condscening tone they take with me that pisses me off.

>> No.4706941

I'm sorry for trying to help, fag.
Now ring me up, bitchboy and don't forget the separate bag for my meat & dairy.

>> No.4706942

>Why do people do this?
Three potential reasons:
>they're impatient cunts and can't stand watching you take up the forty seconds of their precious time so you can do your job right
>they automatically assume every register has some sort of button that can magically sort sales from different departments with just one push
>they actually know the real price but are telling you a cheaper price and hoping you'll let their suggestion slide

>> No.4706944

Where the fuck do you work that pays you $24/hr to be a cashier

>> No.4706947

Organic family owned grocery store. Shit is pretty cash.

>> No.4706949
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What's it to you? Oh, I get it, you wanted to hear they were making minimum wage per hour right? Boo hoo.

>> No.4706951

>Person tries to help me do my job in wrong way
>It doesn't hinder my ability to do my actual job at all
>I get pissy because I'm a cunt

>> No.4706954

Is this USA, Canadian, or Australia dollary dos?

>> No.4706958


you're a fucking cashier. a monkey can do that. if you want the legacy you leave behind "I earned $24/h HURRR" then sure, enjoy reaching the peak of your potential.

>> No.4706959

Do I sound like a faggot or a Canadian?

Murrika stronk

>> No.4706962


>> No.4706960

So many this.

You have existing knowledge of how the system works, they don't. They are just weary shoppers trying to get in and get out not 'cunts'. Just calm down, be helpful and positive and you will enjoy your job much more.

>> No.4706964 [DELETED] 

shut up u motherfucker noone likes you?

>> No.4706965

The difference in Canadian, Australian, and USD isn't all that much now, something like +/- $1

>> No.4706970

>They are just weary shoppers trying to get in and get out not 'cunts'.
>>person who's never worked in customer service detected
You're an idiot if you think all customers are sweet, humble lambs just trying to go about their day. You haven't seen shit.
Newsflash: People are cheap, pushy, rude, and arrogant. And it doesn't help matters that you're in a job that deals with their food. Nothing pisses people off more than interfering with their food fix.

>> No.4706973

Australia has a very high minimum wage $15
Canada's lowest in 9
America is like 7 bucks

>> No.4706974

I can't even give you a discount without approval from my sup. Stop hassling me.

>> No.4706978

Well they are shopping at an organic grocery store that charges so much that their cashiers make over 20 bucks an hour
They have the right to be pushy at that point

>> No.4706980

Apprentices in Australia make $7 - $9 per hour.
Fast food and some retail make $7 - $10 per hour.
Big retail makes $10 - $12 per hour.

Where the fuck are you getting $15 from?

>> No.4706981

>Why do people do this?

Simple. Because they don't know you have to enter the code, probably because they've never worked a retail job where it was required. It was most likely an older person; until fairly recently most cash registers simply required you to enter the price. I worked retail in the late 1990's. Even then we just punched the price into the register, no codes.

>> No.4706983
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Enjoy being replaced by a machine that is better than you in every possible way.

I refuse to shop at any grocery store that doesn't have one of these.

>> No.4706985

The Australian government
Also way to out yourself as underage

>> No.4706988

>They have the right to be pushy at that point
No they don't. It's called a free market and if they don't like it then they can shop at Wal-Mart. They're not entitled to act like anything.

>> No.4706991

I was working minimum wage jobs around five years ago and haven't worked them since. I was quoting figures that I knew from when I was younger which it seems they are still around the same rate. So 20+ year olds are getting $16.00 per hour for minimum wage now! I never knew that and thanks for the source.

Apprentice rates for adults are nearly $20 now too! That's insane...I hope it stays this way for Australia.

>> No.4706993

>Even then we just punched the price into the register, no codes.
Honestly I wish they'd just go back to this. Codes are such bullshit, and sometimes people in charge of doing tags can't do their fucking jobs and prices don't come out right anyway.

>> No.4706998

They're a fucking pain, honestly, and even with those you still have a couple people watching the machines to prevent theft, fix the inevitable problems, and handle ID items and other such things.

>> No.4706999


This. Fuck cashiers, I can even buy the expensive produce while using the codes for the cheap shit.

>> No.4707004

I was talking about exchange rates between the three currencies

>> No.4707006
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>All the retards and old people who don't know how to use them but try anyway

>> No.4707007
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>> No.4707008

>I hope it stays this way for Australia.

Why? Do you believe that lower-paying jobs should be made illegal and those people fired and put out of work?

>> No.4707012

> I can even buy the expensive produce while using the codes for the cheap shit.
Bragging about obsoleting paid workers and defrauding grocery stores for a few bucks...what a classy guy.

>> No.4707013

No I don't. I think it's great for anyone that perhaps has not had the best education or opportunities in life to score a menial job and still get paid a decent salary. It says great things about the Australian lifestyle and economy.

>> No.4707021
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The only people that say this to me are older people who are used to that method back in the day, or people who are just being helpful. And that's only if it's an item without a code on it for some reason. Normally, in this case, we get a guy in produce for the correct price. The worst is:
>produce item I've never seen before, no code either
>"sir/mam, what is this so I can ring it up"
>"I don't know"

>> No.4707025

AHAHAHAHAHA. When I used to work the u-scan station at my grocery store there were people like this. They'd hover over their food items and haphazardly toss them over the scanner and into the bags before the system could even process. Usually made things all the more slower for them and sometimes I'd have to come over and help. Boy did they either get embarrassed or irrationally angry.
Usually people trying to cheat the system with produce or underage kids attempting to buy beer.
10/10 lol'd heartily

>> No.4707027

How do you even do produce on a self checkout? I'm too scared to try. Sometimes my vegetables or fruit doesn't have a sticker and I have no idea what the code is.

>> No.4707030

They usually have a search by name function or let you select from pictures.

>> No.4707032

you actually sound australian

>> No.4707034

>barcode doesn't scan right away
>"heh. Must be free"

>> No.4707036

Just use the produce item screen.

>> No.4707037

They have a category called produce if you don't know the PLU. You just click the button with its picture and place it on the scanner to weigh it when it prompts you. But for the most part it's easier to punch in the PLU, or weigh your items and print out a label before checking out.

>> No.4707038

Don't worry about codes - this shit is fool proof.

On most machines there is a tab on the side with bakery, produce etc. So you click on the produce tab and up comes a huge list of pictures fruits and vegetables...the most common kind. On the right again you can search by letter or by name. So if you have 50kg of beetroots you just put it on the scale, go to product, tap the icon of a beetroot and easy. You're done.

>> No.4707039

retail cashier general
>customer who watches the prices of each item like a hawk
>has to argue about what s/he thinks the price they saw on the sales floor
>has to argue about buy one get one half, because they think they deserve the more expensive item to be half off
>doesn't believe tax really comes out to that much
>thinks they can return the full price item and not be charged for the half off we gave them earlier
>wants a discount on an imperceptible discoloration/thread hanging off
>wants you to give them coupons at pos they believe must possibly exist
>shooing their children from out behind the register, who just stand there and smile because they don't understand English, get bitched at by the parent for yelling at their kids
>tell children they can't take the candy from the racks, parents get pissy because some mean guy yelled at their kid
>explaining the sales in elementary school teacher talk for each customer for eight hours a day
>wish we had t-shirts that give directions to the bathroom
>people who want to shop over the phone, even to the point where they want it shipped to their house
>the one lady who knows she's got a huge line behind her, but takes her time digging for coupons, asking about prices, spitting her payment, writing her check, counting out change to the penny, and putting everything away after the sale as slowly as possible

During our friends and family sale we were having 40% off for fellow associates. A lady who was a relative of an associate, said, "Okay this one and this one are both 40% off, that's 80% off, right?"
>"No. That's not how percents work."
"Well if it comes down to it I'll just buy them separately!"
>explains in elementary school teacher talk how percents work
>wants to see a manager, I need an override for F&F anyway
>Manager scans her badge, woman asks for 80% off, manager just stares blankly and walks away

I would rather be wait staff than a retail cashier, seriously.

>> No.4707041

>mfw the scale is broken and needs a cashier to override everything

>> No.4707042
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>> No.4707043

>produce item I've never seen before
how do you be that unhealthy

or stupid enough not to be able to recognize it onscreen

>> No.4707046
File: 137 KB, 468x462, Identify this I dare you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well excuse me for not immediately recognising this straight away

>> No.4707048

>checking/marking large bills
>"I just printed them this morning, the ink's still wet."

>> No.4707049


I work in a grocery store where we still manually punch in prices, so I can understand this

>> No.4707050

it's brocolli m8

>> No.4707051

Isn't that broccoli?

>> No.4707052

That's that...fractal broccoli-cauliflower hybrid?

>> No.4707059

I have heard these so many times.

Also when I worked as a baker
>does your job make a lot of dough HUEHUE LIKE CASH DOUGH HUEHUE

And as food delivery truck driver in a refrigerated truck
>you're job must be....COOL

>> No.4707054

At my local supermarket, there's an index card of codes for the produce mounted above the screen.

>> No.4707057

>writing her check

Fuck every time. I saw a woman write a check for 0.79 cents once and the cashier couldn't accept it because it was too small an amount or something, I don't know, but that went on about 5 minutes before another cashier came along to help everyone waiting. What the hell is it with women and checks? Just use a goddamn credit/debit card, it's 2013 for fuck's sake.

>> No.4707062

It's got a name

>> No.4707064


>> No.4707067

Because they have never worked retail. Did you really need this explained to you retard?

>> No.4707069


I had this happen to me not long ago. Bought some mushrooms and went out to the car for something while my roommate paid. Heard later the guy had no idea what crimini mushrooms were and my roommate didn't know either for some reason even though we've been buying and eating them for 6 years on a regular basis. The cashier just took a wild guess, but he got it wrong (called em white mushrooms). I think we got charged a little more, but still, damn, I felt like shit but I never knew something like this could happen.

>> No.4707081


You seem to misunderstand basic economics. Don't get me wrong--it's great that people want to help their fellow man, and it's nice to see someone wanting to stick up for the less fortunate. However, minimum wage laws do the opposite. They actually eliminate jobs--specifically the low paying ones that are of the biggest benefit to the least fortunate.

Look at it this way. Suppose you have a little business going where you hire workers to sell widgets. Suddenly the gov steps in and tells you that you must raise your wages. Assuming you are an average businessperson and are working to feed your family and you are not rich you suddenly have a very major problem: where is that money going to come from? You have to make the books balance. You have a lot of expenses: rent, advertising, legal fees, a boatload of taxes, your employee's pay, raw material costs, insurance, and so on. So how are you suddenly going to deal with this increase in your expenses? You can:
1) Cut your own pay to give your employees raises. Sucks for you, assuming your pay is even high enough to do this.
2) Fire one or more employees to make the books balance. Sucks for them, doesn't it?
3) Raise the price of your widgets, and now deal with the fact that your sales will drop, AND hope that your competitors must also do the same, otherwise you're headed out of business really quickly, and then everyone (including you) loses their job.

Even if you can somehow balance the books it defeats the point of raising wages in the first place--what good is it to raise wages if everything simply costs more?

Jobs have a huge range of expected pay based on the skills required. All raising the minimum wage does is eliminate the lower paying jobs from the market by making their pay rate illegal. If that the business cannot afford to raise wages, those jobs disappear.

polite off-topic sage.

>> No.4707109

I've never thought of it like that before... You have some really good points and that's probably why so much in Australia already costs more than overseas.

>> No.4707112

>I've never thought of it like that before
Because most people fail to see that minimum wage is an abstraction of the value of unskilled labor. Increasing min wage reduces the unit value of the currency.

>> No.4707115

I honestly never heard of endive when I was 16, so I didn't know the name or knew what to reference. The produce list we have is fuckhuge, so I figured I'd save time and just ask what it is to speed things up.

>> No.4707160

>we're supposed to feel bad for people who create shoddy business models whose profits solely rely on the availability of cheap, menial laborers
Uh huh. Sounds American enough alright.

>> No.4707175

In any country there will always be a range of jobs. Some people perform brain surgery. Some people clean bathrooms. Why do you want to fuck over the people who are cleaning bathrooms?

>> No.4707184

>work at grocery in 20k population town
>store recently put in 4 self checkouts
>put in a position where I'm supposed to oversee them and make sure people aren't ripping them off

>no one using them
>lines fucking long at regular cashiers
>try to wave people over, offer to do it for them
>they look away like they don't see me

jesus christ it's not the fucking plague

>> No.4707196

Same here, I work in a store located a bit in the woods so it's not up to date like big grocery stores. If the barcode numbers don't work I just punch in the price as a merchandise taxable.

>> No.4707253

Hi I ring up organic produce as regular produce and Vidalia onions as regular onions just to make your life hell

Don't even get me started on the granola bar, you'll have no idea what I'm walking away with, sucker

>> No.4707256

Since it hardly gets used I pretty much call over everybody who uses it over to my table for inspection, then I re-ring it up and charge you for it.

>> No.4707261

Tipping should not be mandatory, but optional.

>> No.4707269

Tipping IS optional. However, the "optional" part doesn't depend on whether or not you want to tip, but on how good your server was. If you had a bad server, you leave less money. If you had an awesome server, you leave twenty percent or higher. That's how it works. Don't like it? Move to some other country and take your Jewish miserliness with you.

>> No.4707271

>Don't tip
>Get your food spit in the next time you're served at that restaurant
I'm not responsible for directly paying your wages.

>> No.4707275

>That's how it works
Says who?
If i get bad service, I leave NO tip. Not "small tip."

>> No.4707277

My tip is they should finish highschool.

>> No.4707280

>If you had a bad server, you leave less money.

You Americans crack me up.

>> No.4707288

I'm American. Don't bunch me up in your stereotype with that dumbass.

>> No.4707303

Eurofags can stay out of the tipping discussion, we all know you don't tip, and we don't care. This is between Amerifags now, teaching the ignorant ones how things work in their own country.

>> No.4707310


You're post makes no sense... he called you an American... and you're confirming it for him?

Also I don't tip for poor/bad service. I'll tip like whatever if it's decent, and if I actually enjoy being served, I give a real tip. Don't like it, spit in my food bitch. I've eaten grosser things. I've been to Haiti.

>> No.4707349

>did you find everything you needed today, sir/mam?
>I only came in for one thing, hurrr hurrr hurrr

>> No.4707369

>working the express lane
>customer buys a single bottle of soda, less than 2 dollars
>pays with a hundred dollar bill


>> No.4707371

>20% or higher
>taking an extra 1/5th of my bill and tossing it in the toilet

>> No.4707375

good luck stopping me

>> No.4707384

>stingy americunt
So which one are you?

>> No.4707390

Not a pleb who waits tables.

15% is standard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a heeb.

>> No.4707392

>tfw never worked a retail or service job

Feels good.
>inb4 low class scum whine about muh perspective and muh character

>> No.4707396

What? How did you not understand my post?
He's stereotyping Americans and I'm telling him to not stereotype me the same way as the other guy.

>> No.4707412
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>Cart abandoners

>> No.4707437

>Tipping is optional
>If you get service that doesn't deserve a tip, you tip

>> No.4707441

You get to take a chance to put it all back, chill out and basically take a break. There's nothing to be upset about.

>> No.4707443
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>old people licking their fingers when they ruffle through their checkbooks or cash
>old people spitting and hocking up loogies into my trashcan
>old people screaming at me because their checks won't go through
>old people in general

On one occasion I had one old guy hand me a 20 dollar bill, and apparently he had cut his hand without knowing because one entire side of it was covered in blood.

>> No.4707451


>Why do people do this?

Why can't you recognize the small handful of produce your store has in stock?

Every fucking time a cashier seems unsure what they are looking at I tell them it's the cheapest possible thing they could possibly believe.

>working at a dead end job and trying to act superior to your customers because they don't know which buttons you need to push and otherwise have no idea what you are doing

>> No.4707460


>can't immediately recognize your own store's products

Confirmed for troll thread.

>> No.4707462



>> No.4707475


>Never knowing the satisfaction telling your server they're a piece of shit by shearing a penny in half as their tip.

Yuropoors will never taste the fruit of being a super power again.

>> No.4707481
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>putting different types of produce in the same bag that need to be individually weighed AND fucking tying the bag
>paying with a check ever
>"is this an express lane?" as they are standing directly under a giant fucking sign that says it's an express lane
>people who try to tell me that something is on sale when I have a giant list of all the sales right next to me
>people who don't write down the PLU's on things from bulk foods

>> No.4707483

>shearing a penny in half
Holy fuck. This thread is full of good ideas.
brb boltcutters

>> No.4707488


Get medical shears (used to cut seatbelts in cars by paramedics/firemen) as they can slice up a penny, no problem.

>> No.4707492


>fat people using the motorized carts

>> No.4707494

i know mine can't do that

>> No.4707503


>having no actual skills
>having to work as a grocery store clerk
>feeling this entitled

>> No.4707507

what job do you suggest I get when I'm in college and can only work over the summer?

>> No.4707517

Yes free market, as in if this overpaid shitstain of a cashier can't perform basic customer service then they can be booted out on their ass.

>> No.4707521

sling dope
tech/it services

>> No.4707530

damn humans eat weird things

>> No.4707534


I have a pair of Magnum Medical Pro 7 1/2 shears. They work just fine, you can find them cheap.

>> No.4707540

Okay. Mine came in a bag my last employer chucked out in favor of new 500 dollar bags

>> No.4707544

In defense of whoever says this, it's conditioned into to by management. I use to work for a large electronics store, and I'd catch myself saying the shit they condition you to say without even realizing it.

>> No.4707548

same thing in the army
i've been out 6 months but i still refer to people as their fucking rank.

don't do it kids, it rots your brain

>> No.4707612

>does your job make a lot of dough HUEHUE LIKE CASH DOUGH HUEHUE
the sheer number of times I hear this in one day could be considered a justifiable reason of suicide.

>> No.4707617

Damn girl, I knew you were a baker cause you've got some nice buns

>> No.4707623

implying I'm a woman

>> No.4707626


>implying that anon wouldn't still say that to you

>> No.4707627

implying that makes a difference

>> No.4707676

>Worked in pet store, name is animal, nametag is visible
>"hurrhurr, no wonder why you work here just like the animal/animal whisperer joke"


>> No.4707721
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>Work at shoprite
>Be cashier
>Some guy with his mother or something comes to my line, I tell him that ??? item is on sale with the membercard (Fuck these cards)
>He doesn't have one, and doesn't remember the phone number
>We don't have a store card so I told him he'd have to go without it
>Gets pissy and leaves his fucking cart full of food in the middle of the register
Why do people go to the supermarket in a bad mood? It's not that big of a deal to ask someone behind you for their card.

>> No.4707750
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>be at checkout
>clerk doesn't know what the produce is that he's looking at
>fumbles around on the computer screen for almost a minute
"I think it was 3/.99, if that helps?"
>gives me a mean look

>> No.4707753

I don't work at a grocer, so maybe someone will answer this.

Whenever I buy a lot of peppers, I break off the heavy-ass stems since the price is by weight.

Would I get in trouble if this was discovered?

>> No.4707789

I hate checks. I only got them for bills. I've seen a few women write checks recently and they've always ended up bad. One woman didn't realize she needed to show her license, so she had to run to her car to get it. Then another woman spent more than five minutes trying to get the check to go through. Can't remember if it was the machine's fault or hers. Either way, checks suck.

>> No.4707849

I have used many different POS systems before, including grocery store ones. And many have a button labelled "Produce Other" or "Meat Other" where you can just enter a price for something without scanning it (if the barcode is messed up) or putting in a PLU (if you can't find the correct one)

Of course, managers hate it because it screws with their inventory and sales figures because they can't track things well. But the tradeoff is that you can put in a price for a problematic item and speed shit up.

>> No.4707854
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I Have a pet hate, i work in the produce section of a major supermarket.
Customer pulls small plastic bag off roll, plastic bag does not rip off so customer rips it harder, struggle ensues due to lack of patience.
bag finally releases after violent tussel, customer puts fruit in bag and fruit falls out the bottom, customer complains about our bags having holes in them.

>> No.4707860

grocery store meat cutter master race reporting

>> No.4707903
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Anyone ever have a shitty cashier that handles your food poorly?
There's this scene chick working at peak hours at my Winco who literally THROWS the food she scans, even when there isn't a long line. Last time I went she crushed my bread. I make an effort to avoid her as much as possible now.

>> No.4707928

From /r/talesfromretail

I worked at a Wal-Mart and dealt with the prepaid phones in electronics. A mom came in to get her two young girls (12 and 13) cell phones. The girls were fighting about who's phone I was going to activate first and the mom was yelling at them to stop fighting so I said, " it's alright, I can do you both at the same time". Except I kinda said it with this creepy smile and nodded my head suggestively. I didn't mean to, but they all instantly became quiet and I turned bright red and just started working on the phones. My coworker overheard it and thought I was a creep.

>> No.4707934
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Walmart guy here too. I was putting up a cartful of stuff one time, and there was a couple pairs of little girls' shoes in there. I was still new, and didn't know where everything was.
The fitting room lady asked me as I was passing by, and I awnsered her while I was in mid-thought
>I'm looking for... little girls.....

She kinda stared at me for a minute, and I was like OH GOD NO I mean shoes! Girls shoes!

>> No.4707938


>> No.4707984


>> No.4707988

freudian slips, faygos

>> No.4708031

>name is animal
What is name?

>> No.4708040

I love these things. Saves making small talk with cashier.

>> No.4708098
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Used to be a cashier. Know what was much more common and infinitely worse than what OP described?

>Unlabeled produce
>Looking up code
>"Oh those are peaches."

Well THANK GOD you were there to enlighten me as to what these mysterious orbs were! I thought they were some kind of round banana or something! That was all that was stopping me from ringing up your fruit, as I know everything about peaches, their code, and price. However, I cannot for the life of me recognize them on sight alone.

>> No.4708109

Faggot registers cunts always trying to rip us off and pocket the cash, by saying shit not on sale when its not

>> No.4708119

This is a good idea, any information on if this is ok?

>> No.4708131

That's not how it works.

>> No.4708144

>work at grocer
>grocery actually has good computers in which you can enter a price and it just appears as miscellaneous meat/fish/vegetables/etc. on the receipt
>I appreciate it when people try to help me
>Always friendly to customers so they're also almost always friendly to me

It's not hard OP.

>> No.4708147

fuck you people having an attitude. you can bitch about your job when it's actually stressful or not just light labor in an air conditioned environment. fucking pansies.
your jobs are not stressful compared to most of the jobs on the planet.

everyone has to deal with people being stupid AND do their already stressful job. your worst bitch is "WOW THIS CUSTOMER SAID SOMETHING IN AN ATTEMPT TO HELP ME/MAKE SMALL TALK AND IT DIDN'T HELP. HOW DARE HE." please just kill yourselves

>> No.4708148
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Work night shifts at Kroger. Shit is god damn hilarious. The kind of people that shop between midnight and 5 am. Because people who work 9-5 at night all are sorts of fucked up vampires, it's probably the only job you can call your boss a cunt and get a laugh.

Best shit is catching food stamp abuse from the local indian stores. They would buy up all the staple food and then sell them in their own stores.

Dumb hood rats trying to steal cans of beer in their pants is fucking hilarious. Trying to walk out with legs that have suddenly grown can shaped tumors.

Last but not least, fat people who break the scooters for the disabled. They have a 280lb limit and those things scream in pain when some 400lb fatty tries to ride it.

>> No.4708149

>work as cashier
>customer doesn't tip me
>cum on their produce

>> No.4708161

your job is to serve your customers to the best of your ability, not judge them on how hard they attempt to please you. if you can't get behind this idea, you are not adequately skilled for a job in customer service. keep in mind that anyone could replace you, and will do so if you make it clear that it is in your store's best interest.

>24 bucks an hour
>can't put up with the hellish task of standing behind a register and moving 2 lb- blocks of food 3 inches across a laser and saying "thank you for coming" to customers

you are not prepared for the real world

>> No.4708180

It's called a romanesco, they sell it at the grocer where they also sell other weird ass vegetables. Had the same problem as you in the beginning m8.
>Excuse me, do you know what kind of vegetable this is?
>Oh I don't know, lol

Also had this lady once that was convinced she was buying red beet but was actually buying purple kohlrabi. Why do you buy vegetables if you don't know what they are, seriously.

To contribute to the thread:
>work in a grocer where you can only pay by debit or credit card in the entire store
>there are signs you can't miss EVERY FUCKING WHERE in the store that say this, right up from on the door to the place you put the groceries on for me to ring up, as well as another bazillion places around the register
>when people look at me at the register they can clearly see I don't even have money drawer or something else to put the money in
>people still come and let me ring up a gigantic fuckton of groceries while they look at the register and its bazillion notifications about paying
>they still hand me a bill
>Politely notify them on the fact that we don't accept fysical money here
>"And at the other registers?"
>politely say that the entire store and chain does this
>"But I don't have a card with me"
>"Then I can't help you, but if you live nearby I can put your items on hold so you can some back later to pay for them and...
>they just leave in the middle of me talking and walk out awkwardly
>leave me there with a huge bunch of groceries on the register and line of people waiting until I remove everything again.

If it's a small amount and the person has the exact amount of cash I usually pay it for them though, but not for $70 worth of groceries.

>> No.4708188

That's basically it, yeah. If you work in a big chain that makes billions per year and is run by corporate dipshits, its different. Your speed is scored, anything that isn't near perfect? Guess what, enjoy finding a new job. Most of our long term cashiers have RSI and have to scan to scan at least 1 item every 2 seconds and they serve up to 600 customers each. These guys usually make 7.25 to 7.40 an hour as well. 24 dollars an hour this faggot is either lying or has worked there for 10 years.

>> No.4708192

Work stories in /ck/?

What's next, threads on tipping?

>> No.4708193

Why are people who work in customer service generally obnoxious dicks? I mean, it's like that tip shaming crap; they'll act nice as pie to get some money, then when they get home they post on the internet about how all their customers are cunts? Fucking hell. You people must be great company, really.

>> No.4708195

do you work at some new age hipster organix store in Berkeley, or just in a neighborhood with a lot of niggers?

>> No.4708204
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> Year of our lord 2014-1
> Not using the Stop and Shop™ ScanIt!™ gun

Is there something wrong with you m8's?

>> No.4708217

>Then get bitched at by your managers for fucking up stock counts

>> No.4708220

>"Do you have a clubcard?"
>I can see it right there in the purse/wallet

>> No.4708228

We have those club cards that earn fuel points when you purchase stuff. I always keep mine handy when customers "forgot" their cards. I save like 50 bucks a month doing that.

>> No.4708230

Because in some stores people do that and the cashier uses that instead of typing it in. when they do that they just ring it up as "produce" which is generic for anything that doesn't have a proper code or the code is lost.

>> No.4708272

americunt cant count....wahh have to make change

>> No.4708276

>go to grocery store
>try to use self checkout
>please swipe your Giant Eagle Advantage™ Card ®
>don't have one
>machine refuses to let me just pay for my fucking groceries without joining their stupid club
>lease groceries and walk out
>never go back

Why? I don't want to carry around another damn card just to buy some shitty food.

>> No.4708279

this is just not true. I don't even understand why so many Europeans claim that. In most of Europe you do tip, usually not 20% though and it's not as mandatory as in the US.

>> No.4708301


Aka small business models... Not every company is a multinational that can afford to replace cheap labour with technology. Goddam i hate arguing economics on 4chan. Bloody children the lot of them!

>> No.4708330

where does that? that sounds like a terrible business model.

>> No.4708336

people tip cashiers at grocery stores?

>> No.4708340


>> No.4708341


I'm guessing your food gets spit in a lot at restaurants.

>> No.4708342

I have once gotten it for free using this quip so fuck you

>> No.4708351

but many of those small businesses get tax breaks to offset the minimum wages

>> No.4708368

Doesn't Sam's Club do that?

>> No.4708369

and costco

>> No.4708388
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Gas station indians come into my store all the time trying to get 20-30 cases of coke and pepsi at a time, but my CSMs (sort of like.. lesser bosses) tell them no and bitch about "Blah blah they're just gonna re-sell them bluu bluuuuu"

They always come to my line because i'm not a fucking racist, and couldn't give less of a shit what you do with your items after they've been payed for.
We're making a profit.
Items are being sold.
Who cares?
I'm not the one going to the gas station paying 3x more for the same shit.

>> No.4708605

I work at some sort of whole foods/organic strore in a wealthy as fuck neighborhood

>> No.4708642

>people who don't write down the PLU's on things from bulk foods

What do you do in this case? You can't leave the register to go check what it is, and I don't think you can tell them to pack all their stuff back up and go back to look. It's a no-win scenario.

>> No.4708650

>"Blah blah they're just gonna re-sell them bluu bluuuuu"

so much for muh freedoms
i will resell what i fucking want

>then charge you sales tax and pocket it

>> No.4708656

Ask the bagger to go check or call in a price check.

>> No.4708663

Well you can't even get in the door at Costco without having a card, so payment problems shouldn't even be an issue.

>> No.4708665

calling bullshit obv

>> No.4708673

dat broccoflower

>> No.4708678

I did that shit all the time . get rekt

>> No.4708684

sounds like winn dixie up in here

>> No.4708692

>have a favored grocery store
>all the baggers there are tards
>they're mostly functional but are still awkward to be around
>one of them talked to me about star trek for five minutes in barely-intelligible tardspeak even though i've never watched star trek in my life
>just because i always thank him politely when he hands me my bags
>the only non-tard bagger is an old albanian lady who always looks like she's ready to die
>even when you thank her she just stares at you gauntly
>i'm pretty sure the only two english words she knows are "paper" and "plastic"

still better than trying to use those finicky self-checkouts.

>> No.4708703

>i've never watched star trek in my life

How do you go your whole life and not see Star Trek? I'm not saying marathon the whole series, but I hope you've at least seen a few episodes here or there, enough to at least know the basics.

>> No.4709090

>Marlboro Lights, please
>Can I see your ID?
>I don't have it.
>Well, I can't sell these to y--
>I'm sorry?
>August 5, 1988.
>Sorry, I can't just take your word for it.
>Come on, do I look that young?

You were born in 1988. You're 25. YES.

>> No.4709095

>i'm pretty sure the only two english words she knows are "paper" and "plastic"

Ok, I laughed, a little more than I should have.

>> No.4709108

>implying 25 is young

are you a wizard?

>> No.4709144
File: 550 KB, 310x251, whatever man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two grocery store cashiers are identical twins
>one's really bro
>other one's always annoyed and angry

>> No.4709155

There's a big sign that says "We card under 40" right next to me.

>implying 25 is old
Are you underage?

>> No.4709288

If you're working in a grocery store, and you consider 25 to be a young age, you're probably too old to be working at a fucking grocery store.

>> No.4709301

I used to say in response, "Only for the store employees."

u mad, customers?

>> No.4709308

You have to card everyone for cigarettes if they look a certain age ("under 40"). Inspectors from the state and from corporate do come in and check, and if you're caught not carding - even IF the person is legal aged - the store can lose its tobacco license and there are enormous fines, too ($5000+ in my state). Both the store and the employee can be fined, and obviously the employee would probably lose their job over it.

Worked in retail for awhile and the store down the street lost their tobacco license for a period of time due to this, people got fired and had to pay a fine. Almost all the local family-owned shops around here lost their tobacco license because of the same thing.

On the flip-side, do you know how annoying it is to card people and it's, "Well i don't have my ID/ My dog ate it / Oh it's in my other wallet"... Who drives to the store without their wallet/license?

tl;dr: Don't take it personal when you get carded. The cashier is just doing their job.

>> No.4709319

>Only 3 registers open, express, and 2 regular
>There's a huge line up in all 3 registers
>Manager comes by
>Everyone including myself thinking she will open a 3rd or 4th one.
>She closes 1 register and lets the girl go on break.
>Manager walks away.


>> No.4709320

I would never let the irresponsible faggot in front of me use my store card. Never.

>> No.4709321

Cashiers won't even notice.

>> No.4709328

Most customers act like grocery store cashiers should be their underpaid therapists.

>> No.4709359

Of course not. I live in Japan where service is guaranteed, so you rarely need to ask to have things your way. Plus I've never seen a grocery store clerk take an unusual amount of time here, because it seems ample training and regularly opening up lanes to service heavy traffic are the norms for the culture.

>> No.4709381

As a produce clerk, I'd see that as a "clever girl" moment. No one tells you you can or can't do this but it's allowed.
Same with loose corn or cabbage. See undesirable leaves or husk?
You can just shuck/peel it off.
And you make the item a tiny bit lighter. But this only really matters if the item is being sold by the pound/kg.
Sage for really late reply.

>> No.4709382

then get your fucking psychology degree and become adequately paid, or get out of the business

no one ever goes into customer service thinking "oh man, this job will be fun and I'll totally get paid above minimum wage for excellent work." it's a shit job that you enter with low expectations that you're generally forced to take because you're not especially qualified, and if you can't handle it then you get out. there are other jobs that have you face-to-face with customers a lot less, but no matter what you're going to have to deal with assholes so don't act like your job is unfair to you.