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4706063 No.4706063 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get my family to eat more legumes but I fear that their brains would simply subconsciously reject the idea that a meatless dish can be considered main course. What are some great savory beans recipes that are good enough to be eaten on their own?

>> No.4706075

Are you trying for a vegetarian dish? Because every bean dish I like uses lard or some type of animal fat, butter at the least.

>> No.4706087

no, the dish does not need to be vegetarian (although in the country I live bacon is extremely expensive so I can only use poultry or beef)
However, I want the beans to be the main ingredient. I do not want a beef stew with a few pieces of beans here and there. Meat should only be used as a flavoring if possible

>> No.4706122

I'd recommend using hamhocks, diced rashers of bacon.
Alternatively, try cooking your beans with with beef or veal stock.

>> No.4706126

Fatback or saltpork is far better with most beans than bacon and generally far cheaper.

>> No.4706284

I cannot stand "rashers" ( britfag detected ) of bacon in slowcooked beans. Flavor is not the same and thin bacon gets too soft/dissolves.
My texan mom always used salt pork, which is basically unsmoked bacon. they dont sell saltpork here in Mexico so I go to the butcher and buy the end pieces off the beautiful whole bacon slabs they have for slicing.

>> No.4706304

She's not a brit. She's a HKer Kiwi.

>> No.4706618

Whenever I don't feel like investing much time in cooking, I always make a big pot of chili and eat it with rice. I don't exactly have a recipe though and use minced soy instead of beef.

I eat a lot of beans but usually only as a side dish fresh out of the can. All I've ever made with it was a few bean curries and the soy chili.

>> No.4706626

If you google "blender black bean soup", several good recipes for it will turn up. I make that fairly often, and it's filling, delicious, easy, and great with some cornbread on the side.

>> No.4706631

Just get some cilantro, onion, a jalapeno, and garlic; then throw it into a big pot of pinto beans. Shit is simple, hearty and delicious.
bonus points if you make some tortillas, pico, and guac with it.

>> No.4706654

I want them to be able to see the bean (legume) dish as a main course. A soup isn't going to fly

>> No.4706658

how expensive are we talking here? I'm legitimately curious.

>> No.4706713
File: 85 KB, 226x255, 1323487702194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think soup isn't enough for a main dish.

>> No.4706726

about 7 dollars for a 80gram package
Muslim country

>> No.4706729

I mean maybe there are specialty shops where they sell bacon at a reasonable price but all the bacon in supermarkets are pretty much about 100$/kg 40$/lb

>> No.4706733

soup fills me up so wonderfully. i love main course soups.

>> No.4706741

I think it's an American thing. Goes with the whole worship of abundance. As one guy put it, "soup is for poor people and Mexicans".

Hit them with a thick Scandinavian green pea soup in the middle of the winter, and serve rye bread and cheese on the side, plus buttermilk to drink, and they'll know better. Then they'll blast off and land in the Atlantic when the farts hit them.

>> No.4706743
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that's no fun, sorry to hear that. I'll just have to appreciate my bacon that much more now.

>> No.4706744

uhhh I guess if you consider a bean stew a soup that'd be okay but it definitely needs to be chunky.
I just can not conceptualize a completely smooth liquid to be "main course"

>> No.4706748

to each their own.

>> No.4707075

This. I once had to go on a liquid diet and no matter what I took in I still felt hungry. It felt like I just drank a glass of water and the hunger would return in a few minutes.

Chunky soup can be a little filling while stew is fine.

>> No.4707111

Kidney beans and rice, with plenty of veggies thrown in. Onions, bell peppers, and whatever spicy pepper you like especially. Maybe throw in some creole or cajun seasoning.

Make some cornbread to go with it.

>> No.4707205
File: 18 KB, 320x240, piccolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dining on water