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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 259x195, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4705169 No.4705169 [Reply] [Original]

Milk/cream in hot tea is disgusting.

Hash browns don't need ketchup or any other condiment if you know how to make them properly.

There's nothing inherently wrong with young children being picky eaters, you just need to get them out of that phase as early as you can or else they'll be picky eaters for life, which will cause problems.

Breastfeeding is a matter of personal decision, but any self-respecting mother with an infant child should let that child experience that physical contact regularly enough to the point where it's not just an experiment.

Who the fuck cares how you like your steak.

Tip your server. Don't think about not doing it, just do it. Their paycheck INCLUDES tips, and you owe your respect to them for the work they do.

If you don't like the taste of water, TRY to adjust to the taste. If that doesn't work, buy a purifier/filter, and make sure your water's cold before you drink it.

Soapbox mode off.

>> No.4705171

I like my steak blue rare.

>> No.4705174
File: 37 KB, 833x768, that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutella isn't 'that' great. I don't get the fuss.

Alcohol smells like shit, and drunk people are fucking terrible to be around.

When I make toast, sometimes I leave little crumbs in the butter.

I buy condiments I never use, just because it makes my fridge look a bit less poor than I really am.

>> No.4705175

Does anyone else get a little bit turned on when they think about how they used to suck on their mothers titties?

>> No.4705178

I like my coffee black, my eggs runny, and my steak to be completley done and drowning in A1 or Worchestershire

>> No.4705179

not your blog

>> No.4705181

I get turned on when I see someone else doing it to 'thier' mom.
I love 'other peoples' incest. Especially brothers getting it on.
Theres just something so fucking hot about it.

Also to stay on topic -
I think Skittles taste horrible, and I hate how they stick to my teeth

>> No.4705184

Being a picky eater does not cause "problems"

>> No.4705185
File: 25 KB, 768x768, mfw someone pours a bowl of captain crunch near me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck captain crunch.
Its the worst cereal ever created, and cuts your mouth like you've just got a spoonful of razors
Also it gets soggy quicker than any other cereal
..and the the worst part is the leftover milk isn't even good.

>> No.4705186

Oh shit, forgot:

If a woman wants to nurse in public, let her. She's not hurting anyone, she's just feeding her baby, you have no right to tell her to take it somewhere else.

>> No.4705188

>/ck/ - Food and breastfeeding

>> No.4705194

I've never had my mouth cut ever by Captain Crunch.
I even eat the one with berries and they still don't fuck up my mouth.
How does it happen?

>> No.4705197
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You would've hated this cereal.

>> No.4705204

>not being able to eat out
>not being able to eat at other people's houses
>having a poor diet and not getting proper nourishment
>does not cause problems

>> No.4705206

I've never had any of those problems

>> No.4705207

No one drinks tea with cream. A cream tea is tea served with scones, clotted cream and jam.

Also you're probably drinking the wrong sort of tea for milk. It only works in strong black tea.

>> No.4705211

Either way, I prefer the natural flavor of teas.

>> No.4705218

Mexican food is awful and people who act elitist about authentic Mexican food are morons.

>> No.4705224

I am so lazy I would rather go hungry than go to the store, buy something, and cook it up


>> No.4705226

I like that you put in some effort to at least season your troll post with legitimate statements, OP.


>> No.4705229

I'm almost the same way, except its more that I don't want to cook in my house because I feel like everything is dirty (we've had mice lately)

>> No.4705237

The only acceptable forms of alcohol are ale and wine, and similar, basically just straight-up fermented fruit or hops. Lager is for frat boy retards who think "hurr i'll drink beer because that's what men are supposed to drink" and then go for the absolute shittiest type, just because it's the one with no taste. Shit like alcopops and such is for people who are too much of a pussy to actually drink alcohol that tastes of alcohol, and people who drink fucking lemonade wanting to get drunk are the worst. Finally, distilled shit - no, I'm sorry, it tastes like toilet cleaner, and the bullshit 'premium' stuff is a joke, it's not premium, it's shit. At least the lager faggots don't pretend their shit drink is high quality premium stuff.

I'm done.

>> No.4705248

What "distilled shit" have you tried that makes you think that any distilled beverage is bad?
You sound childish and your opinion is retarded.

>> No.4705260

You know, vodka and such.

>> No.4705261

Ever tried some top shelf single malts?

>> No.4705263

Most likely. It's all the same shit.

>> No.4705268


>single malt scotch
>It's all the same shit

4chan, the truth!

>> No.4705295


>All of the things in THIS area are acceptable and cool
>All below that are bullshit
>All above it are also bullshit

So what you're saying is that stuff you don't like is bad, stuff you like is the epitome of human taste, and everything else is people deluding themselves? 10/10 reasoning would buy your book.

>> No.4705311
File: 25 KB, 354x293, hack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never once tipped the waiter, not once.
I eat out daily, and at rather fine establishments if its of any consequence.

>> No.4705319

>Milk/cream in hot tea is disgusting.

Don't drink hot tea, so I don't care

>Hash browns don't need ketchup or any other condiment if you know how to make them properly.

True, but tabasco makes them god tier.

>There's nothing inherently wrong with young children being picky eaters, you just need to get them out of that phase as early as you can or else they'll be picky eaters for life, which will cause problems.


>Breastfeeding is a matter of personal decision, but any self-respecting mother with an infant child should let that child experience that physical contact regularly enough to the point where it's not just an experiment.

Also agreed, though I'll add in that breastfeeding is both cheaper, and proven better for your kid, so I don't understand why anyone who is able to do it would choose not to.

>Who the fuck cares how you like your steak.


>Tip your server. Don't think about not doing it, just do it. Their paycheck INCLUDES tips, and you owe your respect to them for the work they do.

Agreed, though I'll add an addendum. If you're a server, and you get a mediocre tip, don't go online and bitch about it. It makes you look like an entitled cunt.

>If you don't like the taste of water, TRY to adjust to the taste. If that doesn't work, buy a purifier/filter, and make sure your water's cold before you drink it.

Who the fuck doesn't like the taste of water? That's like saying you don't like the smell of air.

>> No.4705330
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>Tip your server.
>tipping someone who does his work

I bet you also tip the mailman, the guy who hauls your trash, the one who repairs your computer, the ones at the grocery store, the one who sold you your house.

I also bet you buy all your games and tip the people who made it, also all the apps you got.

Stop being a faggot about this. If they want to earn more they shouldnt have got such a shitty job to begin with.

I respect everyone equally for the work they do and how they help me, but dont come in here and fucking tell me I should tip just because they haul me food.

>> No.4705349

tipping is an option. i never do it and neither should you

>> No.4705383

No. Here's the thing. Restaurant servers are paid lousy wages. In fact, it's not uncommon for a server to make less than minimum wage before tips. By giving a server a tip, you're helping them afford to support themselves.

Also, think of TIPS as an acronym -

Stop being a Jew and leave the extra few dollars. It won't hurt you.

>> No.4705386

>tip the mailman
Receiving mail is free.
>the guy who hauls your trash
Trash pickup is free, too (yeah, I know, taxes and shit, STFU)
>the one who repairs your computer
If you're repairing computers, chances are you don't need to subside off tips. But I would tip a computer repairman anyway if the service is good enough (like I said, To Insure Prompt Service)
>the ones at the grocery store
That's different.
>the one who sold you your house
Like I said, if you're selling real estate, you don't need to subside off tips.
>tip the people who make my games and my apps
See my other arguments.

4/10, made me reply.

>> No.4705387

and saying fuck you to anyone who doesn't get tips. I live in a state where they get paid minimum wage no matter how many tips they get or don't. I never saw a dollar of their tips yet i consistantly did more work than them.

>> No.4705388

You know what else is an option? Eating at the restaurant in the first place. Don't be a cheapskate.

>> No.4705389

It's a legal requirement for employers to top up their wages to minimum wage if they don't make that from tips.

>> No.4705390

Ensure is spelt with an E.
Insure is something completely different.

>> No.4705391

you know whats also an option, doing more work than hauling food, why don't you get back here and catch for me, and give me half your tips while youre at it, No I don't care if the plates are hot, how do you think I take them out?

>> No.4705392
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Really, now?

>> No.4705393

Which of those definitions are you going for, do you think?

>> No.4705394

If the service industry followed that logic, there'd be no servers in any restaurant.

Also, deliberately choosing not to leave a tip makes you look like a dick.

>> No.4705395

Doesn't matter, look at the synonyms.

>> No.4705396
File: 22 KB, 692x399, 42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4705397

Insure is a specific case of ensure, with a specific and unrelated meaning.
You can use ensure in place of insure, not vice versa, it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.4705398

Fine then. YOU make an acronym for TIPS, following the same meaning as "To Insure Prompt Service". Then tell me why a hard-working server who needs money doesn't deserve a few extra dollars for every check.

>> No.4705405

I mix milk to cool it down since my water is boiled to exact tempurates (no stovetop). doesn't taste bad just dilutes it, so it takes more to get back the flavour.

>> No.4705415

>never tips
>eats out daily
>enjoy your special sauce

>> No.4705449

the dishwasher and line cooks need the money too but never see a dime.

>> No.4705451

I don't get this bullshit about tipping your waiter/waitress cause shit wage. If they wanted to get paid well then they should find a job where they aren't relying on tips. Even if they don't make enough tips they'll be compensated for minimum wage. And it is entirely up to the server to ensure they get a tip, you need to persuade your customers with good service instead of doing an average job of it. They should've known working with unruly customers was part of what the job entails, so I don't get this 20% or else you're too poor to eat shit. People making an unstable income shouldn't gripe other people with stable income to give them theirs.

>> No.4705456


Why are you faggots ignoring this?


That's it, that's all the discussion you ever need to have on tipping. There's no debate. It's objectively not your fault if their employer is breaking the law, and topping up his employees' wages is not your responsibility.

>> No.4705460

It's not that simple.
If you report your tips as being below the minimum wage consistently, your employer fires you. On the grounds of "unsatisfactory service", as shown by your lack of tips. The law is there, yes, but never enforced.

>> No.4705462

That's not the customer's problem. You don't get to say "My employer is breaking the law, but I'm not going to do anything about it. Will you pay my wages instead?" and expect anyone to take you seriously. Sort this shit out yourself.

>> No.4705473

What I mean is, employers don't have to break the law to screw over untipped servers.

>> No.4705474

rhetoric is boring and intellectually dishonest, it's much better to provide a variety of reasons why something wont work than just repeat one over and over.

>> No.4705484

>By giving a server a tip, you're helping them afford to support themselves.
I don't see how this is any different than donating money. Maybe I'm not that charitable. Maybe fuck the server?

>> No.4705490

It's a polite gesture. Just give them the money and don't make a fuss over it.

>> No.4705499
File: 372 KB, 830x1200, calabi_yau_brand___fairy_wine_by_petite_emi-d53ues4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, give the money to someone who does harder work for less pay. if people like you werent so entitled and greedy, we could just raise restaurant prices and people will be paid fairly, instead you prance around pestering the customers and degrading service over not getting 20 dollars in your pan handling cup. do your job.

>> No.4705502

Why are you misusing the Homer Simpson intelligence meme?

>> No.4705619

>Just give them the money and don't make a fuss over it.

9 times out of 10, I'll rather not give more money than I can get away with. Why don't I seek out the construction worker who helped build my house? His work was infinitely tougher, he got paid much less etc...

>> No.4705623
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>Just give them the money and don't make a fuss over it.
Oh shit, I'm crumbling beneath the weight of your well made arguments

>> No.4705671
File: 23 KB, 402x273, 1321268837428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Non-Tippers,

It's an awesome idea to piss off the people who handle your food. Why didn't I think of that? Stay smug.



>> No.4705675

Dear waiters, I'm sorry that my non existent tip stopped you from buying the next IPAD.
A guy that's not responsible for directly paying your wages

>> No.4705677


How old are you, 18? Of course not. Yet.

Other people will start to become impatient with you in the next 5 years, if they haven't already.

>> No.4705818

I confess to having the same fantasies about picky eaters getting their come-uppance, but such occurrences are probably rare in actuality.

lol Jez & Mark have tea with cream in peep show, are they the only ones then?

>> No.4705839

>Other people will start to become impatient with you in the next 5 years, if they haven't already.
True, but those sharing your mindset are generally a minority; most people just don't care. I daresay that the anti-picky-eaters are equally, if not more, subject to group impatience than the picky eaters. Constant urging to go to restaurants with rare or uncommon cuisines is its own form of pickiness; likewise, bitching about the picky eaters or trying to get them to change is bad vibes. Speaking as an adventurous eater & anti-picky-eater. Not the one you're responding to.

>> No.4705851

i used to work in a little chinese market/ restaurant. i was the guy that had to stay late at night sifting the rice to get rid of those little weevil bugs.

>> No.4705891

thank you so much

you're a hero, you have the courage to say what we think

>> No.4706069

I am forced to tip at a place where I frequent but if I am not planning on going there within one month, no way I'm paying more than I have to.

>> No.4706567

My point was, people do their jobs and sometimes its shitty, its only the food bussiness where they expect tips.

>> No.4706617

This, although not the "brothers" thing. Other people incest is hot.
Staying on topic: I pretty much dont really like egg yolk unless i've got toast with it or Eggs benedict.

>> No.4706630

>free bank with purchase

>> No.4706636

Most of that is your fault for eating cearal and milk from the same bowl.

>> No.4706639

>yet another thread turns into tipping debate #1231200751111111111

>> No.4706666
File: 66 KB, 680x383, 1366249584999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend forever making curry for the first time
>not great but not bad either
>friend wont even eat it because it has vegetables in it
what the FUCK is that SHIT holy fuck I am so MAD.

>> No.4706737


>spend forever making curry for the first time
You must have tried pretty hard to find a curry recipe that took you so long
they mostly take less than 30 minutes

>friend wont even eat it because it has vegetables in it
so? let him eat bread, cheese drink water etc.

>> No.4706752

I didn't know what I was doing and had to redo some parts. Honestly I could go down the list of things I did wrong but in the end It's simplest to say It took too much time and too much effort. I'm pretty fresh to cooking actual meals and said friend suggested curry so I did that.

>> No.4706772


If your friend who even try the curry you spent a shitton of time on he's a cockmongler.

Go on, call him and tell him that someone on the internet thinks he mongles cocks.

>> No.4706774

I've never cooked a "curry" that takes less than 45 other than west-Japanese-style prawn (20 minutes), chicken (15 minutes) and surimi (10 minutes) curries. Any desi-style curry I've cooked takes at least 45 minutes, just as any SEA one would, too.
Homemade Japanese beef curry takes about that long, too.

>> No.4706812
File: 27 KB, 473x353, bourdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Who the fuck cares how you like your steak."
>Proceeds to tell people how to eat their hashbrowns and drink their tea.

Nah, fuck you buddy.

>> No.4706860

he actually rang the doorbell about the time you posted that. he was informed of your thoughts.

>> No.4706904

just a side note for this whole tip or not dogma:
I used to work for a pizza place, local, under the table. It was the only job I could get, I delivered pizzas in a beat to shit car. I didn't get paid hourly, I only made 2 dollars a delivery. As you could see, this would cause my wage to vary highly. I pretty much ONLY made tips, and they didn't "top off" the gap.

Yeah, it was a shitty situation and I actually got fired because I called one day off for having my car broken. That's besides the point, though. The next person you shaft might be in the same situation as me , and you'll be like "heh heh saved some money they don't deserve it" and then their like "well, I can't say anything, guess I'll just walk away with this 2 dollars for the 4 dollars in gas it took."

Delivery =/= servers, and this is a pretty rare occurance (although I think more under the table employees are gonna be common soon, if not already.)

Amerifag too.

>> No.4706914

forgot to put the point I was going to make lol.

Even if it's only 2 dollars, it's still nice just to tip someone. You never know if they really need it or not, I just assume they'd appreciate it and I'm not THAT stingy, so I have no problem in leaving tips.

>> No.4707195

>forced to tip
How so?
>don't tip
>waiters fuck with your food
>ask for manager
>show that waiters fuck with your food

>> No.4707293

Fuck tipping.

I'm going to order and not tip them. Hell, I won't pay for the meal either. Why?

Because OP is a cock gobbling Fag.
And fuck servers too, the do the least amount of work.

>> No.4707498

>they didn't "top off" the gap.
Then your employer was disobeying the law.

>> No.4707535

You working in such situations allows the owner to not pay people what they are due. Its your own fault. If its the only job you could get thats shitty son, but a drain on the system is better than propping up a broken one

>> No.4707541

>it's an opinion, fair enough
>i'll give you that
>fair enough
>breastfeeding is important, but i don't want to see it in public
>i only give a shit about my steak
>they knew before they applied that they were accepting a low-wage job, if they can't dealwithit.jpg, find a different job
>or don't be a bitch about water

>> No.4707557


>> No.4707588



>> No.4707605

The chef is too busy cooking to also be taking orders, payments, filling waters, bringing plates out etc. The server is needed until those self service style menus take over. They already exist but haven't taken over yet... waitstaff guess what? You're redundant.

>> No.4707693

on one hand, i believe it takes a refined palate to enjoy many foods we consider haute cuisine... on the other, i am entirely for letting people enjoy their food however they like best.

i never tip and will never ever tip. just because the government tries to make it my problem does not mean i will accept it as my problem. i dont tip my wife for bringing me my food. im not going to pay some retard for bringing me my food, either.

eggs smell like shit. literally.

most cheese is dry, bitter, and smells like feet. i dont see the appeal in many cheeses (eaten as is).

beans do not belong in chili.

picky eaters are the worst people on the planet.

cilantro tastes like soap to me.

>> No.4707718

You're all wrong and have shitty opinions

>> No.4707725

Anything orange flavored is bad.
I hate all alcohol.
Coffee is the worst thing ever.
Breastfeeding is natural, but should not be done in a public place.
I like eating the yolks of eggs by themselves, with no pepper/salt. They are good alone.
Cucumbers are terrible.
Mangos taste like pine trees.
Chinese food is mostly shit.

>> No.4707728


Opinions are like assholes.

>> No.4707843

And everyone that posted above you has one and is one.

>> No.4708606

Yeah, I was 100% aware I wasn't on any payroll, but that's something that I've noticed a LOT of people in shitty situations, like I was at the time, working under the table.

It was only a month, thank god, but that's really the only time I could see tipping as "mandatory", and even then it's so situational it's barely relevant. It's just obviously influenced my tipping habits, no doubt.

>> No.4708628


Do you know how often that law is enforced?

Never. There have been no citations for it in the past 4 years.

And if you think that means that everyone is in compliance, that the illegal immigrant is getting his full minimum wage, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.4708630


>yfw I've actually built a POS that does this for restaurants

>> No.4708636

>There's nothing inherently wrong with young children being picky eaters, you just need to get them out of that phase as early as you can or else they'll be picky eaters for life, which will cause problems.

I grew out of this, I wonder how typical it is

There were foods and drinks that I would hate hate hate and now I can't stop consuming them almost daily

>> No.4708643
File: 224 KB, 381x380, curious babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mangos taste like pine trees

Don't tell me you're retarded enough to try to eat the outer skin

>> No.4708648

>Mexican food is awful and people who act elitist about authentic Mexican food are morons.

This, they recycle the same 10 or so ingredients and fill up the menu with every combination they can shit out, but it's all the same thing.

I tolerate their existence because they have the audacity to fry sugar and their desserts are amazing.

>> No.4708657

Water tastes bad when there's heavy metals and other impurities in it; much like air smells bad when there's shit floating around in it.

>> No.4708782


Yeah, like those French faggots! It's all eggs, milk and flour, and they just mix them up and call it cuisine.

>> No.4708870

The reason people have to act elitist about authentic Mexican food is because fucktards like you bitch about it when you're almost always talking about generic tex-mex food or the only authentic stuff you've had is street food. It's like trying to judge Italian food with Papa John's and Chef Boyardee. Now someone give this faggot fried nopales, chicken with mole (molay) sauce, and a tall glass of pulque so he'll shut up.

>> No.4708890

>chicken with mole (molay) sauce

>not turkey in Mole Poblano


>> No.4708986

you forgot butter and cream, lel

>> No.4708989

there are a lot of different varieties of Mexican dishes based on region. All of the mole I've had in Mexico wasn't turkey, it was chicken and the sauce was not poblano either. You're going to have a hard time finding turkey mole outside of Puebla.

>> No.4708991

>breastfeeding a personal decision
>but any self respecting mother should do it.

Honestly, what the fuck is the obsession with this? I was feed on formula and turned out fine. I had no horrible disease, growth problems, emotional issues relating to my mother or intimacy or trust problems.

This is 2013. Why do mothers insist on feeding their children like base-born animals?

It's filthy and obscene. and quite frankly mothers that prattle on and on about how great it is are the freaks that will breastfeed well into toddler years.
If anything is going to give your child issues, it's that.

And I am a woman, so don't get on my case for just not "understanding" how "beautiful" your erotic fixation on maternity is.

>> No.4708992


I live in Brooklyn, and there's two places within 2 miles I know of that serve it.

>> No.4708993
File: 420 KB, 1920x1200, _origin_Kas-tas-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love "poor people food" (USA Here)

Specifically tasty bulk dishes like Lentil Soup, Beef Stock with Rice and Veg, and all manner of homemade budget cooking.

I don't know why, I am not and never was poor, I just love the heartiness of it and the flavor.

Have a wallpaper :)

>> No.4709001


Hold on, I made a typo.
I thought I should clear it up because picking on a person's semantics seems to be a legitimate way to disprove a person's point on the internet.
The first period in the third paragraph should have been a comma.
I was thinking of extending the second half the the sentence and breaking it into two by deciding against it and forgot to edit it. My bad.

>> No.4709007

It's interesting to see just how much you don't know what you're talking about. I mean, in an age where everything you want to know is just a Google search away, you still go out of your way to be ignorant.

>inb5 master ruseman
I still lel'd

>> No.4709011

That wasn't your only typo.

>> No.4709022

I feel the same way, not sure why though.

Anyone else here like it?

>> No.4709026

Funny. I was talking about Mexican food in/from Mexico, not what's in Brooklyn. That was the whole point. You can't get a limited sample of what Mexican food is, and usually it's Americanized as shit, and then go off on that for an opinion.

>> No.4709032

Apply yourself.

>> No.4709036

>you owe your respect to them for the work they do.
Why do they deserve my respect any more than any other bluecollar job? They don't do anything special, the only significant difference is that they have the potential to ruin good food, which is a horrific act in and of itself

>> No.4709040

I think it mostly has to do with children and first-impressions. If it wasn't good on the first bite, you'll just find every reason to hate it on the second. children are hardly the people you'd expect to enjoy any sort of acquired tastes

>> No.4709057

counter sage

>> No.4709058

counter sage

>> No.4709059

ok but why

>> No.4709060

polite bump

>> No.4709063

counter sage

>> No.4709073

-Runny Eggs are gross
-Nutella is overrated
-Fruit is overrated generally, and I hate the people who eat it all the time and claim its still good for them. Its basically just sugar and fiber
-Caffeine should be in fewer things/filtered out somehow
-Fish is really only good smoked
-Cereal is best after it has dissolved the sugar into milk (around 1-2 minute sitting in bowl)
-Chocolate milk is an acceptable milk to be put in cereal
-Most people haven't traveled/gone out enough to make a judgment on a group of people's cuisine, so they should shut the fuck up about it

>> No.4709075

I suppose that's an answer but I don't agree with your reasons or theories

>> No.4709082

-People who cannot cook basic things (rice/pasta dishes, meat, vegetables, etc.) are failures in their own lives, and the failures of parents. There's no excuse for not knowing how to cook, even if its shitty cooking

-Spices are imperative to good cooking, people who can't spice correctly are failures (to a lesser degree than non-cookers)

>> No.4709084

counter sage

>> No.4709235

>-Chocolate milk is an acceptable milk to be put in cereal
How is this unpopular?
If you're eating sugary cereals, why not go with the flavored milk, unless you're trying to color the milk or some stupid shit like that?

>> No.4709370

Also the bloated mothers blithe on about the "right" to expose their tit in public to breastfeed, but would be enraged if a young, attractive woman exposed her non-ruined tits. Having a baby gnawing on it doesn't make it any different. Cover that shit up or do it at home. No one wants to see your udders (except maybe breastfeeding fetishists).

>> No.4709385

>Spices are imperative to good cooking

Spices are a crutch. People who don't buy fresh ingredients and don't know how to cook things properly use them to add easy flavor to their shitty food.

>> No.4709395
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And most of them seem to only insist on doing it in public for the attention and pats on the back from breeder-pleasers.

I know it's low-brow, but I would love to walk up to these cunts while breastfeeding publicly, and fart in front of them very obviously. Then when they get pissy, tell them "What? It's NATURAL. I can do it where I please."

>> No.4710187

>People who don't buy fresh ingredients and don't know how to cook things properly use them to add easy flavor to their shitty food.
even if that were true: so fuckin what? nothing wrong with that.

but I would argue that spices are more than just a way of covering up the flavor of bad food. they do this very well, I wont deny, but spices can also be considered good food themselves. cinnamon can elevate so many sweets, black pepper improves pretty much everything, cumin makes meat even meatier and makes everything else taste like meat as well etc.

>> No.4710983

Beer is fucking awful. I bought a $14 dollar 6pack of some stuff that was supposed to taste like lemons, and I might as well have bought fucking Coors for all the difference in taste there was.