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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 218 KB, 480x319, 200-calories-of-celery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4704154 No.4704154 [Reply] [Original]

new to this board. hope it's not shit. anyway here's my question.

I have to put food on my family every night and I'm hella lazy and my mom hates almost everything that isn't bad for her. I want to eat real food. I want complex carbs, protein, fibre, low calories, low fat, etc.

do you guys have any ideas? I'm just sick of the situation but there's nothing I can do about it until I move out. I've tried giving her passionate ultimatums about changing the quality of food like a hundred times and she's still on about "muh everything's ok in moderation" and every great idea I have ("what about brown rice instead of cheese rice?") gets shot down ("you can make some for yourself but I hate brown rice").

the problem is, she's picky, and on top of that she has ideas about whether things are appropriate as "dinner food". pic related: celery, while healthy and good, is not "dinner food"; I'd have to do corn, or broccoli. Which is, needless to say, more work. Her next hangup is that there must always be three things on the plate. You can't have chicken and veggies; where's #3? that's when I have to add the cheesy rice, mashed potatoes, etc. The only time she doesn't have this philosophy is when we have pasta, or pizza, or macaroni and cheese. Then it's fine to only have one thing on your plate.

I don't even know what I'm asking for. Ideas, I guess. Should I just start grocery shopping myself and telling her that if I'm going to cook for everyone I'm in charge of what we're cooking?

>> No.4704165




>> No.4704170

From what I got out of that it seems as though you're having trouble arranging a 3 course meal.
>"I don't even know what I'm asking for."
There's your problem. /ck/ isn't a big ass psychic cookbook.
What do you even have in your fridge?

>> No.4704181


lol op, why the fuck do you live at home and give a shit about what your family eats? Fix food for yourself and move out, and tell your family to fuck off.

>> No.4704184

I can buy whatever, I'm not trying to cook food for tonight. I want some meal ideas that are balanced and easy to make. Ideally also not offputting to gluttons. But I know that's a tall order, so I'm wondering if my only real option is to abandon hope of pleasing everybody.

I'm commuting to university at the moment. I'm not in a position where I can afford to move out, let alone say "fuck off" to my family, which is paying for it.

shitposting as the first response, great, I like this board already

>> No.4704196

Part of cooking for others is cooking what you want and letting them sort out the rest. I was cooking for some friends, made a really good pasta primavera. One of them tells me he really doesnt eat veggies.

I served him a normal plate just like anyone else and said "you're really missing out by not eating them." So he ate olive oil noodles with salt.

Consider pilafs, theyre pretty accessible. Otherwise, roast chicken and veg is something not even children say no to. Think simplicity, stews, soups, braised meats. Things where the flavors are inextricable from the dish themselves.

Above all, cook what you want and fuck the rest

>> No.4704197

>Should I just start grocery shopping myself and telling her that if I'm going to cook for everyone I'm in charge of what we're cooking?


>> No.4704200


Are you talking back to me you little cunt?

Your problem is /adv/'s domain. We're not behavioral therapists.

>> No.4704204

And apparently someone on this open wifi zone im using has a trip

>> No.4704208

Thank you anonymous person :' )

/adv/ aren't behavioral therapists either. at least you guys can answer me on the food part

good post thanks

>> No.4704211

cheese rice is a bad idea

learn to cook chinese and buy a good wok. with a decent gas stove you can churn out 2-3 dishes in about five minutes after prep. You can also get another dish on the table real easy by getting some smoked meats. the whole cuisine and culture is based around getting 3-4 dishes on the table, so it should please your mother.

you might also want to try slow cooking something, like starting a nice long stew or a dish that needs to be braised for an hour or so, so then you can prep and cook another dish while it sits on the stove

>> No.4704212
File: 40 KB, 475x356, ThreeTacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start making tacos and enchiladas, make rice and beans as sides. Mexican food can be surprisingly low calorie and nutritious if you do it right, everyone can also alter their own plate to fit them, IE adding salsa, sour cream, cheese, guacamole, cilantro, tomato, etc. Use corn tortillas instead of flour, two corn tortillas have like 120 calories. Use shredded chicken thighs or trimmed skirt steak instead of fatty ground beef. Instead of cheddar you should sparingly use some fresh white mexican cheese. Have plenty of fresh veggie garnish on the side. Get a good homemade charro bean or borracho bean recipe, shit's a delicious, filling, and nutritious side dish. Homemade spanish rice. If you do all of this right I don't know how your family wouldn't love it. Get a big bag of cheddar, sour cream, and calorie dense flour tortillas if your mom insists, tacos are cool though because you can make them how you want. Tostadas are great too and the same concept. You can add awesome veggies to it too, try shredded cabbage, carrots, instead of lettuce use some spinach or watercress, etc.

>> No.4704214


He Liked™ your post!

>> No.4704215

also, people should be appreciative whenever people cook for them, even if it isn't perfect!

my friend cooked me a roast and vegetables the other day

she couldn't be bothered to top and tail the green beans but they were still real good you know

>> No.4704224

yeah backed. if you aren't in control of what's in the pantry, rustling some shit together from whatever's around is going to be hard if whatever's in the fridge already sucks

>> No.4704225


>being enslaved to your parents because you are too fucking cheap to pay for college

top lel mate top lel

>> No.4704226

That's just Sceak, our most notorious resident shitposting tripfag. He used to have an actual secured trip but they b& him for being a faggot. Best disregard what he says. He occasionally gives actual heartfelt advice, unfortunately he doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.4704239

I'm only enslaved because my mum is paraplegic and can't cook for herself and my dad works late. there's not much choice but to be the one cooking. and if I left now it wouldn't make much sense given how much use I am at home. I just wish I could get the eating in order

>> No.4704256

yeah student loans are a great learning experience

>> No.4704258

While we're just ever so on this topic, I fucking hate celery. It is easily my least favorite foodstuff on the planet. I'm not talking about the stringy texture, I mean it just tastes like bitter, stagnant water flavored with mosquito shit.

>> No.4704259

You have a slow cooker? That should make the process a lot easier.

And yeah, if you're cooking, they ain't complaining.

>> No.4704262


It's good in combination with other things. Mirepoix.

>> No.4704288

Sure I know it's standard for a base flavor and I'm totally fine with that. Just plain old celery though, I don't understand how people can claim to enjoy eating it.

>> No.4704313

it feels healthy and it's over quickly. also it's super easy to prepare. just rip off a piece, break off the ends, wash it, and eat.

it's good for dealing with hunger, just not so great if you want taste. the taste doesn't bother me enough to deter me, so I eat it.