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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 600x400, dairy_products.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4702007 No.4702007 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize dairy was bullshit? Or are you still under the impression that it's essential?

>> No.4702018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4702020
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>> No.4702026
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>> No.4702027

Around the time I realized grain isn't essential.

>> No.4702029


>not eating raw meat

>> No.4702035

I really like stinky cheeses.

>> No.4702038


something about these two comics. I just had epiphany... Why do I eat an animal I wouldn't personally kill?

>> No.4702041

When will you stop shilling for your shitty paleo blog?

>> No.4702050


I have no blog

>> No.4702052

answer the question

>> No.4702054


I don't know why we eat animals if there's plants that gives even more nutrients even proteins. Idk why we started but I am determined to change it for the better of our world.

>> No.4702058


I don't have a blog. Why are you so upset? This post is about food, isn't it?

>> No.4702059

>not being willing to personally slaughter a cow

bawk bawk bawwwkkkkkk

>> No.4702061

>u mad

lol confirmed blog owner

post your blog so i can report you for viral.

>> No.4702069


I'm honestly overwhelmed by this amount of mad. Don't even know how to begin to handle it. This is my last comment to you

>> No.4702072


sorry. Just can't imagine myself doing it

>> No.4702075

I'm not a fan of milk myself but all the other dairy ingredients are absolutely fantastic.

I've been eating a lot of greek yogurt + honey + dark unsweetened chocolate lately for desserts. I'm not a dessert eater at all but the sweet, sour combination is amazing.

>> No.4702085

One day I caught onto the fact that when I would drink milk I would have severe diarrhea. What a concept!

I'm fine with cheese though, which is weird. I would have the same symptoms if I were lactose intolerant right? I eat all kinds of cheeses no problem.

>> No.4702091
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>> No.4702114

reported for viral marketing

PIDF pls go

>> No.4702116

This is /ck/, not /fit/. Food, and especially cooking, is not just about what's essential.

>> No.4702129

what is the point here? is it pointing out that cattle rangers have not yet thought to swindle people the way other industries to by charging them money to do all the work for their own product?
>implying lions or any other carnivore bites through the hide
>implying they don't bite through the fleshy underbelly and rip the skin away after the incisions is made
>implying the mass majority of foodborne illnesses do not come from green vegetables
>implying you can't eat raw chicken without getting sick
do you even know how to contamination?

>> No.4702136


so go bite the underbelly of a cow and rip its guts out. Eat the entrails off the ground like a lion would.

>> No.4702139

ok? why do you think I would have any problem doing that?

I'm going to assume you don't hunt, pretty common to snack on the raw organs while you are field dressing the kill if you have been out for a while

>> No.4702140
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>> No.4702141

rosemary goes in all fields

>> No.4702145
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>> No.4702150
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>> No.4702153

no matter how hard you spam your shit images you will neither get discussion or convert anyone to your cause

just wanted to let you know :^)

>> No.4702155
File: 65 KB, 509x418, veg00229577_10150193466543769_101225828768_6929264_3919982_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4702157

>want to live
nooope, that isn't what sentience means.
These pictures keep getting dumber and dumber

>> No.4702158
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>> No.4702161

just make sure to report them all

>> No.4702162

lol, he thinks he's making us mad

>> No.4702163
File: 113 KB, 600x617, veg45376_1514945067409_1047929062_31445538_520913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4702164

I'll tell you what, as soon as an animal I plan on eating says that to me I will stop eating meat

>> No.4702165


>> No.4702166

>an image that goes so far as to just make shit up

>> No.4702167

yeah, the cow can grow to be almost 1500 pounds, you would have to be stupid to kill it so young

>> No.4702168


look at this hivemind guilt. crazy

>> No.4702171


>> No.4702173

>Not eating veal

Lol scrub. What's the matter, too pussy?

>> No.4702176


>I'm too much of a pussy to kill an animal so you must be too. I justify my own insecurities by projecting them on to everyone else.

>> No.4702177

I am actually about to cook a steak, trust me when I say you are wasting your time here

>> No.4702179


>> No.4702180
File: 174 KB, 900x600, vegan_2_by_YCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and emsicsfr

>> No.4702184
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veal is tasteless, it sucks. I do like piglets, whole, roasted, filled with garlic and sown up. Kids and lambs are delicious, hooman babies I suppose taste nice, of course, the bitch should be vegan to ensure that they don't taste like conservatives and antibiotics.

I just believe that baby cows should grow up to be full cows so I can get more and better tastier meat out of them.

>> No.4702187

not skinned or deboned, they didn't even clean off the hair. And didn't even fucking drain the blood. There appears to be a non-edible casing trussed on part of the meat for no clear reason.

1/10 would not revisit that butcher shop. I've seen 10 year olds field dress more effectively.

>> No.4702192

when did you realise that not eating dairy was bullshit? It tastes good so fuck you

>> No.4702193

lol we scared OP off

>> No.4702195

facts will often do that to a vegan
when you start to throw evolution, primatology, and the fact that there are no true herbivores in nature at them they run off

>> No.4702200



>> No.4702203


not op. but this is just wrong

>> No.4702204

that's just... just.... GREAT!!!
Especially for you... rancho grande mamá

>> No.4702205

>not enjoying Camembert with sliced pears and batard

what kind of hell do you live in, OP

>> No.4702211

all herbivores will engage in meat eating, they may not actively seek it out but don't think they will not opportunistically eat meat when they come across it

put some lettuce and some wet dog food in front of a tortoise and watch which one it makes a beeline for

>> No.4702216

>implying lions or any other carnivore bites through the hide
>implying they don't bite through the fleshy underbelly and rip the skin away after the incisions is made
There's hide on the "fleshy underbelly" too you know.
>implying there's no hide on the underbelly

>implying the mass majority of foodborne illnesses do not come from green vegetables
I'll refrain from just calling bullshit and instead ask for citations.

>implying you can't eat raw chicken without getting sick
I'll word this carefully: people cannot eat the vast majority of commercial raw chicken without a very high risk of getting sick.

If you're going to try to weasel out of this by saying something like "well good chicken isn't like that commercial shit and I meant the good stuff" I'm going to point out in advance that this is a No True Scotsman. So, uh, don't try that.

>> No.4702219
File: 111 KB, 600x624, OP and the milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone is lactose intolerant.

I'm sorry that you're a subhuman that never evolved to be able to handle lactose into adulthood like us superior beings.

>> No.4702221


we're all lactose intolerant

>> No.4702222

it's not essential, but it's fucking delicious.

>> No.4702229

You got that right!

Shee-it, I thought for a second it would actually be good, but it's simply vegetarian propaganda piece, with little basis in reality.

>> No.4702230

It's funny that most people know cheese is bad for you, but if you just prepare it differently to make it look fancier, suddenly people start saying "but THIS is HEALTHY cheese, it's GOOD for you because it looks nice and I put it on salad!"

>> No.4702228
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>No True Scotsman
No true weasel would get sick because of eating a chicken.
>Hide, underbelly??
It's called belly, it's not hide, it's delicious bacon.

>> No.4702231

>implying there's no hide on the underbelly
you ever see those cow "mutilations"
its because they rip out their guts from the udder or chew out the rectum, the mouth too, anywhere that is soft and easy to chew into
>I'll refrain from just calling bullshit and instead ask for citations.
the CDC http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/3/11-1866_article.htm

as for the chicken thing, it has nothing to do with the chicken itself, it is how commercial chickens are exposed to contamination, the meat is perfectly fine and is being contaminated by outside practices.
If I caught a wild chicken I could eat it raw with no ill effects, and in many countries you can even eat their commercial raw chicken with no problem

>> No.4702233
File: 298 KB, 1272x654, World Lactose Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolno. Who told you that? I can handle milk just fine without having digestive problems. I drank a half gallon of milk every day for 2 months straight and never once did I get diarrhea.

Are you black or asian by any chance?

>> No.4702235


master race here. I, like every other animal in the animal kingdom, do not eat my mother's milk past my youth. I especially don't consume another specie's milk

>> No.4702238


>An estimated 26,000 (46%) annual hospitalizations were attributed to land animal commodities, 24,000 (41%) to plant commodities, and 3,000 (6%) to aquatic animal commodities

>> No.4702239

that is pretty stupid of you to not make use of an easily attainable, and renewable food

>> No.4702240

But that doesn't make you master race.

That puts you on a level below well evolved humans. The same level as a common animal.

>> No.4702242


>An estimated 629 (43%) deaths each year were attributed to land animal, 363 (25%) to plant, and 94 (6%) to aquatic commodities (Table 3). Meat-poultry commodities accounted for 29% of deaths and produce 23%. Among the 17 commodities, poultry accounted for the most deaths (19%), followed by dairy (10%), vine-stalk vegetables (7%), fruits-nuts (6%), and leafy vegetables (6%)

Man, you picked a bad source to try to prove your point with

>> No.4702243

>implying deaths and illnesses are the same
read the fucking conversation, bozo

>> No.4702246


It's pretty stupid to eat something that isn't healthy

>> No.4702247

>I still haven't read the conversation so imma just samefag

>> No.4702244


carnivores rekt

>> No.4702249

If you think something being macro dense makes it unhealthy you are pretty dumb

>> No.4702251


>macro dense

It's full of saturated fat and cancer and diabetes promoting properties

>> No.4702256

so what you are saying is it's macro dense and you are too stupid to drink responsibly, I understand

>> No.4702257

this image has me literally in tears. holy fuck it should not be this funny

>> No.4702258


I'm saying anything I would want from milk I can get from healthier sources, and you're a retard addicted to casomorphins like a baby cow

>> No.4702259

I love the rejection itt. Cheese is just simply bad for the human body and people still cling to it. lol.. Stuck on that fast food diet

>> No.4702260

I'm still under the impression that dairy is delicious.

>> No.4702261

you seem to be under the impression I even drink milk, I am certainly not drinking milk for that deliciously bland raw milk flavor. I am making stuff with it, stuff that you will never enjoy because your life is a hollow shell.

and the best part is that at the end of the day I am still more physically fit than you, guaranteed

>> No.4702266
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>buy almond milk
>make the same shit but healthy

>actually work out as well
>some DYEL milk-drinker on /ck/ thinks he's more physically fit than me

The game continues

>> No.4702271

essential, no
delicious, yes

but you can seriously live off some cheeses and stout. Ive seen it.

>> No.4702272

too bad everything that's good gives you kankers or at least takes time of your life (the time you spend enjoying it)

>> No.4702270

When we nourish our bodies in this way, we are actually feeding ourselves foods that are designed for human consumption. This may sound a little strange at first, but it's true - much of the 'food' consumed on the standard UK and American diets, is not fit for human consumption at all. This includes refined, processed, saturated fat and cholestrol filled foods.

We, as humans, are the only species on earth that play around with our food; for one example, by putting fire to it before eating it, thus making us the unhealthiest species around today. We need to look at ways in which we can live and nourish ourselves in a more natural way. This is the one underlying factor that can have miraculous consequences on our health, as a nation.

>> No.4702273

I haven't enjoyed my life in over four years.

>> No.4702274

your almond milk will not produce the same results because it has a different chemical make up

kid, there are very few people in the world that are in all around better condition than I am, I eat what I want because I need to put 6000-7000 calories down a day during training which is my full time job.
I have monthly full body physicals, have my blood pressure and heart rate checked more than once daily, I know everything going on in my body at all times and I know it is better than yours.

>> No.4702277


You think you're swole, pussy? You'll be dead by 40, I'll be in peak health well past 100

>> No.4702279


say that to my face irl see what happens m8. ill fucken drop you m8

>> No.4702281

Does the kid get slaughtered? Damn, I hope the kid gets slaughtered.

>> No.4702282
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"well past 100". Sure.

>> No.4702286


epic bro XD

super edgy lol couple more comments and the dudebros will accept you XD

>> No.4702288
File: 17 KB, 193x215, stay jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filename, this was taken last week

>> No.4702291

I eat meat and cheese because I fucking like it. It's about quality of life. Something you probably don't understand at all because you're too busy guilt tripping yourself and projecting said guilt onto others who surely must feel the same way. Choke.

>> No.4702289

well you should, get some kankers and live the living life of the living.
Gubment's gonna take it all anyway!

>> No.4702295


>weightlifter who thinks he's healthy because he has more muscle than the average guy who doesn't lift

There's been millions just like you, and millions much more impressive. They all go to shit because their terrible diets they use to build their muscles catch up with them, as well as the tren/clen and whatever else they're on

>> No.4702296

and if you believe in a sky daddy you'll be saved from what he'll do to you if you don't!

>> No.4702300

The amount of vegan hipster bs in this thread is off the charts

>> No.4702302

This was hard to watch. cest la vie

>> No.4702324


lol people still act like this on 4chan?

i thought you guys died out when everyone made fun of you guys for being faggots


>> No.4702327

You're probably lactose intolerant. Most cheese has little lactose since the bacteria in the culture eat it. Softer cheese will have more lactose. I'm a little bit lactose intolerant. It depends on how much lactase your body produces.

>> No.4702341

at age 21 when my mom got cancer from it

>> No.4702342


That's a funny way to spell "delicious," which is why I eat and drink dairy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat a block of cheddar.

>> No.4702367
File: 27 KB, 640x480, goddamnitilovemilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's essentially delicious.

>> No.4702375

>>facial muscles
>>implying our jaw muscles didn't dramatically reduce from apes which was imperitive for our skulls to balloon outward into intelligence.

>> No.4702384

As hard as that is to watch I still can't help but laugh at how nonchalant the baboons are about the whole thing.

>> No.4702390


It's not essential, but it was instrumental to rapid development. Whether that was a good thing or not is irrelevant to this discussion, but dairy allowed primitive humans to live without actually killing anything, which could then be killed in grimmer times and provide sustenance for a long period.

It's also instrumental because it contains an opioid analogue, which helps a lot of people carry on.

The fact remains that Earth could sustain its current evolutionary momentum with about 100,000 people, probably even a lot less. The rest only serve to sustain themselves.

>> No.4702427

It's because white cheese contains only a small amount of lactose. During the "cheese-making" process bacterias break down lactose. 100 g of white cheese normally contains less than 0,5 g of lactose, which pretty much everyone can tolerate unless you're very special. Same goes for yoghurt and sourmilk, but they have a slighty higher level of lactose so you can't eat too much of that.

>> No.4702438

Why do you lactose intolerant/paleo/vegans feel the need to present your false opinions as facts? Dairy is healthy and always has been. Many cultures have lived off of dairy as a main source of nutrients for a very long time. Accept what you can't eat or for some reason have decided not to eat and just go on with your lives.

Or is there some bullshit book like "the wheat belly" equivalent for dairy products that's causing this recent rise in propaganda?

>> No.4702449

Not everything is better for you when it's raw. Cooking and fermenting grains makes them better for you. It destroys phytic acid.

Cooking also lets us get more energy from foods. Herbivores spend all day eating, because they don't get enough calories and energy if they don't. Cooking is natural. We evolved with the ability to cook. Starchy foods and eggs are better for you when they're cooked, too. It makes no sense to say "We need tools to do X, so that makes it bad."

>> No.4702459

beause oreos in milk is fucking fantastic.

oreos in almond milk is fucking not

>> No.4702461

Dairy is fine but keep milk in moderation otherwise you will gain weight very quickly.

>> No.4702466

Hey where is this almond milk popularity coming from all of a sudden? I swear I've only ever heard of it through this board and only in the last month. Is this a new product? Why are people in love with it?

>> No.4702467
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How can dairy, milk specifically, be unessential for us if mammals are the only form of life that can produce it? Surely it's not vestigial is it?

>> No.4702468

It's ground almonds. it's a dairy alternative for those that are lactose intolerant. it has a nice flavor to it as well so it works in various recipes.

>> No.4702470

What's the nutrition like? I'd expect it would have much less protein and calcium

>> No.4702481

Consuming dairy is either bullshit or essential according to your rather loaded question .
I don't follow the school of thought that people should only consume things that are essential so you're not leaving any room for discussion.

>> No.4702489

Arguments always boil down to, “If humans were meant to blank we would have evolved to blank.” People forget that because we evolved smarts, we figured out ways for us to blank without having to change physically. Our brains evolved so that we can now blank without needing blank. Therefore my argument is that we can blank in the way that our nature intended us to blank.

>> No.4702490

First you tip the cow then you choke it out with a headlock.

>> No.4702508

And what magical plant is better than free range meat? gmo soya?

>> No.4702514

Vegetarians are so cute, they are like confused children.
I am ok with the social justice warrior crowd calling me a barbarian.

>> No.4702516

it does.

>> No.4702528

I love dairy, but I have to stop eating it because
I'm developping a lactose intolerance ...
Damn genetics and Asian origins.
In addition, I am a vegetarian ... Everybody
was already bullshitting about my regime,
now it will become worse...

>> No.4702737

>as for the chicken thing, it has nothing to do with the chicken itself, it is how commercial chickens are exposed to contamination, the meat is perfectly fine and is being contaminated by outside practices.
Er, I'm sorry but you're simply ill-informed.

The salmonella in commercial chicken meat and in eggs is not down to contamination in the way you're stating, modern meat processing is specifically geared towards minimising this so that you don't get epidemics of food poisoning. Even wild birds may have high natural levels of salmonella, so that for example even their eggs are not safe to consume raw. They being 'contaminated' too?

>the CDC http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/3/11-1866_article.htm
Look I know you had to hastily look for an actual source to back up that statement but FFS it actually shows the exact opposite! I don't know if you just made that up on the spot or you've long believed it to be true but either way I'm officially calling bullshit.

>> No.4702755
File: 204 KB, 625x467, meats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually modern meat processing is specifically geared towards gaming the system, which is why the poultry industry successfully lobbied for new processing methods that cause the bacteria tests to show false negatives, reduce processing time by a few fractions of a second, save a few million bucks for senior management, and give all the workers horrible diseases. They know everyone has been trained from birth to nuke the living shit out of their meat because it's just taken for granted that anything from modern chickens is essentially a biohazard, so it doesn't matter.

Enjoy your inexpensive meat.

>> No.4702758

It isn't essential. I'm just grateful evolution lets me enjoy cream in my coffee, ice cream, and delicious cheese.

Everything in moderation you ass pies.

>> No.4703414


> People forget that because we evolved smarts, we figured out ways for us to blank without having to change physically

Why do you think doing something we aren't physically designed to do is smart? Just because we're smart enough to know how to do it doesn't mean it's a good thing to do

>> No.4703438

We had a strip loin come in like that. The pus cyst was near the middle.

The distributor thoroughly apologized and gave us several newer loins that they had obviously handpicked as they were better quality than we usually get.

That image is pretty ignorant. Sometimes a sick or injured animal gets slaughtered. And sometimes shit happens and we take care of it. You won't be eating meat from something like that in any reputable restaurant.

>> No.4703459


Whoever packaged that has no respect for the craft of butchering, or the animal whose life was sacrificed for consumption.

ffs, if you don't know how to get good cuts, at least debone and make some sausage. That one looks a little lean so you'd want to throw in some fatback.

>> No.4703469

>cholesterols bad for you mmkay

ITT vegans pretend to know about healthy food

>> No.4703478

>People still label individual foods healthy/unhealthy

>> No.4703479

Oh look, another vegan samefag thread.

>> No.4703488

dairy is amazing

thank you white genes
niggers are just mad they are lactose intolerant

>> No.4703491


>> No.4703515

man i stopped eating red meat and my shits are way less intense

>> No.4705285

You're a faggot then. I would happily kill a cow.

>> No.4705291


About the chicken thing - I was speaking to an anon in another topic who was saying that the 'chicken is all contaminated with salmonella, you have to cook it 100% through or you'll get sick' thing is a myth, and that there's no reason why chicken meat wouldn't work the same as beef, i.e. the inside is always going to be free of contaminants for the simple reason that it's 'inside', with no way for anything to get in. He said that some cultures enjoy rare chicken, but the reason we don't is mainly because of taste, not because of salmonella.

Is that true? If not, why does chicken meat work differently to beef with regards to the contamination thing?

>> No.4705334

So much bullshit in this picture.

>> No.4705337

When its the last time you bought a steak with the skin on?

>> No.4705354

What's your point?