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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4695962 No.4695962 [Reply] [Original]

I got a friend who doesnt even drink but talks like he knows everything about beer because of commercials lol...

So my friend turned 21 and me and another friend bought a 6 pack of beer and a bottle of Bacardi Gold.

None of us drink but we were like fuck it about it you know what I mean.

Ok, so the birthdayboy enjoys the beer, I can't stand the beer, I stop drinking that shit half way, and my other friend forces the beer down while saying shit like "mmm tasty" when its pretty clear by the expression hes making it isnt doing him any good.

Then we start taking shots of bacardi, the birthdayboy takes 4, I actually like the stuff and take 12 shots, then my friend who finished his beer doesnt take a single shot but actually pretends to take a shot and then empties out his shot glass into my glass.

So naturally we start shitting on him and he gets butthurt, but no pressure,(it's just that he talks so much about how manly he was for being able to finish the beer but couldnt take a single shot) so I wanted to talk about a peculiar thing here.

Why do some people pretend to like the shit-taste of beer when instead they can be drinking something that tastes good and will actually get them drunk, i.e. whiskey, rum, etc.

What does /ck/ make of all this?

>> No.4695972
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oh my

come on bro, dont do me like that

>> No.4695969


>> No.4695975


He wants to fuck.

>> No.4695974

sober up

try again

>> No.4695981

0/10 Try again m8

>> No.4695997

dude it just comes down to:

DO people really like the taste of beer?

Do people look down on people who dont drink beer and yet get wasted off vodka,rum, tequila, ETC.

I will admit that the last statement was loaded on my part but give me answers someone

>> No.4695999

this is just terrible

>> No.4696008


>> No.4696009

Try again shit-puppet.

>> No.4696011


Yes and Yes.

I enjoy the taste of beer but I am trying to reduce my net intake because I don't like how i behave drunk or side effects like a hang-over. That said I prefer savory things relative to sweets so your milieage may vary.

I look down on people who drink vodka and rum because i think its disgusting. That said I'll kill a fifth of whisky if i'm not watching my intake so it's not necessarily that i am opposed to hard liquor, just clears.

>> No.4696015

>DO people really like the taste of beer?
yes, of course, stop drinking Bud Light

I look down on males that buy themselves vodka and/or tequila

>> No.4696018

so whiskey is generally cool?

Like Jack D?

And whats wrong with vodka tequilla and rum?

there some kinda social stigma against them>

>> No.4696022

There are merits to every alcohol. I love beer, but can just as easily polish off a glass of gin or bourbon, mix a cocktail and then meet my friends.in the boonies and drink four lokos and malt liquor until the sun comes up.

Its a drink. Like most things some are better than others, but that is no reason to douche it up with unnecessary pretense.

>> 4696015
Someone's never had a proper anejo, or hell, a particularly bright silver. Also margaritas /thread

>> No.4696023


I've only had vodka and tequila bought for me a few times. Usually scotch is the default liquor gift for men. I've gotten wine a couple of times.

>> No.4696026

Typically people think of cheap variants of each. If you're going cheap, only whiskey is gonna be respectable/palatable.
That said, a dry, aged rum, potato vodka and anejo tequilas are fantastic and shouldnt be overlooked

>> No.4696039


Jack's isn't bad but i prefer scotch to american whiskies. goes down easier and comes back up a little less often

>> No.4696062

I am indifferent to rum, its ok
vodka is shitty, cheap vodka is terrible, and top shelf vodka is mediocre a huge ripoff, its for people that don't like tasting things mostly teenaged girls

Tequila can be good, but the vast majority of what people drink is very bad, and that smell is pretty rough

>> No.4696066


Fuck pretentious asshats. If it contains edible alcohol and you're drinking to get drunk, fucking drink it. Tell people it tastes like shit. Then drink some more.

I like the taste of very few beers. I tolerate the taste of others when they are not available. I drink beer to either get a little buzz (ie not get shitfaced) or when I'm forced to choose an alcohol over a soft drink in a social setting. Or if it's the only thing available to drink.

As for hard liquors, Black Label ftw. When I was young I started on vodka, rum and tequila. Used to go down like water and I'd soldier through the night without so much as a hiccup. Then came the inevitable bad experiences, and now I have too much of a negative mental association with vodka. Can't smell it without feeling nauseous.

>> No.4696096

Prefer beer to vodka ect, recently had a small group of friends over, where we tried 21 different types of beers.
They both preferred lighter beers, like heineken and bud, while i preferred darker ones, like hansa, lystholmer and guinness (I liked newcastle too, but I can't remember if it was dark or not.)

favorite liquor is bacardi limon. Never tried, bourbon, scotch or whiskey.

>> No.4696239

if not troll garunteed no older then 14.
epic life fail

>> No.4696256

what beer did you get OP?

>6 pack between 3 people

youre definitely too young to be on 4chan bro. global rule #2 you little poofter cunt.

>> No.4696258

>actually responding

>> No.4696264

>Used to go down like water
funny how that works
i used to be able to drink vodka straight
it was wonderful
i would tell people that i enjoyed tasting the alcohol

>> No.4696267

>Never tried, bourbon, scotch or whiskey.
how does that happen
where do you live?

>> No.4696281

henny stains on givenchy

>> No.4696280

>What does /ck/ make of all this?

Everyone involved is a massive faggot.

>> No.4696284

go away fuccboi pleb

>> No.4696287

seems like /fa/ /ck/ers are the worst

>> No.4696289

I really don't understand people who drink to get drunk. I mean, why not just huff paint instead? I bet you guys don't even appreciate the bouquets and notes of the cannabis you smoke either. Buncha 420 blaze it faggots in here.

>> No.4696329

beer was sierra nevada ruthless rye

>> No.4696339


Get over yourself. OP will always be a massive faggot. The trick is to turn it into something constructive or get the fuck back to /b/.

Yeah. Makes me sad thinking my best drinking days are behind me. Peaked too soon. My first binge started with a liter of vodka between me and a friend at 15. Cracked it outside the off-license at the end of his road and was empty before we reached his house. Fun times. Also had fun on many occasion drinking 10-15 tequila shots in clubs, sans salt and lemon. These days whiskey is one of the few liquors I can hold down and not make myself look silly.

>> No.4696340

I drink vodka straight. I don't care about taste unless I'm some women in the rag drinking martini.

>> No.4696375

Because it's fun to have an excuse to be stupid with your friends every once in a while

>> No.4696389

Maybe because it's pleasurable, you pretentious cockmongrel. Maybe to forget their shitty lives without significant brain damage and death. Maybe they want to muster up enough courage to kill themselves which, incidentally, is what I think you should do.
There are many strains of cannabis. Many that smell and taste different. And yes, I do appreciate the differences. Cannabis may have varying aromas and flavours, but it does not have a bouquet, plebeian. Learn the difference between aroma and bouquet, then come back for an intelligent discussion.

>> No.4696406

Some beer is good, some beer is shit. It can also be somewhat of an acquired taste. Vodka is almost universally shit. Rum can be good, I prefer dark rums. Tequila also can be quite good if you don't get shit tequila. Gin... Can't say I'm a fan, but some is alright. Scotch is probably my favorite, bourbon is good too. Even the cheap shit can taste... okay... lol. Brandy... Ehh.. In the right circumstance it can be good. Once drank a half gallon with some friends, don't know why we made such a retarded choice, but it was awful, way too sweet lol, we regretted that decision later. Everclear is always a winner, when you're 14.

>> No.4696409

Im not trying to shit on americans, but it seems that you cant make beer. I`ve tried tons of import beer from the U.S and it`s all pisswater.

>> No.4696413

I don't blame you. What are some tasty beers from your country?

>> No.4696416

>import beer from the U.S.
Well there's your problem.

It's not like we think the pinnacle of European beer is Stella, Guinness, or Heineken.

>> No.4696425

>Buy cheaply made foreign goods. Be disappointed with quality.

Heh. America and Canada make some of the best beer in the world. We just don't export very much.

>> No.4696426

fail. 0/10.

plus any man who calls beer 'tasty' is a tremendous faggot and a pony troll

>> No.4696428

>bitter babby detected

I'd bet you say the same thing about coffee.

>> No.4696429

I am a drinker that hasnt been drunk in a decade. I usually have 1-3 quality beers, or a two fingers of single malt. Get a bit of a buzz and enjoy the taste.

>> No.4696430


>implying you can't enjoy and drink while drinking it to get drunk

>> No.4696432

i love coffee, i drink vodka straight, and love beer.

IPA and strong ales. I have never said, in my life or heard anyone else say:

'this beer is so yummy! its so tasty OMG yum YUM YUMMO!'

i love beer im just saying anyone who says TASTY is a faggot

>> No.4696437

>implying you don't enjoy smirnoff ice beverages

>> No.4696438
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oh look its one of them

>> No.4696446
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its so delish i could just dieeeeeeee!
wheeeeee im a typical /ck/ poster what yummy apple martini blend should i drink with my girls?


>> No.4696443

EVERY country's most popular export beer is PISS. US has budweiser, Australia has Fosters, Canada has Labatt, Mexico has Corona, Japan has Sapporo, Belgium has Stella, Netherlands has Heineken, Germany has St. Pauli Girl....

every one of those beers is their country's number one exporting beer, every one is piss swill.

>> No.4696447

>implying that anyone who says a beer tastes good is a faggot
>implying you're not a qt 3.14 fAg00t

>> No.4696449

I can get the economics of exporting that, but I seriously don't understand how it's sustainable --especially when you can usually get better microbrews at the same price.

>> No.4696451

Because they're all "exotic" beers for cheap bastards

>> No.4696460
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you cement head, i said anyone who frolics around like rachel ray and screams YUMMY YUM YUM, TASTY DELISHEY FOOD BABY MOUTHFEEL I LOOK AT THIS
and anything else that ends in a Y deserves to die in a delish fuego

>> No.4696464

You wanna tasty these nuts?

>> No.4696468

Hey it was my 21st birthday today too OP.

>> No.4696479

i love rick owens

>> No.4697994

You would sure love Britain then, their language devolved into baby speak.

>Care for a butty with a tinny for brecky?

>> No.4698029

I'm Belgian and I absolutely love Stella lel.

>> No.4698068


I never hid the fact that I fucking hate most beers. Only drank to get drunk basically. Ended up getting into our schools party board which means free beer. God damn it was horrible and glorious at the same time.

>> No.4698117

Booze starts to taste better as you age and your taste buds start dying off.

>> No.4698182


Alcohol is actually the worst drug I ever got into.

I disrecommend it to all my friends.

>> No.4698203

>I look down on males that buy themselves vodka and/or tequila

Would you like to step outside, tovarisch?

>> No.4698206

>DO people really like the taste of beer?
Yeah, if it's good beer.
>Do people look down on people who dont drink beer and yet get wasted off vodka,rum, tequila, ETC.
I personally don't. Sometimes you want to get drunk fast without ingesting large amounts of liquid.

>> No.4698289


Because it's MANLY - never mind that beer has more sugar and less booze than their girlfriend's frozen daquiri.

Whiskey on the rocks or cocktails for me, unless it's something good.

>> No.4698311

>beer has more sugar than girly drinks
>drinks cocktails

Anon, have your parents found out that you're a faggot yet.

>> No.4698323

>never mind that beer has more sugar
yeah, thats not true

>> No.4698339



16g carbs

Blue Moon 12oz - 10.4 g carbs. Up that to an imperial pint (20 oz), and yeah, it does.

Whiskey, bitters, vermouth. You see sugar anywhere there?

>> No.4698387

sugar!=carbs dumbfuck

Only certain types of ale have sugar.

>> No.4698765

>Because it's MANLY
That's how my friend thinks, but the problem with that is if you need to do something to proove you're manly odds are you arent manly at all.

>> No.4698771

You can be both manly and desperately insecure on the inside. So long as you camouflage it with over the top machismo its all good.

>> No.4698774

It's pretty obvious that my friend is insecure though, so..... when he tries to act manly by saying "MAN THAT BEER WAS TASTY" even though he was having a hard time drinking it. It doesn't work.

>> No.4698931
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> shit-taste of beer

School starts pretty soon, doesn't it?...

>> No.4698990

What relatively cheap whiskeys would you guys recommend? I'm not an experienced drinker, but I found out over the past year that I really like Crown Royal, Buillet, Bourbon Trace, and Elijah Craig. Not a big fan of the few scotches I've had, although they were cheap.

>> No.4698993

It's a aquired taste

>> No.4699019

Jim Beam black label is my go-to. Makers 46 is a little pricier but also a good bourbon.

>> No.4699107

I want me some sour right now...

Sour beer (real, good sour beer that is) is pretty damn hard to find around here. Makes me sad... The closest I can reliably get is some fairly good ciders.

>> No.4699217
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Now I want to go to the bar with Rachel Ray

>> No.4699399

Oh come off it, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a mixed drink every now and then

>> No.4699417

fun story, best beer I had in Europe was imported from Colorado. It was a milk stout from the Left Handed Brewery I believe, but it was at a place that was known for importing high quality beers.

>> No.4699427
File: 101 KB, 718x572, ssmith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad recently turned me onto Samuel Smith, love the Nut Brown Ale, the Oatmeal Stout and their Pale Ale. yummy

>> No.4699483
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>Left Hand Milk Stout

>> No.4699907


>wut is maltose?

>> No.4699915

left hand milk stout is ridiculously good

>> No.4699921

Sam smith is great.

>> No.4699931

I think that all of you need some growing up to do, OP.

>> No.4699940

I almost want to not like it, its so good.

>> No.4700028

Talk shit post fit.

>> No.4700367


(different anon)

I thought some strains could potentially have a bouquet. Such as a particularly sweet and clean diesel. Like you can smell the initial tinge of lemon, the harsh gasoline, and the underlying skunk.

Personally I believe that the word itself is extremely pretentious and should only be reserved for uppity sommeliers and hipsters.

As for OP: Please come back when you have something to contribute.