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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4693619 No.4693619 [Reply] [Original]

I've consumed nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for two full weeks now. The results have been outstanding.

Old, fat, meateating, pasta-slurping, disgusting me was:

>skin looked shitty as fuck (pale/looked like death)
>my head was full of shit and I was keeping my depression a secret

The new Raw me:

>186lbs and still dropping
>relationships with friends and family has strengthened
>skin is bright and celebrity like
>way more energy


>> No.4693626

How much fruit/vegetables do you eat daily?

>> No.4693629
File: 82 KB, 623x200, Goode-Chiro-Post-Image-Food-Vs-NonFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're looking for a change, go raw. Start eating nothing but real food. Your body will thank you.

>> No.4693631


Would totally eat both sides of that image.

>> No.4693633
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You know how you can tell if someones a vegetarian?

Don't worry. They'll tell you.

>> No.4693637


I graze. I don't sit down for meals and I make sure I always have a bunch of bananas at work. I'll graze on bananas, nuts, cucumber, apples, broccoli, etc all day. I eat around ten bananas a day. Two or three when I wake up. Each one is 100 cals and the intake of a quick 300 cals from bananas really energizes me. It completely takes away your cravings for non-food. I'll then go about my day and eat whatever I can get my hands cause on this diet you don't have to watch what you eat. You just eat shitloads of raw fruits and veggies. Until you don't want anymore.

>> No.4693639 [DELETED] 

You just inspired me, OP.

I feel like throwing away everything in my fridge now.

>> No.4693643


oh carrots and grapes are great too. Pretty much every fruit/veg/fig/nut you like. Stock up and go to town. You'll love it.

>> No.4693644

I do like snacking on nice fresh fruits, but there's much more variety in your meals when you learn how to cook with vegetables. Mushroom and kale wellington, ratatouille, even just roasted zucchini and squash.

Meat, dairy, and pasta have their place but people do tend to abuse it. As long as you can control yourself and not be a glutton, it can be both enjoyable and beneficial to incorporate them back into your diet. A sprinkle of blue or feta over a spinach/strawberry salad is more than enough.

>> No.4693646

You just inspired me, OP.

I feel like throwing away everything in my fridge now.

>> No.4693656


I'm so happy. Be sure to post your results. But at least try it for a full week before giving up. The cravings will stop. I promise. I used to slam Five Guys, Taco Bell, and others, so I know your pain. That shit is not food. It is a food-like product designed to keep you coming back. That food is high cal/low nutrient. The food you're going to be eating is high nutrients/low cal, so you'll need to consume a lot of raw fruits and veg. That's the biggest mistake people make... They don't eat enough. Be sure to stuff your mouth full of raw food every craving you get and you'll be fine and on your way to the new you

>> No.4693660

>I'm so happy. Be sure to post your results. But at least try it for a full week before giving up. The cravings will stop. I promise. I used to slam Five Guys, Taco Bell, and others, so I know your pain. That shit is not food. It is a food-like product designed to keep you coming back. That food is high cal/low nutrient. The food you're going to be eating is high nutrients/low cal, so you'll need to consume a lot of raw fruits and veg. That's the biggest mistake people make... They don't eat enough. Be sure to stuff your mouth full of raw food every craving you get and you'll be fine and on your way to the new you

>> No.4693665

Is your grocery bill higher, lower, or about the same as it used to be?

>> No.4693666
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>> No.4693667

but who was protein and fats

>> No.4693668 [DELETED] 


Looks like you have new vitamin deficiencies. Before it was C, now it looks like it's B1.

>> No.4693672


higher. but totally worth it. I don't really miss the money and if you have a job, there's no reason you can't afford it. It's not insanely high or anything. I'd say I spend about $50 more a month than I used to.

>> No.4693674


I take a supplement, but I am starting to think that b12 shit is a scare tactic. I know dozens of people who eat like this and they don't take b12.

>> No.4693676


this is a myth. i gent plenty of protein and fat.

>> No.4693680
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>> No.4693685


from what?

>> No.4693688

Where do you live? Ever since I started filling my meals with more produce rather than stuffing it with cardboard boxes, my bill has been pretty low. Dairy and meat were always my highest priced items, so it lowered even further when I started cutting back.

>> No.4693691


Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein.

I know for a fact avocados provide the body with good fats

>> No.4693693


my wife and kid still eat meat and non-food. I love them so I don't fuss about it.

>> No.4693696 [DELETED] 


You can stock B12 in your liver for a while. When you miss it, you don't miss it, either, so...

>> No.4693697
File: 124 KB, 930x446, 2013-05-12-bacon-up-part-deux-the-baconing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I can't believe I participated in this DUDEBRO diet. Fuckin bacon craze is so annoying.

>> No.4693698

>I graze.

Please stop, my sides can't handle this bullshit.

>> No.4693701

>op eats junk and fast food constantly, feelsbad
>stops doing that, feels good

Its not raw foodism. You just needed to eat healthier in general and a raw food diet makes it hard to fuck up.

Roast your fucking veggies its delicious.

>> No.4693704


I do cheat a but and steam some broccoli and carrots every once in a while

>> No.4693705 [DELETED] 


Also be careful with supplements. Not all supplements are good. They should really be from a brand you trust, and the fact that a company has packs lying on shelves everywhere isn't a measure of how trustworthy they are.

>> No.4693706




>> No.4693707


legumes and seeds aren't vegetables

>> No.4693709


thank you for the heads up. I get the shit in a green bottle (the most common brand at Wal-Mart)

>> No.4693712
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>> No.4693717


no, they aren't. but they are a part of a raw diet.

>> No.4693719


That's what it's called. I don't sit down and eat a meal. I graze.

>> No.4693721

Looks like you've got some competition, OP.

>> No.4693728


eating nothing but mcdonalds for two weeks. there's your answer.

>> No.4693733

You walk out into a field and chew on some grass?

>> No.4693736
File: 149 KB, 930x446, 2013-02-03-kale-natures-doily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4693740


quit thinking so literal. you know what I mean... grazing vs. three meals a day

>> No.4693744
File: 299 KB, 930x866, 2013-01-27-ask-a-stupid-question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4693758

I know these are horrible, but this one just takes the cake. It reminds me of that political cartoon mockup that ends up with "I AM SILLY."

>> No.4693789

>Raw kale
You might as well do >>4693733

>> No.4693792

Enjoy eating less nutritious uncooked vegetables, OP.

>> No.4693795


why must everything taste like salt and sugar?

>> No.4693802
File: 114 KB, 806x471, 2012-09-03-the-internet-guide-to-vegans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4693803


eating raw grains and legumes is highly toxic. your "raw fruit and vegetable" diet is retarded and based on nothing but fad and anecdotes. vegetarian is reasonable, even paleo is fine in my eyes, but what you're doing is plain stupid

>> No.4693804

I never said that, and it wouldn't make me wrong if I had.

>> No.4693807


>actually believing this

You're gone, man. Yum! has got you bad.

>> No.4693815

why must everything taste like semen and bitterness?

>> No.4693818


i bet you put salt on fast food fries.

>> No.4693819

Do you know what phytic acid is?

>> No.4693827


real food tastes good. it tastes just the way nature wants it to. man-made food-like "food" taste like an assault on the tastebuds. it's the most obnoxious way to experience food. That "food" usually needs to seasoned with salts just to hide its cooked/flavorless taste

>> No.4693836

Can you make anything more nutritious than nature's "superfood?" Keep in mind you can eat these superfoods straight from the earth, raw. No other food can provide that much nutrition.


>> No.4693838

Nature doesn't want shit. Goddamn scientifically illiterate hippies and their fad diets...

>> No.4693839

>real food tastes good. it tastes just the way nature wants it to.
Oh lawd. Nature doesn't "want" anything. You can eat meat, and eggs raw. You don't get as much protein from the egg white until it's cooked. Everything raw and natural doesn't mean it's better. Why do people make it like it's one extreme or the other?
>eat nothing but fast food, meat, pasta, no vegetables ever, don't exercise, don't go out in the sun
>eat only raw, healthy foods the way nature intended, because nature caters to humans, get sunshine, fresh air, exercise, treat people well and be confident
Well, /ck/??? Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.4693841


I never said nature wanted anything. I said they taste good as they are in nature. no need for seasoning.

>> No.4693845

You can enjoy the flavor of every food without seasoning. Plenty of dishes have little to no seasoning so you can taste the ingredients you're cooking with. Herbs and spices are good for you, too.

>> No.4693853


it doesn't seem like the human body would evolve to need its "imagination" to provide sustenance. Meaning, I don't believe millions of years of evolution led up to the era where we "needed" to cook our sustenance in order to obtain its energy.

Adding shit to your food isn't healthy and is no way needed to survive.

>> No.4693856
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>> No.4693857

>Using a word that means literally nothing

I'll agree with that, exclusively for foods whose evolutionary strategy is to get eaten; i.e. fruits.
Kale, lettuce, onion, mushrooms, etc. are plants that didn't kill us which we've found uses for in food, and don't taste especially good.
>I never said nature wanted anything
>Nature tastes how it wants to taste

Just eat a reasonable variety and quantity of food and you'll be fine. If you think you'll die of heart disease before you die of cancer, mind the fatty acids you eat. It's not that hard.
>everyone in both sides of my family for three generations has died of cancer before the age of 50

Do you have a source for the idea that cooking isn't supported by our evolution, or do you just personally find it implausible?

>> No.4693860

God I hate amateur evolutionary biologists.

We've been cooking food for well over a million years now. In that time our brains have gotten significantly larger, and this was in part facilitated by the larger calorie load of cooked foods. Read a fucking book.

>> No.4693861


I don't think it makes sense, evolutionary. Why would need to do that to our food?

>> No.4693863

Arn't raw nuts cooked / boiled at some point?

>> No.4693864

>mushrooms are plants
I bet you consider yourself more intelligent than the average person.

>> No.4693866

I've been doing something similar OP. I eat raw fruits/vegetables throughout the week and then eat other shit on the weekends/sometimes Fridays as well if I go out.

So far this year I lost around 25 pounds, but I also started exercising so it's not 100% due to diet. I have another 25-35 lbs to go, but I should start hitting the gym more now to build muscle so weight might not drop as much.

Anyways, I noticed a lot of small differences, I used to have back pain that's almost entirely gone now for one thing. I don't have break-outs on my face any more. Still don't have as much energy as I'd like to though for some reason but I think I'm improving on that with the exercise.

>> No.4693868

It increases the calorie load and until very recently most humans didn't live in a state if constant surplus.

>> No.4693870


congrats. keep it, man

>> No.4693871

The citations on that paper are pretty relevant, including the Koebnick paper. Google 'cooking' on gscholar and you'll find other papers related to the benefits of cooking and how that might have interacted with human evolution. Come back when you've got more than a hunch.
Whoops, my bad.

>> No.4693882

We didn't "need" to, that would be horrible for survival. Our teeth and saliva are used to digest food a bit before it enters our stomachs.

You have to eat so much food without cooking, that you don't have a lot of time for much else. Look at how big gorillas are on a vegetarian diet, but they spend literally all day eating. Learning to cook was an advantage for us.

>> No.4693887

Exercise does relatively little to make you slim. Chances are, most of your fat lost is due to diet. You're getting fewer calories from your raw diet, partly because it's harder to digest, partly because the foods are less calorie dense, and partly because it's less appetizing, which can become problematic, especially if you're exercising much. There's a decent chance that the reason you have little energy is that you actually don't have much energy, and exercise won't help that.

If you really need to lose weight, keep at it, but it would be safer and more nutritious to eat a normal diet including cooked foods with proportions that'll allow you to maintain the weight you want.

>> No.4693892


fruit and vegetables are far easier on the digestive system when compared to meat and man-made food

>> No.4693901

I still have at least 25lbs before I'm at a healthy BMI. I probably need to lose at least 30-40 more. I'm at around 28 bmi now, started out obese.

>> No.4693902

That is incorrect.
Cooking increases the available energy in food. Again, we've known since Koebnick's paper in 1999 that raw foodists are often energy deficient.

>> No.4693908


when I was eating cooked foods, my shits were infrequent. I shit once a day. Now I shit four times a day and they're not runny. I shit four, solid/healthy shits a day. and they slide out very easy too

>> No.4693921

what are your shits like now op?

>> No.4693928


very hearty and healthy looking. a light-green firm log, but will fall apart if tossed around a bit.

>> No.4693930

That's a lot of shit

shitting once a day is very normal

>> No.4693945

Why the fuck do you toss around your shit? Do you play in it?

>> No.4693951

I can get behind eating a vegan diet which is also devoid of anything "processed" but what exactly is so heinous about cooking vegetables?

>> No.4693952


I mean tossed by the water, or when gravity makes it fall against the porcelain. It crumbles like a dry cookie would crumble.

>> No.4693954


nothing. Like I said, it should be around 80% raw fruits and veg and 20% steamed/grilled/baked vegetables

>> No.4693956


>> No.4693967
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>> No.4693969 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4693972
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>> No.4693987

What an insufferable, smug faggot. I seriously hope he gets hit by a truck.
Crying wolf about being attacked while every single fucking comic he makes plays on stereotypes and false information.

>> No.4693996


so mad

>> No.4693998
File: 19 KB, 294x294, 1337838014776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exercise does relatively little to make you slim.
this nigga

>> No.4694004

>Logical Observation
Do you even science, nigger? Be a good little bitch, take that BA, and kindly bag my groceries.

>> No.4694006

What a fucking retard

Does he realise that some plants that humans can't eat can be eaten by some animals?

>> No.4694009


>> No.4694008


>fell insecure about yourself because someone's calling you out on the shit you eat
>call them "smug"


>> No.4694010


If you exercise but still eat too much, you'll be fat

If you don't exercise at all but you don't eat very much, you'll be slim. Diet is more important

>> No.4694016

The best part was when I said none of that.
Why don't you re-read my post and try again?
I'm calling him a smug tardling because every comic he writes is done with a holier-than-thou attitude that plays on stereotypes and, in many instances, downright falsity.
Alright, retard, do you understand the point now? Is that basic enough for you to comprehend?
>Probably not

>> No.4694017

we are talking about getting slim here.
cutting calories is important but you can only cut so much. on the other hand exercise along with diet work much better than diet itself.

>> No.4694019


>I'm calling him a smug tardling because every comic he writes is done with a holier-than-thou attitude that plays on stereotypes and, in many instances, downright falsity.

Welcome to every post that attacks vegans. Now you realize the point of the comic. Your mind must be blown.

>> No.4694025

It does do relatively little to make you slim. Compare the effects of exercise on consumption to, say, a 750 calorie restaurant meal.
You can bike for an hour and work off a slice of pizza, which is probably between 15 and 20 percent of your calories for the day. The observed fact is that overeating is the main reason people are overweight.

Exercise has other benefits, but it's more effective to eat less than it is to exercise to lose weight.

You *can* literally cut all your calories. You can semi-safely cut out most of them with supplements, excepting the fact that you'll not have enough chemical energy available to you, which is what >>4693866 might be experiencing, and which raw food diets tend to cause.

>> No.4694026


>cutting calories is important but you can only cut so much

The fuck you talking about? You can cut as much as possible without dying of starvation. If you're on the brink of starvation, exercising will push you over it. You can get slim without exercising, you can get fat while exercising

>> No.4694031

Hold on. Let me wrap my mind around this logic: you fight miscommunication by propagating further miscommunication and falsehood?

Doesn't change the fact that you failed to grasp the knowledge of my original post.
And it doesn't change the fact that this >>4693666 is deliberately false.
And it doesn't change the fact that you seem to construct your entire social identity around what you eat. Have fun with that.

>> No.4694038


>you fight miscommunication by propagating further miscommunication and falsehood?

I don't, that guy does. It does even the playing field though, and in people who aren't so dumb that the message goes over their head, it's an eye-opener. People belong to one group and make up whatever they want to believe about other groups. People even forget that most vegans used to eat meat and dairy and just stopped doing it. Vegans know both sides, both points of view, and they've likely done actual research, while most meat-eaters only know what they grew up on and rather than look into things for themselves, they just trust when they see a "got milk" commercial on TV or a talking cow tells them to "eat more chicken" that those things are great for their health

>> No.4694039
File: 301 KB, 1280x960, Einstein-Wallpapers6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The observed fact is that overeating is the main reason people are overweight.

>> No.4694047

All dat assumption.
Maybe you should just stop your tirade against people who eat meat if they don't want to hear about it. Live and let live. I don't really have a desire to change my diet. I don't push it on others. And anyone (omnivore or vegetarian) who does so is a smug piece of shit for not respecting the wishes of others.

To sum it up: the guy making this comic makes you all look bad because he's a colossal faggot who purposefully spreads misinformation. It's not "leveling the playing field". He's not "helping the vegan cause".
If he was, he wouldn't have a string of poorly-drawn and researched webcomics with static characters and a shitty attitude about respecting the decisions of others.

>> No.4694056

but einstein, this is not the observed scientific fact
(though it's still a fucking good idea, you fatties.)

>> No.4694063

so you're an acne ridden fatty who started losing weight and having less acne after eating like a fat fuck?
how surprising

>> No.4694065

Imma drop some knowledge on you.

You are probably eating way too many fruits which means you are operating on a sugar high. For now you feel amazing but it isn't going to last. Pretty much all of the everyday fruit we eat isn't natural at all by the way. They've been cultivated and bred to have the charachteristics they now do, which is always a fuckload more sugar than the wild varieties. You're like a little kid that's allowed to eat candy all day. The only reason you're not crashing hard is because fruit sugar is not as terrible as refined sugar but over time it'll do the trick just fine.

so, you need to add leafy greens, spinach, kale, parsley and kind of lettuce you can get, the darker the better. Celery is good too, anything green. You can still eat fruit but you need to balance it out if you want to do this long term.

Also, nuts have lots of natural preservatives in them that aren't good for you, so you need to soak and sprout them before eating. Any other kinds of sprouts are great too.

Lastly, lookinto getting some high quality, organic, grass fed beef and try eating it raw. If you are afraid of parasites, just freeze it for a week and if there were any they'll all be dead by then. Eating anything other than well done gives you the same risk though so the freezing isn't actually necessary. If raw meat is too weird start out with eggs. But you actually do need the protein and the B12.

Cows only eat grass but they eat grass all day. To get their share of protein they eat about 170 lbs of grass per day, or 25 lbs of dry matter. So unless you want to eat about 30 lbs of lettuce per day to recreate the protein winning process of the cow, I would suggest you do the logical thing instead and eat the finished product, the cow instead. Far less work.

>> No.4694067

>All cheese comes from cow milk
Murica, home of retarded people.

>> No.4694072

>raw food nutters

I've never been so glad to run a scam "alt health" site. There's some shit called "zeolite" which is basically volcanic dirt. People will pay $80 for a tub of dirt and then email me telling me how much it changed their lives. I can't feel bad ripping idiots like these people off because they're so unapologetic.

>> No.4694077

Fun Fact: Burger joints in America serve almost exclusively cow-milk-based cheese.

It's funny when you catch someone calling someone else retarded and they're actually wrong...

>> No.4694086


>Maybe you should just stop your tirade against people who eat meat if they don't want to hear about it.

I don't even do that. I see vegans put information out there, then defensive meat cultists jump on them and call them hippies and other stereotypical insults without actually arguing anything or having an open mind to medical research

Then in another thread someone asks for healthy food and a meat cultists tells them to eat a bunch of meat and dairy, and if someone dares voice their concerns about telling someone to eat these things, you see a bunch of "STOP PRESSING YOUR VIEWS ON ME, VEGAN FAGGOT" posts, not even realizing that everywhere they go they press their meaty views on people

>> No.4694106

4 of my best friends are vegan/vegetarian and I have literally never seen what you're describing.

Meat cultists? Do you even hear yourself? It sounds like you're trying to find a cause to fight for because you ran into a couple assholes. Believe me when I say, the majority of us don't give two shits what you decide to eat as long as you keep it out of our faces.

And the same should go for them as well.

That said, as a student working on his masters in Biology, I can confidently say that meat is a natural part of the human diet. Even chimpanzees and bonobos include meat in their diets. Is it wise for humans to eliminate it entirely? Who knows. It doesn't matter.

You should be less militant about your food stance. It comes off as being incredibly conceited. People are free to recommend meat products and you're free to recommend non-meat products.

But bear in mind that the majority of the human population eats and enjoys meat on a daily basis. It is a very ingrained part of every culture.

>> No.4694129


>4 of my best friends are vegan/vegetarian and I have literally never seen what you're describing.

Spend some more time on this board. Starting a docile thread with "vegan" anywhere in the title or post will summon a horde of angry posters who are offended by the very mention of veganism.

t said, as a student working on his masters in Biology, I can confidently say that meat is a natural part of the human diet. Even chimpanzees and bonobos include meat in their diets

No clue about bonobos, but meat in chimp diets is like 1% of their total diet, and they do it out of boredom or as part of a social thing to gain respect. They're not a very good example to use for this kind of thing. Now, as a biology master, can you tell me what physical change human beings underwent to become meat-eaters? That fabled "humans evolved to eat meat" thing I see posted all the time makes it sound like we should be able to eat all the meat we want without dying of heart disease and cancer, or even having to worry about parasites and bacteria in the meat. We evolved to eat starch (found in plant foods), as evidenced by the increase of amylase in our saliva and digestive system. What change did we undergo for meat?

>You should be less militant about your food stance. It comes off as being incredibly conceited

It doesn't bother me much when insecure omnivores feel offended by what I or others say. Imagine being on a food & cooking board where 80-90% of the posters eat a big piece of cake with every meal, and will verbally assault you if you try to imply it's unhealthy to do so, while also telling everybody else to eat more cake. Atleast the things vegans promote are guaranteed healthy, and are things relatively healthy meat-eaters eat as well

>> No.4694143

Notably, our body sizes are much greater and meat allows for a greater amount of caloric intake per gram than most plant matter.
Secondly, humans were/are not supposed to eat a meat-exclusive diet.
Although saliva does contain amylase to help break carbohydrates down, the primary breakdown of protein is mostly in the stomach. In fact, the stomach is probably the best evidence for meat-eating due to the specialization that it requires in order to break down said protein. Notably, this is done by Chief cells in the stomach that release pepsinogen that is later cleaved into pepsin.
Fats are only really processed in the duodenum of the small intestine by liver bile.

Although I do not know the differences between a primate and human stomach that well, it seems to me that a human stomach is very capable of digestion of protein. Meat is basically fat and protein with very little or no carbohydrate.

Your assumption about chimps and bonobos is wrong. Although it is a social exercise, they have been known to group up and actively seek out monkeys to ambush and kill despite having plenty of vegetation around them for consumption. I wrote an undergrad paper about this specific thing.

As a biologist, the single greatest thing the body does is maintain homeostasis. Loading up on carbohydrates will eventually lead to the inability of your body to create insulin. It's necessary to get nutrients from all sources while keeping trace elements in your diet. Eating a variety of foods helps to do that. It's wired into us. That's why salty, fatty food tastes so good to us; fats are the greatest source of calories and salts (Calcium, Sodium) need constant replacement due to their usage in muscles and bones.

I will address your other points in my next post.

>> No.4694151


>Notably, our body sizes are much greater and meat allows for a greater amount of caloric intake per gram than most plant matter.

I said how did we evolve TO eat meat, not what happens when you get more calories in your diet. Why does meat still afflict us with things an actual natural meat-eater would have no problem with? We even had to develop tools to kill with rather than just having the natural gifts to do it like a lion or a wolf does.

As for protein, it's understandable that we'd be good at digesting protein seeing as how starch sources are full of it

>> No.4694152

funnily enough, the inverse is also true, start a meat thread and you get a horde of angry posters offended by the very notion of consuming animal based products. It's like every section of society has its zealous bigots who can't simply let other people live with their lifestyle choices.

>> No.4694155


>the inverse is also true

No it isn't

>> No.4694157

4chan is full of bigoted retards. Don't let them drag you down to their level. Ignore them unless its to make them look silly or you're up for a healthy debate.
There's a difference between talking with someone who's set in their ways and unwilling to change versus someone who's simply misinformed.
That comic made me angry because it sets a poor example for vegetarians to follow by treating others with disdain and acting better than everyone. That shit irks me primarily because I eat meat and I don't really ascribe to any of those stereotypes.
Categorizing 6 billion people into one shallow category is a very stupid thing to do. It's like saying all muslims are terrorists..

Also, what you're saying depends on the context of the thread. If you're purposefully going into threads about eating cake with every meal and saying stuff like that in multiple posts then you're detracting from the board and you should be made fun of for it.
But like I said, it's very contextual.
If retards want to spike their blood sugar every 3 hours by eating a metric ton of refined sugar then they're welcome to do that. Just leave them alone. If they're not receptive to your advice at first then let it go.

Lastly, you shouldn't generalize that, "All the things vegans promote are guaranteed healthy" because they're not. Loading down on fruits all day is NOT HEALTHY. Advocating a diet where starches and grains are a major part of every meal is NOT HEALTHY. I've heard both of those recommended by my vegetarian friends and those are incredibly fucking stupid things to do. When you promote something you should do so with specific examples instead of blanket phrases that include every single vegan/vegetarian and every single thing they've ever said. Because while some may not be categorically false, there most definitely are things that are either made up, based on fake science, or downright ignorant of current scientific fact.

>> No.4694161


>Loading down on fruits all day is NOT HEALTHY.


^ Guy who's diet is almost 100% fruit, eats thousands of calories of it daily, usually 5k to 8k

>Advocating a diet where starches and grains are a major part of every meal is NOT HEALTHY

Bro, that's food. That's what humans eat. That's our food niche as a species. That's what civilization is built on. You said before most of the world eats a bunch of meat daily, but that isn't true. Most of the world (not the united states of america) eat meat sparingly, especially in Asia where most people will eat meat once a month at most or only on special occasions. Year-round, they all eat starch heavily

>> No.4694166

I can't cover 2 semesters worth of information in 4chan posts so I'll give you the short version.

A common ancestor to the hominids ate some meat and as a result of that he had a better chance at passing on his/her genes. Eventually this became a standard practice among the great apes and they all started doing it. As a result, Chimps, bonobos, and humans all eat meat. You can see it in the wild and you can see it in fossil remnants. Evolution is based on the passing of traits on to offspring. Chimps wouldn't do it unless there was an incentive to do it. Canine teeth are some supporting evidence here.

2nd: If you develop tools then you don't need to adapt your body because the ability to catch meat is based on the tools instead of a physical feature of a human being.

3rd: There is no problem with eating meat as long as it is done in moderation, which is the point that I stressed in the post you just responded to. It's the same for overindulging in carbs.

Finally, you can't throw evidence away just because you don't like it. You can't just say "WELL IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE SO LET'S JUST IGNORE THIS FACT". It doesn't work like that.

Last thing: the human intestine is designed to emulsify and absorb fats. There are virtually no fats in fruit and veg. The intestine didn't evolve to absorb fat from sources where there are none. Nuts could arguably be the answer here, but it's likely that the liver was developed to widen the range and allow for the consumption of animal and nut fat.

>> No.4694167


Nobody would give a fuck about vegans/vegetarians if they cut out their incessant holier-than-thou attitude which makes them unbearable. Honestly I'm sick and tired of vegan / straight edge faggots projecting about their moral superiority in every goddamn place

>> No.4694169
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>There are virtually no fats in fruit and veg. The intestine didn't evolve to absorb fat from sources where there are none

Not the guy you're arguing with, but how are you a biology major?

>> No.4694179

Did you seriously just link me to a youtube video of a guy who may or may not be telling the truth with no food logs and a blood report of any kind to prove something to me? I'm 5 minutes into this and he hasn't kept these measurements over the entire duration, there is no hint as to his REAL diet (aside from his word), and there is no hardline evidence about the level of physical exertion or profession that he is engaged in.

He says he consumed over 4kg of sugars a week and he doesn't necessarily have to have diabetes, but his pancreas is probably getting fucked hardcore from the sugar spikes, depending on how he's eating.

This is basically an unreliable and flimsy piece of evidence that provides very little context. It's something you may point at but it ultimately does nothing to solidify your point.

I studied abroad in Japan for a year. Meat every day. You're full of shit and you don't know what you're talking about. Developed countries consume a lot of meat. Sorry to burst your bubble.

And the point went over your head. Carbs are an important source of energy for immediate blood sugar, but YOU. CANNOT. BASE. A. MEAL. SOLELY. ON. CARBS. Starch is part of meals? No shit, sherlock. It doesn't mean you should go eat 2 cups of sugar and call it a day.

>> No.4694180

Vegetarian here. Stating (hopefully) the obvious here, but OP is bait.

>> No.4694182

Evolution. As in past tense. As in before there were vegetable oils, you fucking numbskull. Did you even read the post?

>> No.4694187

Evolution. As in past tense. As in before there were vegetable oils, you fucking numbskull. Did you even read the post?

>> No.4694188

> Although many plant parts may yield oil, in commercial practice, oil is extracted primarily from seeds.
Vegetables contain very small amounts of oil for its weight. As far as I am aware avocado is about the only fruit that contains any measurable amounts of fat.

>> No.4694189
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>Developed countries consume a lot of meat

And most of the world is developed countries?


>I went to Japan and ate meat, so everybody in Japan eats meat all day every day

>Starch is part of meals? No shit, sherlock. It doesn't mean you should go eat 2 cups of sugar and call it a day.

You make it sound like every food only has one kind of macronutrient in it. Where there are carbs, there is fat and protein.

>> No.4694192

So you're claiming there is a significant source of fat and protein in, say, pineapple?

Second, while there I ate what is a typical Japanese diet. Better get to the doctor and get that extra chromosome extricated.

Point: meat consumption is a large part of every culture. You need to learn how to deal with it.

>> No.4694194


>before vegetable oil existed, vegetables didn't have oil
>it's evolution, breh

>> No.4694197


A pineapple has a gram of fat and 5 grams of protein. Vegetables typically have more fat and protein as a percentage of calories, but fruit still has both, and if you eat enough you'll get all you need

>> No.4694198

actually thinking about it, there would be a few fruits with high fat content, olives are one.

>> No.4694201


>That fabled "humans evolved to eat meat" thing I see posted all the time makes it sound like we should be able to eat all the meat we want without dying of heart disease and cancer,

We can. The issue isn't with eating meat, it's with the enormous amounts of processing gone into all of our primary food sources (carbs, proteins, fats). As a student working on your Master's in biology, you haven't read any of the numerous studies on, say, Eskimos or the Masai in Africa, both of whom have diets composed primarily of animal proteins and fats and yet live to fairly respectable ages?

>or even having to worry about parasites and bacteria in the meat

We by and large don't. A fairly large number of people in the world eat "off" meat all the time, and it never bothers them. Why? Because part of our background is as scavengers; we can handle eating meats, vegetables, etc that are somewhat less-than-fresh, and we're easily capable of eating fresh meat without issue. See above, the Masai drink pretty solid amounts of animal blood in their diet and a lot of what the Eskimo eat is basically raw blubber or meat from seal and whale.

Don't confuse dietary protocols with the processing of our food as a cause for why humanity is suffering from so much heart disease, cancer, and the like. Diets of all kinds - ranging from the nearly mono-carb (predominated by rice, for example) or extremely high fat/protein - have proven to be viable for humanity all throughout premodern history because our omnivorous background allows our diet to be predominated by nearly any calorie source and still be healthy.


>we evolved to eat starch

is not really true, in the sense that we didn't evolve solely to eat starch; we evolved to eat starches, fruits, animal proteins, and animal fats.

inb4 >no natural tools to get meat

it's like no one has heard of a scavenger before.

>> No.4694202
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>typical Japanese diet

Which is mostly rice and noodles with vegetables.

>> No.4694203


>5 grams of protein

incomplete proteins, which aren't as useful as proteins with complete amino acid profiles

very few - if any, in fact - fruits or vegetable have complete proteins, complete proteins are found almost exclusively in animal-derived calorie sources such as meat or bone marrow

>> No.4694204

Troll or retarded.
Can't say as to the common vegetation that was available to humanity, but ALL HUMANS, regardless of location, have intestines with the ability to emulsify fats while simultaneously being around different types of vegetables, some of which lack the ability to create fats.

Their ability to emulsify fats helps clear the little vegetable-based fats that were in vegetables at the time, but I wouldn't be surprised if animal fats were able to be processed by that boon.

You're ignoring the fact that it takes a great amount of plant mass in order to generate the oil. Also, the crops used to do so are genetically modified to secrete a LOT more fats.

I love how when faggots are losing an argument they lose the ability to logically reason

>> No.4694207


As a student working on your Master's in biology, you haven't read any of the numerous studies on, say, Eskimos or the Masai in Africa, both of whom have diets composed primarily of animal proteins and fats and yet live to fairly respectable ages?

You mean those sick people with arteriosclerosis and issues with osteoporosis?

There isn't a lot of information about inuits, but I can't imagine you read anything about the masai without reading of how hardened their arteries are

>> No.4694210

You do realize that is not a significant source, right?

>> No.4694212

You responded to the wrong person. I'm the one working on my masters. The person you're replying to was trying to quote me and he fucked it up.

>> No.4694214

You obviously have no fucking clue about what you think the typical modern Japanese diet is.

>> No.4694217


You have to realize that "incomplete proteins" for the most part just lack in the amount a certain amino acid, and eating enough of one type of food can still get you enough complete protein. That, and nobody eats just one food.

>> No.4694218
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OP be vary careful. I don't think that a raw vegies and fruits diet will last very long. And as soon as you go back to eating the stuff you were before, you will gain weight.

I say you manage your food proportions, find out how much calories you need per day, find out how much carbs and sugars you need to cut off. You don't need to take such measures to loose weight, you just need some time to plan a simple diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life. I promise you this will help maintain a healthy life style and help maintain your weight.

>> No.4694219


>go to Japan for a year
>get treated like gaijin, eating americanized Japanese diet
>pretend you know what the Japs eat

>> No.4694221

Yeah. I stayed with a host family and ate at the school cafeteria every single fucking day.

How are you this retarded to make such a wild assumption?

>> No.4694223

Why the fuck are you still on 4chan then? Move on and make a life for yourself, don't come back here unless you forget how to add an egg to your ramen... or you're really bored.

>> No.4694226

You're the same raw foodist who always spams durianrider on /ck/ almost daily. Why are you so obsessed with doing this? Not a single person has switched due to all of this effort you put in. Coming from a vegan, durianrider is an embarrassment and makes us look like a bunch of uneducated, extremist idiots. If you're vegan for ethical reasons at all please stop, you're only driving people away using him as an example. Use studies, use science, use anything else but some insane man rambling on youtube as an example of the benefits of your lifestyle.

>> No.4694228
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>> No.4694230

>Previous poster concerned with caloric density of cooked versus uncooked foods
>Your response is about shit

>> No.4694241

Raw foodies/vegans/vegetarians = mentally ill

The human brain is made of fat. It is a huge calorie drain. Without meat and the calories and fats it provides, we wouldn't be able to support it.

A well balanced diet with meat in it = you don't need supplements.

Prima facie, if your diet requires supplements, it's bullshit.

>> No.4694246

>I shit four times a day

enjoy your no life.

>> No.4694248

He's not an actual raw foodist, they're too busy dying from the Bubonic plague to post on 4chan. He's just a retard forcing an epik simply epik ;^) meme on the cooking board.

>> No.4694249


The human brain runs on glucose, and if you think meat's the only thing with fat and calories, don't ever join a conversation about diet.

>> No.4694280

>Advocating a diet where starches and grains are a major part of every meal is NOT HEALTHY

wait, what?

>> No.4694285

>Canine teeth are some supporting evidence here

uh, no. in this case they're for displays of power, i.e. intra-specific behaviour. see: almost every other animal where survival depends upon group cooperation and maintenance of a hierarchy

>> No.4694319

OP, are you aware that some vegetables offer more nutrition when cooked such as tomatoes?

>> No.4694344

>forcing your beliefs on others

>> No.4694345

My French fries

>> No.4694346

That's a lot of radiation

>> No.4694350

>losing 7 pounds per week

You are starving yourself. You won't be able to eat just greens and some fruit indeffinitely without eventualy turning into a shivering stick figure like my neighbour did.
A diet you can't maintain indeffinitely is a bad diet. Better start planning what you are going to change about it in the future.

>My skin is bright and celebrity like

Please don't say shit like that. It sounds like you are breaking out with vaginitis already.

>> No.4694355

This guy is right. I'm hella fat, always the fat kid, and before the epidemic. Lost lots of weight fast twice in my life. It wasn't good. Gained it all back and then some. Started Weight Watchers online and have lost about 10 lbs a month for 6 months. WW tells me this is too fast, but it's quite gradual and sustainable for me. The only diet I think I can do for the rest of my life. The points system is easy to do and I can have anything I want if I don't go over my points. I think all fatasses can do WW. Extreme solutions are hard for people who have really bad obesity. Be healthy and lose weight slowly and it's best in the end.

>> No.4694365


Kinda late to the thread, but what did you drink with that stuff?

>> No.4694368

>nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for two full weeks
That must really be shitty, I'm sorry you're putting yourself through this.

>> No.4694384

If he's eating a lot of grapes and bananas, he should be good for weight. He is probably on a tiiiiny calorie deficit from what he's described

OP, what are your favourite raw vegetables?

>> No.4694385

When you say raw Broccoli, do you mean actually raw or steamed? I can't see myself trying to eat a raw stem f Broc

>> No.4694386

post pictures faggot

>> No.4694388

Not OP, but I rather like raw broccoli. The stems, once peeled, taste like radish. Same with cauliflower stems.

>> No.4694405

Sounds like you're on the right track anon. Good luck.