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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4692039 No.4692039 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists have made an artificial burger grown from cow stem cells. What does /ck/ think about this? And would you try it even if you are a vegetarian?


>> No.4692047

was there some reason you couldn't post in one of the treads that already existed on the topic?

>> No.4692070

I don't see why you would if you're a vegetarian. Unless you're a vegetarian for ethical reasons which is kind of uhh... lets just say the animals in tiny cages spewing out eggs and milk all day aren't terribly well off either.

I'm what most people would consider a vegetarian, but just because I don't care for meat. I'd try it cause fuck it, you get one life, experience all you can. I already try meat I've never had like some weird beef-quiche thing my girlfriend got at a Vietnamese place.

Vegans eating it is a much more interesting question though. I suppose some would, from what I've seen theres a good chunk of vegans that love eating meat but don't for ethical reasons. This could alleviate that, but it introduces a whole new problem of verification. I can't imagine it will be easy to distinguish from real meat if it takes off, and verifying what did and didn't come from an actual animal could become as big of a mess as the whole horse meat thing from awhile back.

It bothers me they're showing all these patties in a petri dish as if thats how it works though lol.

>> No.4692087

would you want to experience gay sex?

>> No.4692097

He does sound like a faggot.

>> No.4692101

I'll try anything once. But I don't think I'll go in for gay sex again.

>> No.4692110

pffffttt don't you guys ever read sci-fi?

this will just create a new class system where the rich get to eat natural foods and the poor are stuck with synthetics, enjoy your non-synthetic foods now, you won't be eating them in the future unless you're rich as fuck.

>> No.4692133

I would with the right person. But I'm not attracted to the vast majority of men. And I already have a thing to put my dick in that would get upset if it was put into another thing.

>> No.4692148

Reminded me of this bit in Neuromancer

"Jesus," Molly said, her own plate empty, "gimme that. You know what this costs?" She took his plate. 'They gotta raise a whole animal for years and then they kill it. This isn't vat stuff." She forked a mouthful up and chewed.

That line also made me never waste meat ever again.

>> No.4692149
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>> No.4692239

>The vast majority go vegetarian
and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.4692422

It bothers me that they say "one patty costs $350,000". No, not really. 5 years of research cost $350,000. But that would sound totally reasonable, so of course no sensational non-news source would say it that way.

>> No.4692439

vegetarians will be obsolete thanks to synthetics and what makes you think they won't be making synthetic vegetable and fruits as well? I mean, it'll probably be a paste of some kind but you won't be able to afford otherwise

50 years from now you'd be lucky to be able to afford an apple

>> No.4692456

I can afford them.

>> No.4692460

you won't be able to after it's outlawed for your protection and public health and safety

>> No.4692461

vegetarian here.

would eat it

>> No.4692464


>Vegans eating it is a much more interesting question though

No it isn't. Just like vegetarains, they mostly eat that way for health reasons. Everybody likes the TASTE of meat, but people with self control choose to either avoid it or eat it sparingly just like with ice cream or candy.

>> No.4692468


But that's even more stupid, meat isn't inherently bad for you. At least not eating it for ethical reasons is a legitimate reason, even if you don't agree with it (I'm not a vegetarian/vegan for example)

>> No.4692470


>meat isn't inherently bad for you

Well, that's debatable. Evidence goes both ways, and people tend to pay less attention to the pro-meat side because a lot of things that support meat are influenced heavily by the meat industry. Same with dairy.

>> No.4692471

try meat without the spices and oils like a raw chicken

>> No.4692478

Still tastes good brah, and it still has a little fat on it.

But then again I can eat plain tuna stored in water out of a can and be OK with it.

>> No.4692484
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>Well, that's debatable.

>> No.4692487

The Paleolithic diet is gaining a lot of momentum in Scandinavia. People are eating meat like crazy.

>> No.4692491



Oh god, that's the worst thing ever. It's like someone watched The Flintstones and used that as scientific evidence for a diet.

>> No.4692492


I eat unspiced unseasoned baked chicken breast fairly often, and it's rather pleasant.
Bland, of course (just a pinch of salt can make it great, though), but the meat is tender and juicy and the way unprocessed muscles tear is a rather visceral sensation if you eat it without utensils.
Feels predator, man.

>> No.4692495

I agree most fad diets are just that, fads, but I can't see why it wouldn't be considered healthy. It's basically a diet that consists of meat and vegetables.

>> No.4692498

>protein, fat, no carbs
Sounds reasonable to me.

>> No.4692507


>Glucose is the form of sugar that travels in your bloodstream to fuel the mitochondrial furnaces responsible for your brain power. Glucose is the only fuel normally used by brain cells. Because neurons cannot store glucose, they depend on the bloodstream to deliver a constant supply of this precious fuel.

>> No.4692508
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>carbs are bad, protein and fat are awesome

Who told you that, Oprah Winfrey? One of the women on The View? Your brain and body run on glucose.

>> No.4692509

>*low carbs

>> No.4692521


Low carb is still a dumb basis for a diet. I'm all for cutting out refined foods like whitebread and white rice, but carbohydrates from wholesome sources should be atleast 60% of your diet. The paleo idea that humans shouldn't eat grains and starches is ridiculous when we evolved to developed amylase in our saliva and digestive system specifically to eat them.

>> No.4692522

I agree, I was just correcting that first post.

Ideal macro balance (unless you're a bodybuilder):
40-60% Carbs
20-40% Brotein
10-20% Fats

>> No.4692564
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>It's like someone watched The Flintstones and used that as scientific evidence for a diet.

>> No.4692956

>Your brain and body run on glucose.
Who told you that? The body will run on whatever is available. Low carbs? Liver sorts that by converting fatty acids into energt.

>> No.4693154
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>Everybody likes the TASTE of meat

>> No.4693172


Even though no study has shown that fat intake increases mortality, and sugar and refined flour increase triglycerides far more than saturated fat?

>> No.4693186

Those fatty acids are converted to glucose before being churned out into ATP through glycolosis.


>> No.4693198

It's still animal protein for cancer growth.

>> No.4693372

Considering the number of different cows that go into the average mincemeat burger, id say its 100% medically less likely to contain much bad bacteria at all.

Win win

>> No.4693390

I want one made from human stem cells, preferably a mixture of the Olsen Twins, Britney Spears, and Taylor Swift.

>> No.4693401

It's less that diet is gaining momentum there and more that a lot of people were already eating similar diets there in the first place

>> No.4693403

With these and GMOs I'm excited to one day be able to eat any meal and get all vitamins/nutrients without any downside. Fuck the future looks awesome.

>> No.4693424

>vegetarians and vegans whining about lab grown meat
Hypocrites. Don't they realize that if this becomes an articulated process to produce meat, that it would replace the need for billions of livestock kept in unsanitary conditions and slaughtered en masse?

>> No.4693448

It could, but there is always cheap meat somewhere. Who knows, maybe people will try to cut shit with pet corpses.

But that is a good point, if lab grown became the standard, getting any "real" animal mixed in might end up being an upgrade.

>> No.4693496

They're not interested in what's good, or better. Many of these people want it done their way, and will let the best be the enemy of the good every single time, smug assholes.

>> No.4693524


Personally, I'd rather focus efforts on just getting people to eat healthy food

>> No.4693535

personally i'd rather you hippies shut up and stop breading, who cares about what humans eat? we need to stop worrying about what we eat and instead worry about how many humans we have and how much they eat.

>> No.4693549 [DELETED] 
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That's nice, but the nutrient broth comes from what, and what are the byproducts of its manufacture. How much power is required to make the meat.

That's a nice trick, it was actually done in the past, resulting in something that looked like a raw chicken breast. But that is a fucking quater of a million pounder.

Are there going to be amazing fields where meat will be grown in bioreactors? The chemicals required to do it will be extracted from what and at what cost?

Good luck making this efficient and actually better, besides morally.

>> No.4693946

>stop breading
But then where will we get our artisanal loaves?

>> No.4694097


Im Scandinavian, and we eat 80% paleo in my house (me and my girlfriend) as its one of the #1 recommended diets for MS-patients.. which she is.

Also, we ate pretty Paleoetic before that, we simply cut out potatoes and rice, and i started making more stuff from scratch. I accually enjoy all the cooking i've been up to.
i say 80% because i still enjoy a glass of milk ect, and when we are out, we eat what is served like any decent person should.

>> No.4694105


Thats semi-true. Your body will produce what it needs, based on what it gets. Glucose in its pure form, as you get it in bread, is arguable bad for you, but your body uses (some) of it when you eat it. If you dont, you produce the needed substitute..

>> No.4694122

>That's nice, but the nutrient broth comes from what, and what are the byproducts of its manufacture.

It's fetal cow blood, basically.

>> No.4694126


> Are there going to be amazing fields where meat will be grown in bioreactors

Kinda yeah. And seing as 4 billion people will double their food intake, and the number of people on earth will reach 9 billion by 2050, it's pretty revolutionary.

>> No.4694130


Paleo everywhere around here. There's even a paleo baker just down the corner.

Only noticed it in copenhagen though.

>> No.4694149

Have you actually tried it? I have, it's fuckign delicious. Raw meat is fucking yummy.

Give it a try just to try it. Don't be close minded.

>> No.4694205 [DELETED] 


Hey, look, it's time for my codeine!

There just isn't the infrastructure to support that much people. The Discovery Channel is all primetime shit now, too. I don't have much hope. Perhaps Bear Grylls will be the most useful show to air before the collapse of civilization.