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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 472x267, hamburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4691556 No.4691556 [Reply] [Original]

Later today, Dutch researchers will unveil the world's first lab-grown burger in London. It has been grown from stem cells taken from a dead cow.



>> No.4691560

Probably taste like shit

>> No.4691562

I'm thinking that too. In the video it only showed them making muscle tissues, but you need about 20% fat for a decent burger.

>> No.4691570

I bet the texture will be much mushier and rubbery.

>> No.4691581
File: 192 KB, 867x600, culturedbeefhamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look that bad to me.

I'm sure PETA is still working on its bullshit argument about how this is evil.

>> No.4691582
File: 498 KB, 619x623, Gobbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll still be better than tofurkey.

>> No.4691691
File: 17 KB, 304x171, _69121803_4b2c036d-2d2e-4ffa-987b-a73c7057872f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the demonstration has been done and here is the feedback: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23576143

Seems to suggest it was too lean, as I thought and also missing salt and pepper. I guess if it's as easy to grow fat in a lab then it can be greatly improved.

>> No.4691695

They'd apparently skipped the seasoning altogether, which I guess makes sense.

>> No.4691700
File: 82 KB, 448x336, VancouverBC26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure PETA is still working on its bullshit argument about how this is evil

You realize the whole point of PETA is to be as outrageous as possible to get attention, right?

Since you seem genuinely upset by them, you should probably know that the more you mention them and the more you grouse about their silly antics, the more you're supporting their mission.

As for me, I'm ok with any organization that trolls impressionable young women into humiliating themselves in public for nothing.

>> No.4691708

Why not just grow a whole burger?

>> No.4691712

How do you think they got the plant based ingredients?

>> No.4691716

I am excited to try this once it hits the market.

I would stand on that street corner and stare, licking my lips.

>> No.4691726

peta's objectification of women and complete disregard for humanity are out of control.

>> No.4691735

Sounds bretty gud to me. I'm dubious as to how it'll taste (didn't they try the same thing with bacon a while ago and it ended up tasting like shit?) but if they get this stuff worked out then good for them. It would theoretically mean being able to try endangered meats, which would be cool too.

HOWEVER, the second any technophilic fucktard tries to use this to say "See, we don't need to kill animals to eat meat ever again! I think we should ban the slaughter of animals now since it's unnecessary!" they can go jump off a cliff. I'm all for technology, but I'm completely against being made to be reliant on it. The idea that someone would no longer be allowed to raise their own meat animals, and instead be legally required to depend on a giant multinational corporation for their food, is sickening to me.

>> No.4691744

>The idea that someone would no longer be allowed to raise their own meat animals, and instead be legally required to depend on a giant multinational corporation for their food, is sickening to me.
I actually hadn't considered that (not that I was ever in favor of banning slaughter). Even so, this is still good for animal welfare people because once this becomes economical, those giant corporations won't be using factory farms anymore.

>> No.4691747 [DELETED] 

>being this poor and having no farmable land
Never change, eurotrash

>> No.4691762

It the choice of the women to act like that. They aren't being commanded by some higher power.

>> No.4691769

In a way they are. They are easily programmed liberal lemmings.

>> No.4691770

>Even so, this is still good for animal welfare

We don't know that yet. Clearly it has an advantage in that animals aren't being slaughtered. But we don't know what the process is for growing the meat yet. Does it create any toxic byproducts? How much energy does it consume? All of those things are unaswered questions and they might indeed be worse than the problem they are trying to fix.

For example, consider the environmental difference between a traditional gas-guzzler and an electric car. That electric car has much better mileage and has much cleaner exhaust. Must be better for the environment, right? Not really: That electric car contains 2000 lbs of highly toxic battery which at some point presents a serious environmental problem when it must be disposed of. Likewise there was a lot of toxic waste generated while the materials for that battery were mined and refined to make the battery. Now it's not such an easy comparison anymore.

Likewise, how about a leather jacket vs. a fake leather one? Of course a cow had to die to make the normal leather jacket. No cows were killed to make the fake one! Though, instead we used a bunch of toxic chemicals and energy to make synthetic leather from petroleum products. Then there's end of life concerns: If it's thrown away in a landfill the leather one will rot away. The synthetic one won't. It will sit there and leach petrochemicals into the landfill for centuries.

I'm not saying that synthetic meat isn't a good idea but it's too soon to label it an environmental benefit until we know what kind of energy, waste, and pollution is associated with the process. If any of those are too high, it could be a step backwards.

>> No.4691771

You could say the same for anyone. It doesn't matter on the political leaning, no matter how much the right romanticises themselves as independent strong thinkers.

>> No.4691776

Nothing rots in a landfill organic or synthetic.

>> No.4691777

The important think about choosing to be more enviromental is to change your attitude towards things you own. We live in such a throw away society and that is one of the biggest problems. We need to go back to treaing everything we own with care and stop treating everything we own, from jackets to cars to shoes, as replaceable

I think we need to undergo some cultural change to stop going through material goods like consumption machines and be happy with what we have.

>> No.4691781

Tell us more, comrade anonski

>> No.4691782

>in charge of making burgers

Those are my thoughts.

>> No.4691788

I pray to baby Jesus they unleash a sickness that wipes out the whole worthless continent.

>> No.4691789


Lol, all you need to do is visit one to know that is wrong. You smell that? Smells like rotten kitchen trash--in other words, food rotting. Things breaking down and decomposing.

>> No.4691819

>>4691562 This anon was right.
>"Het vlees is wel minder sappig", zei Rützler. "Er zit geen vet in. Je proeft zeker verschil met een gewone hamburger."

Het kweekvlees kost ongeveer 250.000 dollar per 100 gram. Voorlopig zal het dan ook nog niet in de schappen van de supermarkt liggen.

While it is a good development, it is way too expensive to replace normal meat.

>> No.4691853

>add egg, breadcrumbs, and char broil

Seriously, England can't make a burger for shit.

>> No.4691868

Actually PETA is in favour of it, as it doesn't involve hurting animals.

>> No.4691876

That's what I expected, now I'm just worried they'll recruit the singularites to join them in a campaign to do this: >>4691735

>> No.4691883

Wut? My friend from Indiana said this was the midwest area way of making burger patties. Egg, bread crumbs and parsley. And Sweet Baby Rays.

>> No.4691885

Ingrid Newkirk has an outstanding bounty on making lab grown meat, IIRC. It's time she paid up, I guess.

Despite her stance, though, acceptance of cultured meat is by no means mainstream within PETA and its supporters.

>> No.4691886
File: 13 KB, 464x264, _69060085_meat_comp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in the article.

>> No.4691887

I sure hope not. WIfag here, it's supposed to be 100% meat with a good fat ratio (around 20%ish).

Unless you're making a butter burger, which then can be something lean like ground sirloin.

But yeah, adding eggs n' breadcrumbs is for meatloaf and meatballs (which can make good sandwiches) but doing that for a burger is doing it wrong.

>> No.4691889

Well not yet, obviously. It's a prototype, a proof of concept.

Mass production should reasonably be expected within our lifetimes, and costs will decrease as the technology matures.

>> No.4691893

Yeah, I thought it was kinda weird but obviously I didnt say anything. Beef and a little salt, that's all I put in my patties. And not overknead them cause they turn to rubber.

>> No.4691897

oh man, I can just imagine a femanism group protesting a pita group protesting delicious food.
>I need femanism because women shouldn't have to be put on display to make you feel /sorry/ for animals.

>> No.4691900

When retards collide...

>> No.4691902

This is not how burgers are made in England. The vast majority are made the same way as in America.

>> No.4691910

You can go to a modern landfill 100 years later, open it up, dig down and just about everything in the condition it was buried in.

Second, you shouldn't be putting food in a landfill, you piece of shit. Compost it.

>> No.4691913

>Mass production should reasonably be expected within our lifetimes
possibly. depends on social factors. We just got over the whole pink slime craze. People are eating organic all over the place. Do you really think Monsanto brand cultured beef product is going to sell like hotcakes?

>> No.4691931

>what is wood, cardboard, or other plant products?

>> No.4691934

addendum: animal products such as leather

>> No.4691936

what about them?

>> No.4691941

>PETA is trooling
>WBC is trolling u guys

Oh shut up.

>> No.4691943

They break down and decompose.

>> No.4691947

Not in a landfill they don't.

>> No.4692599


>The idea that someone would no longer be allowed to raise their own meat animals, and instead be legally required to depend on a giant multinational corporation for their food, is sickening to me.

You don't NEED meat any more than I need a negro slave, fatty tits. If you want to be master of your own food, grow some fruits and vegetables. If you want to kill animals so you can die of a heart attack in 20 years, fuck off to the third world.

>> No.4692622

>implying humans don't need essential amino acids
>implying meat isn't the easiest way of getting the complete essential amino acid profile in your diet
>implying any one cares about what some faggy vegetarian thinks

Enjoy being the butt of all the jokes, crybaby.

>> No.4692625

>gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8!

>> No.4692627


Your "essential amino acids" are in every food, dumbass. You might as well be arguing "I have to eat ice cream because ice cream has the fat and protein I need to SURVIVE AS A HUMAAAAN"

>> No.4692645
File: 202 KB, 600x496, 1368016224976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your "essential amino acids" are in every food, dumbass
>ignoring the fact that most foods don't have sufficient quantities or the right balance

Unless you're eating a lot of beans and nuts chances are you aren't getting what you need.

Don't get me wrong, I love animals. They taste great.

>> No.4692647

>what is biology
>what is history

Vegfags seem to always ignore these two things.

>> No.4692670


The center of your diet should be starches and grains, which all have good amounts of protein, and every protein source combines and completes in your stomach. EVERY food you eat has amino acids that contribute to this. Pay attention in school, bro.

By the way, we need about 40-50 grams a day. When you eat EXCESS protein from animal sources, you get osteoporosis.

>> No.4692671
File: 60 KB, 148x184, 12313`323`13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go ahead and try your "biology and history" angles. I'd love to know what you have for me.

>> No.4692675

>When you eat EXCESS protein from animal sources, you get osteoporosis.

Sauce plox.

>> No.4692691



>> No.4692697

Another important point to consider is that if we didn't farm cows, sheep and chickens where would they be in the world now? They can't survive on their own, their numbers would have to drop dramatically if lab grown meat became standard and probably close to endangered.

In the beginning there'd be lots more death in not killing the animals than killing them, ironically enough. And all those chickens that lay eggs, what will happen to them when they stop?

I'm all for growing lab meat and 3d printing meat as we can't feed everyone with what we have, but a complete switchover is just as impractical if not worse.

>> No.4692698




>> No.4692706


Well, 10 billion land animals are killed each year in factory farms. I can't imagine it would be worse if we stopped, especially over time.

>And all those chickens that lay eggs, what will happen to them when they stop?

Not sure what you mean. Right now they lay eggs until they get old, then they get sent to the chicken killin' factory.

>> No.4692716

All of these studies use menopausal women. I don't see how that relates to me or my risk of osteoporosis.

>> No.4692717

Price has a blue dot taking up the whole page
Also, is that by weight?

>> No.4692718 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 379x538, 20120513164730!Uncle_Jimbo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so you see, if we don't stop KILLING them... then they'll DIE

>> No.4692735
File: 679 KB, 379x538, 20120513164730!Uncle_Jimbo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so you see, if we stop KILLING them... then they'll DIE

>> No.4692743

Not the person you replied to but that's rather interesting, go tell >>>/fit/ and they'll have a hissy... fit. Good job I counteract that by using steroids and not an AI unless I get gyno