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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4690629 No.4690629 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.4690642

Wait, I thought the average tip was 15% for small parties?

>> No.4690643

i don't know about average, but it is the generally accepted amount

>> No.4690644

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.4690645

Just tip 20% you cunt.

>> No.4690650

If you are a white american you tip 20% or more. If you are black you tip 10-15%. If you are from Europe you don't tip. Not a racist, but this is how things tend to be.

>> No.4690651

nah 15 is the accepted etiquette

>> No.4690652

15% is accepted where I'm from. Then again they're from New York City so I wouldn't be surprised if they expected double or triple that.

>> No.4690653

Why are servers always so butthurt about tips? Being a cook means always being hot and sweaty and risking burns and cuts, and I don't even get a tip.

>> No.4690655

>tip 10%?! You should tip 15%
>15%? oy vey what miser are you, tip 20%!
>you should be grateful I didn't spit in your food
>next time tell me you're a lousy tipper, I need to take a leak.

>> No.4690659

Seriously? I tip well but these people are jerks.
>"at least I don't bother with good service anymore"
They admit they give shitty service to their customers and then whine about their tips?

>> No.4690662

well fuck I thought it was 10%, only more if it was great service.

If you smile and keep my drinks filled and don't keep me waiting to order you'll get 10%. If something is wrong with my order or you somehow actually help me out with something then you'll get more.

My general rule of thumb is $1 for every $10 spent. I round up so after $15 its $2.

>> No.4690665

Man I am pro tipping, I believe that it is a reasonable piece of etiquette. A part of the social fabric. That people who don't tip are jerkasses whos behavior is akin to cussing the servers out.

But seriously, these people are either total cunts or trolls or both.

>> No.4690667

I stopped tipping after reading a few of these threads.

>> No.4690668

you'll take 2 bucks and be happy about it

>> No.4690670

They serve fucking food, any dipshit could do what they do. Why the fuck should they deserve more from what they're paid?

>> No.4690673

>Golden Rule: If you can't afford 20%, you can't afford to dine out.
>Got it?
What the fuck I'm the one giving YOU business, and I should be grateful? It's not like I owe you anything, I came here of my own free will to give you money. Yet I;m not good enough, so you'll treat me shitty even though I'm supporting your current means of living.

I hate it when businesses treat customers as an inconvenience.

>> No.4690675

What is the solution?

write this url on every receipt and never leave a tip.

self regulate or suffer

>> No.4690676

>$20 bill
>$3 tip
>OMG lousy tipper, I'll never give him good service again

>he tipped me based on the discounted price he paid instead of the full price, cheapskate

>> No.4690689

ding ding ding

>> No.4690696
File: 33 KB, 480x426, fat_cat_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thing I hate worst about working at Walmart.

I'm a people person. Its my thing. I love helping out and doing what I can to make my customers have an awesome day.
As long as you're not a dick, or start charging at me and pointing your finger, i'll do everything I can to help you with whatever.
...but a giant portion of my co-workers are just so fucking crabby and downright shitty to customers that it bugs the hell outta me.
Yea, I get it. Some customers are dicks. Some of them just 'want' to piss you off.
But you need to be a fucking professional about it and not let it carry on to your next customer.

>> No.4690700

itt: first world problems

>> No.4690721

>I'm supporting your current means of living
You know they get paid $2.13/hour, right? Of course you do. But you're just a hateful, kike little prick. If servers were paid a living wage and not expected to make their living off tips, guess what, you faggot little jew? Your food is going to cost a hell of a lot more to compensate. I bet you'd bitch and moan about that too, wouldn't you?

TL;DR: if you can't afford to tip, shut the fuck up, stay home, and cook for your fucking self.

>> No.4690724

Because they get paid maybe $4/hr at most. Up their wages and then you can botch about tipping.

>> No.4690727

why would people with third world problems even be on the internet?

>> No.4690728

lrn2minimum wage m8

>> No.4690729

I just never go to the same place more than once, so my lack of tipping never has a chance to have an impact on me.

>> No.4690730

>yfw it used to be 10%

>> No.4690731

Why are servers pissed off that they are not getting enough money from the customers, when they should be pissed off that they aren't getting enough money from the people who should be giving them money, their employer.

>> No.4690736

I'm not that guy, but holy shit fuck yourself you piece of shit.
Servers get compensated by the restaurant if they don't average at least minimum wage.
Which means I don't 'need' to tip a fucking dime if I don't want to.

Also most restaurants are putting it into the tickets automatically anyway. So you can put your mouth right between my fuckin cheeks and motorboat that shit, because theres no fucking way i'm tipping 'twice'.

>> No.4690738

Because there is a system in place with a long precedent for it. Its a feature of modern society, and a rather inoffensive one at that. If you got rid of tipping you'd just increase menu prices to compensate, so why bother?

>> No.4690739

If we are supposed to tip some people who have shitty jobs (servers), why are we not supposed to tip ALL people who have shitty jobs? Let's at least be consistent.

But we aren't, the reason? Servers are simply entitled cunts, but they have power over us because we don't want semen in our food (most of us).

>> No.4690741

We pretty much are traditionally supposed to tip everyone with a shitty job. Traditional etiquette says you should tip your garbage man at least once a year.

>> No.4690743

At least then you'd be able to just pay, and that's it, rather than navigate the treacherous territory of hurt feelings and entitlement.

>> No.4690749

Tipping of everyone that has a crap job really doesn't happen, though. We don't tip a tremendous amount of other minimum wage workers, the literal only reason servers are able to enforce this is because of the threat of bodily fluids and bad service.

>> No.4690752

but since we can't guarantee our food is fluid free, assume it is chock full of bodily fluid

and don't tip

and on every receipt, write tipshaming.tumblr.com

>> No.4690755

You're supposed to tip people who serve you, that is people who you can give orders to, who you can command.

Waiters, hair dressers, personal shoppers, delivery peoples, chamber maids.

>> No.4690768

If you are too inept to get a job that doesn't make your livelihood dependent on tips and actually pays then you can't afford to whine at all, you piece of shit.

>> No.4690773

Do I tip whores? If the fee was say a 100 dollars should I be giving her 20 bucks as a tip if she was good? Why doesn't she just ask for 120 buckaroos in the first place?

>> No.4690776

or just write "get a real job"

>> No.4690779

Well self-employed people are generally exempt from the tipping protocol. However if the whore is working in a brothel with set prices, tipping may be good manners.

>> No.4690788

How can I be sure that the pimp gets a cut of the tip?

>> No.4690795

The pimp don't need you looking out for him. The pimp is gonna get what's his. Ain't no ho' going hold out on him.

>> No.4690806

>Hey someone gave me free money for doing my job.
>Man, those assholes didn't even give me ENOUGH free money.

>> No.4690807

ok poors, tell me why:

When I go to a restaurant, order one app, two entrees, drinks.

At one place because it's "nicer" and my bill came out to $100 and say Fuckin Applebees where I can get that combo for $24

Why does one deserve $20 and the other $4.80?

They did they exact same amount of work.

>> No.4690809

This generation in a nutshell.

>> No.4690811

Employer has to make up for the money if they don't get enough tips. Get fucked.

>> No.4690813

Except the applebees wait staff are a bunch of inbred white trash teenagers. The nicer restaurant has classy mo fos who may be called upon to display actual knowledge of the menu.

>> No.4690817

>Your food is going to cost a hell of a lot more to compensate

No it wouldn't, you innumerate swine. You've vastly overstated the value of your labor in computing the cost of food.


tl;dr more than doubling a server's minimum wage, even if the full cost thereof was passed to the consumer, would amount to an increase in food prices of less than 1%

>> No.4690815

because tipping culture is fucking retarded like america in general and full of double standard bullshit

>> No.4690818

>classy mofos
>eject bodily fluids in your food if you don't tip or don't tip enough and possibly even call you names
>get paid less than burgerflippers per hour and rely on handouts aka tips to live on like a bunch of bums

yeah fuck you

>> No.4690820

restaurants can get away paying less than minimum wage if they expect the workers to at least make it up in tips. That's under the premise that they report their earnings though, which most don't.

>> No.4690826

so what? they make minimum wage or more, period

>> No.4690827

doubling? They'd probably need it to be increased by a factor of 10 fold.

>> No.4690829

back in the day when I had a paper route I was the one who had to go collect subscription fees from the customers on my route. I always got tips, xmas tips, etc.. then the paper office stopped that. shit sucked.

I happily tip my postman, garbage man, and the guy that comes by and checks the water meter, every xmas.

>> No.4690834

By those numbers all they need is a single 4 dollar tip an hour to be overpaid.

>> No.4690838

Just posted this in his AMA page.

>Hey pal, you are doing a great service for everyone waiting in america! Since I started reading your posts I thought I might do my part too, and haven't tipped anyone since. Not a single waitress got a single cent from me. Now that they are struggling with their income -it's not like if employers have to make up for the difference if they don't meet minimum wage, isn't it?- they will be motivated to persue their dreams. Thanks again!

>> No.4690841


Nope, been to an Applebees where the waiter knew everything one could possibly know about an Applebees menus, even knew where a Riblet came from.

Been to nicer places with waiters who knew shit.

Still no reason why I have to leave $20-40 dollar tips just get a quality meal when I get the same exact service other places and somehow $5-10 is still acceptable.

>> No.4690848


I mentioned doubling as that was the proposal outlined in the link, and thus the figures were provided - specifically, for a server's wage of $4.68/h, rather than $2.13/h

To reach the federally mandated minimum wage, the current server's wage would need to be multiplied by 3.4. Washington state mandates the highest minimum wage, of $9.19 - 4.3 times the federally mandated minimum cash wage for tipped employees.

(if anyone's interested, here's a great table breaking down minimum cash wage by state)

I'm not seeing where your ten-fold figure comes from, but it's clear that short of wage increases of several orders of magnitude, food prices should increase by no more than 10%

>> No.4690853

They should just be fucking happy that they get any tips at all - it's a lot better than getting those shitty chic tracts that look like money but actually aren't.

I've debated actually buying a few of those and giving them to servers who are shitty but..

>> No.4690854

Bah the link didn't make it. It's like the 1st hit when googling us tipped minimum wage though.

>> No.4690859

>They only gave me 11 dollars for almost 80 dollars of food, I'm outraged!

It's not like they even prepare the food. Fuck I wish I could tip the cooks instead, they probably get less.

>> No.4690861

Yes, but if waiters only make minimum wage then we'll just have white trash and mexicans waiting on us everywhere we go.

>> No.4690864

>shitty chic tracts

>> No.4690866
File: 64 KB, 540x405, 0430_gq03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who tip with these shouldn't be Christians.

>> No.4690868

are those bible excerpts?

>> No.4690869

>they can cook my food as long as I don't have to look at them or try to interact.

>> No.4690870

Yeah. I mean do you really want Honey boo boo to be waiting on you in a chic restaurant 10 years from now?

>> No.4690873

No. They're worse. They're basically anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic religious propaganda. If you pretend they're parody, it makes reading them much less painful.

>> No.4690874

As opposed to a stagnant sub-minimum wage obliging ever-increasing tips?

I'm fine with tipping. I just don't think it should be mandatory - nor should there be a customary amount. And I think I've managed to demonstrate that a common spectre in the debate (FOOD PRICES SKYROCKET, RESTAURANT INDUSTRY IN FLAMES) is absolute poppycock.

>> No.4690875

>anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic religious propaganda

that is right up my alley
where can i get some?

>> No.4690876



This. Chick Tracts come in a variety of disgusting flavors, like >>4690866. One form is something that looks a lot like real money on one side(either completely or enough to fool someone if you fold it up/leave it halfway sticking out) and bible verses on the other. Servers hate getting them.

>> No.4690878

How rude... they're complaining about a 10% tip and calling the customer a jerk? The service was probably below average and they will end up meeting minimum wage anyway... jeez. I have new-found hate for servers. And this is coming from someone who usually tips 15%.

>> No.4690880


I'm sure there is some site where they've been scanned and uploaded, but that would be theft.

>> No.4690882

>Tricking someone into thinking they were getting money, when in reality you were handing them a piece of meaningless paper, which in and of itself is essentially lying?

jokes on them paper money is worth less than jesus

though it is a dick move, everyone should read at least a verse a day and think about it

>> No.4690883

Oh boy, AND they're complaining about someone not tipping for takeout. Why would someone tip for ordering takeout? It's not like they are cooking the meals. All they have to do is take 5 seconds to get from point A to point B...

>> No.4690885

it's like /pol/ in a small book

thank you for enlightening me anon. i might actually buy some of these

>> No.4690914


Eh, jesus doesn't land someone hookers and blow after a long day of serving people. Maybe if he did..then..

>> No.4690916

He does hand out free wine and hang out with Mary Magdalene.

>> No.4690932

I'm sure the site owners tip 20% at ethnic eateries when they dine out right? Or are 20% tips only for the hard working white server?

>> No.4690952

I tip depending on the variables.

Was the waiter/waitress providing excellent service?
Was the food cooked to specifications? If not did the waiter/waitress take proper action for it?
If the waiter/waitress made an error, did it reflect upon the current situation at the time? (Was her mistake made because it was during a lunch or dinner rush?)

I take these into consideration when tipping. I have no general percentage to give, they're tip is based on how well they did their job because I am not entitled to give them anything if they can't give decent service.

>> No.4690961

That reminds me of an interesting thing I read once. Basically, the general stereotype of 'Blacks are bad tippers' is a self-perpetuating cycle and an example of the failure of the mandatory tipping regime.

1. Black people patronize restaurant
2. Receive below-average service due to server's preconceptions
3. Black people's preconceptions of receiving poor service reinforced
3. Provide below-average tip
4. Server's preconceptions reinforced

I think it was this paper: tippingresearch(.)com/uploads/Grat_jse.pdf

IIRC it also makes mention of the poor correlation between service quality and tip quantum.

>> No.4690960

"their tip" is what I meant to say. No idea why I put "they're".

>> No.4690978

So, does /ck/ tip when getting take-out?

>> No.4690989

>butthurt waiters upset about a 15% tip

What a bunch of entitled fucking cunts.


>> No.4691000

Does anyone else remember when restaurants paid their servers properly and you ONLY gave a tip if the service was unusually good?

>> No.4691001

I guffaw'd.

>> No.4691032

Nah, I'm only 24.

>> No.4691040


no lie, the $ is a guide because obviously "higher cost = more dishes, drinks, larger party" but that's very general. if you're one guy, low maintenance and you order a fine steak and lobster tail, you're going to have a higher bill than the two obnoxious teenagers splitting three appetisers and drinking water..

I always tip pizzaguy 3 dollars. Because unless I ordered a SHIT TON of pizza or they drove for days that's what they get. 10$ bill or $20 or $30, you get 3$. I think that's p reasonable...

>> No.4691054

waiters get minimum wage
thats pretty proper for a job i routinely do for myself

>> No.4691057

but that's why they get tipped in the first place, because you're commissioning them to do your job for you. If you don't want someone to bring you food why are you in a restaurant?

>> No.4691060

because i don't want to cook

and I'm not commissioning anything. it is a service offered by the establishment i am patronizing.

when i go to the greek place down the street i grab my own food

>> No.4691062

You misunderstand, we go to restaurants because we want someone to make us food. The waiters are a convenience so we don't have to get up and refill our drinks, or interact with the kitchen.

It's a shame that the restaurant business in the US has decided to not pay their waiters a living wage, and have instead decided to push as much of the burden as possible on their already paying customers. Restaurants in many other countries don't ask their patrons to pay even more so their servers make money, they just pay them at least the minimum wage for their region.

>> No.4691067


Save like $5+ just by getting your own food? I do that all the time at my house, plus I cook it too.

I should really start tipping myself. Only 10%, putting the food on the table is easy as fuck, don't wanna overpay.

>> No.4691072

>Restaurants in many other countries don't ask their patrons to pay even more so their servers make money, they just pay them at least the minimum wage for their region.
So what? the systems are essentially equivalent. Either way the customer still pays the waitstaff whether its in menu price or tip. The fact that you get angry about performing simple math is really more pathetic than anything.

>> No.4691076

>I was only tipped 14.5% so I'm going to post on a website about it
>If my parents were this greedy I would hardly have had money to waste when I was a teenager

This kind of shit makes me want to arrange that my tip be given to the chef instead of the waiter.

>> No.4691070

I think you both misunderstand the entire concept of restaurants. Sounds like you both best stick to your fast food shite and fattie buffets, because that's where you will be most comfortable and is within your financial boundaries.

>> No.4691078

>It's a shame that the restaurant business in the US has decided to not pay their waiters a living wage,
but they do

i guarantee you, if given the choice, waiters would prefer the current system over only getting min wage

>> No.4691081

You do realize its not considered proper to tip the owner of an establishment?

>> No.4691082

the concept is i go pay someone to cook for me without having to hire a personal chef

>> No.4691092

You should tip a personal chef though.

>> No.4691094

No matter what, servers are making at least minimum wage, as the restaurant must make up the difference if they are not bringing in min wage per hour with tips.
In my country, min wage is about the same as in the US (roughly 8/hr), cost of living is very high. No tips whatsoever, and yet the service is amazing because servers actually take pride in doing a good job. I know that's a hard concept for Murrican hipster scum to grasp

>> No.4691095

I'm not upset about "preforming simple math". I'd be fine if restaurants paid their staff a real wage and increased food prices to compensate (since, even if they did increase the price of the food on the menu, it wouldn't be that much higher than it is now). I just don't see why I should have to be guilt tripped into paying someone's wages instead of doing like I do when I go to a store and just paying the store and letting them sort out how much they pay their employees.

No shit, they're making more than minimum wage as it stands.

>> No.4691102

but not the person who brings me the food

>> No.4691106

>I just don't see why I should have to be guilt tripped into paying someone's wages instead of doing like I do when I go to a store and just paying the store and letting them sort out how much they pay their employees.
Because that's how our society works. All the rules of society are arbitrary. The concept of the modern no-haggle store with fixed profit margins is fucking arbitrary and recent. There's no reason to feel any opposition to tipping as a simple social ritual just as arbitrary as all the others. Why do you want the power out of your hands anyway? You can reward good service this way.

I just don't see any problem with it. You act like its so terrible a system. But its simply an accept thing, you wipe your ass after a shit, and you tip after a meal. (also you tip a bathroom attendant but those are less common these days). Its just a thing you do to get along in society.

>> No.4691111

The only two countries with minimum wages in that ballpark are Japan and the US, and I know you're not in Japan because their waiters are all robots.

>> No.4691116

And if it's such an arbitrary thing, and has changed over the last several decades, why not let it continue changing and take all the burden off the customer? Tips use to be a way of rewarding good service, now it's expected and no longer a reward. So why not change the system all together so that workers get a fair wage, and guilting the public is no longer necessary?

>> No.4691125

So... you just argued to let it change, and then complained about how it was changing?

Anyway tips have been expected since at least the turn of the 20th century.

>> No.4691140
File: 19 KB, 153x221, filth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips are for fags, in my state every server gets paid minimum wage, period. the other hard working shifts do not get any of the share and do 3-5 times the work a server does, not that their jobs aren't hard, just not lifing 80+ lbs what smells like liquid shit into a dumpster between every meal, burning your hands to carry hot plates out to the screaming public, and swatting away the servers who are all too eager to grab dirty silver ware to use when they run out.

there has never been a group of entitled whiners larger than the resteraunt industry servers

>> No.4691180


tl;dr Tipping costs the customer a lot more than paying servers the actual minimum wage.

>> No.4691183

Mericans really are the biggest jews on this planet. The nerve of these people. This is what happens when begging becomes a part of your "culture".

>> No.4691197

Yes, because minimum wage is unlivable and shitty.

>> No.4691205

And? servers don't spare a dime to anyone who gets paid less than them to do more work. They are greedy shits who only care about themselves, theres no social bent to demanding someone pay more to feed them when raising menu prices or in heug chains successful ceos cutting their paycheck a bit could pay livable wages to their employees.

>> No.4691213

Then stop going to huge chains. they suck anyway. Don't use "huge chains" as a reason not to tip servers.

>> No.4691215

>moving goalposts
You could probably pay them twice the minimum wage and it'd still be cheaper than mandatory tipping.

>> No.4691224

... you are so stupid it hurts, I would NEVER, EVER tip a restaurant ANYTHING unless I knew it went to every person in the restaurant. In countries not full of self entitled fuck whits who want to pan handle while they work, they call that paying for your food.

>> No.4691227

So what if it would be? you're just arguing that they should be paid less. You may as well just be arguing that the expected tip should be less. The amount doesn't change the basic system. In the end right now servers are taking home X amount of money, and whether you change to them being paid X amount directly without tips or keep it the same as it is now there's no difference.

You're arguing that they're overpaid, but that's not an argument that one system is inherently better than the other because you could just as easily reduce the expected tip to 10% as abolish tipping.

>> No.4691230

I'm stupid when you're the one arguing that because CEOs are overpaid servers shouldn't receive money. Its absurd.

>> No.4691239

>from all over the world
>the golden rule applies to burgerstan only

fuckin self centered cunts

>> No.4691245

i tipped a hooker once, she did a great job

>> No.4691251

no you dumbass, I'm saying that if people aren't paid a livable wage, how they could get paid a livable wage., servers should not receive tips, it distracts them from the little work they're responsible for doing PROVABLY, and it's unfair to every other position in the restaurant. Even management is shittier than their work. I can't imagine having to actually work and manage people as entitled as you fuckers. I worked for 3 years alone and lived on minimum wage (9 dollars an hour) and often less than a 40 hour work week. I'd usually bring home 500 a check. I had an excellent work ethic, never complained about the pace or the pay. never got a cent of the tips. not one. Servers are entitled fucks who think they deserve to get all that extra money instead of sharing it with everyone else who burned their hands on the wok or bringing plates out from the steaming dish washer to deal with the rush, because they spent half their shift neglecting their real work to puppy dog eye the gullible masses.

>> No.4691259

no. only delivery

>> No.4691260

So.. you're jealous? That just seems petty, your poor life decisions are no one else's problems.

>> No.4691261


I wish someone would hurry up and invent robot waiters.

>> No.4691276
File: 135 KB, 390x378, mercury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thats cute, the guy thats begging for hand outs all day is telling me "my poor life decisions are not our problem."

I'm totally okay with that, And right back at you, it's not my job to tip you, worry about your own poor life decisions.

>> No.4691282

Well belt places are becoming popular for sushi, and even though I can't think of the name of the places, there is a small resurgence of restaurants where you walk in, go to a wall where food is ready and waiting, you pay a small amount, open the glass door, take your food and you've got lunch. No waiters/servers involved.

>> No.4691284

>oh thats cute, the guy thats begging for hand outs all day is telling me "my poor life decisions are not our problem."
Sorry, wrong guess there. I've never worked in a restaurant. I don't give a shit about internal restaurant politics. I just tip because its the right thing to do in America and that's where I live. If I eat in Italy, I don't tip.

But hey, maybe I just don't cry about it because I make minimum wage. Perhaps you should have learned an actual marketable skill instead of throwing temper tantrums.

>> No.4691285

aren't those mostly in holland?

>> No.4691286

There have been some popping up in the US, mostly on the east coast IIRC.

>> No.4691290

I don't cry about it either you dumbfuck. for a guy who has a huge hateboner for people making minimum, you sure love tiping pond scum, I don't give a fuck if youre not personally invested though. this is about retards like you and OP's link thinking tipping should be "mandatory" (in other countries we call these price raises, and the money is split equitably) and me calling you out on it being greedy self serving bullshit that actually hurts the thing youre paying to get (good service). Giving servers an asswhoping isn't the same as crying over it you useless sack of meat.

>> No.4691291

>>east coast
that explains my ignorance.

>> No.4691292

Really? cause you do seem to be throwing a little hissyfit about it? You sure you're not crying? A little bit? Yeah. that's what I thought.

>> No.4691294

It's an automat that I'm thinking of.


>> No.4691301

>order a pizza
>give my card details and tip the phone operator
>drive to store
>use paypal on my phone to tip Toyota as I walk inside
>tip the chefs, tip the manager for providing such a fine establishment, tip the oven
>'here ya go, enjoy your pizza'
>turn and begin walking towards the door
>hear one of the workers mutter 'jerk' under his breath
>realise I forgot to tip the president
>tfw I can never go back and they've probably posted my photo on temblr

>> No.4691303 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 650x456, dimestorefreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wut? thats what I thought?
Listen man I think you might have a problem with voices in your head. I haven't actually answered you yet. (the answer is no by the way), you need to work on being a deluded little fuckwhit, assuming you know something about which you have absolutely no hard information on is a good way to get popular with hipsters, douche bags, and creationists, but not much else.

picture related, the one on the right is you

>> No.4691305
File: 85 KB, 650x456, dimestorefreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wut? thats what I thought?
Listen man I think you might have a problem with voices in your head. I haven't actually answered you yet. (the answer is "no, I'm not crying." by the way), you need to work on being a deluded little fuckwhit, assuming you know something about which you have absolutely no hard information on is a good way to get popular with hipsters, douche bags, and creationists, but not much else.

picture related, the one on the right is you

>> No.4691314

I hate this bitch. so much. so fucking much. entitled fucking cunt. I always tip based on service but this bitch is fucking getting tipped at least and still complaining. Burn in hell. please. you want money. get a real fucking profession instead of carrying food to a table. bitch.

>> No.4691321

I'm not arguing that servers are overpaid. I'm putting to paid the notion that paying servers a living wage will increase food costs to the point that it becomes uneconomical to eat out. In a non-mandatory tipping culture, tips become a bonus for exceptional service, as opposed to the actual wage component. Exceptional servers will continue to be singled out and rewarded, whilst poor-to-mediocre servers will not.

Furthermore, there's no real equivalency between the antagonistic, feudal, micro-dramas of crime and punishment that constitute mandatory tipping culture, and labor laws ensuring a liveable wage. For instance, I don't see non-tip cultures starting SHAMEBLOG 2000.

>> No.4691325

Time-based tips totally make more sense than bill-based tips, now that I think about it. Maybe tip $1/5mins or whatever.

>> No.4691333

Yeah, fuck that. That's equating to a minimum of about $4 while you're waiting for your food. Then another $3-5 while eating, and if you stay and chat with whoever you went to eat with, you're racking up another $1-3. With a minimum of $7 that's just not acceptable.

>> No.4691348

Tipping works when all humans on earth are exemplary model citizens. As it stand now servers run a protection money racket on their customers less they be named/shamed or something even worse, and customers are misers who don't understand that they were the ones that chose to go to a restaurant full knowing of the custom of tipping. People are dogshit, this shouldn't be in their hands.

>> No.4691355

Depends on what the server is doing during that time. How quickly I get my order, how empty my glass is allowed to get, any problems with my order as delivered, etc. I got no problem dropping $7 for 30-45 minutes of casual fine dining.

Totally adjust the rate as suits your needs, though. Service wasn't really up to par? 10c/5min, whatever. Service was excellent and you have no complaints, and happen to be a philanthropist to boot? $1/min. I just think making time a factor is worthwhile consideration.

>> No.4691357

K and then I'll stop going to your business because your servers are cunts expecting 20% and stop me at the door when I tip 10%. Keep that up and you'll have 0% business along with your 0% pay. True Story.

>> No.4691393

Americans are this much of a collective bunch of subhumans.

>> No.4691394

>twenty percent
>not fifteen
I have done this at every single restaurant since I could leave the house unsupervised.

>> No.4691415

Flaws in the Pro-Tip Argument

1. Universality - Servers...why do you think you're the only profession that deserves fucking tips? do you give your doctor a 20% tip ffs?!

2. I suppose you think you deserve more for being in a customer service position earning low/sub-minimum wage before tips? Go fuck your self! you ever worked sales on commission? Same exact wage and tips/commission set up. Its bloody fucking murder and don't expect people to buy your shit just because of your low wage. If you want a fucking raise, talk to your boss.

3.Furthermore, having a good server does not increase the satisfaction/value of my meal by 20% or even 15%! For me personally, i don't give a damn how nice you are. Just get me seated at a clean table with menu and all necessaries, take my order and stop fucking asking me if everything is okay.

This all being said i usually tip 13%. Fuck you social pressure

>> No.4691458

>as the restaurant m
And now you realize your gratuity is unappreciated

remove tip

>> No.4691489

this is why I order out

>> No.4691496

ceos are paid what they deserve m8

>> No.4691503

I already paid for my shit, why do I have to pay EXTRA BEYOND THAT WHICH WAS NOT SPECIFIED ON THE MENU? If tip prices were clearly stated on the menu/anywhere, I would have no issue. This is simply a social construct that I have no obligation to do. All other normal companies pay their employees, I don't see why food service is different. I don't walk up to factory workers and hand them cash for building my car, their fucking boss pays them.

>> No.4691507

>oh, you think you only have to pay the advertised price?
>here's the bill showing our menu prices
>plus the VAT
>plus the waiter's wages
>tips are socially mandatory
>enjoy your meal

>Price includes VAT and a liveable wage
>what you pay is what's on the menu, tips are optional and greatly appreciated
>have a nice day

>> No.4691514
File: 56 KB, 428x436, ss (2012-06-21 at 07.26.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britbong here

>If you cant afford 20%, you can't afford to dine out

If I can afford the menu items, I can afford the menu items. Surely that should be the logic here? I thought a tip was a "Thanks for the great service, here's a little something as a thank you for exceptional service". In the UK, I personally tip if the waiter/waitress was quick, picked up on any fuck ups elsewhere, etc. Otherwise no one really tips. I've ordered pizza every week for 2 years and i've never tipped once

>> No.4691523

Waitresses make a killing off tips, of course they'd start with 10% and inflate it to 20%+.

>> No.4691531


People who don't tip in the US are dicks and it's understandable to bitch about them (though most normal people just do it to their friends or significant other).

Bitching about 'only' getting a 16% tip makes you an entitled cunt.

>> No.4691532

>only one working on tables all afternoon.
>Understaffed so someone from the store's clothing dep. comes to help clear off tables for half an hour (don't ask why)
>She finds a £2 tip which is rare, as it's a cafe
>Asks boss what to do with it
>He tells her all tips go into the til for charity

Fuck you. Taking tips for myself is my secret, you sack of shit.

>> No.4691536

On a separate note, do people often tip in cafés in America? Places where you order from the counter and seat yourself.

>> No.4691558


lol, in the UK is 5-10%. Usually in pubs you are required to pay first, so you don't have to tip either. I hate how servers think they deserve more money then they deserve, I hope in the USA the tips are distributed to ALL of the members of staff?

In fact, serious question there, do ALL the members of staff see the tips?

>> No.4691563

Yeah, I would be more inclined if that's the case.

>> No.4691565

It varies by restaurant. Some share it out amongst waiters, some amongst all staff and some the waiter gets each table they served. Waiters have a lower minimum wage in murca.

>> No.4691566

crikey, looking at those receipts make me see how good some tippers are. Its the equivalent to the UK, i.e. a £40 bill gets £4 tip. How the fuck are these wankers complaining about that?

I wish places would just add on 10% to everything and not expect tips, whenever I go out for a meal I always tip like £5 to waiters who without a doubt make more fucking money than me. Fuck the concept of tipping, why am I giving you a TIP for doing your job?

>> No.4691567


I wonder if their wages are lower than the pot washers? The pub I currently work in gives the tips to every1 but the pot washer I think, plus the owners take a cut, its a fucking joke.

>> No.4691568

>every1 but the pot washer
That's just plain rude. And yes, servers have a lower minimum wage than pot washers, because they're expected to make extra money from tips. Taking into account of tips, servers definitely make more than the potwasher.

>> No.4691571

>On a separate note, do people often tip in cafés in America? Places where you order from the counter and seat yourself.

If you get the food at the counter as well, it's not common. There may be a "tip jar" at the counter but most would not contribute to it. If a server brings a dish to the table, some people might leave a reduced tip (e.g. a couple bucks, maybe 10%), but a conventional 20% tip would be very unusual, and leaving no tip would not be societally frowned upon the way it is for normal service.

>> No.4691572
File: 44 KB, 337x404, 1290462547953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my state, if the worker isn't making at least state minimum wage ($7.75) per hour after tips, the owner is required to make up the difference.
>mfw I don't tip

>> No.4691574

>Went to the bahamas
>Family decides to eat at this restaurant that automatically gives the servers 20% tips
>TFW crappy services and shitty food

Seriously tips demotivate more than they motivate the workes.

>> No.4691591

doing this and leaving a penny for exceptionally shitty service from now on

>> No.4691597

The fuck? I have never, and will never, tip my garbage man.

>> No.4691603

>overpaid CEOs
you really don't understand jack shit, do you

>> No.4691604

wow, these people are such fucking pricks. This makes me never want to eat out again so I don't have to deal with their shitty attitudes.

>complaining about not tipping for takeout orders

>> No.4691613

if i had a personal chef id be paying him enough to not need tips

>> No.4691617

>work at a restaurant
>servers complain about tips all the time
>whenever we have staff meetings, all server questions are about personal tips or general tips
>cooks usually ask questions about food or the menu, all servers care about is tips.
>no general tip for cooks or dishwashers, yet servers go into the BoH and whine to us about their shitty customers and tips all the time

I've really come to hate servers from working as a line cook for the past few months. BoH rarely talks about money publicly, we go to the boss if we have a complaint. Yet servers talk about it openly, it's all they care about. Fuck, with tips they probably make more than us.

>> No.4691619

>the right thing to do

>> No.4691622

>owners take a cut
I think this should be a red flag, that seems pretty sketchy. The owners at my place don't take a cut, however they do keep personal tips if they were filling in for servers.

>> No.4691632


I'm pretty sure garbagemen get paid a lot more than servers, which is a good thing, if waste-people went on strike it would be terrible.

>> No.4691644

>Cheap prices aren't cheap

Fuck tipping

>> No.4691653

Speaking as a non-Americlap from a non-tipping country, my old job involved showing people (mostly tourists and retirees) around a house preserved from Ye Olden Dayes.

One day, our guests included a bright young Americlap who'd just been posted to my city in some finance oriented position, and was showing dear old mom around on her holidays. Quite nice, as guests go. At the end of the tour, he pressed 20 bucks into my hand, despite the tour being free, and hopped into a cab with his mom.

It was pretty neat. Never told my boss because I hated her guts and she'd probably have put it into petty cash anyway.

>> No.4691660

Isn't there some law in the EU about it being illegal for the bill's total to exceed the sum of the menu prices of the items ordered?

>> No.4691661

like someone said, it does vary by restaurant, but the golden rule of thumb is FUCK NO, almost no one splits tips.

>> No.4691665

[clapping internally]

>> No.4691666

No one cares who theyre screwing, thats the kind of people servers usually are. theyre there to panhandle and bring you food, though often line cooks don't get tips either if the place doesn't have seating next to the line. that usually makes or breaks it.

>> No.4691677


I have a friend who works as a server in a steakhouse, the tips are all gathered, calculated and distributed amongst all the serving staff, she's pretty happy with the job and pay.

But this is in a place where the tips are auto-calculated (10% of total) and go on the end of the bill, and also where the minimum wage is federally enforced and is now $20/h (I'm pretty sure it was raised, or is due to be raised from $16/h)

>> No.4691683

What are you asking? All I see is an idiot who's too cheap to tip.

>> No.4691722

I hope you guys stay like that where you appreciate and enjoy a tip but don't expect one.

>> No.4691730
File: 40 KB, 501x585, jew garison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20%? 15% is too high, what do you need 10% for?

>> No.4691733

britabongland isn't part of the EU americlap

>> No.4691749

Yes it is. It may not be part of the eurozone but it is an EU member.

>> No.4691768

I'm confused. Since when did waitstaff set the pricing policy for all restaurants? If your employer cared about you they would have a service surcharge or just pay a wage where you didn't need tips (Of course they would pass the cost onto the consumer but to paraphrase: "if you can't afford to pay 20% more than your bill you can't afford to dine out").

>> No.4691786

I live in the UK, so no tips unless it's a group of 4 or more.

>> No.4691787

>not giving your server the tip "Your employer is legally required to top up your wages to minimum wage if you don't make that from tips"

>> No.4691840

murka doesnt have VAT m8

>> No.4691848

vat = sales tax

>> No.4691849

EU laws aren't applicable in UK just as american laws aren't applicable in canada

>> No.4691855

different beast

>> No.4691857

yes it does, just because it's not called VAT doesn't make it any less of a sales tax.

>package marked 99c
>goto till
>"that'll be $1.07 please"

>> No.4691858

Why isn't anyone tipping the cook?
Every retard can hold a plate and transport it to a customer, shit's so easy kids can do it.

The people standing in the kitchen are doing most of the work.

>> No.4691874

I don't. If there's a tip jar on the counter I'll toss the change in but that's it.

>> No.4691875

except traditional sales tax and VAT are different methods of taxation

bitch all you want you know im right

>> No.4691881

>customer pays full amount, tax amount goes to govt. rest goes to business
>customer pays full amount, tax amount goes to govt. rest goes to business

>> No.4691891
File: 71 KB, 563x563, 1375642868023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be an elaborate and subtle troll to make people rage against tipping in general. I've worked as a bartender in Germany for 4 years and I never demanded tipps (I earned 8€ an hour.. so thats like 20 US dollars or something) nor did I complain when people tipped relatively little. Like I gave a shit. I gotta say tho that during a busy night, tipping regulars always get served first, as courtesy obviously.

>> No.4691892


Just to clear some things up for everyone, America doesn't have a NATIONAL sales tax. It varies state by state, and it applies to different items in each state. Some states have no sales tax.

Here is a good chart showing the rates, and what items are exempted:

>> No.4691903

except an expensive dish is placed a certain way, the server doesnt put fingerprints on the dish rim, the server can(or should be able to) tell you all about each ingredient, and the plates all come at the same time... so, uh... go eat somewhere nice and find out about good service.

>> No.4691906

The server should be doing all those things anyway.

>> No.4691907

>plates all come at the same time
That little bit of logistics is the Chef's doing, not the wait staff

>> No.4691908

The UK has VAT-exempt items too.

>> No.4691909

Why? Because a few asswipes complain about it?

Don't use basic things as an excuse to be a cheap asshole.

Thats a terrible idea. Most servers don't even know what this is. Don't blame them for it.

>> No.4691914

That's not a URL.

>> No.4691918
File: 39 KB, 460x287, Ian-McKellen-lord-_1780585c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While waiters shouldent complain about not getting a tip, and espicially shouldent complain that a tip simply wasnt large enough, this teenage girls blog isnt any reason to not tip.
People are waiters, they just end up as them, most of them are people that are trying to scrape together some money, im sure its an exhausting job to have with everyone you have to deal with, don't not do something which is accepted to the point where waiters get lower than minimum wage because

>> No.4691920

Yes. They are. Not everyone is like them though. This represents the opinions of like 5% of people that serve you.

>> No.4691924

actually it appears to represent two people total. Which is about .0001% of people that serve you.

>> No.4691935

Is this a parody or something?

>> No.4691939

Flaws in your retarded argument.

1. Universality- Servers didnt make it lawful for them to get below minimum wage. Its a dumb system, but while its in place, they need the extra money where other professions dont.

2. "Hey boss I see its completely okay for me to get well below minimum wage but can I have minimum wage anyway." "No"
Its just justified to want to get minimum wage per the hour.

3. You'll regret this when every waiter never checks up on you so you can whine that your food isnt cooked perfectly enough. Its a rough job, you sound like you've never worked a day in your life.

>Go fuck your self!
Stay butthurt though bruh. And work on your rhetoric.

>> No.4691945

Well, you know, with people who *would* agree with them when given the option.

Just bothers me when posts like
this show up thinking theyre being heros because two waiters are dicks.

>> No.4691949

>Servers didnt make it lawful for them to get below minimum wage.



>> No.4691958

McDonalds is always hiring if they are that desperate for minimum wage. Getting my order and giving it to me (which the servers don't even have to cook) is the bare minimum that I require of you. A tip is a bonus I give to you for doing more than the minimum. Unless it's a gratuity, you do not get to decide how much I give you. Now people want 20%? Please get real.

>> No.4691964

I would prefer having someone humble to serve me than some arrogant fucking waiter.

>> No.4691973

Ah, well, your highness, I'm sure you want someone to bow and curtsy and kiss your hand too. But fortunately what you want doesn't really matter to the rest of the world.

>> No.4691987
File: 9 KB, 250x237, 1373789501421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiter friend comes over to hang out
>"Look at this bullshit"
>Shows me a receipt
>Tip line filled with "SORRY BRUHBRUH"
>$60 total
>Couple days later
>"Damn Anon, I just made $130 in a couple hours"

Quit complaining about an industry that's so erratic in the first place, you whiny little faggots.

>> No.4691991

Fuck off. everyone complains. its what the human race is best at. Complaining about people complaining is just fucking disgusting. Stop obsessing about other peoples lives.

>> No.4691994

actually what he wants does matter
he's giving the business that employs servers his money for food

>> No.4692007

This. I've served, bussed, hosted, bartended, etc. etc. Tip policies everywhere vary, as do type of customer. Overall, you'll end up with shitty tips some days and great tips others. It all fucking varies.

The only time I've EVER complained about a tip was when I got stuck with a 20+ top of middle-schoolers on their way to some bullshit dance. All of them spoiled, all of them demanding this or that be taken off their entree. All seperate checks. All done in cash. Most had large bills like $50's (you can tell all their mommies gave them spending cash). All wanted to-go drinks (this was at a half-way decent restaurant mind-you). I would say 75% didn't leave a tip, with the remaining 25% leaving barely anything.

I almost quit that shithole that night. But I stuck around and a week later I received a $100 tip from a cougar who was just ordering drinks from me.

Like I said it all varies.

>> No.4692011

I said "humble"... where the fuck do you get off on this whole "kissing my hand" bull? I don't appreciate people being cocky when they serve my meal. And honestly, I live in the South--I've seen very "honey boo boo-esque" waiters that still kept their shit professional in high dollar restaurants. I don't want some starched up tight-ass... be jovial.

>> No.4692026

I only tip 10%, tax is 10% I don't feel like paying 30% extra for my food you want the extra 10% pay my tax and I'll give it to you

>> No.4692060

Lol I don't even tip

>> No.4692061

In the Netherlands you're not even expected to tip, people are just actually paid enough.

>> No.4692084

If it's not Ramen, it's hot sauce. If it's not hot sauce, it's a vegan vs carnivore thread. If it's not that, it's viral marketing. ad infinitum

>> No.4692168

you forgot the GMO fear mongering threads

>> No.4692174

loooooooooooooooooool at that mad waiter cunt
american waiters seriously have the biggest egos imaginable for the mere little job of bringing the food from place A to place B. I'd rather tip the kitchen staff 20% and the waiter 0%

>> No.4692183

earn it first

>> No.4692198

> If servers were paid a living wage and not expected to make their living off tips, guess what, you faggot little jew? Your food is going to cost a hell of a lot more to compensate. I bet you'd bitch and moan about that too, wouldn't you?
What the fuck kind of argument is this? Yes I'd gladly pay more just to avoid this little jewish bazarr haggling over the "proper" tip. You know that every other company somehow manages to calculate the wages of their workers into their product price, why the fuck would this be some kind of surprising thing in the food industry? Separating the worker's wage from the price of food is as retarded as having you calculate the tax on the food yourself. Just give me a price that includes all expenses so that we can avoid the haggling

>> No.4692249

Usually it's just the trained monkeys carrying the plates.

>> No.4692255

Why the fuck are you people using entitled serieously? Like not even as a joke?

>> No.4692277

But I'd be more willing to pay more to the kitchen staff than the waiters. They're actually the ones who are responsible for making the food taste good and be clean

>> No.4692393

This website can't be real. Tipping ~13% is actually considered to be bad by servers? And they'll give you worse service because of it? And they'll be so mad that they make fucking tumblrs about it?

What the christ.

>> No.4692414

I really don't get how they can give you bad service if you've paid and left. They aren't likely to remember you, unless you go to a place every week or some bullshit.

>> No.4692427


its true, at Christmas you tip your postman, milkman and garbage men. Obviously just a wee gift like chocolates or something. UK fag here who lives in the countryside, so it probably changes to cities/towns

>> No.4692435

Canada here. I tip 10%. For large parties it's 15%.

>> No.4692437


exactly, the hard work is in the kitchen.

>> No.4692444


ha, you could train a monkey to do those things. But I do kinda agree, the better places you go the much better service, probably because they are on a better wage, more experienced etc.....plus it's their damn job to be able to do those things.

>> No.4692440

I'm an americlap and a former service employee, so I usually give around 20% for most dining out experiences.

For my garbage men I usually leave a $20 for them at Christmas time.

>> No.4692462

>Don't use basic things as an excuse to not subsidize food service's wage expenses


>> No.4692469

I don't do any of those things and never will.

>> No.4692473

The way I look at it: Tipping allows businesses to pay some of their employees below minimum wage. If there was no tipping, the cost of business would rise, and likely the cost of the meal with it. If it was a no-tip world, my meal would already be more because the company has to pay that server a livable wage. In the Pro-tip world, I can choose whether or not that server deserves those few extra dollars my meal would have otherwise cost.

tl;dr: You get a choice of raising your meal 10-20% or it can be mandatory

>> No.4692485

As a German, that blog made me rage. Who are these fucking assholes?

>> No.4692488

This must be Australian Dollars.

>> No.4692500
File: 454 KB, 300x185, pejxB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4692632

>>I dont know anything about basic economy or simple addition and subtraction
youre the dumbest person I ever met.

so tell me you stupid fuck, I have 20 dollars for the meal, and 4 dollars for the tip, in total I paid 24 dollars for my meal, how much did the restaurant make?

I went to another restaurant, I paid 24 dollars for a meal, how much did that restaurant make?,

what is the difference between the two prices?

Luckily I live in a state that doesn't allow you to ever be paid under minimum, unfortunately tipping is still common as fuck. and I bet plenty of these tumbler shit stains and you fuckfags live in washington

>> No.4692669

>no one wants to pay 20% tip
>stop eating out
>restaurants start going out of business
>tumblr starts bitching that the 1% are hoarding money and that servers should be making 100k/yr before tips
>have an entire generation of teen-early 20s living on the streets protesting with their iphones connected to whatever outlet they can find

I don't understand why employees feel they should dictate to the customer how much they should pay for a voluntary gratuity? Whatever happened to "the customer is always right"?

>> No.4692686

If you strongly disagree with tipping (like me), then don't dine out. You're only giving money to businesses who profit from a practice you don't agree with. That makes no sense.

>> No.4692692

>Whatever happened to "the customer is always right"?
It was always a stupid lie. customers are nearly always wrong.

>> No.4692695

So much autism in this post I don't know where to where to begin.

What a restaurant makes depends on what that restaurants operating costs are, obviously. But you're missing the fucking point (which anybody as autistic as you are is likely to do).

Currently, most restaurants can pay anywhere from around $2-5/hour for waitstaff. Assuming tipping was no longer customary (ie assuming we were like britbongistan), the restaurants would have to pay the staff a livable wage (at least minimum). In most cases that would double what the restaurant is paying them currently.

What do you think happens when a restaurant's FOH labor costs suddenly double?

I'm assuming you're two retarded examples are "with tipping" and "without tipping". In the first example, if you didn't like the service, you could have walked out only paying the $20. In the second example, you would have paid $24 regardless of the level of service.

Are you starting the get the picture?

>> No.4692702

They're also the ones that pay money which keeps you employed

>> No.4692705

Food servers are the most entitled dickheads I've ever had the misfortune of working with.

>> No.4692713


Hmm yeah, makes sense. Usually people who get this mad tend to be fucking retarded as well.

>> No.4692741

Good fucking god, this thread.


Let me put it in a nutshell for you people. I work in the industry. Servers deserve what they get tip-wise as a general rule. If they got 0, they fucked up or the customer was an anomaly, just walk it off. If they don't need to be comped, they are a good server in general and things are fine. If they need to be comped to minimum wage they are probably replaceable, so who cares?

Servers, listen to this you collective heads of knuckle: at the end of the week, you got the money you deserved to get. Stop fucking talking about tips. It all evens out. Consider it a per-table performance review, and if you need to be comped, you might need a different career.

>> No.4692753

what the fuck. the first picture is over 15%. why is he bitching. i bet the website owner thinks you calculate % based on total + tax and not just the total.

>> No.4692756

>expecting a tip on takeout


>> No.4692759


>> No.4692769

That's not a tip though, that's a christmas gift for your public service workers/milkmen

>> No.4692772

There's a myth that tipping culture prevents bad service. It's bullshit though. If you get bad service, you tell the manager.

>> No.4692773

Call it what you want, it's a monetary bonus for a job well done.

>> No.4692784
File: 362 KB, 500x667, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of information on this receipt....

>> No.4692788


I know, that made me rage as well. So 10 takeout sandwiches meaning the chefs not only make the sandwiches, but cling them and bag them as well. So the chefs have done ALL the fucking work for the server. So why the hell would I give a 20% tip for some prick to hand it to me (a prick who no doubt hates my fucking guts)

>> No.4692789

I can't tell what that 30% means without looking at the original menu price first. If its a 30% up charge he's getting hosed.

>> No.4692812

it's 30% off. The waiter is complaining the tip is based on the reduced price AND the tip is only 16%

>> No.4692821

boo fucking hoo then. If I complained about every bad tip I got when I served I wouldn't have had a job..

>> No.4692822


You also don't get 2.13 an hour.

>> No.4692826

>Also most restaurants are putting it into the tickets automatically anyway.

Except they're not. Large parties get it, because they frequently undertip, they require the waiter's entire time, and they clog the kitchen.

>> No.4692831

except nobody gets $2.13 an hour. If tipped staff make over minimum wage after tips, the employer can count tips as part of the wage, and reduce the amount payable to a minimum of $2.13.

>> No.4692857

Lithuanian here
Threads like these remind me to be glad that I don't live in the States. I know some people in the industry and they're happy if they're left like 2 USD or so. It's peanuts on your front, but here it's a bit more and the tip is the same, whether the bill was $10 or $100. I had a relative from America over here, and when he left a 10 percent tip after eating out for 80 dallas I could see the 'wat' on the waiter's face as I was leaving

>> No.4692863


because its a shitty repetitive job where you must always smile

>> No.4692867

Whenever I have good food but shitty service, I make sure to give the chef in the kitchen the tip and tell him to either keep it or give it to the guy who is working the hardest in the kitchen. It's funny because when the waiters summon the chef for me everyone comes out like I am going to tear into someone. The buttrage look on the waiters face when I am tipping the chef and not his lazy ass is hillarious.

>> No.4692870

I don't get it. I did the math and most of these tips are above 10%, some in the 14-15% range. 20% is not a golden rule and I'll tell you to go fuck yourself if you ever bring that up to me while im in a restaurant.

>> No.4692872

Then do something else. Army is always hiring. If you hate smiling that is the perfect place for you.

>> No.4692874

Are you really calling that a bad tip

>> No.4692879

Don't people realise that if waiters EXPECT or atleast openly display that, they will be considerably less likely to get it?

>> No.4692881

no one does. a waiter doesn't get less than minimum wage.

>> No.4692893

how the hell would they eject bodily fluids into your food? you don't pay beforehand at any remotely classy restaurant

>> No.4692925


lol Maybe those losers should get better jobs.

>> No.4692938

I worked as a waiter for ten years. It's a great part-time job.

One thing you learn as a waiter is that there is always another table coming in right behind your shitty customers.

Did you get shit service? See how many people are seated at the waiter's other tables. I'm going to be spending more time on the table with five people than the table with two. Why? Because even if they tip like shit, a five top will still get me more money than a two-top.

So you left nothing or five percent? Big deal. A good waiter will be pissed about it just long enough for his next table to sit down.

>> No.4692944

How do you know if someone spat in your food? It's not like they can't cover it up or mix it in the sauce or something. Idiot.

>> No.4692964

Why the fuck would they spit in my food before tips were even taking into account? and even if they do, doesn't that mean they'd do it regardless of tips?

>> No.4693005

The logic goes something like: You go there, you leave a bad tip, the server remembers your face, next time you go there the server tells the cooks to spit in your food, or does it personally

>> No.4693007

>Giving the least-hardest-working member of a restaurant crew extra money
>I wash dishes to pay for my ChemEng degree while apes with big tits and makeup get minimum three times more money than me every night.
>Since the start of summer, I stopped tipping, and I explain to the waiter/ress why. Sometimes I just tell them to give the tip to the cook or the dishwasher working at that moment.

Part of me likes to stir shit up, but tipping is just a fucking autistic concept to me. idgaf if you make less than minimum wage, if you dont like it, ask the boss that you'd rather be paid minimum wage and have your tips go to the restaurant.

>> No.4693012

why would you go back to a restaurant that doesn't deserve a good tip?

>> No.4693014

I hate people who expect tips as if it's an automatic given.

I went to a restaurant one time, and when I went to pay for my meal the waitress asked if I wanted change back. Of course I wanted it back. I thought it was strange that she even asked the question. Moments later, she drops the change onto the table with a pout on her face and walked away hastily. There was 17 cents missing. What befuddles me is that I always thought tipping with loose change is actually rude. I always tipped with bills as it is much easier to manage, but apparently this single woman wanted the loose change as tip. I let her keep the 17 cents and left. I was actually going to tip her 5 bucks until that show she put on.

Basically, people shouldn't be so entitled.

>> No.4693017

What you may think is a good tip might not be a good tip by the waiter's standard.

>> No.4693020

It could just be a single bad night at a place that's usually good

>> No.4693022

I don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.4693023

Fuck anyone who asks that question. Asking that question automatically gets a "no" and a smaller tip.

>> No.4693025

Is that the only thing you want to point out?

>> No.4693032

No, but it's the only thing I'm going to bother pointing out

>> No.4693039
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 1375321233422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok :)

>> No.4693044

why are you posting chrischan on /ck/ what the hell

>> No.4693046

I'll tip like 10-15 for decent service. Anything above and beyond I'll drop 20% but that tip shaming site is bullshit.

>boohoo they only gave me 10 on a 70 dollar order

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.4693066

Ex-restaurant owner, I usually tip 30%. I also never seem to pay for drinks or wait for a table.

>> No.4693074

Britfag here, I don't understand tips for bar staff at all.

I just graduated but my real job doesn't start until September so I'm doing some bar work over the summer, and it's fucking easy. I say "Evenin' mate, what can I do yer for?" then I pour the bloke a pint of Foster's, take his money and put it into a machine that does literally everything short of adding up the change and then give that back to him. Job done, next customer. Why the hell should he pay me, personally, a surcharge for pulling a lever and giving him a pint of beer? The only reason he's not doing it himself is because he's not trusted to handle the beer supply. Sure, I do cocktails and they're a little more complex, but ultimately that's still easier than dealing with the occasional cunt trying to impress his girlfriend by complaining that we store the brandy at the wrong temperature.

Why should tips be factored into the equation? It'd just add more complexity to me and the customers than the fixed rate I get at the moment.

As for getting the job, I got chatting with the owner whilst drinking there myself and asked for it. Simple as fuck, no CV involved because he's a smart man and realises that serving people involves sufficient charisma to not actively put a downer on someone's evening with your presence, toddler-level co-ordination and primary-school level mathematics. People doing this job do not deserve to earn a lot of money.

>> No.4693084


Why do people pay $6 for a beer they could be drinking at home for $1.50? People aren't buying booze at bars, they're buying socialization and service. The bartender is part of that.

Does it make sense? No, but unless you've got a way to get drunk bitches delivered it's how it is.

>> No.4693086


I work in an open kitchen, and once someone went and gave 10 dollars to every person working the kitchen, it felt weird

>> No.4693089

well yeah they see you as a pushover

>> No.4693093

so what you're saying is, they shouldn't tip the barman because they're already paying a service-based markup on the beer

>> No.4693095


No, I'm saying trying to pretend there's any logic other than you'll pay whatever it takes for the chance to shag off with some skank is silly. Don't want to tip, just stay home and drink.

>> No.4693109

>The bartender is part of that.
I'd agree for small pubs and even in the case of people who somehow manage to be friendly regulars at big places like mine, but honestly 95% of my customers view the bartender as an annoying time waster between going to get a drink and walking back to their friends holding it. I had an interesting exchange with a woman in her 40s the other night:

>"Could you get me a bottle of Sol." *Hands me a fiver*
>"Yeah, sure, but I'm afraid I'll have to pour it into a plastic cup-"
>*Haughtily snaps at me* "If I can't have it in a bottle I'll have my money back!"
>*I offer her the money back* "Really sorry about that, but it's the law that we can't serve glass after twelve."
>*She looks embarrassed* "Oh, I thought you were trying to flirt with me. I'll have it anyway then. Sorry."

Such people are not interested in socialisation with a bartender. Customers who actually want to socialise and share a joke are by far the best thing about the job, heaven forbid that they actually pay ME for that.

>> No.4693112

I only give tips if the server is approachable and nice, as a way to say "Thank you for being such a wonderful host/ess". But if they're going to be a grumbling, self-loathing shitstain who makes me feel like I should have gone somewhere else, why should I tip? What they do isn't really all that hard to begin with. The cooks in the kitchen are doing all the fucking hard work. If anything THEY should be getting the fucking tip. All the servers do is take the damn food to your table, refill your drinks, and write down what you want before going over to the kitchen and passing it off to the poor sobs doing all the cooking.

The reality of it is, servers should just be paid a fucking decent amount of money. At least within a dollar of minimum wage or higher, and shouldn't get tips. Period.

>> No.4693122

This has to be a troll tumblr.

Most of those picture are from people tipping something near 15%.

What kind of entitled assface would start shaming people online for that?

>> No.4693135

>But if they're going to be a grumbling, self-loathing shitstain who makes me feel like I should have gone somewhere else, why should I tip?

People who do that shouldn't be servers. You rarely see it a decent place though - the servers bitching about tips online are not being assholes to the customers then.

They should though - reading a book called Influence when I was a waiter there was a weird study where servers who were slightly rude to male customers with dates made much more. Put it into practice myself, and my tips went up 75%. The guy will try to leave a big tip to show he's above the waiter.

>> No.4693151

>The reality of it is, servers should just be paid a fucking decent amount of money. At least within a dollar of minimum wage or higher, and shouldn't get tips. Period.
Pretty much this.

Serving is, frankly, a job for people who can't get a better job. For every sob story about someone who lives in a small town and never had any opportunities there are a hundred art school dropouts who are angry that they're unable to sustain the macbook and mochaccino lifestyle their parents brought them up with or get the airy appartment in a nice part of town befitting of their self supposed class on their bottom rung of a very short ladder job blaming their predicaments on poor tippers instead of their own worthlessness to society.

If you want better pay, get a better job.

>> No.4693249

Fucking gringo faggots don't have the balls to add a full 20% to the prices and give that to the waiters.
> all waiters are useless fags and nobody needs them!

>> No.4693519

When I get awful service and just tip like 10% or less, this is what I imagine the result is.

>> No.4694051

and yet, they are the ones who pay your wages

>> No.4694062

So why don't we transfer this business model to every other industry out there? Oh right, because it's retarded. Brb making waiters have wild mood swings with each table and tip for things they can't control directly. Yes they can smile and polite and not sassy but if the food is shit or the restaurant is packed full and it takes longer for everything then they'll be shit out of luck and tips. Here in Europe, most waiters are polite and relaxed. You know why? They actually get paid a normal wage and aren't permanently stressed out over their next tip.

>> No.4694064

that is the jewiest example for why prices should be lower

>> No.4694080

that's a myth that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalways keeps getting brought out

you'd have to be seriously butthurt beyond all reason to go that far. usually waiters just snark around and become sassy when they remember a bad tipper. but hey, keep bringing up that ominous spit in your food waiter

>> No.4694085

>chef spitting in someone's food he didn't even meet
>risking losing his job over waiter's butthurtedness
lol people actually believe this. kitchen is everything at a restaurant and they'll tell the waiter to fuck off and maybe report it to the manager because such a waiter might cost the restaurant revenue and lost image

>> No.4694091

lol you're a cash cow, of course they'll wine and dine you

>> No.4694232

>awful service
>these people deserve gratuity

>> No.4695597

then you have eaten turkish/black semen, and some other stuff which is probably a lot worse