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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4690102 No.4690102 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite simple cocktails? Examples of simple cocktails would be:

Vodka + Soda
Rum & Coke
Gin & tonic

Picture related for me.

>> No.4690111

All of those and brandy + ginger ale.

Whiskey and soda is fucking disgusting, though.

>> No.4690108

Old Fashion
Bourbon and Coke
Two kings-RC and Crown (also only way to make RC taste worth a damn)
Rum Runner
It's simple enough for me anyway.

>> No.4690117

Have you even had a bourbon 7? I hate whiskey (I think it tastes like medicine) and I think its great.

>> No.4690112

>Two Kings

Awesome choice

>> No.4690141

>All these plebs listing mixed drinks and trying to pass them off as cocktails.

>> No.4690150

a mixed drink isn't considered a cocktail in your book/

>> No.4690155
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Here comes captain trenchcoat to teach us about how a Real Cocktail™ must contain predominantly distilled spirits and a small amount of bitters and/or other ingredients not to exceed 1 in 5 parts, served in a cocktail glass and sipped with a fedora.

>> No.4690158

I lol'd 10/10

>> No.4690172

The only modern drinks that even need bitters are manhattans and old fashioned

>> No.4690179

I've always liked a vodka and ginger ale. Drank it a lot overseas. Harder to find in the States though, not many bars here carry ginger ale in my experience.

>> No.4690181


Really? Everyone here in my area has the works. They even usually have egg whites for some of the cocktails that need them.

>> No.4690183

Random question, but how much of a difference does it make usually going from a mid tier spirit to a high tier.

For instance mid tier vodka: stollys, absolute, sky

to high tier: grey goose, kettle one

Is the taste difference noticeable? I hear the higher filtered spirits taste like sugar almost

>> No.4690186

>Harder to find in the States though, not many bars here carry ginger ale in my experience.

I assume you mean some other "States", perhaps "The United States of Mexico" as it is officially known in Spanish, and not the USA, which has ginger ale in even the smallest most shitty bar.

>> No.4690193


It depends a great deal on the spirit.

With vodka, very little difference.

With tequila, brandy, and gin, quite a lot of difference.

With bourbon or rum, some difference.

Of course once you mix, especially in long drinks, the differences are reduced. In a stronger cocktail you can usually tell the difference, except with vodka.

>> No.4690198

In q mixed drink no. Straight however there is a noticeable difference. Mostly in how "smooth" it is and aftertaste.

>> No.4690201


Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it. Also I have a request, its kind of a lot so if no one wants to do it I would understand.

But if someone could make a shit/mid/high tier for the different spirits (besides vodka since that was covered) that would really be appreciated.

>> No.4690202

Vodka and orangeade
Whiskey and orangeade
Wine and orangeade

>> No.4690210


There are /ck/ infographics for rum and bourbon, I think. /ck/ is divided on tequila with a fair number of haters for some reason. No one has bothered to do a gin one and I certainly can't be bothered, but I'm happy to shit on the first draft if anyone else wants to give it a shot. The gin knowledge I see here is mostly not too embarrassing so I think that ought to work out ok.

Scotch would be a shitstorm and I think I'd get rustled by anything trying to be a brandy infographic so let's not do that.

>> No.4690213

Here I will do Rum for everyone.

>High Tier

>Shit Tier
Everything else

>> No.4690216

White Russian.

>> No.4690225

good one

let me do tequila.

low tier: Montezuma
high tier: quervo
god tier: patron

>> No.4690226

>1 oz kahlua and vodka
>fill cream

Too complicated not a simple cocktail

>> No.4690227

good one

let me do tequila.

low tier: Montezuma
high tier: quervo
god tier: patron

>> No.4690229

lol. Honestly I don't understand the general public and tequila. Tequila gold literally has gold food coloring in it. Thats it. Its not aged more or distilled.

And they will pay 20% more. Same shit with blue Curacao.

>> No.4690231

Isn't a simple cocktail considered a longdrink or something like that


>> No.4690296

Nyquil on the rocks. For when I'm feeling sick, but sociable.

>> No.4690300


>> No.4690320

>High Tier

Go home Bacardi rep, you are drunk

>> No.4690332


lol. What else would you consider high tier for rum? The only other thing that comes to mind is captain morgans.

>> No.4690336


You're in great form tonight. Energetic, but controlled. 10/10 this is podium material for sure.

>> No.4690375

Bacardi and Capt. Morgans are what is known as supermarket rum. They're cheap enough, not as cheap as the store-brand, and they're fine for mixing. They are not high-tier, they're mid/entry.

Gosling Black Seal and Kraken are an affordable high-tier. Pusser's is better if you can find it. If you have money, Mt.Gay is breddy gud

>> No.4690400

In the same class, I prefer Flor de Cana, or 10 Cane. I really like Pecan St. Rum, but it may only be available in Texas. For true top tier rums >>4690375 is pretty spot on. Now if you want to include Cachaca, I like Leblon over Bacardi.

>> No.4690413

the proper name for those is Highball

>> No.4690419

every rum you mentioned is grocery store tier

>> No.4690424

Rum and grapefruit juice, lime juice.

>> No.4690427


>> No.4690428

except that mt.gay is over €100 per bottle and the supermarket only has gosling gold, so I have to go to the hipster offlicence to get black seal, and pusser's is something i have to buy online or make a trip to buy.

But sure if you can't tell the difference, you might as well get Tesco Value dark run, some lime cordial and some jamaican-style ginger beer and get lashed

>> No.4690430

>mt.gay is over €100 per bottle

lol, wut?

>> No.4690434

No way is Mt Gay over €100 a bottle. I got a bottle of it as a present from a poorfag friend last month, I'm guessing €35 max. It's decent, though, for sure.

>> No.4690435

it's a 12-year rum, so yeah

>> No.4690436

if $17 for 1.75L is high tier taste for you, then you have a lifetime of savings ahead of you. never change.

>> No.4690442


23 year old rum costs about $45 a bottle, so I think you're getting anally raped on liquor prices.

Then again I don't have to go to the mafia don's dockside underground liquor dispensary to get gosling's or pusser's either. Those are on the middle shelf of any liquor store's rum section where I live.

Wherever you live must suck for alcohol.

>> No.4690444

while i prefer to drink good scotch just neat sometimes all i have around is some cheap scotch.

ice, scotch and just a little amaretto is delcious

>> No.4690445
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, mount-gay-1703-old-cask-selection-barbados-premium-aged-rum-70cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to make sure, I'm talking about this guy here.

I know Ireland's a bit of a ripoff for booze, but really?

>> No.4690449

Oh right, no, I was talking Mt Gay Eclipse, my bad. Hello, though, fellow Irishfag.

>> No.4690463


Amaretto is the best liqueur, second to none.

>> No.4690468

whiskey ginger

>> No.4690474

Brandy + hot black tea

Southern Comfort + ice water

Campari + dry sparkling wine

Gin + lemon water (no sweetener)

>> No.4690475

Blueberry white tea, raspberry sugar syrup and vodka (is there even a name for something like this)
gin and tonic
old fashioned
sometimes I can really go for a rum and coke but it's not that often

>> No.4690478

vanilla-flavoured vodka and orange juice

If you can't find the flavoured vodka you can just get a normal bottle and add a vanilla pod or essence to it.

>> No.4690497

Gin&Bitter lemon

Not very creative, but both kick ass on a warm summer evening.

>> No.4690511

I'm totally cool with affordable foods/drinks on a daily basis, and more costly things once in a while.

It's just that well.. the previous poster had a bit of skewed perspective on things

>> No.4690512

Manhattans for me - sweeter or drier depending on what you use. I usually take mine a bit sweeter; Canadian Club and Martini & Rossi Sweet Vermouth. Also a maraschino cherry - homemade with the Luxardo liqueur. Pretty god damn delicious if I say so myself.

>> No.4690522


my man

>> No.4690580

Whatever's in the fridge + whatever liquor I just bought.

>> No.4690641

>milk and gin
should I?

>> No.4690647

if you add ice and blend it with sugar, it might not be horri

actually, nah nigga. don't do that.

>> No.4690661

The word you're looking for OP is "highball"

>> No.4690898


>> No.4690917

BV and water
Gin and Tonic
Campari Soda

If i go to a bar, and try to order something that does not have 3 ingrediants or less, the bartender looks at me like a cow. Even something as simple as a Manhattan or Cosmo will either be made wrong, or i will be mistaken for a pretentious douche for explaining the ingredients and step by step instructions to the bartender.

>> No.4690922

Fuck..*3 ingredients or more

>> No.4690924

If you have chocolate syrup, instant coffee, and whipped cream, you can combine it all with the gin to make a Cum Guzzler.

>> No.4690941
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Part one:

>> No.4690944

bourbon + sour mix = bourbon sour

>> No.4690946

soco/southern comfort + sprite
literally best mixed drink.

>> No.4690949

If you have to explain an old fashioned to the bartender, you need to find a new bar.

>> No.4690951
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Bourbon and Sunny Delight

>> No.4690955

I live in a small shitty town, which is why i only drink cheap draft beer if i go out to bars with friends. Can't beat $2 pints of Yuengling.

>> No.4690971


>> No.4690975

$1.25 pitchers of Keystone.

Welcome to college!

>> No.4690979

College ruined Keystone for me, that was back in the day when a case was 9.99 and most parties had all you could drink for $5. You know how much Key you have to drink to get drunk, times that by 4 years...Ugh...that tinny flavorless piss taste can make my gorge rise thinking about it

>> No.4690984

I made it 10 seconds in before closing that. Yuck...she makes Simply Sara look like a dime piece.

>> No.4690986

Oh, I know. I take advantage of the deal regularly. The good news is, the point is to drink it as fast as possible, and drinking games at the bars are par for the course.

>> No.4690988

skip to 2 minutes in for the autotuned version lol

>> No.4691002

hmm, what bar games did you play, i only ever played beer pong (beirut) quarters, baseball, or bar games like darts, pool and horseshoes.

>> No.4691005

Lots of card games. You'd be surprised at how innovative drunk college students can be with a deck of cards.

>> No.4691015

Ooh, my friends and i are the best friends money can buy, but when Presidents and Assholes begins we become the most ruthless cutthroat motherfuckers.

>> No.4691021

God, that game. Took me three nights to learn how to play it. To be fair, I was drunk and they were drunk, and that just didn't work out at all.

>> No.4691031

Gin, Ginger ale, and a slice of lemon or lime.

That is my go to.

>> No.4691037

>which has ginger ale in even the smallest most shitty bar.

This is not true in my experience, in some parts of the south anyways.

>> No.4691064

It's one of those games you learn drunk and play better drunk.
Kings cup is great for getting naive girls to take off clothes, the rules you can create via KC or Asshole can be maneuvered to fuck best friends or get some chick smashed and in her underwear. Rules depend on how drunk you are and who is in your party

>> No.4691084

I don't think I've taught my friends Kings cup yet. If we went to more random parties it might work, but considering everyone I drink with is a good friend, it'd probably just come off really creepily.

>> No.4691101

Thats the beauty of Kings Cup. You can make the rules up per card per party. All the cards are up for rule making except the King...tailor the rules to your party and place, and just go with it. It is a ton of fun no matter if you play with strangers or friends. Get creepy....

>> No.4691461

fatties usually know what's up with food that isn't heavy on salt or oils/grease, I'll have to try the Sunny D and rum.

>> No.4691479

it also matters is how refined your taste is.