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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 171 KB, 640x608, 5482432651_d6e74c392c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4688997 No.4688997 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you miss when fast food was proud to be fast food?

Lookit that packaging. BIG MAC. No apologies. No flowery descriptions of "pure beef with handpicked lettuce and savory sauce" blah blah that no one believes anyway.

Just a BIG MAC and if you don't like it you can fuck off. When did fast food decide to hate itself?

>> No.4688999

>When did fast food decide to hate itself?
When they realized that the public realized their food is shitty and unhealthy.

>> No.4689002
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Oh look, another fast food thread.

>> No.4689016

OP is in the minority

>> No.4689024
File: 201 KB, 640x400, Vapiano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast food can be really great.
Pic related.

>> No.4689078

I do like the old-style fast food packaging. It was more simple and easy on the eyes. Also, nostalgia for the times when something like a Big Mac was a semi-magical thing for children (as McDonalds was a place you went to on rare occasions only).

>> No.4689090

>I like burgers, but if only they would shrink their patties to microscopic size and add another layer of bread

said no one ever.

>> No.4689134

>OP is in the minority
No he isn't, not even close

You must eat at a shit McDonald's if that's the case for you. All of the patties here are in proportion with the rest of the sandwich

>> No.4689142

>not wearing gloves and touching food

I'd have that place shut down so fast for health violations.

>> No.4689145


Is that a health violation? I mean, he's going to boil those noodles.

>> No.4689153

Hahahaha 2noided4me

That's not necessarily a health violation either.

>> No.4689159

You are dumb
You are really really dumb
for real

>> No.4689167

Gloves don't remove the presence of contamination, contrary to retarded belief. If the person's hands are as clean as the gloves they put on, there is no health violation. You can literally ask anybody that works for the FDA. Stop being dumb and calling others dumb.

>> No.4689172

A persons hand is never as clean as fresh gloves. Fresh gloves don't flake skin and exude oils.

>> No.4689174


Can you tell me why instead of being an asshole?

>> No.4689185

Vapiano's hardly fast food

>> No.4689194

Why not?
It's served faster than in most MacDonald's "restaurant".
What's the definition?

>> No.4689200

Anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizer removes most of the dead skin and oils that your hands contain. Gloves can STILL have traces of either of these things on them, and while there is a margin, it isn't anywhere significant enough to say that not wearing gloves is a health violation.

I've never been to one (not that guy) but it looks like it would be slower-paced than any McDonald's, or even slow-ass Hardees.

>> No.4689207

I go there for lunch often.
It's faster than MacDonald's, also seems much healthier and fresher.
It's just a totally different type of food than McDonald's (well, not burgers and fries), but served really fast. Hence, I'd count it as fast food.

>> No.4689226

You know you can scratch your ass and pick your nose with gloves on?
It's just an ad banner, BTW.

>> No.4689248

You can replace gloves quickly though, otherwise you have to run and wash your hands every 10 seconds.

>> No.4689254

Not really the point. Some people still prefer that option and it technically doesn't violate health laws.

>> No.4689255


>> No.4689263

>burgers getting smaller and smaller as time goes by

>> No.4689271

I haven't noticed this trend. The burgers they serve at McDonald's, even Big Mac patties, are still big.

Is this fucking regional? I've heard this constantly but never noticed it.

>> No.4689276

Hands can be cleaned, ya' know.

>> No.4689278

>flake skin and exude oils.
None of these constitute a health hazard.

Washing with regular (not antibacterial) soap is perfectly adequate to get fecal matter off of people's hands, which is the true source of food-borne pathogens.

>> No.4689283

You'd happily eat someones dead skin and oils?

>> No.4689284

Personally I find it hilarious that McDonald's makes their cooks wear gloves. I find it harrowing that a restaurant that doesn't care about how much grease, fat, or calories are in their food worry about their employees wearing gloves when they don't even NEED to be wearing gloves in the first place.

>> No.4689282

Big macs are tiny and kawaii here.

Or maybe I've just grown and they haven't changed.

>> No.4689286


>According to a 2007 paper published in the Journal of Public Health Policy, portion sizes offered by fast food chains are two to five times larger than when first introduced. When McDonald’s first started in 1955, its only hamburger weighed around 1.6 ounces; now, the largest hamburger patty weighs 8 ounces, an increase of 500 percent. And while a Big Mac used to be considered big, it’s on the smaller side of many burger options. At Burger King, you can get the Triple Whopper; at Ruby Tuesday’s there’s the Colossal Burger; and Carl’s Junior has the Western Bacon Six Dollar Burger.


>> No.4689288

>yfw dust is dead skin cells
>yfw you breathe in thousands of dead skin cells from strangers every day

>> No.4689295

I knew I wasn't crazy thinking Big Macs stayed relatively the same.

>> No.4689296

>a restaurant that doesn't care about how much grease, fat, or calories are in their food

What? They are acutely aware of these things and even advertise the caloric content. Just because McDonald's sells what people want doesn't mean they "don't care" about what's in their food.

>> No.4689297

It doesnt make a difference
Life is too short to worry about things that do not matter

>> No.4689298

You just described all meat. Not >>4689278 but I'd happily eat the person if they were well-prepared and it wasn't, y'know, illegal.
>assuming the chef wore gloves, naturally

>> No.4689303

Yeah, pretty much. I'd go crazy if couldn't eat a single thing without wondering whether someone's dead skin and oils might have ended up in it. It's just not possible to avoid and still live a normal life.

>> No.4689307

A jar of peanut butter has hundreds of insects that were processed during its creation

I still eat peanut butter because I'm not a hypochondriac

>> No.4689317

>tfw you felt like a champ getting through a whole big mac as a kid

>> No.4689324

I'm saying they don't care because they don't care to change it at all.

>> No.4689325
File: 126 KB, 1010x956, 1365388733832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do miss the carefree attitude of the 80's. It really was a fun time.

However, when you zoom out and take a look at the bigger picture - I'm also glad that we woke up and realized just how much harm we were doing to the environment and our health.

Memories are fun, but it doesn't mean that what we have today is a bad thing. We're learning more and more about ourselves and the world. How can that be a bad thing? :)

>> No.4689330
File: 28 KB, 600x472, boyga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut? I'm not that anon... But I am 110% they're talking about regular burgers. As in, like, not 1/16th pound patties...
A burger that is proportional.

>> No.4689332

Who gives a shit?

Fuck fast food, and fuck you.

>> No.4689345
File: 52 KB, 480x480, waterburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only shitty McDolans is the one doing the whole flowery story and picture book thing on the packaging. I fucking rage when I see a McDonalds hamburger box. They make it out to be this pure, natural, fresh cooked gourmet how you would do it at home sandwich.

Just go to better places. I like Whataburgers packaging, they just wrap everything in a yellow piece of paper and put a plain sticker on it saying what it is. Pretty cool. Pic related, how fast food should look. In n Out has it down pretty good too.

>> No.4689346

Also when butthurt "special snowflakes" started complaining. Vocal minority beats silent majority every time.

Anyone remember the fries scandal? Vegetarians going to McDonald's (lol) for fries and getting massive butthurt when they found out they were fried in beef tallow? So they threw a tantrum and McD's settles, spent millions on additives to give the fires that same taste while being fried in vegetable oil, and Vegetarians are still blissfully ignorant that in a kitchen with meat on a fryer, airborne fat is going to settle in your precious vegan grease...

>> No.4689351

Big Macs were only considered big when they were first introduced. They are still the same size as they've always been. They just look small these days compared to the bigger burgers that have gotten so popular.

>> No.4689355

Five Guys foil

>> No.4689367

How is that any different from a double cheese burger at McDonald's in terms of proportion? Everything fits. Calling them "microscopic" is idiotic

>> No.4689373

> 1/8" meat
>3" bread
We can safely say, you are an idiot.

>> No.4689381
File: 37 KB, 475x356, bigmac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, thats alright too. Fuck fancy packaging for fast food. I mean, look at this shit. It's ridiculous.

>> No.4689386
File: 39 KB, 475x356, bigmac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4689389


Well, obviously. It's making them money and it's what their customers want.

>> No.4689393

>All-Beef ™

>> No.4689394

why would they? fucking communist nigger

>> No.4689396

But those aren't the correct proportions. Thanks for telling blatant lies on the internet, I sure didn't see that coming

>> No.4689397

Do you seriously not clean your hands? Good chefs compete with surgeons for scrubbing thoroughness. I'd rather they clean their hands often and work with the food directly than have them absent-mindedly wipe their nose and not think about it because hey, as long as they're wearing gloves, right?

>> No.4689399

two all beef patties ... pointing to spatula
Yourdoingitwrong Mcdonalds!

>> No.4689427

Every ten seconds? Really? You can't go without touching yourself or a potentially contaminated surface for ten seconds? Because I somehow manage to go dozens of minutes sometimes without touching anything non-food related. Either I'm some sort of culinary superhero, or you're just some physically inept moron. Or you have Parkinson's or Tourette's or something, in which case you have my condolences.

I bet you're also the kind of person who wouldn't even eat off the floor of a post-scrubbed operating room. There are standards of cleanliness between vile and sterile, and if you value your immune system, you won't mind ingesting something from that light grey area.

They don't care to change, because that's the market they're serving. You want them to compete with Denny's or Applebee's, or more upscale joints? Come on, it's fucking fast food. Fat, sugar, salt, and cheap satisfaction. It's what they do. And as long as there's demand for it, somebody's going to do it, so why not them?

You're the one using hyperbole here. It's at least a half inch of meat and no more than two inches of bread and you know it. Why do you feel the need to lie to make your argument? Why don't you make an argument that can stand on its own merit?

I like how they're showing off all these fresh ingredients, but just show a spatula instead of a cow or beef patties...

>> No.4689438

>You can't go without touching yourself or a potentially contaminated surface for ten seconds?

Also, if gloves touch a contaminated area or a part of your body, then they become just as contaminated as your hands. They aren't fool-proof, advanced technology that keeps viruses from spreading completely.

>> No.4689443

When you gonna stop being such a fat American?

>> No.4689446

I love unhealthy food and healthy food alike. I will do what I please.

>> No.4689454


It wasn't the vegetarians complaining, it was the Hindoos you perfidious faggot piece of shit.

>> No.4689468

I miss the nostalgia boxing and wrapping as well. It was a signature trademark for places like these. Now they're all about saving the planet and remaining environmentally friendly, which is probably why they kicked the styrofoam casing to the curb and introduced paper boxing instead.

And of course the health department probably wanted them to start putting the ingredients on the box just for the hell of it.


>> No.4689487


he smells the spot he wants to bite next. that guy is so weird

>> No.4689489
File: 43 KB, 320x221, get wrekt faget big mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is /v/ over here.
You faggots can smoosh the bread all you like, and I can use hyperbole if I like because you're saying a big mac has perfect meat to bread ratio. You're fucktarded, for serious. Later, gator.

Do the world a favor and measure a big mac so we can all see how pathetically wrong these plebs are.

>> No.4689494
File: 489 KB, 1024x735, 1296640960883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were the good old days. I wish fast food still came in styrofoam boxes.

>> No.4689497

>I'm going to post the picture that fits my argument most!
OK wow, you are actually retarded

>> No.4689501
File: 57 KB, 640x426, pink-slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss the Pink Slime OP?

>> No.4689505


I don't, that shit is really awful for the environment. Not even a vegan faggot, there is no reason for a corporation as big as McDonalds to be producing a couple tons of styrofoam per day when there are perfectly acceptable alternatives out there.

>> No.4689510

I'm talking separate from the environment, if hypothetically it wasn't an issue. There's just something more charming about a burger coming in a nice warm styrofoam box instead of some cold wet cardboard.

>> No.4689513


Good God, according to the McDonald's meal builder the Big Mac meal you have pictured there is 1250 calories, and that's with a large fry, since extra large no longer exists.

>> No.4689515

I didn't say it had the perfect ratio, I said it had more than 1/8th inch of meat and less than 3" of bread. Which it does. I personally prefer more meat and less vegetation, and I think the middle bun is just fucktarded. But I don't feel the need to make up bullshit to bash the sandwich like you do.

>> No.4689529

I can't say it's been fun, it hasn't. But I think I should find a better way to spend my 4 minutes on this board. Enjoy being terribly inferior to those around you.

>> No.4689535


Yeah, that particular McDonald's must just make their own shit patties instead of buying them from corporate similar to every other McDonald's in the world.

>> No.4689544

But they are in proportion. Actually prove your point. You can go to the McDonald's website and see their patties and the equivalencies and see that, even if it's not completely in proportion, they're not nearly as small as being claimed.

>> No.4689601

>jamie oliver victory, beef prices increase and food goes to waste for no reason

>> No.4689606

>extra large no longer exists

Is this true? What is happening to America? I can't even get an extra large fries anymore because some bureaucrat deemed it was too unhealthy for me? Fine, I'll just get 2 larges then.

>> No.4689608

>I can't even get an extra large fries anymore because some bureaucrat deemed it was too unhealthy for me?

No, I don't think so. They probably got a lot of negative press for offering large portions and decided to cut out extra large since they decided it was what their customer base wanted.

A lot of people want to blame the government for everything, it seems.

>> No.4689610

Well NYC is always trying to ban one food or another.

>> No.4689615
File: 73 KB, 600x400, SS_FAST_FOOD_McDLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4689621

jewmberg tried and failed, his attempt at the soda ban was not only shot down by a judge but the prevision was even put in the ruling that nobody could ever try anything like that again because it's unconstitutional

>> No.4689625

So like you buy it and take it home then build it yourself? That's pretty neat.

>> No.4689626

which is why you shouldn't live in nyc if that kind of thing bothers you. Pick a nice red state.

>> No.4689635

I'm nostalgic over fast food packaging.

I've never felt so American.

>> No.4689740

why is it pink anyways?

>> No.4689750

Haven't you ever handled raw chicken meat? There's lots of little veins that still have blood inside. At least I've seen it enough. I just cut them off and toss them. But that mechanically separated, straight to the blender of a factory stuff doesn't have the human touch or eye to do so. Everything goes in and you get blood, skin, cartilage, bone, etc. and the result if pink.

>> No.4689760

so its all natural. good to know

>> No.4689777

Because beef has red and white parts, and once it's been centrifuged, it ends up pink.

>> No.4690064


This may be true for a sit down restaurant, but in a fast food restaurant, they're forced to work at such a quick pace that they wouldn't be able to wash their hands as many times as what's written in their corporate policy. And during lunch rush? Forget it! Taco Bell's policy requires employees to move food along the line AND wash their hands once every few minutes. Who does that?

>> No.4691525

No, it's not. Natural would be grey because meat turns grey without adding chemicals.

>> No.4691526


Chemicals are natural.

>> No.4691528

Not all of them. Case in point: einsteinium, nobelium, etc.

>> No.4691583



>dat young Jason Alexander

>> No.4692442

They came from nature, so they're natural.

>> No.4692451

is that what the 80s were like?

>> No.4692775

>When did fast food decide to hate itself?
When fast food decided to hate our livers and hearts.

>> No.4692782

>Getting this upset over less fries
Just shove a potato in your food-hole, Amerifat.

>> No.4692791

natural != good for you

>> No.4692797

mind blown

>> No.4695188

big mac patties big
>10:1 meat

>> No.4695751


I didn't know the McRib was around that long. I thought it only came around in the 2000s.

> It was first introduced to the McDonald's menu in 1982, following test marketing the year before.[1]

After poor sales, it was removed from the menu in 1985. It was reintroduced in 1989, staying on the menu until 2005. From 2006 onward, it was made available for a short time each year.


>> No.4695770
File: 45 KB, 640x349, pork-e1320757338994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whenever pork prices fall, McD's buys up a fuckload of it and reintroduces the McRib

>> No.4695792

The only thing I don't like about this is how the cheese is on the cold side.
I want that fucker melted.

>> No.4696711

But natural does = tried and tested, therefore less likely to have horrible unprecedented side effects.