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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4687172 No.4687172 [Reply] [Original]


Real Mexican Food > Americanized "Mexican" Food

Americanized "Chinese" Food > Real Chinese Food

Thoughts, Louis /ck/?

>> No.4687177
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>> No.4687175

Theory: preference

>> No.4687179

no shit, sherlock

>> No.4687183

its all good
love me some lengua

>> No.4687194

Vice versa.

>> No.4687209

The only reason people get all pretentious faggy about Mexican food is because they can.

We border Mexico, its a lot easier to find out what actually gets eaten down there compared to China.

Nobody cares about "real" Chinese food because its a lot harder to. Hispanics are fucking all over the US, and so are asians, but not nearly as many.

Its easier to stick your nose up at people about how you eat authentic Mexican food when theres 30 Jose's around the block selling it out of a truck.

Most people aren't going to take extra time out of their life to feel superior about their chinese food.

>> No.4687211

Actually, I agree completely, OP.

But, that's not saying the inferior versions are not great in their own regards.

>> No.4687214

Depends on the Mexican food and the Chinese food in question. I've never been to Mexico or China, so I don't know what kind of food is the norm there, but I've been to both types of places catered to American and to Mexican/Chinese pallets. There are lots of really amazing Chinese places around that cater mainly to Chinese people, so I guess that makes them "real Chinese food."

>> No.4687216

Honestly I think 100% authentic Mexican food is really bland most of the time. And places like Taco Bell taste like vomit. I would love to try some real authentic Chinese food. I have seen them in the restaurants here in new York order stuff that is not on the menu and it looks so fucking good.

>> No.4687226
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There are a few of these in the city (Manhattan and Queens I believe) and they are amazing. They are pretty authentic and the crowd reflects that.

>> No.4687238

I'm curious what real Chinese food you mean.
The only "real" Chinese food I ever had was eating a dim sum.
Whereas the Americanized CHinese food I've seen is mostly "meat served in a sweet sauce" or stir-fry.

>> No.4687242
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>flyover scum attempting to discuss food
>all attracted to one giant shitstorm of bad taste, stupidity, and opinions based on extreme ignorance

Containment thread? Containment thread!

Thank you op!

>> No.4687248

> implying 'flyover country' doesn't have authentic Mexican restaurants
> implying we're from 'flyover country'

>> No.4687255

Meh I like Tex-mex better, I don't really dig Montezumas Revenge

>> No.4687291

Tex-mex by far is the worst sort of "mexican" food

>> No.4687307


Whether it's racial food or racial beauty it hits it's peak once it's about a quarter white

>> No.4687391

Chinese food is as diverse as American or European, and most of it rocks. You get different cuisine from different provinces, the most popular/best ones being Cantonese, Yunnan, Hunan, Xinjiang, Sichuan, "northern" etc, and most cities also have delicacies.
And yeh its mostly way better than Westernised Chinese food, but it's more oily.
Living in Shanghai where you can get many cuisines from China and around the world, I only go to one mexican restaurant and it is pretty damn good

>> No.4687410

>Real Mexican Food > Americanized "Mexican" Food
i don't buy it

If you know what you are doing you can find some really good food in mexico, but the standard stuff is quite cheap and unimpressive, generally inferior to the Americanized version

>> No.4687412

>Tex-mex by far is the worst sort of "mexican" food
care to explain why you hold this contrarian opinion?

>> No.4687446

those are both clearly tacos

>> No.4687467

How Anglicized is 'Indian food'?

>> No.4687468

Not just that... there are also 1000s of places in flushing and the grand sichuan restaurants all over NYC. It is super easy to get real chinese there and it is delicious. It is also much better than OPs taco truck tacos.

>> No.4687484

Yet the top seems messier, less appetizing, and has less of a balance in some ways(two or three corn tortillas each may overpower the insides)

I'd still eat both, but the bottom is definitely easier to handle and prioritizes the inside rather than the outside. Although the choice of toppings in the bottom image could use a little work just the same.

>> No.4687492

>prioritizes the inside
>ground beef, iceberg, and american cheese

>> No.4687497

Actual choice of toppings still needs work as I mentioned, the difference however is that the outside doesn't overpower the inside at all.

>> No.4687498

>implying american cheese doesn't taste good

please take off the fedora

>> No.4687509



>> No.4687513
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>those nasty crunchy "tacos" being anywhere near the quality of roach coach tacos.

You're delusional son

>> No.4687517

corn tortillas don't overpower actual chunks of meat (bonus for tongue), raw white onion, cilanto and salsa verde- and if you had real fresh soft corn tortillas you wouldn't care if they did
i will imply that all day long, good sir

>> No.4687521

Those "real" tacos in OPs pic look nasty ass fuck and look like they might give me the shits anyway...ill take those fake tacos any day over that taco truck bullshit.

>> No.4687522

maybe on grilled cheese but not a fucking taco

>> No.4687541

I wouldn't say american cheese is the ideal variety of cheese for a taco, but it still tastes good enough

>> No.4687554

processed cheese is fucking garbage on taco's, why else would taco bell spend the extra money to use actual cheddar? Honestly taco bell gets a bad rap, they use better ingredients than a lot of fast food joints but they shred it for texture so everyone assumes it's all filler shit.

also anyone who likes hard shell's is a fucking horrible person. Seriously what is wrong with you.

>> No.4687558

>why else would taco bell spend the extra money to use actual cheddar
the main ingredient in american cheese is cheddar, the price difference is negligible

>> No.4687559


also my mexican e-friend said that taco bell is not mexican food, says it's american as fuck, and then goes on a rant about burrito's for 20 minutes.

he also said if he saw someone eating a hard shell taco irl he would knock it out of their hand.

>> No.4687561

i wouldn't say american cheese is cheese, and in the US it is illegal to label it as such

>> No.4687562

Cheddar can be really shit, I doubt Taco Bell are buying the good stuff.

>> No.4687564

Did you tell him shut up and get back to shingling your roof?

>> No.4687566
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>implying this counters my point about taco bell using real cheddar instead of processed cheddar in any way.

>> No.4687568

>and in the US it is illegal to label it as such
thats because of lobbyists

"the government said so" is rarely a good argument

>> No.4687572

>i wouldn't say american cheese is cheese
its pretty much cheese, it is best described as a variety of cheese

>> No.4687573


taco bell isn't exactly going to be buying fucking cheeses shipped via boat from italy you fucking autist. It's fucking cheddar, it's all the same food-dyed americana crap. "good cheddar" is an oxymoron

>> No.4687578

>"good cheddar" is an oxymoron
thats dumb

also there is nothing bad about dyeing cheese, thats a silly thing to get angry over

>> No.4687585
File: 85 KB, 373x243, Tostadas-de-Camaron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I was looking for pictures of tostadas and found this one.
The beans look like a hamburger patty, I must sell this idea to burger king right now.

>> No.4687586

used to be, not any more

>> No.4687587

And there are still people out there who make it that aren't kraft.

You take cheese and basically just mix in emulsifiers and homogenize it. Seriously, its still cheese. If it hadn't been invented a hundred years ago there'd be a five star restaurant with a molecular gastronomist doing it now.

>> No.4687593

>used to be, not any more
where did you get that idea?

>> No.4687603

there is amazing cheddar, both from the usa and especially the southwest England- where it comes from.

No they probably wouldnt buy italian cheese off a boat u are right, but how about some, queso fresco, cojita, or even american Monterey jack

>> No.4687602

>tfw mexican
>tfw only eat hardshell tacos
I don't know why but I don't like my food chewed for me

>> No.4687612

>from Italy

'Good cheddar is an oxymoron'? Well, you would know, you're clearly a man who knows his cheese

>> No.4687617

why the fuck is everyone suddenly posting this fucking dog.

>> No.4687622

How about good food is just good food, regardless of where it's from?

>> No.4687623

>buying fucking cheeses shipped via boat from italy
what are you even talking about?

Why would any american buy Italian cheese when Wisconsin is a short drive to the north and makes much better cheese?

>> No.4687626

I don't care if the food is made in Antarctica as long as it is good

>> No.4687629

>Americana crap

Cheddar's English, m9

>> No.4687680

do you not understand memetics?

>> No.4687717

I must have only gone to shitty places, because I have been all over China and not once did I have any food that I considered to be above average. My favorite places in China were
1. a stand that sold spiced barbecued meat on a stick in Xi'an and
2. a little restaurant in a muslim district of Beijing that gave you a cauldron with hot coals in it and let you cook your own meat. Wish I remembered what it was called.

>> No.4687791
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I just made my own Carne Asada Street Tacos.

>> No.4687825

I have to totally agree with this.
Food in china is kind of skanky.

>> No.4687856
File: 70 KB, 439x496, 16588_slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im half chinese/half mexican

there is a saying in my house that is rather true:

"you know the food is authentic when you shit out your stomach the first time you try it"

>> No.4687893

>take cheese
>and add things that make it unlike cheese
>that's muh cheese, mufuggah

It's a cheese-derived product. What's wrong with that? It has its uses.

>> No.4687907

>tfw I live in California
>tfw you can get great Chinese and Mexican food
Where's your God now?!?!?!

>> No.4688315

>California Chinese food
>not shitty american Chinese food

Shits not authentic
Vancouver reporting in

>> No.4688325

I much prefer perfected American mexican food to third world radish tacos

>> No.4688344

How can I make a real mexican taco?

>> No.4688348

you know it really depends more on the cook and the ingredients

>> No.4688350

I prefer fake tacos cause they don't have cilantro.

>> No.4688353


>> No.4688372

>those tacos
>that green chile
Oh god, I wish it wasn't illegal to buy shit from illegals. I would buy that shit every until my money ran out.
>mexicans making it out of their trailer
>handmade corn tortillas
I fell in love with green chile, and found out what cliantro/coriander is. I have to make the tacos and chile again one day and subsist off that for a week or until I get sick of it.

>> No.4688384
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I'm a half-Mexican from Southern California and currently live in flyover country (Kansas). Most of the Mexican food around here is shitty stuff that resembles the bottom half of OP's pic, but in my town there is a fucking awesome Mexican joint.

The owners are really nice and I've talked to them a few times, they're from Monterrey. Only half the staff can speak English, all the women that work there babysit their kids while working and half the words in the English portion of the menu are misspelled. Authentic for sure. The food is great, plus it's also a little market that sells tons of snacks and produce and drinks and other goodies imported from Mexico.

>mfw I finally found somewhere to get Mexican food in my flyover state that rivals what my grandma makes

>> No.4688388


Question: why are 'authentic' joints allowed to break health rules like bringing their snotty little kids to work, misspell shit on the menu instead of taking one second to use google translate, etc..?

Why is it 'OK' for minorities to pull shit like this, and even encouraged for the sake of authenticity?

>> No.4688400


The kids aren't in the kitchen or anywhere near the food, there is a TV set up at a table in the back and they just watch that all day. Whichever employee is on break makes sure they aren't being little shits. Can't even hear the TV over the music so it isn't annoying.

I've noticed Chinese buffets are the worst about this. They have six year olds taking empty plates and refilling drinks.

As for the menu typos, whatever. You know what they mean by "burreto" or "tortiya".

>> No.4688412


But, why is it OK for them to bring their kids to work? Normal white americans would never do something like that. Same with the loud music and misspellings on the menu.. it just wouldn't happen.

So, why is it OK for minorities to engage in this behavior, and why is it encouraged by hipster-types in the name of authenticity?

>> No.4688414

i lived in china for 3 months and i basically only ate pickled vegetables and rice

>> No.4688431


Because it's another one of those shitty forced memes that isn't fucking funny.

>> No.4688437

That type of dog was already popular in Japan but these new obnoxious levels are due to tumblr shits going on 4chin.

>> No.4688439

Uh...I'm white, and I helped my father out at his hardware store many days after school when I was a kid.

>> No.4688442


Blame /a/

>> No.4688443


The difference being that you were helping your father, whereas the above poster specifically mentioned the moms taking care of the kids at the restaurant.

In fact, you've pretty much just proven my point.

>> No.4688441

White people do bring kids to work, even my uni has a daycare

>> No.4688445


Exactly, your university has a daycare. The kids don't sit in the office and cry while everyone else works.

This is the opposite of taking your kids to the restaurant you work in because you can't afford a daycare / babysitter.

>> No.4688466

My sister just got back from China. She said apart from the meat used, the food was almost exactly the same.

>> No.4688485

It really depends on which part of China your sister went to. The cuisine of say..Northern China is a lot different from Southern. I'm just speaking in broad sweeping terms, it'd take me quite a while to explain the differences in regional cuisine and most of it is readily Google-able.

>> No.4688487

Tell her she shouldn't have wasted your parents money studying abroad if she is just going to eat at American chains

>> No.4688495


your sister is a dumb bitch that probably only ate at mcdonalds and the hotel room service

>> No.4688517

These are both tacos.

>> No.4688554


>> No.4688587

Yeah, nah. I just got back from a month in China, in Beijing, didn't see anything resembling what we have other than something common at chains that was similar to Kung Pao chicken(chicken, green onions, chilis, and peanuts).

>> No.4688594

Oh, you mean having them there just to be there.

Yeah, I used to just sit in the back office and watch TV or play on the computer when we finally got one, so it's pretty much the same as the chinese restaurant example.


I remember just typing stuff like "www.boobs.com" into the address bar in that computer and looking at a bunch of shitty censored softcore porn. Blamed it on my cousin, too. Can't remember if they believed me.

Holy fuck, that was literally about 15 years ago.