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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 416 KB, 920x920, IMG_20130802_160258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4684536 No.4684536 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making Julia Child's french onion soup.
(Butter not pictured.)

>> No.4684540
File: 224 KB, 914x914, IMG_20130802_180922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carmelizing those damn onions now.

>> No.4684548

That's going to take a while.

>> No.4684555
File: 508 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_181254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting there...

>> No.4684565

Why would I want to see you do it?

>> No.4684574
File: 45 KB, 480x320, 11098_basic_carmelized_onions_620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should they be broooown, brown? Or like grilled fajita onion color? Let's ask Google!

Probably for lulz and fail.

>> No.4684581
File: 560 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_182302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite...

>> No.4684590

how did you caramelize them this fast? it usually takes me ~35 minutes

>> No.4684591


Looks too cooked to me, but I guess it won't matter once it's in the soup

>> No.4684596


Stovetop? It shouldn't take 35mins, it isn't that many onions

>> No.4684602
File: 600 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_182806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google image.

I agree.
Fucking apartment stovetop.

This is what I'm going with. Time to add the flour.

>> No.4684607


I would have thought 35 minutes too, but I was taught:

>Stick pan on highest heat
>Throw in onions, and cook for a minute or so while stirring until the edges start going brown
>Put hob on lowest heat, and leave them for about half-an-hour stirring occassionally.

>> No.4684612


>Time to add the flour

I'm intrigued. This is the recipe I've used before:


>> No.4684622
File: 478 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_183421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A cup of merlot to deglaze...

>> No.4684634
File: 576 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_183945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it looks fucking disgusting.

>> No.4684644
File: 430 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_183840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the beef, sage, and bay leaf.

>> No.4684650

>store bought broth
And you killed it.

>> No.4684656
File: 420 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130802_184554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working with what I have. I also didn't make the bread. O.o

So we let it simmer while I make the "croutes".

>> No.4684661

Is vegetable broth acceptable?

>> No.4684664

>I'm working with what I have
That's why you should watch the original episode, Julia clearly says that if you're going to used canned broth you may as well just used canned onion soup.

You are a disappointment to a sweet old dead lady.

>> No.4684667


Funny that. Delia Smith says if you're going to use stock cubes, you may as well just use water.

>> No.4684670


>> No.4684684

And people wonder why this board is becoming such shit. Who wants to post their OC when everyone just rags on it? Is homemade broth better? Sure. But not everyone has time for that, or didn't plan ahead that far. Either way, we need more OC here and less juvenile bullshit threads, so you should be encouraging instead of an ass.

>> No.4684691

Your "OC" would be better off on some food blog.

Who cares about you and your poor attempts at cooking? This is just stupid "hey everybody look at me I'm taking pictures of my food" shit. put it on tumblr.

>> No.4684703

Just because it's OC, doesn't mean it's worth sharing.

>> No.4684704


Someone thinks they are a professional chef. If you were really this far into the culinary arts, you wouldn't be wasting your time on a 4chan board. Calm down.

>> No.4684707


What's going to be shared then? I'm sure people don't just want to rotate around recipes the see on tv and online without showing how it came out when they made it themselves.

>> No.4684709

You could, oh, I don't know, try putting some effort into your OC instead of throwing together some half-assed bullshit and getting upset when people call you out for throwing together some half-assed bullshit.

>> No.4684712
File: 6 KB, 221x166, mouais !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Authentic french
> Parmensan

>> No.4684715

What the fuck are you talking about? Because I don't care about your ego project I think its because I'm a professional chef? you're the one going around posting your little culinary attempts as though you think anyone should care.

>> No.4684718


This anon is showing the steps she's taking, why do you think he/she is doing a half assed effort, they wouldn't have bothered posting it if they thought they weren't making it good. Just because it doesn't live up to your personal standards doesn't mean you are this board's quality control department.

>> No.4684724


You sure sound like the one with a ego problem lol
And you're also assuming I am the OP

Like I said, if you think youre so professional just got do it how you want to do it.

>> No.4684721

>getting this mad about someone posting their cooking

you must be new here or just autistic enough to care about shit neurotypicals don't

>> No.4684725

Oh and btw, i'm not an expert on soup but this looks like completly burned and fucked. Your pan was too hot and your butter burned. Looks fucked.

>> No.4684730

You mean croutons.

>> No.4684733

where are you in texas?
also thanks for the thread

>> No.4684740


Err name, if you're particular about that.

>> No.4684736


Lol this trip is just great

>> No.4684750
File: 31 KB, 600x450, 1352231836638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop cooking, this is /ck/
>back to the taco bell threads

Let the fucker finish what he's doing. He's not trying to show off his "culinary prowess". He's just fucking contributing something, which is rare on this board. If more fags started doing this, then they'd get some constructive criticism, learn how to cook better, and contribute even better shit to the board. At least he isn't going "LEL, CHEK DIS SHIT I MAED. SO CASH."

Also, OP, low and slow for caramelizing onions.

>> No.4684751

I didn't get mad about that, I got mad about him claiming his OC was necessary to save /ck/ or whatever. I took offense to the notion that this form of content was what the board should be, when its really not very interesting content and doesn't really have much room for discussion. Its a vanity project.

>> No.4684753

I know how to caramelize onions... and it doesn't have to get that carbonized.

>> No.4684758

what ego problem? I never said I was professional. where are you getting that? How are you reading that into anything I said?

>> No.4684759

If you spend your evening nitpicking and sniping at live OC thread posters, you should just hang up your /ck/ hat. If its not something you'd say to a person in real life, consider checking yourself.

These are actual people cooking stuff and are nice enough to share their experiences with us. Would you say this retarded shit to someone in real life? No. You would be ashamed of yourself because you'd realize you are being a petty asshole. Use that part of your brain when you post here and this forum can be awesome.

inb4 hurr its 4chan wat u expect
I hold my /ck/ers to a higher standard.

>> No.4684761

>These are actual people cooking stuff and are nice enough to share their experiences with us.
but why do we want that? how is it interesting?

>> No.4684771


You're assuming OP said that.

Actually it sounds like that person said that about ANY OC on this board. It sounds like you're implying OC is always a vanity project, hmm

>> No.4684775


If it doesn't interest you, go to another thread, thats the obvious answer to your questions.
I'm sure since this person was kind of live updating that leaving suggestions are nice but telling them their whole thing is shit isn't going to promote people to share their OC.

>> No.4684777

I'm not implying that. I'm saying subpar food blog threads are vanity projects and not valuable.

>> No.4684783

I made a chili thread the other day with pics using all fresh ingredients and there were a couple of aholes who tore into me and insulted me just because!

>> No.4684785


You could easily label any thread with OC that you don't like as "subpar food blog thread"

That's a singular opinion, and not a good one actually. Next time you make you're one OC thread, if you're brave enough, watch people like you complain that you're running a subpar food blog thread.

>> No.4684786

did you put beans it?

>> No.4684791

Its interesting to me because they are actually cooking stuff on a cooking board. I can see what their equipment is like, what problems they are encountering during the process. Sometimes I can relate to the problems they are encountering and other times I see a flourish or a tip I incorporate into my own cooking. And I just like it when people cook.

Plus its not like /ck/ is inundated with these kind of threads. There are maybe a few every weekend and none on most weekdays. By and large its not hard to find other types of threads on /ck/ if you don't happen to care for the OP-is-actually-cooking-something threads.

>> No.4684792

If all the threads with OC are subpar food blogs then why do we need OC? Why can't we just have discussions?

Why would I post a food blog on /ck/? If I wanted a food blog I'd start a food blog. It has nothing to do with bravery? What would I be afraid of? Its anonymous, you can't actually hurt my feelings.

>> No.4684800

Listen I'm not saying they're overrunning the place. I'm just saying that I don't think "Hey be super nice to the poor bastard or you'll scare all the OC away" is a compelling argument. I personally don't see a lot of value in it, but I'm not saying they should be banned or anything, I just don't think they're some endangered species type thing that needs to be coddled and protected. If they go extinct, so what?

>> No.4684801

They're using store bought broth. That is absolute shit. The fact that they're taking pics of each step doesn't count for jack shit.

>> No.4684802


You obviously misunderstood me, I said you could easily label any thread as such if you didn't like it. Obviously you can have a discussion, but completely dismissing what they're doing just because you don't like how they didn't cook everything to perfection or happen to use storebought ingredients doesn't make it a discussion, it just shows your rage.

You should take some english comprehension classes stat, you completely misinterpreted me.

>> No.4684807

In fairness, you're being very unclear. I can't tell what you're actually arguing for at this point.

>> No.4684877

Another based HEB anon! They're opening the largest (?) store right down the road from me, I think it opens later this month if it hasn't already- I should check up on this

>> No.4684882

>HEB brand groceries

go grind some bones for stock you pleb

>> No.4684883

Come back op :( Ignore the asshats, I want to see you finish!

>> No.4684884

Haha I make a lot of this pretty often. You dun goofed on the onions, and store bought broth - really? Might as well be canned.

>> No.4684890
File: 330 KB, 459x800, anthonybourdaiin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fool, it's just the largest in my area. Forgive me

>> No.4684913

Just watch Julia make it, its mesmerizing

>> No.4684915

why is anthony bourdain naked?

>> No.4684919
File: 522 KB, 800x871, 1337040062586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is anything

>> No.4684918

es cool
let us know how it turns out

>> No.4684925

Why aren't you?

>> No.4684921

why aren't we all naked?

>> No.4684955

did this thread died?

>> No.4684957

One can only hope.

>> No.4685021

Uh... The shit ended up being pretty good. Julia Child is a pretty good guy. Eh cooks french and doesn't afraid of anything.

This is the result of a loooong time after. I'm really drink cause this receipt took a long time. Anyway, bon apetit my fellow co/ck/s. Another day of starvation eluded.

However, grocery bill = ~$40 USD > $10 for in-store soup. Then again, there are leftovers, and the Chan's input, which is immeasurable. Goodnight to all, and to all a goodnight.

>> No.4685025
File: 281 KB, 920x920, IMG_20130802_204850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most horrible representation evarr.

>> No.4685093

Yes, but you can use most of those other ingredients in different ways too.
For example, you can drink the remaining cognac to dull the fact that you will never find true love.

>> No.4685103

I don't know why that made me laugh as hard as it did, but it did.