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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 600x450, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4679877 No.4679877 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently an INCREDIBLE and highly collectible cookbook. I've looked everywhere for a PDF, to no avail. Many internets to anyone who has a PDF of it...

>> No.4679922

bump of interest, did a shot search to no avail

>> No.4680055

fuck you op, now I desperately want it and can't find it, I searched around but can't find it, maybe you should buy it and scan it, apparently there are some copies available at around 15 bucks

>> No.4680138

bump - yeah guys this is apparently super good shit, it has recipes from really famous restaurants in it, and it is REVERED as a cooking bible. There has to be a pdf somewhere!!!

>> No.4680140 [DELETED] 

I tried looking it doesn't exist as is, that isn't to say it isn't a part of alot of the cook book batch torrents/DDL's out there.

Has it been translated into any other langauges?

>> No.4680142

Not sure...I'm tempted to just buy a cheap, beat-up version of it and destroying the binding so I can scan the whole thing through a sheet fed scanner...

>> No.4680145

Damn, I'd kill to have a copy of the real thing, not because it's a cool cookbook (though that's a great thing), but because it's Vincent Price.

>> No.4680149 [DELETED] 

Ya i went through about 20 different batch torrents and f3'd the title and none of them had it.

Good Eats, A Treasury of Favorite Recipes
came up almost every time. I'm guessing they aren't the same.

>> No.4680153

Yeah I popped a little boner when i saw "treasury", but then i was like aww fuck.

They have this available currently at a library close to me...I want to scan the shit out of it, but it's almost 500 pages long. :(

>> No.4680156

Pick some stuff that seems good, bruh. We'll all personally give you a psychic handjob.

>> No.4680159

Haha right on, a buddy of mine works at Powell's here in Portland, and he just told me he'll hook me up on a discount, so hopefully I'll come back with some scans in a few days.

>> No.4680169

Powell's is a book store, isn't it? You said it was at a library. If this thing's up for sale, man, I'd buy it if it's at anything like a decent price.

>> No.4680179

Multnomah Cty Library does indeed have it, but, not satisfied with the prospect of only having it for a week or two, I then checked Powell's. I'm now definitely going to buy the shit out of this.

>> No.4680237

great, now be a man and scan the whole fucking thing, I don't give a shit if you post page by page and I have to make the pdf myself, just do it

>> No.4680245

OP here. Ugh, might make that a thing I do while I'm high or something (tedium is bearable for me while I'm baked). Any recommendation for resolution/dpi etc to be decent enough balance of file size / quality?

>> No.4680279

I'd much rather have an audio-book version, timed for the recipe processes, with snippets of Vincent Price anecdotes, short stories, and poetry readings for cooking down-time. It could be retitled: Cooking with Vincent Price.

>> No.4680287

sup, Corvallis reporting

>> No.4680919

OR represent! Don't snipe my copy, bro!

>> No.4681088

well get the best quality you can, you can just torrent it afterwords

>> No.4681094
File: 20 KB, 200x202, 3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you guys could just buy the fucking thing, right?


>mfw poor cooks can't afford a $65 cookbook

>> No.4681358

Are you new to 4chan? We tend to have an aversion to paying for media...

>> No.4681385 [DELETED] 

1080p or dont bother

Just upload it to mega, there's not really a need for a torrent for things less than 500mb

>> No.4681388

Do it faggot

>> No.4681391 [DELETED] 

>wanting a physical copy of the book instead of a PDF

Get with E-readers grandpa

>> No.4681395

... You do realize the p stands for progressive scan, as in the manner in which frames advance. Do you really want him uploading a video of it?

>> No.4681399


If by "we" you mean all the underage kids who have no money, then yeah. Cause otherwise I'm totally okay with spending money on something that I plan on using and that will benefit me. Maybe when you grow up you will too.

>> No.4681405

>not having a glorious library of books sitting on a your bookshelf in your living room
Stay pleb. I'ma stay classy.

>> No.4681417

>preferring archaic methods of information storage
>thinking info printed on dead trees is better than info which takes up no space, can be searched instantly, and can be accessed from anywhere on Earth
Stay luddite.

>> No.4681422 [DELETED] 

whatever nigger, I'll be enjoying hundreds of thousands of books (offline even) with my nice little reader.

what are you on about?

>> No.4681429

>implying I don't have an e-reader, but collect physical copies of classics and my favorites as well

I guess you guys don't have any art hanging up in your house because you can just download a photo of it AMIRITE

>> No.4681431

while we're at it, mp3 or physical copy ?

>> No.4681432

>wasting money on non-funtional decorations

>> No.4681437

1080p is not a resolution, and you are stupid for using it as such, that is what I'm on about.

>> No.4681453 [DELETED] 

I have some really nice copies of some books I really liked like Common sense, The Federalist, Origins of Species, WoN/Kapital, and a bunch of early editions from Fuast. All of these were given to me by my uncle/grandfather. Alot of these go for 80-250 bucks and I don't have that kind of dosh to buy something I can get for free, and take up no space, for something as small as a book for a decoration.

FLAC backed up on mirrored external drives

>> No.4681462 [DELETED] 


As in the picture you see in the PDF is 1980 pixels by 1080 pixels.

What the hell do you call a still picture? 1080(?)

>> No.4681468

Ok I didn't mean for this to degenerate into a shitty wargleblargle discussion between analog and digital formats, so everybody just chill and leave your high horses in their stables. I want a digital copy, lots of others do too, there's nothing wrong with that, nor is there anything wrong with wanting a physical copy. Jesus.

>> No.4681470 [DELETED] 

This is the real OP, Physical copies are for luddite niggers.

>> No.4681476

No, its just 1920x1080, the use of scanline notation doesn't even make sense outside of a fucking television. You're on a computer. And why the fuck you want 1920x1080 when the aspect ratio of what you're scanning isn't 16:9?

>> No.4681480

>implying niggers can read

>> No.4681483 [DELETED] 


>> No.4683274


>is grown up
>still torrents

What are you a faggot?

>> No.4684369

yeah, fuck them, just physical copies for richfags or people who like owning printed media and digital copies for people who cannot afford getting a physical copy imported in to their country, and still want to read the book.

Op should still scan and upload at the best dpi he can get, it doesn't matter what size it ends up being, if it's small then an upload place, if it's large a torrent.

Anyway I have bought physical copies of books I read originally in digital, and try to get digital copies of everything I have in physical.

>> No.4685335

so are you gonna get them op?

>> No.4687505


>> No.4687676

So I take it nobody has found a link yet?

>tfw monitoring a thread for days

>> No.4688107
File: 45 KB, 400x700, 1352423642218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4688169

you didn't read the thread did you, it's gonna be more about someone buying and scanning the book not finding a nonexistent link

>> No.4690395

My library has it as well. One of these days I'll go get it, but scanning 500 pages is gonna be hard.

>> No.4692453


As you can see here, you can get it for $17.

>> No.4692457

It's already been determined that /ck/ is full of a bunch of poorfags that don't tip, let alone pay for things they don't have to

>> No.4692693
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-08-05 17.35.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not holding out on anyone scanning it, thats never going to happen.

just buy it

>> No.4692887

Someone see if this is legit, im on my labtop right now so i cant.

>> No.4692942
File: 134 KB, 486x468, high class dining experience for one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to hoping it's worth the hype! I'll scan it if nobody else has by the time it arrives. I'm not sure if the pages will fit properly in my scanner, though - it only goes up til A4. Unless I scan each page in two parts. A lovely way to spend a Sunday, I reckon.

>> No.4692946
File: 212 KB, 1270x478, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this instead of my awful dinner.


>> No.4692957

This sounds like a fucking blast.

>> No.4693152

I'm scanning (sort of) it right now. However, at this rate it'll be done in a few days. I'm not gonna sit there for hours flipping over 500 pages without breaks. If this thread dies by the time I'm done I'll make a new thread or if someone else feels like doing it faster then that's fine too.

>> No.4693162



>> No.4693185

Just bought it on Amazin', not going to share. Fuck y'awl poorfag communists, quit pirating and support the national economy.

>> No.4693215

you can do it mate!!!

>> No.4693222


>> No.4694962

I'm drooling just waiting for it!

>> No.4695934

Just an update, I'm on page 150 now.

>> No.4695936

keep truckin'! we are so proud of you!

>> No.4695943

nice b8 m8

You're doing the lord's work.

>> No.4695946


>> No.4696034

Any update?

>> No.4696060

keep it up!

>> No.4696513
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I got the book today, and I return to see someone's already scanning?! Dope. Way to come through. In the meantime, any requests? Give me a keyword or two and I'll check the index for ya and snap a pic to hold y'all over.

>> No.4696528

Just find something interesting! How about something from the meat section (or entree section, however it's presented), and an appetizer?

>> No.4696531

I wanna see what kind of appetizers are in there.

>> No.4696547
File: 1.88 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appetizers...pick one!

>> No.4696550

Terrine of Sweetbreads!
also, Crisped Shrimp with Mustard Fruit, because that sounds off the wall.

>> No.4696554
File: 1.88 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat, how about chicken?

>> No.4696561
File: 1.91 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrine of Sweetbreads

>> No.4696564
File: 1.85 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crisped Shrimp w mustard fruit...

>> No.4696567

SAVED. Thanks!!
That sounds pretty delicious, although it seems like it could do with a little onion or garlic (or maybe scallions), for flavor.

>> No.4696572
File: 1.78 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some pretty cheesy pics of the man himself in here.

>> No.4696574

Lawdy, that sound delicious. I'm going to make it my personal challenge goal to make this dish.

>> No.4696577

Pics or it didn't happen (when it happens), bruh.

>> No.4696580

Thanks for that! I love terrines and pates, so I'm going to have to try this one. I've never personally cooked with sweetbreads, so this should be fun.

>> No.4696584

where does one even get sweetbreads? Butcher? "Ethnic" grocer?

>> No.4696709


>> No.4697102

anon delivers
just the way it should

>> No.4697156


THE Vincent Price.

Whoda thunk it?!

>> No.4697202

I am so hoping this book gets scanned. I really want a digital copy. I have purchased this book four times. Once as a gift for my Mom. Then I loved looking through it so much I got a copy for myself and there was a fire in the kitchen (my ex-boyfriend cooked everything on high heat) while I was away, it was ruined. Then I bought a copy when I moved and it was borrowed an never returned because the person borrowing it left it on the streetcar. I bought another replacement. I had it for years, my husband packed it away when we moved two years ago and I have never seen it again. I swear he left that box of books in the moving truck. I am not buying another one until I have a backup. I can taste that onion soup and the crab puffs right now as I write this.

>> No.4698114

How goes your noble work, anon?

>> No.4698309

Page 350. Now would be a good time to start learning how to make a pdf from a bunch of images. Any suggestions?

>> No.4698362

You could import all the images into pages of a word processor document, then export as .pdf.

>> No.4698386

>You will never get to attend one of Vincent Price's dinner parties.

>> No.4698389

what other vincent price could it have been?

>> No.4698391

They make a lot of image batch files to pdf, you just have to figure out which free ones are the best or you'll end up with their logo's watermark. Or do this

>> No.4698502

download adobe acrobat pro from TPB, now you just tell it to combine files to a pdf, you add the files and click make pdf, done!
Yes you could go the wrong way and try a few of the free, freemium pdf creators like foxit but to tell you the truth, this is the internet, just P****E it and you're done.

>> No.4698530

I would love some more snapshots of random recipes in the meantime OP

>> No.4698908

You are a saint.

>> No.4698910

OP here. Currently brewing some beer at a friend's place, the cookbook is at home, but I'll totally do it when we finish in like 3 hours if you'd like?

>> No.4698912

Stop being a cheap bastard and buy it out of eBay.

>> No.4698922
File: 1012 KB, 300x300, pay for things.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4698928

OP, you're a god among men. Thank you so much for doing this.

>> No.4698985

OP here, it's actually another anon doing the scanning, so I can't take credit for that godly work. I'll upload some more photos of recipes in a bit, though.

>> No.4699021

Yeah, I posted that before reading the full thread. Hats off to both of you, though.

>> No.4699184

Any requests for pics? Just give me a main ingredient or a dish style or old hotel name (e.g. The Four Seasons) and I'll take a pic for ya.

>> No.4699199

what's in the mexican hotel?
or what's in there for ham

>> No.4699243


Please tell me you're gonna upload to mediafire or something other than megaconz.

>> No.4699280


>> No.4699304

Ham and Mexico coming right up....

>> No.4699312
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going HAM for ya.

>> No.4699318
File: 1.72 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mas Mexico

>> No.4699321

This needs a sticky.

>> No.4699323
File: 1.93 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4699326

Thanks mate, I can't wait till it is complete!

>> No.4699382
File: 7 KB, 168x196, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have any.
...think Natty Ice could be a decent substitute?

>> No.4699388

Nahdude, Red Dog would work, though.

>> No.4699406

If you're on Linux, the following should work. It uses Imagemagick and pdftk.

First convert all your images to separate pdfs:

for file in *.jpg; do
convert $file $file.pdf;

Then join all the pdfs into one big pdf:
pdftk *.pdf cat output treasury.pdf

Backup your shit before doing this, though, I haven't tested this.

>> No.4699409

>for file in *.jpg; do
>convert $file $file.pdf;
Sorry, missing a "done" after that last semicolon.

>> No.4699514

I just assumed it was a coinkidink. Not like the name is *that* unusual that you'd assume there's just one dude ever named that.

I only knew him as an actor, didn't know he was a bon vivant or gourmand.

>> No.4700177
File: 25 KB, 720x561, 73412_598395320181360_740597294_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for more scans

>> No.4700189

I thought he was just an actor that threw eggs at people.

>> No.4700909

Bumping. Hope the scans guy wasn't just messing with us.

>> No.4701244

I'm still here, but I've been busy for a while. Page 400 now, but I plan to finish scanning the book when I get home later. I also plan on using OCR on the scans to make it like a real book scan, and hopefully that should fix a few issues with the quality. I should have the entire book released maybe tomorrow or the next day. Just so you guys know, like I said in my first post, I didn't actually scan this, but instead took pictures with my camera. Don't worry though, they're pretty high quality and the OCR should fix anything that's not.

>> No.4701253

He was melodramatic, but he was the last real dignified actor of Hollywood

one of the few I like

>> No.4701365

Agreed. I'd hate to see this thread die.

>> No.4701370

Thanks so much, man. Depending on when you get this out, I could have an entire weekend of kick-ass cooking.

>> No.4701624


Yeah, thanks, man. This stuff is much appreciated.

>> No.4701858

You are a hero to many, many people, good sir.

>> No.4701872

>Read this entire thread
>It pretty much all sounds like planted viral marketing bullshit

>> No.4701890

I hope not. I've been here since the beginning waiting for this pdf.

>> No.4701907
File: 24 KB, 400x262, 1116620717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a man who's been dead since 1993s estate is here on /ck/ finally trying to get those big bucks. Fucking idiot.

>> No.4701916

Not to mention movie and Michael Jackson royalties.

>> No.4702011
File: 18 KB, 320x187, you can do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hejhehe, I don't think so, anyway what viral marketing campaign is willing to do the job and scan and upload a book that has no digital copy yet

>!0/7 if troll, 69%/& if not!


>> No.4702016

sorry this was supposed to say
>>4701244 IMG related

>> No.4702471


>> No.4703171


Can't wait!

>> No.4703178


>> No.4703256

Still waiting, still hoping, keep up the good work!

>> No.4703761

Scanner here. I've encountered a little problem. The smallest I could get the size to go while still keeping the quality is 123 mb. I'm currently trying to OCR and hopefully that should fix something but I am stumped if that doesn't work.

>> No.4703774

Uh oh...hopefully someone here can help you. IDK what to tell you.

>> No.4703843

Never heard about that book before. I think I'll get a copy, seems reasonable.

>> No.4703855


Split it into two.

>> No.4704512

Throw a link up on Putfile or generate a Dropbox link!

>> No.4704557

Just create a torrent of the book and put it in /t/. You can start our own cook book thread!

>> No.4704574

Yes mate I still vote torrent, if you are unsure you can make a password rar, send it to us, and send the password after you have stopped seeding.

>> No.4705154

I don't really see the problem. Isn't Mega pretty much unrestrained?

>> No.4705156

This. I can't torrent because reasons, but a direct link like these would be helpful. Fuck filesize, don't worry so much about optimization.

>> No.4705752


>> No.4705957

The problem is that most ebooks are less than 2mb.

>> No.4705978

Oh, I didn't know. Maybe he can just upload it as it is and someone who knows what's wrong can make a v2 or something?

>> No.4706005
File: 61 KB, 373x509, Screenshot - 8_10_2013 , 1_00_23 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

123mb isn't bad, heres just 1 of the volumes from modernist cuisine.

Quality >>>> file size.

Make a torrent / upload it to mega / upload it in parts if you have to

>> No.4706451


there a torrent yet?

>> No.4706535

OP don't tell me you gave up.

>> No.4706586

I-I-I-It's not I did this for you, /ck/, I-I-I just n-needed a digital copy f-for myself, t-that's all. /ck/ you IDIOT!
UNFORMATTED Text of the book: http://tny.cz/f5346597
This was actually pretty fun to do. Before this thread I had never heard of this book but now I think I've improved as a chef and have even helped the community while doing it. If anyone's unhappy with the quality please tell me.

>> No.4706602
File: 18 KB, 300x265, 1364956140318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4706603

How did you get it down to 50Mb? Is this just compressed?

>> No.4706624
File: 298 KB, 640x480, ss2013-07-30-20h11m02s19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much. You're a great person!

>> No.4706632
File: 49 KB, 69x120, 1376104955726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, thanks a lot man

>> No.4706633

I could kiss you

>> No.4706689

You're truly the king of /ck/.

>> No.4706709

Thanks man, I feel like the images are a bit small but it's still great work.
It's still impressive when people actually come through in 4chan

>> No.4706710
File: 17 KB, 249x211, no words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, thank you so much, mate.

>> No.4706722
File: 612 KB, 500x500, spurdo spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bretty Good.

>> No.4706728
File: 1.93 MB, 1500x988, CK AWARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4706738

Why didn't you end up uploading the 123mb version? This version is passable, and of course appreciated, but why go through all that work to just release this compressed version?

>> No.4706750

Thanks OP

>> No.4706751


Thanks bro.


>> No.4706768

Thank you anon!

Now you can take a trip as King of /ck/

>> No.4706771
File: 498 KB, 350x197, 1344630004415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the lasagne recipe uses a bechamel instead of just a fuckton of cheese.

Vincent and Mary Price were indeed wise and discerning cooks.

>> No.4706780

I'm looking through the recipes right now, this is
good stuff.

I'm buying you a drink one day anon.

>> No.4706783
File: 13 KB, 284x305, 1316470356579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


T-there is lasagna with cheese instead of bechamel?

But why

If it's really good it's a bit runny too, that shit is the fucking bomb

spoilers don't work on /ck/ do they

>> No.4706786


>> No.4706808

Yeah. I'm an Americlap, and my mom was a chef, and I was raised to make lasagne with bechamel, but EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON I know makes lasagne with a shit ton of cheese (usually ricotta and/or cottage cheese) instead of using a bechamel. It's fucking overly heavy and disgusting. The cheese should only be on top, as a finishing touch.

>> No.4706854

Because this is with OCR. The OCRing program I'm using automatically compresses it, and I'm currently working on a maximum quality version with and without OCR for those of you who want it.

>> No.4706883

Alright cool

>> No.4706903

A-arigatou gozaimasu, anon-sama.

>> No.4706979

anon is a sugoi anon

>> No.4707068

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

>> No.4707597
File: 33 KB, 500x409, 9206813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4706586 OP here. THANK YOU for doing what I did not have the wherewithal to do. You are the fucking man.

>> No.4707613

thank's mate, in this modern age I would willingly pay 500Mb for a good quality book instead of a lighter but lower resolution one.
If you upload the higher quality one I will download again.
I already gave it to my father and he seems to be liking it, GOOD STUFF HOT OUT OF THE OVEN!!

>> No.4707641 [DELETED] 

Thank you so very much!

>> No.4707656

Seriously, I cannot begin to express my gratitude. Thank you!

>> No.4707871

Much thanks anon.

>> No.4707967


It is a rare occasion that /ck/ delivers.
Thank you based Anon.

>> No.4707979

I can vouch for this download, it's legit.
GG anon.

>> No.4708120
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 418820_295558713843541_268330443233035_812854_1732436387_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Sir I can certifiably say, are not a Faggot

>> No.4708171

I shall claim this in the name of /v/.

>> No.4708206
File: 131 KB, 331x459, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4708209
File: 658 KB, 280x212, 1299704780827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4708218

lel this stuff is all way too complex for me

i only just made a chili from scratch

>> No.4708263

You matter

>> No.4708486

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

Today, you are alpha in the hearts of all co/ck/s!


>would lurk again for a week

>> No.4708518

Yessssss! Graciously recieved from Anons delivery. Thanks again!!!!

>> No.4708582

Does it tell you where the bodies are buried?

>> No.4708666

thank you based anon

>> No.4708831

Here's a version with better quality.

>> No.4708834

oh anon!

>> No.4708850


What's Oregon like based anon? I'm thinking of relocating from the shithole known as So Cal.

Gief details plox.

>> No.4708859

can someone explain whats so great about this book?

>> No.4709261

Thanks anon!

I was skeptical about the Sloppy Moe sandwich, but the Edgar Allan Po' Boy is to die for.

>> No.4709294

Really, I've been in this thread since the beginning because I'm a huge Vincent Price fan and, even in PDF form, this is a really cool piece of memorabilia. Plus these recipes seem pretty good, so no harm trying them.

>> No.4709411

not him but Oregon is the most beautiful state in the country. very cheap to live here as well. you should pay us a visit anon :)

>> No.4709430

Thank you kind Anon.

>> No.4709921

OP here, idk about the based anon, but I am living in Oregon and it is heaven. Super friendly people, mild weather (definitely a lot of rain, but it's nice rain), lots of weed, and Portland has the greatest beer in the US. Come check it out.

>> No.4710072

Thanks! you sweet bastard. As I said, Best quality, will download, Maybe to repay this I'll try to get my hands on a decent book to do.

>> No.4710632

ich danke dir
y-you t-too