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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 432x324, In-N-OutBurgerCombo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4676150 No.4676150 [Reply] [Original]

food pet peeves thread?
>being too paranoid about chicken breast and cooking it until its dry as absolute shit
>people who dump a shitload of condiments on their burger / fries
>putting red pepper flakes / parmesan cheese on their pizza
>dipping pizza / wings / whatever in ranch dressing
>dipping fries in their milkshake
and my number one
>taking all your food at dinner and mixing it up and eating it
my cousin used to do this all the time.
he would mix up everything on his plate at thanksgiving and it irritated me so much

now u

>> No.4676160

>red chili flakes on pizza

why does that bother you? it's delicious

>> No.4676172

>>red pepper flakes on pizza
>thinking that's bad
holy shit, are you some sort of pussy bitch?
I bet you hate jalapenos too you faggot

>> No.4676177
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>pepperoni pizza with red pepper flakes
dat dere salty spicy savory

>> No.4676184

because if you need to "enhance" your pizza with other flavors it's obviously not good pizza.
that's why they have it on the table when you go to pizza hut because you're choking down disgusting shit.

>> No.4676187

I enjoy my pizza both with and without flakes

>> No.4676188

>caring about what other people do
maybe burping and farting and chewing loud

>> No.4676190

then your tastebuds are fucked and you've probably never had good pizza

>> No.4676199

>dipping pizza / wings / whatever in ranch dressing

I hate ranch no matter what, and I don't dip my pizza in anything.

However, what are your thoughts on dipping wings in blue cheese sauce? I personally love this. The first buffalo wings ever made had blue cheese - not ranch - as their side sauce.

>> No.4676200

nuh uh

>> No.4676198

>this is what ny days actually believe
Dirty elitest pizza niggers

>> No.4676202

>implying i even live in ny / am from ny
i bet you put ketchup on your eggs

>> No.4676204

Yeah, man. I also never season anything I cook. Don't need to try to enhance the flavor.

>> No.4676206


Half of your examples are delicious, especially ranch dressing.

>> No.4676207

ketchup is disgusting
I do put hotsauce on them sometimes

>> No.4676208

i think blue cheese for wings is ok, i just think ranch is vomit provoking and goes in the category of people who use steak sauce

>> No.4676209
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Wheres that study thing which ssuggests people who eat spicy foods actually have better taste buds than those who don't?

Also, quit being such a faggot OP. I bet you voted for chocolate Nixon didn't you.

>> No.4676210

Back when I worked in NY, my boss would order pizza with jalapenos on it. It was so delicious I was in tears.

>> No.4676212

The only food that I mix all up was when I was young, my mom would serve sloppy joe's, canned corn, and mashed potatoes. Shit was amazing. Thanksgiving Dinner though? That just doesn't make sense and sounds disgusting

>> No.4676214

>implying you need to season something that's already salty and full of flavor
i hope you don't cook for other people

>> No.4676216

90% of your pet peeves are just people's preferences.. I bet you have a lot of friends..

>> No.4676217

>implying salt is the only spice

>> No.4676218

jalapeno pizza is the shit

>> No.4676221

ya like why would they make different flavours of potato chips? its already salty and full of flavour, fucking retards

>> No.4676223

wasn't implied
try again

>> No.4676225

no i think you need to try again

>> No.4676226
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>> No.4676228

no, more like dumping seasonings on a potato chip that's already flavored?
get different pizza toppings.

>> No.4676230

I prefer to cook my steak in the microwave. Why cook it on a grill or a cast iron skillet? It's already salty and full of flavor.

>> No.4676232

Haha I'm guilty of most of those. I cook the shit out of my chicken. I put lots of pepper flakes and a little parmesan on my pizza. Sometimes I mix foods on my plate. I dip my wings in blue cheese, ranch is for plebs.

>> No.4676233

couldn't agree with you more, ranch is a trainwreck and steak sauce can go fuck itself.

I used to hate anything food related that was creamy and white, especially ranch, mayonnaise, sour cream, cream cheese, and alfredo. I've warmed up to all of those except mayo and ranch.

>> No.4676238

>putting red pepper flakes / parmesan cheese on their pizza
fuck you.

>> No.4676242

>>dipping fries in their milkshake
That shit's awesome.

>> No.4676278

People/chefs who put 'garnish' on their food items to be artsy fartsy. What in the hell is the point of this? Putting a few leaves or a flower petal on a food item will just make people take it off of there anyway. So what's the point?

>> No.4676304


This falls on deaf ears; or blind eyes as it were.

>> No.4676325


Wait wut? Do Americans not eat the garnish? I think it's delicious just mixing that bit of parsely with something.

>> No.4676346

>being too paranoid about chicken breast and cooking it until its dry as absolute shit

OMG, THIS! FUCKING THIS! I recently helped out at a cookout my brother threw. He wasn't feeling too good, and asked me to man the grill. I've got shit set up, doing my thing. Along comes another guest who pretty much pushes me out of the way to take over and "teach" his kid. He's fucking KILLING the chicken and burgers. I'm telling him "The chicken should have been off by now", he's looking at me like I'm a fucking 1st grader as he jabs a meat thermometer (Coil spring style) into it and says "Nope, not 160 yet! Trust me, dude, I'm a professional chef!"

Yeah, real professional, jackoff, using the same thermometer for beef and chicken, testing every piece, and not knowing about "carryover".

Most people just had pasta salad and corn because of that yeasty fucknuckle

>> No.4676491


Aye what about mayonnaise, buddy

>> No.4676516

good god I hope you're trolling

>> No.4676531

apple cores in the fucking ash tray. loogies in the drinking fountain.

>> No.4676547

Don't put pepperoni on your pizza, either. because if you need to "enhance" your pizza with other flavors it's obviously not good pizza.
that's why they offer it on the menu at pizza hut because you're choking down disgusting shit

>> No.4676559


Steak sauce is a great condiment for fries, meatloaf or beef jerky. You both can go fuck yourselves.

>> No.4676561

No, they don't put pepperoni on pizza for that reason. They put pepperoni on pizza because murrka. And it's fucking shitty just like this country of fatass retards..

>> No.4676567

Please fucking leave the United States. Seriously, leave it, we're better without pretentious faggots like you.

>> No.4677038

I agree, it's even worse when they do that parsley around the rim of the plate thing where there's not even a teaspoon of it. It doesn't look good, it doesn't add to the flavour, it doesn't fucking make sense.

>> No.4677043

I've come to the conclusion that people who think ranch is disgusting have only got it from the dry food's aisle.

Home made, or at least grocery store refrigerated (like litehouse jalapeno ranch dressing) is delicious as fuck, while the shelf stable stuff is terrible.

>> No.4677088

>good pizza
I put pepper flakes on mine because I am crazy about spiciness, which is lacking on a lot of pizzas. Lately I haven't been putting any flakes on them since I forget that I have any.

>> No.4677106

You should have gotten a metal spatula and got it nice and toasty, then proceeded to mash it to his face. While he is struggling to get it off of him. Stab him with the meat thermometer screaming it isn't ready.

>> No.4677107

if you have to eat your pizza, it's obviously not good pizza
if you can't inhale your pizza through your nose, or if your pizza doesn't appearate into your stomach
then it's obviously not good pizza

>> No.4677372
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mfw i do all of the stuff OP mentioned

>> No.4677495

I can't eat anything with blood
I don't eat pork, im not even jewish
I don't like noodles at all

>> No.4677525
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Are you that pasta-hating "it slithers down my throat" guy from a few days ago?

>> No.4677532

>what are personal preferences
I still put salt on the table, even if It's salted enough for my taste.

>> No.4677538

you know, you can eat that flower
shit, everytime I'm home for holidays I pick some daisies and put them in my salads

>> No.4677543
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I put this on my pizza and also a bit of lemon juice :3

>> No.4677553

>being too paranoid about chicken breast and cooking it until its dry as absolute shit
Point, I suppose.

>people who dump a shitload of condiments on their burger / fries
It's my burger and fries - I'll eat them how I want to and I'm not beholden to you or your preferences.

>putting red pepper flakes / parmesan cheese on their pizza
They taste good, and they can pick up the flavor of a pizza quite nicely in the right amounts. Parmigiana and Romano are seasoning cheeses - stuff like this is literally what they were created for.

>dipping pizza / wings / whatever in ranch dressing
People will eat their pizza and wings the way they want to. I like bleu cheese, but some people think bleu cheese is too strong of a flavor, and opt for Ranch because it's milder, while still being creamy enough to cut the heat. And I find it's actually pretty good with shitty cheapass pizza like Little Caesar's.

>dipping fries in their milkshake
I personally don't do this, but I can see how someone could find appeal in salt and sweet going together.

>taking all your food at dinner and mixing it up and eating it
It's all going to the same place, Anon.

>> No.4677570

>being too paranoid about chicken breast and cooking it until its dry as absolute shit
lack of knowledge
>people who dump a shitload of condiments on their burger / fries
>putting red pepper flakes / parmesan cheese on their pizza
>dipping pizza / wings / whatever in ranch dressing
>dipping fries in their milkshake
I think this is gross, but autism
>taking all your food at dinner and mixing it up and eating it

>> No.4677578


Almost all your pet peeves revolve around fast food.

OP is a fatty.

>> No.4677580

>herb butter
>herb butter on every piece of meat

I'd get it if you couldn't cook for shit and the meat is drier than your mother's vagina.
But for the love of god, if you got a nice, juicy, well spiced piece of meat, fuck off with it.

>> No.4677581

Did it ever occur to you that some people happen to like their pizza with those flavors included?

ya dingus

>> No.4677589
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>>putting red pepper flakes / parmesan cheese on their pizza
>>dipping pizza / wings / whatever in ranch dressing
>>dipping fries in their milkshake

So I'm not allowed to use what I want as a dip/condiment according to you? Piss off autist.

>> No.4677598
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I've only got one really. And it's all just one person.

>make delicious BLT, shrimp po boy, turkey feta spinach burgers w/e sandwich

>he takes off all veggies, just meat and bread
>maybe throw some ketchup on it

I don't even know. It just bothers the hell out of me. I do not invite him over for most stuff I cook anymore.

>> No.4677607

I've never had pizza in my life. Why is Parmesan cheese bad on pizza?

>> No.4677613

It has a very strong and potentially overpowering flavour.

>> No.4677616

I don't know
freshly shaved parmesan and some fresh rucola on a margherita is possibly the best shit I've ever had

>> No.4677701

people who dont like thanksgiving day goulash. yes im talking about you op!
oh wait. thats a person petpeeve

>> No.4677714

>cooking it until its dry as absolute shit
fucking cut into it and LOOK you turkey
>a shitload of condiments on their burger / fries pizza / wings
Its their food however yes I agree with red pepper flakes or spicy shit
I dont think anything pisses me of more than spending hours.no days making pizza and you give your friend a slice and he douses it in hot sauce. but let them have thier ranch
and oh yea
>dipping fries in their milkshake
that is delicious fuck you

>> No.4677767

be on a date or dining. order dessert....would you like some... no. ok dessert arrives. I eat.feel uncomfortable. weel just a taste... tough shit. I asked and was paying. you ain't getting 2/3 of mine. jezze I am old but not dumb. I hate that. I am watching my weight. so am I. order a small fry.... welll maybe I will just have one... next thing ya know, you (me) have none. I stopped doing that, over howling protests, I always order two desserts or two small fries. and you would think that would work, right? wrong.

>> No.4677877


>> No.4678089

Can't they just qualify as toppings?
Hell, all the toppings of my favorite pizza go on after baking:
>normal margherita
>top off with a good olive oil, prosciutto crudo of your choosing, parmesan cheese and rocket. It's fucking delicious.

>implying 'parmesan' on tables in pizza restaurants isn't just flavored sawdust.

>> No.4678099

I have to agree on your number one OP, several people I know do something similar and it bothers the hell outa me
>fine restaurant
>people arrange every single ingredient of that dish onto their fork and eat it all at once

>> No.4678128
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please.learn. how to ......sentan.ce thangs

>> No.4678134

>>a shitload of condiments on their burger / fries pizza / wings
>Its their food however yes I agree with red pepper flakes or spicy shit
>I dont think anything pisses me of more than spending hours.no days making pizza and you give your friend a slice and he douses it in hot sauce. but let them have thier ranch

I love ground red pepper (not sure of it's proper name) on a deep dish pizza. It doesn't mask the other flavors, it just adds another one. People have different preferences for spiciness level in food, and what seems perfect to you could be quite bland to someone used to spicy dinners.

However, red pepper flakes have always just seemed like a stupid spice. Why the hell flakes? Grind that shit up.

>> No.4678163

>I have to agree on your number one OP, several people I know do something similar and it bothers the hell outa me
>>fine restaurant
>>people arrange every single ingredient of that dish onto their fork and eat it all at once

You mean like there's plate that has meat, steamed asparagus, and french fries, and they eat all three disparate items in one bite? Or like they're eating pasta with chicken and capers in a cream sauce, and they eat a bite with pasta, chicken, sauce and a caper all at once? The first sounds utterly weird, the second sounds utterly normal.

>> No.4678169

Meant more like the first one.

>> No.4678171

>loogies in the drinking fountain.
fucking why do people do this??

>> No.4678192

taking a picture of the food before eating
fucking kills me everytime i see this shit

>> No.4678204

i put crushed red peppers on my burger
is that bad?

>> No.4678228

You do realise how food looks and is presented has a direct impact on how it tastes. Psychology is a huge thing in eating food. It's why some cultures' delicacies are disgusting to others.
It only makes you look autistic when you try and ignore these sorts of things which have been scientifically proven.

>> No.4678244
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But OP I cook my chicken and pork until it is super dry because I have the feeling of juicy meat that is not bloody steak. It is weird because I can eat the bloodiest steak, but if my chicken or pork is just a little bit juicy, even when cooked well I gag on it.

>> No.4678255

mfw I read all that shit and heard it in my head


>> No.4678266

So much autism in this thread
Red pepper flakes & parm add another dimension of flavor to the pizza
Theres nothing wrong with the pizza but sometimes you want some variation
Get a whole pepperoni pizza but instead of eating or 4 slices of just straight up pepperoni pizza you now have variety
Not garnishing your meals
Mixed herbs again add more flavor & help enhance the flavors that are already there
The flowers should be edible. In fact every garnish that goes on a plate should be edible. Thats why you see chopped parsley instead of giant sprigs of parsley on plates cause while the sprig looks better no one wants to eat a straight stalk of the stuff
The garnish also makes tje plate more appealing to the eyes & we eat with our eyes 1st
You see a well dressed plate of food it makes you hungry, you start to salivate & subconsciously imagine what it tastes like
Obviously some chefs overdo it which just ego stroking rather than thinking of the customer 1st but any decent chef knows how to balance it properly

>> No.4678293


>not dipping your fries in your milkshake

what the fuck, man

>> No.4679141

nice downboat newfriend

>> No.4679182

I lived with this guy who used to shake his food occasionally, like he was stirring a big cauldron, whenever he ate something. It was like he was trying to show off his food or something idk but it was got damn retarded. He would also make like sex noises whenever he ate like his fucking subway sandwich was that good. Just eat your food don't shake it and stare at it.

Also, diff friend
>make perfect omelettes for fat friend and myself
>fat friend proceeds to cut it in half, put it on white bread, and drenches it in mayonnaise, sriracha and relish and eats it as a sandwich.
>I lost, that day. Just lost.

I assume both of these guys did what they did due to our exorbitant marijuana consumption but I also think they are fucking retards.

>> No.4679212

Old Bay.

I'm in Maryland, people put that stuff on everything. Wouldn't be a big deal, if it weren't for the fact that the smell of it makes me nauseous, and it lingers.

>> No.4679269

Are you near the water? People down by Annapolis and Severna Park area do that shit all the time.

>> No.4679301

You sound like an insufferable faggot.

I don't give a fuck who does what with their food. It's THEIR food. Why in the assfuck woudl I get bothered about how someone else eats their food?

This is the most militant board on 4chan, I swear. "YOU can't eat it THAT way! That's the WRONG WAY!" shut the fuck up, seriously. Your thought police/authority complex is obnoxious.

Before someone back pedals some impermeable defence about how it's only a pet peeve and actually going through with telling people how to eat is different, the fact that it's a pet peeve AT ALL is indicative of the issue. The issue being that you're a cunt.

>> No.4679303

Chicken breast is a filler meat only to be used in other things (dressing, soups, dumplings, Alfredo, etc.).

If you are eating chicken as just chicken, dark meat is the only way to go.

And I again point out that if you don't like dark meat, you don't like chicken.

>> No.4679360

What's the big deal?

>> No.4679389

jalapeno and pepperoni is one of my favorite combinations. maybe some garlic too.

>> No.4679750

They probably do it for a food blog. And people will actually follow them. So blame society.

>> No.4680860

Whatever person actually wrote this gets praise from me, as not only did I hear it in Mr. Rogers's voice, but it really does sound like something he'd say.

>> No.4680872


On mixing food together:

Where I'm from that's acceptable. I know it sounds weird, but for cajuns and those living in french louisiana we mix up every dish on our plate. It's just a cultural thing.

>Aunt Loretta is cooking seafood gumbo for our family get together
>fucking delicious
>potato salad is delicious too
>everyone throws the potato salad in the gumbo
>What the fuck you're mixing hot and cold ingredients and they're different textures ARRRGGG
>that's how we do boi
>years later I capitulate and do it too
>absolutely delicious

>> No.4680875
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>ordering dinner with sister
>I want a cheese pizza (shut up fuck you)
>ask sister what she wants
>"I want pepperoni, anon."
>We get the pizza
>She picks the pepperonis off and puts them on the side of her plate. She doesn't even eat one pepperoni.
>I just like the pepperoni flavor, anon
>her face when

>> No.4680878

No, just instagram.

Fucking plebs.

>> No.4680881

>people who dump a shitload of condiments on their burger / fries

I manage myself really well, but I don't know why this bugs me so much. Does EVERY fry need to taste like ketchup?

or those motherfuckers who basically dump their ketchup so it's not even a line, it's just a pool of ketchup, which is a waste in the long run and then you have to touch fully ketchup'd fries which get soggy and shit

>> No.4680891


My ex's ex used to do that. He'd order a surpreme pizza, then take off the cheese and toppings and throw them away

Drove her up the wall.

>> No.4680918

My food pet peeve:
Assholes that get butthurt over how someone else chooses to enjoy their meal.

>> No.4680928

Chewing with mouth open
Picky eating

>> No.4680936

Judging others on how and what they eat.

>> No.4680953

What the actual fuck
Just sauce on bread
For the price of sauce and bread and cheese and other shit plus premiums
What a fucktard

>> No.4680963


Apparently he was weird, he has 7% body fat and a 6-pack but all he does it eat meat and bread.

and every morning he eats a bowl of oatmeal with a slab of peanut butter mixed in

I got a little angry hearing about his habits

>> No.4680988

People who refuse to eat vegetables and pig testicles.

>> No.4681161

>and pig testicles.

>> No.4681179

you need that daily pig testicle dose

>> No.4682212


>> No.4682229

>>salting food before trying it

>> No.4682233

>not knowing many foods need salt

>> No.4682248

No dish needs salt once it's served and adding salt before even tasting a bite is madness

>> No.4682251

>it slithers down my throat

my sides

>> No.4682255

Not if you know the cook. You may well know that someone doesn't like salt. In which case you can be damn sure it needs salt.

You're making an assumption that people are going to some five star restaurant and instantly adding salt, all the post said was people salting food before trying it.

>> No.4682269

>>missing the point

>> No.4682279

Wow, I didn't expect to troll that many people.
You guys here are easily to troll.

>> No.4682282

easy to troll*

>> No.4682591
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>> No.4682598 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4682611

>>taking all your food at dinner and mixing it up and eating it
Do you mean like making a slop? Cos when I eat a meal, I usually incorporate a morsel of each component into each mouthful. Does that bother you?

>> No.4682967

You shouldn't order dessert if your partner isn't ordering or if it isn't to share you lardass

>> No.4682980

Not that guy, but it is perfectly acceptable to combine a small portion of each food on the plate given it isn't overfilling your mouth. That's what makes some foods taste so well together.

>> No.4682989

put anything (maybe not /anything/) you want on /your/ food as long as you taste it first to make sure you want/need/like it.

My mums husband will ask if things are salted and then add salt to the non salted things without even trying them, even if they have spices and shit already on them, as if he's only doing it to meet his daily salt quota or something. It actually makes me angry when I put time into cooking things and then he covers them in salt and tomato sauce, I usually just say everything salted now to save myself from the pain.

My mum puts tomato sauce on chicken and on seasoned steaks..

basically my thing is taste it before u smother it in shit, smother it in shit as much as you want if you won't enjoy it otherwise, but taste it first.

>> No.4683066

Anyone that doesn't dip their chicken fried steak in their mashed potatoes is doing it wrong. Also need to mix up that corn with the mashed potatoes.

Now that I think about it, I mix all sorts of things into my potatoes. Potatoes are awesome.

>> No.4683084

What pisses me off is upside-down burgers.

From the bottom up, it should be: bottom bun, burger, cheese, onion, tomato, lettuce, top bun.

Near impossible to get In 'n' Out to build one that way.

>> No.4683087
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>Order a burger
>It's half-wrapped in paper like in OP's pic
>The fucking burger eats through the paper and now there's a huge mess on your lap
>Burger now also contains bits of soggy wrapping paper

>> No.4683106

>being so fat you're unaware that a burger is dripping into your lap

>> No.4683794

Just rotate the burger 360 and your in business there brosef

>> No.4683804

>>taking all your food at dinner and mixing it up and eating it
I do this. I like to mix up corn or peas and small vegetables like that with mashed potatoes. Improves the flavor and makes room on the plate for cutting meat or slappin' more food on.

>> No.4683894


Ignore that fucker, he's doing the "see a post that had a lot of responses, pretend to have made it and say 'wow you guys are easy to troll'" schtick

>> No.4685067

>rotate 360
Did you mean to write that?

>> No.4685073

Walk away, son. Just walk away.

>> No.4685074
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>> No.4685076

rip in peace

>> No.4685083

Lol Damn, even when I go away for a while I still caught a few.
This will take a while to reel in.

>> No.4685129

some people just want to see the world burn.

also they're asses that get off on the "lel now es gross for next person, epic RL troll" factor

>> No.4686881

My eyes are vomiting.
I'm no grammar freak, but at least try to make it readable.