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[ERROR] No.46755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.47024


>> No.47066

Fuck you Adult swim

>> No.47083


>> No.47128

I blame /ck/


>> No.47135




>> No.47218



>> No.47239

This "prank" is definitive proof that Rick and Morty is reddit-tier horseshit.

>> No.47364

I'm actually mad. I could give a shit about rick and morty. Just air the regular times

>> No.47609
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>hey lets fuck with the people who legitimately had something to look forward to for the end of the week

So congrats on fucking the people who've been waiting for 13 years to see the conclusion of Samurai Jack and the people who wanna watch the new episode of Dragon Ball Super. If it was all reruns and shit I could excuse Rick and Morty cutting in but that's shitty ruining it for people wanting the scheduled new episode

>> No.47779

Tartakovsky should have made the thing a fucking OVA to not have to deal with CN's shit.

>> No.47827
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No Jack this week, you got TROLLED XDD

>> No.48127
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Why the fuck even put it on the TV Guide then? Just run a fucking rerun of Jack so nobody would get their hopes up, that's so fucking lame.

>> No.48191

So next week can we get 2 episodes each of Jack and DB Super digging into adult swim timeslots as compensation?

>> No.48289

Does anyone have any working streams of adult swim in case they do a double fake-out and air the episode?

>> No.48324

Because it's an April Fools joke, you faggot.

>> No.48527

>oh cool its the season premier of rick and morty
>for 4 hours

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?

>> No.48635

>it is now 'next week'
>episodes air

>> No.48861

>The only thing he has to look forward to at the end of his week is a fucking 20 minute episode of Samurai fucking Jack
you guys need to get out more.

>> No.48905
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This feels like normies bullying anime nerds

>> No.48959

Nothing wrong with that desu

>> No.48974

He's a fan of Rick and Morty, he doesn't know what funny is.

>> No.49173
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>The new episode is airing in tajikistan
ANY /co/mrade or /ck/ friend from tajikistan?

>> No.49320
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Woah shit your right

Plz be right anon

>> No.49360
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>this fucking bitch nigga

>> No.49425
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>> No.49490


>> No.49504


Who is this guy anyway?

>> No.49549

The King of Adult Swim, he cancelled ATHF because he felt like it.

>> No.49712

I went outside once and it was awful.

>> No.49793

please fuck off

>> No.49801

Fuck off, normalfag.

>> No.49843

Reddit and Memey fan detected! Go back to watching your lolsorandom burpathon.

>> No.49874

Make your own shows then fagit

>> No.49975

>I unironically prefer Reddit and Normie to a patrician art piece such as Jack

dude lmfao upvotes to the left am I right?

>> No.50776

>some shit on twitter says that he waited a year for rick and morty, so jack fans can wait another week
>jack fans have been waiting for over a decade
This just makes me dislike Rick and Morty more.

>> No.51186

>First two episodes of the new SJ Season are better than every Rick and Morty episode combined
>They still go with the almost lowest tier meme show spouting idiotic 'dialogue', barely passable animation, and humor that makes Amy Schumer look decent enough to watch

Tell me again why Adult Swim decided to commit suicide on national television.

>> No.52259

>muh tv guide
>muh guide channel says
>muh guide channel said it would air
How fucking new are all of you? Have ya'll never sat through an adult swim April Fools prank? Of course your guide channel is gonna be wrong all night. Jesus, all of you should hang yourselves right now and get off my /co/

>> No.52625


Fuck getting out more. This is the only thing I have to look forward to.

>> No.52714

Not everyone has a perfect life like you
Some people don't have parents
Some people have ex best friends of 15 years who backstab you and FUCK your gf of 4 years behind your back and then start dating when you find out
Some people work ridiculous jobs just to pay rent

>> No.53329
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>Pic related

>> No.53425
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I'm actually ok with this.

>> No.53456

>Some people have ex best friends of 15 years who backstab you and FUCK your gf of 4 years behind your back and then start dating when you find out
I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.53562

>living with a severe Jack Fan

>> No.53576

Same here

Samurai fags need to fuck off

>> No.53599
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And i want to watch the daughters of aku awkwardly explore their own bodies and overcome their sexual repression and naivety while watching two deer mate but thats not going to happen now is it?

>> No.53732
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What did he actually thought what's going to happen.

>> No.53825


Change the Rick to Aku

>> No.54190

Obvious bait aside:
I actually like R&M but think this prank is beyond uncool.
double so in that it's a nonstop train of the same episode and not that good of one either.
I probably wont be free next saturday so this sucks bad.

>> No.54312

I like Rick and Morty too, this was just really dumb.
You can have something that is a re-run get pulled to surprise people with a new episode, but don't fucking run that episode over and over as joke at the expense of other on-going shows.

>> No.56117
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Why did they run it for 4 hours?
Why would you effectively remove 4 hours of shows for other viewerbases just to rerun the same fucking episode 8 times, even if it was the premiere?

>> No.56253

there was going to be a couple weeks of hiatus anyway fagets
now the hiatus is 1 week shorter

>> No.56296


>> No.56512

Still doesn't excuse the fact that everyone expected it to be on tonight only for this bumblefuck to be looping for 4 hours. I can get behind airing it over a rerun of Jack but claiming to have a new episode ready for the week only for you to get TOTALLY TRICKED is fucking retarded, literally bait and switch

>> No.56890

Not angry. Just disappointed. It's hard to get mad over media when real life sucks so bad it overpowers it.

I'll just add it to the list of "bad things that happened this year." When the list is big enough, you don't care much about new entries unless they're big. TV shows are hard to care so much about for me.

>> No.57173

No one cares, honestly. Getting a girlfriend was your first mistake. I'm living with my brother, working two jobs, fucking girls more often than I thought, and raking in a ton of cash. Sorry the only way to deal with your dead family and your slut of a girlfriend is watching a 20 minute cartoon with zero contunuity until it's last season in over 10 years. Sleep tight, wage slave, I hope you kill yourself tonight. Sorry for the edge, I've been watching too much Rick and Morty.

>> No.57915
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Why WAS Samurai Jack pushed back to next week anyways? Was there some kind of problem or something? What the hell happened?

>> No.58051
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le ebin prank eggsdee

>> No.58160
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>> No.58196

April 1st is April Fools Day. Adult Swim is known for running "pranks" on this day. The prank this day was two-fold: first, they ran a new ep of Rick & Morty as a surprise tease for the long-delayed Season 3. But the "twist" was they extended reruns of this episode into the 11 o'clock prime time bloc for Toonami, thereby pushing Jack and Super back a week as a "joke."

>> No.58213

Well that's dumb. Pranks are usually funny, whereas this just seems like pointless dickery.

>> No.58242

I didn't think they would go so far as to completely push out SJ, seems a bit much

>> No.58282

Someone uploaded the newest episode of samurai jack https://youtu.be/hywQj6miWJM

>> No.58311
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>Some people have ex best friends of 15 years who backstab you and FUCK your gf of 4 years behind your back and then start dating when you find out

you should kill them both, anonymous. Make sure to blame ebaumsworld.

>> No.58323

Didn't you make a thread about this

>> No.58363

Where did I hear that song before?

>> No.58409

Not unless you commission an artist it isn't.

>> No.58419

Dude, my life is far from picture perfect either, but getting this worked up over a tv show is not doing you any favors.

>> No.58435
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>Joke for a poorly animated show with the same humor and art as Family Guy is week delay of a beloved show thats been off air for 13 years.

What did you expect, a funny Aprils fools joke? They would have to know how to write humor for that.

>> No.58443

i want to play with my toys mommy ablooblooobloo

>> No.58479

anti-jokes are the downfall of western civilization

>> No.58591

If there's no Samurai Jack there's nothing to keep me going on.

>> No.58789

I more mad they didn't take this opportunity and do a Groundhogs Day episode.

>> No.58848
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There's the door.

>> No.58935

>Get a commercial for an encore episode next week.

the ride never ends

>> No.59191

I honestly have no care about this joke. It wasn't funny but I'm not gonna make a thread demanding a /cock/ and /pol/ raid on AS to hang them all on a lamp post. If anything is worse than a bad joke, it's people getting this ass hurt over said bad joke.

>> No.59248

That depends, can you perform Necomancy? And do you love the dead? frequently?

>> No.59332

>work today
>it's shit but the thought of Samurai Jack keeps me going
>get home
>see this shit
At least /mlpol/ is fun but watching children's cartoons is more important than smashing leftists online.

>> No.59350

>Some people don't have parents
>Some people have ex best friends of 15 years who backstab you and FUCK your gf of 4 years behind your back and then start dating when you find out
>Some people work ridiculous jobs just to pay rent
This sounds like some serious projecting you're doing anon. Life is hard, but suck it up, it's not like you're better than some fuck hiding in a hole from bombs because of his shit country's civil war.

Let alone reeing over not getting your Jack for one week. Christ.

>> No.59449

I just marathoned all of seasons 1-4 since I haven't watched jack since it aired and I wanted a refresh before I started s5

what download/torrent for the released s5 epidoes have the best quality?

>> No.59488

Honestly it just seems like lack of forsight was to blame for this. I don't think AS has anything against Jack, I mean why would they fuck the one thing that's been hyped for months? They rolled a boulder and it hit the community by accident. And now said community is demanding boycotts over not getting Episode 4 until next Saturday.

I mean come on back me up here, Jack fans are honestly, no memeing here, really taking this too hard.

>> No.59619

If your sanity, and your only reason for not putting a gun to your head was Episode 4 of a 20 minute cartoon, then you might as well just pull the trigger because that's just legit pathetic.

>> No.59649

Some of us have no lives and only live for cartoons. You couldn't possibly understand normie.

>> No.59687

I'm on tilt cause I already didn't like the fucking show, worse then when they played Mr.Pickles after ATHF ending