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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4673957 No.4673957 [Reply] [Original]

So I cam here expecting a board dedicated to the mastery of cooking.

What the fuck is this shit?

Anyway, Post your knife, your favourite pan/pot/casserole, your favourite food item, and the thing you cant function without in the kitchen.

>> No.4673965
File: 125 KB, 696x720, 1373900168181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dimpled global santoku

4/10 you need to turn down the troll knob a few notches

two out of the three would have been more than sufficient. I would have personally gone with one out of the three but I tend to err on the side of subtlety.

>> No.4673969


I'm not even trolling. I prefer my Santoku over my French. Come at me.

And the fact that you think any of these are toll items proves to me you've never worked in a damned kitchen before.

Towels. Are. gold.

And You probably have never heard of the vinegar before, so that's cool.

>> No.4673981
File: 17 KB, 367x388, killthemalljohnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even trolling
>dimples in a pro kitchen
>santoku in a pro kitchen
Seriously, dial it down. Or at least say vegan somewhere. Also the "three" he was talking about was Global, santoku, and dimples.

>> No.4673982


And you know what? Fuck you for putting down a cast iron pan.

You made me mad. 10/10

>> No.4674003


Ah, gotcha.

I'd never take her onto the line, but she's "My knife" so fuck everybody.

And I don't see you guys posting your shit.

>> No.4674060
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People have no issue with cast iron on /ck/. If I could only have one pan it wouldn't be that, but what it does it does better than any other pans, and my favorite pan is an Iwachu cast iron "omelet" pan. It's thin, light, and glass finished like the old Griswold and Wanger stuff but shaped like a high carbon chef pan and has a handle that's great ergonomically for tossing/flipping whatever you've got in there.

As for knives, /ck/ likes to shout over French/Gyuto vs. German. But everybody likes to shout at people who buy santokus. And I have a Masamoto KS 254mm gyuto. So, you know, fuck you too and stuff.

>> No.4674066
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>> No.4674074


Those groves are intended to hold pockets of air so to reduce friction as you slice back and forth and for allowing the food item to fall off the blade easier. You using them for speedier slicing. It is pretty common for santoku-style knives. The "dimples" are scallops used for a "granton edge".


Not that I give a shit about that knife or brand in particular.

>> No.4674078


>Bottom left makes this totally ok

>> No.4674080


I haven't been here nearly long enough to understand the santuko hate. Care to paraphrase?

>> No.4674098

Not that anon, but they see something popular as something dangerous and to be hated with vehement intent. Also, those people probably don't so much meat slicing.

>> No.4674121

>ceramic santoku
That's absolutely glorious. And santoku thread gets santoku pasta...

The Japs are xenophobic fuckers who have tried their best to keep the outside world out. Though there were always exceptions, and in the late 1800s those were Dutch traders and French chefs. French chefs brought French cuisine, beef, and the French chef's knife.

Meanwhile, industrialization. Middle class. Etc. Suddenly there are people who aspire to finer dining but can't afford a dozen servants, while traditional Japanese knives were intended to be male only and take a lifetime to master. This made them a hard sell for housewives in said middle class. The do it all French chef was the perfect solution, but thanks to xenophobia they were a no go for the general population.

Long story short, some marketing type crossed a French chef with a nakiri. The result was the santoku. It doesn't do vegetables as well as a nakiri, the low tip means it's bad for slicing (relative to a French chef), and the short blade is limiting. But it can just about cut chicken and carrots effectively, and it's approachably small and (perhaps most importantly for the market it was designed for) not-foreign. Japanese housewives loved them, and a century later Rachel Ray pushed them on American housewives. That they were small and cute--and not intimidating for people who couldn't cook an egg--means American housewives now love them.

Now they're in every knife set given at every wedding and used by every idiot frightened of a full-sized knife, but they're an abomination--a compromise that don't multitask as well as a French chef (or gyuto) and that doesn't do vegetables as well as a nakiri (or a gyuto for that matter). They do, however, handle vegetables better than a fat Wusthof--though that's mostly to do with the shortcomings of a German profile and the relatively thin steel--and are better than a dedicated vegetable knife like a nakiri if you want to cut up chicken once a month.

>> No.4674123

>never heard of balsamic


Anyway for me it's
Carbon Mora
Cast iron halfwok
Chicken Liver

>> No.4674140
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1204486735-glestain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is granton dimples that size just plain doesn't work. It's a marketing gimmick. Or it looks cool. Or something.

If a granton edge is important to you (and I'm not saying it is important to you in particular, just using the "universal" you), Glestain's "turn it up to 11" granton edge is really the only way they're going to make a functional difference.

>> No.4674156
File: 93 KB, 400x528, garlicpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good for meat

>> No.4674157
File: 73 KB, 615x615, muhsaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gentle.

>> No.4674169

>being this much of an idiot.

You don't use knives do you?

>> No.4674177

That looks disturbingly like a non-stick wok. If it isn't, and if you don't mention the v-word, I'll give it a passing grade as garlic is brilliant and that's a perfectly cromulent knife choice if you aren't dealing with meat.

>> No.4674192

I just pulled the first non-rectangular image for a wok off google. Didn't mean a nonstick in specific.

Also, definitely not using that knife for meats. I have to do a lot of tedious vegetable/garnish bullshit, and it makes that so easy.

>> No.4674196
File: 44 KB, 657x600, owmyballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trying.

>> No.4674379


>Thinking the shit you buy at the grocery store is Balsamic

Take a closer look at that label nigga, no red wine vinegar here.