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File: 48 KB, 560x420, 6C8444428-130727-low-wage-strike-02.blocks_desktop_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4673451 No.4673451 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4673471

With unemployment around 10% and even high for young people, striking seems like the best idea for these uneducated asshats.

>> No.4673473

they can just hire someone that will work for minimum wage.

>> No.4673495

In my experience, most fast food workers make a buck or so over minimum wage and can become shift leader in less than a year, bringing more money in.

And this is for unskilled labor in air conditioning with scheduled hours. I think it's generous what most of them get already.

>> No.4673496

Yeah, but those guys are scabs. Who wants a scab in the kitchen?

>> No.4673499

gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8!

>> No.4673501


>> No.4673507



Easy job anyone can do. Fast food establishments should be dropping these people and getting some of the millions who want jobs.

>> No.4673533


If they're actually unionized, that would be illegal.

I find that difficult to believe though, given that it's fast food.

>> No.4673540

Does the US have different minimum wages by age and by state? In the UK, minimum wage for under 18s is $5.65 (combine that with much higher living costs).

>> No.4673543

No, it's set federally for all workers.

>> No.4673544

>go on strike for higher pay
>not getting paid during strike
>end up losing more money on the strike than you'd make in extra pay over the next 3 years

Just get a better job for fuck sake.

>> No.4673556

You're an idiot, refer to http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/america.htm

>> No.4673557

Well taking that into account, these cunts can easily afford a high quality of life on minimum wage. I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for them.

>> No.4673564


I've worked in construction. You make about the same, maybe a little more, starting out, except you have to buy all your own gear, you work in rain, shine, hot and cold, snow and sleet, and you're frequently exposed to real danger. You can be scheduled, but you can also be on call.

Sure, fast food is menial, unrewarding and shitty, but at least it's reasonably comfortable, dependable and safe.

Fuck, a lot of fast food joints even get benefits.

>> No.4673576

Yeah, I guess. I live in one of those blue states. I know that legally any state (or even smaller jurisdictions) can set whatever minimum wage rate they want, but I didn't know the extent of it.

>> No.4673582

>Raises minimum wage to $15
>a third of the staff at fast food restaurants gets cut
>No over time
>Everything becomes more expensive
>Things become ever more difficult for the poor and unemployed

>> No.4673589

there is a federal minimum wage, but many states have their own higher one

>> No.4673597

basically any raise in minimum wage results in more minimum wage workers becoming unemployed and/or having their hours cut

It also harms everyone already unemployed and those it make unemployed by directly raising costs, and harms pretty much everyone who makes above minimum wage

Its usually just completely uneducated emotional liberals who ever think raising minimum wage is a good thing

>> No.4673615

Minimum wage where I live (california) is $8.00. On the VERY rare off chance you get a full-time job, which in the current market is unlikely, you'll be working 40hrs a week.

$320 a week is $1280 a month before taxes, in my paycheck I get about $970 a month. The cheapest 1 bedroom apartment in my town is $550 a month, leaving me around $400 left for food and bills.

High quality life my ass.

>> No.4673616

Fun fact, Costco pays their low level employees 40 grand a year with very good hours and they are still very profitable.

>> No.4673621

They often suggest that if the minimum wage were raised to $15/hour or higher then all those on minimum wage could afford to live without government support.

When you propose the minimum wage be $100/hour for even greater wealth they look at you like you're the retard.

>> No.4673623

Fun fact, businesses are different from each other.

>> No.4673624

>then all those on minimum wage could afford to live without government support.
except that the price of nearly everything those people currently buy would skyrocket, and half of them would probably end up unemployed

>> No.4673629


I'm sorry, but if you want a job, and you're sane enough to hold a job, you can get a job.

And I don't see how it harms people who make above minimum wage. You mean it hurts their feelings because they used to make considerably more than people at Wendy's, and now the wage gap is smaller?

>> No.4673637

>And I don't see how it harms people who make above minimum wage
because prices go up, so now what they make is effectively less
Do you think business will just take all of the increased costs to them at a loss? No they will both decrease employment and increase prices to offset it of course

just look at australia, minimum wage is really high, and everything is expensive as shit so no one is better of for their increased minimum wages

>> No.4673638

Minimum wage was never supposed to be a living wage.

Flipping burgers isn't worth that much, and it's something a 16 year old should get as a first job.

>> No.4673644

But fast food is a fucking job for high school kids, not for people trying to support a family
I say just let them quit and let the high school kids take the jobs.

>> No.4673645

if you are over the age of 16 and making minimum wage, it is entirely your own fault.

You have to be extremely unproductive and a terrible employee to find yourself in that position as an adult

>> No.4673651

for me, working those shit jobs where i was earning crap pay for tedious and trivial work only motivated me to fucking get out quick and find a better job.
these people are perfectly content with being on the lowest end of the work spectrum, but want to get paid as much as a real line cook who works his shit off.
frankly, i think the companies they work for should be held a little more responsible and make pay raises easier to attain for those willing to stay

>> No.4673654

exactly, you don't deserve a comfortable wage if all you are willing to do is fast food work, and the government mandating everyone get an extremely comfortable wage will just make people even more lazy

>> No.4673658

You have internet access and presumably a PC. Most people in the world don't.

>> No.4673662


You sound like a brat.

I bet your daddy got you a job, and you've never had to bust your ass to get your foot in the door.

It's a tough racket if you don't know someone to hold the door for you.

>> No.4673666

Not that guy, but would you mind going into detail about why that has any relevance to what he was saying?

Also, public computers are available at most libraries for free.

>> No.4673672
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Paula Deen had the right ideas. We should use her business sense to revive the economy

>> No.4673673

in california you can make more per week on unemployment than actually working average hours at a mcjob
they're already making it too easy

>> No.4673675

He says his $400 left after rent isn't enough for a high quality of life. Affording something, which most people don't, would put you at the upper end of the wealth spectrum.

>> No.4673678

No it's not, you probably are just a shitty worker.

My coke and heroin addicted friend is now a CnC machinist after a year. Each time my dumbass felon friend got out of jail he found a decently paying job within a month. My drunk driving idiot friend found a job last year at a warehouse starting at 10 an hour.

These are the biggest drug addled morons that I am acquainted with, and they call can find jobs.

>> No.4673684

i understand both points.
he did say 400 for food and bills, which realistically is going to leave him jack shit for luxuries like internet, cable or nice things in general.
but the fact that he can afford an apartment puts him better off than some, if not most

>> No.4673694


Then get some roommates.

Hell this isn't the 50's anymore, my wife and I couldn't support our family without both of us working.

>> No.4673700

The problem with a lot of these "living wage" arguments is that the living wage is calibrated to a two-person household with 2 kids and they want to adjust the minimum wage to fit that lifestyle. If you're making a minimum wage you should not have kids and should probably be living with roommates to help offset costs. This is the most logical thing to do if in that situation.

>> No.4673703

Yes, it was, but it never properly adjusted for inflation and so these fifty-cent raises it occasionally gets is a bad way to compensate.

>> No.4673706

>oink oink oink

sorry I don't speak capitalist pig latin

>> No.4673707

>in fucking new York city
I would not set foot in that high price city if I wasn't making six figures annually.

>> No.4673716

I can survive on $7.25 if I work 40hrs a week and take home $7 of that while the other .25 goes to taxes.

7x40 is $280. 280x4 is $1120

My rent is $410, my phone bill is $70, my cats cost $100 a month, my heat/electricity is $50-$120. So about $600-700 for those and $400-$500 left over for food and savings.

Of course... I live in an 8 apartment building in a ~450 square foot apartment, trash and water are paid for by landlords or the county, and I can't afford a car, insurance or gas. I also live alone and have no kids. I could even live on 30hrs/WK.

So as long as you have only yourself to pay for, don't have cable, are lucky enough to have internet on a phone, don't need a car, and plan to never go to the doctor unless you're on death's door, $7.25 is perfectly reasonable! Hell, if you had a spouse working for $7.25 you could probably afford to have one kid and eat well enough. Life is boring when you're not struggling daily anyways.

>> No.4673721


The living wage concept, and minimum wage in general, is poorly suited to accommodating shifts in the cost of living. 35 hours a week at minimum wage in rural Kansas will leave you with a much better take home than 35 hours a week at minimum in NYC, where you will be living and eating in the same place: a dumpster.

>> No.4673723


I know people who often suggest the minimum wage shouldn't be as high as it is, but when you propose that there should be no minimum wage for even lower prices on consumer goods they look at you like you're the retard.

>> No.4673727
File: 83 KB, 600x387, 1371680799629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I will never have a mammy to take care of me like Scarlett O'Hara in gone with the wind.

>> No.4673735


> assuming that market prices for essentials would all shift upwards concurrently, even though these people already buy those products at current market prices
> assuming that no change in either demand or supply justifies a price increase out of line with inflation
> implying an increase in disposable income doesn't result in increased spending on non-essential goods

Yeah. Nah. I think you missed a class, pal.

>> No.4673746
File: 6 KB, 197x250, HNI_0038_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.25 goes to taxes.

>> No.4673747


I think he's trying to insinuate that as the wages of all of the people involved in the handling and transport of goods increases (assuming they all made minimum wage, which is unlikely), that the price of the goods themselves would increase to the point where raising the minimum wage would be pointless.

Yes, there would be some swing, but not to the degree you're implying.

>> No.4673762


I don't think there'd be any swing. Retail staff and some mid-sized manufacturing staff are the only ones making minimum wage. Any large scale, unionized plant is making well above minimum already. Small-time manufacturing startups are usually family businesses or piece work. Transport drivers and lift-truck certified warehouse drivers make well above minimum, internationally manufactured goods would be unaffected because they're not produced within the jurisdiction, etc. There would be a marginal increase in costs, if any, and the market could certainly bear it without it being pointless. I'd be more worried about increases in energy costs driving costs up and effective takehome down before I'd worry about a marginal minimum wage increase ruining everything for everyone. And to that end: energy costs have nothing to do with minimum wage, so much as they have to do with rich industrialists speculating.

>> No.4673768

sorry buddy but taxes is around 25% of your total paycheck and not just 25 cents

>> No.4673769

you live in california. a place well known to be one of the worst places on the planet to live

africa is better m8

>> No.4673948

You must be unfamiliar with the sheer number of unskilled labor jobs.

You can't pay someone fifteen bucks an hour to just flip a burger or fill a frosty, because the labor is not worth that much. A job is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it/the market is willing to bear.

>> No.4673971

those are ridiculous assumptions to make

life isn't very hard, there is pretty much no excuse for an adult to put themselves in a situation where they are only qualified to make minimum wage

>> No.4673975

maybe you should fucking move out of california then

>> No.4673979

To be honest 7.25 would have even been too low for Federal Min Wage in the 90s.

>> No.4673986

What's so unusual about minimum wage workers asking for a higher wage where there's a higher cost of living? In australia minimum wage is $15.96/hr, and everyone knows australia is fuck all expensive compared to the usa.

People are acting like these are hicks out in the middle of nowhere who don't have commutes, have lower taxes, and get the full 40 hours per week guaranteed. Even if the argument is that someone can survive on $7.25 full time, you're ruling out the majority of people who only work in those places part time to begin with who certainly won't be getting 40 hours a week.

>> No.4673987

>would have even been too low for Federal Min Wage in the 90s
but it was lower then

and we made it out fine

what the fuck does "too low" mean to you?

>> No.4673989

>What's so unusual about minimum wage workers asking for a higher wage where there's a higher cost of living
if they put this much effort into their actual jobs they wouldn't be making minimum wage

>> No.4673992

>and everyone knows australia is fuck all expensive compared to the usa.
you don't think that is in part because of their ridiculous minimum wage? (in addition to living on a desert island of course)

>> No.4673995

Last month or so there was an impromptu rally/strike thing in Seattle for people calling for above $15 wage which I found kind of absurd.

Our minimum wage is like $9.20 or something in Washington state though.

>> No.4673996

That doesn't answer the question.

No, you've got a source to prove that it does?

>> No.4673998

>and we made it out fine

>implying you ever worked a day in your life in the 90s

Too low means that you have to work upwards of 80 hours just to make ends meat.

>> No.4674000

Hicks living in the middle of nowhere have much further commutes

also people choose where to live. If you are so lazy that you can only earn minimum wage, what the fuck are you doing trying to live in a place you can't afford?

>> No.4674005

>Even if the argument is that someone can survive on $7.25 full time
they literally do do that

>> No.4674009

>That doesn't answer the question.
It is unusual because they are lazy assholes at work, but willing to put in the time and effort for some inconsequential protest

>> No.4674011

>you've got a source to prove that it does
thats very simple economics. Even hardcore liberals agree that minimum wages lead to higher prices

>> No.4674014

>Too low means that you have to work upwards of 80 hours
no one has to do that, unless you are trying to support other individuals on your own labor, but that is your own decision

>> No.4674018

>Hicks living in the middle of nowhere have much further commutes
You got proof? Sounds like a blanket statement. And I know because I live in the middle of nowhere and everyone employed in fast food lives within a 15 minute drive of it. You're telling me someone who has to commute via subway or bus in nyc is only going to have a 15 minute car commute? Please bro.
Barely when you're in the bigger cities, hence why people are not calling it an actual 'surviving' wage. Wanna bet these people are probably on welfare too?

>> No.4674027

>You got proof
by definition of the middle of nowhere, i feel that is a pretty safe assumption

and I said further, not shorter time. 15 minutes driving 70MPH is gonna cost a hell of a lot more than walking 30 minutes in a major city or taking a 40 minute mass transit ride

>> No.4674029

>Wanna bet these people are probably on welfare too?
Do you think they would stop if minimum wage was raised?

>> No.4674036

I make 11.35 an hour in Ohio. That was my starting wage at this position. All I had to do was look around.

Friends at walmart make >10 most positions. Friend at local grocery store makes 9 working the cash register.

In short, besides McDonalds I don't actually know any place that gives people minimum wage

>> No.4674037

They may not stop, but they sure as hell won't qualify for it

>> No.4674039

>15 minutes driving 70MPH

>walking 30 minutes in a major city
>implying people making minimum wage to begin with are going to be living a 30 minute walking distance from their jobs, especially in manhatten

>taking a 40 minute mass transit ride will cost less
Well hurradurr dingus. But the downside to that is what would take you a 20 minute commute in your own personal car is then doubled on mass transit. Time is a resource.

Some might actually once they, you know, get on a wage that's actually livable for their circumstances.

>> No.4674042

>Some might actually once they, you know, get on a wage that's actually livable for their circumstances.
You know they could actually earn a wage like the rest of us by actually working hard. They don't need fucking Obama to step in and save them

>> No.4674043


>> No.4674049

Yes, i am implying some of them live within a 30 minute walk of a fast food place

>> No.4674052

>earn a wage like the rest of us by actually working hard
How can you assume that when you don't know that for a fact tho? Some of those individuals might be trying to go to school, some of them might be working up job experience to apply to a better position.
You can work your ass off at that place but still get paid the same minimum wage. I don't get your point with this.

>> No.4674054

I worked at a BK for awhile a few months back as a second job for some extra change. Got the overnight shift as a cashier immedietly since I was over qualified and that's what I asked for. I noticed the starbucks in the same shopping center had tip jars for the baristas.. so I had a thought one night and put out my own tip jar.

Did get a few bucks out of it, but some shit told the manager and that became a big no no.

I mean hell why not

>> No.4674055

and this is how we get shit like outsourcing

>> No.4674056
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>well some people live at x so therefore it's justified to not give the rest of the people who don't an opportunity to be paid fairly

>> No.4674057

so because a small minority of minimum wage earners are actually trying or at least we can't prove they are not, the government should entitle every one of them to more money?

>> No.4674058

Yep, sure, uh-huh. You know, its funny how people say "people are poor because they are lazy shits who depend on Obama's handouts", but once they are in that position, they are the first that go to the welfare line.

>> No.4674063

I just don't understand how someone could be dumb enough to put themselves in a situation where they are only qualified to make minimum wage

hell i worked at a fucking grocery store when I was 15 and they payed me more than minimum wage and I had absolutely no qualifications to do anything

>> No.4674065

It's hard to read this thread without the choking on the stench of white suburban entitled middle class teenage libertarian pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

we could have a star trek like egalitarian utopia right now if it weren't for you fuckers gagging yourselves on the cocks of the rich and powerful.

>> No.4674069

>small minority
Your argument doesn't work without this assumption. And that's why nobody can agree with you about that. Unless you do a study on the work ethic of these people, you can't claim this.

>> No.4674070

living at x is a choice, you aren't entitled to have the government legislate that employers pay you more if you want to live in a more expensive neighborhood

>> No.4674075

>ou know, its funny how people say "people are poor because they are lazy shits who depend on Obama's handouts", but once they are in that position, they are the first that go to the welfare line.

who are these people you speak of?

Have you ever actually known someone like this?

>> No.4674079

Its not that most poor people are lazy (though many of them are) its that they are really dumb and make terrible decisions

If you are either hard working or smart, it is very easy to at least make a moderate wage in america

>> No.4674082

It's hard to read this thread without facepalming at dipshit libtards with unfounded optimism and the lack of even the basic precursors to economics 101.

The hard truth is, sometimes people are only worth the least you can legally pay them, and even then sometimes less. Minimum wage isn't supposed to be a livable one, it's for unskilled entry positions, first time jobs for minors, completely unskilled labor with a large replaceable labor pool, etc.

>> No.4674083

>If you are either hard working or smart, it is very easy to at least make a moderate wage in america

Lol, sure champ.

>> No.4674084

>Implying people don't take shit jobs out of desperation when the unemployment rate is high

Fuck you and the rancid cunt that shat you into this world.

>> No.4674085

but you can claim I am wrong and we should assume you assumptions without any evidence at all, despite the fact that your spin is way less believable?

>> No.4674087

have you ever been to america?

Life is not very tough to figure out if you are content to be in the middle class

>> No.4674089


2/10 for you restraint from using "hippy" "hipster" or "upwardly-mobile colored gentlemen".

>> No.4674092

>suburban entitled white douche

It's creepy how readily you adopt the philosophy of wall street sociopaths when they are just biding their time to fuck you over like they have everyone else.

>> No.4674093

>Minimum wage isn't supposed to be a livable one, it's for unskilled entry positions, first time jobs for minors, completely unskilled labor with a large replaceable labor pool, etc.

For someone who talks about "economics 101" you seem to forget America's deplorable unemployment rate right now, a serious lack in the job market, and the financial desperation of people who take on these jobs because of no other option. The rules are changing because that economic system of minimum wage being only an "entry level" job is virtually dead.

>> No.4674095

I don't get it though. I know a chick here who is head of the delli department at a locally owned grocery store. Makes close to $10 an hour while minimum wage is like 7.25. She still falls under the aid bracket and receives EBT payments for food.

These people can live just fine if they go and get government aid. If you are over 18 and making minimum wage I'm pretty sure you have to qualify for aid

>> No.4674096

Yes. My stepfather. Hates Obama with a passion and spouts shit that would make /pol/ proud. Still didn't stop him from telling my mom to get us Food Stamps. And he STILL bitched about it.

>> No.4674099

Then let me be more precise then: Fucking idiots who think politics is based on emotion instead of intellectual thought, reason, practicality, history, or applied economics.

>> No.4674101

he's paying for em, why deny him his money?

>> No.4674105

Thats bullshit logic on your part. Just because you don't support a political idea, doesn't mean you shouldn't take advantage of the results when in a situation that allows you too.

I am against a lot of entitlements, but if I were qualified for them I would surely take them until they no longer exist.

>> No.4674106

>If you are over 18 and making minimum wage I'm pretty sure you have to qualify for aid

Depends what kind of aid you consider to be helpful at that point. Certain kinds of welfare will not be given to you solely for the fact that you make minimum wage and are over 18. You might be eligible for a bit of food stamps, but most people get rejected when it comes to insurance (medicaid) and any kind of housing assistance. Unless of course you pop out kids.

>> No.4674108

I'm this anon

Cry me a river. When former junkies and felons can find careers promptly with just a little effort, and not even in an area with high job growth, then it's really hard for me to be sympathetic.

>> No.4674112

You can make a livable wage and still get handouts from big government. Which then turns what you make into more spending money. A lot of these people are just too proud, or too dumb, to go do it.

(although our state is arguing a bill right now that will make people getting food stamps have to be drug tested monthly, that might make a lot drop out of the program)

>> No.4674116

yeah I pretty much just meant food stamps. The summer I graduated high school I applied and got that shit. Don't need it now and don't have it, but it will get these people food and let them have some more money to spend.

Other stuff comes as necessary.. if they end up having kids and such other doors open. Of course there are people who abuse the system too though causing reforms

>> No.4674118

Read up,


>> No.4674120

>Then let me be more precise then: Fucking idiots who think politics isn't about the competing interests of wealthy subhuman scum bribing the government to get what they want from it.

>> No.4674122

>former junkies and felons can find careers promptly
So are you naive or just a shit troll?

>implying if people took advantage of the system like this that everyone in this thread wouldn't be screaming MUH TAXES
It's easier to just say that these people can't win and leave the discussion at that.

>> No.4674132

I work with a lot of pretty dumb people. They do pretty easy jobs both mentally and physically. All of them make between $12-$18 per hour (they also get ample opportunities for overtime) with nothing but a high school education and this is in an area without particularly high cost of living and they aren't unionized, and a lot of them are pretty young so its not like they only hire experienced people.

Knowing a lot of these people really gets me to question how the hell any adult could ever be dumb enough to get in a situation where they are only making minimum wage

>> No.4674133

Because there's a funny thing that if people keep saying "fuck the poor", soon the poor start saying "fuck the rich", and there's always more poor than rich, and if you make them unhappy enough, bad thing happen. Revolutions happen. Thats why "libtards" keep the poor happy. To keep entitled asshole like some people safe in their beds at night and not at the mercy of a REAL socialist, who'd send them to a firing squad

>> No.4674135

Entry level fast food jobs are for teenagers, shift leaders and beyond get paid more for taking on added responsibilities of keeping teens under control. Want more pay, get a better job, don't bitch when you're 30 complaining because you want higher pay without putting effort. You flip burgers for 4-6 hrs a day, you poor thing you. The audacity of it all, in the factory I work at people come in through a temp service making 8$ an hour now that sucks.

>> No.4674136

So, suburban middle class whites are wealthy subhuman scum who bribe the federal government?

Thank you for proving my argument of basing everything on emotion. You can't even answer without going off on a different tangent each time.

>> No.4674137

>Fucking idiots who think politics is based on emotion
well when liberals run the country it is

>> No.4674138

no its my state asshat

>> No.4674139

Naive of what? Having witnessed former junkies finding nice cnc milling careers or a felon coming out of jail and having a fairly well paying warehouse job within a month?

>> No.4674141

>anecdotal personal evidence is a sound basis for forming opinions about anybody struggling to get by in an economy that's been gamed against them for the past 40 years

>> No.4674142

>soon the poor start saying "fuck the rich"
yeah, they have always said that

they are too lazy or dumb to do anything about ti though, thats why they are poor

>> No.4674144


Sounds even easier than I thought. Now I see why that chick I mentioned doesn't want more hours though. $200 a month can more than provide all the meals for one person and probably into the next month

>> No.4674145


>> No.4674146

Whoever is running the place should be fired. Minimum wage. Part Time Only. Learn 2 business.

>> No.4674148

>Thats why "libtards" keep the poor happy
lol, really?

They keep the poor "happy" to pander for votes, nothing more. Little do those simpletons know these policies do nothing to help them in the long term

>> No.4674149

They buy off the poor to buy their votes you blind idiot.

Nobody ever said fuck the poor, only the reality of the fact that some jobs are worth less than others.

God you're stupid.

>> No.4674150

>uses anecdotal evidence as an argument against anecdotal evidence

>> No.4674159

Most of the people who complain about minimum wage live in more expensive then average areas like NY and California. I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and I can get away with $400 rent for a non-shitty apartment. Minimum wage can be pretty easy to live on in rural areas, it's just these people don't want to leave New York City because of the culture.

>> No.4674160

It's criminal that the government doesn't exclusively serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

>> No.4674164

Thats what King Louis, the Czar, and the Shah said, and look how well that worked for them
Politics is all about vote buying. To the left, its emotions about the poor. To the right, its emotions about religion. Its a horrible, disgusting system, but libertarians love to ignore the fact that the ones who benefit most from libertarian policies are the corporations who have the most to gain from killing Big Government

>> No.4674167

>literally putting words in other people's mouths because you are too brainless to have an intellectually charged disagreement

>> No.4674170

I honestly don't blame them for trying to strike, but youre right that it's retarded, having a minimum wage is great, but without controls on corporate pricing of necessities that will cause most faggots to scream socialism, all raising the minimum wage will do is cause the greedy fucking corps to raise prices so they can keep their pressures salaries nice and padded. raising the minimum wage without socialism is like voting to increase inflation.

>> No.4674173

the government shouldn't be serving any group's interest

If the government has the ability to serve a specific group, than means its too powerful

>> No.4674180

The poor have never said "fuck the rich," most revolutions are started by the educated elite. The only time there are actual, legitimate riots by the poor are when there are food shortages or prices are too high.

>> No.4674181

>giving destitute people help when they need it: LIBRUL VOTE BUYING
>giving huge businesses tax breaks, government aid, and stimulus funds: SOUND FISCAL DECISION MAKING

>> No.4674183

heh.. I make enough to have a decent apartment, internet, cable tv, and feed myself well enough and pay the bells, and I still pass the test for aid, didn't know that. Guess I'm going to have some extra money to spend soon

>> No.4674176

Everyone except for dependents and government employees (redundant) gain from killing an out of control government.

>> No.4674178

>all raising the minimum wage will do is cause the greedy fucking corps to raise prices
do you blame them?

I would do the exact same thing if some bureaucrat told me I had to pay my worst employees more

Thats not greed, its common sense

>> No.4674190

>Mollycoddling those who can't cut it in the real world and telling them that they're precious special babbus - GRATEST PARTY IN DER U ESS I LUB MAH 'BAMA FONE

>Telling people to man the fuck up and do some hard work if they're not satisfied with their quality of life instead of giving them handouts - EVIL RACIST REPUBLISCUM THEY SHOT MUH BABY TRAYTRAY HE DUN DO NOTHIN' WRONG

>> No.4674191

its small but involved government that is the bane of corporations, big centralized governments are easier to buy off because you can bypass the state level. voting for most issues on the state level rather than federal prevents the big assholes from just buying everyone so cheaply (though they still can do it, it's just harder)

>> No.4674193

>>giving huge businesses tax breaks
You don't give tax breaks, the government is not entitled to all of your money. Businesses face a very heavy burden from the government both in taxes and in most cases odd regulations.

When you say "give them tax breaks, you are making the shitty assumption that politicians should be entitled to that money

>> No.4674199

Oh no! You'll contribute more to the economy. That's awful, you don't deserve that.

>> No.4674200

Which party most recently decided for humongous corporate bailouts and hooking up multimillion green ventures in "economic stimulus" again?

And you have to be shitting me on "helping the poor" not buying votes.
(uninformed college students wanting the government to pay off their debt)

>> No.4674204

But thats the thing. If things are going pretty good for the poor, they just ignore the left-wing crackpots and go about their lives. But if things get so bad for them, and if they feel that the elite are screwing them royally, the crackpots start making sense. Tbh I think most people on 4chan are either edgy faggots who spew out random shit for lels, neckbeards that haven't worked an honest day in their lives, and the few intellectuals who it is worth arguing with. Sadly, I don't see many of the last one

>> No.4674207

>>I have thousands of acres of property, 20 cars, my own private jet, luxury food, I live in a mansion and have people to wait on me, fuck those guys barely struggling on by on enough to rent out a single room and live off beans and rice, I'm not greedy, I'm just protecting my own interests, thats all.

yeah, not greedy at fucking all.

>> No.4674208

>taxing money taking away from the economy
>in order that it can be spent in the economy

So... circular logic is acceptable?

>> No.4674210

>inb4 libertarian shitstorm

>> No.4674214

>you are not entitled to the fruits of your labor

>> No.4674216

Uh I've worked fast food and this is total bullshit. It's minimum wage and shift leaders don't make more.

>> No.4674217

if you think the wages of executives are a serious issue, you have no idea what is going on

The high wages are bad PR, but they really aren't relevant

>> No.4674219

know what I found hilarious was obongo saying we have to raise the minimum wage so people aren't living in poverty

how about you stop taxing people that can't afford it so much? why does the burden get passed on to the business owner?

and the reason is that its not profitable for the government that way, he wants to raise minimum wage because it means he can tax people more

any time a politican suggests raising minimum wage it is to gouge more tax money out of people.

>> No.4674220

Because you can't be trusted with your own money, you'll spend it on the "wrong" pars of the economy. Only the government knows the best way to spend your money

>> No.4674221

>>you are not entitled to the fruits of your dynasty

>> No.4674223

There is no part of fast food that is comfortable.

>> No.4674224

I guess that's why Australia is in the shitter. Oh wait..

>> No.4674225

prepare for your incoming anal obliteration

>> No.4674226

There are such things as different areas and locations.

In my area it's fairly uncommon to make minimum wage unless you are a low part time summer job underager.

>> No.4674231

you aren't entitled to your parents money

but your parents are surely entitled to do with their hard earned money as they wish

and if you think everyone, or even a small portion of people making above minimum wage are in that place because of hand out s from their parents, you are not very smart

>> No.4674232

were you being ironic? the australian dollar is failing hard.
Do you know anybody in australia?

>> No.4674235

I bitched one summer that I didn't want to mow lawns anymore. It was too hot and too much work. Parents told me to either do it or go spend the summer on my uncles farm.

FUCK YA I thought. Summer vacation, wander the country side..

HAH. That was some real work, and some real respect for where a lot of this shit is supposed to come from. Didn't make a dime that year, but learned a lot.. lived off what we grew/killed...

That's what they ought to do with this bitches complaining. Go make them work on a farm for a few weeks. Should change their tune real fast

>> No.4674236

>80% of the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans inherited their fortune
I didn't know winning the lottery counted as "labor" now. Learn something new every day.

>> No.4674241

Not him but m always complimented on what a good worker I am. I don't make over minimum wage as an adult. Stop acting like your case is the same for everyone. It isn't.

>> No.4674243

>you are not entitled to give away the fruits of your labor to others as you please, such as your family and descendants

>> No.4674245

yup every family on that list won the lottery, none of them built business empires, not a single one, nobody worked for that money at all.

I bet you think it not ethical to send your kids to college too right?

>> No.4674247

>ow my feet, this grill is too hot, the customers are poopy pants

Try physical labor.

>> No.4674249

>the Australian dollar is falling hard
>it's on par with the Canadian one and the US one

Wow I guess everyones in the shitter! We're all doomed!

>> No.4674251

no, you are not. if the fruits of your labor involve enslaving a bunch of people and forcing them to work for you bushwacking sugar, you are a fucking greedy shit. It's not hard to see that some scenarios where someone accomplishes something doesn't mean they have the right to do so morally by default. That kind of survival of the fittest bullshit doesn't belong in civilized society, especially not in a land whereby a government exists to protect the people from the wolves. A government that cannot even keep its people from starving, enslaving, or otherwise screwing eachother royaly has no right to even exist, because without providing that safety net, all it is is a leach. Fucks like you would rather let the wolves free and destroy human progress to persue grandious lifestyles (or in the case of the poor, preserve the chance that they might one day get to live that hedonistic lifestyle) People like me would rather the government do its job and confiscate absurd vast ammounts of money to assist people for as long as they're in dire straights.

People are fine with paying billions for military ventures, but god help you if you want to save the lives and homes of the people who live IN OUR OWN BORDERS.

>> No.4674252

Then move to an area that isn't going through localized depression.

>> No.4674253

I find this kind of sad

these jobs are for teenagers to make pocket change during high school, not for adults to support themselves

>> No.4674250

I have. When I worked construction no one bitched at me, no one insulted me, no one withheld pay I earned. They both have their ups and downs but fast food work is still incredibly shitty you snarky little bitch.

>> No.4674254


worked at a local burger joint one year that required EVERYONE has to work the grill/food prep for at least 3 months, before they can even dare think to ask of working cash/window.

Was family friends with the owner so stayed around that place for quite awhile. SO many whiny bitches crying that they wanted to shift to front because of the heat.. it wasn't even that hot. God forbid you sweat a little bit while you're WORKING.


>> No.4674255

What's it like, not being able to infer meaning from the words you read?

>> No.4674256

>family on that list
Individuals =/= families, tustie
>none of them built business empires
Their daddies and granddaddies did
>nobody worked for that money at all
I'm sure it was tough work for them growing up with a butler

>> No.4674259

who gives a shit if the richest inherited?

We are talking about minimum wage earners vs everyone else

stop bring up unrelated emotional issues like the very richest people. This is about lazy poor people vs the every man

>> No.4674260

>Wow I guess everyones in the shitter! We're all doomed!
yes, that is exactly right. Have you been paying attention to any of the recent events on planet earth by chance?

and also the australian dollar is falling faster than the US dollar, considerably so actually

further, if you want to get back into australian minimum wage being so high and claiming it doesnt hurt anyone, then you are probably unaware how ridiculously expensive everything in australia is. $90-$110 for a videogame for example, double the american price. food is expensive too, people who visit the US from australia are often STUNNED at how inexpensive the food is.

>> No.4674261

you have to actually be retarded to say that.

>> No.4674262

Yeah I'll just leave my family and friends. Completely uproot my life just to make a dollar more you simpleton.

>> No.4674263

Your response bears absolutely zero relation to what you're responding to, but I'm sure you worked hard to get your dad to give you a Porshce for your 16th birthday.

>> No.4674264

>seriously being one of those ITS HABBENING fags

>> No.4674265

>non-poor people with non-poor parents are only non-poor because of their entitlement it has nothing to do with genetics

>> No.4674266

You just listed things that are not guaranteeable. I've worked in construction where I was bitched at, insulted, and definitely had to take a major pay cut when the housing market crashed.

The things that are guaranteed in fast food is that you have scheduled time (instead of contracted or salary which is a lot of construction), air conditioning, and the higher chance that you will have to deal with idiots.

>> No.4674267

make sure you tell your parents to never leave you any money after they die, I want you to ensure that 100% of their money just simply gets thrown into the garbage when they pass and their land gets liquidized and sold back to the state. You get nothing because apparently it is wrong of your parents to want to give their children a good life.

>> No.4674268

>in high school
>during high school

I don't know what planet you all are living on. Jobs are so scarce adults are having to take these jobs while trying to find work they actually have experience / skills in. Also teenagers are more and more being told NOT to work as it disrupts education.

I know the fast food places around here hates hiring teenagers because they can only work them so many hours compared to adults, so they end up having to hire more of them

>> No.4674269

You'd have to never have worked fast food to say its comfortable. Stay there your whole life working if you want dipshit.

>> No.4674271

are you really trying to deny that the global economy is in shambles?

>> No.4674273

Are you fat?

Anyway, your "case" is very isolated from the reality of most of the world. Go be a contrarian somewhere else.

>> No.4674275

>people who visit the US from australia are often STUNNED at how inexpensive the food is.

All you have to do is pay people shit wages that aren't enough to keep them from starving. Problem Solved.

>> No.4674276

Well then you were a shitty construction worker. In fast food I was told when I left they thought I was a employee so I was stunned because they were always so shitty as were the customers.

>> No.4674278

Uh no I've worked fast food and air conditioning is not guaranteed. At mcdonalds it frequently broke and being next a fryer made me sweat constantly whether it was on or not.

>> No.4674279
File: 33 KB, 480x426, fat_cat_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $300 left after rent every month, and I can STILL afford to pay electric, gas, internet, food and video games if I want.

I'm not swimming in the lap of luxury, but I never go hungry, i'm comfortable, and knee-deep in vidya.
If I can't afford it right now, I just save up for it.

I think some people just don't understand that its not a good idea to spend $100 on a pair of shoes every month instead of paying off thier electric bill.
Its not that hard to live on your own, even in this so-called 'terrible economy'.
Just don't live beyond your means. Its not that difficult.

>> No.4674280

Implications, the magnitude of which I haven't seen in quite a long time.

Please go sit in the corner and let the adults talk.

>> No.4674282

That's some ragetacular hyperbole you're spitting out. Take a Valium and read fifty pages of the Fountainhead, it'll calm you down.

>> No.4674283


Pol pls go

>> No.4674284

>workers uniting to create working conditions favorable to them: TYRANNY
>wealthy people doing the same thing for themselves and far more effectively due to corruption: WHOOHOO FREEDOM

>> No.4674285

No it isn't an isolated incident as many people who are adults work minimum wage. If you want to deny reality that's your problem fat ass.

>> No.4674286
File: 74 KB, 580x402, obesity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that aren't enough to keep them from starving
when was the last time an american starved because of being poor?
the fact is the poorest americans (black southerners) are by far the most obese

>> No.4674287

all you have to do is stop taking 30% of peoples pay and let them keep what they earn

you know an employer with a $7.50 an hour employee is actually paying $11-$12 an hour to keep them because of the taxes they need to pay to have an employee?
and then those same dollars get taxed again

how about you stop taxing so much and let people keep the money they earn as well as give the employer more wiggle room to pay their workers

>> No.4674288

*a good employee is what I meant obviously

>> No.4674289

It's been repeatedly stated that minimum wage is livable if you don't live in an expensive shithole like LA or NYC. Cost of living is far more important than minimum wage.

>> No.4674291

I worked there for a few years. It was very comfortable. Burgerville for 1 year, a cafe/bakery for another, and there we made everything from "scratch" which just meant cooking/cutting meat and baking bread for sandwiches.

It was slightly less comfortable than the biology lab I work in now. But it was still piss easy and I spent 80% of the time talking with other kids my age about random shit. Even when we were understaffed at the cafe I still had free food all day in an air conditioned environment that I learned every detail of in a matter of weeks.

>> No.4674292

maybe if they stopped smoking they wouldn't be so poor

never see anyone but poor people smoking these days

>> No.4674293

you actually have logical response here
You say inheritance is wrong, unless it is YOUR inheritance that is

>> No.4674296

>if you want to deny reality
>fat ass
If the best you can come up with for a response is rephrasing the same shit I said, you're not an adult. You could have just used "i know you are but what am I?"

Fuck off.

>> No.4674297

They have no right to horde wealth to the point where others are unable to put a roof over their heads or get medical attention for preventable illness.

>> No.4674298

>tfw just realized I spent the past 30 min arguing with underage trolls and neckbeards about this shit, while most of them are pulling shit from there ass

never change /pol/

>> No.4674299

>many people who are adults work minimum wage
not really, most people only make minimum wage at their very first job if they ever do

people over the age of 21 making minimum wage are extremely rare, and almost all of them are people who have immigrated here in the last year or two

>> No.4674300

Your post makes no sense, learn to proofread.

Oh lord! Try roofing, or sodding in the heat for physical labor. Or, you know, doing something skilled like wiring a house, building a deck, running machinery, or something else that an unskilled burger flipper cannot do.

Fast food is unskilled tediousness, not hard work or skilled labor (unless you're in marketing, accounting, higher management, or something along those lines)

>> No.4674301

If you had that much time to shoot the shit with employees you were either terrible or your store was not nearly as busy as most fast food places. I was told to never stop moving and there were always customers so I never could stop even if I wanted to.

>> No.4674302

Stopped smoking, drinking, and wasting money on lotto tickets and using thier foodstamp cards to shop at gas stations.

It would be wonderful.
....but then the poor people would start to get bored and cause trouble. You 'need' smokes and drugs and booze and religion to keep the unwashed masses satisfied and passive.

>> No.4674303

keep in mind that unions are legal, while price fixing is not. Refusing to sell your labor below a certain price is allowed/encouraged by the government.

>> No.4674304

you being rich doesn't make anyone else unable to put a roof over their head or get medical attention

that is ridiculous logic

>> No.4674305

>They have no right to horde wealth
yeah they do, if it belongs to you you can do what ever you want with it actually

>> No.4674307

>makes a random fat insult
>gets ass pained when it happens to him

I bet you just love that you think that gives you an excuse to pussy out of an argument. You lost. Get over it.

>> No.4674308

>That's some ragetacular hyperbole you're spitting out. Take a Valium and read fifty pages of the Fountainhead, it'll calm you down.

Americans are hilarious. Keep sucking corporate dick and praying for that trickling down wealth lol.

>> No.4674310

No it isn't extremely rare. Every minimum wage job I've worked has had old people.

>> No.4674318

I'm on a waiting list to be a door greeter at walmart.

Apparently every old person in town applies there. Lazy bastards

>> No.4674319


You realize that they invest, right? And that it helps those they invest in, their dependents/subcontractors and so on down the line, right?

Money is only stagnant for fools.

>> No.4674320

How dumb do you have to be to think fast food is uncomfortable though? I don't know where you work but practically any fast food store I've walked into or drove by was a casually busy place that probably only saw stress rise during lunch time or late at night on a friday/saturday.

I can do this shit all day. hurr if you were always busy you must have been a slow worker.

>> No.4674321

>trickling down wealth
you know that is an imaginary idea made up by the left that nobody on the right has ever suggested?
it is a straw man wrapped in a red herring, there is not a single republican economist that has ever suggested a trickle down theory, no such theory exists.

>> No.4674314

>your post makes no sense

Then try learning some reading comprehension and come back to me.

>> No.4674315

>underage trolls and neckbeards
>pulling shit out there ass
and you thought a /pol/ thread would be any different?

>> No.4674323

I was 20 years old once, too.

>> No.4674324

You even said that you mistyped, and even then it was just some petty non-connected insult. Fuck off.

>> No.4674325

I don't know what argument you're talking about, but I don't think anything coming from an "adult" who works min wage is going to be an insult.

>> No.4674326

Because there were customers constantly and it was hot as fuck back there. People demeaned you on both ends of the counter. I don't know why you think that's comfortable. Maybe you're just suited for a life in fast food.

>> No.4674327

>having worked more than one minimum wage job in your life

what the fuck were you doing to earn that?

>> No.4674329

Then you worked an easy fast food job. At mcdonalds customers never stopped coming.

>> No.4674330

>horde wealth
Hahaha, oh wow. You do realize that rich people don't have giant towers full of gold and jewelry like Scrooge McDuck, don't you? Putting money in investments or stocks isn't hording, it still helps the economy. To say rich people are "hording" wealth means you have zero fundamental understanding of how money or the economy even works.

>> No.4674332
File: 157 KB, 486x352, viralmarketing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You say inheritance is wrong
I never said anything of the sort, short bus. I said that for the person inheriting--and, since you're thick as pig shit I'm gonna reiterate I'm only talking about the person inheriting here--the money it takes about as much dedication, effort, and hard work to inherit a fortune as it does to win the lottery.

Less, actually. Since you actually have to go out and buy a lottery ticket. To inherit a fortune you mostly have to manage to not kill yourself; the rest is down to daddy sticking his dick in mommy a couple decades back before she shat your entitled ass out.

But absolutely, he did the work and deserves to point the bulk of the fruits of his labors where he wants. But it doesn't mean the person receiving said fruits has done any more to deserve it than or contributed to society or industry or culture or any damn thing more than some dumb shmuck who buys a lucky ticket.

>> No.4674337

The mad is palpable.

>> No.4674338

low pay uneducated workers can't economy.
Raising minimum wage is a sign of a inflating economy and is never, ever a good thing for an economy.

>> No.4674334

That's how it is for a lot of people. But like I said its stupid too assume there are no adults working minimum wage.

>> No.4674341

You made that word salad without reading any of my posts.

You could argue like that about any job. Name any job that you think is comfortable and I will shit all over you for it. There's a reason there is such a huge number of fucking 16 year old kids working in fast food.

>> No.4674342

>the rest is down to daddy sticking his dick in mommy a couple decades back before she shat your entitled ass out.
oh man, getting too edgy for me

>> No.4674339

>That's how it is for a lot of people
and that is entirely their own doing

I have little sympathy for people who do dumb things

>> No.4674343

No one cares about your sympathy.

>> No.4674344

...aaaaand? Because you cannot choose to be a rich man's son means that all the wealth should be stripped from the rich man? Is that your implication?

>> No.4674346

I actually never suggested anybody deserves their parents money, if you pay attention I said their parents can do what ever they want with their money which usually means giving it to their kids in some way or another.

I'm sorry the rich kids were mean to you at school but you shouldn't resent them because their parents were better than yours

>> No.4674347

I did the same as you for a long time, till my job screwed me, regardless this isn't me I'm worried about, I'm not exactly in the same position anymore, but I know I'll get there, what I do know is that I can't live like that because most of these places don't offer any form of health care ever. but regardless I dont have any immediate medical issues, there are people who do however and there are people with thirty fucking cars and planes and helecoptors and military ventures worth billions that could have been spent on keeping buisnesses running and keeping people alive and healthy. they find tax loopholes and pay off government to subsidise their shit and break laws and get away with it, all in murderous indifference to the people out there who have next to little. The wealth disparity in america is absurd, and they wouldn't have to give up much compared to ANYONE else who had to give up a similar fraction of their income. They could still drive and afford a car, they could still afford a nice house, they could still afford a chauffeur, they could still afford a maid, they could still afford good food and a cook, they don't need to live on a god damn estate to shame all of the nobility of eras past. If shit were great, if people didn't need help that would be easily available where not these assholes hording greedily, I would not give two fucks how lavish they wanted to live, as long as they didn't use their wealth and influence to screw anyone that wasn't them (they do this all the time as well)

sadly we do not live in such a world.

>> No.4674348

Because it is unskilled work. Doesn't make it any less shitty.

>> No.4674349
File: 60 KB, 328x450, prettybigguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mad is palpable
That's condescension and derision, skippy. I'll wait for you to look up what those words mean.

>> No.4674350

not true, thats exactly why these people are protesting

to gather sympathy from the hard working middle classes so they will vote to support their laziness and poor decisions

>> No.4674352

Even people making a few bucks above minimum wage are struggling, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.4674353


>> No.4674354

where the fuck is his feet

>> No.4674355

>reading comprehension of a fifth grader

>> No.4674356

He ate them.

>> No.4674357

Good thing I don't live in some Union infested state

>> No.4674360

>Try roofing, or sodding in the heat for physical labor. Or, you know, doing something skilled like wiring a house, building a deck, running machinery

If you were getting paid at or near minimum wage for that stuff you are an idiot who doesn't know the value of his own labor.

>> No.4674364

The leftist interpretation of trickle down economics, attributed to Reagan, is what that anon was referencing. Quit being dense.

>> No.4674365

Watching threads like this go to shit makes me exceptionally happy to live in a first world country and not the United States.

>> No.4674367

the fuck are you talking about?
There is NO such theory as this "trickle down economics" business, it doesn't exist. nobody has ever suggested it as a theory or as a method to do things

it came from democrats as a way to bash republicans

example, remember when romney said obama was doing "trickle down government" that is what the dems did to the repbublicans "LOL THEY WANT TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS SO STUPID"
nobody from the right ever suggested such a thing

>> No.4674368

>insists reading comprehension
>based on a rambling rant with no overarching point except for "fuck anyone who inherited money"

>> No.4674374

There's literally no point to any of your posts. You have zero goals, you're just whining about pointless shit and expecting everyone to congratulate you. Do you just like to read your own post posts?

>> No.4674376

fell off from the 'beetus.

>> No.4674378
File: 448 KB, 500x280, 1326483324964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...why are you so mad about how much other people make though?
Why do you even give a shit, or let them get you so upset?

Its not other peoples' fault that your life is shit.
You've noone to blame but yourself.
Foodstamps are there. Minimum wage jobs are there. Community colleges and grants that PAY you to educate yourself are there.
You have all this opportunity, but you're still just sitting there bitching and moaning that some guy can afford a few maids and limousines?

I just.. could never be as upset as some of the people in this thread.
I live on my own in my tiny, cozy little apartment, working a job I actually sorta like, and life couldn't be easier or more chilled out.
I think some people just ... 'like' being mad about things all the time.

>> No.4674383

The skilled stuff I get paid a lot more for, but at 16 you should be making minimum wage for working outside doing things like sodding or bringing shingles around to the other workers as a starting pay.

The main argument was type of labor and comfort compared to fast food, which is possibly one of the easiest professions there is on earth.

>> No.4674386

>>helps the economy
Helps other rich people. The poor fuckers don't see a dime. investing in the stock market means youre buying shares and influence in other companies expanding your power and wealth, the people down on the rungs mopping floors in MS's cafeteria don't see any of that wealth unless the people in charge actually say they do. similarly, investing in land does nothing but allow the investor who bought the land to make money off of you renting it from him, investing in technology allows you to then patent it and again make tons of money off of a product you now have a monopoly over for quite some time. Investment does little to help people who need help, but yeah I guess it does keep the corporate empire of the rich fucker going nice and smooth.

>> No.4674388

I'm going to eat your dog food burger, not bus my own table, go use your toilet and sit so I splatter shit up the back of the toilet and maybe the wall. Filthy mexicans trying to make my fast food cost more, it's un American.

>> No.4674390

Except for that Obama did recommend trickle down government economics. Aside form setting up friends and failed green energy companies, a large chunk of the stimulus money went to government entities, which of course was wasted, but in the attempt to "stimulate the economy"

>> No.4674391

>companies get bigger
>more positions open up
>more people can get jobs
>as the company expands to more branches they need more managers
>people have an opportunity to get a good position in the company

wanting companies to be small helps nobody

>> No.4674394

Oh wow, this post.

>> No.4674395

Mostly I like being able to speak in English English.

>> No.4674397

>being hired by a company that has newly invested capital doesn't help the worker in any way whatsoever!

>> No.4674401

>There is NO such theory as this "trickle down economics" business

Who is Milton Friedman

But you're right, it's not a theory, more of a term associated with Reagonomics

>> No.4674406


>> No.4674409

Yes, it actually does. Less monopolies and smaller companies mean greater economic diversity.

>> No.4674414

>Milton Friedman
interesting thing, thomas sowell who as you may know is a student of milton friedman and worked closely with him for many years has been searching for decades now for anything every written anywhere when a republican suggests the theory of trickle down economics

you would think if it came from his mentor that he would know

>> No.4674415

you mean loans. there are loans. lots and lots of fucking loans, and little actual grants.

and its not my own fault I'm in this situation. It's the fault of the people who decided it aught to be legal to pay someone so little they cant buy glasses or get any kind of medical attention worth a damn and they get all of minimum wage to keep them going. I shop frugally, so frugally I surprise most people I know, I hardly buy anything I don't need, and save money religiously to prevent myself from getting evicted in a dry spell, guess what fucking happened?

yeah, my fault I wasn't born so rich I could pay an army of maids to move all my limbs for me for the rest of my life. my fault someone with 30 cars couldn't spend a few hundred on some lenses so I could see biking home at the dead of night from my job on a 10 year old bike. totally all my fault.

>> No.4674416

>dat strawman

As opposed to "You can't change anything, and none of it was ever your fault."

>> No.4674421

>get butthurt about people wanting higher minimum wage
>tout "capitalism" while turning a blind eye to corporate welfare, subsidies, etc.

>> No.4674422

who is talking about monopolies?
you can have large companies still in competition with each other, coke and pepsi, sony microsoft and nintendo, mcdonalds and burger king

being large doesn't mean you monopolize

>> No.4674424

Yes we can blame the high cost of living and the low minimum wage.

>> No.4674426

Jesus you're clueless. Business is an intertangled web, not disconnected entities.

You hurt the top man, then you hurt every hand he relies upon below him to get to him.

>> No.4674427

you mean outsourcing.

>> No.4674428

>can't address the main issue
>bring up tangents of unrelated ones

Modern leftist politics in a nutshell.

>> No.4674429

because you have people like the OP picture that want more money for doing a job a trianed bird can do

>> No.4674430

yes, because lets be serious, the top man would force everyone else to take the hit before he decided maybe 30 cars and a jet is overdoing it.

>> No.4674434

you seem to be confusing capitalism with corporatism

look them up, they are different

>> No.4674435

Are you an idiot?

>> No.4674436

>You can't change anything

I PERSONALLY can't change our corrupt economic system, no.

>> No.4674438

I'd be more inclined to take you seriously if you were literate.

>> No.4674439

where are you going with this? how is it important how complicated the job is? what matters is these people can't live on that wage. they can't get insurance they can't get decent hours so they can attend school, they can barely do anything at all.

Glad you at least are willing to admit your previous statement is bullshit.

>> No.4674440

>I just.. could never be as upset as some of the people in this thread.

You're not a business owner, a labor worker, nor related to anyone who is.

Unions and the economy always get people up in a huff, for good reason, this shit effects not just you or me, but entire generations.

Not that guy you responded to, but he's right, people don't just "horde" wealth, the capitalist system thrives on keeping money moving, whether it's putting it into more assets, building new assets, investing in research or commodities etc

You use money to make money.

>investing in land does nothing but allow the investor who bought the land to make money off of you renting it from him
If you've invested in it, you're supposed to own the land, not rent it off. If he made money off the sale, who cares, you're supposed to have bought that land with a business plan/use in mind for it already ie "You make your profit when you buy, not when you sale"

I encourage you to pick up an ereader and some ebooks on business and finance, I agree with the other guy in saying that you don't have a good foundation in how finance works

Whatever people want to say about Robert Kiyosaki, he's right in one thing, financial education simply does not exist for most people

>> No.4674441

Why are you even if this thread? You haven't offered a sincere argument, it's just an appeal to some vague, stereotypical fat cat that you;re convinced is responsible for everything wrong in the world.

>> No.4674443

you are just showing how little you understand about business

I'll slow it down for you
your job is to scoop popcorn at the movie theater, every hour you generate $10 of profit for the theater, why should I pay you $15 to do it?

>> No.4674444

Thanks to laws preventing that, which were implemented the last time monopolies arose and fucked everyone with the giant cock of "success".

>> No.4674445

Okay, let's put this into perspective. The wide majority of businesses are small. Then medium sized. You advocate policies that affect all businesses negatively so that the minority will "have their comeuppance!"

Then you use emotional arguments based on nothing to try and justify them.

I hope you have come to the realization that you're a fucking idiot.

>investors injecting capital into companies is bad because then the CEO of fortune 500 ones will spend frivelously

>> No.4674448

you seen theatre popcorn prices? $10 is like one order

>> No.4674449

I said it's not a theory you mongoloid

It's a term that goes hand in hand with Reaganomics

Throw your debate with someone who is actually debating

>> No.4674451

what does that have to do with anything?
so you are admitting monopolies are not a problem so why bring them up?

>> No.4674452

Then do it yourself you fucking leech, and learn how to run a fucking business.

>> No.4674453

>what is an evolving English language
>what is the definition of the prefix inter
>what is the definition of the word tangled
>what is me actually having to think of the argument instead of picking up on minutia

>> No.4674454

.>financial education simply does not exist for most people
This x1000. It's abhorrent that high schools in the US don't have a mandatory personal finance class. Schools should probably have an intro to economics class too.

>> No.4674455

>what is overhead
and then you don't have a job at all
good job, now instead of making $7.00 an hour you are making $0

you sure showed me

>> No.4674457

>>Muh luxerious hedonistic lifestyle
If you seriously think the extreme oppulent lifestyle everyone tries to live is not a problem youre an idiot. If you seriously think these big greedy faggots are rare you're even more naive, they're not rare because they're representative of how most people dream to live. if you ask a middle class neighborhood if they'd take a free 10k of magic no inflation moneys if everyone around them got 1000k of the same. guess what they would pick? Fuck no. because they want to be the ones on top. I don't know if this propencity is written in our gene code but if we want to get anywhere involving progress it needs to be stricken from the fucking planet.

>> No.4674459

>tells him to learn to run a business
>in response to a simple example of calculating money in, money out
>proceeds to call him a leech

The irony is so baffling

>> No.4674460

missing the point, it was an example

you need to understand that by raising minimum wage you are putting that burden on all businesses including small ones that cant afford it

people talk about how much they hate large corporations but support policies that create an environment where only they can survive

>> No.4674461

How the fuck is someone a leech if they're offering to pay you money to do a simple task? If you don't think the job is good enough for you don't do it.

>> No.4674463

>yet another strawman

You are like a pet monkey who can spout talking points, but not poignantly use them for an actual argument and instead has to go off to new ones when called on them. Your masters have trained you well.

>> No.4674464

Dude, just leave the thread. No one has any idea what your point is. We're trying to discuss wages and restaurant management, but you keep shitposting about your paranoid fantasies and hatred of rich people.

>> No.4674469

If you ask someone to spend a percentage of their life doing a menial task for you, and you don't compensate them fairly, you are a shitty businessman.

>> No.4674470

just looked in my local paper and the only jobs that weren't trucking, nursing, or unskilled labor asked people to fax their resume.

If you're unemployed.. are you really expected to have a fax machine?

I didn't even know fax machines were still really "in use" outside of office environments

>> No.4674471

Even if they raised the minimum wage, it would only affect businesses that meet certain requirements (number of employees, for example), and of course those businesses would change some things in order to not have to increase their wages. Privately owned businesses would be unaffected.


>> No.4674474

To be fair, the paper is a very old method to begin with, and any library should have a fax machine.

>> No.4674478

>paranoid fantasies
yeah whatever man. not like this shit is happening all around you. not like there's a bunch of people vying for public health care in america and a bunch of rich fuckers trying to either corrupt it so they still make all the money or prevent the government from forcing them to spend their "hard earned cash" on saving human lives alltogether. thats just carazy talk.

No one will ever do this because it's not in the riches interest, they did invent our crumbling two century old education system after all. Schools are run like a production line and are shit. how students are taught and what they are taught are equally retarded. you wont see very many of the right helping with this shit though, that would involve teaching better science and as we all know, the earth was created 6000 years ago.

>> No.4674480

What's the magic number for "fair" compensation? What's the formula for this? Hours * Effort + Dreams^2?

Managing a budget =/= throwing money away

>> No.4674482

>tfw I live off of <$9,000 a year while I'm in school
My minimum wage shit job is %90 of my motivation to further my education.

>> No.4674486

was mine too, too bad mine came with shitty hours and I could never take classes since I had no free days or any period of time where I could conceivably get to class.

>> No.4674490

They can't get a better job, most of them have no higher education.
Still, there are grants you can get to go back to school. My mother was a high school drop out, she got her GED, got a grant and is enrolled in community college learning trade skills and such. It's not much, but it's better than working at McDonald's.

>> No.4674491

I'll solve the low wage labor problem

>everyone gets food stamps
>everyone gets healthcare
>everyone gets a housing voucher
>everyone gets a minor stipend for basic human neccessities
>minimum wage is abolished

you now have to offer people compensation for the work you ask of them that's above basic subsistence living.

Oh no, that would never work. It's a much better system to have a half-assed corrupt hodge podge of government programs to subsidize the shit wages you pay people in a "free market" because you can't figure out how the corporate monoliths controlling your franchise are fucking you whole dong.

>> No.4674495

You are seriously a fucking idiot and there's not even any point to say more than that.

Go take an actual history class or pay attention to real (i.e. not crackpot) politics. The left is in control of academia and has been for a while. And healthcare costs so much because ours is the most advanced, is prone to lawsuit, has much too much government intrusion, we aren't all that healthy, and keeping grandpa alive for a decade past his prime costs a fortune. Your simplistic view that these "rich" boogeymen are in control of everything is seriously some /x/ material or akin to /pol/'s Jew conspiracy.

>> No.4674497

That's pretty awful man. I'm lucky, my bosses realize how important education is and allow my coworkers and I to plan work around classes.

>> No.4674501

>an entity that has financially failed every program it has touched should be given socialistic control of basic facets of human life

You just went full retard.

>> No.4674502

Stop with the polemic and maybe people will take your posts seriously. This isn't Democratic Underground or Revleft.

>> No.4674503

>>whats fair compensation
Can the person eat, put a roof over their head, have access to the internet, get proper medical attention and maintain transportation that lets them get around? (bike, car, bus, whatever works for the area) if the answer to that is yes, It's a fair fucking wage, each one of these things is pretty much vital to todays society. Food is obvious, you also need a safe place to live, sleep, and be, you need proper medical attention so you can eliminate preventable illness, get common fucking shit like corrective lenses or a hearing aid or whatever. and you need access to the internet so that you can learn new things, pay taxes, have access to news, correspond and otherwise grow as a human being. arguably the internet can be replaced with some other less efficient method of doing that. transportation is also obvious.
that's it, that's all anyone really needs to live a normal healthy life.

>> No.4674504

Share a home with several other people who are contributing to the finances, you retards. You don't need a higher education to add.

>> No.4674505

ninjad. 10 star post here.

>> No.4674508

Are you trying to say that every working person deserves that?

Burger flippers? Sign holders? 16 year olds? Entry level positions? Unskilled laborers?

Now THAT is some impractical utopian idiocy.

>> No.4674506

I work as a barista, and I take home about $800 a year just in people's spare change ("gratuities").

>> No.4674513

any entity that gets as huge and corrupt as the current federalist government is going to fail at shit. that's why smaller governments are better. xbox heug corporations fuck up all the god damn time, they are often incredibly inefficient, especially places like japan, where you get people doing one task, and another person doing the exact same task then faxing it so your rich ass old fucker CEO or manager doesn't have to learn to answer an email.

>> No.4674514

>Can the person eat, put a roof over their head, have access to the internet, get proper medical attention and maintain transportation that lets them get around?
So in addition to taking care of the finances of a business, you want them to write off balance sheets for everyone?

You want them to babysit how workers should spend their money? I think you're looking for a more socialistic country to live in

>> No.4674517

Nothing after your first sentence related to anything.

>> No.4674521

He has to report the income, tipping is an income and it's paperwork you're not doing

If he doesn't, he's technically cooking the books which really is a big no no

Starbucks probably has a system in place already to add in the tips

>> No.4674530

are you trying to say anyone doesn't? thats not some utopia, the utopia is the huge fucking mansion or estate rich people live on with all the luxuries they can possibly want. sans medicine ( i cant tell you how much it would normally cost an employer because I've never been able to afford things like glasses untill the recent health reform ), what I'm asking for is anything from .5-1k , thats roofing, 50-100 on groceries (you can already get more than that for some reason though, so thats covered) 10-300 on transportation (that's dependant on the kind of vehicle required to work at your place, insurance sure is a bitch, glad I dont have a car) 30 on internet.

not including the addition of medicine (anyone want to price the average persons needs?)

we're talking what, a maximum of 1.43k monthly, at expensive fucking places. now obviously medicine is going to bump it up a lot, but what the fuck do you want? me do die of beginning stage cancer I could have gotten removed with a simple surgery so mc richdick can have 30 cars?

We are not far off from being able to do this sot of thing financially, we just need to stop rich people from hording their wealth and oppulance for themselves, and stop spending so much money on shit that doesn't help anyone like wars.

>> No.4674532

So , pretty much, you're saying we should have a slave class? What the fuck is wrong with being an unskilled laborer? They don't fit some racist or classist depiction of what you think a respectable person should be like? They're just inferior to you?

Dear god the arrogance. If your neckbeard isn't to long please try to pull your head out of your privileged anus. Then once you can see them go slit your wrists.

>> No.4674536

actually its entirely related if you had any skill in reading,. it shows big over sized entities are inefficient and ineffective at doing things, usually getting away with it or overcoming obstacles by throwing money at it till it dies ( you know, kind of like job reward/commissions that do little to increase creativity and solutions) In other words none of your concerns are because it's the government, it's because a federalist large government is retarded.

>> No.4674548

Nothing's wrong with laborers, but to be fair, everything he listed are usually seasonal people and temporary workers, and the person before him wants benefits and higher pay for these workers, which costs more overall than the productivity they put in, because again, they're usually temporary

>> No.4674549

Yes, I am you tard.

Holding a sign or flipping a burger does not entitle you to be provided with every need of your life.

A job is worth as much as someone will pay for it and as much as the market will bear, no more no less.

Oh wait, I read the rest of your post. You're the same moron from before who lives in a fantasy world where little things like facts and reality won't daunt you from professing your baseless feel-good abstraction.
>being paid
>slave class
So a 16 year old burger flipper who can barely manage that should be compensated well beyond the labor he provides in your socialistic fantasy?

>> No.4674550

Everyone in this thread is trying to come off as some sort of erudite economist, but it's fucking spelled "hoarding".
ITT: Minimum wage worker intellects.

>> No.4674557

The businesses that can get away with that can more than make up for those inadequacies and still make a profit.

Look at the federal government. Even a literal full monopoly like USPS hemorrhages money to be well underwater. Do you see FedEx or UPS doing that? You can be half asleep, blind, and had your head slammed in a car door to still see how terribly inefficient and purposefully wasteful the federal government is.

>> No.4674562

>>die on the street so I can have 30 cars. fuck you, you don't deserve to live because you can barely flip a burger.

>> No.4674571

lmao, dat desperate strawman attempt made me legitimately laugh. Go to bed.

>> No.4674575

>>I actually believe most buisnesses deal with as much money and people as a god damn government.
Funny as fuck, next you'll be telling me that the states that often advocate "running the government like a business" aren't all causing the most of this hemorrhaging. It's easy to stay in the green when you pay off the government and have your lackeys fill positions and work for your own agenda subsidising legalizing and granting you tax exemption. I wonder how a big and powerful centralized government could possibly be losing money so fast? where the hell is it going? oh right, rich fuckers and wars.

>> No.4674577

You fucking think working "shit" jobs full time is easy?

And yes. If someone works, they should be compensated enough to live comfortably and given opportunity to advance.

>> No.4674587

thats not a strawman, if you don't have food or a home or transportation to get you to your job or medicine you will fucking die eventually, and unless you break into someones house or go to jail, it's probably going to be on the street. Almost no one thats elderly in a room full of people their age can raise their hand and say "I'd be alive today if I did not have modern medicine" hardly anyone can get a job when they cant see with any clarity whats a few metres in-front of them, let alone read it or drive and deliver pizza. these things aren't luxuries, theyre fucking necessities. if you don't have them, you're back to scavenging around like a crow.

>> No.4674592
File: 27 KB, 600x200, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is economics 101
>what are other businesses other than large corporations

How out of touch are you? Not to mention that none of the rest of your post really addressed my main point that the federal government is possibly the most inefficient financial entity in human history.

Not to mention that you are truly and willfully ignorant. Here's a starter, the U.S. Federal Government Budget (these are all calculated as a real budget hasn't been passed since Obama has been elected, but rather we have been operating on binding resolutions).

Now go branch out and base your opinions on... oh I don't know, FACTS.

>> No.4674600

No, your job is worth as much as market forces.

Minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage, no matter how unfair you have convinced yourself that it should be. Perhaps you should make better choices in your life.

>> No.4674604

First off, if you starve in America you have to be retarded. Second, the ER is required to give you help. Third, there are programs like medicaid, food assistance, housing assistance, etc.

And lastly, you have no human right to have another provide for you.

>> No.4674627

Fuck you and your shitty social darwinist view.

You really think that everyone with a low-paying job is there because they deserve it or some bullshit don't you? Free market bullshit, no one gets payed to reflect that.

Everyone who works in a society should be provided for.

You really just think there ought to be a class kept in perpetual desperation? what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4674637

It's not social darwinism, it's paying what is owed. You shouldn't expect a living wage if you're flipping burgers or mopping the floor.

Nobody is preventing anyone from uprooting in search of financial gain.

>> No.4674644

So who's gonna make food and keep shit clean?
Has to be done.

Again, you show your support for a permanently impovershed class here.

And why shouldn't they expect a living wage? Should a philosophy professor? The janitor most definitely serves a a more "useful" purpose to society.

>> No.4674651

Being a janitor isn't a class. They shouldn't expect living wage because it's unskilled labor (meaning anyone can do it) and there is a large labor pool willing to do it. Market forces dictate pay. You seem to think that businesses have infinite amounts of money and are guaranteed a profit. In reality, paying all of the checkout workers at the supermarket $15-20 an hour on their low profit margins means that they will be firing/not be hiring more baggers or stockers. Labor is usually the most costly aspect of business.

It sounds like your arguments root from just a plain lack of understanding, or just unwillingness to learn.

>> No.4674667

Seems to work fine other places, why not here.
Minimum wage should be a living wage. If businesses can't afford that then they should go under.

There needs to be unskilled labor. Where do you think It should come from? Keeping an entire section of the population in poverty breeds crime and has all other kind of nasty effects but you seem on board with that. Maybe just have slaves? Hmm?

Not every could have daddy pay for them go get a degree.

>> No.4674668


>> No.4674679

>If businesses can't afford that then they should go under.

Yes, that would be a good solution to our already highly unemployed country! And nobody is kept at minimum wage, there are many opportunities where even unskilled workers can start at entry positions over minimum and work their way up from there.

Oh, and I paid my way through college.

The more you post, the more I feel that you're a closed minded fool who cannot think beyond his indoctrination and emotion.

>> No.4674689

>here are many opportunities where even unskilled workers can start at entry positions over minimum and work their way up from there.

a steaming crock of shit

>Oh, and I paid my way through college.

My gut says a steaming crock of shit

Emotion, maybe. Indoctrination, no, I grew up surrounded by people with attitudes like your and began to hate it because of how ignorant and insensitive everyone I knew who had it was. Pretty much the people who legitimately agreed with Ayn Rand.

>> No.4674690

>ad hominem
>no logical points or evidence
It's time to stop posting pretty much all of the leftist arguments ITT have been emotional appeals. I don't know how you have the audacity to call the other poster ignorant when you haven't made a coherent argument the entire thread.

>> No.4674694

There is no such thing as hoarding in a modern day economy. Read a fucking book.

>> No.4674695

If you think that first part was a steaming crock of shit, then you are just fucking stupid. Every one of my friends who didn't go to college or learn a trade has found an unskilled labor entry position and worked their way up.

And yes, I paid for college. I had the good fortune of having parents who were financially smart as well as the good economy of the late 90s/early 00s so that almost every penny I made since 12 years old was put into a compound interest educational fund, which was 90% funded through my part time jobs (rest was grandparents, parents, and uncles)

But enough about me, the point is that you are just way off base, and your assertions about a permanent underclass should be more founded on the dependency state instead of minimum wage.

>> No.4674703

In an industrialized society there will always be far more unskilled laborers and skilled. I don't think they should be miserable. You do for some reason. If the system can't support that then there is something wrong elsewhere.

Possibly the absurd and broadening wealth gap could have something to do with it.

>> No.4674707

>You do for some reason.
You're pretty bad at making strawmen, considering you should be an expert by now. Nice try, but I don't hate poor people any more than you do. But if it makes you sleep better thinking I'm an evil libertarian who wants to kill poor people and enslave the world, then so be it. I'd prefer you take your childish fantasies and paranoia to /x/ however.

>> No.4674708

>implying if you're an unskilled laborer you automatically make minimum wage
>implying you cannot learn a skill
>somehow blaming the haves for the have-nots

Ahh, I see you've latched onto class warfare pretty well. You do realize this rhetoric was designed as a method for control, yes?

>> No.4674718

I know for a fact that you are though. And you don't even want to kill them, it's just this arrogant, snide, malicious apathy towards them which I personally find even more disgusting.


>> No.4674723

>Implying that I'm not almost entirely right in this assertion
>Implying a full time worker has time to do so

>> No.4674729

No you are completely wrong on the first point, and I don't know why you keep trying to defend it.

On the second, there are such things as night classes, weekend classes, or online classes. Also apprenticeships, also signing up for entry level positions that require no experience that teach you a trade.

Just because you've resided yourself to shitty minimum wage work doesn't mean there isn't a way out.

>> No.4674730

And your condescending, elitist, pseudo-empathetic white man's burden attitude towards those poor ignorant masses is disgusting. You don't give a shit about poor people, like all leftists. They're simply tools to be pandered too. They can't possibly be responsible enough to take care of themselves, they're just invalids that need to be coddled by an all-powerful, benevolent state.

>> No.4674741

Well... I'm right. Don't tell me I'm wrong. When people say I'm wrong my pets die.

Yes someone working locked into working 11 hours a day 6 days a week is realistically going to do any of those.

Lol I me poor.

When my pop kicks it I get 8 car dealerships.

Or I squat and take no part

Or I'm a trust fund libarts student

Or I'm 16

take your pick

>> No.4674747

Hmm.. "leftists"....hmm that word.... Do you have a gay person on anoose in your yard by any chance?

>> No.4674748

No, you're just a fucking moron.

>> No.4674753

>criticizes socialism, the creation science of economics
>hurr durr must be a gay killa!
Do you live on a farm? You have quite a bit of straw...

>> No.4674766

No, I'm just better at saying what you're trying to say than you are. It's pretty simple. You should just let me do both.

ME: Well I kind of think that the working class are people to-

>> No.4674768

Are you off your meds?

>> No.4674772

ahahahaha nah bored and shitposting

already an abdursly shitty thread so i dont feel too bad

I cant believe you actually did this for so long

or however many of you there are. youre all the same person to me.

>> No.4674777

Please see a doctor.

>> No.4674780

HAhaha no. They'd probably make to big a deal about how my leg is kinda slashed up right now.

MAybe in a few weeks doe.

>> No.4674788

We'd have more jobs if we would stop allowing immigrants in illegally who work for next to nothing. Thanks Democrats.

>> No.4674838


How hard is it to comprehend that the time you've wasted ranting on here, is time that could've been spent learning a trade

Yes there're miserable people working full time and taking weekend and online classes, how do you think people work for their masters and PhD? It sucks, but it's possible

Jesus christ

That's why big ebul corps make money, CEOs at least understand the concept of time management and schedules.

>> No.4674938
File: 120 KB, 562x573, McDonalds Worker Sample Budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4674940


I make 2500 a month with a college degree at a job where I'm expected to work 55 hours a week.

350 goes into student loans each month.

I spent four years of my life getting a piece of paper that allows me to work 5 hours less and earn $200 a month more than a nigger on minimum wage

>> No.4675199

>implying they aren't directly related

>> No.4675201

That's the point: capitalism doesn't exist in America. It is a term used when convenient and to attack some anti-corporate sentiment. Meanwhile, subsidies and protectionist regulations are rampant and not "a big deal" because of who they benefit.

>> No.4675577

>$200 a month more
Maybe you shouldn't have gone to uni to study sociology then?

>> No.4675929

I didn't say there was, I said the word they meant was not "horde", you stupid motherfucker.