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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 359 KB, 628x623, Cockway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4672309 No.4672309 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/ you still eat @ subway?

>> No.4672315

Yeah. It's just a dick, and I've frozen my piss before too.

>> No.4672317


> huffpo

polite sage

>> No.4672321

I don't eat fast food

>> No.4672324

Nope, I stopped once I couldn't get away from their soap flavored cucumbers.

>> No.4672326

>needing this kind of stuff to give up this "food"
>implying a dick makes it worst than it already is

i think this is the wrong board for that, that aint food.

>> No.4672327

Sorry, not FoxNews enough for you?

I love how people post this shit online and are completely oblivious about the consequences.

>> No.4672328


> fox news

polite sage

>> No.4672344

Yeah, I'm not the knee-jerk reaction type.

>> No.4672346

people do that shit to every news source they don't know
fucking idiots

>> No.4672348


The only way I would care is if the guy had an uncut dick touching the bread. That shit is gross as fuck.

>> No.4672351

>people talk about brainwashed conservatives
>fox news is the only large news source with a bias to the right
>people are unable to explain why the conservatives are brainwashed by one news source but the liberals are somehow not by the dozen major news sources with a bias to the left
>the people unable to explain this are the brainwashed liberals that still think the democrats are the ones that freed the slaves and industrialized the US

>> No.4672352
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I don't eat at Subway's because there are good grinder shops everywhere where I live

>> No.4672353

Yes because

- I know the people that work there
- They're Indian, they don't have the balls to do something stupid like that

>> No.4672354

I love this thread so much.

Subway's shit. This just makes it all the more amusing.

>> No.4672355
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> but muh fox news


>> No.4672366

>That's the most meat that's ever been on a Subway sandwich.
Top lel

>> No.4672368
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>> No.4672426 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4672428
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>> No.4672429
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>> No.4672431


>> No.4672669

I remember when PrimeTime Live did an undercover story and there was this bartender was caught stirring drinks with his dick. Pretty much no matter where you go whenever you get a frisky dude and food together there's going to be dick+food contact.

>> No.4672675

Honestly I just accept it as a fact of life. Sometimes you'll wind up with a hair or a spider in your food, and eventually you're going to eat dick-touched-food.

>> No.4672808

He must have had a very thin penis.

>> No.4672821

huffingtonpost is like dailymail in the UK

it's just

you just don't post that shit unless you're a retard

>> No.4672831

>eating human pet food
>eating out

Glorious home cook, reporting in. This thread us lulz.

>> No.4672835
File: 38 KB, 380x240, DealWithIt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'll cum in my wifes food

>> No.4672841
File: 39 KB, 249x380, 1375067915861a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I came in your wife's mouth.

>> No.4672845

>mfw she finds out, divorces you, takes your children, your house, and half your money

>> No.4672854

you must have real shit experience with women

>> No.4672856

>severe mommy issues

Oh dear.

>> No.4672871
File: 17 KB, 360x360, 1374770887311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to work at subway for a few years, and like any other restaurant ran by teenagers when the manager is gone, its disgusting.

i once had to get a root canal done(cost me 1000$) because of an infected tooth from eating there(the manager was a lazy stoner that decided to skip washing veggies sometimes)

had a lot of good times there a great way to meet chicks if you work nights you take a lot of shit from drunk assholes though.

i used to steal so much food before the manager installed cameras.
i shortchanged all the time giving away subs and keeping the money i was given replacing whatever change i took out of the register and marking subs down as "dropped"(although we never counted bread so it wasnt necessary most of the time).

i still eat there sometimes you have to face the facts OP any fast food joint you go into easily has the potential to be some disgusting shit you never want to think about.

>> No.4672875

>i once had to get a root canal done(cost me 1000$) because of an infected tooth from eating there
That's not how that works.

>> No.4672883

>i once had to get a root canal done(cost me 1000$) because of an infected tooth from eating there
is that what you think food poisoning is?

>> No.4672881

thats how the dentist described it to me

>> No.4672887

dentist: wrong

>> No.4672890

>root canal
the dentist specifically explained to me that it was from eating bad food or food that was unclean, maybe he was a jackass?

>> No.4672896

>i once had to get a root canal done(cost me 1000$) because of an infected tooth from eating there(the manager was a lazy stoner that decided to skip washing veggies sometimes)

No, dude. That is caused from poor oral hygiene normally coupled with a poor diet rich in sugary foods.

>> No.4672899

Bad food as in Mountain Dew and snickers bars maybe, but not from "unclean" food. Then again a lot of I've known dentists are pretty stupid. I think it is one of those professions where they let just anyone in. I'm in America, fyi, if that makes a difference. I have an oriental dentist now and she knows her shit when it comes to dentistry.

>> No.4672901

>root canal

>> No.4672908

there's bacteria in your mouth all the time m80, on food, in food, in the air, on your hands, whatever.

Getting a cavity or cracking your tooth is what causes tooth problems, not "unclean" food.

Your dentist is thick as shit, and so are you
> $1000
> for fucking root canal
that shit takes like 20 minutes dude, wow. I can smell the freedom from here.

>> No.4672913

I assume you replied to the wrong post?

>> No.4672917
File: 6 KB, 261x193, 1374451384449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok im mad now at this dentist, should i burn down his practice and rape his wife?

>> No.4672916


>> No.4672919

>45% income tax
>20% VAT
>"free" healthcare

>> No.4672923

No you probably needed the root canal, but it wasn't because of one thing you ate, it's because of poor hygiene over an extended period of time, which is what made you susceptible to infections.

>> No.4672969

>that shit takes like 20 minutes dude, wow

try 6 hours, over 3 visits, not including crown and fitting

way to go, schlomo

>> No.4673013
File: 20 KB, 200x202, 3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a root canal is the same thing as getting a cavity filled

>> No.4673017

I've had 2 root canals, and neither one was more than one hour

>> No.4673160

I've had 3 root canals so far and 3 crowns (MUH MOUNTAIN DEW MOUTH). The root canals usually take about 30-80 minutes including waiting around for the injections to take affect. It depends on the formation of the roots of your teeth and the tooth in question. Some teeth have only 1 root while others can have up to 4 roots (like my molars). So, it takes longer for the ones with 4 roots. If your roots are very long (like mine) you might need to be sent to a surgeon, just in case things get more involved. If the roots are curved (like mine), there can also be complications (like there's a broken piece of a metal file still lodged in one of my root canals.)

Crowns and fittings are usually pretty quick. They just put in a post and cement the crown on. Extractions are super fast in comparison. Cavity fillings are fast to long depending on the extent of the damage.

I'm about to go have a gold crown put on this week. The entire cost plus root canal, which I've already had, will be around $4,000.

>> No.4673441
File: 485 KB, 500x249, 1366105446901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sandwich Artists™

>> No.4673457

yeah. seriously. as if they(the college kids/dropouts working there who don't give a shit about food, by the way) are doing anything but slopping ingredients on top of each other

>> No.4673472
File: 47 KB, 680x510, sadface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the faggot who posted earlier about working there.

i think the slogan is more for kids who dont want to be joked on about having a job at mcds for example. it gives you a retort like "oh i dont flip burgers im a sandwhich artist!" maybe it was cool back in 2003 when i was working there? chicks def got a laugh about when asked about what i did for work atm.

>> No.4673475


>> No.4673484

>Master of the Custodial Arts
Also, maybe if you knew how to spell sandwich you wouldn't have to make them for a living.

>> No.4673491
File: 406 KB, 300x168, 1375073766471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4673862

It would actually be more gross if he was circumcised...

>> No.4673911

genitals are typically cleaner than hands, so I imagine hi lifted more bacteria from that bread with his penis than he laid down

>> No.4673945

filename should be chubway

>> No.4673947
File: 65 KB, 354x299, catcid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4673963
File: 465 KB, 245x118, 1367616562036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owner of Jersey Joe's Pizzeria in San Diego, denied on Thursday that he masturbated in the eatery's kitchen, an act that was reportedly caught on security footage by users on 4Chan

What the shit? Am I the only one that didn't see this?

>> No.4674034

And? Far more liable to have put more bacteria on that bread from his ungloved hand than his dick.

Subway is an absolute shit tier sandwich shop in any case, I wouldn't give them my money ever again since living somewhere with local delis all over the place.

>> No.4674040

>Far more liable to have put more bacteria on that bread from his ungloved hand than his dick.

enjoy your cold sores (herpes)

>> No.4674462

One of those pussies deleted his instafagram

>> No.4674466

"Boggs posted -- and later deleted -- the most incriminating photo, which depicts a man rubbing his genitalia on foot-long bread. It was posted on Instagram by username "weedpriest" with a caption that reads, "My name is @ianjett and I will be your sandwich artist today.""

this paragraph killed me lmfaoooo

>> No.4674499

Long as he washed it, I don't really care that much.

>> No.4674510

he put his dick on bread
you really think he washed it?

>> No.4674512

Yeah, lots of guys wash their dicks.