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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4666528 No.4666528 [Reply] [Original]

Friends, it is high time to learn how to make a classic dish, Chicken Pot Pie. Ingredients for the filling in pic related, and the crust later in the thread.

>> No.4666530
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If you notice, I was out of chicken boullion and used beef instead. Also not in the picture is flour. I start off by heating some olive oil in my dutch oven, about 4/10 heat.

>> No.4666531


>Hungarian paprika

in classic merican pot pie..nigga U crazy

>> No.4666532

Pray... continue

>steeples fingers

>> No.4666536
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Don't mind the burn marks, some asshole burned my dutch oven some time ago. I chopped up my potatoes and threw them in a pot with water, salt and a liberal splash of vinegar. You want to let them boil until the pieces are tender but firm, not mushy.

>> No.4666538

I already know, but thank you. Do you add cream to yours in addition to thickening with roux? I like the addition of cream as well.

>> No.4666539


he's using olive oil instead of butter or rendered fat, too!


>> No.4666540
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Then slice up the chicken into nice little pieces and toss in flour and salt.

>> No.4666541
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Patience child.
After the chicken is nice and coated, throw a knob of butter in the pan and let it melt nicely. Then fry up your chicken like so.

>> No.4666545

>Using baby carrots
>Not dicing regular carrots

>> No.4666546

hurry the fuck up you stupid faggot

>> No.4666549
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I think I skipped taking a picture, but meanwhile I chopped up my onion, shallot and garlic. Once the chicken is nice and golden brown on the outside, take it out and set it aside. Then put a couple knobs of butter in the pan with a splash of olive oil and put the heat to 2.5/10. After the oil is heated add your onions.

>> No.4666550


I've got some tar on the boil...where the shit are the feathers?

>> No.4666551
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After the onions are nice and tender, throw in your chopped shallots and garlic and let cook for about 1 - 2 mins

>> No.4666553
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The rest of my veggies, chopped.

>> No.4666557


is that broccoli?


>> No.4666555
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The next step is to cook the mushrooms.

>> No.4666558

That is the perfect autist cutting board. Well, almost, needs a T-square for extra OCD value

>> No.4666559
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After a few minutes in there you should be able to smell the mushrooms. Next add the rest of your veggies.

>> No.4666561
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Its for dough actually, I like it because wood. >>4666559
Anyways, cover the mixture and let it simmer for a little bit. After a few more minutes, drain and add your potatoes.

>> No.4666564

post faster moron

>> No.4666565


I stopped reading once you mentioned bullion cubes. Use proper stock or GTFO.

I'm betting you're not even going to brown the meat either.

>> No.4666566
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After a good couple minutes we can throw in our chicken and let it all cook together.

>> No.4666568

Chicken stock is flavorless and broth is sometimes too overpowering, not to mention they're both expensive.

>> No.4666569
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LtR: Salt, Paprika, Sage, Basil, Thyme, Rosemary

>> No.4666571

what a stupid fuck

>> No.4666572

>not making perfectly square brownie cuts and raviolis

>> No.4666575
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After throwing in your spices and mixing, add some of your wine and stir. Let it simmer for another 30s to a minute, then add your stock and a couple healthy splashes of milk. I also added flour beforehand to thicken it.

>> No.4666576
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Ingredients for crust. Very simple.
>2 cups flour
>1.5 sticks or 12 tablespoons butter (I happened to have I cant believe its not butter, if you dont like it you can fuck right off)
>1 tsp salt
>4-6 tbsp cold, cold water

>> No.4666579
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First blend the salt and flour in your processor.

>> No.4666580


Notice that I said proper stock. The kind you make yourself by simmering bones and mirepoix. If it's flavorless you're making it wrong. Canned broth is indeed shit, as are bullion cubes. Nowhere did I mention anything you'd buy at a supermarket. This is important because the gelatin in the stock provides a lovely texture to the pie filling. You cannot buy this, you make it yourself. It's a lot less effort than what you're doing right now anyway.

>> No.4666581
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Cut your butter into tbsps or close and throw in processor

>> No.4666583

This is not chicken pot pie. this is chicken stew ala Internet covered in biscuit.

I mean, you go, girl, but the real recipe is about four steps long and about that many ingredients (minus the herbs and spices of course)

>> No.4666587
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Blend til you have a very coarse (split pea sized) consistency of your butter. Then throw your water in and blend again until the dough comes out. Be careful not to put too much water in as I came close to doing.

>> No.4666588


there's not stock in real chicken pot pie. It's white sauce, chicken and veg and baked in a pie. Stop being retarded.

>> No.4666590
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I like to use a souffle dish for this. Get your dough into the proper shape and make an egg wash. Keep in mind the whole time your chicken and veggies should be stewing right now on low heat, covered and stirring every few minutes.

>> No.4666591
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>> No.4666593

where the fuck is the white sauce you dumb cunt?

jesus christ ur stoopid

>> No.4666594
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Be sure your oven is preheated to 350 F and pop it in there for 35-40 minutes.

>> No.4666595


>>Calls people retarded
>>Doesn't even know what he's talking about so he calls it "White sauce"

OP is using bullion cubes. Stock would provide better flavor and texture. It's an obvious improvement.

though, please, go on with your culinary wisdom and "white sauce", whatever the fuck that is.

>> No.4666596

fuck the haters, good thread op!
/ck/ needs more cooking!

>> No.4666598


technically she's making the white sauce inside the pie, but that's the hard way round if I ever saw it, bejaysus.

>> No.4666601
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Its not white because I used red wine and beef base. Diff color, same taste.

My family was pretty hungry.


No you faggots I didn't make a conventional pot pie, I do not have ramekins or whatever nor do I give a fuck. I used paprika because It gives it a good flavor, I used beef base because I was out of other forms of stock/base/boullion. No I did not use cubes I cant fucks with them, sorry. Instead I used better than boullion beef base as in the first pic.

>> No.4666602

>what is white sauce



>> No.4666607

I used milk.

>> No.4666609


Well it looks great and I'm sure it tasted fine, but it's not a "classic dish" like you said in the OP.

>just..pointing that out

>by all means post more, we love you

>no really

>> No.4666610

I don't think it's a strict definition of pot pie to have to use a bechamel type of binding sauce. I loved it when my mom made them with brown gravy. I would feel cheated by not having the baking dish lined with crust first, though I know plenty don't do that.
You have a pic after cracking it open, OP?

>> No.4666612

oh derpa
stalled out connection, ignore pic request
looks good

>> No.4666613


I googled it, and all the top hits are wildely different recipes. That leads me to belive there's no such thing as "white sauce" and you're simply making up a name for something that you don't know anything about. Why don't you use the correct name for it instead of calling it white sauce? That implies you have no idea WTF you're talking about. Do you mean Bechamel? Do you mean Mornay? Do you mean sawmill gravy? Fuck, use the correct terminology if you're going to correct people.

You sound like some redneck mechanic saying "yerp, dat der car is broke, the thingie is all wrong and and the dealie-bopper is dun broke."

tl;dr: white sauce is a meaningless term that could refer to any number of things

>> No.4666617


Good point, if we want to get technical, it's a pie, in a pot. could be pretty much anything savory. Joy of Cooking
>original bitches not the new one

had a hamburger pie and a rabbit pie that followed the same lines.

Good jorb OP

>> No.4666619

The last one, I didnt take a very good cross section though. I will update this in a little bit.

>> No.4666622

>"Béchamel sauce (/bɛʃəˈmɛl/ or /beJʃəˈmɛl/;[1] >French: [be.ʃa'mɛl]), also known as white >sauce, is made with a roux of butter and flour >cooked in milk. It is one of the mother sauces of >French cuisine"


>> No.4666630


So if you meant Bechamel why didn't you say so?

>> No.4666632




>> No.4666633


are you retarded? you keep making that noise but you dont seem to be posting anything of value just the same dumb crap

anyway good job op that looks tasty

>> No.4666636


There you go again. The first hit for me when I google "White Sauce" is country gravy, aka "sawmill gravy", which is obviously wrong. The second is some kind of cream reduction with cheese. The third is Bechamel. The fourth is something about Japanese steakhouses and mayonnaise.

Please reply to my post like a rational human being. If you meant Bechamel, why didn't you say so? Why do you insist on posting vague and silly answers? We're back to the redneck mechanic again! don't blame us if you cannot articulate what you mean properly.

>> No.4666640
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does Hodor rustle your jimmies?

>> No.4666649

Hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor Hodor. Hodor Hodor?


>> No.4666650

Your pot pie sucked. I fucking hate you. If you served that to me I'd punch you. Get out of the kitchen (never thought I'd say this).

>> No.4666654


nah, I just dont know wtf if means it seems silly that you keep posting it. nobody else here uses it so i doubt whatever joke you're trying to make is getting though you're just sitting there making noises like the retarded kid in school that everyone ignores

>> No.4666661

lel you're probably responding to 5 different people. At least 2. The last post you've responded to was me, previously not involved in that exchange.

>> No.4666662


I love it when people lose arguments and devolve to acting like 6-year-olds. It means they've finally accepted that they've lost the argument and thus change their tactics to insults, tantrums, etc. Keep on being classy, /ck/.

Anyway, OP, how did your pie taste? Stock or not, it's a hell of a lot better than the ramen and fast food stuff that gets posted here all the time.

>> No.4666664
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>> No.4666669

Delicious. Buttery, savory, romemary/sage-y. The right amount of salt, the right amount of butter.

>> No.4666675

hey baby, can you post a picture of yourself?

>> No.4666676

>get home from work
>just want a nice pot pie for dinner, decide to show some of the anons on /ck/ what the deal is
>get called stupid and lazy just because I want a quick hot meal and don't want to spend hours simmering a bunch of shit for one ingredient.

>> No.4666679
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>> No.4666680
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could be worse
>4chan welcome mat

>> No.4666682

i thought you were supposed to be a grill. are you deceiving me? naughty naughty.

now how about for a real pic, babycakes ;)

>> No.4666693
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Not what I'm used to seeing in chicken pot pie, but it looks good all the same.

Gonna call it Hungarian Chicken Pot Pie.

>> No.4666708

>don't want to spend hours simmering a bunch of shit for one ingredient.

Stock is used in so many dishes it's not even funny. It's a kitchen staple. Making soup? Stock. Making gravy? Stock. Pan sauce? Stock. Stew? Stock. Poaching some meat? Stock. Cooking up something in the crock pot? Stock. The French don't call it the "foundation of the kitchen" for nothing. It's not something you should make for just one meal, it's something you should always have on hand because it's used in so many dishes. It's easy as hell to make, cheap, and you can simply freeze it for use whenever you need it. Make a big-ass pot of it every once in a while then save it for use later. When you need it just grab it out of the freezer and go.

>> No.4666749

then don't post if you don't want to put effort. No content is better than the shitty halfassed content you are giving.

Please, don't be upset. Whether it is right or wrong, it is the established culture of this board and 4chan in general: elitism. We wish that you follow this, and apply good effort to what you do. Moreover if you are going to post, please, do not be sensitive to criticism. Take what you can from it and leave. These people are nothing to you but advice, given you want to take it.

>> No.4666754

Shitposters and pretentiousness: the thread.

But nice job, OP. Think you might turn your recipe into a vertical?

>> No.4666761

He already made the claim that he was being lazy. Are you implying that putting proper effort is equivalent to pretentiousness?

>> No.4666773

please no.

It's not a real recipe, nor is it repeatable, it;s a cool yummy but this is no way represents chicken pot pie.

>> No.4666778

No, I was referring to the asshole who couldnt get over someone calling bechamel 'white sauce' because seriously what the fuck who gives a shit.

I got no problem with putting in extra effort, it's what makes a home-y dish like pot pie taste.. ya know, like it was made with love.
Plus I love making homemade stock. Fun part of my weekend is setting the pot to boil full of whatever leftover beef or chicken I had from that week and going to work on the yard in the meantime.

>> No.4666814


That asshole here. I had a problem with that guy/gal because he started out by calling people retarded, and then wouldn't explain him/her self like an adult. Instead of saying "oh, where I come from white sauce means bechamel", all we got was shitposting as a reply. "white sauce" could mean any number of things. I honestly didn't know what he/she meant. Google was less than helpful. I've been cooking for 20 years and have never heard anyone use the term "white sauce" before. When asked for clarification there wasn't any, just antagonism and shit, so I kept asking and got nothing but more shitposting in response. If that person had simply answered the question and explained what they meant by "white sauce" then none of that shit would have happened.

Anyway, glad to hear that you make stock too, it is indeed the bomb.

>> No.4666903

>I've been cooking for 20 years and have never heard anyone use the term "white sauce" before.
Cooking ramen in your basement doesn't count, faggot. Google "white sauce" for over 14 million reasons that you're a moron.

>> No.4666911

>implying you speak for anyone but yourself

>> No.4666922


IDC What any of you say, that shit looks delicious. Methinks you're just jealous.

>> No.4667168

Dude.. This has very little to do with anything but that little plate you have on the background is fabulous. I want it. No joke.

>> No.4667686

Is there a way to make this that uses more of the crust? The crust is my favorite part!

>> No.4667739


I already explained quite clearly that google wasn't helpful at all. Please see:

All you had to do was write "when I say white sauce I'm referring to bechamel" but for some reason you preferred to shitpost instead of explaining yourself.

>> No.4667769

>"white sauce" could mean any number of things.

white′ sauce`
a sauce of butter, flour, and milk.

You're just being disingenuous at this point. You're the shitposter.

>> No.4667781

Please read the post you just replied to again, carefully this time. Reading comprehension, bro? Clearly that is the correct definition. That's clear now since someone finally explained it. However google was less than helpful as it provided many competing recipes. I stated this quite clearly. I also find it funny that you're accusing me of shitposting yet I'm not the person who felt like filling up the thread with nonsense words and LMGTFY over and over again even though it was clearly explained that google wasn't helpful.

Yes. Make multiple thinner ones instead, or use a larger (but shallower) dish to bake it in. If they're thinner that will increase the ratio of crust to filling.

>> No.4667808

Just to clarify, I posted that, and I wasn't anyone else in this thread. I just thought it was funny.

>> No.4667814

>I just thought it was funny.

Die in a fire

>> No.4667815

No crust on the sides and bottom?
What the fuck. Fuck that shit

>> No.4667849

Was I the only one to catch the irony that his tripname was entropy, but cooking is the opposite of that.

>> No.4667868


>> No.4667928

yeah praise the shitty cook . a for effort and whatever . bitches about people trying to help. fuck that cunt bag

>> No.4667931

uhhh somehow i dont think it tastes the same . I am sure its pretty good but using those different ingredients will give it a different taste

>> No.4667935

why not make a bechamel ?

>> No.4668880

Never made it that way, but now that I know about it I will totally try it. I sort of jerry-rigged the filling to be the right consistency without it somehow.

The crust was perfect, the filling was properly cooked and seasoned and the result was delicious. I'm loving the hate though, so much autism up in here.

>> No.4668886

Are you calling my cooking measruably predictable? lel

>> No.4668895
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Autism. I wonder, how many 4channers know what autism is? I have long seen this word tossed about like so many stray hairs in a breeze upon the stroking of a Persian cat, yet seldom with proper usage. Allow me, if you will, to generously bestow upon you the proper definition of autism that you may not ever err in such a glaring and ignorant manner, ye insipid hominid:

Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before a child is three years old. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize; how this occurs is not well understood. It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met.


au·tism [aw-tiz-uhm]
Psychiatry. a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment: now considered one of the autism spectrum disorders.
a tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.



>> No.4668897
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>taking 4chan seriously


>> No.4668900


jesus fuck, is this thread still alive?

>> No.4668933
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>> No.4668955

I shouldnt be responding to this but I recently found out that aspergers is not seperate from the autism spectrum in the DSMV 5 set to be fully adopted in 2014.

>> No.4669762

>promises pot pie recipe
>never uses any pot
WTF, /ck/.

>> No.4669885

I call it white sauce because I speak English not French.