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File: 32 KB, 205x205, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4662219 No.4662219 [Reply] [Original]

If i buy $75 worth of tea from here, i get free shipping.


Any suggestions on what i should get? I normally drink english breakfast tea.

Planning to get :

1.Scottish breakfast
2.Irish breakfast
3.Russian Caravan

200g = $11, except for scottish breakfast which is on sale now.

>> No.4662256

Get some Earl Grey.

>> No.4662260
File: 58 KB, 595x426, 1347768946068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oolong tea for drinking with azn foods

>> No.4662264

can you even store that much tea?
if it loses taste the free shipping won't benefit you at all.

>> No.4662271

If you think you can drink that much tea then go for it OP. Personally, I think it would be cheaper to just pay the shipping on whatever tea you would normally buy.

That being said, if you're dead set on getting to $75, get some of their "Darjeeling SFTGFOP1 2nd Flush" under black tea. Check the boxes for India, and 2nd Flush on the left to find it easier. You can never go wrong with Darjeeling IMO, and second flush is normally cheaper, and gives a stronger flavor to the tea.

Also, my favorite tea is the Turkish tea.

>> No.4662291

i never liked the taste of earl gray. it always reminded me of oranges for some reason

>> No.4662293

i'm told they come in airtight bags that will keep the tea fresh for up to 2 years

>> No.4662294

That's because it has a peel from an orange like fruit in it.

>> No.4662321

Get some lapsang souchong if you like smokyness. It's a very manly tea.

>> No.4662343

would that be redundant with russian caravan?

ive never tried smoky teas before.

>> No.4662359

Turkish tea is absolutely amazing. I wonder why they dont have it.

>> No.4662374


No it's really something else, it can be really, really smokey. Not for everyone though. Why don't you try a green tea? Like a Sencha?

>> No.4662397

hmm...well my only experience of drinking green tea is at cheap restaurants, and they just taste like bitter water....

>> No.4662441


>> No.4662663


>> No.4663906


>> No.4664127


>> No.4664134

enjoy your fluoride poisoning

>> No.4664435


>> No.4664454

Many teas, especially black teas often contain massive doses of sodium fluoride. There have been multiple reported fluoride poisonings because of this in people who drink a lot of tea. Some teas contain as much as 9ppm or more.

>> No.4664478


>> No.4664495

Lol, a poison is a poison whether it's synthetic or organic.





>> No.4665138


>> No.4665155

Irish breakfast, much fuller. A drop of milk and a little sugar and you have the perfect hot drink.

>> No.4665173

>Fluoride poisoning
Unless you're drinking massive amounts (like several gallons) of cheap-as-fuck bottled iced tea for years on end, you don't have to worry about your fluoride intake from tea (especially if you get enough calcium, which you should be getting anyway).

>> No.4666420
