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File: 54 KB, 300x225, chicken tikka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4661268 No.4661268 [Reply] [Original]

Indian food thread?
Indian food thread.

I just whipped myself up this sweet as chicken tikka.

>> No.4661299

How to you make your sauce and shit? I make this all the time but use a jarred sauce.

>> No.4661333
File: 46 KB, 355x400, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does all Indian food like like mushy garbage?
I'm not even being racist or trolling here.
Not once in my entire life have I ever looked at a plate of Indian food and thought "Mmm that looks pretty good."
Its always been disgust and wonder at how people could actually eat that shit.

>> No.4661361
File: 332 KB, 504x372, awoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4657120 butternut squash and chickpea
>>4661351 chicken madras. Combination of jarred curry paste and additional seasoning and shit.
pic unrelated

>> No.4661370

>how people could actually eat that shit.
Because it tastes fucking amazing.

>> No.4661378

The lack of presentation is made up for in flavor. Presentation is almost non-existant but those spice mixtures are so complex. I think Indian food is one of the hardest cuisines to master.

>> No.4661405

North Indian cuisines tends to be boiled mush. Tasty boiled mush, but boiled mush nonetheless. South Indian cuisines tends to have more texture to it than north Indian cuisines owing to other preparations taking preference over boiling, such as sautéing, steaming and stir-frying.

Most Indian restaurants outside of India tend to serve north Indian cuisine, so most of the world is more familiar with their dishes than with south Indian ones.
That said, there are exceptions always. There are some north Indian dishes that are quite texturally diverse and some south Indian dishes that are rather mushy.

>> No.4661559
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x3100, 1348444613175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tikka and butter chicken are really british cuisine, but they are tasty as fuck. i found this recipe to be helpful. it's a pain to make fresh garam masala (the spice mix), so curry paste is a must. Curry powder is an abomination.

>> No.4661590

it's poorfag food that uses TONS of over powering spices and crap to make rice taste better

I've tried this shit before and I can tell you it's bottom tier food

I think if there was one food that I could eradicate from earth it would be curry

>> No.4661603

This recipe tastes so much worse than any other chicken tikka recipe I've followed. By several orders of magnitude. Aside from that, it looks so unappealing both in the infographic and in the actual finished product.

>> No.4661607

inb4 britfat says this is an english dish not an indian one

I cant help but cringe at how desperate they are to claim something tasty as theirs

>> No.4661610

For a second there I thought you were talking about Cajun, or Chinese, or Italian, or North African.

Learn how to fucking toast your spices and yeah, Indian dishes can often be made with 4 or less spices.

>> No.4661618

The spices look okay, but it's so much dairy. It looks like there's enough sauce even before adding all the cream.

>> No.4661658

I love lamb.
At Indian restaurant.
Order lamb curry
A couple small chunks of overcooked meat in a brown sauce over rice.
I can dig the bread though. Onion naan is ok. They can make it spicy but it is not a good spicy its just annoying lingering heat.

>> No.4661660

>implying poorfag food is a bad thing
>implying making rice taste better is a bad thing
>admitting it makes rice taste better while trying to discredit it

>> No.4661676

Chicken tikka MASALA is a Scottish dish. A Scot came into an Indian restaurant, asked for Chicken tikka but complained it was too dry and that he wanted gravy. The chef obliged and thus Chicken tikka masala was born.

>> No.4661681

It's not an original Scottish dish until it's been deep fried.

>> No.4661691

>implying I haven't tried deep fried kebab chicken tikka curry pizza

>> No.4661692

yeah i definitely curbed the amount of butter. butter chicken marinade is really just yogurt + garam masala. I'm mildly lactose intolerant so I have to take lactase enzyme pills to eat it.

>> No.4661741


i almost cut myself on all that edge

>> No.4662175

Oil>onions>10 minutes>ginger&garlic>1 minutes>dry spices (curry powder, cumin, chili powder, whatever you want)>30 seconds>tomato product (paste, diced, puree)>add already cooked meat onto this

indians would leave this at that
>inb4 they wouldn't use curry powder and add whole spices

if you want to britishify the meal, add cream

>> No.4662204
File: 90 KB, 714x768, toilet23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indian food

>> No.4662213

What a fucking prole. Get off this board.

>> No.4662233

Looks like somebody had Indian food for dinner

>> No.4662236

I always wanted to go an Indian restaurant, but I wouldn't know what to order. I just want something simple and spicy. I live by myself and don't have friends. I'm used to dining alone, but I don't want to go to an unfamiliar restaurant alone and have no idea what to order.

>> No.4662238

Looks like someone has never had Indian food in their life, and eats fucking toast with ketchup on it and thinks that is pizza

>> No.4662253



>> No.4662275
File: 13 KB, 259x194, topnosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian food is top tier spicy deliciousness. I'm English and one of my best mates is from Kashmir. His aunt cooks some incredible stuff. Nan bread with minced lamb kebab, mint yoghurt sauce with perfect rice. I never walk away without feeling totally satisfied.

>> No.4662322

lol wot? this is the shittiest comeback ever

>> No.4662344

ask the waiter what they would recommend