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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4658485 No.4658485 [Reply] [Original]

Look what I found at the bottom of my fries AFTER eating most of them. When I called and told them I found a freaking fried beetle and that I'd like a refund, instead they offered me MORE FRIES.

>> No.4658490

Go mention it to your local Health department or equivalent.

>> No.4658492

Just extra protein, especially if it was cooked. Not that many beetles are poisonous.

>> No.4658497

ehm, are you sure that's a beetle?
it looks like a young roach.

>> No.4658499

>it looks like a young roach.
then it's definitely nonpoisonous.

>> No.4658500

Thank you OP. I was going to break my diet with fast food but now I feel vaguely sick and just want to stick with my oatmeal. <33

>> No.4658502

that insect is probably the most nutritious thing you can get at mcdonalds. they should have charged you more money.

>> No.4658519

more protein than one of their burgers, healthier too. You should give them more money

>> No.4658545

Yeah I'm pretty sure thats a cockroach, maybe call to complain because they may have an infestation
Otherwise order from a different Mcdonalds or make your own food at home that's healthier.

>> No.4658548

>found this in my fries
>no idea when it got in there
>automatically blame mcdonalds
Stay retarded. I bet you're a christian, too.

>> No.4658563

>bugs in your food
>s-sorry, it was pr-pr-probably my fault
enjoy your shitty quality of life as a doormat

>> No.4658590

I would try to eat the fried beetle to see if bugs really do taste good.

>> No.4658593

One time they left a plastic label in their lettuce and I didn't realize until I found it with my mouth.

>> No.4658599

>implying I implied it was someones fault

>> No.4658609

>everyone has at least one cockroach scuttling around their house at any one time
>a single cockroach in their fast food makes people flip their shit
doesn't make sense to me

>> No.4658611

>everyone has at least one cockroach scuttling around their house at any one time
What third world shithole do you live in?

>> No.4658617

>i bet your christian too
how's being 16 going for ya?
It's just a bug OP. They're damn near everywhere and you have unknowingly eaten 100's in other meals i'm sure.
Go change your tampon.

>> No.4658621

Only slobs, and people who hang out with slobs/live with slobs have this problem. I should know. I used to live a relatively roach free life.

>> No.4658620

First world America.

Cockroaches are a fact of modern civilization. They're everywhere.

You only notice them when they're so fucking many of them that they come out into daylight.

>> No.4658622

it does not matter whose fault it is. all that matters is to what extent can OP leverage this?

>> No.4658624

I have lived in Massachusetts my entire life and I have not seen a single cockroach anywhere, dead or alive. Maybe you should stop hanging out in slums.

>> No.4658650

I live in the UK, I've been to 4/5 countries and have only ever seen a cockroach in the USA (Florida). It was huge and I was trapped in an elevator with it for what felt like forever. Couldn't get out fast enough.

That said, I've lived with rat infestations in the UK before. Stepping barefoot on fresh rat shit as you get out of the shower is no joke.

>> No.4658690

Actually no. I live on the east coast US, about 15 minutes from the ocean, and I have a roach problem. Everyone here has a roach problem. They come in even if I spray (dying, anyways). I have hardwood floors and a very clean kitchen. There's no food for them, they just like to explore.

As long as I keep everything clean, I know they won't populate my house.

Also there is a monstrous frog and lizard population here, no doubt thanks to the roaches.

>> No.4658693

I also live in MA and I have never had roaches where I lived, not in my house where I grew up, and not in my apartment because the landlord keeps the lowlife trash out of here. If you have roaches it's because you're disgusting, or someone in the building you live with is a fucking nasty slob.

>> No.4658698

>If you have roaches it's because you're disgusting, or someone in the building you live with is a fucking nasty slob
>lives in area that is actively hostile to things like roaches
>judges areas that are amazingly friendly by the same standards

>> No.4658706

But this directly contradicts your earlier post that cockroaches live everywhere

>> No.4658710

What are you even trying to say? MA is hostile to roaches? I said if you are a clean person and have roaches and live in an apartment its because there is some nasty piece of shit living in the same building.

>> No.4658712

>thinking roach infestations are bad

Wait until you get infested with bed bugs.

>> No.4658723

actually, roaches prefer clean environments as opposed to dirty ones. It's like how pigs wallow in mud when there is no clean water around.

>> No.4658735
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>get a lawyer
>get a settlement
>get paid thousands of dollars

Why haven't you done this yet OP?

>> No.4658760

I live in the midwest, never saw a roach in my house.

>> No.4658780

Used to live with a bunch of friends in a house in Detroit that had roaches. Never bothered me that much. Used to catch them and feed em to my tarantula.

>> No.4658785
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Well, that explains it

>> No.4658837

>eating out of cardboard


>fast food

well no wonder

>> No.4658963

well what do you excpectt, honestestly. bad pronunciation. etc... a little slug... so sorry. A guy or lady in a feilld a thousand miles away is having a bad day, wipes his or her nose or scratches their ass, and bingo, you have a big, big problem. And not talking about meat which can be very bad. wash your fruits and vegetables, even the ones from the local markets or in bags, at least try to know your your meat or fish comes from and be prepared for screw ups. Because they occur.If had had found that I would have told the manager to watch the incoming stuff. poor little guy, speaking of the slug . I probably would have not noticed the difference. it is really tiny. I would have sent it to France apperently they like slugs, the just coat with butter and garlic an call them escrgot And see that is really unfair. I like oysters, steamed, maybe, or lightly fried. or calamari. but squid is bait for tuna which I like . and on an on it goes. water is a most precious thing. If we forget that, we have kinda messed up

>> No.4661030

My edgy meter just blew my hand off.