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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 340x299, toast_slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4657601 No.4657601 [Reply] [Original]

ITT disgusting things people you know eat.

>Friend will fry bacon and eggs in vegetable oil
>Fries bread in oil left in pan
>Calls it 'special toast'

>> No.4657607

>Calls it 'special toast'

Maybe it's because I haven't finished my coffee but I laughed at the mental image of this fat, sad land planet.

>> No.4657624

Why would you fry bacon in oil

Bacon makes plenty of fat by itself

fuck, fry up the bacon, fry the eggs and bread in the bacon grease, that's at least logical

>> No.4657639

>best friend refuses to eat anything seasoned or spiced
>says she "hates flavour"
>favourite food is white rice covered in cheddar and microwaved until it is a cheesy, sticky mess

>> No.4657642
File: 18 KB, 645x997, gent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing that fried bread is delicious

It's an essential part of the full English.

>> No.4657645

>not always having friend bread with the leftover oil from your bacon, sausage and egg fry up
i always add in a small bit of butter just before i drop the break in

fucking plebs on here

>> No.4657648

oh my god that sounds wonderful

>> No.4657649

Frying bacon in oil is necessary for anything other than American streaky bacon. Back bacon doesn't have enough fat on it to cook anything.

>> No.4657651

You think this is disgusting?

Its literally the best thing to have with Sledzie.
No different from having toast then buttering it.

>> No.4657653


>> No.4657655

>implying "bacon" means anything other than normal bacon

Thanks for letting us build those early warning radars, Canada, but it was just a fun thing ok? I think it's time you moved on. I don't want to file a restraining order over this.

>> No.4657660

I would love some friend breads.


>> No.4657671

>"normal" bacon
>5x as much fat
Only 'Murica

>> No.4657679
File: 32 KB, 500x384, banana-deep-throat-500x384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually America was the country that started off the whole "fat will kill you" thing in the 20th century. It's the American pig farmers who bred the fat out of the belly to meet American tastes. Conventional medical wisdom has acquired a more nuanced view of things since then but when you America-loving, hollywood movie loving, McDonalds patronizing, Levi's clamoring, rock & roll loving foreigners worry about fat, you're basically expressing the opinions of the American FDA, circa 1960.

Eventually you'll catch up with us and discover how we've rediscovered forgotten breeds of fatty pig from the most backwards valleys of Eastern Europe that our culture hadn't yet penetrated. Feel free to take credit for having pockets of backwardness and isolation, I for one am grateful. It's not easy being #1 and having to set trends for the rest of you. You might call it America's burden.

Pic related, the banana symoblizes America's dick and Sasha Grey symbolizes whatever country you're from (it doesn't matter).

>> No.4657684


could be worse


>> No.4657683

That's just as fatty as using butter.

>> No.4657682

Ketchup on tortillas.
And using the generic [read: cheap] spice mixes from the store. And canned pine-apple.
Tastes like how a bathroom smells.

Not that I am fan of the more expensive spice mixes, but they do have better taste then first price etc

>> No.4657688

>the banana symoblizes America's dick and Sasha Grey symbolizes whatever country you're from (it doesn't matter).

This is the main reason so many people dislike Americans, leaving the nice ones overlooked.

>> No.4657691


I love canned pineapple

>> No.4657703

plus the entire meal tastes of bacon at the end

>> No.4657714

...we're all going to bite off your deformed cock and leave you screaming as you bleed to death?

o-ok america

>> No.4657733

>Friend will fry bacon and eggs in vegetable oil
>Fries bread in oil left in pan
>Calls it 'special toast'

You need to tell your friend the correct name is a 'fried slice'.

>> No.4657763

i tried that once
never again

>> No.4657780

>eating banana peels
>the backwoods town of Europe

>> No.4657929

>Friend will fry bacon and eggs in vegetable oil
>Fries bread in oil left in pan
>Calls it 'special toast'
What's actually so disgusting about that to you? Seem to fatty to you or what?

>Why would you fry bacon in oil
Let me guess, American? Bacon in the rest of the world isn't necessarily as fatty as you're used to, so you might need to pre-lubricate the pan.

>> No.4657931

>eating lean bacon

>> No.4657979

I've only ever eaten streaky bacon with devils-on-horseback or pigs-in-blankets.

Why would you choose it over back bacon? It's not as if any cuts of bacon are short on fat.

>> No.4658000

there is nothing wrong with fat in foods. fatty foods are not the reason people are fat in the US

>> No.4658018

i sure its just as fatty as in America rascal flatts

>> No.4658031

>Have a friend from Ukraine
>His Grandmother made something that looked like slaw
>Nothing but onions and a bit of shredded carrot
>ate it anyways not wanting to insult her cooking
>Couldn't get the taste/odor out of me for 2 days

>> No.4658068

How can you tell if someone is an American?
Don't worry, they'll fucking tell you.

>> No.4658084
File: 1.90 MB, 316x213, 1335473236459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP mentions bacon
>thread turns into an America vs. World argument

Every time. /ck/, please

>> No.4658085

Someone I know put ranch dressing on Spaghetti and Pasta.

>> No.4658089

>fatty food are not the reason people are fat in the US


>> No.4658112

Do you know literally nothing about nutrition? Do you even know what a calorie is?

>> No.4658130

...and fatty foods tend to have a high amount of calories with the added effect of slamming your cardiovascular system if it's bad enough.

>> No.4658140
File: 38 KB, 350x350, 1374593520114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatty foods r gud 4u

>> No.4658186

One of my exes was the pickiest eater of all time. She would only eat 4 things and they were all disgusting:
Pizza with mayo. LOTS OF FUCKING MAYO.
Grilled Cheese the same way as^
Mozz sticks (the only disgusting thing here is that she would not just double but sometimes triple dip when we were sharing with 2 other people)
Those velveeta things.

despite this diet she was one of the skinniest people. Not healthy, but skinny. I think she weighted all of 85 lbs

>> No.4658188

Wikipedia lipid hypothesis you uneducated pleb.

>> No.4658194

I want /int/, /pol/ and /v/ to leave.

>> No.4658216


I have a close friend who lives almost exactly like this.

She eats chicken nuggets and frozen pizza. That is, literally, it. The freezer at her house is just BOXES OF CHICKEN and then BOXES OF PIZZAS.

If we go out to eat anywhere? Chicken nuggets from McDonalds. Chubby Chicken from A&W. Chicken strips off of the kids menu from any given restaurant.
The only other thing she'll eat is candy. Like gummies and sour keys and shit.
And she drinks enough coke to build pyramids of cans at her computer desk every few days.

And yet she's under 100 pounds. I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.4658223
File: 58 KB, 273x448, ABSOLUTELY-DISGUSTING.jpg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4658229


>> No.4658235

oh boy here we go

>> No.4658247

I see you guys have been infected with /pol/ and /int/ too. Is no board safe from their shitposting?

>> No.4658253

Don't worry, she's probably still unhealthy as fuck.

>> No.4658274

I know my ex was (this guy >>4658186)
She was anemic and her BP and cholesterol were through the roof. Looked good though

>> No.4658281
File: 107 KB, 594x523, toast-spéciale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like special toast
stay pleb

>> No.4658554
File: 426 KB, 1022x766, J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4658561

I have a friend who cooks EVERYTHING in the crockpot. Even lasagne. I mean, crockpots are great and everything, but fuck, have some standards. Crockpots are not for everything.

>> No.4658576

I just came from a friend who does the same. I woke up yesterday morning to see he had just thrown everything he could in the fridge in there, which was chicken, bacon, carrots, and mushrooms. It didn't turn out terrible...but still.

>> No.4658927

More meat, less fat, just as much of that must-have bacon flavour. Not much downside there.

>> No.4658946

>vegetable oil
>not the succulent grease of the pig itself

Seriously, man.

>> No.4658953

tfw you have so much plaque clogging up your intestines that you can't even digest

>> No.4658959

>fry eggs in vegetable oil

I fry my eggs in canola oil, am I going to hell?

>> No.4658980

my roommate makes a lot of weird shit for food

>artichoke avacado and spinach
>not a circle pizza, its like an icecream cone
>he makes 'dinner'
>rice beans pulled chicken sriracha lettuce sour cream and mozz cheese
>makes dessert
>mint icecream with coconut, raspberries and granola

I dont even fucking know, he just throws flavours together and mixes them together

He calls it gruel, its like eating mush, and he will talk your ear off about different things required to make it

a base of rice or noodles
a meat
a mix like avacado, spinach ect
a sauce

dont even get him started on jambalaya