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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 510x249, Iamsterdam_letters_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4655902 No.4655902 [Reply] [Original]

I am planning another trip to Amsterdam, and i'm fed up of overpriced greasy food.
Anyone recommend any good priced restaurants, it doesn't have to be in the centre, it can be elsewhere!

>> No.4655907

Ask one of the hookers you're going there to fuck, you sad sick piece of shit.

>> No.4655909

OP here. Not a lesbian. Also going with my partner. We are mainly looking to go to various museums and the botanical gardens. No hookers.

>> No.4655914
File: 135 KB, 800x596, 1373650342687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps get a michelin guide or a Blue guide.

One of my good friends is Dutch (but doesn't live in Amsterdam) so I don't know if he really could have any good input.

>> No.4655915

>Eetcafé Skek

What type of cuisine?

Also i'm planning to go to De Hortus Botanicus and Amsterdam Zoo, can you recommend any restaurants near there? Or am I best of making a packed lunch?

>> No.4655913

You should go to Eetcafé Skek on the Zeedijk.

Fuck you

>> No.4655918

:) Thanks anyway! Looking for reasonably priced places as i'm a student!

>> No.4655923

It's a place that's run by students and which frequently has live music. They do their best to use as many ecological and seasonal products as possible. Still they are remarkably cheap (main courses around 12 euro's), and the atmosphere is great.

>> No.4655925

>botanical gardens
You may not be a lesbian, but you sure are a faggot. When you go to Amserdam you smoke pot, watch a midget get fucked by a greyhound, and generally get too fucked to notice or remember what you're eating. Anything else is doing it wrong.

Either way, sort out a restaurant that does rijsttafel.

>> No.4655926

Brilliant! I've been looking around and I see most restaurants are on the west side of the city. Surely there's some gems out there?

>> No.4655927

This is why it's becoming illegal to sell pot to foreigners soon
Great job fucking up our country, faggot

>> No.4655930


Murrican here. That's the fucking trashiest shit to do in Amsterdam. You do realize that other countries have weed and hookers?

>> No.4655929

Check out the Nine Streets (Negen Straatjes), it's my favourite neighbourhood

>> No.4655932

Why? Because first world peoples are fascinated by watching savages act like savages?

>> No.4655934

OP here. I'm British. I've been to Amsterdam 2 times already, the first trip I went with my partner and we smoked weed and went to the Amsterdam Zoo (Which is the best ever). We saw some hookers. Great. 2nd time, went with partner and a few of his mates, got high, saw some hookers, ran around the metro.

This time I just want to avoid the hookers, it's not all that great. I just feel sorry for them. The sex shows are awkward, and to be honest it's a shame when foreigners come into Amsterdam and take it for granted.

I think Amsterdam is a lovely city with so many hidden gems! Also it's great to smoke weed, and I will most probably be taking a trip to the beach!

But for now we're talking about restaurants, cafes and other gems in Amsterdam. Not hookers. So save all your idiotic comments for another thread.

>> No.4655936

No, because tourist are acting like fucking morons in Amsterdam.

A few years ago some French girl got herself stone drunk, then smoked a fuckload of pot, and THEN took shrooms. She jumped out of a window and thanks to that, shrooms are now illegal in Holland. Not even kidding.

>> No.4655941
File: 17 KB, 367x388, killthemalljohnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull your panties out of your ass, Susie, it was a deliberately hyperbolic response to anyone anywhere wanting to ever visit a fucking botanical gardens. Plus I even tacked on the most useful suggestion in here of what to eat in Amsterdam.

>> No.4655943
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But botanical gardens are nice anon, what are you, some sort of philistine?

>> No.4655944

>recommends acting like a douchebag
>"calm down, I was only exaggerating!"

>> No.4655952
File: 375 KB, 1000x330, hortus-botanicus-amsterdam_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially in the Netherlands

>> No.4655954

>ignores context provided by addition of genuine advice in original post
>continues to ignore context provided by addition of genuine advice in original post
Sure, they're nice. I prefer stunning or interesting or enthralling or pretty much any other adjective if I'm going to spend half my day looking at something. But sure, flowers are nice.

>> No.4655958

What's wrong with you?

>> No.4655961

>genuine advice
>Indonesian food
You must be a fucking genius, only about half of all the restaurants in the Netherlands are Indonesian-Chinese food

>> No.4655963
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>> No.4655964

So you're genuinely retarded. Okay. I'll stop talking.

>> No.4655971

>don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about
>accuse others of not having a clue
>wash hands and walk away
Flawless internet victory, son. Flawless.

>> No.4655973

Yeah, what do I know, I'm only a Dutchman with a history degree. I must know nothing about the restaurants of my country, the food they serve, and where it comes from.

>> No.4655974


Not anyone involved but on wikipedia it says rijsttafel is Indonesian.

>> No.4655977

He probably thinks because it's a colonial dish it isn't Indonesian in origin. He probably also doesn't know just about every town in Holland has a "Chinees-Indisch Restaurant" (run by Chinese people) which serves the dishes of the rijsttafel plus Chinese food.

>> No.4655988

Go back on topic.

>> No.4655995

I thought /ck/ was a nice place

pls stop fighting ;_;

>> No.4656001

>in any way related to chinese cuisine
I guess you're right, it has quintessentially chinese dishes like krupuk, satay, all types of nasi after all. Totally not indonesian

en dan pochen over zijn diploma van een nederlandse universiteit, haha

>> No.4656002

I'm half dutch so I've been there many times. Can't remember any specific restaurants, but they do have world class indonesian food there

>> No.4656014

The hookers are okay, I had an issue of seeing them on display but if it doesn't bother them it doesn't bother me. The prices are surprisingly agreeable though options are rather limited.

tl;dr I prefer independent service providers in the States thought they cost much more.

>> No.4656030

Over the road from the zoo is de Burgermeester - gourmet (ISP) burgers for about 8-9euro or three mini burgers for a tenner

There's a couple of good Ethiopian places in de Jordaan too - basically get a bit away from the red light district and the dam and it should be fine

>> No.4656036

Wat bent je toch een irritante klootzak. Hou je bek.

>> No.4656206


Back to food!
A nic restaurant is Brasserie de Hoofdstad. It's really nice. But not as expensive as the hotel. http://www.leurope.nl/hoofdstad-brasserie

Another place is Meatballs. (http://www.meatballs.nl/)) Great meatballs and (surpsingly) great vegetable dishes.

Have fun OP!

>> No.4656210

>hij heeft gelijk
>ad hominem
mooi opgelost /ck/lootzak.

>> No.4656528
File: 50 KB, 468x351, lahmacun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like simonis

but its greasy lekkerbek...also has other seafood

find a turkish shop and get some lahmacun with no cheese. should not be greesy at all...like kapsalon though the same places usualy have both

attached pic is lahmacun