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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 370 KB, 800x585, untitled-275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4653444 No.4653444 [Reply] [Original]

Vegan thread.

Are you vegan? Do you know any vegans? If so, what are they like? Have any vegan dishes you love that you want to share? Post about it here, but be sure to keep an open mind!

>> No.4653449


>Vegan thread
>be sure to keep an open mind!

never did i see such bigger contradiction

>> No.4653450

I know some Vegans, and I've stopped inviting them over for dinner parties. They're god damn annoying. Vegetarian I can deal with, but Vegan? It's impossible to try to make the food I want to share with people if I have to deal with their retarded and unhealthy diet.

>> No.4653456

80% likely troll post. Not about food.

Move on anyone actually wanting to talk about plantfoods.

Shitstorm incoming.

>> No.4653475

>eating disorder general

>> No.4653498

Has anyone ever gone to a vegan restaurant? I went to some 'raw food' place a couple years back and it was decent but expensive as fuck. Also, everyone else in the restaurant except me and my s/o was a gay male.

>> No.4653500

I lived with a vegan girl for 6 months or so, and since we were sleeping together, I was more or less vegan as well. Wasn't too bad, I made all the same dishes I always make, just adapted. Vegan lasagna is amazing. Its made just like normal but I make a vegan rocotta out of tofu, nutritional yeast and spices. Also good for partys are self assembly foods with a vegan option, such as spring rolls, tacos/burritos, etc. I also made sushi a few times and just wrapped a couple rolls with only veg. Vegans really not that bad if your willing to adapt. Also, the free vegan pussy helped a lot.

>> No.4653522

They eat food differently than me and I don't really give enough of a shit to badger them on why or what they eat. I've eaten at vegan places with them and the food isn't usually bad.

One particular place had the strangest combination of food items that still somehow worked out. Something like kale, ginger, sesame sauce, sauerkraut, seeds and green onion and I think some sort of black bean patty.

>> No.4653529

>any vegan dishes you love

>> No.4653531

I have a few dishes I love that are incidentally vegan, but I'm not vegan.

>> No.4653538
File: 182 KB, 640x480, Black-Bean-Avocado-Enchiladas-front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get postin niggahs.

I'm not vegan either but this shit is delicious.


>> No.4653564

Not even a vegetarian or a vegan, but I find the idea that all food must have animals products in order to be "acceptable" to be almost cartoonishly childish.

>> No.4653567

you're just not thinking hard enough if you can't think of even one "vegan" dish you like.

that, or your diet is really limited. but french fries are vegan.

>> No.4653584

On multiple occasions I've made myself some food, enjoyed it, then realized it was vegan. People need to stop getting so ass-ravaged.

On a tangentially related note, I think it's really funny when omnivores brag about how their diet makes more options available to them, but then they limit themselves by refusing to eat anything vegan friendly in an even more retarded philosophy than veganism. I just eat anything and everything, and enjoy the world of infinite possibility.

>> No.4653594

how does it feel to know that most vegans are annoying as fuck. and nobody likes there hipster/hipppy ideals and they all say shit like "the human body doesnt need meat to survive" right and thats why you're twenty pounds underweight and act like a deuche

>> No.4653596

We have an awesome south indian restaurant near work, I go there once every couple of months. There's this one meat head who goes "oh is that the vegetarian place?" I never thought of it as such but I suppose it is vegetarian. He flat out refuses to eat there because I guess he googled it and someone described it as a vegetarian restaurant.

tl;dr "omnivores" are the most dogmatic, narrow minded, fun hating crowd of mouth breathing knuckle draggers you'll ever meet

>> No.4653597

Why does veganism upset people?

>> No.4653602
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Vegan thread, awesome.

Finally a reason to post this.


>> No.4653621

Some vegans tend to talk down to other people on account of their diet. I know some people who are strict vegans and live their life without hassle and they're cool.

I know others that seriously get off on telling other people that they are murderers and scum of the earth. These vegans have an inferiority complex where they need to have their life choices validated by belittling others. And since the people that scream the loudest get the most attention, these vegans are the poster children for the entire vegan culture.

Like this fucking guy.

>> No.4653647
File: 52 KB, 605x550, Even the Brain is Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a thermal image.

>> No.4653662

i had a vegan pastry once and i really, really liked it. it was so dense and rich. i don't know if all vegan pastries are that good... i'll have to look into it.

>> No.4653670


What does this have to do with veganism? There are plenty of slim people who eat meat, and there are plenty of fatties who don't.

Being a fatass has nothing to do with eating meat or not, it has to do with over-consumption of food.

>> No.4653678

I was more responding to his image. Overweight people really need to look at these and really what overeating truly does.

>> No.4653700


this may shock you, but some people want to be fat

so why not let them be? do you have to shove your ideals into everyone's throat?
you're worse than them for that

>> No.4653707


>wanting people to live longer, healthier lives.
>how fucking DARE he.

>> No.4653716
File: 49 KB, 358x267, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking, but I can't seem to find a single shit to give about it.

Did you get bullied by fat kids in school or something?

>> No.4653726

>so why not let them be?

Because I have to pay for their myriad health problems via gov't health care. Because I want 100% of the seat that I paid for when I ride the train, bus, or airplane--I don't want to deal with some inconsiderate lardass spilling over into my seat.

Now then, if Fattie deals with their own health problems and is considerate enough to their fellow man that they buy two seats for themselves when they ride public transportation I have no problem with it whatsoever.

>> No.4653741

Hows that my problem? Its not my fault your government is a broken mess that makes you slave away for Shaniqua and Jermaines' crack habits.

>> No.4653745

How dare he indeed. It ain't his fucking business, now is it?

>> No.4653750

It is when my taxes go into subsidizing your slow suicide.

>> No.4653763

See >>4653741

>> No.4653765


I never said it was your problem, and I agree the gov't is indeed a broken mess. But alas, not only do I have to slave away for crack babies I also have to subsidize the medical care for people who can't seem to eat a healthy diet.

polite sage as this is getting off-topic.

>> No.4653769

Age because vegan threads are always shit on /ck/ and deserve to be offtopic.

>> No.4653773


more like they deserve to be deleted on sight

why does moot and the mods allow this shit to corrode our board

>> No.4653790


Simple. One more vegan and tipping thread = one less Japanese food thread.

>> No.4653797


the pizza threads also got it covered

>> No.4653804


So it's okay to yell at fat people about being fat due to the health problems it causes, but mentioning veganism to a meat eater is obnoxious despite the health risks associated with eating meat? You're like black people who hate racism but also hate gay people

>> No.4653826

Did you even read both posts?
>>4653726 clearly says that they don't care about fatties if they deal with their own problems and don't inconvenience others. They only care when landwhales use their fat to bother others and cost them money.

>> No.4653843

So, are there any actual vegans here on /ck/? Want to share your story? It seems like the only people posting in here are meat eaters who had a bad encounter with some radical vegan.

>> No.4653852

>they don't care about fatties if they deal with their own problems and don't inconvenience others.
>They only care when landwhales use their fat to bother others and cost them money.
The whole fat bothering others and costing them money thing is inherent to being a landwhale, it doesn't matter whether they explicitly "use" their fat to do so or not as it happens regardless.

>> No.4653877

If a landwhale buys private health insurance and pays for their own inflated health care costs, and also pays for however many seats they fill up, then their girth isn't harming others. If a landwhale fails to do those things, then it becomes society's problem.

>> No.4653889


Started watching documentaries and lectures, gave up milk, later gave up eggs and cheese, then finally gave up meat, and now here I am.

One thing you learn when becoming vegan is that plants actually have stuff in them. I've met people who literally think the element calcium comes from cows and can only be gotten through dairy products, or that meat is the only source of iron or protein, or you won't get enough fat, etc. I realized most people have no idea about nutrition and don't want to know anything about nutrition, so I try not to get involved in anti-vegan arguments on this board because it's almost guaranteed the guy saying veganism is an unhealthy diet has no idea what he's talking about and is a lost cause when it comes to education.

Not saying you have to be vegan to know about nutrition, but a lot of times people become vegan after learning about nutrition, while anybody raised in the west is raised on an omnivorous diet and rarely questions it, and their perception of food and health is just whatever they saw on TV or by some advertisement that told them to drink more milk.

>> No.4653901

But lean meat is nutritious.

So are eggs and milk.

>> No.4653904


Well, that's your opinion. From what I've seen, I don't find them to be good foods to eat, and since anything they have to offer me I can get easily from other sources, I have no reason to eat them.

>> No.4653913

You can get all your nutrients from protein paste. Why aren't you just globbing on that?

>> No.4653919


Protein isn't the only nutrient though.

>> No.4653925

>one guy is retarded
>therefore all non-vegetarians are retarded

>> No.4653926

There's more to paste than just protein. Tell me now why you're not spooning all your nutrients from some tasteless grey goo or get the fuck off your high horse, faggot.

>> No.4653934


Well first tell me what you're even talking about. I don't know what "protein paste" is or why you're so mad over it, but I also like eating food, just not food that isn't good for me.

>> No.4653939

>likes eating food
>doesn't like cheese, meat, dairy, eggs, butter, or rendered fat

No anon, you don't.

>> No.4653944
File: 44 KB, 250x220, 1262918583662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's more to food than that stuff, guy.

>> No.4653955

That's like a good 1/3 of all food.

>> No.4653963

"It's a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything your body needs. We grow it in a vat."

lrn2dystopic future.

>> No.4653977


Consider the types of meat commonly ate, the types of cheese in existence, milk as a singular thing, butter as a singular thing, and eggs as a singular thing. It's not even close to 1/3 given all the varieties of fruit, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, starches, etc. What you just said is a group of food I don't care about anymore, and I'm very much content with the foods I eat. Before I gave those foods up, I gave up ice cream. When you get some self control, it's not hard to give up these kinds of things, especially when you see the effect is has on you healthwise.

If you think I'm on a high horse, you might be insecure about your diet.

>> No.4653984

>has diet made fun of
>goes on rant about how diet is the best one in the world
>calls internet troll insecure about their diet

>> No.4653987


You got me. I've been defeated.

>> No.4653989

You forgot a couple.

>brags about their self control
>thinks their diet is superior to others
>tries to deny their high horse

>> No.4653993

Thank you for inadvertently reminding us why we hate Vegans.

>> No.4653994


Look at yourselves. All of these posters felt it necessary to shitpost in a legitimate thread just because they are immature and brainwashed lol. When will meat eaters ever grow up?

>> No.4654001


>implying it doesn't take self control to not stuff your face with shitty food
>implying it isn't objectively the best diet
>implying he's not a better human being than you are

>> No.4654009

I have a friend who is a vegetarian and is planning on transitioning to becoming a vegan, but she isn't a massive cunt about it. How rare is this?

>> No.4654012


I'm not a vegetarian myself. Like I said, I didn't notice it was a vegetarian place until the meat head pointed it out. You see, normal people look at food on whether it's delicious or not. Faggots like you look at food based on whether it's that newfangled "hippie shit" the preacher warned you about.

Go make a thread whining about avocados.

>> No.4654013


Pretty common. What turns vegans into cunts is all the people harrassing them about being a vegan.

>> No.4654016

What? When did I say anything implying that people like that guy are ok?

>> No.4654017

Cholesterol deficiency almost killed me, you stupid fuck. If you're going to be vegan at least eat enough saturated fat for your body to produce enough of it. And what about iron? That stuff is not easy to absorb from plant matter. And what about protein? Do you have any idea about the retarded amount of beans and peanuts I ate while vegan, and still felt low on energy? Fuck it, man. Get your act together and tell the world how to be vegan and healthy but don't pretend that it's easy. It's expensive, hard as fuck, and you need a nutritionist to do it right. End of story.

>> No.4654020

>go out with pals for chow
>pal decides to bring his vegan girlfriend along

>pal is visibly hungry as fuck, but won't eat as long as his girlfriend is there
>girlfriend "subtly" complaining about the lack of vegan food at restaurant

>> No.4654022


And when did I say anything implying that all meat eaters were stupid? Oh I see you misunderstood the quotes.

omnivore = a person who eats a variety of foods
"omivore" = a person who can't shut the fuck up about how they supposedly have such an unrestricted diet that eating at a restaurant that happens to not serve meat gives them an asthma attack

>> No.4654025

Quit being a pussy bitch.

>> No.4654027


Says the guy who gets anal pained over an anecdote over a militant ominvore.

>> No.4654028


Let me dissect this shit

>Cholesterol deficiency

Congratulations on having a genetic disorder, but that has nothing to do with diet.

>And what about iron? That stuff is not easy to absorb from plant matter

The opposite is actually true. Iron taken with vitamin C absorbs better. Plants have lots of vitamin C, meat does not.

>And what about protein? Do you have any idea about the retarded amount of beans and peanuts I ate while vegan, and still felt low on energy?

Well first of all, you don't eat protein for energy, you eat carbohydrates. I'd say you probably did eat a retarded amount of beans and peanuts, because you have the same dumb reasoning that "only foods with a LOT of something have any of something" and don't realize that everything you're eating has protein in it and you don't need nearly as much as you believe you do

So no, your probably falsified anectodal evidence doesn't debunk the diet millions of people thrive on. I could start talking about the millions of people following your diet and suffering from obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc, but I'm not a dick like that

>> No.4654030

I'm a person who became unhealthy as heck on a "balanced" vegan diet. When I became an omnivore I got healthy. If you really want to fight this battle, dear one, dictate how exactly one goes about getting enough saturated fat, iron, zinc, protein, calcium, trace elements, albumin, carnitine, B12, B vitamins, various sundry nutrients one gets from meat, and sulfur-bearing amino acids from a vegan diet. I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying I don't think it's ever been done. Show us how. If you can't, shut the fuck up.

>> No.4654032

My doctor ordered me to eat more cholesterol last week. My testosterone levels are too low.

>> No.4654033


I'm not advocating a vegan diet. I'm not even advocating a vegetarian diet. I'm just complaining about pieces of shit like yourself who approach food as a "battle" and make eating not fun because of poorly thought out dogma.

It's great that you did something retarded and learned(?) something from it, but don't blame south indian food.

>> No.4654034

> dictate how exactly one goes about getting enough saturated fat, iron, zinc, protein, calcium, trace elements, albumin, carnitine, B12, B vitamins, various sundry nutrients one gets from meat


>and sulfur-bearing amino acids

The ones linked to osteoperosis?

>> No.4654037


If you can be in perfect health eating nothing but fruit, I'm sure it can be said a vegan diet that also includes other things will not leave you deficient in anything. Case closed.

>> No.4654042


Watch this, it'll turn you vegan faster than any animal cruelty sob story.

>> No.4654046

oh look, the youtube spamming has started

do you honestly believe someone is going to watch those?

>> No.4654053


>do you honestly believe someone is going to watch those?

Of course not, but they're still fun to post. We know most people would rather see a 10 second commercial on TV that says "Eat some meat! Eat some cheese! Guy Fieri approves of this message! -- (payed for by the Meat and Dairy industries of America™)" and then get on /ck/ and go "da TV said to eat this stuff, and that's all I need to know! Fuck science!"

>> No.4654058

>I'm a person who became unhealthy as heck on a "balanced" vegan diet. When I became an omnivore I got healthy.
You recognize yourself that whatever eating you were doing while on a vegan diet wasn't balanced, but that only means you were too stupid to make it balanced.

>> No.4654132

protip: people don't refer to people who are omnivorous as omnivores. They call them normal.

>> No.4654155

I tried Vegan Fajitas a month ago.

The food quality was excellent...but the fake fajita meat not so much. It pretty much tastes like playdough.

>> No.4654171
File: 21 KB, 690x479, 1349634340415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DESCRIPTION:Death in America is largely a foodborne illness
>an illness

0/10 stopped watching before it even started

>> No.4654184
File: 51 KB, 436x499, 6d1426e61d1251791255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you are healthy when you are dead.

>> No.4654193
File: 27 KB, 479x600, stateofgrace1990dvdripx-1(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can avoid catching the death disease by being a vegan

>> No.4654279
File: 24 KB, 500x377, sewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying death is a disease

>> No.4654292
File: 31 KB, 320x286, 1339289790919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's not how the videos description was worded

>> No.4654295
File: 27 KB, 300x294, bad-headlines-300x294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an illness

>> No.4654298

I actually like vegetables more than meat. I like my chili with beans, and I prefer the beans over meat. The problem with veganism is that while I love a good garlic sauteed spinach, there is no reason why I wouldn't use bacon fat. Sure I'll use olive oil from time to time (in fact often times I will use olive oil for health reasons) but I won't restrict myself to a certain concept

>> No.4654303

I wish vegan threads were bannable, they never ever work and bring out shitposting and 300+ threads with nothing but whiny babies.

nothing constructive ever happens, it's all trolling, all the time.

>> No.4654325

>baseless assumption
What a faggot.

>> No.4654328

>Yeah, let's shitpost all day and act like pretentious,self-absorbed, self righteous fucktards. That will turn them vegan!

>> No.4654334

>someone says that milk, eggs, and lean meats are tasty and good for you

>> No.4654349

Don't mind the vegans' edginess. They're malnourished and can't help it.

>tTraine all

>> No.4654544

>implying this whole thread isn't full of edgy shit posting

when you boil it down, veganism is mainly about health and compassion, and most people here don't care about other humans, much less animals, and couldn't care less about what they put on their plate as long as it tastes good.

this may be a work safe cooking board, but it's a work safe cooking board in the cesspool of the internet that is 4chan, where the majority of people are detached, sheltered, and bigoted.

/ck/ is no exception, and with that being said, vegan threads don't belong on this board.

>> No.4654906

>>4653769 here. Finally, someone gets it :)

>> No.4654945

i knew a vegan

she made this chocolate vegan pudding one time with avocados that was pretty damn good.
she'd make curried vegetables that were also pretty good. the squash was the best. she made kale chips that kicked ass. she'd make popcorn alot, but not the microwavable kind, she'd buy the kernels and pop them with oil on the stove.
she made tofu a few times but that was pretty gross. we'd make pancakes sometimes on the weekends with the just-add-water mix. i miss her u guise

>> No.4654948

From what I understand, if you go vegan you have to be a good cook to make creative workarounds taste good.

Too bad militant vegans ruin the eating disorder movement's entire image.

>> No.4654975
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>calling anyone who doesn't settle for retarded unhealthy traditionalist diets "pretentious, self-absorbed, and self-righteous
>saging the thread with tears in your eyes

Yeah, and if you don't want to live on doritos and mountain dew, you're just a douchebag who thinks he's better than everyone!

>> No.4654977


How do malnourished people live longer than non-malnourished people?

>> No.4654979

I'm vegan. There's protein in everything- more in vegetables than meat, actually. Spinach, kale, cauliflower, mushrooms, for example, all have more protein than beef per calories.
Milk only has calcium in it naturally because of the greens the cows ingest. And because they are fed grains, it was to be "fortified".
People freak the fuck out when faced with veganism because it holds a mirror to them and they react- all of a sudden everybody's concerned about the protein intake.
Not only is a plant-based diet healthier, but it improves overall performance when properly followed- there are plenty of vegan athletes out there.
If you really think about it, without any bias, eating meat, dairy and eggs really doesn't make sense in this modern day and age. We don't need it.
You should've stopped drinking milk when you were weened off it, but you continue, and you love it, because milk contains casein which breaks down into morphine (this puts the baby to sleep). It is even more present in cheese, which is why people are addicted to it.
Nothing needs to die for you to satisfy your greedy desire for dead flesh.
If you're ignorant and eat meat, I understand because everybody's been brainwashed to do it because it keeps the North American economy running. If you're aware and still continue though, then you're a criminal. I apologize. There's no argument for eating meat.

In fact, I'd like you to go ahead and name one disease or deficiency that is present *only* in vegans. Go ahead.

And then think about your selective compassion and how humans are nazis in the face of animals.

Quite frankly, you can make any meal without animal products, it's just not the standard that we're used to.

>> No.4654987

Divine providence. God sees fit to make vegans suffer longer in this mortal coil. Enjoy Hell, vegfag!

>> No.4654990

>Nothing needs to die for you to satisfy your greedy desire for dead flesh.
How hypocritical of you, Slaughterer of Plants. I'm trying to help Gaia grow by eating the beasts that devour her beautiful flora. Have fun contributing to a barren wasteland of the future, faggot.

>> No.4654991

While I myself am a vegan who doesn't step on people's toes too much about their diet, eating meat is not a personal choice.
I disagree with you, but I still respect you.
A personal choice is choosing what colour your curtains should be, or what haircut to get-
when another life becomes involved, then it's no longer personal.

>> No.4654992

Vegans live shorter lives than vegetarians and omnivores. You're just as bad as carnivores.

>> No.4654995


Plants aren't sentient beings.
We can feed the entire planet with plant-based foods if we grew them properly,
instead we cut down the amazon to grow grains to feed cattle which is causing 50% of green house gasses on the planet.

Don't be silly.

>> No.4654996

>more in vegetables than meat

Now there's being enthusiastic and then there's just being brainwashed. Lean meat is the king of protein.

>Nothing needs to die for you to satisfy your greedy desire for dead flesh.

That's kind of the entire point of livestock. You could just look into nature and see that carnivores/omnivores have figured it out. It's very efficient.

>the rest of your post is literally 9/11 conspiracy tier "ignorant" "sheeple" conjecture, not even needing a rebuttal

>> No.4654999

Can I see actual evidence or are you only going to pick on the vegans for that?
And I am far from being just as bad as a carnivore. Even you know that.

>> No.4655000

lower life form lives are worth less than ours

>> No.4655002

>when another life becomes involved,
What gives, say, a clam the right to live over a stalk of corn? I'm not trying to troll here, genuinely curious.

>> No.4655004

good god what are you talking about

>> No.4655008

>muh humane animals

>> No.4655011

Kale has 4.3g of protein for 49 calories.
Chicken has 6g of protein for 49 calories.
But Kale is altogether better for you so a higher consumption of it is just fine. Don't forget other plant-based foods such as legumes, grains and nuts.
And we don't need as much protein as those selling us meat would have us believe. We need more carbs and sugars.

Livestock is still alive. They're still sentient beings. How would you like to be born into a world where it's already been decided how cruelly you'll be slaughtered?

>> No.4655015

Please stop confusing 'vegetarians' for fucking vegans.

We are not those people.

>> No.4655016


You're a lower life form than me

>> No.4655017

Corn isn't aware of its surroundings, scientifically speaking. It isn't a sentient being! :)
Mussels and some clams can move, so it is possible they would be. In any case, whether it is ethical depends on more than just sentience; there are all the other factors which must be considered such as environmental impacts, health etc. You cannot make an ethical decision based on one characteristic in isolation of all the influences, that is not what ethics are about.

>> No.4655018

I'm from /pol/. So I know I am to be slaughtered for Israel.

Is that similar?

>> No.4655020

How are they lower life forms? Just because we can't understand them doesn't mean there is nothing to understand.
They have higher senses than us- they run faster in some cases. Animals are beautiful beings and we used to be sensitive to them when we were children, but now we have been de-sensitized to it because that is the norm. :(

>> No.4655023

Funny. ;)
I'm certain you're smart enough to know the answer to that.

>> No.4655024

Yes we can all find nutritional outliers. Not to mention the volume difference compared to the weight difference.

And your whole second point is is complete humanitarianism applied to livestock. No, I would not like to be shot in the head with a bolt gun or had my throat slit, but that's because I do not want to die. If I did, I would consider those the most efficient methods. Livestock is completely centered around harvesting flesh, as is a natural diet for humans, so your perceived lack of luxuriant conditions don't mean much when the end goal is kill n' harvest.

>> No.4655028

>what is biology

I know that was just an emotional response, but please try to learn the differences of classification in the animal kingdom and basic humanity/philosophy.

>> No.4655029

And would you like to know the life of a dairy cow? How she gets impregnated and has her calf taken away from her, creating the veal industry as a by-product?
How about all the male chicks that are thrown in the garbage for chickens that lay eggs?

You might've met a very radical vegan once in your life, and that might've shocked you or made you feel bad, but don't project your insecurities onto a compassionate movement.

Just like any movement, the noisier radical ones are criticized and seen to represent the entirety of the community.

>> No.4655030

>embracing the thought structures of children

I am beginning to understand...

>> No.4655033

You still haven't answered the question.

>> No.4655034

I like animals and think they get abused a lot due to a lack of empathy, but holy fuck you are full of shit.
>we were closer to them as children
Do you have brain problems. Everyone knows a few children that were mean to animals or tortured insects, and most children are afraid of animals.

>> No.4655036
File: 334 KB, 375x365, denholm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>definitive "vegans win the argument" video gets posted
>>everybody ignores it

>> No.4655037

You almost get it, but not quite.
Meat isn't part of the natural diet for humans, even though that's what most of us are raised to believe.
It's unnecessary.

And you can easily consume a whole couple of heads of kale, along with some legumes if you're really looking for a protein boost.

>> No.4655041

Oh, I thought I had, sorry- dealing with a lot of people at once!
Well, when people say "animal rights"- it's as if they're going off to vote. I think we should be concerned with "animal welfare", because really, all "human rights" are made up in themselves and completely circumstantial, too.

>> No.4655046

Alright, maybe some kids were mean and some kids weren't. I just know I've met a few kids that don't like the idea of eating a live animal.
Nevertheless, you can't argue that we've been conditioned to eat meat- just look at our ads.

>> No.4655051

>natural food isn't part of the natural diet for humans, even though that's what most of us are raised to believe it's unnecessary

Yes, we can eat formulated pastes from modified plant matter and get what we need, but that's not nature, and it's not tasty. This is /ck/, where meat, cheese, fat and taste are supreme. Your selective eating disorder based on "higher moral grounds" is a blight.

It's kind of like the argument against global warming that we should live without electricity or internal combustion engines because we can find alternative ways despite them being efficient.

The key concept here is efficiency, secondary being taste, and tertiary being an understanding of biology and nature.

If any selective eating disorder group has it right, it's vegetarian pescetarians.

>> No.4655052

And going back to your first point- and what do you do about the fact that you think they get abused a lot?
And really, I think calling me full of shit is a bit of an exaggeration. :)

>> No.4655057

Uuuhmm a lot of animals in nature actually just eat plant-based foods.
And I'm not ingesting mass amounts of tofu (if that's what you're referring to as a modified plant matter), but legumes, grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables.
I eat cleanly, and it's no, it's not an eating disorder.

>> No.4655058


>> No.4655060

Also, I'd like for you to explain to me how ingesting the meat of another animal in a cooked, spiced and sauce-slathered manner (versus biting into it raw and consuming everything) is natural. Or milk. Bears don't drink raccoon milk.

>> No.4655068
File: 101 KB, 700x486, veg_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am vegan. i am an intelligent and interesting individual, i guess. i like to make lots of smoothies and juices! for example, put 4 cups kale, 1/4 cups sugar, 6 ice cubes, 1/2 cup milk alternative, a banana and a small avocado in a blender and frappe it. mmmm thats definitely gonna be my breakfast tmrw. you can sub kale for spinach too! nommy nom nomsters!

>> No.4655069

pls explain to me why I can't rape and murder without any repercussions

>> No.4655070

They should have been breast-feeding him. Breast milk is vegan and necessary for a baby.

>> No.4655067

Biologically you're an omnivore, I was referring to an allcrop which could be produced somewhat like a calorie-sustaining multivitiamin which we already have close enough products, and veganism is by definition a selective eating disorder.

Either way, that post was to be taken with a grain of salt and I was expecting that to be done considering this is 4chan.

>> No.4655073

It's called adaptation. The same reason why consume certain bitter substances, capsicum, endued dishes, and certain types of expired dairy. --Oh, and fresh undiseased meat is safe to consume raw

Try not being so simplistic.

>> No.4655075

So alright, we can ingest meat and plants, because we are omnivores.
That doesn't mean we have to ingest *both*!

And I'm sorry, where are you getting this definition?

>> No.4655076

>what do you do about the fact that you think they get abused a lot?
Feel sad, mostly. Take care of my own animals, call out animal abusers in person, and not buy meat at the grocery store.

It's not an exaggeration; as soon as you start talking about how children (who are slightly dumber versions of their adult selves) have a special connection with animals, you're talking nonsense.

>> No.4655079

There's an evolutionary reason why omnivores can digest animals. It's because it's efficient in it's nutritional value.

Getting by without is never a good argument against anything.

>> No.4655086
File: 304 KB, 479x362, seinfeld disapproval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>feed a 6 week old baby soy milk and apple juice instead of breast milk, which vegan mothers give their children because humans are mammals
>babies doesn't even die of anything related to the food content, it just didn't get enough of them and died by starvation

What next, you're going to post the one about the baby who died of pneumonia because its vegan parents refused to take it to a doctor?

If there's two news reports vaguely related to veganism in a way that isn't even a part of the deaths, what does that mean to you when the thousands of other dead babies in the news or the millions worldwide aren't from vegan parents? Come on, man

>> No.4655088

Yes, and we might've needed to adapt to it if fruit and vegetables weren't as accessible to us- and in certain times, they weren't! Eating meat was the only choice we had at that point, and it was a matter of survival.

And you were the one who brought up the word "natural". Now you talk of adaptation, and cooking dishes.

I cook my dishes and have a nice variety of food just fine. It doesn't have to be *simple*. I was just listing the base ingredients.


>> No.4655093

I apologize! You misunderstood me. I didn't mean they had a special connection with animals, but rather just meant to say back then eating meat from a dead animal very similar to their pet might've not seemed so natural and easy for them until they were told it was.

>> No.4655096

>>babies doesn't even die of anything related to the food content, it just didn't get enough of them and died by starvation
Didn't get enough of the important nutritional content in the milk and juice. You forgot that out. Even consuming the same amount but of breast milk, the baby would have survived.

>> No.4655098

We adapted to ingest them (and still with difficulty, though our bodies are strong and can recover quite alright- if you actually look it up) because we might've needed to at one point.
You can get protein, carbs, sugars and fats without the animals. It's proven many times that it's unhealthy.
We're not just getting by without them, we thrive.

>> No.4655101

Yes, there are good healthy dishes that can be made without meat or meat bi-products, and most of them are healthy.

That acknowledged, meat isn't inherently unhealthy and is quite efficient at deliverance nutrition to omnivorous beings such as ourselves. The fact that there are workarounds doesn't change that fact.

>> No.4655102

No, your life expectancy is the same. We fucking evolved to eat meat, you dipshit.

>> No.4655103

And those parents didn't understand that breast milking your own child isn't not vegan.

>> No.4655111

Meat isn't inherently unhealthy. Too much of anything is.

I believe that the majority of these arguments were made to justify an emotional basis of "da poor cows" or >insert livestock animal

>> No.4655115


>Didn't get enough of the important nutritional content in the milk and juice. You forgot that out

I didn't forget it, it just goes without saying. Nobody can live on just soy milk and apple juice, at any age. Those two specific foods aren't particularly nutritous, don't have the vitamins and minerals, etc, but what really matters is that the baby died from starvation, which is entirely to do with calories. It's not like soy milk and apple juice don't have calories, so what actually happened is the parents didn't feed their child and it died. Doesn't matter what they would have fed it according to that article, the deciding factor is that the baby didn't get the calories it required. That is no way related to veganism

>> No.4655121

Yes it is. Do you know why they fed the baby soy milk and apple juice?

>> No.4655126

I still don't agree that it isn't inherently unhealthy, but nobody's brought up anything factual or any stats at this point, so let's keep moving.
But at what cost and what kind of suffering?
I find that meat is actually pretty inefficient because we waste so much energy digesting it that can be used in our body to improve our other functions. What does it have that we can't get from something else? I'd argue that quinoa is more efficient, to say the least.
Also, your body

>> No.4655131

You can believe what you want, but they weren't. You can look it up anywhere you'd like.
Where am I actually wrong?

>> No.4655136

>We fucking evolved to eat meat, you dipshit.


>> No.4655140

Because a cow that has regular conditions of given sufficient space, feed, then a bolt to the head doesn't think it's "suffering."

I'm starting to really think that vegans are those who are vitally prone to emotional appeal instead of intellectual discourse.

>> No.4655141

The way I look at it, we can "get by" on ingesting meat, but we actually function better without it. And our planet would be all the better.
It just isn't the standard in our society- though it is in certain others!

>> No.4655144

First pure vegan food truck in ontario opened not too long ago in the city I live

Checked out their menu, too bad mostly everything (of what little they have) is all just regular meat focused dish but with vegan ingredients and vegan meat alternative.

In my opinion that sort of shit just ruins the point of being a vegan. It's almost like complaining about people being obsessed with sex and saying you wont have sex because of it, you'll just masturbate to porn. I'll never eat that shit, fake or real its both shit.

>> No.4655147

How about the whole argument based on emotion and humanitization of lower livestock approach?

Let me guess, you think "force feeding" poultry is painful too?

>> No.4655152


>Too much of anything is.

This is what people say when someone calls out their obviously unhealthy lifestyle. "Everything in moderation," including heart disease and cancer, to which your risk of contracting them increases even with a small amount of meat in your diet. It's bad at any level, just the more of it you eat, the worse you get. The health problems scale

>> No.4655154

Am I not having intellectual discourse with you right now? How is discussing the rationalization of values not intellectual discourse? :/

I still don't believe it's our right to take another being's life for our own consumption when it's not necessary. It's not even that tasty on its own.

And the fact is, cows aren't raised on a farm where they're tucked in, poetry read and played with. They're sentient beings who feel and have thought processes of their own, albeit different from ours.

>> No.4655150

my roommate was a vegan, until her teeth starting falling out. it took 9 lost teeth before she decided to start eating meat again.

mind you she ate nothing but candy and pasta, but still. there's nothing more annoying than vegans who think just because they don't eat meat, that they are healthier than those who do.

>> No.4655157

Eating cooked meat was what pulled us from being apes into being humans.

No wonder vegans are so stupid.

>> No.4655161

The one thing you cannot seem to understand is culture. Steak is delicious, fairly cheap, and (at this point) damn sustainable. The only real argument to go against is livestock humanitarianism.

It's almost like the comparison to making your own candles to read at night as opposed to lighting your entire house on cheap electric.

>> No.4655164

Well of course if you're eating junk your teeth are going to fall out. She might've been "vegan" but she definitely wasn't watching her health.
Not all vegans are healthy- they just have a tendency to pay more attention to their health.

>> No.4655162


Because they don't know how to feed a baby. But it doesn't matter what they fed it, because the point of the article is that whatever it was fed, it wasn't fed enough of it. Even if the baby was fed the most healthy diet in existence, if it wasn't give enough calories to live, that's parental neglect not associated with diet in the slightest

>> No.4655166

Your entire premise is simplistic. A glass of red wine will improve your health while a bottle of jack will do the opposite. Quit thinking of the human body as a simple equation.

>> No.4655167

Do you think it would be painful to be force fed?

>> No.4655172

I understand culture very well. It's just as imaginary as nationalism.

Just because we can't do everything doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything.
And do you really think the comparison is the same?

>> No.4655180

Yes, but I am not a goose. Like I said, livestock humanitarianism.


>> No.4655187

Your post modernist anti-pragmatism is admirable,yet naive. And yes I do think it's among the same lines albeit some hyperbole.

>> No.4655184

The west generally has an inclination to "universalize" things.
Meat in moderation is still crap for you, though, as opposed to no meat and more plants.

>> No.4655196


Yeah, if she included mcdonalds cheeseburgers into her diet, she would've been much healthier

>> No.4655197


Ah right, foie gras.
Well, I wasn't born a vegan, and I have worked in french boulangeries for many years- we served foie gras, and I used to love it.
When I did become vegan, it hit me that it just didn't make sense. You can make something equally delicious- if not even tastier- without foie gras.
So you're not a goose. But the goose still suffers?

>> No.4655200

Just fucking no. The healthiest balanced diet doesn't consume the amount common to a westerner, but things like fish and chicken are quite healthy and efficient when incorporated into a balanced diet.

And yes, there are workarounds, but they aren't as easy as eating a small chicken breast or a fish fillet. Almost everything in the world, but especially in cooking, can be replaced by more inefficient things to get the same result.

FFS you could just eat french fries and few supplements and be on the vegan straight-and-narrow.

>> No.4655212

It is arguable to say the goose suffers, and my main point is that different organisms feel different sensations in different ways, especially considering the difference in anatomy.

I've never actually had foie gras, but maybe at some point I would like to try this example of ancient ingenuity.

>> No.4655215

Do you really think those geese are happy?
Just because we've been doing something for hundreds of years as a tradition in food isn't an excuse because it's just flat-out wrong.
We can do better, now that we know better.
The woman is a seemingly kind person- she's not "evil", but what she's doing is still wrong and unnecessary.

It seems like a very biased anti-vegan video, so obviously the way it'll be cut will manipulate others into thinking otherwise.

I mean really, film is the most manipulative medium. Take it with a grain of salt. Think for yourself.

>> No.4655220


cool strawman bro

>> No.4655221

How is it naive?
Should cynicism be an excuse to kill another sentient being?
And no, it's not the same.

>> No.4655224

>do you think that livestock are happy

It's livestock, an animal selectively produced for the entire point of being the harvesting of their flesh. I'm pretty anemic at the whole thing. None seems painful, yet none seems glamorous.

Such is the fate of all animals destined to be food. It is childish to try and emotionalize it.

>> No.4655227

How is opening a can of beans any more difficult than cooking up a chicken breast?

"Just fucking no."
Are you open to any other opinion than your own or not?

>> No.4655229


Just pointing out that the omnivore version of that girl's diet isn't exactly better. The rule of thumb should be no matter what you eat, if you don't eat any green plant foods your diet is shit

>> No.4655233

It's "destiny" for it to be food? According to what? Now you're just grasping at straw.
I'm not emotionalizing it- I'm arguing it more validly than you are.

>> No.4655235

I would like to respond to you in a more intellectual tone, but honestly I feel like I need to break it down. Go watch animal channel and see how "humane," nature is.\\

This is how it is and meant to be. Meat is nutritional efficiency, and humanitiziation of livestock is the main drive of veganism.

I could see in a dystopian carrying capacity future of vegans being the light of the future, but today is not that day.

>> No.4655238

Let's step away from livestock being happy, and see what it says about our own moral values if we consume meet and treat our livestock like shit.

>> No.4655241


When he says inefficient, he means "it's not what I'm already used to and enjoy eating"

Kale and beans are a regular part of my diet so I don't consider them some "workaround" food, they're just shit I eat that luckily has a lot of vitamins and minerals in them

>> No.4655242

sage for shitpost thread

>> No.4655244

Animals that need to eat meat to survive will hunt and eat meat to survive.
Most animals are herbivorous.
We're not lions.

You'll really have to show me some proof if you're going to try to convince me that this is how it is meant to be. You can't blame me for not believing you otherwise, can you?

>> No.4655245


>Meat is nutritional efficiency, and humanitiziation of livestock is the main drive of veganism.


>> No.4655250

Me too! *high five*
Have you tried slicing bananas real thin, freezing them and then throwing them in a food processor/blender with cocoa, peanut butter or whatever you want? So tasty!
Hey- people are actually arguing respectfully with a vegan here! Good for us.

>> No.4655253

According to your adapted digestive system that was conditioned to breaking down cooked animal meats.

You want to talk validity, at least start at biology.

>> No.4655255

>what are monkeys and great apes
>FFS what the hell are herbivores

Moral values of livestock being livestock? We can and do still hunt, it's more efficient to raise, herd, and slaughter.

>> No.4655257

Our bodies are strong and can adapt very well- look at how well we deal with pesticides!
And they can do it. We have eaten meat for quite a long while now, but there's no reason for us to continue on now that we have the luxury of fresh fruit and vegetables at any time of year- except our economy relying on it, which is a shame, but can change in time too if we push for it enough.

>> No.4655261

vegetarians and vegans are often wealthy people who care quite a bit about their health
99% of all people who do not give a shit about their health at all pull the meat-eating stats down

>> No.4655264
File: 15 KB, 300x400, doge55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i go vegan for doge

>> No.4655267

Generally speaking, why should we be killing something else to satisfy our tastebuds and cravings?
Though really, the only thing our bodies naturally crave is sugar- and that can be found in fruit. The rest is mental and physical addiction.

I don't understand what your greentext is implying, sorry. Rhinos are herbivores. Many apes thrive on bananas and greens. Lions are carnivorous and need meat. But we're not lions. We're actually closer to herbivores.
You must've misunderstood me. :)

>> No.4655269

What do you Vegan fucks think of cloned meat? No animals were harmed in the making of it and in ten years it will be viable.

>> No.4655273

Need and desire are completely different things. We don't need 90+% of the things we do today, yet it's called civilization.

Meat is an efficient and delicious means to an end.

Saying humans don't "need" meat is akin to saying we don't need anything more than bare bones of modern day life.

>> No.4655275

I knew a few vegans who lived on wellfare. Really, the cost of meat and cheese is higher than most plant-based foods.
It just isn't what you'll find at McD's.

>> No.4655276


I haven't done that exactly, but I have blended and froze bananas with chopped datefruit in it. I stay away from higher fat foods and mostly just dine on carbs, so peanut butter's never around. Every so often when I feel like a cheeky motherfucker, I'll roast some potatoes with olive oil though. Parboil that shit, get the edges all rugged, coat in the double-O with some seasonings, and bake them for like an hour. DAMNED good. Heston Blumenthal and Jamie Oliver taught me how to do it

>> No.4655282

My favorite dish has been one that I made up while slightly intoxicated one night. Was delicious. It's fake fried rice (fake because no egg). Also, I was kinda intoxicated and just threw random shit in the pan.

I used... jasmine rice, soy sauce, green onion, onion, olive oil, salt, corn, and I think something else.

Not even a vegetarian or a vegan, but this shit is so easy to make, literally anyone who says making vegan dishes is a hassle doesn't know how to cook. It's easy to make substitutions, just don't make dishes that heavily rely on cheese or eggs. Most meats in a dish can be substituted for rice, beans or tofu. Butter in a pan can be changed out for olive oil. Sure you need to put a little extra thought in it, but it's not that hard.

>> No.4655278


Already debunked, that's just what meat cultists cling to


>> No.4655280

Sentient beings have to suffer for us "wanting" meat. You can easily give it up for 10 days and not miss it if you really wanted to, but you're not that mentally strong, are you. You're too self-entitled and think the world fucking belongs to you.

>> No.4655284

>naturally crave
>rest is mental and physical addiction

I don't usually greentext but goddamn, that's some ignorant shit. Do I even have to mention the natural cravings for fat, savory, sweet, and salt?

>> No.4655285
File: 131 KB, 640x480, 1372141583331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does doge eat meat?

>> No.4655289

>Animals bred for thousands of years for food.
You can make a case for Sharks, whales and dolphins. But almost all of the animals we usually eat for food have been bred specifically for food.

>> No.4655293

>baww why doesn't the lion think of the antelope's plight

You think that because humans are the only ones who can think beyond instinct and circumstance that we are also above the laws of nature?

Yes, we are entitled, we are the top of the food chain and meat is a quite efficient means to an end. Not to mention the cultural implications that have not only kept us alive during famine but given us methods of staying alive and pleasuring our senses.

It is as if you like to ignore history, reason, or the human condition.

>> No.4655295


>Saying humans don't "need" meat is akin to saying we don't need anything more than bare bones of modern day life.

I'd say it's more like saying we don't "need" cigarettes, but people still choose to smoke them to relieve stress, ignoring the negative health risks

>> No.4655296

Sweet and fat cravings come from lack of carbs and can be satisfied with plenty of fruit, and other cravings cravings come from lack of minerals that can be satisfied with leafy greens.
Try eating 10 bananas and let me know if you're still craving fat and sweets. Or how about a large salad and tell me if you're craving salt.

>> No.4655297

They've been bred so long that at this point they grow to be grotesque if they do live longer.
Fact is, they are born to suffer and die so we can be greedy.
They don't need to be bred.

>> No.4655303

It's as if you like to ignore everything I've already said.
Don't go spouting things like "human condition" when you really don't know what the fuck you're referring to. Go back to your first year intro to philosophy course.

>> No.4655306

And also take a bit of anthropology too.
A lot of what you're BSing about are social constructs.

>> No.4655309

>intro philosophy
>hard science

Yes a McDonald's double cheeseburger for a buck fulfills all those needs. That doesn't make lean meats any less healthy or efficient for delivering needed nutrition.

Not at all. Please point me to a peer reviewed study that says that meat unequivocally leads to disease.

>> No.4655313


>Not at all. Please point me to a peer reviewed study that says that meat unequivocally leads to disease.

Why everybody keep ignoring this?


>> No.4655314

>BSing about social constructs

Post modernism at it's finest. Saying that baboons don't opportunistically devour gazelle or any meat that becomes easily available.

>> No.4655317

meats eaters talk to down to vegetarians and vegans. and, every meat eater uses this same logic.

>> No.4655322


>actually wanting to resemble an inferior animal's meat eating habits when you're a smart human capable of understanding that meat is unnecessary

It's like you want to die of heart disease.

>> No.4655324
File: 80 KB, 600x868, 1370644300943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy cate eat meat

>> No.4655331
File: 24 KB, 494x358, good-good-let-the-butthurt-flow-through-you-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm done trying to knock some sense into you bunch. It was fun.
I'm off to sleep.
Lovely chatting with you all!
I'm much happier, intelligent and successful than most of you.

>> No.4655332


It's like you've never googled "[doctor name] quack" before

>> No.4655334
File: 44 KB, 480x317, protein_full1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4655340


It's hard to call him a quack when he's using examples of actual studies that we can look up and read

>> No.4655351

>done by the vegan research institute

>> No.4655352



https://www facebook com/StopHumaneWatch

Right back at ya, bro

>> No.4655354

Fries aren't vegan, they're fried in oil, that's why they're called fries.

For some retarded reason true vegans won't eat anything with oil either (I think it's because there are animal extracts in there).

>> No.4655356


Would institutes that found meat to be the cause of 15 of the top 16 causes of death in the united states be expected to promote meat-eating? Several of the things he cites even come from the meat and dairy industry acknowledging that their products can cause cancer and attempting to use plants to counter-act that effect

>> No.4655357

I'm willing to give that they're a shady business who digs up dirt on their adversaries, but I'm still waiting for any rebuttal to say that he's not a biased vegan shill.

>> No.4655358


Is this post based on anything?

>> No.4655359
File: 273 KB, 500x334, 1371580116730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doge love tempeh

>> No.4655362

>For some retarded reason true vegans won't eat anything with oil either

lmao wat

most oils aren't animal fat-based, unless you're frying in butter or lard i dont think there's a problem

>> No.4655366


>I'm still waiting for any rebuttal to say that he's not a biased vegan shill

Considering the website you linked to didn't really debunk anything that he said and basically just said "HE'S A VEGAN, HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO SAY MEAT IS BAD, HE'S BIASED" which is as stupid as saying a scientist who doesn't smoke is biased if he tries to tell you smoking is bad. The evidence is all there, plain as day

>> No.4655367

I don't get why vegans and anti-vegans raise healthy-diet argument. it's not that I don't believe that most vegetables are healthier than red meat, but there's as much change to be fat eating meat or not. I can attest to be a fat vegetarian, for example. If you replace meat by eating starch you're obviously gonna get more fat than if you replace it for nuts for example, its the bad eating habits and sedentarism and has nothing to do with or against veganism

most standard cooking oils are mostly soybean or sunflower based, I don't see anything animal based. Butter is of course made of cream and some margarine has percentages of lard

>> No.4655368

Er... what? Thats like saying "provide proof that vegans don't like to eat meat". If you mean the additives part then no, I forget exactly why they shun oil but I just thought that might be a likely explanation. It's as good as any one they're likely to give anyway.

>> No.4655374


No, it's like saying "provide proof that vegans don't like to eat oil," because that's what the situation is. The closest thing I can think of is that some vegans who are more on the animal rights side avoid palm oil because the collection of palm oil involves killing a lot of orangutans. Vegans are not opposed to any kind of plant-based cooking oil for dietary reasons, that makes no sense

>> No.4655383

I'm pescatarian, but I've been dating a vegan rather recently. I have a feeling that if our relationship continues I'll end up becoming vegan as well, mostly out of convenience.
I'm not sure how to answer the "what are they like" question. He's just a person? My dom, etc.
I haven't tried many vegan dishes, he made me a really great tofu scramble the other day. There's also this Mediterranean place a few blocks from my apartment that makes the best falafels..that may be my favorite.
I've been experimenting with "veganizing" some of my desserts. I'm a baker and wish to share what I make with him. I converted my cinnamon rolls this morning and they tasted just the same as before. I think I'm going to try making my chocolate mousse cake vegan later this week

>> No.4655461


I used to be, but I'm really just too lazy and not really in a position to care right now.

My place gets broken into all the time, people messing with my food, my shit, etc. Plebes will be plebes, and that's what huge steel doors are for.

>> No.4655643

the reason people don't really like veganism is because some people (like you) feel the need to tell others what they should eat because it fits their ideas and believes. It's just like when a Jehovah comes to your door and tells you what you should belief. This is kinda the same. It absolutely doesn't hold a mirror about what they eat.
We should respect peoples choices to eat what they want. From meat eater to vegan and to vegan to meat eater.

>> No.4655645

>implying it was the vegan diet and not the candy and pasta she ate that made her teeth fall out.

>> No.4655649

It'd be great if you all watched this movie, if you haven't already.


>> No.4655652 [DELETED] 

So /ck/ my friends and I are going to do tacos tomorrow and we seek your wisdom. We have never done tacos before and we'd like to know what veggies to use and how to make the taco shells.
We are spanish and tacos are not that mainstream here so we can't buy taco shells so we have to make them with tortillas. Any good method to do them?

Thanks for reading.

>> No.4655653

I tried to sit through that because I'm a fan of Joaquin Phoenix, but it's just an unbearable pile of pretentious crap. I made it 20 minutes.

>> No.4655666

You should actually give it a chance this time around, you only made it through the introduction.

>> No.4655674

Fucking christ, that was just an introduction?

Protip: yall aren't winning any hearts and minds with long-winded pretentious bullshit like this. I even *tried* to watch it and couldn't. I can't imagine some poor bastard whose vegan bf made them sit down and watch the whole thing.

>> No.4655684

You mean you "tried" to watch. What you did was try and find any reason not to finish it.
Will you please start it at the 20 minute mark? You can avoid the whole preachy stuff you didn't like hearing

>> No.4655687

Firing up mplayer (that's right, it's still on my hard drive - bet you didn't think I was serious). Will report back.

>> No.4655694

Starting @ "Poultry". Is this whole film gonna be farm gore, or is there more to it?

>> No.4655699

>society's tragic and unforgivable use of nonhuman animals

>my sides

>> No.4655708

Part 3: Clothes

I hope this means the farm gore is over. That shit gets tedious.

>> No.4655718

I really appreciate it, anon. You're right, I didn't think I'd convince a stranger to watch this by just a couple of posts, but am glad that you are. my only advice is that you really try to take it in/drop the emotional barricade.

It is a lot to take in though.

>> No.4655733
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>> No.4655750

Part 5: Science

This ought to be interesting. So far, this film is just sob story. I haven't learned anything. Sitting through it, though, taking one for the team.

The ending of the movie "Blow" tugged at my heartstrings more than this film, sorry. I think the practices depicted therein are indeed despicable, but I simply disagree on the inherent need for such brutality in raising animals for slaughter. Like repeatedly clubbing pigs or turkeys - this induces unnecessary stress, which can fuck with the quality of the product (don't trip, I see humans as products, too). It's far more efficient - and better for business all around - to kill the animals quickly and cleanly. Despite the film's opening text, I'd put money on most commercial farms taking more care in the slaughter of their animals.

And yeah, there are other practices that I do abhor - debeaking chickens and discarding live males for one. Anal electrocution is probably something someone came up with for shits and giggles - it certainly isn't the most efficient way to kill any animal. Circus conditions are similarly horrid. And yeah, I prefer the african wildlife reserves to zoos.

All that said, not turning me away from meat. Humans do far worse to Gaia than nom her fauna, and again, I'm not convinced that the events depicted in this film are as common as its writers claim - indeed, a lot of the footage seems to be from the 90s or earlier. One person, hundreds, even thousands will not make a difference. Steak will cost $15 instead of $10, and the foul shit, where it does occur, will keep happening.

If you really want to stop atrocities, find them, confirm them, and report them. There are laws in place regarding treatment of animals, and places do get shut down for violating these laws. Don't take a moral high ground and call omnivores 'evil'. Do something *real* to solve the problem. The solution does not lie in preaching your diet to others.

>> No.4655757
File: 116 KB, 627x476, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drop the emotional barricade

>> No.4655764

Best thing about that whole film is the outro music. Pretty chill :)

>> No.4655791

>3 stages of truth
>violent opression

>mfw vegfags attempt to ridicule normal people
>mfw vegfags act violently towards normal people
>mfw vegfags just announced they will soon accept they're wrong

>> No.4655831

Places get shut down for violating health codes, those laws aren't there to protect the animals.

The point of the film is to show what is supported when people purchase meat, buy leather, etc.
and telling yourself this isn't the industry standard is a lie to make just your decision to support these industries.
Most of the videos come from the mid to late 90s but that doesn't mean these things still don't happen regularly. Like back in 2010 some people took some videos at an Ohio dairy farm depicting its workers torturing the dairy cows (jabbing in the face and utters with pitchforks, snapping tails, and punching and stomping on a calf's head), and that only happened three years ago (bad things still happen years down the line, cameras on or off)

Telling me one person won't make a difference just tells me that you won't make a difference, and it's thinking like that that makes these things okay, because when the majority doesn't care doesn't know, or doesn't care to know, why fix anything?

I'm sorry you don't care enough to change, but thanks for watching.

>> No.4655834

>anecdotal evidence is best evidence

>> No.4655844

You can't get statistics on how many animals are abused because the corporations that abuse the animals don't want to record them doing something bad for PR.

>> No.4655854

Until you have hard evidence that abuse is endemic throughout the industry, and not just in isolated cases, your statements are little more than conjecture.

I could just as easily say that you don't see examples of farms NOT abusing animals because activists cherry pick evidence, and my statement would hold just as much weight as yours, because so far the evidence is only anecdotal.

>> No.4655872

How did her pussy smell and taste?

>> No.4656025

Do vegans eat honey since it's made from bees?
Honey is god tier.

>> No.4656060

Honey is against the rules if you're strictly vegan. The top 3 ways it differs from vegetarianism is that dairy, eggs, and honey are all no-go. Agave syrup is the popular substitute, pretty tasty, similar consistency.

>> No.4656107

Vegans generally don't consume honey, at least in my experience.

>> No.4656143

I'm not even vegetarian or vegan. I do feel kind of bad about it, but I'm too apathetic to change my ways. I go through short phases of half-assedly being vegetarian, but at the moment I'm back to eating meat because it tastes good.

I can at least acknowledge that it's wrong, though. There really is no good argument against veganism.

>> No.4656234

>Are you vegan?
>Do you know any vegans?
>If so, what are they like?
They're basically hippies.
>Have any vegan dishes you love that you want to share?
>Post about it here, but be sure to keep an open mind!

>> No.4656868

Non-vegan here (the one that sat through Earthlings). I love agave nectar, and already use it in place of honey for most things.

Haven't made a mead yet, but I'm gonna do that with honey. Has anybody had fermented agave nectar? What is such a drink called? How is it?

>> No.4656874

It's called Tequila.

>> No.4656878


Actually you'd be thinking of pulque. To put it crudely, pulque is to beer as tequila is to whiskey.

>> No.4656896


>> No.4656915

>Are you vegan?
>Do you know any vegans?
There was one in my cooking group back in the psych ward last year, and some others in the main unit but not in my cooking group.
>If so, what are they like?
Most irritating people I've ever met. Catering to the needs of the one in my cooking group was extremely annoying, and the others just kept trying to shove their ideals down everyone else's throats all day long.
>Have any vegan dishes you love that you want to share?
Nah, I like meat and dairy, and hate legumes. Vegan food is usually pretty tasteless to me.
>Post about it here, but be sure to keep an open mind!
I will if they will.