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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 375x375, Jerry_Seinfeld(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4651682 No.4651682 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with yogurt? Why has it exploded in popularity lately?

>> No.4651706

Are you from 1981 or something?

And what's the deal with fruit juice?

>> No.4651712

It's a food about nothing.

>> No.4651721

This yogurt is making me thirsty

>> No.4651731
File: 27 KB, 320x222, fresh-avocado-fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's with these newfangled avocados? Why do all these cool hipsters keep eating them while smirking jewishly and voting for the kenya muslim? It's almost as bad as that non-iceberg lettuce that these damm hippies keep eating when they're not combing their long hippie hair which signifies their rejection of all that I fought for on Iwo Jima, remember the Maine!

>> No.4651735

>Superfood avocadoes hurr durr

>> No.4651741
File: 51 KB, 750x600, chickenhawk-ted-nugent (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying conservatards ever actually fight

>> No.4651746

I like yogurt. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.4651765
File: 533 KB, 2193x1530, Garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this garlic fad? Ever since these waves of unwashed eye-talians kept washing up on our shores, staining the alabaster purity of our great non-Catholic nation, sinful theatre folk and other types of wretched entertainers have been enticing the young folk to eat this stinking demon-fruit with their lascivious melodies played on none other but the German fiddle itself!

In my youth we safely quenched our xenophilia by consuming the pounded flesh of the bitter acorn, soaked in hot water and consumed as hot as we dared. The red man having been driven far west, our fathers knew we could not be enticed to follow their pemmicen-chewing, tobacko-smoking ways. But with these infernal brown Mediterranean folk everywhere, our youngest shall not remain unraped by these noxious Catholic ground-nuts for long.

>> No.4651769

It does this every decade. I think it is a generational thing. You'd probably like to call it "society repetitive hipster syndrome" or something similar. Seinfeld even had an episode about a frozen yogurt fad.

>> No.4651775

I like yougurt, and if trying to control your weight a hell of a lot better than ice cream and to kill two birds with one stone, I like the dark avocados. split, pit, and add some vinegar/ hot sauce. scoop and eat. I dislike the giant green ones ( they never get ripe - a month later and you can use them as baseballs). and I don't like them on burgers or as a sub for mayo.

>> No.4651776

Define "popularity"

without relying on mass media.

>> No.4651779

You know why? Because people like to say "yogurt." "Excuse me, do you have any yogurt?" We need more yogurt." "Where's the yogurt? No yogurt?"

>> No.4651788

It hasn't, but the "greek yogurt" shit has. It mildly annoys me every time I see some faggot toting around a little cup of that faddish glop.

>> No.4651791
File: 19 KB, 300x300, jeffrey-donovan-dui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you were fired from your job
>that feel when logging into your bank and you get error 345G accounts frozen
>that feel when you have a hot girlfriend who can't fake her irish accent so she changed to an american one

only way to soothe that feel is to eat lots and lots of yogurt

>> No.4651792

>>4651788 faddish glop

If it's glop then why does it taste so much better and have a nice thick creamy texture when compared to any other yogurt?

>> No.4651797

Yogurt and explosions cure all

>> No.4651798


>> No.4651799

no, its more people dont understand the world doesnt revolve around them. everyone think their selves or their generation is the only significant ones.

>> No.4651804

>this new generation is so terrible
>at least we aren't as bad as our parents

It's all the same too. lol

>> No.4651827

I'm going to have a go at making my own yogurt in about an hour or so, I got this packet of yogurt culture or something and a liter of milk.
What could possibly go wrong.

>> No.4651836
