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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4650434 No.4650434 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I've got a puzzle for you:

How does someone who doesn't like noodles eat cheaply?
I'm talking any kind of noodles.
Like Mac & Cheese, Ramen Noodles, Spaghetti, all those things that last years and cost practically nothing.

I'm gonna be out of a job for awhile and I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up. What do I do? Are there things I can make from scratch out of ingredients that last a long time?

>> No.4650438

Potatoes. They last forever, and there's hundreds of ways to prepare them, with all manner of tastes and textures.

>> No.4650442

Rice, beans

>> No.4650447

Balogna sandwhiches

>> No.4650456

Really? Cooked potatoes are one of my favorite things to eat but I've never cooked them myself.

I tried rice once and it was edible, just really bland. My guess is because it was just plain white rice. What can I do to rice that'll make it non-bland?

>> No.4650458


Potatoes are the best thing ever.


>> No.4650460


You don't like any kind of noodles at all, and have only had rice once to the point of unfamiliarity?

What sort of childhood did you have?

>> No.4650461

>I've never cooked them myself.
wtf? Take potatoe, put in hot water, wait, eat.
It's not rocket surgery

>> No.4650462

I cook my rice with stocks. Also seasoning it doesn't hurt either.

>> No.4650463

>What can I do to rice that'll make it non-bland?

that's like asking, "what kind of dishes use salt?"

but basic tips are to use stock instead of water, par-fry the rice first, or season/garnish

>> No.4650464
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>rocket surgery

>> No.4650465

"Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew."

Also, fry them (chipped, chopped, sliced, julienned), bake them (oven roasted, au gratin, twice-baked), nuke 'em (surprisingly good crisps if you know how to do it). Potatoes are awesome.


I recommend starting with chips - clean and dice a potato (peeling optional; I use reds, russets and gold probably work as well), toss in a bag or bowl with flour and/or seasoning (about 4tbsp total dry mix is ample seasoning to coat a whole red potato), sauté in a bit of oil until browned (I use olive or grapeseed). Done.

>> No.4650467

Ample amounts of honey and butter do wonders for plain white rice. I also like plain sugar in mine, but I can already feel the burn from people flaming me on that decision...

Inb4 amerifat.

>> No.4650469


holy shit how fat are you?

>> No.4650470

Potatoes don't last forever...with a cool dry storage shed they may last well, but in an ordinary house I wouldn't buy more than a week's supply.

Rice, lentils, and beans are all cheap. Flavors are bland - add salt, pepper, and whatever other flavors u like. Siracha is a popular spicy sauce, a bottle of lemon juice, soy sauce, ketchup, whatever! There are also different types of rice. Your palette sounds quite limited, so it will take experimenting to figure out what you like that can be made cheaply. Sauteed onion and other veggies add good flavor and other nutrients. Root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, etc.) tend to last longer than things like tomatoes and bell peppers.

>> No.4650472

I suppose I'm gonna start eating more potatoes and try some more rice. However some websites are saying that storing potatoes in the fridge is a bad thing and that I should find some place in the house between 45-50 degrees to store them.

The only problem is that's impossible because 45-50 degree temperatures only happen here in December, January, and February.

What am I in for if I store these things in the fridge?

>> No.4650475

I got a whole bunch of spices I can try out on the rice. I didn't know root vegetables were characteristically long-lasting. I really like carrots.

>> No.4650476

>Flavors are bland

Am I the only one who thinks rice, lentils and beans taste delicious already without anything on them?

>> No.4650505

If you salt them/the water properly and cook them right.

>> No.4650511

I like eating jasmine and basmati rice on their won, so no, you are not alone.

>> No.4650549

> americans calling pasta, "noodles"

You people will never stop confusing minor words, will you?

>> No.4650550 [DELETED] 
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Bachelor Chow v.0.6b.

>> No.4650577

>I tried rice once

Get the fuck out.

>> No.4650613

Rice, beans and lentils will keep you full.

But do try to fidna cheap source of vegetables and fruits (farmer markets near closing time, off brand stores, etc) because you'll need to vitamins and you need to break the blandness of the rice/beans/lentils combo.