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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 500x375, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4648446 No.4648446 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people get buttmad over people using ketchup on their steak?

No one gets mad over A1, but somehow ketchup is terrible?

Of course if you douse it in the stuff it's bad, but I still like to dip my steak in some ketchup a bit.

>> No.4648450

actually, the same people who get mad about ketchup generally get mad about A1 as well.

>> No.4648451
File: 105 KB, 500x369, 1352856872964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the only one who puts nothing on a steak, except sometimes I throw some sauteed onions around. But for sauces, I keep it clean.

>> No.4648464


Don't get me wrong. If I go buy a $30 steak at a restaurant, I won't put shit on it. I like to enjoy what the chef has made.

But when I'm at home eating a cheap sirloin steak, I'm going to put a Cayenne/Parmesan/Pepper rub on it, cook that bitch bloody as fuck, and then put ketchup on it because it just makes that beyond average steak that much better.

>> No.4648469

why do people get buttmad about how OTHER people eat food?

fucking grow up and keep it too yourself. all you're doing is pissing people off and making yourself out to be a gigantic ass.

>> No.4648473

you dont need A1 (or ketchup) if the steak was made properly

just season it correctly

if you like the a1 taste more than the steak taste you're a giant faggot

>> No.4648474

Ketchup is for hot dogs, dumb troll

>> No.4648481

I don't get mad but I hate ketchup, I'm one of the least picky people ever too so it's weird that I dislike something that even picky kids like.

>> No.4648487

Ketchup's p. natty, faggotlord

You must smoke a lot of dick.

>> No.4648579

You NEVER put ketchup on a hotdog. That shit is for fries.

>> No.4648582

A1 is ketchup.

You put mayo on fries. Ketchup has no adult use.

>> No.4648585

constricting yourself to norms, or because YOU like it that way?

>> No.4648587

Mayo is garbage

>> No.4648594


Mayo is for Pomme Frites, Malt Vinegar is for Chips, and Ketchup is for Fries.

>> No.4648597

Bc if you arent a lazy fuck you can make a wine/Cream reduction suace that is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000x better than ketchup and doesn't make you look like a massive pleb.

Infact the time it takes to make the sauce is the time you should let your meat set after cooking anyways.

Theres no excuse. Even coumpound butter is better than ketchup.

>> No.4648607
File: 328 KB, 1052x451, Mr. Rogers Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4648614


I was touched. Then I remembered he's dead. Now I'm full of RAGE AGAINST GOD

>> No.4648623

I put ketchup on my scrambled eggs.
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.4648637



>> No.4648693


This is hilarious and true. You really do need to speak to the majority of 4chan like they're children. It's sad that so many people had shitty parents who didn't give a fuck about raising them into proper adults.

>> No.4648700

Scrambled eggs are inedible without ketchup.

>> No.4648967


you feel like you're the only one who does that? why in the world would you feel that way?

>> No.4648986

Honestly depends on where you're at/what kind of steak.

Eating out nice and/or cooking a decent cut at home? No sauce required.

Eating at some shit-tier quasi-fast-food chain restaurant (i want my baby back ribs) you'll need to sauce the shit out of it to make it palatable.

>> No.4649148

In all honesty Steak tastes good with Ketchup.

>> No.4649204

>$30 steak at a restaurant

jokes on you, you are not being charged for the materialistic value of the meat you are being served... do people really think that there is any significant correlation between the cost of the food and what a restaurant charges?

>> No.4649219

I like a rare to medium steak. no problem. and maybe a medium burger but if overdone, hand me the kethup. or catsup. and if fried hard, gimme the heinz 57 or A-1 and some cheese.

>> No.4649243

You must make shit eggs.
I bet you overcook them until they are dry.

>> No.4649245

Because most of the people who use ketchup/A1 on their steaks usually do so because the steaks are tough, overcooked and poorly seasoned. It's used to cover up bad cooking practices.

>> No.4649250

Cooked to rubbery goodness and drowned in ketchup.

>> No.4649262

>year of our lord two thousand and thirteen
>putting ketchup on your eggs
>sriracha exists.

>> No.4649272

nah, they're inedible without cheese

>> No.4649278


Y'all are cooking them wrong. Look up Gordon Ramsey Scrambled Eggs on youtube. It's supposed to be custardy, not little hard rubber chunks of egg.

>> No.4649292

You may as well eat shoe soles and slather it in ketchup, you won't taste a difference.

>> No.4649354

>No one gets mad over A1
I do. there are 2 kinds of steak, one that needs no condiment and a bad one.

>> No.4649356
File: 947 KB, 1190x900, 1373765653592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetarian making the most touching thing you can say about eating steak
RIP Mr Rogers. You were a Saint.

>> No.4649358

999999999 times this.

>> No.4649366

For the most part agreed.
I did a pair of medium rare filet cuts for me and my ex once.
No grill so I seared them on a cast iron skillet and finished them in the oven.
When they were done I topped them with this basil-oregano herb butter I had made.

>> No.4649378

I don't understand I love eating stake sauce with ketchup. How could it be wrong?

>> No.4649774

>ketchup for fries.

let me guess you eat disgusting potato fries with no taste and you have to pour sugar in sauce form on them so you can enjoy it?

>> No.4649816

why so cunty?

>> No.4649825

I like the taste of A1 and I like the taste of steak, so all the better if they come together

>> No.4650241

I think people also understand that they're also being charged for not having to prep, cook, and clean for a meal.

>> No.4650273
File: 288 KB, 1024x612, ckumad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.4650282

Have you ketchup people ever tried some other sauces on your steak?

How about Béarnaise sauce? Red wine sauce? Any of the countless mushroom sauces? Cognac sauce? They are all delicious. Even fucking Aioli works on steak!

>> No.4650289

try real cats up. cats knock tomatoes off the hoppers to play with in the barn. They're gently bruised and sweet as hell. Make that into a paste and put that on your steak

>> No.4650290

I doubt ketchup people even know what half of those even are.

>> No.4650299

Every summer at my county fair, some hippies sell spices and salsas. Their spice mix for ranch dressing is unbelievable and they only sell outside their commune at that fair. I stockpile that in my freezer.

>> No.4650382


this. I like to do a1 some of the times, without it some of the times. depending on how lazily i cooked the steak.