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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 225x225, vegan-ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4647871 No.4647871 [Reply] [Original]

I am officially red-pilled when it comes to human diet. I just got reading about and watching videos about Fruitarianism.

Why have we been made to believe that eating meat is necessary? Why have we abandoned a raw fruit and veggie diet? It makes zero fucking sense. We have the technology to mass produce fruit and veggies. Hell, we do mass produce fruits and veggies, but every grocery I go to is filled with people that have frozen pizzas in their carts.

I am done cooking food and I will only be eating raw fruits and vegetables for the rest of my life. I have betrayed my body twenty-five years.

>> No.4647874

>>why have we abandoned a raw and veggie diet

You fucking kidding me? you know I know the actuall historically correct answer to both of these, but I'm so fucking wut right now that you don't that I'm going to show you this video, tell me what you think of it.


>> No.4647881

what works for apes does not work for us. apes are like most animals in that they can create a certain type of protein from plant matter. we humans have been able to eat animals for so long and acquire that same protein through eating animals that we have evolved away from being able to create it as a product of our own metabolisms. I do not remember the name of this protein, I apologize.

>> No.4647884


OP here.

Very edgy. I'm not that easily swayed my friend. I am not doing this because of other people. I honestly believe that humans do not need to eat cooked food.

>hurr durr I'll use the elemental name for water and that will fool everyone! what a ruse!

>> No.4647888
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>> No.4647892



>> No.4647891
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>> No.4647900

Enjoy your organ breakdowns and cancer, OP.

>> No.4647902
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>> No.4647904

>I honestly believe that humans do not need to eat cooked food.
And you're honestly an idiot. Who's got a bad case of "the fear". Eating nothing buy raw fruits and vegetables is a damn stupid thing to do. It's not what's best for your body.

>> No.4647908

Don't forget the spastic colon!

>> No.4647913


make claims, provide proof. If you link me to some shit, I will discuss it in a calm, adult manner.

>> No.4647916
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>> No.4647917

Just because you don't have to eat meat doesn't mean you shouldn't and it's fucking good, so why not?

>> No.4647922
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well dont pat yourself on the back yet because you are one dumb motherfucker. Back in the day things like germs and an obscenely high mortality rate and a lack of food of any kind in a high competition environment lead to our earliest ancestors who lived a nomadic life to learn to cook, which arose much in part as a method of preserving the food gathered from animals, as well as to make other foods like the early grains more palatable. in other words, we evolved to "abandon" the diets you speak of because we would have been double murdered if we hadn't by competition and environmental conditions.

Heres an interesting fact, you owe your brain to the diet of meat, guaranteed if you did not eat meat back in the day you would not have the caloric needs to support something as sophisticated as we have going for us right now. This is a double whammy because if you happen to have a larger brain, you don't need a lot of brawn, so your muscles weaken, in apes your jaw muscles are ridiculous. Theyre so strong they warp the skull, when they weakened the skull and brain bollooned out and there was much more room for development because meat is a calorie dense affair. The ape in your picture highlights your stupidity because a LOT of apes do eat meat, particularly the kinds we're closely related to.

So to sum, We humans owe our success to cooking and eating things that aren't just fruit. I cant tell you why we did, but had we never abandoned that life style, we wouldn't have computers, and we'ed still be foraging to this day.

As for the modern advisable path? eat whatever the fuck you want man. if you think farming and agriculture are the way to go you're going to be in for a rude awakening when you learn what we've been doing to top soil. The fighting between groups of self important "political activists" over our diet is laughable, We need to start down scaling our population to sustainable levels through controlled breading, not arguing over what we're eating.

>> No.4647923

>posts picture of an omnivore

>> No.4647924

Holy fuck, that's a quadruple negative sentence.

>> No.4647925

Some fruitarians will eat only what falls (or would fall) naturally from a plant; that is: foods that can be harvested without killing or harming the plant.[3][4][5] These foods consist primarily of culinary fruits, nuts, and seeds.[6] According to author Adam Gollner, some fruitarians eat only fallen fruit.[7] Some do not eat grains, believing it is unnatural to do so,[8] and some fruitarians feel that it is improper for humans to eat seeds[9] as they contain future plants,[7] or nuts and seeds,[10] or any foods besides juicy fruits.[11] Others believe they should eat only plants that spread seeds when the plant is eaten.[12] Others eat seeds and some cooked foods.[13] Some fruitarians use the botanical definitions of fruits and consume pulses, such as beans, peas, or other legumes. Other fruitarians' diets include raw fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey and olive oil,[14] or fruits, nuts, beans and chocolate

Holy shit, some people only eat fruit that has fallen... Talk about balls and self-control. If I had to pick between two guys, I would pick the guy that had enough self-control to only eat fallen fruit all his life. Fruitarians confirmed for god-tier humans

>> No.4647926
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>he ain't amused

>> No.4647927
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what a pleb

>> No.4647932


The human body is structured in such a way that we can't absorb all the nutrients from most foods without them being cooked. It has been theorized that it was learning to cook our food before eating it that allowed us to out breed and kill off the other proto-humans back in the day.

Meat proteins contain more amino acids and various shit that your body needs and are digested and absorbed better than vegetable proteins. I'm not going to research this one for you, it would take you all of 10 seconds on google.

If you want something specific, here:


>Some veggie greens contain a chemical called oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is a very irritating substance to the mouth and intestinal tract. It also blocks iron and calcium absorption and may contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

>The good news is that oxalic acid is reduced by a light steaming or cooking

>Raw potatoes contain hemagglutinins that disrupt red blood cell function

>Raw, edible mushrooms such as the common white mushroom contain toxic substances such as agaritine, a suspected carcinogen. These substances are heat sensitive and are neutralized by cooking.

>Alfalfa sprouts are mildly toxic and inhibit the immune system.


>> No.4647934


>Heres an interesting fact, you owe your brain to the diet of meat, guaranteed if you did not eat meat back in the day you would not have the caloric needs to support something as sophisticated as we have going for us right now. This is a double whammy because if you happen to have a larger brain, you don't need a lot of brawn, so your muscles weaken, in apes your jaw muscles are ridiculous. Theyre so strong they warp the skull, when they weakened the skull and brain bollooned out and there was much more room for development because meat is a calorie dense affair. The ape in your picture highlights your stupidity because a LOT of apes do eat meat, particularly the kinds we're closely related to

damn bro, OP here. I ain't even mad. You just taught me some shit. I have a couple questions though.

Even if we owe our intelligence to our meat eating ancestors, are we, as a species, smart enough yet? I mean, is there any point in eating meat now? It's not like we need more room for our brains

>> No.4647946

>are we, as a species, smart enough yet?
>I mean, is there any point in eating meat now? It's not like we need more room for our brains

Case in point, you. (sorry to be a dick, but seriously...)

>> No.4647955


Not the anon you replied to, but now it's probably needed to support versus grow our brains and such.

At least that's what I'd wager.

>> No.4647958
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>> No.4647961


You are absolutely being a dick. You took the time to teach me something and then proceeded to shit on me when I had questions.

>> No.4647963
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in terms of the things i just taught you as an incentive to eat meat? it doesn't exist as such (IE "yes") because we completely lack the fierce selective tool that was the high attrition rate of people associated with hunter gathering and ice ages. if theres no one to kill you and prevent you from breeding because you are dumb, theres no way it will get you (the human race) smarter. And you yourself will see no benefit

This is also one of the reasons I said you should eat whatever you want. If you dont want to eat meat, don't, if you think fruit is somehow more healthy, go for it. it honestly doesn't matter because environmentally speaking we're going to need to give up a lot more than eating animals if we expect our sustainability to do any turns, the only other way things could possibly turn around is if we came out with a breakthrough for advanced hydroponics and other growing methods that don't rely on lots of land like traditional farming. pretty much the only reason to stop eating meat right now is personal and moral, if you want sustainability, start talking to people about sterilization, not fruit.

There is the factor that epigenetics may cause some of this advice to become invalid, but it's a new field and we honestly don't really know much about how eating meat or not eating meat effects it. It's certainly an incentive not to smoke and do drugs though.

>> No.4647965

thats not me.

>> No.4647966

Maybe I'm just smart enough to realize how stupid I really am, but I'd love to be a helluva lot smarter

>> No.4647970


Okay, I'm going to get really dumb for a second. You say there's no other reason not to eat meat other than moral or personal. I feel, in my bones, that you are wrong. Meat makes me feel heavy after eating it. It makes me feel bogged down. I can feel body dedicating most of its energy to digest it. While a raw fruit and veggie diet leaves me feeling full, but it is also really easy on my digestive system.

>> No.4647972
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Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.4647977


this copypasta is great, although obviously untrue.

>> No.4648004

It's funny since OP chose the worst example in his picture.

Gorillas can get loads more or protein out of plants, which is why they're so buff. If a human ate the same diet...he'd probably be dead, or at least somewhat malnourished.

>> No.4648006

Please do report back in a year to tell us how it's going OP

>> No.4648012


That's true, but since meat takes longer to digest, you'll be fuller longer, right?

>> No.4648026


I don't agree that fruitarianism is the best diet if you mean strict fruitarianism that only allows fruits and vegetables, but a diet centered around starch with fruits and vegetables supplementing it is the best diet in my, and Dr. John McDougall's opinion

Grains, pasta, rice, and potatoes form the bulk of my calories, and I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, sometimes beans, and every so often I'll eat nuts or something

However, this definitely isn't the board to talk about this in. People here don't want to know what a good diet is, they want to eat what they like eating and tell themselves it's all healthy

>> No.4648032

>>moral or personal
>>youre wrong
>>bunch of reasons that all start with makes me feel
... you can't be fucking serious.

>> No.4648034


Your questions were really dumb though.

>> No.4648040
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Might as well be posting theonion.com

>> No.4648079

want to know why you feel lighter and easier to digest your veggies?

its cause you aren't digesting plant matter to its fullest (at least, a much lower bioavailability compared to animal products). Therefore a lot of the energy is being passed through undigested into your poop. There's a reason for animals who ruminate. Also all that fiber is helping everything move along easily (which isn't a bad thing, but you can definitely get enough fiber without going full vegetarian)

Not only that, but you feel full because plants and fruits contain high amounts of water and fiber, but not many real calories. So you're basically filling yourself with fluff. If you wanted to eat the same amount of calories that you could on a diet that included meat, you would probably struggle with the volume. Its simply inefficient to go full raw veggies.

Lastly, cook your food! Just because its raw does not mean its "healthier" or "better for you". An example (sorry its not vegetarian but its the first one I can think of), is raw eggs vs cooked eggs. Raw eggs have a significantly lower bioavailability of protein compared to cooked eggs. Not only in animal products, but in many veggies cooking can increase the availability of vitamins and minerals.

tldr; a well rounded diet is better than all veggie. And raw does not mean better.

>> No.4648081


>hurr durr you can never make anything unhealthy ever

Just shut up. It's a food and cooking board, not a "eat dirt and grass all day erryday" board.

>> No.4648106

Fruits aren't going to give you enough protein, Leafs are. The thing you have to consider is protein/kcal, and leafs are great in that. They do however not contain a lot of protein relative to volume, so you'll have to eat shitloads of it just like the Gorilla.

Eating 3 meals a day of high kcal fruits, vegetables, and grains isn't going to work.

>> No.4648115

>armpits smelt like shit
>stopped eating meat for a week
>no bad smell
>start eating less meat
>no smell

>> No.4648130

have fun with your diarrhea

>> No.4648134


I never said you can't make unhealthy food to eat, I'm just saying it's stupid when you make unhealthy food and then adamantly defend it as healthy food because you can't imagine not eating it every day of your life

>> No.4648135

Stop rubbing meat on your armpits.

>> No.4648137

gr8 b8 m8

its common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are not a complete protein.

barring meat, the only way to get a complete protein is either mother's milk (which is not vegan), or a legume and a grain

>> No.4648138


>its common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are not a complete protein.

What do you think happens when you eat more than a single food? Everything you eat has protein, every protein source combines in your body

>> No.4648139

if a piece of meat weighs you down, you are a gigantic pussy

>> No.4648142

cant eat grains on frutarianism. just because you stuff your fat face with bananas and cabbage doesnt mean youre getting a sufficient amount of all the essential amino acids

>> No.4648144


It actually does, yes. Eat a variety of fruits, eat a variety of vegetables, and you will most definitely get all the amino acids you need

>> No.4648149

i guess you could willfully admit that your "natural" diet is insufficient and start taking supplements.

that diet is going to be really low on vitamin B-12, calcium, vitamin D, zinc and iodine. you could get some omega 3s from avocados

>> No.4648155
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B12 in the modern world is a concern diet-wise, although it's the hardest vitamin to become deficient in, but I can't take you seriously if you're trying to tell me you can't get calcium, vitamin D, zinc, and iodine on a plant diet. Vitamin D doesn't even require you to eat anything, you can get it from standing in the sun for a few minutes. All dairy has vitamin D supplementation added, is milk now aimed at vegans?

And when you say "you can get some omega 3s from avocados," you're making me think that you're under the impression that avocados are the only source of fat in plants. Nuts obviously exist as big fat sources, but you should know EVERY plant has fat in it, much of which is omega-3s/6s. Eat some broccoli and kale for protein, omega-3s, calcium, zinc, and some beans or even just salt for iodine

>> No.4648567 [DELETED] 


That's great and all, but you're not a monkey, despite the impression that textbooks might've left you.

>> No.4648620

-Standard human omnivore diet: eats pretty much everything out of every category; should be pretty balanced.
-Carrion eater: only eats meat, it is tenderized cooked and probably aged. this is essentially digested outside the body; may need to take dietary supplements (most carrion eaters like to call themselves "carnivores" which they are not since they don't only eat fresh raw meat)
-Vegetarian: eats only vegetables, fungi, nuts, and fruit; may need to take dietary supplements (this is what most vegans call vegan.)
-Vegan: same as Vegetarian; may need to take dietary supplements
-Ovumtarian: same as vegetarian and vegan only eggs are included ; may need to take dietary supplements
-Lactotarian: same as vegetarian and vegan only dairy is included.
-Ovum-lactotarian: same as vegetarian and vegan dairy and eggs are included (this is what most vegetarians call vegetarian.)
-Pescetarian: same as vegetarian and vegan only fish is included.
-Fruitarian: eats only fruit; may need to take dietary supplements
-Human-pet-foodtarian: those people that eat heavily processed food products instead of eating whole foods; may need to take dietary supplements (this is most of western society)

>> No.4648677

>and may contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
brb cooking the planet

>> No.4648687


>claim to get redpilled about human dietary requirements

you got bluepilled, guy

have fun with your subpar nutrition, though

>> No.4648698
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>I am officially red-pilled

So you're lonely and miserable and you can't even connect with the people who share your newfound believes?

>> No.4648711

You've been anti-red pilled.
Humans have evolved a diet that relies on cooking. Humans who try to survive off raw food alone typically end up dead or very mal nourished. We literally would not be able to survive on raw food as a species.
Furthermore, Gorillas have a fundamentally different diet from us. Amazing what a few million years of evolution can do.

>> No.4648730

Technically no, since we have identified all the amino acids we need, and have found plants that fulfill all of those amino acid requirements.
If you want lots of protein fast eat meat, but chances are unless you exercise daily you don't need that much.

>> No.4648747

>this whole well written, intelligent, and informative post.
>last sentence-
>controlled breading

ya blew it.jpg

>> No.4648773

saturated fats are important for brain health; your lack of them explains your stupidity

>> No.4648777

My feeling is that if we evolved to eat meat (i.e. incisor teeth), then we eat meat.
Of course, our forebears ate meat, and then WORKED.
They didn't have the opportunity to live such a comfortable sedentary lifestyle as us.
Meat isn't the cause of our poor health, sitting on our asses is.

>> No.4648779

Our population is sustainable and will continue to be sustainable. You're kind of despicable for advocating eugenics in this day and age.

I would argue that excessive consumption of processed meats and overconsumption (emphasis over) of red meat is definitely contributing. Insulin nuking processed grain as well. It's not as simple as calories in - calories out.

>> No.4648786

> calories in calories out

Fruit is a diuretic so fruitarians are actually absorbing around HALF of the calories they claim to if that.

>> No.4648791

It's more like 18 different essential amino-acids but you are pretty much correct

>> No.4648800


Eugenics doesn't have to be limited to sustainability. Just because we are capable of supporting invalids doesn't mean that we should let them drag down the rest of society.

>>It's not as simple as calories in - calories out.

Depends on what you're talking about. For weight loss (or gain) then yes, it really is as simple as calories in vs. calories out. However, that's not the same question as health in general, and you are certainly right that health is dependent on much more than calories alone.

>> No.4648806


>It's more like 18 different essential amino-acids

There's about 10 that are essential, none of which can't be found in plants. What that guy said was dumb and wrong

>> No.4648811

I believe there's also a nineteenth that children require to develop properly that is also not found in plants.

>> No.4648814

We evolved to eat starch (through development of amylase in our saliva and digestive system), we adapted to eat meat out of necessity

Adaption isn't specialization though. We don't handle it very well, so while you can eat it in a pinch, say if you're starving in the woods, making it a long-term staple of your diet is going to come with health risks

>> No.4648817


If there is, I'm betting it's found in human breastmilk and isn't required after being weaned off the milk

>> No.4648819

>>is sustainable
I hope you don't like electricity and modern conviniences

>> No.4648821

Stream that movie if you're so great.

>> No.4648835

As you can see, there are plants which contain essential proteins if you mind consuming your amino acid requirements from multiple foods.

>> No.4648838

>Why have we abandoned a raw fruit and veggie diet?

How can humans abandon something they never did? Humans have always ate meat

>> No.4648847

OP, you should look into becoming a breatharian. I am one and am healthier than ever.

>> No.4648913


You breatharians are such morons. Sun-starer master race.

>> No.4648963

You're a McDougall and Durianrider convert too?

>> No.4648966


Plebs, the lot of you. Gravitarian masterrace reporting in.

>> No.4648969
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