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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4647469 No.4647469 [Reply] [Original]


Post your herb gardens.

>> No.4647524

I've always wanted of those gardens...

>> No.4649919

seriously /ck/? Seriously? You let a thread like this die, yet let the numerous vegan/fastfood/ramen threads live?

>> No.4649942
File: 384 KB, 350x263, 1355472763505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're new here, arent you? /ck/ is worse then it seems.

i bet /out/ would care about your herb garden. good luck friend. also bump i guess.

>> No.4649962

I've been here through the angie shitstorms, the pink salt bullshit, and various stages of sceak hate. I am really getting tired of this place, but i stay here because let's face it, if i wanted serious discussion i would go to reddit, or content i go to a blog, but i enjoy this bullshit and getting angry.

>> No.4649971

i miss PHS guy. he had like, 6 mouses, didnt he?

im right there with you, /ck/ is wonderful, unless you want actual cooking discussion. at this point i think 90% of the worlds youth will be cooking gourmet ramen because of /ck/

also, fuck it, lets talk about your herbs. what you got growing?

>> No.4649978

>six mouses
No. If you can't remember why PHS guy was memorable then you're a lying newfag.

>> No.4649982
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>> No.4649983

look, i am probably mixing random people from teh 4chan.

i remember PHS guy having white plates with blue squiggles on them, and for some reason i want to say he drank out of odd goblets.

anyways, it doesnt matter.

/ck/ food and cooking

>> No.4649984

I just joined this thread, and have only been around for a year. Who was PHS guy?

>> No.4649988

french tarragon
tokyo negi
thyme (normal)
curly parsley
dill (its dying ;_;)
two varients of mint

>> No.4649993


An awesome guy that put pink salt on all his food, had a large collection of VHS tapes.
He would come here and post a picture of his dinner and that was it, his thread would turn into 300+ replies shit storm and he'd never reply to anyone.
I wish he were still around.

>> No.4649994

Two types of chives (garlic and plain)
Thai basil

I want to start another one with rosemary, sage, coriander, Greek basil.

>> No.4649997

/ck/ seems to have moved to a era of relative quiet lately.

last year the /ck/ challenge was exciting as hell, but this year it was pretty dull. No professionals to show off, and the novices just plain sucked.

Man i wish something exciting would happen. Maybe i should become a tripfaggot.

>> No.4650005
File: 65 KB, 790x822, dill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a nice collection.

im sorry about the dill. i love dill

do it. just so long as you have a gimmick

>> No.4652497

I just planted a few more,

Sweet basil
and long red chili plant

>> No.4654082
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reporting in

>> No.4654086

God dammit, was about to inb4 that.

>> No.4654088


It's because r9k invaded and shitposted /ck/ into a coma. People are slowly trickling back but who knows how long it will take.

>> No.4654098

About a dozen various tomatoes, watercress, spinach, thyme, sweet basil, Thai basil, Greek oregano, chives, mystery chili pepper.

>> No.4654101

>/ck/ sure is sucking lately
>maybe I should start making it worse

>> No.4654131
File: 438 KB, 3648x2736, DSCN0821a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I have 2 PC mice, and my plates are brown multicolor white "Heritage Hall" pattern.

I'm here every day.

>eating sherbet to beat the heat and humidity

/ck/ is nearly exactly as it has always been. You people are just wearing nostalgia goggles.

Nice garden. Are you Angela or Tom, or just google imaging someone else's garden?

>> No.4654142


>> No.4654157

I've missed you.

>> No.4654182

>I'm here every day.

I think a, "lurk moar," is warranted.

>> No.4654711

No professionals to show off? Some of fgrsp matched (__(__( (I don't remember the trip exactly), I thought. Sure, neither were actually professional cooks but the quality of some of their dishes were way above the other competitors.

>> No.4655188

hey, I was the one who asked about who you were. /ck/'s tripfags and recurring posters, sceak aside, seem to be a cut above the rest. Thanks for being here