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File: 87 KB, 750x563, sourdoughcomesfromcalifornia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4647353 No.4647353 [Reply] [Original]

Does the rest of the world have sourdough bread, or is it just a California thing?

>> No.4647368
File: 232 KB, 1337x972, aEaQGpz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.4647370

it actually can't legally be called sourdough unless it's made in cali

>> No.4647371
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>> No.4647372

Does the rest of the world have idiots?
Or is it just a California thing?

>> No.4647376


the thing is, ive had sourdough in texas like once, but it tasted like shit.

California owns sourdough, whats so retarded about knowing that? Just like we own In-N-Out and the Dodgers.

>> No.4647380

i move we send all remaining idiots there now.

>> No.4647386

Do....you seriously belive this?

>> No.4647387
File: 15 KB, 365x367, 1372832207218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I didnt live in CA so I could call this guy an idiot.

>> No.4647395


Too bad InNOut isn't that great, and the Dodgers are from Brooklyn.

California doesn't own sourdough btw, it's strictly San Francisco, which is why the bacteria is called sanfranciscensis and not californicis.

tl;dr; your shitty town in the valley sucks, stfu

>> No.4647396

Sourdough was the main bread made in Northern California during the California Gold Rush, and it remains a part of the culture of California to this day. The bread became so common that "sourdough" became a general nickname for the gold prospectors. The nickname remains in "Sourdough Sam", the mascot of the San Francisco 49ers. A "sourdough" is also a nickname used in the North (Yukon/Alaska) for someone having spent an entire winter north of the Arctic Circle and refers to their tradition of protecting their Sourdough during the coldest months by keeping it close to their body.

>> No.4647405

Best bakery in California, and its not even in SF.


>> No.4647409


And New York and Connecticut.

>> No.4647414

Sourdough likely originated in Ancient Egyptian times around 1500 BC and was likely the first form of leavening available to bakers. Sourdough remained the usual form of leavening down into the European Middle Ages until being replaced by barm from the beer brewing process, and then later purpose-cultured yeast.

This is not a California thing.

>> No.4647417

You could be lucky. He might live in Fresno.

>> No.4647419


No one said it was, can you fucking read? It said "main bread made in Northern California during the Goldrush", not "California invented sourdough." lrn2readingcomprehension.

>> No.4647420


Let me guess, you're in flyover land? Not only do you not matter, but we likely pay for your social services. So shuddup.

>> No.4647421

I would argue that it is a California thing. I don't see sourdough advertised or eaten anywhere else, and what sourdough you do have is crap made by the largest conglomerates. If you are getting sourdough from a baker, chances are its because California made sourdough famous. I never said we invented the bread, I said we owned it, and we do.

>> No.4647428

Have you left California?

>> No.4647429


The oldest sourdough bakery in in California, in SF. I live about 3 miles from it. Best bread I've ever had. You can order "bread of the month" clubs and gift baskets. I send them to friends and family who live out of state. I've never had anyone I've sent it to say anything other than it's the best bread they've ever had. (of course, I suppose it would be rude to insult a gift, LOL).

>> No.4647430

>and New York

There's a shitload more to NY than NYC. Stop basing your judgement of a state on one city.

At least I can proudly say all of Cali is worthless as a whole.

>> No.4647434

Is a reply to


>> No.4647437


Mostly just a Californian thing. They have their heads shoved so far up their own asses that it crushes their head and stunts any potential brain growth.

Same deal as New York City.

>> No.4647439

I've been to Canada, Mexico, and 2/3's of the States. I consider myself well traveled when it comes to North America.

>> No.4647440
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>> No.4647443

I always thought it was weird that people ruined their bread by putting butter on it or using it to sponge up meat juice. Then I learned that there are people eating bread made outside CA. Bread was my favorite oart of the meal as a kid and I always ate it first.
TL;DR Your non californian bread sucks.

>> No.4647453

sorry boston, but california also owns clam chowder in a sourdough breadbowl.

>> No.4647463
File: 448 KB, 974x648, Clam-Chowder-in-a-Sourdgouh-Bread-Bowl-at-Boudin-in-San-Francisco-FS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.4647499


Uhhhhh sourdough was the bread of choice for thousands of years before 1849. Where do you think humans got yeast from?

>> No.4647500

exactly. Sourdough would be nonexistant right now if it wernt for the European immigrants who came to California in the 1850's.

>> No.4647505

East Coast (Regrettably).
Yes, we have sourdough, and most people know of it from places like Panera.

Yes, I've had it from Boudin Bakery.
I did not think it was anything spectacular.

>> No.4647506

So you've never left a single continent yet talk about the world? What a laughably tiny worldview.

Off the top of my head the Danes and the Poles eat sourdough bread all the time and have for centuries.

>> No.4647507

mofo what u wanna say about the 559

>> No.4647509

Except half of Central Europe has been eating that shit daily for centuries now and are showing no signs of stopping.

>> No.4647510

Like I would ever consider a Dane or Pole superior to myself in anyway, shape or form, ever. Bitch, I'm from California.

>> No.4647563
File: 140 KB, 1440x1080, donthinksotime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>east of I5
>best anything
>even part of California and not some retard offshoot of Idaho

>> No.4647564


Upstate is completely different. It's shitty, but it's definitely not NYC.

>> No.4647741

what the fuck are you even talking about. The 134 is the 2nd prettiest drive in California. You've obviously never been.

>> No.4647756
File: 47 KB, 510x465, 1370926476535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans keep proving the cliche of being ignorant kids that never leave home, either out of fear or for monetary reasons (like the toilet paper thing with the poop scoop)

>> No.4647767

two words

>> No.4647769

ahahahaa not OP, but i'm from fresno. at least we're not as bad as bakersfield or stockton

>> No.4647780

>mfw no one calls him out that he says yeast are bacteria
>mfw san francisco is a town
>mfw san francisco is in a valley, but is surrounded by water on two sides
>mfw i have no face


>> No.4647785

Please, no.

Whether trolling or not (great troll btw), please don't give other countries more reason to think we are more unlearned than we actually are.

Not that yurops are actually more intelligent, its just that they're less prone to spouting profoundly under informed things about most topics except American craft beer.

>> No.4647787

>tfw live in a shitty valley
we ratchet now

>> No.4647795

Ugh. This whole post. Just...ugh

>> No.4647810

>California does something nice for Texas
>Texas thinks they stole it


>> No.4647816
File: 208 KB, 900x1200, 1373163802676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwwww yeah

>> No.4648109

I live in Santa Rosa in the wine country and there building one here, never been to one, I will go when it opens

>> No.4648113

>Santa Rosa
>wine country

More like migrant worker camp.

>> No.4648120

ITT: people going so far west into the new world they thought they started brand new civilisation cut from anything made before

>> No.4648145

You've managed to completely miss the point. No one said sourdough was invented in California. It's just that NorCal makes the best sourdough in the world. It's because of the specific wild yeast there.
Don't act so thick headed.

>> No.4648152


> It's just that NorCal makes the best sourdough in the world

Don't act so thich headed.

>> No.4648389

So cal makes some bomb ass tortillas

>> No.4648393

>wild yeast species don''t travel by air
>yeast don't have pilii with which they exchange DNA, even between species.

i dunno, this sounds more like being ignorant instead of thick-headed to me.

>> No.4648394

>It's just that NorCal makes the best sourdough in the world
Sure thing, skippy. And I'm sure your mom makes kick ass samiches out of it for you to take to school.

>> No.4648396

>It's because of the specific wild yeast there.
>specific wild yeast

wow. i use dozens of different yeast strains in my lab, and this is just.. i don't know.

>> No.4648397

fuck if this is not a joke then OP is an actual idiot

>> No.4648414


Stop trying to pretend your shithole is on par, it's not.

Highway 1 is the best drive in CA, hands down.

>> No.4648415

So sourdough bread is one of those hipster food fads like avocados and cup cakes?

>> No.4648418


You need more schooling for your reading comprehension, Captain NeedsAProblem.

Nobody said anything about yeast - lactobacillus sanfranciscensis is a lactic acid bacteria, which give San Francisco sourdough its distinctive taste. You're the only one reading about it being yeast. How's that unwarrented self-importance now?

As for the shitty town in the valley, that refers to the poster, not San Francisco, you idiot. As in San Fernando valley.

>> No.4648420


This is true. Mission burritos are shit compared to Mexican food in So-Cal, which is why I find Chipotle so funny.

>> No.4648436

The 1 is definitely the prettiest drive, but the 134 comes in at a very close second.

>> No.4648443


Congrats. You still don't have the best bread in CA.

>> No.4648444

California is 18% of the total us population that uses 33% of all social services money. They pay for your social services you self important fuck. Enjoy your massive debt and authoritarian state government.

>> No.4648448

We are used to jealousy

>> No.4648449


Actually I don't live in CA anymore - on the better coast now.

And you're simply wrong, or deliberately mixing your figures. CA takes in $.78 of every federal dollar they pay in taxes.

>> No.4648452

Babby is mad that the federal govt considers your state a leech. Your terrible mismanagement caused this and now there is truly nothing good in the state. Even Hollywood is moving away as time goes by because of taxes and regulations. Your experiment in direct democracy failed.

>> No.4648457

Whatever helps you sleep pal. Meanwhile, I'm gonna go to In-n-out and then go down to the beach and relax, then maybe ill stop at the dispensary on the way home and pick up some herb. Life is pretty sweet in California.

>> No.4648458


Learn to read faggot.

A) I don't live in CA.
B) California pays more to the feds than it gets from them. Meaning the feds are leeching off CA, not the other way around.

And the government of CA is fucked, it's what happens when dipshits decide they don't want to pay taxes. Unlike the red states California doesn't have the feds bailing them out.

>> No.4648460

Sure thing you bluepilled sheep.

>> No.4648466


/pol/ drone detected. Nothing quite like the uninformed convinced they're smart. Gets rid of the need for proof and logic and all that.

>> No.4648467

none of those things you listed are anything normal, well adjusted adults give a shit about when they pick their state of residence.

the ridiculous cost of living, however, is.

>> No.4648472

Why does everyone seem to think they know everything about California? I don't give a shit about your state, so why do people waste so much time giving a shit about mine? Oh wait. Jealousy

>> No.4648475


How can you put a price on not living with rednecks and being so bored you fuck your sister?

NYC here, we make much more money than you guys in flyover land.

>> No.4648476

Actually, sourdough bread is supposed to be better for you. Fermenting the wheat destroys phytic acid, and makes it easier to digest. Lacto bacillus is supposed to be better for the bacteria in your stomach and intestines, too. I don't see a problem with people eating sourdough.

People everywhere eat sourdough. Indian dosas are made with fermented rice batter. Sourdough is the traditional, and maybe best way to eat grains.

>> No.4648477


Anything besides hot pockets and wonder bread is hipsters to dumbasses on /ck/

>> No.4648480

You should learn to read.

California's welfare caseload is the highest in the nation. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, California has 1.5 million welfare recipients, or 33% of the national caseload. The next closest state, New York has only 275,000 recipients.

Looks like I was right and you were just being a retarded Californian.

>> No.4648482

You are such a faggot that you actually went and looked up statistics to prove how big of a faggot you are? Man you are a faggot

>> No.4648484

but, uhh, i don't live in flyover land. i just pointed out that nobody gives a shit that they have in n out over there (well, except fatties who use fast food as a holy grail).

and as easy as it is to hate flyover land irrationally, the people that live there will have a house, car, whatever else they want much earlier on in life when they aren't paying out the ass to live in some shitty studio apartment that's loud as fuck because you're above some business.

>> No.4648486

>rest of america begs for In N out
>everyone wishes they had in n out

pick one

>> No.4648488

Yah, it is just so hard to prove that CA is a mismanaged shit hole infested by self important people too full of themselves to wake up. Wait, it took 2 minutes worth of google time to do that. If you people cared as much about fixing your states problems as you do reminding the rest of the US that you are the "greetest" then it would be a much better place.

>> No.4648489

if everyone in america wanted it, they would have it. you think the people who run in n out just refuse to capitalize on demand?

>> No.4648492

As the 8th largest economy in the world, you should be on your knees everytime you mention the word California. Thanking us for the fruits of our labors and all the good things that we bring you. Im still wondering why you misspelled greatest, because we are.

>> No.4648493

And not only that but you lead the US with 23.22% of your population living below the poverty line compared to the national average of 18%. Sure seems like a great place.

>> No.4648494


And California pays for that. Are you one of those retards that thinks welfare is federal?

Again, the simple fact is California pays more in taxes than it gets back in services and goods. So does New York. Face it, the flyover states are the leeches.

>> No.4648495

In and Out could only expand nation-wide by compromising their standards, which they won't do.

>> No.4648500

>As the 8th largest economy in the world
Still touting statics from the 90s eh? It is 12th now and your per capita income has been lowered to 51 thousand dollars. This means your massive poverty rate is starting to affect your precious (sinking) economy.

>> No.4648502

well that's complete horse shit. what does california have that most of the country couldn't sustain, exactly?

i mean, much nicer restaurants seem to have few problems in flyover states.

just because they tell you this doesn't make it true.

>> No.4648507

CA does not pay for all of it. Furthermore you have only recently stared to make efforts to reign in your overspending.

Are you even aware of how social services work? Govt grants and loans must never even enter CA then right?

>> No.4648511

Seems normal considering the recent downswing in the economy. I don't understand what you think you are proving? That california is a poor shithole? Because it just isn't. Hows life in Texas treating you? Meanwhile, we will still be one of the largest economies on the face of the planet, bigger then all but 12 countries. All take that.

>> No.4648513

this guy really hates california

>> No.4648515

>ignoring all the smaller economies that are more well maintained

goddamnit california, bigger and better are two completely different things.

>> No.4648516

Over 23% poverty rate is massive and you dont seem to understand that. What are you going to do with EBT runs out?

>> No.4648519

California has nearly $1 trillion in debt.
Texas has a balanced budget, and much higher job growth.

>> No.4648520

Probably start a new industry that will spawn billions of fresh dollars in revenue, like california always does.

>> No.4648522


I'm not a californian, junior, might want to read.

> Govt grants and loans must never even enter CA then right?

As stated numerous times before, CA pays out $1 in taxes for EVERY .$.78 cents it gets from the federal government. Meaning not only do the residents of California pay for their own welfare programs, they also pay for those of the South, which pays much less than it takes in.

California's problem was never overspending - they had the bright idea in the 90's to make tax revenue unable to increase by requiring a 2/3s vote on it and freezing property taxes.

>> No.4648523

Wow it's like I'm actually on /pol/

>> No.4648524

>Hows life in Texas treating you?

great! balanced budget and no state income tax too!

sage for off topic

>> No.4648525

Enjoy that humidity. Ill take that debt everday

>> No.4648527


. . . and some of the highest property taxes in the nation. And decaying infrastructure (I35 anyone?).

>> No.4648528

>can't deal with humidity

you must be pretty fat.

>> No.4648529

Haha, oh man good luck, like giving them menial jobs that robots will be taking in 20 years?
Sure seems nice
Good luck with your poverty.

>> No.4648531

more people have an opinion about California than any other state, whys that?

>> No.4648532

>Ill take that debt everday
Spoken like a true retard.
"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." Andrew Jackson

Man your state must really know how to raise the least intelligent people in the nation. The people leading your sciences and technology sectors certainly arent from CA.

>> No.4648534

Because the people who live in CA like to act self and important and no one likes that, even more so if they refuse to acknowledge that CA has massive flaws.

>> No.4648535

best think ever from BK

>yfw you'll never have that god tier SD bun and cheese sauce

>> No.4648537

>Sure seems nice

Yeah, must be why the right wing is trying to do the same policy nationwide. Don't worry though, I'm sure THIS time cutting taxes won't increase the deficit!

>> No.4648538

you gotta realize, these are people who voted a movie star into office on notoriety.

>> No.4648540

then why do so many of you people come move to california and visit here. To me it seems like you hate us for the same reasons French people hate Americans. You are just jealous. We know our state has flaws, we are well aware. But we also know that our state will kick your states ass everyday of the week.

>> No.4648542

>right wing
That is a funny way of saying Obama
And that race also included a porn star.

>> No.4648544

>implying all federal monies are transfer payments
>implying that cali doesn't have one of if not the highest real amount of transfer payments/social program expenditures.

Like 3% of cali is stupidly rich, but the rest of the state is a money pit.

>> No.4648548

>And that race also included a porn star.
i did not know this.

...are we talking about a male or female porn star?

>> No.4648550


Ah, I'm one of the guys defending CA, and this is idiotic to me.

A) California is a land of the vapid that wishes it was New York. Nobody hates you because you're beautiful, it's because you're tards.

B) California has been losing natives to Arizona and Texas for years, primarily because LOTS of California is inland empire conservatard racists. The net population increase is from immigration to the US, NOT US citizens moving there.

>> No.4648553

Not live
>our state will kick your states ass
Wrong, almost any state in the union has a better economic outlook when compared to the sinking ship that CA. You people fucked up bad now your golden days are ending. You gave too much money away and bred an entire generation of lazy self important faggots (like yourself) and now you are paying the price. No one is jealous of you, we are just annoyed by your unwarranted self importance.

>> No.4648558

Some blonde or brunette bimbo I only remember because it was so funny.

>inland empire conservatard racists
Those are people who are simply pissed off at the fact that for the last 30 years all of their votes have meant nothing because the cities are so massive and they only vote for social welfare and to make a more authoritarian state govt. No one likes these things. But partisanship like you are espousing is exactly why the US sucks right now.

>> No.4648559

Hey, Cali, how does it feel to know Alabama's economy is on the up swing?

>> No.4648564


Wow, they gonna get that car this year?

Alabama is so much poorer than real states it should always be on the upswing just from finding change. It's like the retard in class - he's always doing great because the criteria is not shitting himself too often.

>> No.4648565

>No one is jealous of you, we are just annoyed by your unwarranted self-importance

Thats my point. Call it whatever you want, Ill stick to using jealousy, because thats what it sounds like. I would say having the 12 largest economy in the world warrants a little self-importance. Its okay, I don't mind being the big kid on the block.

>> No.4648568

>But partisanship like you are espousing is exactly why the US sucks right now.

>ahahahahahahahahahaha no. Bargaining in the false name of bipartisanship by the left is actually.

Remember Pete Wilson? Yeah? His right-wing reforms are why California is bankrupt now. Is saying that partisan? Fine, so be it - because it's also undeniably true.

>> No.4648570

yeah you keep thinking about that, lesser coast. i'll continue watching my sports broadcasts and other important national telecasts in EST.

>> No.4648572

best sourdough i ever had was in Bishop, CA

>> No.4648574

It's amusing you're so ignorant.

>> No.4648577

Jealousy is not a synonym for unwarranted self importance, did you go to public school in CA?

I love people blaming the "far right" for everything. They are the same party you colossal retard, they are bought and paid for by the same people. There is zero functional difference between the two and the few differences there are are so superficial only the least intelligent would be fooled. Next thing you will be telling me is that Obama isnt Black Bush.

>> No.4648580
File: 60 KB, 350x254, california_flag-21223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The financial troubles in California pale by comparison to the United States government. If you say we should kick California to the curb because she has a debt problem that doesn't come anywhere near her GDP, you must be ready to bury the country. And those with a pusillanimous fear of earthquakes really need to get a grip. Haha, get it? Earthquakes and get a grip? Dumb... If California broke off and became a nation, we would displace a member of the G8, making us a driving force in the global economy. We can feed ourselves from the center of our state, build our own houses from timber in the north and make our own clothing in the south. We have an uncommonly high percentage of the country's PhDs and other advanced degrees. In addition, we have a huge labor force. The next closest state does half the business we do.
So much for the list of reasons California is great, that no one ever thinks about. When you add in the obvious reasons like the weather, the film industry, theme parks, national parks such as Yosemite and a coast line like no other, why would anyone want to live somewhere else? What am I leaving out? Several competitive major league sports teams, more theater than anywhere west of New York City, the car capital of the world, the music industry, and on and on...

You can't be thin-skinned and live here though. The Santa Ana winds come and dry everything out causing the hillsides to ignite and burn off all the vegitation. The rains come and houses slide down the hills along with the bare dirt. If you manage to dodge all that, an earthquake hits!

I've lived all over the United States and beyond. California is the only state I've lived in more than once. I keep coming back to California.

>> No.4648581


NYC here, we think you're sad actually. You're a bunch of country rubes with pretensions of being sophisticated. Of course it's all pretty much barbarians west of the Hudson anyways . . .

>> No.4648584

whenever i see a picture of a burrito cut open on the internet i always see all sorts of wierd foriegn shit like corn, white rice, lettuce and other crap

seems every single time i get a burrito it is
spanish rice
pinto beans
cheese/cream/guac extra
is that a california burrito?
are all these other place burritos the ones that are full of wacky shit?

>> No.4648589
File: 118 KB, 912x960, 1364915246654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of your high technology industries are leaving, hollywood is leaving, your labor force is barely educated, the PhDs are coming from other states or countries, you cannot produce enough anything to remain apart from the US. The lack of oil alone would cripple you within a month. Try again you deluded fuck.

>> No.4648590

Access to high quality, fresh ingredients, for one. They have to build their supply chain up store by store. And they've expanded all over the west already.

If they were a publicly traded company with a CEO like Mitt Romney, they would be owned by YUM brands and be about as good as burger king. And instead of being paid pretty well by fast food standards, their employees would be minimum-wage earning nose-picking stoners who hate their lives and fuck up your food on purpose, like burger king.

>> No.4648596


>> No.4648601

>implying cali would be able to remain in their economic position without the rest of the US

Fun fact, for the past few years, more big budget movies were made in the Deep South than in California.

>> No.4648604


So? Location doesn't generate revenue or create jobs. Plenty of movies made in New Zealand, doesn't make it a economic player.

>> No.4648610

the only thing worse than californians are butthurt rednecks complaining about californians

>> No.4648616

You're really that stupid, aren't you?

>> No.4648617

Yes, that is a california burrito. We don't put corn and rice in our burritos

>> No.4648621

hes not as stupid as someone who as to devolve to insults in an argument to try and save face.

>> No.4648624

I'm not devolving to insults to save face. I'm stating that he is stupid because he can't follow an idea to its logical conclusions.

>> No.4648626


San Francisco Mission style puts rice in. I prefer the So-Cal /Sonoran style myself, which never puts rice in a burrito.

>> No.4648633

the north hates the south
and the south hates the north
and everybody hates california

>> No.4648635

and no one thinks about the midwest

>> No.4648638

nevada is a bro. love them gambling laws.

but outside of nevada, the states in the west just bug me. although utah is more funny than maddening.

>> No.4648639

>implying it's not the prostitution you love them for

Come on bro, it ain't everywhere you can get a hot tranny hooker with no fear of it being in the papers.

>> No.4648642

Navada is a shithole infested by the fattest forklift Americans from Alabama, the greasiest mesh-shirt guidos from New Jersey, and California's slimiest media moguls.

>> No.4648643

i said i liked the laws, not the people, you illiterate fucking westerner.

>> No.4648647
File: 64 KB, 400x300, californiapoppys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its good to be from California


>> No.4648650


>> No.4648651
File: 52 KB, 600x604, 1373632148746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm in Virginia and we have sourdough bread in bakeries, grocery stores and everywhere else. Since I we're a reasonably far distance from CA, I think it's safe to assume that the majority of the United States' populous has access to sourdough products.

>> No.4648653

>californians really are this unintelligent

>> No.4648655


Are you illiterate like so much of Alabama?


#46 out of 50 fucko, ya'll are poor dumb trash.

>> No.4648656

Yet CA has the highest poverty rate in the nation...

>> No.4648658

>Next thing you will be telling me is that Obama isnt Black Bush

Nope, I'm saying the platform of the parties, both based on the efficient market fallacy, is wrong at heart.

I'm not disputing we have a far-right and center-right party in the US. I do find it very funny when people point to California's budget problems as somehow a refutation of socialism or crap like that, considering their tax limit amendments in 1978 that got them in this problem are free-marketer gospel.

>> No.4648659


You might want to try these things called sources . . .


California is 15th highest (most of which is in the eastern part OP). Alabama is 47th highest.

>> No.4648661


47th pardon, meaning it's 3rd highest in poverty rate.

>> No.4648664
File: 642 KB, 1920x1200, Sierra-Nevada-Range-California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4648668

Which isn't quite as bad as it sounds because of the extremely low cost of living.

Also, compare the actual numbers and not per capita.

>> No.4648672

You may actually want to try them
California has a poverty rate of 23.5 percent, the highest of any state in the country, according to figures released this week by the United States Census Bureau.

>> No.4648674

I should add this is from the latest census, not your old data from 09.

>> No.4648682




California - 16.6%. Alabama - 19.0%

So with their economy tanked California still has less people in poverty than Alabama.

>> No.4648685

ITT: a flaming faggot argues with a cousin fucker

>> No.4648688


God bless America

>> No.4648689

as a miamian who has been to SF and had a sourdough breadbowl with chili, I gotta admit, i can't find sourdough as sour as it was there.

>> No.4648694

Table 4 page 12, learn to read.

>> No.4648725

that table proves nothing other then how much bigger of a population california has than other states. You are such a try hard.

>> No.4648727

>I should add this is from the latest census, not your old data from 09.

First from your table's TITLE
>People in Poverty by State Using 3-Year Averages Over 2009 , 2010, and 2011

On to your thesis of
>Yet CA has the highest poverty rate in the nation...

California - 16.3
Arizona - 19.2
Alabama - 16.5
Georgia - 18.6
Mississippi - 20.0

>learn to read.

You can't read your own source. Great schooling there in flyover land.

>> No.4648741

to be fair, if you are making the amount of money to put you near the poverty line, it will go a hell of a lot further in the deep south. Everything in California is more expensive thanks mostly to ridiculously high taxes

The federal definition of poverty is not really adequate

>> No.4648754


The difference in per-capita tax burden between California and Alabama is $800; the difference in per-capita income is $8000.

OTOH, if you understood math, you wouldn't live in Alabama.

>> No.4648765
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>> No.4648768

How do you define tax burden?

Are you accounting for how much tougher it is to run a business in California's tax code and overregulation and how businesses are required to charge more for everything accordingly?

>per capita income

Of course more rich people live in california, thats entirely unrelated to the subject. If I was rich, I sure as hell wouldn't live in the south. I was simply saying that if i were poor and lived near to poverty line, I could make that money go a whole lot further in Alabama than in California.

Honestly I have absolutely no interest in living in either state

>> No.4648769
File: 145 KB, 500x309, cali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you love us


>> No.4648784

It's a jersey thing

>> No.4648839

No you public school drop out, it literally states that you have the highest poverty rate in the US.

>> No.4648867

>Are you accounting for how much tougher it is to run a business in California's tax code and overregulation and how businesses are required to charge more for everything accordingly?

And how much easier it is to run a business with customers with disposable income? How about with employees educated at better schools, so they can add a total when the register goes down? Business charge more in California and NYC because the rent costs more, because the land is valuable. Blaming it on government regulation is a right-wing myth perpetrated by people who have never owned businesses in a rich area.
You're comparing unquantifiables to numbers. Given that California has a lower poverty level, though, it seems their policies overall can be said to be superior to that of the south, no?

>> No.4648909

Sourdough can safely be called "a California thing". Its not all that popular elsewhere

>> No.4648920

its marginally more common in california, but its not remotely tough to find in any part of america

>> No.4648921

lol, california is not a rich area

>> No.4648928

Nigga, we name geographical features after it


>> No.4648934

what part of fabric of our culture don't you understand?

>> No.4648951


certain parts of it are obviously

>> No.4648954

I don't see why everyone hates California when I can eat any type of food I want and not have to drive for hours to get there.

>muh chinese next to muh kebabs next to a taco stand

>> No.4648985


I live in Connecticut, but I dig California too. You're mostly right on about the food, though you guys do need to up your pizza game.

>> No.4649128

everyones jealous

>> No.4649149

I've never been to California, so I don't really know, but we have something called "sourdough bread" the bakeries produce here in New Zealand that tastes different from normal bread.

NZ is pretty third world though.

>> No.4649152

>I don't see why everyone hates California when I can eat any type of food I want and not have to drive for hours to get there.
you can do that in any medium or large city in america

>> No.4649162

Shhh, don't burst their special snowflake bubble.

>> No.4649177

>implying you've ever had a real taco.

>> No.4649182


>implying mexicans only cross the border on the west coast

>> No.4649187

>implying people outside of the west coast eat real mexican food

>> No.4649190

nah, he's right bro.
California has the definitive Tex-Mex cuisine.

>> No.4649202

Why do the mexicans only continue eating their "real mexican food" if they come to california, as opposed to every other part of the country they go to? (all of it)

>> No.4649209

Im talking about us whites.

Whites in california love real mexican food. Whites outside the west eat Tex-Mex. Mexicans don't put cheese on every dish they have.

>> No.4649221

Says the guy who addressed Brooklyn as where the dodgers are ORIGINALLY FROM when he said WE OWN THEM. Not the fucking point or the question idiot. Why are people so retarded that they never answer the question?
>how long have you know x?
Oh I met them at..
>not the fucking question retard

>> No.4649226

>implying your ching changs food even comes close

>> No.4649229


It's not tex-mex, there's different styles there. But close enough.

>> No.4649235

"Tex-Mex" (portmanteau of Texan and Mexican) is a term describing a regional American cuisine that blends food products available in the United States and the culinary creations of Mexican-Americans influenced by Mexican cuisine. The cuisine has spread from border states such as Texas and those in the Southwestern United States to the rest of the country. Tex-Mex is most popular in the state of Texas. Tex-Mex is very different from the Southwest cuisine found in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. In these areas, the preferred southwest cuisine is New Mexican cuisine. The southwestern state of Nevada and West Coast state of California tend to lie in the middle as far the preferred style of Mexican-American food. In some places, particularly outside of Texas, "Tex-Mex" is used to describe a localized version of Mexican cuisine. It is common for all of these foods to be referred to as "Mexican food" in Texas, other parts of the United States, and some other countries. In other ways, it is Southern cooking using the commodities from Mexican culture. In many parts of the U.S. outside of Texas the term is synonymous with Southwestern cuisine.

>> No.4649237

>how long have you known X
>answering giving a specific location and date, which both answers the question and provides context.
>"not the question retard"

Does human interaction frighten you or something?

>> No.4649244

>If California broke off and became a nation, we would displace a member of the G8, making us a driving force in the global economy.

From what I gather, Cali is a shithole that only took off when Washington pumped a shitload of money into it in order to win WW2.

It's basically an army brat.

>> No.4649247

This tune warmed my heart.

>> No.4649248
File: 599 KB, 1296x972, IMG_3362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go ahead and say Tex-Mex is my favorite kind of food. Glorious cheese and chili on everything. Complementary chips and homemade salsa for a free appetizer. Motherfucking fajitas. Big as fuck burritos smothered in sauce, chili, and cheese.

>> No.4649249

Im a californian, and love real mexican food, but hell yeah Tex Mex is good. I love me some fajitas

>> No.4649263

>california picture
>only LA pictures

>> No.4649273

a california thing. lual,hello from germany omg. MURRICA ONLY HAS THE SAUERTEIG BROT!

>> No.4649288
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i see they do shipped orders, but how do I place the order? all this talk of sourdough has made me hungry for some

>> No.4649313

yeah as a german bread masterrace i didn't ever bother with OP's question. It's just too ridiculous.

>> No.4649323


AWWWW are we butthurt because we tried to sound smart about bacteria and it blew up in our face?!?!?!?1 WE ARES!!!! WE ARES SO MAD!

>> No.4649339

...really? No one called him out on this?

>> No.4649343
File: 357 KB, 1024x680, gewürzlaib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even bread?

>> No.4649380


Dutchfag here that just came back from Germany, and holy shit man dat sourdough... only 30 km from the border and the best bread I ever had.
We have it ourselves, but you guys perfected it.

>> No.4649480

>that blurred crust
looks hard as fuck on your jaw. 2/10 would not eat. great ingredients ruined. it's like dunkelbrot by sceak.

>> No.4649485

Growing up in California, one of my favorite snacks was a slice of sourdough with cream cheese.

As I understand it, San Francisco sour-dough is unique in flavor from other types due to the naturally occurring yeasts in that region. Like most things the difference is probably exaggerated.

>> No.4649486



I can't wait until summer is over.

>> No.4649494
File: 1.30 MB, 1400x697, 7efe341d_TresHombres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texan, and the guy you're responding to. I love real Mexican food too, almost just as much. I'm all over some barbaco, pastor, lengua, and menudo. I favor Tex-Mex though, don't even care if it's pleb. Fajitas, chimichangas, smothered burritos, chili con queso, quesadillas, all that shit.

>> No.4649498


Dude, fuck you. You got told, now deal with it.

>> No.4649500

>live in California
>home several famous west coast breweries
>likes Modelo
Not knocking Modelo, it's alright.

>> No.4649514

you forgot the 1, the 1 is imperative.

>> No.4649573
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You dropped this . . . l

>> No.4649617

Sourdough bread in South Carolina is not the same as it is in cali and nevada. And it's really not that great (in SC) either.
SC also doesn't serve tritip unless you special order it.

>> No.4649797


>> No.4649857

How many pairs of used panties is required to get a sourdough starter going?

>> No.4650154

Oh man, I've been there a few times. It's pretty incredible. Never had their sourdough though. I can only imagine.

>> No.4650235


>> No.4651279


>> No.4651568
File: 92 KB, 658x492, 3139898-ERICK_SCHATS_BAKKERY_Bishop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually get the like 3 loaves of sourdough, 2 loaves of Sheephearder, and a single loaf of Mule Bread. And I will eat it all before it molds. I love erik shatts. Always stop on the way to and back from Lake Tahoe

>> No.4651624

>(like the toilet paper thing with the poop scoop)

>> No.4652476
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1334358932922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does the thing mentioned in the bible exist outside of America

>> No.4652583

fresno isn't in the sfv

>> No.4652607 [DELETED] 

Sourdough is found in most places. However so-called "san francisco-style" sourdough (Like from Boudin bakery) contains a unique native yeast in its starter that results in particularly flavorful sourdough.

>> No.4652642

Yes you knob it's everywhere. I regularly buy it in China and Oz. You need to >>>/trv/ more

Try and stop me phaggot

>> No.4652798

Americans don't flush toilet paper cause of insufficient infrastructure. They use a scoop to get the biggest turds out of the bowl and throw them in a bin next to the shitter. At least that's what they do in Iowa, they say.

>> No.4653237

I've lived in several different regions of America all my life and I've never heard of something so barbaric.

>> No.4653276


They don't want to talk about it obviously.

>> No.4653278

yuropeans don't use toilet paper, they get a spray of water up their bum and get shit water everywhere that they then clean up with their tongues

>> No.4653293

Don't know about 'Muhrica, but I've experienced it on Crete, where they just throw their shit-stained papers in the bin because the plumbing will screw up if they use paper. Imagine my horror when I found that out in an already filthy airport toilet.

>> No.4653309

Jesus, how horrifying.

>> No.4653329

pretty sure you are confusing america with mainland europe

>> No.4653344

Just started reading this thread five minutes ago.

Fuck California, and their shitty bankrupt liberal welfare government.

That is all.

>> No.4653369


Are Americans really this ignorant?
I thought it was just a myth since I haven't met an American irl.

>> No.4653668

Murrica, please stop thinking you are special. It's not even your recipe/place of origin the sourdough bread came from.

>> No.4653677

They are.
Stupid as fuck.
Was on holiday. I'm from Sweden, tell random stranger. "Oh that's so cool! You got icebears and shit!" Most hadn't even heard of Sweden. If you gave them a map, they could probably only tell where the U.S and Canada was.
What the hell do they teach them in school?

>> No.4653682

every american knows where mexico is

>> No.4653737


It goes both ways though. My family is Danish; I've lived in Texas for 30 years now. A few of my relatives honestly believe that everyone in Texas is really like the "old west" movies and that everyone rides horses everywhere and there's a saloon on every street. Ignorance knows no race, gender, nationality, or creed.

>> No.4653781

Except for the blacks.

>> No.4653785

Americans eat shitty white bread and that's it

>> No.4653791

Shhh, let the Europeans wallow in their prejudice

>> No.4653801

I once met an Australian in the jungle on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec who had no idea what a tortilla was.

People who aren't from America are really ignorant.

>> No.4653835
File: 177 KB, 1200x813, _MG_6550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I am EUrop we have the bread here.

>> No.4653839
File: 250 KB, 1200x1022, _MG_6541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crust is very crunch

>> No.4653840

Most americans think mexico is their new state.

>> No.4654011

>Most americans think mexico is their new state.
Its the other way round

>> No.4654018

No, americans recognize mexico as the thing taking over the shitty southern states

>> No.4654243

I am a babby to bread

This looks very good, what's it called?

>> No.4654246

No, it's taking over the good southern states. The shitty southern states are to the east of texas

>> No.4654305

You apparently don't know about Oildale, all of the other places that have oil driling and all the off-shore drilling.

>> No.4654764

can we talk about fukken bread

i work at a sourdough bakery in melbourne, australia. hard work but it feels good to produce something of value rather than work in a fucking call centre

at technical school my teachers always mention unscrupulous ways to half arse a sourdough, like just using yesterday's dough, or use malt vinegar. like mixing leaven is that hard

anyone encountered these fraudulent breads?

>> No.4655722

>malt vinegar
Care to explain?

>> No.4655777

>California owns sourdough, whats so retarded about knowing that?
Do even the most rudimentary research about where the starter came from you dimwit.

>> No.4656737

well you get our bread, we get your cheese. perfect brotzeit imminent. that's why D and NL are bros for life, united in breakfast.

>> No.4657276

LA is shit tier

>> No.4657280

Probably makes it taste "sour".

In the US fraudulent sourdough is just cold fermented commercial yeast leavened dough. It tastes good (if quite sour and too large-hole crumbed) but it's not fucking sourdough.

>> No.4657308

then can you educate me as to why it is impossible to make sourdough bread that tastes sour in japan?

it is a specific wild yeast, and possibly you could recreate it in a lab, but here in japan, the native yeast does not taste sour.

>> No.4657339

What? Is this true? Does it leaven well?

>> No.4657347


>> No.4657384

>Does the rest of the world have avocado-sourdough bread, or is it just a California thing?


>> No.4657401

Just as popular in Australia/Europe

>> No.4657437

>like just using yesterday's dough, or use malt vinegar
...it's economic i guess

>> No.4657450

CaliSwag Lmao Obey xD Fag detected

>> No.4657685

Really? I want to know more about this.