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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 800x600, Bibimbap[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4641224 No.4641224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people cream themselves over this? Isn't it just a bunch of vegetables and some meat over rice? Am I missing something here?

>> No.4641227

You're not missing anything, people try to seem sophisticated by claiming to like foreign things more

>> No.4641226


look at it, it looks fucking delicious

>> No.4641228

But it's bland as fuck

>> No.4641235

I don't even know what that is, but raw egg on anything is top-shelf delectable.

>> No.4641238

It's 'hip' to eat third world floor scraps today.

>> No.4641243

Its because /ck/ is full of weeb faggots
Hence all the ramen threads

>> No.4641246


Lol, seriously? Every Bibimbap I've ever had has come with hot chili of one kind or another so you can make it as spicy as you like

>> No.4641247


>> No.4641251


it's not bland at all, have you actually had it?

it seems like it would be bland, but it's not

>> No.4641252

I've had it once yeah. It looks great but it tastes not much from what it is, rice with raw and pickled vegetables on top.

>> No.4641253

I like the crispy rice at the bottom

>> No.4641255

Because the only thing Koreans are good is undeserved bragging.

>> No.4641256


Guess you had a shitty one then, bummer. Whenever the bulgogi isn't very good it can be a little bland, usually it's served with a chili sauce to compensate in that case.

>> No.4641373

that's weird, its almost like you've never eaten anything but burgers and pizza.

Pizza is a foreign food btw.

>> No.4641397

Is that a raw egg? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4641408

So are burgers, whats your point?

>> No.4641429

i had it a couple times. its good. its just a simple rice dish but it tastes clean with all the veggies and shit. it is almost like a good hot salad dish. and the caramelized bits at the bottom are the best part. i really like it but i wouldn't pay more than say 5 or 6 dollars for one

>> No.4641438


>> No.4641448

the classics never go out of style dude. if you don't get it, you're inhuman.

>> No.4641558

Is it some traditional ritual to pour cream on yourself before eating it?

>> No.4641574

I usuallt don't understand the obsession with asian foods, but even I have to admit bibimbap is top tier.

>> No.4641579

I agree OP, had it so built up to me by fucking hipster friends. mfw when its just salad toppings on hot rice. "the crunchy rice on the bottom is the best part". I can make crunchy rice at home, and it doesn't cost me $12. Tasted like nothing, had to cover it on the shitty sauce they had. Ended up ordering kimchi side just to get some flavor in my mouth.

>> No.4641586

>Asian food
fuckin' hunger after a big ass meal

>> No.4641626

Everything's foreign to somone.

>> No.4642050

I like spicy food as much as the next guy, but using it to save a bland meal doesn't make it a good meal.

>> No.4642184

the brown noodles thing next to the seaseme seeds are thos noodles or are they some type of thin sliced mushrooms?

>> No.4642195

It's gosari namul. Seasoned and sauteed fiddlehead fern.

>> No.4642757

That looks very delicious.

It isn't.

Well. I wouldn't have paid 12USD, but oh well.
(Perhaps your Taste buds are ruined.)

>> No.4642783

>itt: /ck/ doesn't like anything that doesn't involve butter or bacon

>> No.4642811
File: 59 KB, 400x302, 1371705408351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone other than poor college stupids eat those cup of noodles
>implying real weebs don't cook actual real ramen
>coming to 4chan expecting there not to be weebs when a entire category is Japanese Culture

>> No.4642831

The food is served very hot, and the egg cooks on top of it. You also stir the bowl which further cooks and disperses the egg throughout the food.

Not that there's anything wrong with eating a raw egg in the first place.

>> No.4642956

oh cool thanks

>> No.4642974

Not japanese

>> No.4642996

It's not. It's Korean.
I'm Asian and hate asian anime faggot vidya shit but I do love bibimbap.

>> No.4643009

Uh, the flavour is supposed to be from the SAUCE. And the sauce doesn't only have the spiciness.

I think it's pretty good, but nothing to be excited over

>> No.4643012

Because it tastes good.

>> No.4643029

>mfw i'm korean and i don't see why foreigners are creaming themselves over some simple bibimbap

seriously, we have jjampong, jajangmyun, gamjatang, ddeukguk, kimchijigae, nengmyun....

bibimbap is literally what we have when we're too lazy to make anything else. kind of like how fried rice is like to the chinese.

>> No.4643045

And Chinese people love fried rice.

Same Asian here.
>would take bibimbap or fried rice over other asian dishes

>> No.4643091

Gochujang is THE SHIT.

It's great on most Korean food.

>> No.4643095

>crispy rice parts on the bottom
>best part

That's what I hate on bibimbap.

>> No.4643166

>coming to 4chan expecting there not to be weebs when a entire category is Japanese Culture

Which is why the board is as sad and biased as it is. Ever so often I repost something I posted on Reddit and the board creams itself thinking worthwhile OC is actually still posted here.

>> No.4643184


Best Korean food I ever had was roasted seaweed with rice

They really do make the best roasted seaweed.