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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4635966 No.4635966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else hate their parents cooking?

>Have two small sirloin steaks
>Mom wants to cook them and fries
>I like steak medium rare and my dad likes his well done because he's a pleb
>I say I'm going to make the fries because my mom sucks at it and ask her to make one steak medium rare for me and my sister make the other well done for her and my dad.
>she says she'll just make them both medium then which makes no sense and irritates the shit out of me
>when I finish the fries and I go back to my room to wait for the steak she covers the fries so they get soggy and gross
>She over cooks the shit out of both steaks.
>The meat was tough as fuck and the fat couldn't be bitten through at all
>Felt like I was eating a fucking rubber chew toy.

This happens every time my parents attempt to cook steak.

>> No.4635978

My parents are okay cooks, but my boyfriend's mom is giving terrible. I went to visit and she made fish and chips. Over-battered, overcooked fish, and soggy, salty fries. The worst part is my boyfriend always wants me to use her recipes, but without massive adjustments they are fucking inedible.

>> No.4635983

bluh bluh muh first world problems

>> No.4635989

>bluh bluh muh first world problems

>> No.4635991

>implying breaking a nail isn't the most annoying fucking thing ever

>> No.4635996

hopefully your gay because girls shouldn't use that language

>> No.4635999

You're right. "Soggy" is a really unladylike word.

>> No.4636053

My family has some really retarded ideas when it comes to cooking.
>"The thing is son, when you cook rice, you have to make it taste like RICE. Keep it simple"
>"Don't put salt on the steak, there's already enough of it on the rice/pasta/bread, too much is bad for you"
>"What you mean putting cinnamon on the chicken???It's a savoury dish, you can't ever use cinnamon on savoury food"
>"You have to cook the pork well done because that's how you have to eat pork"

>> No.4636057

>Mom cooks frozen pizza she bought at the store
>Smothers it with extra pepperoni and cheese
>When it's done cooking the dough is under cooked

I wish my folks would stop doing that.

>> No.4636066

>mom cooks the steak
>I go to my room
>OP is a faggot

"Moooooommmmm, why did you overcook the steaks again! I'm going to McDonald's!"

>> No.4636069

No, my mom's cooking is actually quite good. She's not the most adventurous cook, but she's damn good at the stuff she does make.

My dad doesn't cook that much, but he does grill, and he's better than average at it.

My in-laws on the other hand are fucking awful cooks, but think they're great, so they always end up trying to make something fancy when we eat there, and it always ends up tasting like shit.

>> No.4636074

think he she is means boyfrie?

>> No.4636099

My mom is a shit cook, everything she makes is dry. The reason I came to this board is to cook my own meals

>> No.4636119

I didn't realize my parents were shit cooks until I started cooking.

>> No.4636128

Girls shouldn't say boyfriend?

>> No.4636141

Mum used to be a vegetarian, and she cooks any bit of meat we let her get her hands on until it's indistinguishable from a plant.

She does great casseroles and slow-cooked meals, though.

>> No.4636160
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>tfw your mom is the best cook in this planet

>> No.4636171

My folks are actually very good cooks. One is italian flavored, the other is a spanish influence. Either way, they know how to make a damn good steak.

>> No.4636176
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>> No.4636184


>my mommy makes me teh best macaroni and cheese XDXD

>> No.4636190
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Being able to visit the parents knowing there will be a table packed with delicious food is a great feeling. Sorry you can't experience that.

>> No.4636200

well princess maybe next time you could put the fingers out of your pussy and cook for them all by yourself

>> No.4636213

Hell yeah.

Both my parents grew up in restaurants. They're both pretty damn good cooks.

>> No.4636223

I'm sorry your parents abandoned you?

>> No.4636231

I my parents dinner all the time

>> No.4636234

I cook my parents dinner*

>> No.4636236

I my parents dinner all the time too

can't even write properly yet you criticise your parent's cooking, ungrateful PoS

>> No.4636240


>> No.4636241

>complaining about typos
Seriously dude. This isn't youtube. Correcting obvious mistakes is getting pretty damn tiring to read. Not even /lit/ is autistic enough to try to deflate statements with such a cheap antic.

>> No.4636243

This is my situation as well.
>tfw when you're 26 and the default host for family gatherings/holidays because nobody else cooks

>> No.4636245

>Can't even greentext
>Giving someone shit for a typo

>> No.4636248

>What is reading comprehension

>> No.4636251

hun, did you read my post? I wasn't greentexting him

>> No.4636254
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Great thread.

>> No.4636271

It's part of the reason I can't go visit them anymore

>they make Thanksgiving dinner
>turkey overcooked to hell, salty
>dressing is oily and salty
>mashed potatoes not creamy
>sweet potato pie too sweet
>saying bad things about the food makes you "ungrateful", even if the food is borderline inedible

>> No.4636371

hopefully you're gay, cuz you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.4636435

Isnt that from the democracy vidoe?

>> No.4636451

your mother seems like a typical stupid american cunt. worthless aside from her existence as a social trophy and sucking your grandpa's big fat cock that your daddy will never be able to give her.

>> No.4636459
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You tell him!

>> No.4636464
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>> No.4636539

If you don't like their cooking, don't eat it. Cook for yourself. If someone cooked for me I would gracefully accept however they made the food, even if it was against my preference. You sound like a whiny kid OP.

>> No.4636549
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This website is for people 18 years of age and older. If you are under 18, log off now.

>> No.4636571

Cool fantasy world you live in, bro.

>> No.4636586

I don't know how it works in your species, but in humans parents will generally live until their children are at least 30 or 40 years old, and will often still be alive well after their children are in their 60s.

>> No.4636591

Look kid, if you don't grill them, you want:
1. NYstrip, ribeye, on a cast iron, or
2. flank, marinated, broiled, rested, sliced against grain, or
You braise, pound/bread/fry whatever tough cuts you want.

>> No.4636593
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It hurts you to know your mother doesn't value your opinion does it.

You'll never be amount to the man your father is.

>> No.4636611

>the fries so they get soggy and gross

I bet she doesn't even take the time to double fry them... Pleb

>Most likely they also eat the steak as soon as its out of the pan/bbq.

God I hate when people don't let the meat rest for 5 - 10 minutes.

>> No.4637458

>doesn't know what neets are
shouldn't you be in highschool talking about le epic may mays with your friends?

>> No.4637487
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My mom doesn't have much variety in her cooking but is good at what she does make, but there are some things I always did instead of her.

>ribs in the oven
>see pours the juices and grease in a bowl then pours a bit of pre-made BBQ sauce in it
>she barely coats them just half assed putting them in the bowl and back on the oven tray
>m-mom I will do it
>she lays down on the coach
>proceed to make own BBQ sauce and coat ribs thoroughly

Also her damn spaghetti
>she doesn't eat spaghetti for some reason and just uses the meatballs for meat in lasagna
>never fucking drains the meat grease out the pot so the shitty tomato sauce refuses to stick to the meat
>once she gets her meat for the lasagna she dumps all the poorly drained pasta in with the meatballs

>> No.4637506

>tfw your parents own one of the best thai restaurants in south texas
>tfw thai food is not that hard to make if you prepare everything right

>> No.4637515
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>MFW I married a chef

>> No.4637591



>> No.4637608

>somebody suffers more than you, therefore you don't suffer at all.

>> No.4637740
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Nope OP.

Pic related. What I'm munching on now.

Ribs, mash potato, green beans fried green tomatoes & corn on the cob.

>> No.4637753

Every complaint on this board is a first world problem, no shit.

It's about cooking and food. Not dirt and bugs.

>Third world animals with internet.

>> No.4637761
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>tfw my mother is a fucking wizard in the kitchen
>tfw my father is open to trying new foods
>tfw my father used to like his steaks well done, but has slowly shifted to liking them medium
>tfw I was raised in this open minded environment

Only problem now is my gf was raised by troglodites who think Olive Garden is "fancy".

>> No.4637772

I use to know that feel. My -ex thought Red Lobsterfor dinner was a national holiday. My parents are pretty minded with regards to food.

>> No.4637781

It is a fucking holiday you creten.
Red Lobster's biscuts are pretty much solidified ambrosia.

>> No.4637802

My dad's an educated chef, he knows his shit around a larder better than any person I've ever seen.
He doesn't work as a chef because he didn't want to put up with all the shit that comes with it.

>> No.4637812

My mom can't cook, one of the reasons I can't wait to move out.

>> No.4637838

>red lobster biscuts
>solidified ambrosia

U wot m9?

>> No.4637844

My mom is a fabulous chef. Seriously, she's an actual chef. Dad doesn't cook at all. But that's a win-win situation. Mom = great food all the time, Dad= off to the restaurant!

>> No.4638063

would fukin rek it m8. looks tasty brev

>> No.4638068

their biscuits are overrated m8. a friend took me to o'charley which had gr8 rolls like ok corrale

>> No.4638098

As much as you're outraged over being called a twat on the internet, he's right. You sound butch as fuck and like a massive, overly judgemental cunt right now. And probably most of the time given how you react to criticism.

>> No.4638100

You fucking bleeding heart libshits make me sick.

>> No.4638104

Yes. I can't even green text a story, father never grew up from microwaving food and eating fast food, and mother is a lazy womyn who thinks it's cool being a mom who can't cook at all. Why else am I on /ck/, for pretty pics and recipes. I have no response to anyone who says my taste is bland. Couldn't really argue it.

>> No.4638110

>parents can't decide whether to eat chicken beak or cow ears for supper

>> No.4638115

>saying bad things about the food makes you "ungrateful", even if the food is borderline inedible
I know that dreadful feeling

I respond with telling them that I'd rather cook it myself then

>> No.4638121

>thought Red Lobsterfor dinner was a national holiday
It isn't?

I'm one of those people oh god good thing I don't talk to people I'd sound like a pleb

>> No.4639930

I'm sorry to hear about your loss/ underground recluse of a mother.

>> No.4640164

wth with the sexism ck?

>> No.4640183

someone's at fault

>> No.4640194

Mom's cooking was horrid, just being honest. I'm still grateful as fuck that I always had dinner on the table that she made. It's a double edged thing though, her cooking also made me fat as fuck. And I hated vegetables until I moved out because all the veggies I had came from a can.

>> No.4640491

It is a shame; that they just cannot accept to bear it.

>> No.4641869

No I just hate bitches like u

>> No.4641892

My mom dumps a bunch of pepper on everything n puts to much balsamic vinager on her veggies so they are uneatable, good thing I haven't lived there for eight years now

>> No.4641938
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My mother was an awesome cook, except with steak. This is why my father cooked most meats.

My 90 year old grandmother is the Southern goddess of cooking. Pic related.

My mother's parents were awful. The mashed potatoes expanded in your mouth.

>> No.4641973

my dad's cooking
>uses EVOO for everything, and shitloads of it
>adds butter on top of it
>ranch on salad
Some of the stuff is okay, but it all has to be completely saturated in fat

>> No.4641982

>The mashed potatoes expanded in your mouth

>> No.4641983

>Don't want food from mommy
>Warm up canned beans
>Do what the can told me to do.
>Slimey liquid shit in my beans.
Never again

Normally I would add lemon rasp and lemon and then mash it (While the beans where rinsed)

God damn that liquid shit in the can is horrible.

I also dislike the taste of salmon, but I'm trying to get my daily proteins and keeping my caloric intake at atleast 1500 a day so I'll just learn to like it.

Blog post sorry.

>Ask mom to make the steak blue
>It's well done
Atleast she learned after that, so now she doesn't keep it on fire for too long

>> No.4642013

Hey OP I love my parents cooking... but I loath my parents-in-law's cooking.

>be at fiance's house for dinner last night
>overcooked chicken so tough to bite though it tasted rubbery and almost as if it had freezer-burn and then cooked before it thawed
>peas and carrots from a can, mushy a
>baked potato cooked in microwave
>store bought potato salad

seriously, I couldn't eat more than the microwaved potato and peas and carrots.
The other day we had hot dogs and canned beans. So gross.

>> No.4642036

That looks like some good rice and gravy

>> No.4642072

>visit my parents house to help them clean for moving
>make hummus
>"aint this that shit the irish make outta sheep guts?"
>mfw haggis
>serve with pitas (chewy dusty pancakes) and baby carrots (act of desperation)
>retch and moan about the texture
>brother brings out ranch for the carrots
>mom heats up a can of prego and melts preshredded mozzarella
>hummus is fed to labrador
>mfw "pizza bread" and "ranch carrots"

How do I make them eat quinoa?

>> No.4642105

>She's convinced that I will get food poisoning from cooking my steak medium rare
>While cooking a goose she continually pricks the meat throughout the roasting because "that's how you cook a goose". Dry as all hell
>Mashed potatoes with her dinner every day (I'm Irish, but fucking still).
>Considers any dinner that is not meat and two vegetables (one being mashed potatoe) as "fancy"
>Overcooks everything. Least imaginative cook possible.

>> No.4642132
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Every fucking time my family barbecues. My father insists that all the beef be well done.

>> No.4642136

Make it taste better than shitty brown rice

>> No.4642175


You'd better believe it. She is a master of cake baking, just as good at 90 years old as she was 20 years ago. I would die for her homemade caramel cake. I should call to ask for some of her Southern recipes and post them. Anyone want it before I spam the thread?

>> No.4642206
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>mfw you and your fiancee both come from very good cooking families and it's hard to get skinny for the wedding

>> No.4642266

> Dad is ecxcellent cook, but doesnt like to experiment unless he's got someone to get opinions from.
> Usually me.
> Go away after university, worked as a cook during
> Go back home after traveling Europe cooking in a few places.
> Dad and I bro it up cooking amazing food in our kitchen.
> Fresh bread every day
> Go to the markets with him every week for ingredients
> In the time I was away he started growing veg.
> Big family always appreciative

Its the perfect home kitchen and I never want t leave.

>> No.4642269

Caramel cake plz

>> No.4642272

>stay with family this weekend
>bring up the topic of steaks and how to cook them
>they all like them well done
>tell them they're stupid and that I wouldn't spend more then £2 on a slab of meat on them instead of steak because it would be a waste of money
>they shut up

Thank god my brothers like medium-rare steak. Oh yeah, i'm having steak tomorrow. YES

>> No.4642299

I'll try'em it seems like you swear by them

>> No.4642412


Aye, I as well would love to try those recipes. Dat caramel cake sounds delicious. Yey diabeetus!

>> No.4642445

My father is usually good, but my mother overcooks everything to hell.

>> No.4642718

pans. Well-calibrated candy thermometer an absolute must, for icing.)

16 T. unsalted butter, softened(see note below)
3 1/4 c. cake flour, sifted w/
1 T. baking powder
1/2 t. salt

6 1/4 c. sugar, divided
2 t. best-quality vanilla extract
4 eggs
1 1/4 c. whole sweet milk
16 t. unsalted butter (no, not a replication of above)
2 12-oz. cans evaporated milk
Preheat oven to 350, and set rack in middle. You'll need two greased, floured 9" ccake pans: use 1 T. from first 16 T. for this. Make sure ingredients are room temperature for best result.
Put sifted flour mixture in large bowl, and set aside. Put remaining 15 1/2 T. butter and 2 1/4 c. sugar in another good-sized bowl, and beat w/ electric mixer until fluffy; about 3 minutes. Add vanilla and eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. (about 1 minute per egg added.)
Add flour mixture and milk alternately to butter mixture in 3 batches, again beating well after each addition. (It's a fairly sturdy cake, and better you should overbeat than underbeat, which will result in a tough, streaky cake...) Divide batter between pans, and bake for 30 minutes. Cool completely


>> No.4642725


3 9-inch pans *

>> No.4642732

To make icing,clip candy thermometer to side of pan, or put it into pan. Cook remaining 4 c. sugar and butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over high heat, stirring quickly and constantly, until light brown, roughly 7-8 minutes. CAREFULLY stir in evaporated milk, and reduce heat to medium-low. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is smooth, 8-10 minutes. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until icing registes 240 on candy thermometer, about 2 1/2 hours. Remove from heat, and beat with heavy wooden spoon until thick and glossy, and spreadable not drippy, about 20-25 minutes. Yes, ouch. It helps to have another set of arms for this step. Ice bottom layer; top w second layer and ice the outside and top.

If you want a less delicious but healthier cake, you can use your preferred baking oil in the cake. Your fucked of you want to lower fat in the icing.

>> No.4642736

My mom's pretty good at most things, but my dad and I never let her cook eggs anymore. Always overcooks and over salts them, they end up smelling like burnt asshole everytime.

>> No.4642754

Other Grannyma tips:

A way to keep rice from sticking to the pot, slowly port in the rice and stir while doing so for about 10 seconds.

The only good cornbread mix besides homemade is the White Lily brand. And true Dixie cornbread NEVER has sugar and is ALWAYS cooked in cast iron cookware.

Old cool whip and yogurt containers work well as Tupperware if you're in a financial bind

Used coffee grounds make great fertilizer for acidity loving plants, like blueberries, tomatoes, and ferns.

Every day one meat, 3 veggies, 2 carbs. Many casseroles she makes have those in it.

Marinate deer in buttermilk, except for sausage and "sweet meat" (loin).

A pressure cooker is your friend.

For women: once you turn 40, take one calcium supplement at night every day til you die. All of her friends break bones when they fall--she doesn't.

There are more, I'll post when I remember. And I'll take photos of the recipe cards her and my mother gave me at some point. Lots of little jewels of cooking in there.

>> No.4642756

My dad makes the best fucking food I've ever had. I can't enjoy a steak when I go out to eat unless it's at some incredible 5 star wallet-ruining place because his cooking as spoiled me so much.

Mom isn't as good, but she's gotten better over the years.

>> No.4642760

Next time why don't you cook the steak then? Seems like the easy solution.

>> No.4642795

>Other Grannyma tips
I find that charming

>> No.4642814
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Girdle-buster, or Four Layer Delight.

>> No.4642822
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pt 2

>> No.4642830
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Her coleslaw recipe, as written by my mother.

>> No.4642833
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>> No.4642846

You'd have to be gay to read that shit

>> No.4642852


>> No.4642853
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Million Dollar Pie

>> No.4642861


That's how people wrote back in the day.

I can "translate" if you really want me to.

>> No.4643035

>can't read cursive
lol, get an education

>> No.4643122

>A pressure cooker is your friend.
Boston would disagree