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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4628831 No.4628831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Memories of horrible tastes that still linger in your mind

>that time I put too much salt on the cafeteria refried beans

>> No.4628837

smells like shit, looks like shit, tastes like shit

>> No.4628845

I accidentally added salt to my ice cream instead of sugar when I was a kid (don't ask why I was putting sugar on ice cream). My mum made me finish it anyway, the taste still haunts me, it was a serious amount of salt.

>> No.4628862

>go to restaurant with gf
>get nachos and salsa while we wait for our aps
>tell gf the salsa tastes like soap
>she tells me i am just imagining it
>tell waittress it tastes like soap
>ask her what's in it
>tomato, onion, parsley...
>it still tastes like soap
>come to /ck/
>realize i have some genetic thing that makes me taste cilantro as soap
>go to grocery store
>taste a bit of cilantro
>that fucking soap taste

tl;dr cilantro

>> No.4628871

>order fish
>they give a lemon wedge with the fish
>squeeze the lemon juice onto the fish
>take a bite
>citrus flesh
I don't see how anyone thinks this tastes good. I heard that it's meant to neutralize bacteria or some shit, but I've never gotten sick from eating raw or cooked seafood. I've gotten sick a lot more from eating food that was supposedly cooked like deli meat and fried ground beef.

>> No.4628872

ur mums a cunt m8

>> No.4628875

cherry jello shots with cab sav, chardonnay and beer puke

>> No.4628882

There was one time whe I made pizza

Basically I spreaded the dough too much (it was like 2mm thick) and put too much olive oil. The result: You know the taste of the crust of the bread. That was how the dough felt like, with too much olive oil. The toppings were good so I ate anyway

As for the the most disgusting meal I ever had, it was a few years ago when my family and I went to visit a turistic village. We stopped at aa local restaurant and I ordered a steak.

They brought a fucking raw steak (I asked for medium-rare), swimming in cooking oil, topped with a flimsy slice of ham and that cheap cheese you can find ina superarket with french fries soakig in oil on the side.

That was not good for my health

>> No.4628883

>Fifth grade
>my birthday
>at school
>coming down with stomach flu but don't know it yet, just feel sort of crappy
>eat two chili dogs at lunch
>start feeling worse
>get home, run to bathroom
>spend 30 minutes projectile vomiting cafeteria chili dogs through mouth and nose
>birthday is ruined
>don't eat hot dogs again for about 10 years

>> No.4628890
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I went to a shitty neighborhood sushi bar in Paris and was like, "oh hey they have foie gras sushi, I wonder what that's like"

And then I saw they had orangina on the drinks list and I was like "oh hey haven't had that in a while, might as well get a bottle"

>the horror... the horror...

>> No.4629683

the time i got food poisoning from kidney bean nachos because my beans weren't cooked properly and i put too much cumin on them, the taste of them coming back up and oh god the smell

>> No.4629726

I think I win
One time I accidentally made a chocolate cake with garlic oil

>> No.4629738

I like it :3

>> No.4629740

I sprayed garlic pam in the pan I made brownies in

>> No.4629745

I thought It would be a good Idea once as a kid to put lemon juice in milk, One's a base, ones an acid. The milk instantly curdled, I mixed it up and drank it.

The taste of sour milk with lemon, I'll never be the same.

>> No.4629777

One time I got horribly ill on a package of old noodles hat was slightly open in my cabinet. They smelled a little weird but I just said "fuck it" and made them anyways. I will never forget the taste and and texture that filled my mouth. Imagine a sickly sweet mass of soy sauce flavored glue in your mouth. Getting ill just thinking about it. Obviously there was something very wrong with it so I threw it out but that bite was all it took. I was fine till later when I suddenly got extremely dizzy and had a massive headache. The next day I ate something and noticed I was unusually bloated and full after just a little bit. Throughout the day I just started getting more and more bloated to the point where it was hard for me to even move or breathe. It looked like I was pregnant or something, I was about to go to the hospital because it was just that bad but I decided to tough it out for the night. The next morning I was able to shit and what came out the most rotten thing I think I have ever shit in my life. whole partially digested noodles were coming out my ass no joke and it smelled like death. I never will touch those noodles again sealed or not, I have no clue what happened but I think I just found the one thing I'm allergic to.

>> No.4629780

Oh my...

>> No.4629782

it's not a base-acid-thing. that would result in salty water.
the acid denatures the milk protein.

>> No.4629791

Well, thanks. I learned something today.

>> No.4629804

and I guess you read somewhere somehting about these base-acid-diet-plans (those that fail anyway btw) and you somehow mixed it up

>> No.4629844

If you heated that up you would have made some cheese.

>> No.4629874

>get bored at grandma's house
>I'm 12
>microwave up sausages
>put on top of rice
>put cock sauce, ranch, mayo, and pepper and mix it all up

Never fucking again. Ever.

>> No.4629877
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>imitation crab in a tortilla with kraft cheddar cheese

>those listerine breath mint strips
>eaten just before biting into a "hint of lime" tortilla chip

Those days I learned that things that taste good on their own don't always taste good together

>> No.4629893

Sprite and vanilla ice cream, spoiled milk always sucks.

>> No.4629899

I cringed! hahaha. I feel bad for you anon.

>> No.4630499
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>cock sauce

>> No.4630517

i weep for you both

>> No.4630523
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>>imitation crab in a tortilla with kraft cheddar cheese

>> No.4630591
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> Be 8
> reach into fridge to grab (what i thought was) glass of water somebody left
> first gulp oh my god my mouth is on fucking fire
> my mom left a glass of gin in the fucking fridge
> mfw my mouth

>> No.4630596

>drinking other people's beverages

Be glad that was all that happened.

>> No.4630615

>foie gras sushi

Oh fuck you, France.

>> No.4630617


>> No.4630619


i was 8 was a life lesson lol

>> No.4630620

>that one time i took a sip of milk only to find it was spoiled

the only nasty flavor that sticks with me, really. i always sniff that shit first now.

>> No.4630642

>Make ramen at 1am
>Put Apocalypse Now! on
>Oh shit I fell asleep
>Wake up at 5am, it's nice and bright
>Fuck, I'm hungry
>Remember my ramen
>Aw yiss
>Try some
>It's gone cold, the noodles were... I don't even know what the fuck happened to the noodles, they probably sucked up too much moisture
>Swallow it like a man (or a cheap whore)
>Wash it out with tons of juice
>The aftertaste and the slimy/grainy texture is still there

The horror...

>> No.4630643

It wasn't me, but my old school cafeteria sold soft (supposedly, but they never were) pretzels.
They were LOADED with salt.

One day, we all rubbed the salt off our pretzels, collected it, and gave it to the dumbest kid at our table (nice kid, just dumb).
He ate all of it.

He threw up.

>> No.4630662

altho i'm willing to accept the possibility that i've not eaten good papaya.

>> No.4630671

Mold.... dayum

>> No.4630676

what the fuck


>> No.4630681


Fish just goes well with a bit of lemon. Just as tomato+basil.

>> No.4630690


Papaya is just the best.

>> No.4630714


lime and Cayenne

>> No.4630722
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>Being 14
>parents went on holidays with my sister and I stayed home alone because I didn't want to go with them
>Pantry semi-full, 2 metal plates with leftover chicken
>Woke up and was hungry but didn't feel like cooking or even pour some cereal
>start eating chicken
>notice a weird smell
>open the shutters
>look at the chicken
>it was green with maggots squirming around
>it was the week old chicken leftovers that stayed outside under a green bag

>> No.4630731

My dad made lasagna with ricotta and I had snacked on ranch flavored potato chips.

Then I got sick from salmonella from eating undercooked cookies a few days prior.

Only time I puked during that bout of illness, and it still haunts me, can't eat ricotta anymore.

>> No.4630753
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>Fifth grade
>two chili dogs
And they wonder why we're fat over here.

>> No.4630758

Fuck you, buddy.
In 5th grade, I was nearly 6 feet tall and played basketball. (Yes, I'm the person who's post you responded to). I'm not now, nor have ever been fat. Oh, and yes, boys like things like chili dogs and hamburgers. What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.4630762

Yes, I'm a huge raging faggot who thinks that chili dogs are trash and little boys should eat vegan diets and wear dresses.

Either that or I was just joking.

>> No.4630769

Well you never can tell around here. For every troll, I think there's people who are genuinely convinced their idiotic opinions are right.

>> No.4630774

>oh no I put too much salt in something once
>the horror guys!!!

Cool story.

>> No.4630781

Id have to guess the former knowing this fucking board.

>> No.4630789

>Sriracha sauce

>> No.4630794

I ate brownies with garlicky hands once before and I thought it tasted kind of rad. Too much garlic would have been disgusting, though.

>> No.4630946

Tried hominy for the first time, had to eat a packet of mustard to get the taste out of my mouth. Horrible, disgusting shit.

>> No.4630966

that time i microwave defrosted chicken breasts because i was impatient and they cooked slightly partially, which caused some of the taste to settle. not even delicious spices could save it ;__;

>> No.4630985


Chili dogs are not nutritious and they also made you sick.

But you're defending them.

'Murrika, everyone.

>> No.4631001

some guy in when i was really young poured salt in my milk in the dining hall once

>> No.4631078

Reminds me of a similar story.
>be 12
>school food is terrible, thought I'd make my own lunch
>make a bowl of ramen in the morning
>seal it up in a bowl and pack it in bag
>lunchtime, fuck yeah ramen
>it's turned to a weird gell
>eat it because why not
>extremely disappointed
>end up stealing a mini burrito off another kids' plate

That burrito tasted like cardboard and vienna sausage, but it got that terrible aftertaste out pretty fast.

>> No.4631083

That time i put mc donald's fries in a cappuccino. And then eat them. It was a bet.

>> No.4631087

but hominy beans have the best fucking texture ever.
Try them in Menudo they are fucking delicious

>> No.4631091


There really is a fried egg in that burger. Why.

>> No.4631100

Rice, a tin of campbells condensed chicken soup and mackerel flaked through it. My dad used to make it when I was younger. I still remember being sick just a little trying to force it down

>> No.4631127
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i got one for ya
>run my own shoutcast station in highschool
>sunday night, everyones on msn
>spamming url like mad to everyone in my grade
>actually break 50 listeners
>getting hungry as fuck
>throw some ramen on the stove
>back just in time for request
>finish up when listener count dwindles
>remember the ramen before bed
>black squiggly mess burned into the metal

>> No.4631130

>bad cafeteria tastes
When I was in 4th grade, I got chicken nuggets and a roll. The rolls were slightly sweet and that particular time, I decided to get butter. The butter came in little cups. I tried to spread the butter in my roll and wasn't sure how much to use, so I put all the butter from the little cup. I almost gagged. The butter was so cold and it was the plain, unsalty kind. I wasn't prepared for that taste.

But the worst experience is still:
>my mom is eating cereal
>Special K or something, with dried bananas in it
>I try a dried banana slice
>almost puke on the kitchen floor

I thought of another one also:
>go to drink milk (out of carton lel)
>open fridge
>see we are almost out of regular milk, but we still have my mom's not-real-milk almond milk
>am wary of it, check expiration date
>expires in a few months, so it should be fine
>smell it, it's fine
>take swig out of carton
>thick, phlegmy substance gushes into my mouth
>spit it all out onto the floor (wooden floors thankfully)
>clean it up and never speak of it to anyone
I got what I deserved for trying to drink out of an opaque container.

>> No.4631249

>making poptarts
>chocolate fudge kind
>be 10 and home alone
>why does it say to take the wrapper off? lolol
>leave metal wrapper on poptart
>creates lightning in my microwave
>don't want to waste it, try eating it anyway
>get halfway through one poptart before deciding it's not worth it
I'll never forget that metallic, burnt smell and taste.

>> No.4631263

Gordon Food Service Ranch Dressing.

>> No.4631268

Have already posted this one once but oh well
>be in America for the first time
>looking for Taco Bell
>can't find one (the one Google Maps showed had moved somewhere else)
>"Oh hey, there's a White Castle! Let's go there, they eat there all the time in the movies!"
>enter White Castle
>smell of urine hits our noses
>walk up to the counter
>"Yeah, uh, a menu with 6 sliders"
>get those things
>oil dripping off of the meat
>bread's already turning translucent
>take a bite
>tastes of old oil
>still finish up because hungry
>have stomach aches for the rest of the day

While we were there, two homeless men came in and asked for change.

>> No.4631272

>first time drinking club soda

Ugh, I'm getting flashbacks just thinking about it.

>> No.4631275

You never put a fried egg in your burger? Shit man, aside from the explosion I suffered from. It was actually bad. I wouldn't do it again because of the mess, but it was legit good and added flavor.

>> No.4631277
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Something about drinks this time
>sister is raving about a shot called "Mexikaner"
>"It's pretty much Korn, tomato juice, salt, pepper and Tabasco. You have GOT to try it out!"
>buy a Mexikaner shot
>smell it
>smells of Tabasco
>slam it back
>it's kind of thick and tastes of exactly what's in there

No. Seriously, this was the only time I've had one. Made me gag right away.

>> No.4631280
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>can't handle unsalted butter
>can't handle a dried banana slice
>can't handle almond milk

>> No.4631292
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>See Harold and Kumar
>Want to go to White Castle.
>Live in CA
>Out of state with friends, see a white castle
>Place looked kind of dirty, but whatever
>Get sliders, fries, and drinks
>taste alright
>Next day
>In and out of bathroom for 3 hours


>> No.4631319


Is that how it usually goes down at White Castle?
Is it only still open because people think the food tastes good because of Harold and Kumar?

>> No.4631326
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Wow you fucked up son

>> No.4631335

When i first tried my step moms spinach quinoa casserole. The moWhen you eat st bland thing i've ever tasted. Also, Walmart tropical trail mix. After you've eaten all the good stuff and all that's left are raisins and stale banana chips with a terrible musk of dried apricots.

>> No.4631343
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Went to a restaurant, got mashed potatoes that were god awful and tasted like dirt. They might have been burnt, too.

I don't know how you fuck up mashed potatoes. The rest of the meal was excellent though.

>> No.4631344
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>be in high school
>mom decides to make roast in crock pot
>adds barbecue sauce, water, and chivetta's (another vinegar-based marinade from NY) and throws a beef roast in the crock pot for dinner
>we leave for four-five hours hoping to come home to a delicious slow-cooked roast
>we open the door to our house
>it smells like someone tried to cover the scent of a dead body with ammonia and vinegar
>it's the roast
>mom insists I try some
>my gag reflexes go off the charts before I even put the meat into my mouth
>I'm not one to vomit or have a weak stomach but damn
>put a chunk in my mouth
>vinegar meat with an undertone of barbecue
>I can't swallow it
>my body shall not let this pass
>have to spit it out

Another incident
>be five or six
>recovering from a very bad sore throat
>mom buys these grape lollipops that were meant for sore throats for kids
>taste like shit but whatever, it's "candy"
>I go to take one out of the fridge
>I unwrap it and then set it out on the counter to go do something
>come back to eat it later
>grab the pop and stick it directly in my mouth
>taste is off
>I bite into it, I feel movement
>ants had swarmed the lollipop and I hadn't noticed
>I'm eating fucking grape-flavored medicine ants

>> No.4632451

Sorry you had a bad experience with White Castle, Anon. Hopefully you'll have better luck next time.

>> No.4632479
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>imitation crab
>kraft chedder cheese

>> No.4632482
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>Be a little kid in England
>get apple juice
>take a sip from my glass expecting delicious apple juice
>someone had left a pitcher of cheap beer out where the apple juice should of been
>take a big swig of warm, flat, cheap, nasty ass beer when expecting apple juice
>This isn't apple juice
>I never asked for this

>> No.4632493


>> No.4632495
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durian or should i say butane gas

>> No.4632500


To me it smells like piss mixed with transmission fluid and that smell of cryovac pork when the pork has been left in the fridge for too long and you're not sure if it's just cryovac stench or the meat has gone bad.

>> No.4632510

HAHA best description of durian i have ever seen

>> No.4632512

The only meal I've ever legitimately ruined in 15+ years of cooking.

>Pan-seared tortilla-crusted tilapia.
>Forget that girlfriend picked up salted butter because she hates me.
>Forget that tortilla chips typically come jet-injected with as mush NaCl as humanly tolerable.
>In a rush so the one time I don't taste everything constantly as I cook.

Needless to say, the resulting dish was more akin to a fish-flavored salt lick than anything else.

>> No.4632520

I enjoyed it

>> No.4632522
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>purchase "orange chicken" at university cafeteria
>projectile vomit "orange chicken" all over university cafeteria bathroom 30 minutes later
>"orange chicken" burps for the rest of the day

>> No.4632524

I once ate nearly an entire bowl of cereal before realizing the milk had gone sour.

>> No.4632535


>implying his story is not the paramount embodiment of the white castle experience

>> No.4632539


so...it's basically a bloody mary shot then? why is this so awful? do you hate tomatoes or something?

>> No.4632546

> korn

>> No.4632557

Sun dried tomato stuffed olives.

>> No.4632602

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.4632628

>opened ramen pack
>didn't come with flavouring
>brother made me eat it anyway
>noodles with water
Fucking disgusting

>> No.4632656

>remember about Krispy Kreme cheeseburgers
>want to try it
>get chocolate donut
>get cheeseburger
>fucking horrid

>> No.4632667

>is 10
>reads instructions to take wrapper off
>internal dialogue is all questions and laughing
>puts in microwave and not toaster
>attempts to eat

Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.4632671

>make garlic red potato/green beans to go with some chicken
>tastes pretty good
>last few bites of potatoes
>bite into one
>fucking liquefied texture and sickly rotting taste
>spit it back onto plate while wrenching
>tiny pocket of dirt/liquid potato mixture
>no indication of it being there examining the skin
>eat nothing potato related for a month

>> No.4632676

>buy KFC
>leave on table overnight
>microwave for breakfast
>take big bite
>taste weird as fuck
>look into box and realise that there were well done ants as a garnish
>wasted $10

>> No.4632681
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You talking shit about the Luther?

>> No.4632683
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The frozen sliders you make in the microwave are better than the actual restaurant, if you can even call it that. I went to White Castle and was disappointed since I had only ever had the frozen ones since there are no locations in my home town, but you can get the frozen ones to make at home.

>mfw they are better than the actual restaurant

>> No.4632686

Nah man, I'm in Australia so I had to make a ghetto version. Should've used original glaze instead of chocolate.

>> No.4632690

>Go to KFC
>Doubledown fuck yeah, lets try it
>take a bite
>tastes like eating a brick of salt
>throw it out, leave

>> No.4632706


This is completely true. Same thing happened to me - live by a White Castle now and even the sight makes me a little disgusted.

>> No.4632724

>That point when bologna made you vomit and continues to trigger gag reflex merely by remembering the taste/smell.

>> No.4632728
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>this so much this

Also, hot dogs and all kinds of generic deli meats. They're all so salty....

>> No.4632808

Vienna sausages are like that for me. When I smell basil it always reminds me of Vienna sausages and I can't eat anything with lots of basil in it.

>> No.4632824

my grandmother used to keep little bundles of sage and basil in her drawers and in the bathroom, to (unsuccessfully) mask the smell of urine-soaked old woman that pervaded the house.

To this day, I cannot smell or eat sage or basil without gagging and being instantly transported back to her horrible house.

>> No.4632831

I serve lemon on my fish, but I never make an effort to squeeze it out onto the fish.

That being said ive had some too lemony fish before.

>> No.4632833

>Those commercials
>Nopnopenope not into that

>> No.4632835
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>heard that it's meant to neutralize bacteria or some shit

>> No.4632880

Holy fuck you're a pussy. A dried banana almost made you puke?

>> No.4632902

>Mom sprays the same perfume every time she takes a shit
>Get used to said smell whenever shit is involved
>Go to aunt's wedding
>Standing next to mom
>What smells like shit?!

>> No.4632912

niggas dont know bout my sasebo burger

>> No.4632941

>eat lutefisk
>tastes like shit
>taste stuck in mouth for weeks

flossing didnt even work, fucking hell

>> No.4632998
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>sleep over at friend's house
>wake up to get breakfast
>grab cereal and grab milk
>pour milk and eat a spoonful
>something is really fucking wrong with this milk
>It's fucking lactate milk
>my shitbag friend saw what I was doing and did not stop me

I was so fucking mad I tainted a good bowl of cereal.

>> No.4633165

>Making a pot roast with anything involving vinegar

Northerners don't know shit about cooking.

>> No.4633166

I drank 3/4th of a bottle of bacardi when I was 14
couldn't forget the taste for like 5 years