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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4621442 No.4621442[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The past 4-5 days I've been constipated, haven't taken a single dump. The thing is, I've simultaneously been eating 3000-4000 calories a day. Of only meat/fat/dairy. We're talking pizza, porkchops, wings, cheese, fishsticks, eggs, chicken, fish, ice cream and even more wings and fishsticks.

My torso felt like a huge inflexible brick. I looked so fucking huge, so this morning I downed a jug of prune juice.

3 hours of hideous, crippling gas pain later I unleashed an assault on the toilet. I must have filled the damn thing up 5 times. Then I felt pretty empty, what a fucking relief.

This is when I drank a litre of warm water bristling with table salt...absolutely disgusting. Salt water of this magnitude is too heavy to absorb, so you just release it all into your lower intestine.

2 hours pass.... this is the calm before the storm. I rush to the toilet and spray the bowl like a fire hose. Felt like my very soul was being flushed out of my ass. I sit there with intense gurgling in my stomach and unleash round after round of pulsating sprays of brown liquid.

This is when I notice bits of mushroom in the bowl... wtf I haven't eaten mushrooms in..4-5 days?

I think I'm empty now. I'm only 5'10" 150lbs, but I am seriously HALF as thin as I was before. I feel so. so. fucking empty.

Holy shit food stays in you forever.

>> No.4621446

Your diet is shit. Eat some damn fruits and vegetables. Holy shit. And you're not supposed to drink salt water you dumbass.

>> No.4621457

You are if you're doing it to flush your asshole out.

You can't absorb it if it's salty enough, it just goes right through you.

>> No.4621470
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>> No.4621475

Actualy I just did all this.

Sorry if I dramatized it by my wording lol.

But yeah, this all happened today.

>> No.4621514

Personally I've been spewing liquid from my butt for weeks. It's gotten so bad that I only eat a few crackers a day and have some water in hopes to lessen the flow and because the spewing is accompanied by intense stomach pain and loss of appetite. I finally went to the ER today and my blood results came back normal so they gave me immodium. Wow, fucking wonderful. I'll just continue to be miserable then.

>> No.4621521
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I'm going to share one of the worst, if not the worst, thing about being this obese - dealing with toilet hygiene. Or rather, the common lack thereof. The mechanics are that I just can't reach to wipe myself. Either fore or aft.
I have a sponge on a stick that I use for wiping aft. Or rather, that my husband uses to wipe me. He is very laid back about it all, but it hurts and embarrasses me to have to have him take care of something so intimate and frankly, disgusting. When he is not at home, I can contort myself just enough to use it. One hand on the tub rim, the other holding the stick. I dig under my huge apron, brace my arm on the toilet rim and squirm a bit. It's not nearly as neat and hygienic as when hubby does it as I have to bring the dirty sponge forward past my fore and belly. There is no "front to back" wiping except when hubby does it.
When I am out of the house, I simply have to do without wiping. We call it having "poopy butt." I can't use the sponge myself since there isn't a tub rim to brace myself on. And family unisex bathrooms are rare. Even if I could use the sponge alone while out, where would I rinse it? At home, I use the tub. I couldn't bear to rinse my sponge at a common bathroom sink and I'm not about to put the sponge in a Ziploc to rinse hours later. Ugh.
I simply do without fore wipes. I don't want to use the sponge that wipes my aft to wipe my fore. So, I wear absorbent cotton underwear when I'm out and sit on a sheet on the couch at home. Only after a shower do I ever feel clean and my underwear is too awful to discuss. I've have a few urinary tract infections in the last couple of years and I get painfully raw at times.

>> No.4621524

Ever heard of veggies OP? Enjoy your premature death. You deserve it.

>> No.4621538

>it hurts and embarrasses me to have to have him take care of something so intimate and frankly, disgusting

It's alright. He cheats on you every single day. There's one reason he's still with you and whatever it is it somehow benefits him either financially or similarly. Don't feel bad. You barely exist to him.

>> No.4621552

pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake pleasebefake

>> No.4621566

Jesus, Anon, get to a GI doctor. Those ER idiots don't know what they're doing. You take Immodium for occasional bouts of diarrhea, not for the screaming shits that hang on for weeks.

You could very well have a serious problem that won't show up in blood tests.

>> No.4621575
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Absolutely horrifying.
Even if this poster isn't telling the truth about their status, I'm willing to bet this is close to reality for the morbidly obese.

I guess this is why I like 4chan. Even some of the most mild boards have the ability to shock me.

>> No.4621581

I saw someone like that in real life, I think he was a actually fatter. 303kg. Naturally I "met" him in a hopsital.

>> No.4621585

Does anyone else love the feeling of just letting it all go?

Coming home after work, or a run, or whatever and having to shit so bad it is literally the only thing in the world?

Sitting on the golden throne and just emptying yourself? Not in some weird fetishistic way, just pure relief?

I know I enjoy the feeling, I always feel so much better for the rest of the day. Sometimes the feeling even lasts for the next day.

>> No.4621591

Oh. I should probably call my primary care doctor for a referral tomorrow.

>> No.4621615

Plantain is the best thing I've found for any shit issues.

>> No.4621618

Do you eat it or is it utilized in other ways

>> No.4621623

Eat. You can eat pounds of it innawoods and it, along with rabbit, is my main diet in spring and summer for weeks.

>> No.4621626

Where is your fat intake

>> No.4621630

Generally very little if none at all during those weeks but I don't live like that year round so it sort of settles out and I don't feel bad during.

>> No.4621639

Shits only feel good on 'my' toilet.
I take them here and there at work during my breaks, but they're never really... satisfying. At work they just serve as a normal function. I shit and leave.
I don't like public restrooms, and I sure as hell don't like the sound of other people shitting or talking while i'm trying to shit. Same with shitting in someone elses' house. I don't like the feel of the seat.

At home, it really is my 'throne'. I can sit back with my book, spread my legs out, kick off my shoes and socks, and just let it go.
My computer chair here aside, its the comfiest seat in my apartment.

>> No.4621641
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fat is bad for you

>> No.4621644

/fit/ here. No it isn't. You need it to function properly. The dose makes the poison.

>> No.4621648

I usually have my routine of 'before work' and 'after work' shits.
The first one is just trying to drop as much ballast and empty the tank as I can so I can just go to work and get started.
After work, its part of my 'unwinding' routine.
I call it the 'welcome home' shit.

>> No.4621656
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>dat bro-science

>> No.4621659

2/10 you made me a little upset for a second

>> No.4621660
File: 23 KB, 362x372, 1314124706256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we're supposed to have 'miles' of intestine inside us or some shit, but I can eat corn in the afternoon, and see it later that night.
Either my body is freakish, or that corn is traveling like 100mph through my bowels

>> No.4621664

Everything you put into your body, contained in food, that is also not toxic to some level is fine as long as it is in moderate amounts. Your body will find a good use for it or shit it out.

Fats are not bad for you, BEING FAT is bad for you.

>> No.4621668

Everything is toxic to an extent. Seriously, the dose makes the poison. You can drink just enough hemlock for it to give you the shits but nothing else and you can drink enough milk to kill you.

>> No.4621766

Love isn't

>> No.4621773

Romeo and Juliet.

>> No.4621776

Poison killed them, Anon.


>> No.4621780

Love drove them to death, sort of.
It wasn't outright murder on love's part but it was at least manslaughter.

>> No.4621786

its not broscience, youre just retarded, enjoy being 70 fucking pounds and dying, if youre not, guess youre ingesting fat without realizing it.

>> No.4621787

>not knowing a troll when you see it
Gotta get dat fat for dem gains

>> No.4621790


>> No.4621794


>> No.4621801

rabbit starvation kicks in in just a few weeks

>> No.4621804

Not if you eat right most of the year. I put on a few extra pounds in winter because fuck going outside then and get rid of it through spring and summer.

>> No.4621974


9/10 would read again

>> No.4622116


you could at least link to the webpade

>> No.4622127

changing diet is a necessity if you are constipated, but you will still need some medical help if you really let it go as bad as several days without fiber.
fiber isn't something you can build reserve of, you must eat some every day, ideally at each meal but at least once is ok (just gives you bullet shit with a hard start and liquid end).
personnally I had to get operated from chronic bleeding hemmoroids because I didn't eat enough fiber for years. I will not take the risk a second time, daily blood loss that lead to anemia isn't something I want to experience again.

>> No.4622371

A can of sauerkraut will have you pissing with your ass every time.