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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4620443 No.4620443 [Reply] [Original]

so /ck/ i'm morbidly curious about what disgustingly fat people consume within a day in order to stay planet sized, and since there seems to be a good number of landwhales on this board, i thought you guys could enlighten me! so many fat people say they have "healthy" diets or don't eat that much, but surely this cannot be the case. so tell me fatties, what is your secret?

>> No.4620447

eating every meal at a fast food joint, which every person on this board seems to do

>> No.4620471

I have a friend that is getting ready to supernova any day now
the food he eats is not glaringly unhealthy, you don't look at his meals and say "that shit is disgusting what are you doing nigger"
he just eats very large portions and eats very often

we went to lunch, I ordered 16 wings for lunch, I ate half of them and brought the rest home to eat later and that was it for me, he ate 16 wings, an order of jalapeno poppers, and a burger with fries

we had gotten dinner before going out one night and had ranchero burritos and chips and then went out to meet some people at a bar and when we got there which was little more than an hour later he ordered a steak sandwich with tater tots. Combine that with the fact that he drinks like a fish and knocks back shots until he passes out almost every time we go out. You realize how much alcohol it takes to put down a nearly 400 pound man?

he has a problem obviously and I think hes depressed or something, I have discussed surgical intervention in his case because his life is in immediate risk if he doesn't stop this.
he also recently started smoking because in his words "If I'm smoking I'm not eating". So you know its an issue when someone is using smoking to try and get their weight under control.

>> No.4620487

Yeah, my sister is pushing 300 and she eats fast food for every meal, then snacks morning afternoon and night. Oh, and drinks soda and juice only, never water

>> No.4620496

>the food he eats is not glaringly unhealthy
>fried food/potatoes with every meal
>no sign of vegetables

>> No.4620499


Lack of hot sex.

>> No.4620503

vegetables are completely optional with the advent of the daily multivitamin and fiber supplements, and just because something is macronutrient dense doesn't mean it's unhealthy.
a piece of steak fried in lard is going to be healthier than what ever corn syrup infused soy cake the government is feeding the masses

>> No.4620508


Most Americans eat disgusting diets of fast food, processed food, soda, and very little fruits and vegetables.

It is no secret as to why they are planet sized, and those that say they are "healthy" just don't understand what a healthy diet is. Do you really think Americans are in any position to say what a healthy diet is?

>> No.4620515

there is no moment in time in which i am not eating

>> No.4620520

My mum watches The Great British Bake Off and thinks she's a master baker because she spends all day in the kitchen baking cakes, which my stepdad gobbles up. She couldn't cake bread if she had a professional baker instructing her.

>> No.4620524

>the food he eats is not glaringly unhealthy

>he ate 16 wings, an order of jalapeno poppers, and a burger with fries

>you don't look at his meals and say "that shit is disgusting what are you doing nigger"

I most certainly do, you fucking retard.

>> No.4620527

>Do you really think Americans are in any position to say what a healthy diet is?
white ones are, the obesity rates are primarily caused by the large black and hispanic populations

>> No.4620534

fat people lie. i eat unhealthy shit all the time, but more than that i consume a very large amount of food, and i am willing to bet for many people it is the same.

>> No.4620553


As a former ham planet, it usually went something like this

Breakfast - Half a pizza, some sort of juice, maybe some bacon or sausage

Lunch - 1 foot sub, extra cheese, extra meat, extra mayo, chips, soda

Dinner - Pizza, half a 2 liter of something, an entire order of breadsticks

Snacks throughout the day - Maybe a bagel with a ton of cream cheese, maybe just chips, or a ton of peanuts or something.

Also, a ton of fast food. We're talking like 4 McDoubles at a time.

Usual day would be something like 4000+ calories.

>> No.4620573

you're partially a fucking retard. 300 calories worth of celery and lettuce will fill you up like three times more than the same amount of calories in junk food.
the steak bit is true provided that the lard and beef haven't been processed.

>> No.4620577

A multivitamin doesn't mean you can have a shitty diet and be healthy. You'll be taking in too much of what you don't need, and consuming bad shit from the food you eat. I never said there's something wrong with a steak cooked in fat, but there is something wrong with half of your meal being fried in oil, and not eating vegetables. Why did you start talking about corn syrup soy cakes?

>> No.4620629
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>what are phytochemicals

>> No.4620636

>300 calories worth of celery and lettuce will fill you up like three times more than the same amount of calories in junk food

haha, continue to believe that. In reality, the duration of your satiety is directly proportional to the amount of calories you take in (as long as they are not simple sugars) Whether you eat 400 calories of oatmeal or 4 tablespoons of butter, you'll still start feeling hungry at about the same time during the day.

low calorie stuff are only good for making you feel full while sitting at the table and preventing you from overeating (unless you are a hamplanet who will continue to stuff his face until the table is empty even if he is about to burst) These vegetables do not have a particularly satiating effect in the long run though.

>> No.4620645

Today I had a stew of chicken. 2 thighs, 2 legs, 2 wings with 6 tomatoes 1/2 liter of chicken stock, 1 onion, 6 garlic cloves, 2 bell peppers, a dozen mushrooms and 2 carrots, to accompany 2 baked potatoes and 2 drink a quart of wine with sprite. I also had a large slice of water melon, a large bowl of gazpacho soup, and a couple of peaches. Enough?

>> No.4620664

I'm actualyl trying to lose weight so in the afternoon I went out for a walk. Could barely move due to being full on on the 1st leg and nearly died of heat exhaustion on the return. I thought that going out in the lat afternoon it wouldn't be so hot but when I got home I checked and it was 96.8 degrees the whole time. Now I'm going to drink 2 liters of diet coke and 1 liter of beer and maybe have a snack. I'm 300lbs.

>> No.4620662

I'm not nor ever was disgustingly fat, but at my lowest point, I was eating Wendy's every other day. Dark times indeed.

>> No.4620673

Yesterday I had two packets of crisps, a cheese and ham sandwich on white bread, a big tasty, two barbecue snack wraps, a sweet chilli chicken burger, a rasberry flake McFlurry, about 2L of Diet Dr Pepper, 1L of Orange Juice, 1L of diet coke (I prefer the taste of diet drinks, no pretention of not being a fat piece of shit) and 4 nutri grain bars.

Friday I had 2 baguettes from Greggs, plus a sandwich, a couple donuts, a belgian bun, a pepperoni pizza slice and 2 10 inch pizzas. Also 2L of OJ and 2L bottle of Diet Dr Pepper.

Thursday I had two of the largest pizza's that Dominos do, both with hot dog crusts. 1L of OJ and 2L of Diet Dr Pepper.

The last time I weighed myself I was 28 stone, but I am 6'6"

Anyway I'm off to /co/, only saw this thread because I misclicked.

>> No.4620684

Landwhales are basically ALWAYS hungry.

So whereas a normal person consumes say, a burger and a side of fries for a meal, Landwhales will consume two or three burgers, and two orders of fries, plus two desserts.

Basically they just gorge themselves and eat 2x-3x the amount that they should. That's how they stay so fat.

And then it gets to the point where they're so fat they can't even exercise properly to burn enough calories to shed the pounds.

>> No.4620711

I've never been fat, but did go through a period of fairly rapid weight gain and then loss. I weighed about 140 before I started a factory job. There was the Laredo taco company in a gas station near work, so I went there for food almost every day. Beef fajita tacos every day for a few months. That took me up to 170 pounds. Switched to buying the potato, peppers and onion taco which is served in the morning, but I stored them away for lunch every day. I went back down to 140 in weeks. It was the same place, toritillas, peppers and onion but with potato instead of beef.

meat=fatboy, for me.

>> No.4620713

It's true ;_;

We do it because we are unloved and by becoming landwhales we also become unloveable. Only that delicious block of cheese can understand us!

>> No.4620722

I don't actually eat much at all really. My calories come from liquids. Fucking liquor and soda man, it'll get ya.

>> No.4620724

I actually don't eat like a slob or live on fast food/boxed shit. My 300 pound problem is that I eat once a day and don't do a goddamn thing other than housework.

>> No.4620734

I'm 5'6
Was: 197lbs on new years
Now: 180lbs
Goal: 145

Basically I just ate too much. I did always eat vegetables but it was usually as a side dish. This is what I see with a lot of fat people who think they're eating healthy. 90% meat and carbs and 10% greenery doesn't make a healthy diet. Although my proportions were more like 70-30.

I want to lose about 10lbs more this summer, wish me luck...

>> No.4620742

I'm not landwhale sized yet, but still pretty fucking big. Pretty much the only thing that keeps me from being a landwhale is my job: it's just too active to really achieve morbid obesity.

Anyway, all I really have is my job. I work about 60 hours a week, and I moved to a new town for this job, so I don't really know anyone and have more or less lost my prior friends through not keeping in touch, so I cook shit. It helps me pass what little time I have and frankly gives me far more personal satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment than my job could ever hope to...

Damn, now I have a lot of food to eat. Ah well, at least it's good. Time to go find some porn and beat off.

>> No.4620748

My mother is morbidly obese and gaining. Her diet really isn't cake for breakfast, 4 big macs for lunch, a bucket of fried chicken for dinner, etc. She just eats a lot, probably more unhealthy things than healthy. I can tell she is always thinking about food because she talks about it very often, watches the food network much of the time when she has access to a tv. If we go out for a day in the town, she'll go out to eat as an activity. She got the lapband surgery done and still eats a lot. She has eaten until she puked. I'm really worried about her. She's going to eat herself to death. I can't say anything that even hints at her weight because she is crazy sensitive. She's almost 50 years old and I've never seen her near a healthy weight.

>> No.4620753

>personal blog

>> No.4620757

I had a friend who seemed to maintain a 300 pound (136kg) weight mainly through sugary soft drinks. He biked a lot, ate fairly normal amounts of foods and snacks, but he'd go through more than two liters of mountain dew a day, which added like 1000-1500 calories on top of what might have been an okay diet.

>> No.4620758

I eat cause I'm depressed and don't have friends as well. I have nothing to do at home so I cook a lot. My family likes it cause they don't like cooking. But it all just ends with me eating too much...

>> No.4620761

>I didn't read the OP.

>> No.4620763

grow a spine and tell her she's a fat disgusting fuck who is an embarrassment to you. Tell her she needs to turn herself around and that you'll help her.

>> No.4620780

Telling her she is disgusting isn't any way to handle the situation. My dad has tried to tell her the health consequences of her eating/weight and that he'll help her but she wouldn't talk to him for aweek and she slept in the guest room instead of with him.

>> No.4620935

Well at least he got a good night's sleep away from her snoring and farting.

>> No.4620942

>go out to eat as an activity

I'm not seeing a problem with this. What's wrong with going to a nice place to eat once every couple of months exactly?

>> No.4620963

clearly you've never been to the south.

>> No.4620999
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>white ones are

Haha, no.

>> No.4621014


you sir...WIN.

Your prize is a one way ticket off the damn board for posting that.

>> No.4621026

Yeah, most people could probably drop 10 pounds or more just by switching from soda to water. There are loads of people getting half their calories from the stuff.

>> No.4621034

Landwhale here. I actually eat balanced meals for the most part. Yes, I do have fast food and whatnot but more often than not, I've got homecooked meals that almost always include salad and veggies and such.

My problem is I'm lazy as hell, don't exercise, and even though I eat balanced, I lack portion control. For example I got three pomegranates and shelled/seeded/whatever the fuck you call it them all, then put the edible seeds into a container yesterday. I wanted a snack earlier and ended up eating the entire thing.

>> No.4621058

Well, in all honesty, I would say the biggest thing is that most obese people myself included eat on a schedule and every meal we eat we eat to feel full. We wake up, oh breakfast, time to eat. Lunch comes around, not hungry but its time to eat, and even if we feel full we don't wanna "waste" any food so we just pack it down. Then dinner rolls around and dinner psychologically at least in america is our biggest meal so we eat really big. After all that if we feel like sweets we will have dessert, just because. Then the next day do that all over again. A sedimentary lifestyle contributes to keeping planet size.

>> No.4621087
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My main experience with this is my obese coworker who, as far as I can tell, eats an insanely heavy multi part meal 3 times a day.

He does the usual amount of snacking between meals but it's the meals themselves that do it. Whenever we go to a restaurant that isn't one of those places that serves a massive heap of third rate meat and two massive heaps of fried starch, he gets hysterical and starts complaining that it's "too expensive". Recognizable vegetables? Too expensive. Any ceramic visible beneath the food? Too expensive.

I generally associate cries of MUH MUNNY'S WORTH with obesity and poor taste, for this reason.

>> No.4621421

nice copy and paste faggot

Anyway, do people really eat out that much? I rarely ever and find it a challenge to break 1500 calories a day.

>> No.4621432

>nice copy and paste faggot

Is my writing that wonderful?

>> No.4621447

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.4621459

Where much of the niggers and especially spics reside? Yes I have.

>> No.4621460

It's the little things they don't add to their internal calorie count, like "a tiny bit of cheese" in their ramen, or portions on their plate versus serving size on the box.

It doesn't happen overnight, and a fat family with a whole household of people with the same bad habits helps.

Also, driving to Mcdonalds is faster than making most real food.

>> No.4621462 [DELETED] 


When I woke up (4pm, 3 1/3 hours ago) I ate a square of marshmallow-covered chocolate brownie. Then I had about 1/2 a cup of sunflower seeds (unsalted) with a coke. Right now I'm eating shepard's pie with another coke.

>> No.4621476


Actually no. It happened as I said it did. Deal with it.

>> No.4621504 [DELETED] 

>>4621462 here
Just ate another brownie and some "fudge" cake. It's pretty gross and I feel like puking but I did it.

I'll keep you updated right up until I got to sleep since you want to know
>what disgustingly fat people consume within a day in order to stay planet sized

It's all for you OP.

>> No.4621507


To those who posted, or to anyone else who has experience with this...

How do they (or you) eat that much food? Like, don't they get to a point of getting physically sick from so much food? Stomach literally hurting and in pain?

I've overeaten in my life at a few meals, as I'm sure we all have. A wedding, a reunion, Thanksgiving, what have you. I feel full, sometimes I feel okay just full, and take a nap, or watch football at Thanksgiving with the family, but other times I feel so sick like my stomach is going to explode and I'm going to die and I don't eat for a day literally (well won't eat at all until the next day, late).

I don't get how someone could do this:
>Breakfast - Half a pizza, some sort of juice, maybe some bacon or sausage

And then be ready for lunch only a few hours later. Especially a lunch like:
>Lunch - 1 foot sub, extra cheese, extra meat, extra mayo, chips, soda

Nevermind the dinner of another pizza, and an order of breadsticks, how the fuck would anyone be SNACKING all day with bagels, chips, and peanuts?

How do they get hungry so quickly? Or do they feel full and pain, but the taste of food is just more important to them?

>> No.4621526

I think that over time stomachs can stretch. Little by little, feeling full/stuffed with each meal but not necessarily to the point of vomiting can create the need (or perceived need) for more food to feel full.

I'm pretty fat myself but I'm trying to lose weight at the moment. My diet was never truly terrible (I ate almost no processed food, stopped drinking soda as a child, etc) but I have a problem with eating a lot of refined carbohydrates, I find them intensely delicious. So (carbs aside), even with a relatively healthy diet it's the portion sizes that get to me because ever since I was a child my family seemed to have the attitude that we could starve any minute and to pig out as much as possible at the immediate sign of hunger.

>> No.4621531

my family isn't morbidly obese (but my brother will be) and it's really this. bigger portions than they realize, always snacking on meal-type foods.

I'm not any better, but at least i recognize i'm a fatass (5'6 and 170). my brother, hwoever, is 16 and has always been fat. his meals fill up a 10-inch dinner plate, he only drinks soda, snacks are 3 slices of pizza, etc. he's going to top at 6'5 and he's pushing 250 already.

>> No.4621534

Chronic overeaters stretch their digestive organs, so stomachs for example will hold more. And consuming calorie-dense liquids can make a big difference even without eating a huge volume of food...imagine replacing every beverage you drank in a day with a sugar-saturated juice, energy drink, or soda, like 150 calories per glass. It wouldn't take any more room in your stomach than what you're consuming now, but would pack enough calories to blimp you out big time.

>> No.4621542

> morbidly curious
more like morbidly obese

>> No.4621550
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>> No.4621557

Hating fat people is a mental illness in itself.

>> No.4621558


Yeah, I'd believe this guy, easily. I had the same thing happen as Senior in High School. Never been overweight, and actually pretty thin. I was 6'1, 140lbs in High School.

Only seniors got to go off campus for lunch, so my friends and I were all like "Shit yes!" and just went to McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, Hardees, etc. every single day for lunch. I'd get a different combo meal each day. I went from 140 to 160 in a few months. The only thing that changed was me eating fast food and drinking soda, instead of me eating the school lunch and milk.

When I noticed the weight gain, I was annoyed and got self-conscious with myself, so instead of getting fast food, I'd just bring a bag lunch from home and drink water, order something small off the value menu and drink water, or I'd stay back with one or two friends who were Juniors or Sophomores and eat at school.

Small things like you mentioned can have an effect on people's weight, and weight can fluctuate greatly in a shorter period of time than people think.

The thing is, I didn't actually look or feel fatter, really. Or I don't think I did. I didn't notice it, and in picutres from that time, I don't look 20 lbs heavier or 20 lbs lighter in a time frame. Mostly it probably was just around my face or arms or legs or somewhere unnoticeable? I had longer hair then, too, so maybe my hair covered some of the chubbiness of the face? Not sure...

>> No.4621563


How tall are you, guy? Also thanks for keeping us all updated on the thread.

I find this thread interesting.

>> No.4621587

>The only thing that changed was me eating fast food and drinking soda
Not the anon you're responding to, but I can vouch for this. I'm a musician, and a few years ago I gained about fifteen pounds on a tour of the southern US, eating mostly soul food, BBQ and Tex-Mex. Not to mention all the beer I drank on that tour.

That works as fast for weight gain as fast food and soda. Biggest thing I learned is watch what you eat when you're living on a fucking bus.

>> No.4621599

>vegetables are completely optional with the advent of the daily multivitamin and fiber supplements

no they fucking are not m8

>> No.4621658

Wow, that was a pointless presentation. All I learned is that that dude is a sociopath. I was going to go with egotistical asshole, but then the fake crying started. Learn something every day.

>> No.4621701


Then you learned the right thing.

Fat people want to believe they're innocent. Assholes will take advantage.

>> No.4621736


As another anon said, your stomach gradually stretches out.

I was


When I started calorie counting and dieting, the first month I felt like I had nothing in my stomach ALL THE TIME. It was hell. Just constant hunger day and night, even though I KNEW I had all the calories I needed for the day.

And then one day two months in, I gave myself a cheat day and realized that 4 slices of pizza made me full to the point of pain. That used to be breakfast for me, but it had turned into a full day meal.

>> No.4621739


I'm sure the redhead gets made fun of all the time for being an anorexic slut.

>> No.4621769


Multivitamins barely absorb into the body

>> No.4621772

>300 calories of celery
I get what you're trying to say about roughage filling you up more, but that's a whole lot of fucking celery.

>> No.4621796

Some sort of take out at least once a day. As little as a couple of dollar menu burgers, no larger than a regular meal + extra burger. If I eat something at home it will be a sandwich with cold cuts, cheese, chutney, gherkins etc, or pretzels/crackers. I eat a dinner of 2 part veg, 2 part starch, 3+ part meat. No dessert. I drink heavily 4 nights a week, usually vodka but occasionally super strong beer. I eat leftovers before bed all nights. I've had long periods of sobriety where my eating habits are completely healthy, it's all tied in with my drinking.

I'm going back to school soon so I have to get back on the wagon,

>> No.4621803

>She couldn't cake bread

>> No.4622018


first, i avoid eating for several hours after waking up, so that my body goes into fat-preservation survival mode

after staring at the decaying vegetables in my fridge for a few hours and declaring that there is nothing to eat, I cave in and order delivery

today i had a bacon cheeseburger with fries delivered to my door, as well as a 2 liter of pepsi to wash it down

i of course selected 4 appetizers and desserts to compliment my meal, including fried corn nuggets, coleslaw, mozzerella sticks, and chocolatecake

gorged on my meal, I ate nothing for about 8 hours excluding several beers, until I finished the remaining leftovers in their entirety as well as a couple ice cream sandwiches and a pop tart

>> No.4622026

>300 calories lettuce celery
it take about 5 pounds for either to reach 300 calories

>> No.4622028

>dat broscience

>> No.4622101

>be 174cm and 61kg
>didn't eat a single gram of food yesterday (Sunday) because i feel fat
and i do love food.

>> No.4622119

>fat people lie
This, and they are often awfully misguided as to what's healthy and what's unhealthy, or at the very least, how many calories something has in it. Serving sizes on packaging often doesn't help either. For example, two Reese's peanut butter cups (the suggested serving size on the packet) have 210 calories, and fuck all of anything else. For me, that's about 10% of my recommended calorie intake.

>> No.4622184

>How do they (or you) eat that much food?

Fatass here, I'm 6'4 and heavy set, with a huge appetite compared to normal men. I practically live off fast food, I can eat, get full, then an hour or two later I'm hungry again

>> No.4622334

Well fuck you too.

I'm really fat. A typical breakfast is 2 sandwiches or 1 bowl of cereal. Lunch is one helping of omelette, pasta or the like. Dinner, meat or fish with potato and salad, 1-1½ portion. I don't eat snacks, candy, cookies or the like and generally keep away from sugar (no sodas except for mixing drinks). Keeping starchy foods low too. 2-3 times per month I drink beer, as in get shitfaced. Pizza or hamburger.... I'd say twice a month. I know at least 2 skinny fuckers that eat three times more than me however you count-carbs, calories or fat. And they don't work out any more than me either. That's kinda aggravating.

I have found something that does work, though. Strict LCHF diet and long walks. I just get sick of dieting after a couple of months because I want to be able to eat like everyone else at the table... I tend to lose 10kg or more in autumn because hunting season.

>> No.4622346

Today I ate
>Carrot/coconut muffin
>bowl of instant beef ramen, the good stuff, not that maruchan/white people shit
>4 pieces of high liner bread sole
>potato the size of a 10 year old fist
>both slathered in tartar sauce
>good sized romaine/spinach salad with chopped spring onion, dried cranberries and sun-dried tomato vinagrette
>can of rootbeer
>mug of pink lemonade
>vanilla ice cream the size of a fist
>1.5 inch piece of store-bought chocolate chip cookie dough
I hate myself

>> No.4622350

They significantly under-report how much food they consume, so it's hard to get an accurate picture.

>> No.4622352

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast and a cup of tea
Lunch: Don't need it. 2 cups of coffee throughout the day
Dinner: Eat 800 calories of whatever the fuck you want

Easy: 1100ish calories at a huge deficit. You will look like shit after the crash diet with loose skin and shit but hey, you'll be 100lbs lighter

>> No.4622359
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All of these fatasses...this thread is just sad

>> No.4622361

I'm getting so fat...

Breakfast, don't eat it.
Lunch, don't eat it.
Dinner, Meat (usually, chicken (or a lean meat)) a side like brocc. or asparagus...Lots of vodka and crystal light. I've been drinking for 15 hours, still sober. I snack on my fat free pretzels when I'm drinking. I might be an alcoholic fatty.

>> No.4622369

I work at mcdonalds in a smallish country town and I am screaming internally 99% of the time
Whenever I see a single person get 3+ large meals all to themselves or order 8 ice cream cones that they then sit down and eat in one go I just want quit on the fucking spot for giving it to them

>> No.4622381

Maybe you had actually put on some muscle? Even without working out, 140lb at 6'1" is so small.

>> No.4622396

Stable at 6"2' and ~230 pounds I wouldn't call myself disgustingly fat, but my food habits for comparison:
Work-kind of days (studying so...)
Breakfast: Cereal (like, 1 big bowl or 2 small ones) OR Porridge + 1 sandwich (low fat butter+caloric dense spread (jam or swedish kaviar)) OR 3 sandwiches. Water to drink.
Lunch: Regular meal very seldom any salad (lunch box), about 1 pound in total most of the time. Water.
Dinner: Often cooked meal, about half the time with a small salad. A little less than the lunch, but add salad.
Extras: Often I eat either a fruit, a cup of nuts, two handfuls of chips or a cup of ice-cream. Sometimes the amount is increased (say, once per week) and replaces a real meal.
Rarely but it happens, I drink alcohol, I'd average it to say 4 standard glasses every two weeks.
On relaxing days, I seldom eat breakfast, often eat one real meal and increase the "extras".

What's keeping me at this weight is mostly the combined factor of low amounts of exercise (sex is the biggest... also bicycling some). When I've exercised a lot in the past I've comfortably dropped to about 200 pounds, though after a month or so my portions just gets larger...

>> No.4622401

youre just as dumb as those fatass for not knowing anything about nutrition

>> No.4622402

I sit beside this obese girl at work, it's disgusting. She eats all day at her desk. Chocolate muffins, candy, monster coffee drinks, goes through at least 3 24 oz sodas a day. the worst is she will eat the crumbs of the muffin of her desk, just like dab it with her fingers and lick it off about 30 times until the desk is clean.

>> No.4622409

i used to wonder this too, but then i realised. theyre all fucking liars and closet eaters.

as a young teen i had a couple of fat friends, who would never ever eat at school or whenever i was around them. whenever i would eat they'd make me feel uncomfortable, making remarks like "omg anon you eat so much but youre so thin its not fair!". plus having them never ever eat while i stuffed my face made me feel pretty shit about my self. one of these fatties always bragged about her 'all organic diet' and they were both vegetarian. whenever i ate meat it was 'disgusting'

i felt bad because i was genetically thinner then these people, and even though i ate SO much more than them i stayed thin. Then i grew up and learnt about calories. these chicks were obviously stuffing their faces when no one was looking, i cannot believe i allowed them to make me feel so bad about myself and my eating habits. fuck fatties

>> No.4622412

its that alcohol bro. so much calories in,liquid form so it doesnt feel like you're eating that much. that dinner is way bigger than you think it is.

>> No.4622420

just to change things up, ill post what i eat in a typical work day, as a person who's currently eating to losing weight and weighs 51kg/113lb at 168cm/5'5

instant oats
>morning tea
Muesli bar or piece of fruit or fruit cup
half a can of flavoured tuna with baby spinach in a wholemeal bread sandwich.
scoop of icecream or a smoothie or a donut from the shops
marinated chicken or fish with vegetables and pasta or rice.

I still eat fast food at least once a week, but because i count calories i fit it in.

>> No.4622431

....how much alcohol does it take to bring such a stellar mass down? I am now morbidly curious.

>> No.4622434

What won't a stormfag blame on race?

>> No.4622437

>at that height and weight
>wants to lose MORE weight

Are you anorexic or something? Genuine question

>> No.4622442

Just to be clear, was that a meal, or a day's food?

I just made chicken-lentil stew with... similar proportions. I'm looking for it to last me the week.

>> No.4622444

im very skinny fat.

>> No.4622446

Perhaps it's some psychological/psychiatric issue which she's compensating for by eating too much?

>> No.4622448

Seeing specimens of the ambulocetus always makes me marvel at how strong and resilient skin is.

>> No.4622450

my mum is fat and used to constantly berate me for my shitty diet.

thing is, she eats a lot of healthy non-fast foods like salmon, avocado, pumpkin etc. but these are the most calorie-dense health foods, and she eats a fuck load of it. yet is puzzled why she gains weight.

luckily i got her into keeping a food diary and counting her intake and she is losing weight.

>> No.4622453

I recall seeing a study that demonstrated that landwhales are very prone to under-reporting the amount of food they eat.

>> No.4622457

I wonder if it occurs to them that they are ordering several meals' worth of food at once, or if some mental gymnastics have led them to decide that all restaurants are run by penny-pinching skinflints who refuse to serve an entire meal at once, leading to them having to assemble single meals out of multiple menu items.

>> No.4622469

I've gotten pretty fit over the last year or so by eating healthy and exercising.

my thing was snacking when I was bored. I would just eat handfuls of snacks.. chips, cheetos, gummy bears, crackers and cheese, leftovers from earlier in the day or the day before...

if you asked me to tell you all the snacking I had done.. i wouldn't have been able to recall it all.. but the meals i probably could have told you, and the meals were probably decently portioned.

i think most hamplanets probably eat out of boredom like i do, but they probably eat a bit more, or consider a snack to be a bit larger than I do. This is probably why they don't even think they are eating that much.. cause it's "just a snack" and they aren't keeping track of it.

When I changed things up.. i stopped buying all the snack items, and replaced them with cashews, peanuts, granola, and healthy snack chips. Then I would limit myself to a handful of each type a day. I changed out all my other meals to salads and oatmeals, started jogging 4 miles a day.. and that was that.

>> No.4622471
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>and a pop tart

What flavor?

I suggest you try freezing the Frosted Cherry flavor. It's GoAT.

>> No.4622472


>> No.4622474


If you eat so much you're probably trying to kill all thoughts and feelings.

>> No.4622479

God damn I hate fatties with a passion. Every since I tried to start getting /fit/ I had to consciously cram down food to break free of skeleton mode.

It takes so much effort to buy, prepare and cook this food and even effort to eat it. I find it hard to cram so much food into my body so as to gain weight. Whereas whales just keep on eating and eating until they burst. Obesity in my country is a non issue - we see the fatties and they're looked down upon. But in America it's a whole different story. Your people eat so much fucking junk. Your portion sizes are 3x too big. It's sickening.

>> No.4622480

>>Carrot/coconut muffin

How did that taste? Did it taste kinda like a carrot cake muffin? Or was the carrot less sweet?

>> No.4622484


I guess that's possible. I was active in a couple of sports, but not overly. I wasn't huge into fitness or anything, but I did at least stay active by participating in the practices and games. Never went gung-ho in the weight room or anything though.

>> No.4622488


When I worked in a Call Center, I sat next to this really fucking huge lady as well, and she was the exact same.

She always had numerous boxes of cookies, Ritz Crackers, Milanos, always drank huge iced coffee from McDonald's in the morning, a huge Coke for lunch. She was literally eating non-stop all day, aside from when she was talking to the customers.

I could hear her breathing so heavily, and it was hilarious because every so often, I'd hear her say "I'm a woman, ma'am" or something like that, meaning the person on the phone thought she was a man, and called her "sir".

She would also sometimes offer the people in nearby cubes some of her food, but it was so gross. Made me lose my appetite just being in such close proximity.

>> No.4622490

Well right now I'm poor as fuck so

> 300 cals worth of oatmeal, a spoon of peanut butter mixed in, and a spoon of jam on top
> snack is a cherry hard candy or two and a handful of over roasted peanuts
> dinner is two bowls of soup
> snack is probably another spoon of peanut butter

Too much PB....

>> No.4622530
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>Pack of pop tarts
>Actually just cheap ass sugar and fat
>Good source of 7 Vitamins and minerals

Wtf, seriously wtf?
Fat Americunts never cease to amaze me by their stupidity!

>> No.4622556

About 2 weeks ago I started into a diet, not really changing what I eat... but portion sizing it all. It wasn't so much fast food for me cause I avoid that crap like the plague but its always portion size for me.

Like if I got a Oreo's... it was like a whole row or two of Oreos. Bag of Sweet Corn Chili Dorito's... the whole bag. Making mac and cheese, eating the whole box... beef fried rice, combining 2 cups of rice with the beef/veggies.

Some people spaz out on fast food but for the most part, its portion sizing that makes fatties fat. I would eat 3 times a day with one snack but I'd have like a huge bowl of cereal... 2 sandwiches for lunch and dinner was always a big plate of food with a bag of chips as the snack or a huge bowl of popcorn.

Whatever I ate before, I half it and have dropped 30 lbs in about 2 months. Getting ready to 1/2 the portion size again and switch to 4 meals a day and then by Christmas want to 1/2 it again and 5 times a day which seems to be healthy. No more junk food, no more sugar (outside of carb sugar), if my wife and I go out to eat we go to a restaurant and avoid fast food.

>> No.4622557

I'm 6'4" and hovering around 290 lbs. What's bad is that my weight fluctuates a lot and my eating habits aren't terribly consistent. I gave up eating fast food probably six months ago and I vowed to quit drinking soda and have been successful so far (almost three weeks now with a temporary relapse over the 4th of July weekend).

This is offset by the fact that I just moved out on my own, so my meal choices aren't the best sometimes. I try to buy healthy - chicken breasts, salad makings, fruits & veggies, etc - but they usually end up going to waste (literally) because I'll opt for the faster, more convenient way. Just something I need to practice not doing.

Additionally, since I have no money ever, my girlfriend's grandma will cook for me and I will usually eat a lot of that - 'that' being old-fashioned home cooking with lots of butter and sugar and the like.

I'm also not as active as I'd like to be. I can;' afford any gym membership and my bike is broken and I can't afford to get it fixed right now. I have flat feet and a bad back and sore legs on a regular basis (courtesy of a few really awful manual labor jobs that I really threw myself into) so running isn't really viable. Should I just start going on long walks? Because the most activity I get right now is at work (where I'm on my feet all day in a kitchen).

what should I do, /ck.

>> No.4622606

Definitely go on the walks, and I suggest getting Ace bandages (they cost like 2 dollars for a roll, fantastic for sore muscles!).
Also, try to do core and at-home exercises. Just, work up to doing a 1-minute plank, some lunges, make it so you have like 5 one-minute muscle-training exercises that you do every night. (For me, it's a plank, side-plank, and the bird-dog). If you have the energy, try to do additional exercises too (crunches, sit ups, lunges), but as a base-line always do those five.
Stretch after working out, it's better to do it often and gently.

Be sure to let yourself heal up well. Really, /fit/ is the best place to ask, but I'll give you one last tip-- don't do "stupid" exercises, like dancing around to music for two hours, and definitely don't do those "stupid" exercises many days in a row. I did exactly that for approximately four days, and as a result got a small fracture in one of my foot-bones.

You got this anon, the hardest part is getting started!

>> No.4622621

I was like 220 pounds last year and all I did was eat 3 burgers, 40 nuggets and 2L of coke everyday at 2am.

>> No.4622623

>B-b-b-but i'm eating healthy.
>No matter what i'm eating i keep getting fatter.
>Fuck, must be genes and shit.

>> No.4622640

I eat one meal a day and don't do a goddamn thing
but I'm 92 lbs

>> No.4622697

>all I did was eat 3 burgers, 40 nuggets and 2L of coke everyday at 2am
All you did was consume almost 4000 calories in one meal

>> No.4622708

>Some people spaz out on fast food but for the most part, its portion sizing that makes fatties fat.

I'm not fat at all (quite the opposite), but have struggled with bulimia (binging and purging), so I know all too well about vastly overeating.

I really struggled with portion control when I was still active in the disorder. I actually find that fast food can sometimes be helpful, because the combo meals usually aren't huge portions, as long as you aren't getting a Monster Thickburger.

McDonald's only offers one size for combos now. And if you only go with a small fry and small drink at other places, you're still not vastly overeating. Yeah, there are healthier and better options, but if you struggle with portion control, they have everything preset, so you just need to eat it, and be content, not order 2 extra fries, 2 pies, and 20 nuggets with the meal.

>> No.4622713
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>This is what amerifats actually believe about fast food and dieting

American obesity.....it's all explained to me

>> No.4622721
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All of those for under 400 calories.

If you ate that 3 times a day, you'd be at 1200, a huge deficit for most people. As long as you aren't drinking regular soda, and snacking huge amounts in between meals.

I'm not at all saying that you should eat at McDonald's three times a day, I'm just using that allusion.


Watch it.

>> No.4622724

>consuming all that sodium

>> No.4622731


You're fucking retarded. Vegetables contain lots of fiber which takes way longer to digest so you're 'filled up' for longer. Saturation is not only calory-dependant. If you, for example, slow down you will feel full after about the same time you normally would, even if you ate a lot less.

source(s): self-experimentation

>> No.4622733


You won't be healthy, but you won't be "morbidly obese".

>> No.4622739

the word you're looking for is satiation. And no, veggies do not even come close to providing the same satiation as meats.

>> No.4622749

>you won't be healthy

then why even bother posting it? Rotting inside is no better than cumbersome.

>> No.4622750


>> No.4622752


Actually, veggies, especially leafy greens, are moved through your digestive system faster (because they aren't really digested at all) and provide satiety faster than meats will.

This is a well known fact, and since you are stating the opposite as fact you have a) lost the argument and b) shown yourself to be a fat ass that has no experience eating vegetables and leafy greens.

>> No.4622762

You /fit/ people need to stay on your containment board.

>> No.4622771


I'm 185cm and around 70kg and I feel the same way

>> No.4622777

>containment board.

10/10 lolled hard.

>> No.4622802

fatty pls

>> No.4622803


thanks for backing me up, man

>> No.4622822

Yesterday I ate
Oats with chia seeds
half a cup of blueberries
half a cup of froyo
2 cups of juice
1 poptart
a small bit of candy
a mini bagel with cream cheese
a mug of hot chocolate
a cheeseburger
cup and a half of coffee
a tea with 3 tsp of sugar
2 squares of dark chocolate
(not in that order)
I feel like such a pig, but I'm not even really that fat just kind of chubby, but if I keep this up I'll probably gain weight.

>> No.4622832

all them kcals and not a single meal.

for shame

>> No.4622845

When someone as fat as that red head even looks "thin" next to those other landwhales, you know something' wrong.

>> No.4622862

how is that bad?

>> No.4622902

>source(s): self-experimentation

welp, there goes any credibility you could have ever hoped for.

>> No.4622933


This thread is about morbid obesity and general overeating.

Not other general health.

Re-read the OP:
>so /ck/ i'm morbidly curious about what disgustingly fat people consume within a day in order to stay planet sized, and since there seems to be a good number of landwhales on this board, i thought you guys could enlighten me! so many fat people say they have "healthy" diets or don't eat that much, but surely this cannot be the case. so tell me fatties, what is your secret?


>> No.4622965

I actually did, in my dorm I drank soda at every meal and was 160. Now switched to water, getting less exercise even, and am now 150

>> No.4622987

>Should I just start going on long walks?

yes, because any movement is better than nothing. the diet is really the most important thing here, but if you want serious results in a reasonable time, exercise is your best friend. cant afford a gym membership, you say? do what the rest of us in that situation do and do some push ups and other such free exercises.

>> No.4622990

go do some sport.

>> No.4622991

because that post was replying to a post that said,

>American obesity... It's all explained to me

you illiterate fucking retard.

>> No.4622996

good answer. skinnyfat people dont seem to realize that they're sitting on a goldmine. they're so close to being in shape and looking good, but somehow think they need to LOSE weight? no, you want to lose your skinnyfat, and probably pack on some muscle unless you want to turn into skeletor.

>> No.4623015

I think that's it. I guess whenever she was pregnant, she ate a fuckton of food and loved it so much that she became used to it. Then her baby weight stays, and she doesn't bother to work it off and instead keeps eating and eating. Obesity arrives and she feels too shitty about herself to do anything about it. I can tell she feels like shit about herself and is insecure. She reads too much into things and is super sensitive and thinks many things people say are personally attacking her.

Also, to the guy who sees her eating out as normal, it's pretty much the only thing she does whenever she goes out for fun, which is a few times a week.

>> No.4623017

My close friend's obese father recently died on the toilet of a heart attack in his early 60s. Wonderful man, but that fucking diet.. His diet consisted of:
>two liters of Pepsi in place of a glass or 20 ounce
>had "personal" whole milk gallons for himself, that he would drink straight from the jug (hence them being personal), would go through a gallon in just over a day.
>would dump disturbing amounts of salt on every plate. It looked like his food had frost on it..
>half a stick of butter to go with every meal. Had a shelf on the fridge door devoted to boxes of butter. Those went quickly as well.
>for his birthdays insisted that his wife buy him his own party-sized cake and another cake for herself and their daughter. Ate that in a day.
>put (lots of) sugar in his scrambled eggs while cooking them, along with the butter *writhe in disgust*
>was a fucking champion at a buffet. Was actually quite terrifying.
>had the beetus, didn't stop him from eating high octane crap. Nearly lost his legs to it before he succumbed to his habits.

Poor bastard.

>> No.4623021

>half a stick of butter to go with every meal.

How? How is that even possible? Jesus Christ...

>> No.4623022

I don't even know what to say. That's awful. The worst I've ever heard. What was his weight like?

>> No.4623023

When I met him around 12 years ago, around 370lbs. At the time of his death was well over 400.

>> No.4623024

I have no idea.. It took every ounce of willpower not to wretch or cry when seeing that man eat.

>> No.4623039


I'm surprised he made it to 6X with diabeetus and a diet like that.

I guess he lived life by his own rules, and it didn't work out too badly for him. 60-something is a pretty long life.

>> No.4623043

I think there might be something wrong with my body...

I have been obese my whole life, like literally since before i can remember.

I am now in my 20's and i weigh almost 400 lbs. But the thing is, i dont eat that much.

My day consists of this:

Sometimes a light breakfast (ie a protein bar, toast, a bowl of cereal, something along those lines)

lunch is usually something quick and easy though i admit not very healthy. a can of spaghettios, a sandwich, a box of mac n cheese.

then for dinner i always have a nice balanced meal. Last night was a pork chop with a small amount of noodles and butter along with a salad (and i dont drown it in ranch dressing, i always use only a couple tbsps of light vinagerette)

Is that diet REALLY that bad? I admit i could eat a lot healthier, and i love carbs a little too much, but when i count calories its never much more than 1500 in a day, how am i this huge?

>> No.4623046

Good luck anon

>> No.4623048


What do you drink?

Soda? Juice? Milk? Water?

The first three are calorie dense. Water is all you need to hydrate.

>> No.4623049

For me, it was toast.
Hot buttery toast.

I'd have two snacks a day between meals, each would be two pieces of toast with butter.

That and drinking beer every weekend added up.

>> No.4623052
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I don't eat unhealthy but i'm totally addicted to eating in front of the tv/computer. Seriously, if im watching tv i desire to be eating anything. If need to eat something i have to be watching something. It sucks.

>> No.4623057

>and weight can fluctuate greatly in a shorter period of time than people think.

I remember weight myself after a shower one day, was at 64.3 kg. 8-9 days later I did the same thing, 60.6 kg

>> No.4623066

i almost always drink water. But when i can afford pop (maybe once a month) i'll have a couple cans a day

>> No.4623073

I was never landwhale-mode, but I was getting up there. This was, like a typical day for me at my heaviest, last summer.
>3 eggs, scrambled, cooked in olive oil for breakfast. Sometimes a slice or two of bacon to go with it.
>A sandwich with sliced ham, mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato on white bread
>Chips Ahoy cookies with a glass of whole milk for a mid-afternoon snack
>3 slices of pizza for dinner
>A boatload of alcohol in the evenings. I never kept track, but it was a lot
>A late night snack consisting of two eggs, scrambled in olive oil, and a slice of ham, with ketchup on two slices of white bread fried in more olive oil.
Thinking about my old diet makes me want to vomit.

>> No.4623075

whether you want to admit it to us or not, your portions are probably huge.

also, portion size is relative to your activity level. you could eat very little every day, but if you arent doing anything, you'll gain weight as long as you get above your bmr

>> No.4623076

oh and i guess i should put the disclaimer that there MIGHT be something wrong with you. if there is, a doctor will be happy to let you know.

so go to the fucking doctor.

>> No.4623080

Also, I should mention that, often, I would opt for soda, juice, or heavily-sweetened tea instead of water for hydration.
God, I was a pig.

>> No.4623082

>Everyone saying large portions as in eating two sandwiches or 3 burgers


I am 5'1" I simply do not have the space inside me to process that much food at once. I'm talking having double Baconator with fries shuts me down for half a day. I can't imagine the hunger you'd need to eat two whole meals then crave for more 3 hours later, nor the amount of shit you force out.

Check your eating privilege, fat people

>> No.4623084

meh, they really arent big portions. I just dont understand how i weigh more now than when i was in high school and i would go all day without eating then come home and eat everything i could for 2 hours before my parents got home from work.

Im trying my best to eat as little as possible, but im ALWAYS hungry and i have severe anxiety so it makes it difficult to even leave my apartment and go for a walk.

Then ppl tell me to simply eat less and exercise more. Its a lot more difficult than it seems. I just wish those skinny jerks knew what its like to starve yourself for days on end and still have ppl look at you like your the most disgusting thing on earth.

>> No.4623087

that's great and all, but this remains true - even if you are sick.

Calories in - calories out.
You eat more then you burn.
Either eat less or run/swim/excercise more.

This WILL fix you being fat. Stop trying to search for shortcuts

>> No.4623092


it was a joke friendo

>> No.4623096

Blatantly untrue, kill self.

>> No.4623108

If this is true, how come I feel more full eating 1 cup of cheerios with 1 cup of 1% milk (210 kcal) than after drinking 2 cups of orange juice (222 kcal)?

>> No.4623112

ok then my question is how do i exercise without leaving my apartment? i have panic attacks over the thought that if i exercise in public other ppl with see me and laugh at me.

>> No.4623111

sounds like you dont get a lot of exercise.

when i dont do much (just sitting around all day watching tv or something), i can eat one meal and not be hungry at all until the next day.

but, for example, yesterday i was riding my bike/skateboard around town all day taking care of errands and such. over the course of the day i ate 3 full sized meals and a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and i still wasn't too full when i went to sleep.

youd be surprised at how much your stomach is willing to hold if your body craves energy.

you arent starving yourself, your body just craves more than it actually needs. with sufficient water, your fat ass wouldnt starve to death for a LONG time. you say it's more difficult than it seems to eat better and exercise, but the fact of the matter is that it's necessary unless you're content with yourself. most satisfaction in life comes from difficult tasks, you know.

also this. go for a walk, whether you want to or not. if you simply refuse to change your ways, you have no right wondering why you weigh more than you did in the past.

>> No.4623114

the mind is a hell of a drug

>> No.4623115

when i say starve myself i literally mean eating NOTHING for days at a time

>> No.4623118


You are retarded and a flat out lying

I remember going through my vegan diet, always hungry even with full plates. It took me a while to learn that the lack of protein is what had me feeling empty, I knew it wasn't the carbohydrates because all the starch from the legumes and fruits had plenty of that. Thankfully I just picked up juicing

>> No.4623121

ever heard of a push up?

how about a squat?

they really arent as useful as a lot of exercises, but there are sit ups too.

there are shittons of bodyweight exercises you could do until you're willing to go out in public.

also, i obviously cant speak for everyone, but every time i see a fatty out for a walk, drenched in sweat and looking like they're going to die, i silently root for them. dont want to say anything to them for fear that they'll think i'm making fun of them, but i'd be willing to bet more people make fun of fat people when they see them ordering 3 value meals at mcdonalds than when they see them exercising.

>> No.4623122

Get yourself some dumbells and lift 'em.
Play a brass instrument (might be tough in an apartment, though)
Shut your blinds, lock your door, put an album of your choice, and dance around like an idiot to it.
I thought satiation was just a feeling, anyway.

>> No.4623124

well that's just retarded, and will help you in no way, shape or form.

>> No.4623126
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>> No.4623128

>I thought satiation was just a feeling, anyway.
pretty sure you're right about that, but the mind is the organ that lets the body know what to feel. nerves would be helpless without it.

>> No.4623138

thats my point though. Im huge but i dont order 3 meals at mcdonalds. I dont eat obscene amounts of food or sugary drinks. Not every "landwhale" is a disgusting pig.

I have a theory that my weight gain may also be partially related to my anxiety. One month my bf and i had a lot of money and we smoked weed every single day for 4-5 weeks in a row. we probly even ate more because of munchies and all but at the end of that time i realized i had lost about 30 lbs.

The only thing i can think of is that mass amounts of weed made it so my body wasnt constantly producing stress hormones, and we all know that high levels of stress causes you to gain more weight.

>> No.4623143

Lack of portion control.

>> No.4623148

you're one of those excuse making fatties.

stop making excuses and go for a fucking walk. that post wasn't meant to be about the food, it was meant to be about the fucking exercise. you dont have to eat obscene amounts to become fat if you arent exercising.

>> No.4623151

If your anxiety is so bad that it's worsening your quality of life (and, since you're a hamplanet, it is), go see a therapist. Seriously. There here to help you.

>> No.4623152

>and we all know that high levels of stress causes you to gain more weight
Top lel. Record what you eat. You'll either eat normally for you and be shocked because it's way more than you imagined or you'll subconsciously cut back and end up feeling hungry.

>> No.4623153


How did he financially support those eating habits?

>> No.4623163

Get one of those adjustable dumbells at walmart or target.

15 pushups
20 squats
20 crunches
20 lunges each leg
12 curls each arm
15 flys

do this 3 times a week

>> No.4623164

im curious as to whether or not anyone else has experienced weight loss in correlation with marijuana intake

>> No.4623167

i cant explain how impressed i would be if a fatty ever actually accomplished that. most fat people could maybe do that once, not 4 times.

>> No.4623168

With variations of this, done at a high pace, I basically went from fatty to 155 5'10" and cut my sophmore year of high school.

I did this with friend in our gym, but I can't see any reason you can't do this at home.

>> No.4623169

in correlation, sure. they're called people with self discipline.

however, it's obviously not the cause of their weight loss since marijuana stimulates appetite.

>> No.4623170

would that really help? i was under the impression that only cardio was useful in losing fat

>> No.4623172
File: 12 KB, 236x213, Are you wanna die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So much salt it looks like there's frost on his plate
>Two liters of soda, daily
>Sugar in scrambled eggs
>A fucking stick of butter, on its, own, as a dish, with every meal

>> No.4623176

cardio burns calories just like any other exercise.

and nothing in that routine is cardio, unless you make it a circuit.

>> No.4623177

then WHY THE FUCK did i lose 30 lbs when all i was doing was sitting on my ass getting high?

>> No.4623175

Workout adjusted for fatties
10 pushups
15 squats
20 crunches
6 curls
8 flys

It's done at a cardio pace to raise the heart rate and encourage fat loss.

In addition, the lifting and other stuff will build muscle.
The gym teacher that taugh us this was some professional body builder so basically he gave us a workout regimen every other day similar to that.

Usually the lifting was switched up as to no work the same part of the body everyday, but you ALWAYS do pushups, squats, and crunches

>> No.4623179

Exactly, you do it as a circuit, and keep your heart rate high and sweat like balls.

>> No.4623185

I'm sorry, I'm still having trouble getting over this.
810 kcal, 92g fat, 243mg cholesterol, and 12 mg sodium of pure, unadulterated butter.
With every meal.
What the fuck???

>> No.4623183

There was a fatass asian kid that worked out with us. He basically was halfway through his workouts sweating buckets when we were all done, but over the course of that year he basically became strong as fuck and could eventually keep up with us.

He even joined the rugby team the year after that.

>> No.4623187

The original post did say simple sugars were an exception.

>> No.4623188

>He even joined the rugby team the year after that

good for him. fatties can definitely turn into great athletes if they get into a good workout routine and build some muscle.

who cares? you sound like you're looking for an easy way to lose weight, but the fact of the matter is that there is no easy way to consistently lose weight (Well there is, but it's a very long waiting game of eating slightly less and/or exercising slightly more)

>> No.4623190

Yea he was a still a big dude but dayum he could tackle the shit out of people.

If you really want to lose weight without doing shit, just don't eat too much.
Seriously. I had a period of time where I would be eating 1000 calories a day with a binge day of 2500 every week. I went from 155 to 135 in 2 months.

>> No.4623194

>had a period of time where I would be eating 1000 calories a day with a binge day of 2500 every week. I went from 155 to 135 in 2 months.

i did basically the same thing for a while

i got skinnyfat, and i was not OK with that. but you're right, it's definitely possible to lose weight that way.

>> No.4623195


Who knows, maybe despite snacking constantly, you were still taking in fewer calories then normal. Either way, no amount of stress is going to rupture the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.4623196

I still did squats, lunges, and abs.
That workout kinda stuck with me.

>> No.4623198

ah, that makes sense then. i was basically a slug, sitting on the couch all day long, leaving the house basically to get food.

...not one of the prouder times in my life.

>> No.4623199

>It took me a while to learn that the lack of protein is what had me feeling empty

Well why the hell didn't you add Tofu, Mushrooms, Kidney Beans, Spinach, Sprouts, Navy Beans, or any other Vegan protein?

>> No.4623205

If you're poor it's an option, but since you're already fat you should be looking at exercises that burn more calories while building less muscle or you'll risk going all freakish mini hulk rather than slimming down.

Best option is a good quality rowing machine. That and a few sets of push ups will work every muscle group in your body while providing as strenuous a cardio workout as hard running at a much lower impact, and because it works almost every single muscle you can burn 1000 calories an hour doing it. Combined with a slight cut you'll lose weight in no time, boost your cardio/endurance, and reveal the muscles already sitting under your fat (it takes a surprising amount of strength to move a ham planet around).

If you can't afford a good rower (a decent one will be at least $800) then buy a pair of pedal clips for your bike and spin (lower gear, higher cadence, pulling on the rise as well as pushing on the fall rather than just pushing). If you don't have a bike then go the set circuit route. If you're really serious wrap yourself in garbage bags. A punching bag can also be good cardio. Jogging is a kind of meh option that fucks up your knees as much as it burns calories.

>> No.4623213

dude i can barely afford ramen lol

>> No.4623214

hey just wanted to say that this thread has motivated my skinnyfat ass to start exercising

>> No.4623215

Because it was better to eat chicken and salmon/mahi mahi than three plates of shitake mushrooms with more beans

vegans and their diets suck

>> No.4623216

>Not every "landwhale" is a disgusting pig.

And not every skinny person is a judgmental jerk. I was honestly supportive of you, and still wish you well in your weight loss efforts, but you are making excuses with your "how do I exercise durr hurr" and then this
> I just wish those skinny jerks knew what its like to starve yourself for days on end

Ignorant slut.

>> No.4623219


In a way. When I'm smoking, I have a regular appetite. I don't get munchies, but I enjoy food and it tastes good.

When I'm dry and out of weed (more often as of late, sadly), I lose my appetite, eat very little, and food is basically tasteless. I lose weight very quickly when I'm not smoking, but that's because I have no will to eat, and feel sick when I eat more than a few bites.

>> No.4623221

i was making a point, i wasnt saying all thin ppl are jerks, i was just referring to those who are. and all this exercise advice has given me a lot of ideas, so thanks.

and i may be a slut but im not ignorant thank you very much lol

>> No.4623222

10/10 lol'd

I can imagine someone seriously saying that
>420 blaze it mang i totally lost 30lbs on this shit haha burn dat leaf, burn dat fat!

>> No.4623225

If you've got a suitable bike, buy pedal clips so you can spin it. If not then I guess crank the heat (or turn off the AC depending), put on a garbage bag under some winter clothes, and go the crunches/pushups/light lifting. Combined with cutting your meal portions by a third and limiting junk snacking to perhaps a once a week binge, that'll still drop your weight quite quickly.

Do take care to keep hydrated and not pass out, though.

>> No.4623231

lol that would be hilarious

>> No.4623233

>vegans and their diets suck

Not arguing, I'm just saying there are plenty of vegan proteins which could have been added that for whatever reason weren't.

>> No.4623235

>purposely dehydrate yourself
>lol but do take care to keep hydrated and not pass out, though!

forcing more sweat isn't going to help, except to lose a bunch of water weight (which, as we all know, comes back)

>> No.4623243

>and i may be a slut but im not ignorant thank you very much lol

It's a quote from "The Office".


>> No.4623249

On one notable night he drank an entire 200ml bottle of bacardi straight from the bottle, 7 shots on tequila lined up on a table back to back, and entire bottle of red wine straight from the bottle and I wasn't paying attention to his beer consumption but I know at one point he was standing by the keg squirting the hose straight into his mouth. And that didn't even take him down all the way and only made him sort of lethargic but he stayed awake. We also had champagne later too.

>> No.4623254

im 400 lbs and im drunk after 1 or 2 drinks. it's not the same with everyone, he mustve had a very high alcohol tolerance.

>> No.4623259

this is true. the thing about fat people is that their large mass allows for them to develop a much higher tolerance than skinny people. so on top of their mass allowing them to drink more without feeling the effects as much in the first place, their tolerance is likely higher than a skinny person who drinks the same amount.

this is one of many reasons that the crazy guy dancing on the table at the party is usually a skinny guy, not a fat guy.

>> No.4623282

He had disability bennies + the wife was a nurse earning 23/hour (from doing it for decades). She is also a "super couponer" and assaults the cashier with coupons on every shopping trip. So that helped.

>> No.4623663

maybe u sleep walk to the fridge and gorge urself
some people actually have this
anyway you should talk to a doctor

>> No.4623678


Problem with Fast food isn't really the portion or size of the meals, its the utter garbage thats inside of them. Its filled with so much crap, oil, fat, bad carbs that when you eat a cheeseburger, small fries and a coke... you'll be hungry in 2-3 hours because half of your food is pretty much oil.

Fast food is horrible for you -- there's really no way to get around it.

>> No.4623702

I think that the hamplanet's biggest problem is snacking, TBH

One cookie might not sound like much but those things pile up

>> No.4623784

Previously fat guy here, basically I didn't eat THAT unhealthy, but would keep grabbing snacks throughout the day. Even if they were healthier things, I would just keep eating constantly so I guess it really added up in terms of kcals