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4616668 No.4616668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I was thinking

America has:

The best fucking candy
the best fucking beer
the best fucking wine
the best fucking liquor
the most diverse fucking food and restaurants

>> No.4616672


Meh, I went to Italy a while ago and the food was better. So was the alcohol.

>> No.4616674

Italy doesn't have as many varied restaurants that we have, nor do they have the god tier beer that we have either

>> No.4616679

You didn't have grappa, I take it.

>> No.4616678

oh and it has the best fucking cereal

>> No.4616686


Well it's not nearly as big. I'd take quality over variety anyway. Still, you could find international food there, although their perceived notion of American food is kinda gross... but our notion of Italian food ain't that great either.


Grappa wasn't terrible. I just loved the absinthe

>> No.4616689

but there's a variety of god tier thai restaurants around me...

>> No.4616705

America has the worst chocolate but the best everything else candy.

>> No.4616719

Fuck that. We have some amazing chocolatiers here. They just like to keep their operations small.

>> No.4616725

>the most diverse fucking food and restaurants

Yes, because we stole everything from everybody else.

>> No.4616732


More like everybody just came here, it's not like we sent food spies out and stole the secrets to foreign cuisines

>> No.4617080
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>mfw americans around me call their non-reinheitsgebot horsepiss draft "beer" around me

>> No.4617084


>> No.4617090

Jimmies are slightly rustled.

>> No.4617092
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>mfw americans have literally thousands of choices when it comes to beer

>> No.4617093

We also made it edible.

>> No.4617104

Yeah bro, our Microbrew Revolution paid out in dividends.

Try a Stone Brewing Co Beer and tell me that's piss water.

>> No.4617115

Herp, we put lots of hops in derp.
Amuricah is #1, lets all circle jerk to celebrate.

>> No.4617124

>The best fucking candy
No wine gums; no jelly babies.
>The best fucking beer
Okay, you've turned that around over the past decade and can make a solid case.
>The best fucking wine
Spare me your shelves full of fruit bomb Cabs and Zinfandel. You've got some gems, but the majority is grape juice.
>The best fucking liquor
Bourbon's pretty good, but you don't have anything else others don't do better.
>The most diverse fucking food and restaurants
Chicken fried steak invalidates everything else America puts on a plate.

America does do some stuff really well, and whether serious or troll lumping it all together into USA#1 just does a disservice to those things.

>> No.4617130

at least be graceful in your defeat

>> No.4617131

>implying you can never have enough hops
Like Freedom us Americans want as much Hops as we can get.

>> No.4617136

inb4 muh judgment of Paris

>> No.4617143

Maybe it's all the estrogen in the hops turning ya'll into a bunch of pussies.

>> No.4617159

absinthe doesn't really have any hallucinogenic chemicals in it... Why do you like it? I have heard it tastes pretty bad. What country was it from and how did it taste?

>> No.4617165

Also I do hope that everyone knows that op was joking.

>> No.4617170

>"This phytoestrogen can also be detected in beer, but the levels are low and should not pose any cause for concern."


>> No.4617179

The problem is America can make a case for at least being really good at a few of those. Though I guess that works well if you're trying to troll absolutely everybody on every side.

>> No.4617186

We have those things in very limited and particular places. This makes a big difference. Those places in which you do find the "best" of these things are often in places which people from nicer places have moved here and just kept on doing what they do best. To say "America has:...." is kind of arbitrary. Think about it. Yes, we have these things, but not even in a majority of these places which are also our own. For the most part, America is a shit hole of fat ass rednecks and retarded niggers talking about their night at the club. That is the legacy of our nation. Yes.

>> No.4617190

I'm glad you ended that post with a yes. you are a true connoisseur of butthurt and I like this.

>> No.4617193

And that's all you have to say? haha, pathetic.

>> No.4617195

maybe for wine maybe for restaurants, but due to the context, I assumed the meaning was "best in the world"

>> No.4617199

what? what are you mad about? I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, calm down troll. you've had too much butt juice tonight.

>> No.4617210

>maybe for wine
I can see a better case for beer than wine. I'd take a top Vega Sicilia or Penfolds over the best America can turn out any day of the week, and amongst more general high shelf producers the best Rhone vineyards absolutely annihilate the Napa and Sonoma. Give me more delicious Petite Sirah and less boring fruity Cab Sauvignon and I might reconsider.

>> No.4617255


>> No.4617258

Haven't really said anything in the way of butthurt, myself. Do you often create scenarios around yourself, or is this a first?

>> No.4617267

French wines are often overrated on the basis of being French, but it was a competition 35 years ago comparing a very select group of some of the top producers in both countries. In the interim, most Napa producers spent a good two decades embracing fruit bombs like a crack whore embraces penis if it means she might get to buy more crack and are only just now getting out of that rut.

>> No.4617273

oh, I know all about it
don't forget butter bomb whites in the interim
still have a ton of that shit getting pumped into the market

>> No.4617288

There's a difference between "Get drunk cheap and stay so for a long while" beer, and "I want to enjoy a nice brewsky with a delicious dinner" beer.

>> No.4617296

Oh god the over-oaked Chardonnay movement. I love bourbon, but not when I'm trying to get something to pair with a garlicy chicken dish.

>> No.4617352

>The best fucking candy
Every time in the last 5 years I've bought candy (or soft drink) from an American import store it's actually really noticeable how much worse HFCS tastes in comparison to cane sugar.

>> No.4617388

... our candy fucking sucks.

I find that most of the food packages I buy say "imported from Italy". But that something for preference of food type.

>> No.4617419


>The best fucking candy
Could be, but your licorice and chocolate sucks.

>the best fucking beer
No. I like heavily hopped american ales and for the most parts you got stouts nailed down, but you'll never beat english ales, belgian ales or german hefeweizens or bocks in their game. Also, over the past few years Scandinavia and in some respects Finland have come to be pretty goddamn competent in various microbrews.

>the best fucking wine
Chile, Argentina, South Africa etc. have always been superior IMO.

>the best fucking liquor
lol NO.
>what is brandy, grappa, bitters, premium vodka, single malt whisky, pastis, raki, gin, absinthe etc.
Don't get me wrong, I've tasted some fine american liquors and appreciate that you e.g. make your own gin, but when it comes down to quality and tradition, you'll never reach the old country.

>the most diverse fucking food and restaurants
Never been to USA so I can't really say much on that but like previously said, I'll take quality over quantity any day.

>> No.4617427

hops are fucking disgusting, which is why i can't stand beer, i'll just sit back with my bourbon.

>> No.4617431

More like the worst fucking candy ever, OH god I go wild when I go back to Sweden, I hate the fucking candy in the US and Canada, so processed and nasty ( even for the standards of candy, for christ sake)
>best beer
Cause they import all the good ones?
The only good thing in north america is cuisine from other countries. nice try guy. I'm probably responding to a troll post though

>> No.4617432

such a sad picture you paint, and even more sad is that for the majority it is true.

>> No.4617673


Yup. Got 5 different types of asian restaurants + mexican + italian + taco bell + mcdonalds + pizza hut right on my corner AZ fuck yeah!

>> No.4617690

The best fucking candy
the best fucking beer
the best fucking wine
the best fucking liquor
>no, I can't decide for which European country that has it though.
the most diverse fucking food and restaurants
>doesn't even have Kebab

>> No.4617697

The best fucking candy
>not sure, I'm not 10 years old
the best fucking beer
>nope, you do produce some nice hops though
the best fucking wine
>no way, I don't have a favorite wine country but I assure it is not USA
the best fucking liquor
>bourbon is ok but it is pretty one dimensional when compared to scotch, not to mention the many liquors that come out of France and then there's gin and vodka and such.
the most diverse fucking food and restaurants
>Again I wouldn't know, I guess hot dogs and burgers are ok when you're 12 though.

>> No.4617727

"The best fucking candy"
No. Britain has that.

>> No.4617729
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you sure was thinking anon.

>> No.4617741

> The best fucking candy
What's candy? Like crystallised fruit?
> the best fucking beer
lol, no
> the best fucking wine
lol, no
> the best fucking liquor
> the most diverse fucking food and restaurants
top lel

>> No.4617756

> The best fucking candy

> The best fucking beer

> The best fucking vine

> The best fucking liquor
Probably China or Germany

> The most diverse fucking food and restaurants
China again, or maybe southamerica.

>> No.4617761
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>nor do they have the god tier beer that we have either

>> No.4617765
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>the best fucking beer

>> No.4617767

>the best fucking liquor

American here, I disagree.

>> No.4617789
File: 1.74 MB, 1435x2891, Aecht_Schlenkerla_Rauchbier-Maerzen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is it with americans and MUH MICROBREW
do you think you invented microbrew? do you think you have more microbrews than others?
i'm sure there is good american beer out there but why would you think it's the best in the world?
beats me

>> No.4617797

>best candy
Germany/USA (tie)
>best beer
Germany/Belgium (tie)
>best wine
>best liquor
>diverse restaurants
USA... Sure, we have food from all over the world but its rarely authentic or good as the original

>> No.4617798

I seem to see those wines mentioned often lately. would you like for me to mention a few other names to drop or are you good with those?

>> No.4617799

yes, you were looking for someone to lash out at. preemptive butthurt is still butthurt. yes.

>> No.4617810
File: 371 KB, 640x480, 1347135883839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Candy
Germans and their sweet tooth, Belgian chocolate, Dutch caramel waffles and liquorice etc

The US wins when it comes to most creatively disgusting candy though.
American beer is and remains inferior to German or Belgian beer
Italy, France, Portugal
Scotland, Ireland

Restaurants maybe, you do realize Europe has crammed everything into a continent not much larger than Texas, si? Going by sheer size alone means the US could house more restaurants than Europe ever could, only logical they will be more diverse.

>> No.4617838
File: 37 KB, 219x173, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay at their house. They lived in a pretty small city and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially you had to throw the used toilet paper in a separate bin and then also scoop the biggest turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels like Cyprus, Spain and Greece but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?


>> No.4617841

>having the choice between 1000 kinds of piss
>better than having the choice between 10 trappist beers

Keep telling yourself that m8 ;)

>> No.4617842

There is no way America has the best candy.