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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 800x602, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4615800 No.4615800 [Reply] [Original]

Does any of this look appetizing to you?

>> No.4615811

I like eggs and cheese and potatoes, so sure, why not?

>> No.4615818
File: 24 KB, 500x332, 1368488550287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like eggs and cheese and potatoes, so sure, why not?

A little heavy for breakfast mind you

>> No.4615823

The potatoes look godly. The eggs look a little leathery, particularly the sunny side up ones.

>> No.4615824

who said anything about breakfast?

>> No.4615830


You've got half of a full English there that's why

>> No.4615837

The potatoes look great and I bet everything gone into them is awesome to make them taste great. However, they are a rather poor and tasteless variety of potato. Yukon gold potatoes have fucking awesome flavor that is far better than most red potatoes and excels far beyond russets in flavor.

>> No.4615840


Yukon Gold is also far more expensive which is why most greasy spoons would never use them

>> No.4615845
File: 90 KB, 530x353, 530_IMG_8610_2_eggs_benedict_with_bbq_hollandaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A little heavy for breakfast mind you

I don't understand this mindset. Breakfast should be as caloric as possible, and contain nutrients that take time to break down, like protein and fat.

I will never understand people who eat nothing but cereal for breakfast. I'd be hungry within an hour or two.

inb4 fags who claim that their special magical cereal fills them up for the whole day, because that's bullshit. Cereal is all fiber or simple carbs, which break down like a '67 chevy, leaving you hungry by 10:00.

Pic related to a real breakfast.

>> No.4615860


It does not matter when you consume your faily calories, whether it be in the morning, through out the day or all at once at the end

Most people prefer dinner to breakfast or lunch hence eat lighter so they can eat more of what they enjoy most

>> No.4615877

>It does not matter when you consume your faily calories, whether it be in the morning, through out the day or all at once at the end

Sure it does. If you do it in the beginning then you have all day to burn it off, you have chances to be more active to compensate for any excess calorie intake.

If you do it at the end then you have to be super careful because you're probably not gonna go for a 5 mile run at 11pm

>> No.4615887

I hope you really don't believe this.

There is a mountain of evidence that supports the idea that you eat heavier meals earlier in the day and lighter through the day for optimum health. Hell, just apply some common sense: why load up on calories when you're about to go to sleep? What's your body going to do with them while you sleep? It won't be burning the vast majority of them...

>> No.4615895


They're still there tomorrow, it's healthier to eat bigger in the morning sure but I never claimed otherwise

>> No.4615901

different strokes for different folks, bro.
some people feel bloated or even sick if they eat a big caloric breakfast first thing in the morning.

>> No.4615909

>They're still there tomorrow,
yeah, but generally now processed into fat

>> No.4615910


I grow my own, so I have a fresh supply.

>> No.4615917

>expecting us to believe you grow your own potatoes

>> No.4615969
File: 1007 KB, 2044x1532, DSCN0755a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4615983


/fit/ here.

you dummies need to stick to the recipes and leave the nutrition to us.

"stoking your metabolism" and "don't eat past 7pm or it will turn to fat" are both proven bullshit. "eat a big breakfast" has evidence both for and against it. i currently eat one meal a day, at night, and i'm perfectly fine.

also, don't go to /fit/ for real health advice, got to bodybuilding.com and lurk.

>> No.4615988


Well... I... yes. I stand corrected. Well done. I apologize.

I still think 95% of people on /ck/ are bullshitting when they talk about growing/cooking their own stuff but clearly you are an exception.

>> No.4616022
File: 330 KB, 802x857, Homegrownmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a lot of people on /ck/ and 4chan that grow their own food.


>> No.4616026

>real health advice

lol more like "real bad health advice". body building shortens your life span.

>> No.4616028


Ok. I.... wow. Yeah. I concede defeat. I have underestimated everyone.

*runs away*

>> No.4616029

You're a judgmental faggot who got proven wrong and yet you still hang onto your former claim.
Get some common sense you fucking douche.

>> No.4616036
File: 140 KB, 800x839, Homegrowmen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to add insult to injury, friend.

>> No.4616313

It looks like what I go for at a diner when I'm hung over.

>> No.4616332


hardcore competitive bodybuilding is awful for you, sure.

but i didn't tell you to become a competitive bodybuilder.

i told you to go to bodybuilding.com, if you wanted to learn, instead of spewing stupid shit like "it's been proven you need to eat your biggest meal at breakfast" or "don't eat late or it will all turn to fat!"

>> No.4616526

I'm a random anon butting in on the conversation. I was just pointing out the idiocy /fit/ards spout. They should stay on their containment board.

>> No.4616656

>thining the english are even close to the standard of what is considered acceptable food

I wouldn't look at a pot of green aspic left over from boiling eels and say "well it must be dinner time since the english eat this"

>> No.4617552
File: 648 KB, 1235x927, onion bloom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anybody that has posted in this thread, but here's some more proof that plenty of people are homegrowmen on here. no time stamp, don't care. the onions and garlic are sooooo good though.

>> No.4618049

so does being an overweight pleb, youre most likely poor nutrition doesnt help either.
>implying you will ever have bodybuilder bod

>> No.4618071

No need to have erroneous, asinine, and just plain idiotic views about people who simply state that they grow their own food, have a garden, etc.

>> No.4618074


Looks good, but could use a bit of ketchup.

>> No.4618086

Stop shitposting.

>> No.4618096


Stop shit-existing.