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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4607762 No.4607762 [Reply] [Original]

>start an egg discussion during america breakfast

>start egg debate during europe brekfast
>delicious recipes
>healthy recipes
>talk about good versus bad cholesterol
>eggs benedict vs egg mcmuffin

>> No.4607765

Why do you care about the healthiness of butter if you're eating eggs? Do you think eggs are good for you? It's got the same bad stuff butter does, just more vitamins as well

>> No.4607767


the cholesterol in eggs is good cholesterol m8

>> No.4607771

If you're criticizing Americans for being argumentative, you're being just as bad right now by posting what you know will probably inflame more of the same.

>> No.4607772


>it's good cholesterol

Ridiculous. You think the saturated fat is "good saturated fat" too?

>> No.4607776

> people only respond to posts about eggs while they happen to be eating eggs

you certainly have caught those silly Americans now!

>> No.4607880

+1 for keepin it civil

>> No.4607895

Except that America is asleep when Europe breakfasts.

>> No.4607899

holy shit I nearly vomited.
I fry my eggs over-easy, in the same cast iron pan my great grandmother used, with about 1/4 teaspoon of bacon fat, butter, or olive oil. Good to be in Washington state.
I want to say I can't really imagine 2 tablespoons of butter to fry eggs but it happened a few years ago on a business trip when I stopped by pub-with-forgettable-name for breakfast (ANYTHING that wasn't airline or airport foods). Beans (heard about this before, wasn't greatly surprised), sausage, bacon (jesus fucking what? sausage AND bacon?), 2 slices of diagonal cut dry toast, and 2 eggs over-medium swimming in this slick slimy oily... I looked around and that was the way the eggs visible around me were cooked. I might have understood if it was a hollandaise or bearnaise sauce, but it was just melted butter spooned over the eggs.
WTF is wrong with this British food?!!?

>> No.4607900

Except here's a guy from Texas.
Its fun when Europeans come over and think they are going to get shot. Honestly, the best party I ever had was a mix of Austrians, Australians, Spanish and Germans (actually fuck those guys, and the Australians cheated them out of all their money). Anyways, try not to base your cultural understanding of a people by 4chan, much less when 4chan responds to your particular inquest.

>> No.4607901

No such thing as good or bad cholesterol. Only balanced cholesterol.

>> No.4607936

Calorie count isn't everything jackass, eggs include:
>Vitamin A

Butter is >99% fat.

On a side note: Poached eggs are the best by far, in my opinion.

>> No.4607954

>do you think eggs are good for you


>> No.4607958


Eggs have the same fat butter does, and the animal proteins in eggs damage your bones more than the calcium can make up for

>> No.4607962

0/10 at least make an effort

>> No.4607963


I'll have to ask you to make an effort to argue against what I'm saying. Putting up the "whaaat? my favorite foods aren't good for me? WELL FUCK SCIENCE" defense doesn't work

>> No.4607967

monosaturated fat is good for you

>> No.4607968

Eggs are 61.6% fat
Butter is 99.2% fat

Butter has more fat. You cannot argue facts.

>> No.4607974


It doesn't matter who has more, I'm not arguing which is better for you, I'm telling you both are bad for you

>> No.4607976

Well that is just stating the obvious then, is it?

>> No.4607980


You're thinking of monoUNsaturated fat

>> No.4607985


Yeah, but it had to be done as OP implied people who claimed butter was healthy are idiots while also claiming eggs are healthy

>> No.4607991

>avoiding sat fat

enjoy your nonexistent testosterone levels

>> No.4607994


>meanwhile every Paleo guru takes testosterone injections

>> No.4608005

of course, they market that stuff with their bodies.

looking like a 20yo fitness model at 45 is good PR, especially when you say "it's all about this revolutionary diet system, e-book only 19,99 bucks!"

the health industry is a joke and probably does more harm than good to people's overall health

>> No.4608026

Stay mad fatties. It's not what you eat that matters but how much. As long as you stay within TDEE you maintain a good looking body. Paleo, Low Fat or any other diet is bullshit. But fat, specifically cholesterol is needed to make testosterone.

>> No.4608032

thank you for stating what was explicitly implied

>> No.4608743


Hey fatty, the fat on your body isn't the only measure of healthiness

> But fat, specifically cholesterol is needed to make testosterone.

Fat is found in every food, so no problem there. Us, being part of the animal kingdom, also make our OWN cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is never a positive thing

>> No.4608767
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Look at this faggot.

>> No.4608774
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Yeah, what an asshole! If I like to eat it, it HAS to be good for me! Especially if the egg industry tells me it's good!

>> No.4608777


> implying

>> No.4608791
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>> No.4608816

>implying America doesn't eat boiled eggs all the fucking time

>> No.4608821

I swear the other day I saw a thread about a bunch of people talking about how to avoid using so much butter when frying an egg. Like literally they made it sound like you needed more than a sliver just to coat the pan and anything else. How do these people live? Literally how does someone use a tablespoon of butter for a couple of eggs?

>> No.4608832


Yeah, you don't want to add too much cow fat to your chicken fat

>> No.4608835

Nobody's gonna call this out?
Butter doesn't have 99.2% fat. That's Ghee or Clarified butter, which has had water and milk protein removed.

Regular butter, commercially produced has around 80% butterfat, whereas homemade can have as little as 50% after straining. If you don't bother to strain it, it is even lower at 36%, as made by heavy cream.


The cholesterol in eggs is low density. low density lipoproteins are the bad ones.
However this can be offset with a diet high in monounsaturated fat, which most commonly found in olive oil. monounsaturated fat can help convert ldls in your blood into hdls, which are good for your cardiovascular system.

The overlying point to my rant is that neither eggs nor butter are THAT bad for you, if the rest of your diet is healthy. The foods you should outright avoid are processed foods with chemicals added for preservation. (looking at you, hydrogen)

>> No.4608836

>implying two continents are capable of ingesting food at all

>> No.4608838

feels good that there's at least one person other than me on /ck/ who isn't retarded.

>> No.4608841

>I have never made hollandaise
2 oz per yolk buddy.

>> No.4608845

I don't usually post but this thread got me by the jimmies.

>> No.4608857
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>don't worry about eating unhealthy things, just drown all your food in olive oil to even it out

>> No.4608871

That's not what I said.
I specifically said that monounsaturated fats (like those found in olive oil) help to convert low density lipoproteins (BAD CHOLESTEROL) into high density lipoproteins (GOOD CHOLESTEROL)
Do you need me to explain why one is good and one is bad?

>> No.4608882


>this can be offset with a diet high in monounsaturated fat, which most commonly found in olive oil
>a diet high in olive oil

That is what you said. Eating a bunch of fat isn't healthy either

>> No.4608908
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Murican here. I usually just scramble my eggs or poach them. I don't like using butter or heavy amounts of oil.

Rarely I eat eggs though because they fuck up my stomach.

>> No.4608921

I can't stand people like you that treat research from forty years ago as still authoritative.

http://www.more.com/health /healthy-eating/saturated-fat-good

Read it, faggot.

>> No.4608928

Do you believe everything they told you in grade school?

>> No.4608932

choline in yolks causes arteriosclerosis

>> No.4608938

High when compared to the other forms of fat you intake.
fats should make up around 20 to 29% of your macronutrient intake. if 100% of that 20-29% is saturated fat, you are in trouble.
However, if 50% is monounsaturated fat, 20% is polyunsaturated and 30% is saturated, you will be fine since the monounsaturated fats will help keep your ldl levels in check.

to reiterate, I do not advocate chugging a bottle of carapelli to offset the biscuits and gravy you just ate.
What I mean is that of your recommended fat intake, a large portion should be monounsaturated.

>> No.4608943

Animals do make their own choldesterol. That's why when you eat an animal, you obtain cholesterol. Humans aren't an exception to the rule.

>> No.4608950

>eggs benedict
>better for you than an egg mcmuffin somehow

Hollandaise sauce is just breakfast mayo, man.

>> No.4608951


Wow, More Magazine, the authority on nutritional science

I can't stand people who buy into industry propaganda and believe what they want to believe about the shitty foods they love and ignore actual science


Read it, pussy

>> No.4608955

Eating a bunch of fat is much better than eating a bunch of refined carbohydrates, which some people equate to eating healthy.

>> No.4608958

Who gives a shit how much fat is in eggs? They're fucking eggs. They're tasty and healthy (to an extent, of course).

And also
>implying i eat eggs for breakfast

>> No.4608963


Eating fat will make you fat, eating refined carbs will just give you more temporary energy

>> No.4608967


>who cares about eggs being unhealthy? they're healthy anyway!


You've been conditioned by the culture you grew up in to believe eggs are part of a healthy breakfast.

>> No.4608971

>I don't know how digestion and energy storage works

>> No.4608974


Carbs are broken down into glucose and carried to the cells to provide energy. Fat is stored in adipose tissues for emergency energy use

>> No.4608976

what happens to unused carbohydrates?

>> No.4608978

eating refined carbs spikes blood sugar. Blood sugar causes a rise in insulin production. Eventually, you keep eating refined carbs, your pancreas will flood the bloodstream with insulin. excess insulin promotes fat production.

People still believe the low fat bullshit. Don't worry about fat intake, as long as it is not coupled with processed carbs. Get your protein from natural sources, it will come with a bunch of fat. eat vegetables to round out the meal. Eat oats and other rough grains, they will take care of the cholesterol.

tl;dr body fat is not coupled with dietary fat.

>> No.4608986


>> No.4608990


Glycogen stores and facultative dietary thermogenesis


People living on white rice aren't fat and don't have blood sugar problems and diabetes like people who live on fatty diets

>> No.4608991

eggs are a complete protein. Period. No one thing should be your source of anything. If you are worried about the cholesterol, which you shouldn't if you are eating correctly, just eat whites.

>> No.4608996


>eggs are a complete protein. Period.

Okay? What does that have to do with anything? Having protein doesn't mean it's healthy, especially when it's acidic animal protein that ruins your bones

>> No.4608997

people don't live on white rice, shithead. if you are talking about asian cultures, the proteins come from fish in its best form, raw. Also, white rice isn't a truly refined carb.

>> No.4609000


>> No.4609010

And high glycogen levels has what effect on your liver and insulin tolerance?

>> No.4609011

Glycogen stores are finite. There is not an endless hole in which they are stored. there is excess.

Our problem with carbs comes from REFINED carbohydrates. Corn syrup, processed sugar, white flour. White rice isn't ideal, but still takes much more time for the body to break down. Also, those cultures don't have as many problems with portioning.

>> No.4609013
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>people don't live on white rice

Yes they actually do, by the billions

>if you are talking about asian cultures, the proteins come from fish in its best form, raw

If you're talking about JAPANESE culture, and even then, just like other asian cultures, meat is what the wealthier people eat, while the healthier, leaner lower class eat almost entirely rice and vegetables



A carnivore is built to process them. You're built to be able to use them as a temporary source of energy, not as a longterm staple of your diet

>> No.4609015

Vegan detected.
go cry into your vitamin supplement crate.

>> No.4609020


>point out that vegans live longer and in better health on average
>watch you squirm and struggle to rationalize it

>> No.4609021

>thinking there are poor in a first world country

I shiggy diggy ding dang do

>> No.4609023


Not as many poor, but coincidentally there's much more fat and unhealthy people

>> No.4609025

When I was a young boy, I had an awful case of the stomach flu and ever burp was a vomit-inducing rotten egg taste. Since then, I have been unable to enjoy eggs in any form that isn't heavily mixed with other ingredients.

As for OP, who the hell can't have a polite conversation about cooking? I'm thinking it's less some national tendency towards belligerence as much as you should stop hanging out with assholes.

>> No.4609027

oh god wow

you think that being a vegan makes you live longer. fucking no.

Vegans make better health choices overall. They smoke less, exercise more. They are presented with overall healthier food choices. There is nothing you can find that will prove that the vegan diet is what causes this phenomenon.

>> No.4609029

what does that prove? only that crap food is made more available.

>> No.4609032


>Vegans make better health choices overall. They smoke less, exercise more

And avoid meat and dairy.

>> No.4609034

>Corn crops subsidized heavily in the U.S.
>Poor people consume many many products which contain said corn
>Poor people tend to be overweight and unhealthy
>Must be all that meat they're eating

>> No.4609035


Crap food being burgers and fried chicken

>> No.4609038


>>Poor people consume many many products which contain said corn

I guess you could put it like that. Cows do contain corn in a way, as it's the majority of their diet in factory farms

>> No.4609048

I'd like to see the side by side testing.
As in, a group of 10 vegans, and a group of 10 regular people. all of which live an identical lifestyle otherwise. Eating balanced meals appropriate to their size and nutritional needs, exercising daily, mentally stable and healthy, etc.
And then if the vegans still live longer, maybe I'll give a shit.

>> No.4609055

>diet consists mainly of eggs, hot dogs, and fast food
>"lower class eat almost entirely rice and vegetables"

Nigga veggies are for people who have money. Us poor fags eat a lot of meat.

>> No.4609060



>> No.4609062


Talking asia here. The lower class in the west are pretty fat and sick too with all the meat they eat

>> No.4609063

Apparently you're too much of an ignorant dipshit to understand how things work.
go to a store.
look on a label.
you will notice a trend of about 9 in 10 products containing refined corn in one form or another.
you should also notice these products cost less than the ones without refined sugars.
anyone should be able to put 2 and 2 together here and figure out why poor people in the U.S. are overweight.

>> No.4609067


High-fructose corn syrup is a manmade substance like trans fats. I'd agree that contributes to obesity and health problems, but isn't entirely to blame obviously, and isn't even representative of other carbohydrates

>> No.4609075

It's not that we eat a lot of meat, it's that the meat we consume is of relatively low quality. The cheapest ground beef at walmart just barely passes as sellable I'm sure. Not only that but we cover it in sugar (ketchup) and bread and grease and even more fat (bacon wtf). The chicken people get at any fast food place is an entire chicken and some plastic shit made in to a paste. It's all disgusting, but it's good tasting and cheap most places. At least burger king, because that's all I can afford.

>> No.4609084

No, all things considered, and the amount of correlation between price of food v refined sugar content, and obesity v income, I would say that it is indeed mostly to blame.

>> No.4609086

>A carnivore is built to process them. You're built to be able to use them as a temporary source of energy, not as a longterm staple of your diet
Then how do you explain that nurturing babies is literally impossible without meat? Vegetables have a too low energy to mass ratio.

>> No.4609087

Yeah, most of the blame falls upon that. I have PCOS on top of not making too much money therefore having to eat gross foods. I try to avoid it, but it's pretty hard. As a result I'm overweight. If I ever get a job that pays reasonably I will definitely be changing my diet and start buying better meats/veggies.

>> No.4609088

>good versus bad cholesterol
Do the europeans inject eggs directly into their veins now?

>> No.4609091

I was under the impression babies were capable of subsisting on dairy for quite a while.

>> No.4609095


Nobody eats literally only vegetables, you would die from lack of calories. Fruits, grains, nuts, and other starches exist

>> No.4609100


Considering obesity and disease is still a major problem for wealthy people who don't eat foods with HFCS but also eat a lot of meat, I'd say your judgement is clouded

>> No.4609118

>eggs benedict vs egg mcmuffin
These are barely the same thing.

>open faced / full sandwich
>poached egg / fried egg
>sauce / no sauce

>> No.4609125

wealthy people who don't eat well still ingest alot of HFCS. They simply have more options.

I'd also go as far to say that wealthy obese people live very inactive lifestyles.

>> No.4609140


I don't agree with that, but hopefully you can agree that traditional eskimos had a diet with a lot of meat and no HFCS in it. Eskimos are notorious for obesity, heart disease, arterosclerosis, and osteoperosis even before they took on a modern diet

>> No.4609229

you are like my roomates girlfriend. tells me that MEAT MAKES YOU FAT and then goes on to eat a pile of oreos.

>> No.4609233

find one study that says that a person that consumes a vegan diet is better off because of that vegan diet. All of the studies that I have read find that overall lifestyle is the cause.

>> No.4609234


Fat makes you fat. Meat and oreos both have a lot of fat.

>> No.4609238

Dietary fat =/= body fat.

>> No.4609239



>> No.4609240


The fat you eat is the fat you wear. It's a routine metabolic process to store the fat you intake as body fat after a meal. Carbohydrates are used immediately, fat is stored

>> No.4609244

Watch this. I'm a meat-eater btw.

>> No.4609247

the standard american diet is not a good test grouping. Nor would be the standard european diet, or any standard first world diet at all.

>> No.4609254

you are plain fucking wrong. Your body depends on fats. they are supposed to be a part of your diet. fats and their acids are essential, regardless of the diet you choose.

>> No.4609262


Of course they're supposed to be part of the diet, and if you're not eating pure refined sugar and pure refined protein powder, you're going to have fat in your diet. I'm saying excessive amounts of fat don't benefit the body. You don't require very much fat at all, and when you're pouring olive oil all over your food or eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, your body doesn't just say "woah, MORE fat? I'll just keep doing awesome stuff with it! give me all you got!" you store it as fat, and it fucks up your blood lipid levels and causes diseases

>> No.4609264

Actually, fats have to be broken down in carbohydrates before they can be metabolized. Carbohydrates may be metabolized more quickly, but it also means they can be converted into fats with less effort than dietary fat. It also means that carbohydrates are more likely to create conditions of "sugar-highs" followed by crashes, which are associated with the development of diabetes.

Long story short, do you think that the olive oil consumed in a salad is immediately placed upon the regions where fats are deposited in the human body? That would mean that some portion of the fat in your body is just olive oil. Dietary nutrients have to be converted into the specific sort of animal fat of the human body.

You're an idiot. I bet you're now going to tell me that you're a nutritionist. Most of them are also idiots.

>> No.4609265


Any food is stored as fat if you consume more calories than you burn in a given day. It's how much you consume, not what it is that matters. Eat more calories than you burn and you will gain weight regardless of if that's fat, protein, or carbs.

>> No.4609268

>fats have to be broken down in carbohydrates
Stopped reading there.

>> No.4609288

7/10, would have raged more but I'm just not feeling it today.

>> No.4609294
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>do you think that the olive oil consumed in a salad is immediately placed upon the regions where fats are deposited in the human body? That would mean that some portion of the fat in your body is just olive oil

The kind of fats in your diet determine the kind of fatty tissue you have stored on your body, I'm not saying you eat olive oil and then you get liquid unsaturated olive oil fat jiggling around on your body. You can see how wild salmon has a higher percentage of omega-3 fats than farm-raised salmon due to diet differences

>most nutritionists are idiots. I'm the smartest man in the world and I don't need to do any research to have an opinion on things

I know you like eating shitty foods and you don't want to believe the bad things you like aren't good for you, but you take it a bit far, bro